Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 03, 1911, Image 3

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Removes All Restriction« on Immi­
gration Opposition Certain.
I Washington, F’«-b. 22. The text of
’a now treaty with Japan, design«*«! to
Washington, Feb. 28. By a vote of I against the fortifications was taken
replace that of 1894, and drawn with 51 to 33 the resolution submitting to by Tawney, Republican, of Minnesota,
the special design of eliminating the the people a constitutional amendment as the closing act of his long service
restrictions upon immigration con­ in favor of th«' direct election of Uni- in the house.
tained in that treaty, was laid before ted States senators failed to secure j President Taft today set aside April
Improving the Dull Daye With Handy
the senate by President Taft.
the required two-thinia majority in 4 ax the date of the extra session of
Jobe o( (»natxuchoa c#r Repainng
The essential difference between the the senate tislay arxl wax killed.
congress, in case he is obliged to carry
pro|M>a«-d treaty and the existing con­
This is the first vote ever taken in out his threat.
CoJIrft of ^grUulturo
Insurrectos Will Demand Retirement vention is said to be that it omits all the »«mate on the «juextion of the sub
reference to all such restrictions and mission of such an amendment, al
of Die/ as Inducement to Lay
Washington, F eb. 24. In leas than
leaves to the national honor of Japan though resolutions of a similar nature an hour the senate late today voted
Down Arms.
the enforcement at her own porta of have |«a»H«-<l the house.
Cvpx«MÍ«t. apis, b/ Wxura N«w«^sp«r Co.-a
the Sutherland amendment into the
the limitations upon immigration from
Two-thirds of th«- Western senators resolution providing for the election of
Ev« ry farm »hotild be equipped with
The mixture used In feetllng trough»
Jupan now expressly plac«-d upon im­ voted for the amendment resolution. United States senators by direct vote
Mexico City, Feb. 27. Enrique C. migration into th«- United States.
of the |M-ople; fixed next Tuesday as > farm »hep In alrch the own--r can Is a 135 combination; that Is, 1 part
Creel, th«- Mexican nunistsr of foreign | Th» document is »aid to provid«- that
the time for voting on the resolution -epair broken parts of farm machines cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts clean
relations, denied tonight that any either country may denounce th«- Clark of Wyoming, Chamberlain, , Dix- itself; mails the
' involving
' _ ar m ke new ones and thereby save broken stone or gravel. The stone or
on, Jones, Newiands, Nixon, Piles,
peace overtures luui been mad«- by treaty at the «nd of six months if it
Senator Lorimer's seat the unfinished oth time and money by making use gravel should not be larger than one-
President Diaz, to th<< revolutionists, fails to operate as expected.
Smoot business and received the Canadian ji the winter days wh« n other work Is tialf Inch in diameter. The sand
as allegml by Gomez in his announce­ I Because it emlsMliea this riulical de against, were Flint, Heyburn, , Lorimer
I reciprocity bill from the committee on «lack. The shop may be either a «hould be free from sticks, straw or
ami Warren, Republicans,
ment tonight in Washington.
mall bul'olng by it. elf or simply cor­ dirt, and the cement a good grade ot
I purturv from th« existing treaty and voted against the resolution.
I finance.
"So far ns 1 am aware, no such touches the Question of the der|«eet
In addition there was much discus- ner of the barn or Implement shed fit­ Portland. Place the cement In the
Admitting that by a reciprocal
overture« have ..... .. made," said Mr. 'importance and interest to the Pacific rangeinent the United States and Ar-'»ion of the order of business, Several ted up aa a »hop. One rule however center of the pile of sand at one cor­
< reel, and aa for th«- appointment of Coast, th«- injection of this convention gentina have "exchanged naval infor- speeches were arranged, an«i Senator hould be rigid y enforced; that the ner of the mixing box and tr.lx dry un­
ja-ace envoys, 1 can suy positively the j„t<, the closing hours of the 61st con- mation, ” Secretary of the Navy Mey- Penrose gave notice that on Monday bop Is a storehouse for the too s, til the mixture has the same color
¡,.»1 i is u untrue."
t ••• «.. 1 1
a r
gres« caused a sensation balay,
er and Secretary of Stat«- Knox are he would ask the senate to consider nd that every tool should be returned throughout. in the opposite corner
Mr. Creel is u member of the presi- 1 | That the new treaty will encounter preparing answers to th«- La Follette the postoffice appropriation bill, which o Its place In the shop after being place the stone and wet thoroughly;
dent's otlicial family, u|sm whose opposition seems certain, for, even if resolution of inquiry, in which full in- include« the provision increasing the i»ed
after this mix stone, sand, and co-
counsel the chief executive has seem if should be a|M-«*dily reported to the i formation of th«- fact is demanded by postage on the advertising portion of
Th» Fsrm Workshop.
