-w FAIRVIEW MOUNT SCOTT TROUTDALE Mi Scott, beli 22 Mrs. Kob. l'hwp riami, »ho ha» laen tli» la-ut» lil>r»riaii for a y<-ar or mori-, li»» resigli»! ber positivo and mi III« tirai ol Marcii, Mia» Marni ilarvey will take charge of thè work Mra. Cbapman, bett»r known a» Mis» Merrill, li»" inaili- a go<-d libra- rian l>«ing alasi» ready lo givo every- f Mi H,-ott ha» lict-11 quit<* »lek (or tlic |Mi»t week. Mr» Lalla Elliott, Mr» Johnson*» grami'laughti-r, wn. wiih ber l«»l week. A *>11 »»< 'fatrn U» Mr. and Mi». Wrlglit I h nt» Humlay. Joe IlartieM la »uffering (roti) an in- jtired (oot and will law unable to work for a few day». Mr». Mary Peiinnian, a sister of W. E. Tboinaa, will leave the hospital Thureday. Mrs. Petiiiman wa» oper­ ated U|»>n a few wi-eks ago. and not much hoi* was entertained for her re­ covery. We arc plca.esl to know »lie ia regaining her lo-kltb. Mr Brugger, who was injured about < lirlatinaa by llo- discharge of a gun, ia out for tiie first thia week. The grange will give an entertain­ ment 'larch It. Remember the date Troutdale, Feb. Tl— Troutdale Chap­ ter, No. Hit, <• E. H., gave u banquet Inst Hntiirdav night tn honor of the |>a»t matron». Those present from Portland were Mrs E. .1 Know, Mr». J. I, Funk, Mr. ami Mrs. G. N Reynold», A. II Hell ami Mrs. Elb-n Wright From < ireaham, .Mr. ami Mr». Cliarle» Cleveland, Mr and Mrs. J. W B m I i - meyer. Mr. and Mrs E (i. Katdell and Mr. and Mr». Writ Congdon. From ItlM'k WIHHl, Mr. and Mrs W Halen ami Mr. ami Mrs. W Stanley. From Trout­ dale, .Mcsdaines Aaron Fox. G H Logan, l> W. M<-Ray, Dan Mlckley, B W. firant ami Cavanaugh. Mr ami Mr». F. if. Hubbard, old time resident» of Troutdale, who moved to Portland Inst spring, are both ill with typhnid fever. Mr Hubbard is iu a city hospital and Mr». Hubbard n al her home at Stockdale Mra. Jam«» Fitzgerald who ha» Imeti very ill at her home here, is improving Iler mother, Mr». Durach, ot Washing­ ton is with her. Martin Nelson visited old friends here thi» week after an ala» nee of several weeks spent In California. II l> Parkins ol Lyle, Wn«b , visit­ ed old friend» this week. R. Roads has taken the position as I section foreman amt will move his fam­ ily here. A Hanioni I» making an addition to hi» house west of town. Life Sax cd at Death’« Ikwir “I never f«*lt wo near my grave write« W R I'aib-riNiii, ol Wellington, Tex.1 “«« a ben a h ightlul rough and lung trouble pulled tne down !< j I'*’ ¡Mtinulf», in •pile of doiimpUon, «nd th«t I am «Ihe U n I iv in dur solely Io I t . King*» ,\ea Dmcoteiy, which toin- |»le rly * und me N*»»u I u. igh 1H7 pound« a lid hav« ln*rn well am! strong for year«.” Quiik, ►*♦(»*, Miro, its the I a«« I remedy on earth for coughs, colds, lagrippe. ns lima, croup and all tbiuat ami lung troubles. AUc Hint 11 0 ». Trial buttle tr»M’. » »iiarantw'd by «Il . 22 Mr and Mr«. E. Smith have returned from a few day« »l>ei>t in Albany. Mira Isiuise Moller of Portland »pent Bunday with her mother, Mr». A. B. Moller. .1 II. Hcbratn ia moving liis cottage, lately purchaaed from Mr». J. E Wimlle, onto his lots on ( <-d»r street. I). W. McKay is having Id» lot« locat­ ed in th« south end town, cleared ready for the erection of buildings oo them. Mr. ami Mrs W A. Townsend made a week end visit with Mr aanra. Nathan K<>wi«y of Bairdsdale station, di d at the family home last Humlay ami was buried in the Hall cemetery on Tuesday. Funer­ al «ervleea were conducted from O«rl- ■oti'a i-hapel at Greeham. The stork made a visit to Richard Anderson’» home last Sunday night and left a Ixiy and a girl. Mother and babiea doing well. An election for the purpose of elect­ ing or rejecting a proposed amendment to the < ity charter will be held nex Wednemlay, the first day of March. George Shaw ha» agaiu taken up hi« residence with hi» brother, Grant Hhaw, here. Mr» W.C Burch ami youngest son of Gresham are visiting friends here this week. J. W Ih nei ke ami family were called to Portland Sunday on account of the serious illm-ra of a relative. . Multnomah Grange will give another dance Haturdav evening, Mar<-h 4 Th« usual grange sup|»-r will Is- served. Richard's orchestra L’ndeairable« will | not )>r allowed to remain. Ltitone Malar of Firwood returned Sunday from a week spent taking the DOVt K farmer’s short course t Corvallis. H«| Mr« U. P. Robert waa visiting Mr«. re|»>its a lim- time well sp<-nt. Anna Cooper Sunday. Mr ami Mr«. W II Coons enter­ A. .1 Morrison, who ha» fawn quita tained as guest», Bunday, Mr. ami Mrs. nick ban improved very much. Ralph Nester. Mr and Mrs. F. II. I* Magnolia whs a Portland vieitor Wagner, Mrs Ixrlali Hliieldaand daugh­ ter. Mildred, Mrs Nellie Pelton and last week. children, allot Portland, also their son, Mr and Mr« A Miller s|w to cure a cold la w. For »ale by ail dealer». ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? OUR PRICES ARE NOT 1.1 M ITED TO TIME $2.95 3.10 3.15 2(.)d to oOd nails 8d common . 6d common And so on down the line. Seeds of All Kinds Oliver Chilled Plows and extras on hand at all times Utah Land Plaster Extra Star A Star Shingles 100 lbs. Stock Salt - $12 per ton 2,10 pt r M 4ÓC DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINT HARDWARE AARON FOX ¡'rout dale, Ore Mr and Mr». II I. Bartholomee of Mun ea|sdia, and Mins Fannie Blood of Hell wins I are visiting the family of Mr. Blood thin week. Mr. Bartholomew i« a proe|>erou» dairyman of Mintieapoli« ami is viniting thin country in view of buying a dairying ranch here. Ha is greatly pleased with the tine timber nmi Is-autiftil scenery, hut is di«eourag«d with the high price of land. Mra. G. R Woodie was visiting in Sandy Monday. Rev Kitzmiller is sprating the Tn- giill’s commercial orchard this week. <’ \ Keith was in Sandy Saturday. 1: Magnolia wh « blasting stump« for the Walton contractors. Monday. UPPIR LATOIRfU SAX I)Y Handy, February Zl— Born, to Mr. arid Mr». Allison, Thursday, February 10, a 10 pound girl. A. B Hhelh-y, a real <-«tate man of Hood River, visitvl relative» in r-amly last Thursday and Friday. Tlie «ound ol the hammer arid saw can ler heard from morning until night in this busy little place. Th« new bank building IN making rapid bear! way; the two building» Mr. Junker has made of th« old iiall are nearing completion; the new »alixrn building 1» aluioet done and Hhelley’s bungulo is-fins to look habitable. Mr». J. M Donahue visited her I mother a couple of day» the first of the week. Mr». O. L Walter of Hood River vis­ ited her slater, Mr». Talmage, thi» week. Two new rnemliers were Initiated into the Rebekah lodge last meeting night. After lodge, the Odd Fellow» served the Rebekahs with a most tempting lunch, which waa heartily appreciated. The entertainment given at tlm M. E. ehurch by Mr». Marguerite Hhelley Walter Wedne»day evening was fairly well attended. Tho»« present enjoyed a rare feast of pathetic and humorous •electron«. The Binging ela»a met at the M. F? luiorch Tuesday evening, organized ami j elected the following i.flicer» : Pea dent, Geo. Bornstedt; eecre ary-treaaurer, M lea Kat rax .accompanist,Mrs Talmage ; aaeistant, Gertrude Meinig As stated ( in last week a note«, the time will be I devoted to the study ot the rudiment» I of muaic, note reading and singing. It ia hoped the young people will take' hold of this thing with a right good will 1 for aai'ie from the study, the social life mean» considerable. Remember, every Toeeday evening at 7 :45. Free. There will be a Farmer»' institute held in Bandy, March 17. Watch these notes for particular» The Shakespeare club met at the home ot Mrs. Talmage Monday even­ ing for organization. The following officer» were elected: President, Mrs. Mabel I.upton; vice president. Mrs. Blanche Shelley; secretary. Mrs Paul­ ine Talmage; treasurer, Mr. Ried. Committee on by-laws and constitution, Dr. Lupton. R E Eieon, G. M Tai mage, Blanche R. Shelley. The club will meet with Dr. and Mm. Lupton Friday evening. Mrs Alf. Heli WM taken to the Port- land hospital yesterday for an opera­ tion. Mra Phoebe Friel, who died at her home near Cherryville. Feb 13, was laid to reel Feb. 16. She waa born Nov. 3. 1M6, at Centerville. Delaware. She was married to John T Friel, Sr., at Marcos Hook, Penn . Dec. 29. 