CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK CURTISS SETS MARK, Av'ator Flies From Water to and Back. Land ' DAILY DOINGS OF OREGON STATE LAWMAKERS AT SALEM JAPANESE TREATY RATIFED. Western Statesman Isprasi Grave Fears ot Consequences. Washington, Fob. 25. Th«' new San Diego, Cal. A further demon­ Salem, Feb. 28. Governor Oswald lify a law pass«! by the |Ms>pl<> of hi» Japan«1»«1 treaty of trade and naviga­ stration was given here of the adapti- election. I tion wux ratified last night after two bility of the aeroplane for land and West and State Treasurer Kay re­ state at the last general turned today to Salem from their visit i whereby the Rogue river wax closed water service. In a flight of six miles hours* executive session of the senate. The cummer« j ! to definitely locate the site for the to commercial fishing. over the bay and ocean and across ■ branch asylum at Pendleton. The ' cial fishing on the »aid river has for. While th«' apprehension of Western Coronado island. Glenn H. Curtiss rose governor says that though the site years liven controlled by one man. I senators that the treaty might let from the water, alighted on land, and recommended by the legislative in­ who. through riparian ownership has down the bur» to coolie lalxir wax not maintained a complete mono;ioiy n|»«n I from the land and vestigating committee does not accord entirely reinov«!, the»e senators con­ Kept Flv» Days In Filthy Hut Without General Resume of Important Event then started I with the views as to the proper loca­ the industry. Through the enjoyment Hsing Allowed to Communi- alighted on the water. Presented in Condensed Form tion of the buildings held by himself of this monopoly he grew wealthy and tent«! themselves with expressing cats With Friends, It was the first trial of what Curtiss their solicitude. They interposed no was absolute dictator so far as that, and Mr. Kay, he considers the matter for Our Busy Readers. Deriving his 1 objection to ratification. considered his most important experi­ settled, since the legislature accepted ‘ .stream was concern«i. the report of the joint committee and revenue from Oregon, he spent it in [ mental aviation. The action, in promptly confirming San Diego, Feb. 23. Brand«»! as a The first army aviation squad will the work of building the Eastern California, where his family resided ■ the new agreement, i« expected to do spy by Prefect of Police Joao Larroque Owing to a strike of printers. Chi­ soon be in action over Juarez. and his supplies were purchased. The Oregon asylum will be carried on as Eu­ cago dailies are issued with only four gene Ely is now getting his Curtiss expeditiously as possible and Eastern money he sp«*nt for the propagation of more to prove the feeling of cordiality of Tia Juana, a Mexican town just pages. biplane in shape here. He will be Orgon will get the finest institution fish was x[>ent because it would ulti- that this «»untry has for Japan than over the boundary, Harry C Dell, an j mately add to his revenue.” joined here by First Lieutenant J. to be had for the money. anything dono for many year». It is American 28 years of ago, is a prison Carter Harrison has been renomi ! er, in danger of being convicted with- More land will be necessary, the McHenry, of the Coast artillery na­ nated for mayor of Chicago by the Salem, Feb. 24. Under a distinct ; regañías! ax u manifestation of highest I out a hearing by u drumhead court tional guard, and Private H. B. Odell. governor thinks, in order to acquire Democrats. They sailed from San Francisco Sun­ necessary wat-r rights, intake and understanding between Governor West confidence in th«' advanced civilization ' martial and »hot. Th«' fate of the oth­ day. They are acting under orders right of way for water for power pur­ and member» of the Oregon Naval re­ of that nation. Th«' effect will bv to er American ami th«' Mexican who Long Beach. Cal., authorities have begun a crusade agaist immodest of Colonel George A. Schaspey. of the poses. Though the matter is not yet serve the governor has sanction«! the permit Japan to enter at once upon a professes to tie a citizen of th«' United Coast artillery, which are the first fully determined, all the buildings at 1 bill creating that reserve and has al reorgaiuzation of its financial system States, said to be held by the Tia bathing suits. military orders issued in the United Pendleton will probably be of