LIPPIR UlOlRtll PLEASANT HOW FEEDING WORK HORSES IN WINTER. The antiuwl meeting of school district The Oregon Jersey Cattle club is hav­ ing a bu«inc*a tuf fi-'vllng Work h"VHe- The ladie* of the M E. church nu’t Portland on busiues» la-t week. for work with Mrs S Hall this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8e ulta was vi*i’«-«l I h doiibth'sa of u* « i.le lulereM n» imi prohlvlil III live H|-«l In. lui ve oc to se«‘ relatives last week to repair his fence. rasimi t<> fei-d wiirk lu»rov». uni li inni F. McKinney is having his house re­ W Metzger has been visiting hi* tew noi wheifiei feed» tire lilgfi or low Il itlwil.VH paia la'*! to f«M'd su. li fieni paired. ' mother the past week. as I» Itesi for lite anluuil llie mio Geo. Carpenter is finishing a 6-room A. Bair has l>een hauling crushed thut are must etlbìeiit and e,-onoiilleal. bungalow on his land. ) rock. Al thè pre-ent htirli prie«'» of all man Preaching Sunday evening by the J. C Wilson has been hauling rock pastor at the church. The Epworth for the county. League is in a prosperous condition. W. F. Rurkbohler is very busy plow­ The father of D. O Northrop and ing a new piece of land. other members of the family have come Wni. Butler of Fairview came up to from Clearwater, Wash , to make their visit his sou. D Butler, last Friday. home on the property recently bought Flit* Henschen has gon«1 into «he of A. J. Ault. chicken business He is very busy de­ livering eggs. C. Lovestead was hauling fe«al last MARMOT Henry Helms, Jr., is at his home for Thursday. an indefinite stay, owing to ill health. V. Gebhardt is quite busy logging. Messrs. Patton, Graham and Menden­ Miss 1. Knapp, the Springfield school hall are employed in the forest service I teacher, had an entertainment last at camp Sandy. Saturday. Everybody enjoyed it. C. A. Dotey and brother of Portland C. Rasmussen went to Portland last are spending a few days at the former's Friday on business. A well bred Shire horse Is from ranch, near here. L. Lafallette is plowing his whole 16.2 to 17 hands high, with a girth of 7 feet 6 Inches to « feet Its An exciting episode was experienced ranch, which be is going to put in oats. breed seems to be a cross between last Friday when th«£Mt. Hood survey­ native Lincolnshire and Dutch stal­ ors were taking surroundings of the Big A Fierce Night Alarm lions. Bandy river preparatory to installing a Is the hoarse, startling cough of a child dam. Carl Aschoff and "Baltic" Lan- suddenly attacked bv croup. Often it ner of grain fetal» It 1» especially Im­ grall were precipitated into the river aroueed Lewis Cbamblin of Manchester, portant that a Judicious select lou of and ‘"Baltic's" repeateii efforts to sound O., K. R. No. 2, for their four children feeds be made, for much loss may re- the river resulted only injcries for help. were greatly subject to croup. "Some suit from this phase of ainblt* man Mr. Foster, father of Mrs. Henson, is times in severe attacks,” he wrote, "we agement if you fail to give It proper very ill at the borne of Mrs. Henson at were afraid they would die, but since attention. In the first place. It Is msesxary to we proved what a certain remedy Dr. camp Sandy. provide giaal, comfortable, cleanly King's New Ihecovery is. we have no Messrs Place and Frame of Bull Kun kept quarters for th«' horse durlug the were in Marmot for the necktie social fear. We rely on it for croup and for cold weather, allowing him. of course, and dance last Saturday night and were coughs, colds or any throat or lung plenty of pure water anti then feed guests at the A*choff„home over Sun­ trouble." So do thousands of others. hltn such foods a* he will relish. For So may you. Asthma, hay fever, a bls grain ration for the most part I day. grippe, whooping cough, hemorrhages prefer oats in preference to corn <»f Eben Holden was a Bull Kun caller fly before it. 50c and fl.00. Trial course the horse wants a change ««•• on Sunday. Wonder what the attraction casionally. and for this change I some bottle free. Sold by all druggists. is’ times give a fet'd of chopped corn and The social and entertainment given wheat bran, but oats are th«' tnuln grain at the Aschoff home Saturday was a It Is Up to West ration. These, with pure, clean tim­ great success, both socially and finan­ There is considerable 'vidence going othy hay. will keep th«' horse lu a de­ cially. Thanks ¡are due ail those who to show that a certain gang ol tricksters sirable. healthy condition and at the contributed to the affair and especially in the legislature have trifled with the^ same time keep