I ment. adding water until the whole
ingly placed great reliance in recent senate from committee without ser­
Among the essentia!» in the farm mass ha« a medium consistency. Use
i magazines.
the senate.
|s>litical difficulties of the nation.
ious controversy within the committee
After refusing to adopt a rule of hop are a strong, durable work a mason's brick trowel to work out
Secretary Meyer proposes to show
room, the W«-xtem senator» are ex- that American naval officers are per­ cloture and pass the big sundry civil >ench, an iron vise, sn efficient forge, all air bubbles, leaving a smooth sur­
Washington, F’eb. 27. Dr. V. Go­ |H-ct«-«l to insist u|x>n «qiportunity for mitted to visit the two Argentine appropriation bill under a suspension mvil, and a supply of cnr«>- nter's .ools face. When desired a finishing coat
mez, heiul of tlx- confiib-ntial iigcncy debate, which will develop the full ex- | «ireadnaughts building in this country of the rules, the house settled down to ■ orreapondlng to the nerds of the Indi­ of 1 part cement and 2 parts sand
here o f thr M«-xi can revolutionists to­ I tent of their opposition to the treaty. | during their constructi«»n, are being a speedy consideration of the $140,- vidual farm«r. A good forge suitable can be used.
night announcisi that h>- indirectly hiul | Unlike matters of ordinary legixla- | given full information regarding their 000,000 measure today, and had dia- or g< n--ral farm work can be pur­
The re-enforcement can be either
received overture« for peace from the tion, failure of the senate to act ujsm armament an«l devices, an«i that Ar­ jxised of a considerable part of its chased for $5 to $12. or where an ex1 3-16 Inch steel or iron rods or double
Federal government.
| the treaty during th«- remaimler of this gentine officers, on th«- other hand are provisions when adjournment was tra large one is deelrtd it will cost ’ twisted barb wire. Place the re en-
Dr. Gom«-z sai<! th«* confidential session of congress would not of itself |M*rmitt«-«l to visit th«* American war taken at 10:30 tonight.
forcem»n: the same distance from th»
agency here htui been udvis««) by its extinguish its vitality.
| surface as its c~n diameter. The re­
The president’s $400,000 tariff
ships under ««instruction.
junta in El Paso Tex. of the «lesire of
enforcements should run lengthwise ot
|s«inta out that the advantages of this Isiani appropriation was acted on
Governor Ahumiuia of Chihuahua to
the trough, with a strand at each end
arrangement are plain, as the new early, Shortly afterward the house
conf<T in Chihuahua with Francisco I.
and one .n «.ue middle running cros»*
Argentine battleships will embody struck out the appropriation of $75,-
Maileru leiuter of the revolution and More Hogs Ute«i Than All Other mor«- advanced ideas than thos<- of the 000 asked by the president for the
also hiul been inform««! through the
American Itoats building and that they further work of his economy board.
Making Concrete Fence Posts.
junta in San Antonio, Tex., that three
If the senate does not pass the bill
will be larger an«l more powerful and
In making solid concrete posts a
"Pork eaters" is a also more heavily armwl.
delegate» of th«* Diaz government
ratifying the { Canadian reciprocity
mixture of one part cement. 2>i
wish««! to meet Dr. Gomex on th«* i«or- term which may rightfully be applied
agreement before March 4, it will
;>arts sar.d, and 5 parts clean broken
der and arrange for the termination of
Washington, F'eb. 27. By the pass­ pass it in a special session, which will
i stone or gravel is used. The prepara«-
the figures just ma«le public by the
I tion of the concrete is the same aa
Dr. Gomez, who was formerly th«- census bureau for th«* year 1909 may ing this afternoon in the senate of res­ middle of March.
olutions offer«*«} by Senator La Fol­
for the troughs. The post forms should
family physician of President Diaz be taken ax a basis.
be made of a fair grade of rather
The figures show that during that lette, the state and navy departments ” Washington, F’eb. 23. The way was
and who was, in the inxt election, can­
didate for th«* vice presidency of Mexi­ year, 4,483,000 more hogs were kill«! must report to that laxly whether na­ opened for a schedule by sch«*du)e re- j Plan of a good farm shop to be built green lumber, should have the inner
| surface smooth, and all joints tight.
co on the same ticket ax F rancisco 1. I in this country for food purposes than val secrets were revealed to the Ar­ vision of the tariff today when a reso- ’ on the end of a machine shed.