con­ low«! $10,000 of the $25,000 appro­ an«! th«< making of new tariffs with all Julian» authorities as Spies, has not Train service is established on the States for the formation of an actual crete. They will be arranged in a priated by the legislature. | beefi learned. Larroque says they nations. This move was made by the gover- , Oregon Trunk from Fallbridge. Wash., aviation corps for war observations. I crescent shape, with the administra- Japan*» treaties with other |s>werx have been fretri; what became of to Metolius. Ore. The aviators will not remain at Jua­ ' lion building in the center and front­ nor on the strength of a waiver that are U> expire July 17. That with the them no one here seems to know. rez. but will go wherever the fighting ing. with two retreating wings on the reserve will promise not to use Unit«! State», by reason of it» later Prefect l.»rnH|'i«' refuses to state the Sir Thomas Lipton has raised a cry between the insurrectos and the Mexi­ ' either side and the other buildings more than $10,000 of the appropria- ' ratification, would have continutsl un­ nature of the charge against I tell, .>Ut of alarm over annexation as a result tion and a promise that no indebted­ til the same date a year later, had not it is known that he is thought t<> be a ■ will be in the rear. can troops is thickest. of the reciprocity treaty with Canada. : The outcome of the expedition will Regarding the Eastern Oregon in­ ness will be incurr«i against the state this government consent«! to it» ex secret agent for the rebels. Likewise. by the reserve. piration at the same time ax the ulh Larroque refuses to tell what will be A squaw captured in the fight with be awaited with interest throughout stitution. the governor says: "No attack was contemplated on er». "The tract selected by the old board the military world, as California is done with the »crust'd men. renegade Indians in Nevada says the the Oregon system in my second choice ; While the fate of Dell hung in the Failure to have ratified th«' new band killed nine men during the past the first state to send air scouts to ob­ is about equally divided between hill 1 and bottom land, the latter being sep­ bill, neither do I believe the bill un-1 treaty would have delay«»! the opera balance tonight, it was leamtri that serve actual warfare. year. declared Speaker lion of th«> Japanese program for a when Navarro's column marched into In Curtiss’ flight his hydro-aeroplane arated from the former by th«- O. R. s Angeles. hope for freedom is gone and that he ocean. j both of the special committee appoint­ ' public utilities was the final measure this government, according to th«' rep- He ha» work«»! in Spoknn«« ami S«1- must serve his 14-year sentence at « The other was Edwnnl M, Turning south, he flew near the ed by the board and the legislative considered by Governor West tonight re eritations of the State department attle San Quentin. I and the last to be fil«l by him with on the subject. I Blatt, thought to be an ex »««Idler of cruiser California, Rear Admiral committee. "The legislative committee, how­ the secretary of state. the United State» army. Two masked and heavily armed rob­ Thomas' flagship, anchored off shore, "Knowing the |M*ople will profit no1 Friend» of Dell have fears that bers held up and looted an express car and came round for a landing on the ever, relsirted that the ls>ttom tract INTERESTED IN IRRIGATION. matter which side w ins I am filing the ' «liould the insurgent army approach within the city limits of St. Louis, beach a hundred yards from the Del afforded a suitable site for the build­ 1'ia Juana hr will <|uickly la« <■ taken the legislature. " to earth easily and relied along the ages and the money box. j governor. Wonderful Results Attained. forthwith to Ensenada were <|uin the )>«>ple gation.” states Governor Jo». M Car heavily guanled ami today was further men by representatives of a hundred Los Angeles Sufferers From Throat distributive anil special commodity 1 of the state to avail themselves of the churches and religious societies. ey, of Wyoming. W ith reference to drfendwl by th«1 throwing up of earth- Trouble Cured. I rates was taken up for investigation ; privilege of sending a [a-rsonal letter i works. It is said that this was done th«' National Irrigation congress, Junction City, Wash., had a $100,- for f« ar that American friends of Dell Los Angeles — An epidemic of officially today by the railroad com­ j to some one in an Fasten state, accom­ mission. Baker has made a demand which holds its 19th session in Chica 000 lumber fire. panied bv literature telling of the ad would attempt to storm th«1 jail an«! whooping cough in this city has similar to the one made by the city of vantages this state has to offer to the go, December 5 to 9, Governor Carry Iilterate him. Although arrested in a San Francisco will have a new brought to light a novel cure for the Medford for distributive rates as fav- homesteader. annoying contagion. Tia Juana saloon last Satunlay night, a«!