CHINESE FAMINE SUFFERERS RIOT CONGRESS ASKED TO "HALT." Fifty San Antonio Citizens "Demand" Non-Interference. Washington That th>-president and eongreaa shall "call a halt and take hands off ’ in the matter of the Mexi Rands of Starving People Sack can revolution ia the "demand" of certain residents of San Antonio, Tex. Large Villages. The demand reached the senate in a petition bearing 50 signatures. The Citizen« Resist and Fighting is Des­ document was address«! to “The Pres­ ident of the United Stales and to the perate— Marauders Trapped and Burned to Death. Speaker of the House of Representa­ tives," and read: We the undersigned citizens of Sun Victoria, II. ('., March 2. Rendered Antonio, Texas, and liberty-loving ort from the Orient today. that you call a halt and take hands off At Kunahan, a walled village within of same and let old despot Diaz arid 50 miles <>f Shunghai, the villagers, the revolutionists fight it ouL" after a desperate raid In which store« were loote i and many killed, meted RUEF WILL GO TO PEN. out punishment, peculiarly Chinese In its grim callousness, to the raiding refugees. A band of more than 500 \ Bide Friends Good-Bye and Surren­ ders to Deputy Sheriff. were surrounded in a compound und burned to death. San Francisco, Feb 28. After be­ The refuges had taken pOHSOMfon of ing at liberty for 15 months on a bail Kunshan mxl for two days ransacked 1 bond aggregating $600,000, Abraham the stores of everything eatable, kill- i Ruef was taken into custody at mid­ mg or wounding all who resisted, i night tonight, following the vacation Many villagers were »lain and others ■ of the Supreme court's order remand­ taken prisoners and held for ransom. ing the case for rehearing. When the raiders moved on to Early in the evening, Ruef held a plunder the next village the Kunshan consultation with his attorneys and, |Hsiple hehi a council of war and or- after bidding friends about town good­ ganixed to pursue the refugees. They bye, went borne. A deputy was wait­ came up with them in a small village ! ing at his residence with a bench war­ and surrounded the houses. Gates I rant issued by Judge Lawler. Ruef [ were lock«! and keruaene poured over quietly surrendered himself and the the houses and fired. More than 500 pair start«! for the county jail. |M«rished in the holocaust. An ap|M-al to the United States The refugii-s took five prisoners in­ Supreme court on some «institutional to the compound in view of the bo- ground is his only recourse now. If ncigera und threaten««! to kill them un­ such action is not taken, Ruef prob­ less the siege was raised and, on the ably will start for San Quentin in a villagem* pressing them buck to the day or two to begin serving a 14-year burning buildings, they hacked the term on a charge of bribery. five men slowly to death. Prisoner» were tied to stakes in the burning EATING DOGS AND CATS. buildings and were burned with their Captors. A number of the refugees who es­ Starving Chinese Use Pets to Ward caped were reinforced by other bands Off Death. anil returned, and desperate fighting Shanghai. A missionary who ar- ensued, in which many villagers were killisi. Troop« were then sent for und riv«i here from the famine district, where he had been engaged in relief have lu-cn hurried to the scene. work, says that 3,000 persons are dy­ ing daily and that 350,000 are wholly VOLIVA IS RULER OF ZION. dependent on the foreign famine com­ mittee, which was organiz«i here. Payments of Debts Removes Receiver In many places dogs and cate are being kill«! for food and houses are and City Shrieks With Joy. Chicago. A wild shriek of joy pull«! down by the occupants and the burst from the throats of the inhabi­ debris exchanged for anything that tants of Zion City, when they learned can be eaten. There is urgent nets! of help pend­ that the “blight” of being a prophet who must take orders from the Federal ing the arrival of the American tranx- court hud been removed from the port Buford, which is bringing sup­ shoulders of Wilbur Glenn Vollva and plies donated by the people of the that the great estate loft by John Al­ United States. exander Dowie had passed finally into Cholera Kills Hawaiian«. his hands. The payment of 1700,000 in Judge Honolulu Four more deaths from Landis' court by Cube A McKinnon, cholera have occurred among the Ha­ Voliva’s brokers, to Gus D. Thomas, waiian« isolated at the quarantine sta­ receiver for the estate, placet! the $1,- tion because of contact with infected 350,000 projH-rty in the hiindt of tile persons. This makes a total of six overseers. Go be & McKinnon wep ilesths since the disease first made its securetl in this payment by a 1950,000 appearance. here. bond issue. San Francisco F. E. Tritter, chief From the moment the news reached quarantine officer of the port, notifi«! the city founded by Dowie there were all shipping men that vessels clearing scenes of delirious joy in the streets. from Honolulu must obtain a certifi­ Thousands of horns were dragged forth cate from the chief quarantine officer from nobody knows where and blown of the Hawaiian port. Vessels not so as long as men, women