I to prevent the cement from leaking
Madero, th«- canduiate for president, all other animals combined, including gentine Republic as an inducement to iution introduced by Senator Cummins I
said the provisional government would beeves, calves, sheep and lambs, place with American concerns con­ asking the president for information about $30. In some cases one can : away with the water. The forms per­
During the year tract.« for the building of two battle­ the tariff board had collected on arti- ; build his own forge and the only ex­ mit of the post being made 7 feet long
not "undertake any negotiations of goats, kids. etc.
peace, except under th«* «rendition that ’ 1909, 36,443,000 hogs were killed for ships. The resolution affecting the cles and commodities named in the , pense will be for the bellows, which and 4x4 inches square at the ends.
the delegates shall be legally and fully f«xxi purpose»; 31,960,000 of ail other state department wax amended, ami it Canadian reciprocity agreement was ! will cost about $4, second-hand. The The bottom board has boles to corr»-
will be asked to make a report, "un­
beat plan Is to get a forge of No. 5 . spond to the dowel pin in the sid»
authorized with written powers."
adopted. The fact that Senator Hale
The total number of animals slaugh­ less incompatible with the public in­ supported the Cummins resoultion is i size, which will cost about $10, and Is boards, the iron clamps used prevents
ing the side boards from spreading.
tered in the slaughter houses and meat terests.” There wen* no restrictions believed to indicate organiztxl opposi­ both practical and efficient.
The supply of carpenter's tools In
The same re-enforcement as for
packing establishments during 1909 concerning th«- navy department, anil tion to the adoption of the reciprocity
the shop will vary with the individual, feed troughs can be used. When
aregnena« fl'.403.imo.
These fig the resolutions demand specific in­ agreement at this session.
Mexican Authorities Say Americans
but a few of the necessary tools in­ filling the form with concrete, place
ures, however. d«i not represent the formation whether battleship plans
Speaking in xuppirtof the resolution
Will Be Well Treated.
entire number of animals killed for Nos. 34 and 35, secrets of fire control to oust William Lorimer, senator from clude a cross-cut saw. rip saw, com­ % to H inch tn the bottom of the
El Paso. Tex. Thr preliminary ex­ fixx! pur poses during the period which and Ixxik specifications, all marked Illinois, on the ground that he was pass or keyhole saw, hammers, draw­ form, then lay in two rods one on each
amination of Lawrence Converse and the report cover», and th«* granil total confidential, were revealed to Argen­ corruptly elect«*d, Senator Beveridge shave, hatchets, axes, saw set. saw side; continue the filling until within
or the Bethlehem Steel company. '
. .
_ lie, 3 chisels m. 1 and 2 Inches), brace \ inch of the top, when the remain­
Edwin Hiatt, thr two young Ameri­ can be obtained, it is declared, only tina
The senate also wants to know (»f Indiana, took the floor this after- « nd set of bits, 3 planes, smoothing, ing two rods should be properly laid
cans captured by General Navarro last upon the completion of the statiatics whether plans for submerged torpedo noon at 1 :15 o clock.
finishing and block), a steel square, in. Each rod should have a hook at
of agriculture.
week, opened in Juarez Saturday.
Ixiats were given out.
Previous to the opening of the de- tri-square. bevel-square, and a spirit
The young men are charged with
r. —.— Burrows,
•*-------- , chairman of
Both Republican and Democratic bate Senator
level. With such an equipment the
sedition against the Mexican govern­
the committee that investigated Lori- ' average farmer can do the greater
ment. The hearing fuil«l to develop
mer, sought unanimous consent for a
anything of importance and the case Iowa Governor Condemn« Oregon an extra session of congress was in­ vote today, tomorrow or on Saturday, i part of his repairing on the home
evitable if he was determined to get
was continued.
