"t understand,” sntd Hew« eonfi ret like way That Fitnfea Trcveeca i* dentljr. was secretly pitting bar h»-art away "Then ther«'« the new house; for Wilfrid Biennia became perfectl} I there's a confounded amount of p»-tty clear to Hews th»» unsuccessful Mine» detail connected with that which will the former’s return the girl Imd grown I fall to you ” perceptibly thinner and paler, her ste| Hews waved hls hand with a gea had lost Its |»r< ity qulrkneas, her mat’ ture of complete asaurance "Give ner lacked Ha old time biioynney am j yourself no uneasin«sa. Mr Stennis sprightllm-aa The certainty tlint hla diagnosis w><- , I believe I can do all these things to right fairly Infuriated the rival aulto ' your satisfaction " "Well." said Wllfrl»l Impulsively, "I Originally he hail api ro.-tehed the g" rather like you, Mr Hews, anil I don’t In a spirit of sordid «peculation, wit see whv we shouldn't suit »aeh other onlt th»- cot liter'» It pretciice of lot But as the womans I'll talk It over with Paa-avnnl and let upon hla ll|s ' you know " sweetness ai d the unattainable mitui "Very good, sir." said Reger, rising of the prise b< c inn- appttrs nt. ao did It to go. hat In hand “There Is one feelings chnnx»*. and he who came ' thing I should prefer you to hear from barter with n woman's h» art rvmnlu in«- direct Mr l*aasavant »III prob to beg for a klnd'y glance, to yen' ably mention It: Aid- »-g!. a atrang»’r lor a word that m'ght give him t»< t ■ to you personally. I ki ew someth ug For H -wa was d 'eply, pnsslonut»' 'I about your affnlts. for I was th»- man smitten wl’h Eunice Trevecea sent to Pi nnsylvauia t v Mr Carboy such a rasa had I' ro-ne wl’h him tl to verify certain facts connected with to wilt her he would have been »1111« to forego the golden fruit of ull bi GEOLOGIST MAKES AN ERROR your late uncle's early lite." "The devil yoti wete" exclaimed plottings and achtiulngs «franga Rock Ho Thought Was of Again and again did h»» try to IT St» nnls. looking at II» ws with accrued Glacier Oays Was Once Barral of Interest Then, after a moment's ie- pronch ti e forbidden topic of Ills lov» Cement, Says Farmer. but always with the stint»* quiet avoid flection, he continued: ance of It on her purl He ha«1 prom ­ "I don't ace why that should ma kt* "Hallo' what n flint " said Geologist ised to respect her w Isl es, but th» any difference do you?" No. I. "Here Is conclusive proof of "Not at all" was the rej-’y "1 t!o»-dg:iti s of passion were at l»ngt’ all our theories See this rock? It should serve you none the less faith­ ov» rtlowed. and he resolved to ktio» la as round as a barrel, and just about hls fate one»- and tor all fully. Mr Stenpts." th»» same rhn| • and site It must To halp hla cause somewhat h "All right." assented th»» latter "I'll have rolled for iigru In th»» bed of let your h.-ar from me one way or the sent Eunice a-onrmimsl» a market copy of a v- • - rarer which author