and children provided will be sent to quarantine on behind them could muster lung power. arrival here. Wilder Calls for More Help. Chief Poisoned, Belief. Washington. To meet the pressing Lawton, Okla. The death of Quan- needs of the : tarving people of China. I nah Parker, chief of the Comanche In­ American Consul General Wilder nt dians, Thursday, result«! from poi­ Shanghai has cabled the secretary of son administer«! by m«icine men of atate in an urgent appeal to the Amer­ the Cheyennes, instead of pneumonia, ican js-ople for the contribution of as rejxirt«! by the white physicians, $100, (Mill more to bo sent by cable to ia the belief of medicine men of the the stricken people. Comanche«. The Comanche« will send Mr. Wilder makes it plain that thia White Parker, Bon of the late chief, amount will lie needed before the army among the Cheyennes to investigate. transport Ruford, now loading at Se- Qmannh had been among the Chey­ attle, can reach China with supplies. ennes three days when he became ill. He hurried home and died 20 minutes after reaching there. "Wets'* Win Back Cities. Indianapolis, Ind. The ‘‘wets” Jap Coolies Going Home. gained several of the larger cities of San Francisco.— The number of Jap­ Indiana that previously had been on the "dry” aide in local option elec­ anese laborers in the United States tions in 14 counties of the state; The has decrees«! 11,152 in the past three "dry»” held the county, townships and years, if statistics prepared by the some cities, but the penpie decided for Japanese foreign office are correct. the return of saloons in the cities of The figures were made public by Mat- Marion, Wabash, Vevay, Rushville, suzo Nagai, Japanese consul general Huntington, Connellsville, Decatur for San Francisco. The report indi­ and Kokomo. Cities that voted to re­ cates that the Unit«! States has lost main dry were Delphi, Tipton, Peters­ 6,371 Japanese, of all classes, by ex­ burg, Green Castle, Gas City and No­ cess of departures over arrivals in the three years. blesville. Old Men Inherit Million. Uncle Sam May License Autos. Leicester, Eng. It is report«! that two men living at Blahy, a short dis­ tance from here, who were drawing government old age pensions of five shillings weekly on account of extreme poverty, have inherited S1.0,0<>0. The money, so the story goes, was be­ queathed them by a brother, Henry Bowns, who died recently at Salt Lake, Utah. This information is said to have been contained in a letter from the testator’s son. Washington The Federal automo­ bile license bill inlnsiuced by Wanger, of Pennsylvania, was favorably re­ ported by the house committee on in­ terstate and foreign commerce. The measure provides a Federal license in addition to the local license, but ex­ empts the automobile from the local license of other states through which it may pass. Provision also is made for the licensing of drivers. Border Will Be Watched, Dawson. Y. T.—A police exp«!i- tion of four men, which left Fort Mc­ Pherson and Herschel Island, in the Arctic Ocean, a week before Christ­ mas, with police advices and mail from whalers, traders and trappers, has not yet arrived here, though the journey should have been made in 30 days. A relief expedition has gone out from Dawson. Indians report one whaler at Herschel. Police Party May Be Lost. Washington Disturbances are in­ creasing along the Mexican frontier and the situation necessitates the close watching by the American troops of practically every Inch of the line in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States. A shipment of arms en route to Mexico has been cap­ tured by United States marshals near Douglas, Aria. BRIEF REPORT OF THE DAILY RULES FOR^SEA^ TRAVELERS EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES WORK OF NATION’S LAWMAKERS.. . . . . . . . . . c-."i. . . . . . Qualms. Stat« Agricultural College and Ex­ periment Station of Wash­ ington, Pullman. Washington, March 4. The 61st rider. The Sulloway bill would add "Do not Interfere with tbe captain ani for another year. It was at the request of the Demo­ I pay bill was passed in the house this table like a frlghten<-xl antelope to­ crats of the house and senate that the afternoon. It provides a graduated ward the exit. This latter course president fix«l the date of the extra scale of wages for officers and men wou’d cause considerable confusion In session as April 4. The new Demo­ ranging from five to 25 per cent of the the dining room aDd in your haste you The bill might inadvertently trip over another cratic ways and means committee of pay in the regular army. the house, which also is to serve as places the militia under government passenger's welsh-rabbit. which is not considered good form in polished cir­ the new "committee on committees,” control. will meet Monday to take up its la­ Secretary of War Dickinson today ac­ cles, either on the land or on the sea. cepted by cable the resignation of W. "It, on your way to the upper deck, bors. A full caucus of Democratic mem­ H. Clarke, auditor of the Philippine you find the staircase blocked by oth­ bers of the new house will not be held ' islands, to