System of Electing Senators.
He was unsuccessful. Senator Ltxige
a vote on Canadian reciprocity.
Home Carpentry for Farmers.
Mrs. Converse, mother of one of thr
Des Moines, la.
Governor Carroll
Senator Bailey declared he would
Among the various tasks which
prisoners, who is here from I k «» An-
Stone opposed the setting of any par­ should occupy the farm mechanic dur­
grb-s, is prostrats-d at one of the ho­ vetoed the Oregon primary plan bill, prevent a vote on any important mat­ ticular day for a vote.
which had passed both houses of the ter until the lairimer case was settled.
ing the slack winter period are build­
tels. She has not yet seen her son.
The sundry civil appropriation bill, ing or repairing chicken houses, hay
The governor, in Th«* progressives plan to force a vote
American Consul Edwards said he Iowa legislature.
believed there was a chance for their hi« veto message, read to the joint as­ on a ¡«ermanent tariff board and the to the house today. This is $25,431,- racks, wagon boxes, hog racks, porta­
sembly. characteriz«*d the measure as
____ ___________________
have offere«! to agree __ if the
ble panel hurdles, farm gates and va­
n>*<|uittal, but, if it failed, they would _ _______ ____ ________ * _____ r___ t regulars
__ i____
___ per- 000 in excess of the bill* last year, but rious other Implements, which the Forres and cores for molding solid
an "attempt to indirectly accomplish ; progressives,
on their
part, _ will
b * sent tn the city of Chihuahua for something
and hollow concrete posts
At A is
that cannot be done direct- mit a vote on reciprocity and the Lori- *’ ,$14,486,000 under the estimates,
amateur carpenter can successfully
final trial. Capital punishment can­
shown the parts of a form for a
The largest single item is $45.560,- construct or remodel. The matter of
ly,” and declared that it was a viola mer case. As the Democrats intend to
not be inflicted.
solid post. At B those parts are as­
for the Panama canal, an increase farm gates seems simple, yet on num­
lion of the constitution of the Unit«! filibuster against the progressives’
sembled ready for making the solid
plan, a tie-up seems certain.
|°f $-,500.000 over the estimates. For bers of farms the makeshift gates
Washington, D. <’. Th«- Mexican
At C is shown
the same
By a vote of 66 to 12 the senate this public buildings $21.311.245 is appro- in use are a disgrace. A serviceable
He said that the measure abrogated
government has n«> intention of mak­ that section of the constitution pro­ afternoon decided to continue consid- priated. an increase of $16.000.000.
forms with the cor* In It for a hol­
ing martyrs of th«- roving Americans viding that legislatures shall elect eration of th«* Lorimer case, and Sen- * »nal fortifications receive an appro-
low post. At □ a tapering metal
built with double cleats at each end
who have crossed the line to cast their United States senators. The gover­ ator Crawford commenced sjx-aking. priation of $3,000,000.
core, and at E a solid wooden core
and the middle, and a double brace
Ac­ nor holds that the message has no Senator SfoM announced that l„-
fortunes with the insurgents,
The measure will probably be pass,-1
In four parts, which are separated
cording to th«- Mexican embassy he re bearing on a proposed amendment to would address the senate Wednesday, by'the house under suspension of the running diagonally from the top of
at F to show details of construction.
these men will be put in jail and tried (w-rmit the election of senators by the
The house today accepted the con- rules.
in th«« ordinary course and in due time, direct vote of the people, since one is ference report on the legislative, ex-1 Despairing of forcing the senate to middle cleat for re-enforcement.
each end about 1 inch long to prevent
Repairing Tools.
not by "drumhead court-martial,” but a contravention of the constitution, ecutive and judicial appropriation hill.' P»’s his tariff commission bill. Presi-
the steel from slipping in the con-
by the establishixl tribunals.
while the other is a change in the in­ An amendment to the bill provides a dent Taft is centering his efforts to forge to excellent advantage in re­ Crete when a strain is put upon the
salary of $7.500 annually for the pres- secure $400.000 to continue the pres­ pairing machinery parts, broken tools, post.
stitution itself.
D> II Given Hearing at Ensenada.
It is
at _ ent * board . by an appropriation in the horseshoeing, and in numerous other
To provide for fastening the wir»
ident's secretary. I.