«!». "The Irrigation congress« 1 » have $800,000 hospital. I orable as those enjoyed by the larger The Los Angeles Gas & Electric cor­ Dell's identity waa not disoivrre«l un­ Salem, Feb. 23 Two hundred and been <>n*' of th«' greatest factor» in tai shipping centers such as Portland. A derelict ship has been found froz­ poration has turned doctor. It has til t«riay. This was the result of tho thirty-three bills were dumpetl ujwin vancinng irrigation investigations an«! en in the ice in the Caspian sea, and developed the strange treatment of Spokane and Seattle. IM-rsistioice of newspaper reporters, the governor since last Friday. The Attorney Arthur C. Spencer of Port­ the promotion of irrigation enter­ who, following up rumors that three with her entire crew of 30 frozen to the disease and is tendering its benefi­ overwhelming task that has confront- Americans were to tn* shot as spies, death. cial services to the children of rich land. is conducting the case for the prises. i railroad company. Attorney F. H. become laws. Province of Kiang Su Anhui. The Poultry — Live: Hens, 18-19c; the wounded to the international line the place except a boy or two to do legislature itself fail«! to pass or in­ office. "The pneu­ springs, lS-lKJc; turkeys, 20c; Chief Clerk Drager, of the house, statement continmues: definitely [x>xt|x«ned 386 bills, or more itnd you must treat them or let them chores for the first few weeks. monic plagu«- is creeping southward ducks, 20-23c; geese, 12-12jc' than half the number Introduced. and finally located it. however. The bill di«1. We have no hospital facilities or It ha» Dressed: Turkeys, choice, 23-25c. the governor by the exercise of his had not been enrolled, but will be im­ toward the famine district. means of protecting them.” Garros Rises 3,900 Feet. ravag« 1 «! all Manchuria. Eggs—Oregon ranch, candled, 21- veto power, stopped a total of 64 mediately and Sent to Governor West Mexico City Roland G. Garros 22Jc per dozen. bills, which is the largest number of for his consideration. Comedy Arouses Rowdies. Raising Maine a "Gamble." Butter—City creamery, extras, 1 made an altitude flight estimated at bills of any one session that has ever Governor West today appointed the Paris Stormy scenes occurr«'«! at and 2-pound prints, in boxes, 33c per 3,900 feet here Sunday, which, con­ been vetoed by a governor of this commission to make arrangements for Washington The total cost of rais­ pound; less than boxes, cartons and sidering the starting altitude of 7.800 state. placing th«- statue of Georg«1 H. Wil­ ing the wreck of th«1 battleship Maine, th«1 <'<>m«idi«1 Francalse at the secon«i feet, was regarded as remarkable. delivery extra. By these vetoes and by other ar­ liams in Statuary Hall, Washington, now lying in Havana harlsir, is a IHTformanc«1 of "Aprea Moi,” by President Diaz and his official family rangements whereby only a portion of D. C. The commission is to be made "gamble,” according to Major Cava­ Henry Hematein, author of "The Pork—Fancy. 11-UJc per pound. Veal Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 13J- were spectators. Rene Barrier made , the sums appropriated by the legisla- up of Dr. T. L. Eliot, C. E. S. Wood naugh, the engineer officer in charge Thief.” Rowdy clericalist organiz.a- a cross-country flight and Rene Simon 1 ture are to be used, the governor has and George H. Himes, curator of th«1 of the work. Th«« cost may be dose ! tionx, who have taken exception to th«1 14c per pound. gave a demonstration of control. The turned back into the pockets of the Oregon Historical society. to $1,000,000, Major Cavanaugh told ' production of a play by a Hebrew Hops—1910 crop, 18J-19c; 1909 fourth flight of the day was made by taxpayers approximately $600,000, or the appropriations committee of the i agaist whom they hnv«1 