take effect April 1. Clarke ers hastening upward like yourself, do until April 3. In the meantime the was recently charged with insubordin­ not step upon them In your mad flight plans for the extra session will have ation and his resignation was request- upward, but slide down the banister to led. the lower deck, which you will find MRS W C. PRICE Axed 70. developed. just as well adapted to your needs as Widow of a veteran of the Civil War. who will with a claim of young men and women BALLINGER RESIGNS. the upper. Any deck is good in a graduate Washington, March 3. That anex-j from a Spokane business college thia »pnng. her qualm." dip.oma showing her to be a competent steno­ tra session of congress is a certainty grapher and typist. She expects to take up a is the belief, following president Conservationist of Pinchot Type Now hi, Missouri Ballinger because of the disclosures ever sedentary we may be, however bearing. Furthermore, the increasing served notice that at the close of the by « joint congressional committee little inclined to gain the reputation population and the opening up of the Ballinger-Pin- oy a globe-trotter or of an Alpine new markets will have an influence. «inaideration of the naval appropria- which investigat«! _ _ ti.,r, bill today he would call up the controversy. had prec«ied the climber, most of us have, unknown to A first-class apple orchard on good reciprocity measure. The naval bill Anal action during the past few days, ourselves, covered a distance equal land will be a good thing always here carries appropriations aggregating Fisher, the new secretary of the in­ to the full circuit of the earth, or a in the West. ti 25 000,000. terior, is a "Pinchot conservationist." climb to the highest mountain peaks An agreement was reached in the His selection is regarded here as an in the world. More than that, we Tho plan of going into pedigreed senate at 3 o'clock this morning that attempt to placate the progressives have accomplished a task still more nursery work is an excellent one. a vote on the tariff board bill should «nd an endeavor on the part of the colossal Without having had occasion There is a splendid opportunity for be taken at 8:30 o'clock Saturday ' president to end the cons.-rvat ion war. to explore the unknown regions be­ selecting and securing such wide morning. If the agreement is ad- The National Conservation league, neath the crust of the earth, we have variations in this country, and we hered to the tariff board will become which Fisher was president, was descended as far as the depths of the know of nothing that offers the op­ a reality. i merged with the National Conserva­ most unfathomable abysses, even as portunity that the business men­ tionassociation. the organized opposi­ far as the very center of the earth.— tioned does. The percentage of grafts that will Washington, March 3. After an tion of the Ballinger land policies. Strand Magazine. grow will vary from 10 per cent to Fisher is now honorary vice president all-day and all-night filibuster against 15 per cent to 95 per cent to 100 per appropriation bills by Democrats in of that organization. cent, depending entirely upon the Century Old Churches. scions and roots. Good, plump scions order to force the calling of an extra RATES STAY DOWN. session and by Both Democrats and a An Interesting fact, and to many with strong buds usually mean good few Old Guard Republicans against people a surprising one, is that of the results. the tariff Ixiard bill in the hope of Eastern Roads Vainly Appeal for Sus- 6.000 Congregational (orthodox! The Stamen Winesap. Delicious, killing it and incidentally to haze Bev-, pension of Tariff, churches now existing in the United and King David apples are splendid eridge, the senate at 3:05 this morn-; . States 763, or more than 12*£ per pollenizers for one another. They ing agreed to vote on the permanent Washington, March 6. —Denial of cent, were organized a century or all good bearers and make good tariff board bill at 8:30 o’clock Sat- the request of the railways of official more ago and have since continued are commercial apples, but are not very urday morning. ¡classification territory that they be their activities in company with the well known in the commercial trade. It is understood the appropriation permitted vountarily to suspend pro­ American board. All of them are lo­ The Delicious is rapidly becoming bills will be passed prior to that time. . . . , .... cated In New England, New York. popular among those who know it. It Republicans came to the conclusion «dances in class fre.ght rates New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Is a good bearer, and ships well. The reluctantly that the Democrats were from March 15 until November 1 next In Connecticut 60 per cent of the King David promises very well, but in earnest in their filibuster against was made by the Interstate Commerce present 332 Congregational churches has the bad habit of water-coring supply measures. After considering ' commission today, are at least 100 years old. as are seriously In sections where there is a the situation, some of the senate