._ not
__ „
San Diego, Cal. Friends of Harry
th«* white house that Assistant Secre- sundry bill. If the provision passes odd jobs which are continually turning fence to the post use the longest gal­
Chinese Are Not Alarmed.
C Dell, th«- American accused of be­
Pekin The foreign office has in- tary of th«- Treasury Hilles has ac- ’be next house will have no opportun- up around the farm. With a little vanized iron staples that can be pur­
ing a rebel spy, learned that h<- had formed the Associated Press that it cepted the position.
interfere with th<* tariff board. practice he can soon acquire ability chased. and while the cement is still
arrived safely at Ensenada, and had does not believe the Russian govern-
to weld together broken parts. He soft set them the same as you would
been given an immediate hearing lie- | ment had aggressive designs in Send­
Washington, Feb. 25. The house
Washington. Feb. 22 As a result can also use his forge in repairing or drive them into a wooden post
fore the Federal grand jury there. ling a military force to Hi province. tonight made a record in passing the °F disclosures "by the United Press
Hollow Concrete Post.
What wax the result is not known It was thought Russia was only seek­ sundry civil appropriation hill, the that the state department had given tempering shovels, pickaxes, grubaxes,
For hollow concrete posts the opera»
here, but it was learned that Dell la ing to achieve valuable pointers prior greatest supply measure of the ses- Argentina the plans of the navy de-
tion is the same except that there la
still in the cuartel (lending final dis- to the forthcoming conference. The sion, which had been up only two days, partment to be used in constructing
a hole left in one of the end gates
position of his case.
St. Petersburg government was acting The bill carried more than $140,000,- its dreadnaughts, in exchange for the
of the form to receive the galvanized
iron core. This core should taper from
with the knowledge that China in re­ 000. Usually it has taken five to fif­ contracts for those vessels given two
American builders. Senator La Fol­
Day« of Coal Numbered.
cent months had been sending commis­ teen days.
2tk inches in diameter at the bottom
Only three minor alterations in the lette today introduced in the senate a
to 1 inch at the top. In using the cor»
New York At an electrical dinner sioners to Mongolia and Hi province to
it should be covered with a coat of oil
at th«- Montauk club, Brooklyn, Charles study conditions there preparatory to bill were made on the floor. Without
a dissenting voice $45.560,000 was ap­ about the deal.
or grease end then it can be removed
W. Price, «alitor of th«* Electrical Re­ the conference.
... ....... _... work
The resolution directs the secretary
propriated for continuing
on ......
In from 3 to 6 hours after the post la
view, on«- of th«* speakers, said:
Panama canal, an unprecedented pro-1 °F the navy to report to the senate
Relief Fund Insufficient.
make fh«- prediction, bused on knowl-
W «,
. . --
■!. .— .J molded.
edg«- of important experiments, that
The wood core Is made in four pieces.
Washington The constitutionality
The bill carried $350.000 for raising •rm«m*”t have
l«»»ned or trans-
The two sides are flat Inside and
th«* dny is not far distant when the of the law of Iowa passed in 1898, en­
coal pile in the cellar will be replaced abling an employe of the o(»erating de­ the battleship Maine, $400,000 for th.- mitted to Argentina or any of the ship­ sential necessary to make the farmer curved outside. The two central
by the electrical reservoir of box-like partment of a railroad to sue a road continuation of th«* tariff board for builders’ representatives, whether the proficient In both welding and temper­ pieces are 1 inch thick and taper
shape and moderate size, to furnish for injuries, notwithstanding the fact two years and $3,000,000 for fortify- nMvy official« have aided the American ing.
from IF» Inches to 1 inch in width.
> builders to get Argentina contracts
heat throughout the entire building that he had received benefits from a ing the Panama canal.
This core Is 214 inches in diameter
For the first time in its history, the' «"d hy whose authority such work was
and for cooking. And this will be relief department supported partially
The farm shop, or a portion of one for Its entire length. When using th»
done economically, compared with by the road, was upheld. The law house passed a series of appropria-' undertaken.
the barns where It is warm enough wooden core it is more desirable to
was attacke«! when Clyirles I. McGuire tions for public buildings without I Another resolution directs the sec­ to keep concrete from freezing, is an make the post square from top to bot­
sued the Chicago, Burlington «6 Quincy even reading them. The sums total«*«! retary of state to transmit to the sen- excellent place in which to make con­ tom. To successfully use this core,
Elgin Ice Eight Inches Thick,
railroad for $2,000 damages for injur- $27.284.725 and were contained in the *t* «ny communications, written or crete feeding troughs, fence posts or wrap it with old newspaper or thin
sundry civil bill
¡verbal, with Argentina pertaining to
wrapping paper. This prevents th»
Elgin ice men have ies. McGuire had been given $88.