bis musclt-s hardened to Mr. and Mrs. Aschoff, who so kindly passing of bills, committing the crimes ao a* to fit him for the next spring and threw open their lovely^home for the of forgery and destruction of public summer’s work. evening. records. Thia sort of thing no free people can long submit to. Laws passed by a dozen conspirators after the legis­ LUSTEDS lature has adjourned, laws changed in Mr. and Mrs. G. Moulton and family wording and the old copy of them in : visited Hsrry Lusted and family at private hands for days after they have been voted on ; laws recorded as defeat- J Lent* recently. WA.STKU Mrs. Emma Manary and daughter ed that passed, and vice versa, should visited at the home of G. Lusted for a mean that some eminent statemen WANTED—Beel cattle, & cent* a should be sent to the pen. Governor pound. T. K. Howitt, Gresham tf week. West should sift these rumors down to M. G. Christenson made a trip to Wanted—Horse for general farm the last grain, and make it hot for work, cheap; weight aliout 1400 lbs. Gresham Sunday. every one of them.—Lab. Press. C" 8. Cowden, Gnuto, R. 3; lives on Mrs. Heacock is at Damascus visiting A. B Gates place._______________ 7 her son, who is ill with lagrippe. WANTED—Fresh cows. W. Ellison, Ha* Millions of Friend* Mr. and Mrs. D. Kellogg was nere a phone 18x1. tf How would you like to number your couple of days looking after tbeir place WANTED— Boy* may be had and friends by million* as Bucklen's Arnica place und visiting friends. Salve does? Its astounding cures in sometime* girls. The older ones at Guy Robinson has been on the sick the past forty years made them. Its ordinary wages and others to be schooled and cared for in return for list for the past two weeks. the best salve in the world for sores, • light services rendered. For particu­ The work of replacing the broken ulcers, eczema, burns, boils, scald , ; lars address W. T. Gardner, superin­ pipe on the pipe line is progressing. cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swell­ tendent Boys and Girls Aid Society of ( Oregon, Portland. Ore. tf Miss Pauline Heacock gave a social ings. bruises, cold sores. Has no equal KOH HALK for piles. 25c at all druggists. entertainment to her scholars and pa­ rents and friends of the district last Mare colt for sale. Coming four this summer. Well broken to drive ; weight Saturday evening. The first part of the about 1100. Urban Peier phone 30k, hew Real Estate Company evening was spent in a spelling match, Gresham. 11 Having opened a real estate office in singing and recitations. The epare For Sail—Quantity of fine vetch hay room was decorated, which was turned Gresham, we wish a nice list of lands over to the young folks to enjoy them­ both wild and improved to offer our in barn, also 15 tons timothy hay. M. Smith. Phope 15». tf selves. Cake and cocoa was served. large list of prospective buyers. If you Lots for sale in Cedarville, on easy All expressed themselves as having have anything to sell come in and see terms. H. W. Snashall, Pleasant View spent a pleasant evening. us. We are in a position to handle Awnue: Gresham, Route 3. J- hn Sleret was a caller at E. D successfully all kinds of realty either BARGAIN SALES—First-class Stud­ wild or improved, large or small, town Hamilton’s last week. ebaker delivery rig. J. F. Beneke, country. AL Hamilton and wife of camp 3 have Fairview. tf If your price is right we will do the moved to Gresham. Mr. Hamilton S mith L and C ompany , Sulky P ow, for sale cheap; good as was foreman on the pipe line at that rest. new Phone 29x2. Office on Powell street, Gresham. camp. tf Bargain: Fourteen acres of land, one Lyman Davies, who is taking care of mile east of Haley on O. W. P., 5 mile* the Rhodydenden hotel at the toll gates, Gresham, all level and first class When you have rheumatism in your from visited his folks on his way to Portland. farm land ; $125 per acre. Address Box foot or instep apply Chamberlain's Lini­ 38 K. R. 1, Boring, Ore. tf ment and you will get quick relief. It For Sale—A number of first class Bargain offer: Delineator. Pearsons, costs but a quarter. Why suffer? For milk cows, fresh and coming fresh. Herald, *3.50 for |2.25. Subscribe now. sale by al) druggists. John Gantenbein, Sandy road, Cleone. Oregon. tf Want Column loht BANK OF GRESHAM Capita! $ 15,000 J. Elkington, Pre*. Jno. Sleret, Vice Pres. Emil G. Kardell, Cashier Genera! Banking Business : : Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold Interest Paid on Time Deposits Loans Negotiated Fire Insurance Written Notary Public and Conveyancing Lost—Mr. Batcher lost »valuable Ma­ sonic charm between First State bank and Lusted bill. Will give reward for its recovery. tf LOST—1 Black Pony and 1 Bay, wire cut on hind leg and blaze in face. Please notify u* and reward will be : paid for same. W. E. Wilson, Boring, | Ore. tf MieCBLLANaOl’W LUMBER—At our new mill miles southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Jonsrud Bro*. (• Lots on Hood Avenue. In Zenith Addition To (ires ha in. for Sale by the Gresham Real Estate Co.’ Cull Earlv anti Av«>id the Rush. GRISHAM Ri Al. IM Alli Co. ; UfUvi’on Main M • ><*( North o( roatorth« WA I CH ES • I SANDY, ORE. lA-al.-rs m Rough and Du'wsil LUMBER Mill I East of SANDY Sjuvial I’ruvs on all Old Stock Colonist Fares $ 12.00 15.75 18.50 20.00 38.50 $ 14.50 values 18.50 • • 22.50 • • 25.00 50.00 « » A few 17-jcwel Ducber-Hampdeii reg. $22.50, now $10.50. (ioldFilled Fobs $2. now.50c I I 1 t I No difference what you may {wish you will find my prices are the very lowest. Come in and see for yourself. ar Frutu th«- Middle and KaMrrn portion« of the United States and Canada to OREGON. WASHINGTON $ 3.8 l.iS5 5.75 7.75 10.50 $ 5,00 values 6.00 " 8.00 “ 10.00 “ 12.00 “ Firwood Lumber Co. NORTHWEST will prevail DA I l.Y MARCH 10th to APRIL 10th over the Always glad to show the goods whether you buy or not. 1 guarantee to save you 10 to 50 per cent this sale. J. E. POMEROY OREGON-WASHINGTON JEWELER RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SANDY OREGON anil ronnn'tion*. the Oreqon Short line. Union Pacific und Chkdtio A Northwestern From Chicago at St. IjHiia Omaha • • • • • 32 t.rmg 1.» thia state y«»u can d«|KMlit the value of the fare with jour l.H-al ratlroa-l agent. and an or !■ ; for a ticket will ba t. ¡« graphed to any a those who would like the advantage of a clubbing rale with other j«per* we offer the following low price*: HrsMBber tbew are the Lswett Rstei "The Herald" in combination with any of the following: Ui. 4 moa BVKNINU TBLKGRAM ItrtCIM) 2 Oil •1 00 WEEKLY <1KE<>ONIAN « 1 « bAll.Y OREGONIAN 4 J6 D’l.Yaml SUNDAY OREGONIAN • <» L a m.; Preaching •■«• rv Mimlay at 11 a ni. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o’e)«x:k. Al) welcome«!. ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Gresham—Rev. F. H Freund, paator. S khvk r.t German) 11 a. m.. every Sunday morning. Sunday nchool at Hi a. m. Saturday KhOM at 2 p. m. LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH, Grenham — P abtob , Rev. J. F. Dunioti. Saavicxs, Sunday 8ch«x>l, 9:45 a. m.; Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Epworth League d- votional, 6:30, every Sun­ day. Prayer meeting, Thursday venings at 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited. SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Sandy, Ore —Rev. Berch- told Durrer. Services will be held on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 a. m. FAIRVIEW M. E. CHURCH—Rev. J. O. Coleman, pastor. Sei vices, Sun­ day School at 10 a. m., preaching 2d and 4th Sunday* it 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ROCKWOOD M. E.CHURCH—Rev. J. O. Coleman, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Horses Taken (Jp—The undersigned has in charge the following proper y which may be recovered by owner in the usual way. Black yearling horse L. D. MAHONE colt; weight about 350 or 400 pounds; ATTORNEY-AT-LA W star in forehead ; white spot on nose; Real Estate, Probate and Corpnraton left hind foot; wears heavy leather Law. baiter. Also bay horse aliout 7 or 8 Prompt Attention to All Bu*inens years of age ; weight 850 or 900 jxiunds ; M18 Henry Bldg. Phone, Main 1010 scar on left shoulder; white left hind PORTLAND. OREHON foot; tail has been bobbed ; wears heavy leather halter. W. F. Greer, Trout­ dale. tf J. M. SHORT, M I). All kinds of jiainting, graining ami h 0 days. Some articles which 1 do not wish to handle will I m 1 sold far below cost From these prices you can see lor your sell S. P. BITTNER, M. D. FkvsicIsswSsrgesaa Gresham. • Oregoa ------ NAILS------- SPECIAL PRICE TO BUILDERS 60d to 8d inc. common 6<1 common 3d common 2d common 18.00 3.20 3.45 3.70 Gd 8d Cxi 8d casing casing finishing finishing $3.85 3.25 3.45 3.35 If you intend to build this spring, come in and see us NOW, as this price is limited to the first twenty kegs sold after February 15, 1911. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED STERLING-JOH NSTON HARDWARE CO. Uxin and Second Sts. GRESHAM E. E. Marshall Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Agent for Portland FARM MACHINERY PHONE 503, GRESHAM, OREGON V