made various Governor West will veto the state crop, 12-14c; contracts, 15-16c. Edmund A. Demars, the Swiss avi­ I more than half a million dollars which aid road bill, carrying an appropriation house. The present appropriation for I allegations were piated in different Wool Eastern Oregon, 12-18c, ac­ ator, who barely succeeded in lifting will make the appropriations vot«i by of $340,000, according to a statement the undertaking is $300,000, but it is pnrts of th«1 house and kept up inces- cording to shrinkage; valley, 17-19c; his tiny Demoiselle monoplane from They twitted certain that this will be insufficient to xant interruptions. the legislature aggregate a total of made by him tzxlay. mohair, choice, 30c per pound. the ground. ejection an«l Bernstein's brother re­ alsiut $4,300,000, instead of $4,900,- The same question that arose in con­ complete the work. Cattle Prime steers, $6-6.85; good ceived a black eye in an altercation. 000, ax previously estimated. nection with the bill among good roads to choice, $5.75-6; fair to good, Chivalry Shows Identity, Eighteen disturbers were arreated. Among the last bills to receive the men of Portland will direct the gover­ Roads Acquiesce. $5.25-5.75; common, $4-5; choice to San Francisco — The identity of a governor’s disapproval was the Rogue nor in his course, ax the bill fails to Chicago There will be -no ap|»'al prime cows, $5-5.25; good to choice son of Joseph Finlay, a rich manufac­ River fish bill, u[x>n which the gover­ make provision as to who shall have Americans Held as Spies. by Western railroads from the decis­ beef cows, $4.75-5; common to fair, turer of Yonkers, N. Y., ex-United nor for some time has intimated his supervision over the expenditure of San Diego, Cal. Two Americans, ion of th«« Interstate Commerce com­ beef cows, $2-4; choice spayed heif­ States minister to Italy, was rervealed action. He says the people have ex­ the money. mission denying them th«1 right to in­ young men of g«xri appearance, are ers, $5.25-5.50; good tn choice heif­ here after years of obscurity. Thanks press«! themselves without qualifica­ “I cannot allow $340,000 to be crease freight rates, while the East­ in jail at Tia Juana anti will be tri«d ers, $5-5.25; choice to good fat bulls, ; to his chivalrous conduct in a little tion on the matter and left nothing for thrown alxiut among the counties ax ern lines, in all probability, will fight $4.25-4.50; fair to good fat bulls, girl's behalf, he was cut up so badly , the legislature or himself to do other though it were thrown among so many on the charge of being insurgent spies. “to the last ditch.” That is the es­ $3-3.50; good to choice light calves, with razors and daggers that his life than follow their will. In the mes­ birds, with no one having supervision sence of statements mad«' by well in- The Mexican authorities refus«1 to $7.75-8; fa*r to good light calves, $7- may pay the forfeit. Thanks to the sage accompanying this veto he says: of the method of spending the mon­ forwied railroad officials in Chicago. give th«1 names of the prisoners. This 7.50; good to choice light calves, I same affair, his father will be notified "The purpose of this bill is to nul- ey,” said the’governor. No decision to this effect has been is th«1 [sixitive statement mail«« over $3.-F5-4.76; good to choice stags, $5- of the young man’s whereabouts with reach«1«! and none will be for several the telephone by a «¡orreepondent of 5.25; fair to good stags, $4-4.50;. a view to reconciliation. West is Opposed to Treaty. Shelburn Want» Waiting Room. day», but the prevailing opinion is the Union. He was detained* by th«’ Hogs -Choice, $8.25-8.75; good to commandante and not allow«! to send -Salem, Feb. 23. In passing opinion Salem, Feb. 28. A petition was very strongly in that direction. choice, $8-8.25; poor, $7-7.50. Forty Fisherman Saved. on the proposed Japanese treaty Gov received by the railroad commission any more new«. Sheep— Choice yearling wethers, St. Petersburg Dispatches from emor West said today: Airmen to Guard Border, this morning from citizens who live in grain fed, $4.25-4.60; old wethers, Helsingfors and Narva report that a “I believe this is a white man’s the vicinity of Shelburn, where the San Antonio, Tex. Following spec­ Tablet Recalls Famous Battls. grain fed, $4-4.25; choice ewes, grain portion of the ice floe on which 500 country, and any attempt to open the Corvallis