Elgin, Or.
After one of the most dramatic anil the construction of the battleships for other devices during the winter. The cement from coming In direct contact
again concluded they ar«* |xx>r weather
spirited debates of the session the which contracts were given to the
Arabian Tribesmen Kill 50.
prophets, ns they have nearly fillet,
shaped or half-round like a hollowed with the wood and permits of the re­
Jeddah, Arabia Tribesmen who arc house tonight declared in favor of Fore K«v*r Shipbuilding company and out tree trunk. The concrete poets moval of the core in 10 to 20 minutes
their houses with ice shipped in from
North Powder, the cakes being about allies, of Seyd Idrisee, the leader of fortifying the Panama canal. Every the Bethlehem Steel company.
may be either hollow or solid, and after the post is finished.
12 inches thick. Now they have com­ the outbreak of Yemen against the «.ff-.rt’t.. «l.-feat the $3.1100.000 appro-' Carrying a provision which pn*- are re-enforced with steel or iron
Curing the Posts.
menced cutting six-inch ice here, to Turkish authority, recently captured priation in the sundry civil bill for j vents the purchase of armor or arma- rods.
The side boards of the forms should
complete filling their houses, nnd the at Zupra a convoy of 80 camels with
Fo« the feeding troughs the forms be removed in 24 to 48 hours after
ice is reported eight inches thick, and provisions and ammunition destined en.' The final vote on fortifications <he naval appropriation bill today are made of green lumber. In the pouring, but the posts should not be
a car is being loaded here to ship to for the garrison at Elhujjeh. The was 123 to 81. The lead in the fight passed the house.
form of two boxes, one about four moved for at least one week and then
Palmers Junction, to the Graham The deputy governor of Ixiheia at-
inches larger than the other. Turn the very carefully. In the meantime they
House Passes Naval Bill.
temptixl to recapture the supplies, but
packing plant.
smaller one upside down on a smooth 1 should be sprinkled with water sev­
Washington. Feb. 23. Standpatters
was defeated. The casualties num-
floor and put the second, which has eral times dally and protected from
Cats Stolen to Vivisect.
who are op,»onents of the reciprocity appropriation bill passed by the house no bottom, around the first. Fill the sun and wind and from frost If it b»
bered 50 killed.
Natick, Mass.
Following com-
space with concrete and cover the freezing weather. Post» should cure
One Man Capture* Five.
tion that Taft and Knox admitted to down expense, deals proportionately bottom of the smaller box four or six at least 60 days before being set in
plaints from a number of residents
that household cats were being stolen, 1 Presidio, Tex.—Five arm«*d insur­ Humphrey, of Washington, that they
Inches deep to form the bottom of the the ground. During this period they
John Squire», a Wellesley college gents were captured on the American did not know Canada had an embargo cific. Provision for the naval estab­ trough. After the concrete 1» thor­ should, if possible, be placed upon a
janitor, was arrested on a warrant side of the Rio Grande by Sergeant
oughly hardened these form» can be bed of moist sand and thoroughly
charging him with stealing household Goodrich of Troop F, Third United through that ignorance the agree­ the extent of $2,262,000, itemized in knocked off. In case of the V-shaped wetted each day Prices of material»
pets for use in the dissecting nmm« of States cavalry. They had rifles and ment as negotiated brings Canadian
trough there are two triangular end may vary tn different localities, but
the college. Squires, the police al­ revolvers. They were members of lumber in competition with our lum­ drydock to continue, $800,000; admin­ boards, and the two side boards united the average price including labor will
lege, has admitted that he stole cals Antonio Garrace’s band and were car­
i range from 25 to 30 cent» per poet
« the bottom of the trough.
rying provisions to their companions. to supply millmen with raw material, plant, 1250,000.
to supply the college laboratory.
Winter Months on the farm
Hou) to
(¡ornez Claims Overtures Are
Received From Government
Work for Farm Mechanics
t :