lead- In the decisions announced in the more than one-half of those In New tendency to over-ripen. Tbe Spitzen- era became of the opinion the admins- great rate cases ten days ago the com- Hampshire, nearly one-half In Ver­ berg. Winesap (common) and Yellow tration might be 1«! from a political mission directed that the proposed mont and about 40 per cent In Mass­ Newtown are all very high class pitfail, if appropriation measures tariffs advancing rates be annulled on achusetts. Only that a considerable apples at the present time. were forced into an extraordinary see-¡or before March 10. If this direction number of churches that were Con­ "green web" or “fruit worm" scon by reason of obstructive tactics were not followed, the commission an- gregational then are Unitarian now, of The the coast districts can be com­ by the Democrats. I nounc«l that on that date it would is- the proportion would be somewhat batted very effectively by spraying The retirement of $64,000,000 of sue an order recalling the rates and larger. with arsenate of lead In the spring three per cent Spanish war bonds now putting into effect, for at least soon after blooming time. Use arse­ outstanding may be one of the fea- two years, the existing rates, nate of lead, or Paris green for cur­ tures of Secretary MacVeagh's finan- After a conference in New York rant worms. That is much more ef­ Higher Criticism Wanted. cial plan, after the treasury has been City last Friday an arrangement was fective than hellebore. "There are two things my threw replenished with preliminary issue of made for a «inference in this city be- year-old wants to know," said the To combat red spiders, use “black $25,000,000 to $50,000,000 of Panama tween Eastern railroad officials young mother. "He says his little leaf" which is a strong preparation of bonds. The Spanish war bonds, is­ the members of the rommission. prayer every night without the sllght- tobacco. This will kill the insects. sued in 1898, were payable at any Participating in the conference est idea, of course, of what it all If this Is not satisfactory, try kero­ time after 1908 and do not mature un­ day were President W. C. Brown General Solicitor Clyde Brown, of the means, and he Is always asking me. sene emulsion. The tobacco spray til 191«. made by using one pound of to­ About $20,000,000 are owned by na- New York Central; President James 'Where is Lay Me’s house and what is bacco leaves to four gallons of water tional banks and are held by the treas- McCrea and General Counsel F. I. Is God Bless's other name?’ If any­ and simmering this for an hour, then ury as securtiy for national bank notes Gowne, of the Pennsylvania: Presi- body can tell me I’ll be much obliged.’ straining. Two pounds of tobacco « and public deposits. ¡dent Daniel Willard and General Coun dust or ground tobacco may be sub­ The Democrats offer«! no objection sei Hugh Bond, of the Baltimore & stituted for the leaves. Black leaf Old Houses. to the pension bill, carrying $155,000,-'Ohio; President Frederick Underwood extract may be used, one part to 65 larger com Old houses have a far 000, until Smoot attempt«! to put the and General Counsel George Brownell, of water. A little lysol added to to­ Sulloway general service pension bill of the Erie, anil Walker D. Hines, merclal value than their owners al- bacco sprays greatly increases their on the appropriation measure as a1 representing the Delaware & Hudson. ways remember. Ml!*on's well-known value, and permits further dilution. observation In his ''Areopagltica,' "Al most as well kill a man as kill a good Best Ever Salad. Mussel is Food Resource. Hammond Special Envoy, Take «lices of pineapple (the can- Washington. March 4.—A valuable book," applies not a little to a good Washington, Mar. 2 -John Hays Hammond has been selected to repe- food resource of the nation, which so old building, which is not only a book ned preferred, as being more tender) sent President Taft as special Ambas­ far has not been developed, is to be but a unique manuscript that has no lay each on a lettuce leaf, and tn the sador at the coronation of King George found in the mussel beds which extend fellow.—Address by Thomas Hardy. hole tn the center of each slice put a ball of Neufchatel cheese, and over V. Mr. Hammond, who is a native of on the Atlantic coast from Maine to : thia some mayonnaise. San Francisco, was a member of the North Carolina and on the Pacific I Fond of Music, Paint on Waah Goods. famous party led by Dr. Jameson, from Washington to San Francisco. | She seem« to be very fond of mu- Peak the parts in kerosene and mb which invaded the Transvaal before Irving A. Field, of the United States generoualy with a wool soap. Let the outbreak of the Boer war. He laboratory at Woods, Mass., says that “ "Yas. Tea. indeed. Indeed, Ton'll always find stand for a few hours and paint will was sentenced to death, but was after­ natural beds of sea mussels are cap- pl*n" when her mother ia easily rub off when the garment fa ward pardoned by President Kru­ able of supplying wholesome food to her washing the dlabe*.” thousands at little expense. C *_* ger. waabe*