1H64. They lived in the state of Delaware un- ' til IRKA when they removed to Sioux City, Iowa. Here they lived until J9IJ6 when they came to their present home near Cherryville. Mr». Friel wa« the mother <>f ten children She leaves to1 tnoarn her loss her husband and seven children. Mrs. Friel grew to young womaiihiasl under the care of a Methodist mother, but at the age of 2V nnitcl with the Baptist church. She lived a long, U«eful life, was devoted to her family ami it may be well said ot her. "Well done, thou good ami faithful servant.” Miss la-la l.asley. danghter of Mr and Mrs F. I.asli-y nt lluhliert, grada nted from one of tin- Portland high schools, w hich she I has In-i-n attending ! the last four years, She is nt present H. A. Damali, the editor ■ f the takings post graduate course and later expects to enter the university at Beaver State Herald, visited Sandy Raturdav Berkeley, California. Mrs. J M. Donahue and Mr. ami Miss.Mice Rasmussen left last Satur- duv for Grass VaLley, Sherman county, Mrs P T Shelley went to Cherryville Tbur day to sing at Mrs. Friel’s where she is engaged to teach school. funeral. The Rooter Rock water company is busy constructing a large supply tank. Mr and Mi* John Nelson and The dam, which was put up a couple of ter »ere Kelso visitors Sunday looking years ago, is doing goml work There over the clearing on their farm which ia plenty of water power and the people is nearing completion and also visited are looking forward to the future when their new purchase of twenty acres on an electric plant ia likely to be in- the Boring road. »tailed here I. Rusnell of t’orbett visited his It is expected that the Troutdale car daughter. Mrs. John Nelson, ami his line will la- extended through thia art son, Rislin Russell, last week. of the country. The surveyors are busy Fiank McCormic, son of Mick Mc­ now surveying a line towards Mt. Hood. Cormic, met with a serious accident Mr. and Mrs. I*. Reed of Portland Wednesday. While disking in the field were at Rooster Rock a couple of days back of the barn, he saw a large hawk last week. and went to the house for his ?? rifle C. J. l.ittlepage of Mosier, owner of Returning to the field, he placed the Mountain Pale farm, «i< hereon liusi- gun on the dink and went on with hie work In an hour or two his father re­ ni'sa last week and < ailing -n mends. turned with some colts he was bringing Ed. Lee and Mrs A. Julien drove to Portland in their new carriage last in to break One of the colts left the i barn yard ami Frank attempted to turn ' Saturday. ! it back. Someway in gettingoff thedisk Mr. Cronsier is ill at the home of his the gnn was discharged. The bullet daughter. Mrs. J Pounder. entered the bowels ami ranged upward. .1 beaver is busy grubbing away part It waa thought it passed through the stomach and lodged in the lung Dr of Mr. I ittlepagi s orchard. ( It is begmoirg to look like spring up Lupton was called and after a hasty ex- i here. The farmers are preparing the t »minatimi decided the l»*»t thing to do soil for early spring crops, and it is well w»a to take li ni to Portland lie was to remember that he who rows well, placed in the auto ami with bls father and Mr. Shelley was rushed to the ' shall also reap well. Good Samaritan hospital where the operation wa» performed Latest re- Wife Got Tip Top Advice port today said he was resting easy. •'My wife wanted me to take our hoy i to the doctor to cure nn nglv boil,” Writes It Frankel of Stroud, Okla. *’I Yon are probably aware that pneu said‘put Bucklen'a Arnica Halve on it ’ tnonia always results from a cold, but She di s<,, »ml it curial the boil in a you never heard of a cold resulting in shorflfme." Quickest healer <>f burn», pneumonia when Cbamberlnin’s Cough scald«, cuts, corns, bruise«, sprains, Remedy whs need. Why trko the risk * «welling» Best pile cure <>n earth. when this rwinelv may be had for a Try it. Only 2Tn- at all dealer». trifle I F< >r sale by all dealers. HARLOW, BLASER & HARLOW Troutdale, Oregon. DEALERS IN Up-to-date General Merchandise Everything from Needles to Threshing Machines. » I Inspect our Stock of Groceries, Canned Goods Footwear and Build­ ing Materials. Sand, Clay, Cement, Lime—Best Bargains in the County TUNGSTEN LAMPS Offer» the Cheapest Form of Lighting » L I I SPECIAL PRICES ON 2SO WATT SIZE FOR SHORT TIME ONLY Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Electric Building John Brown Rockwood’s Leading Merchant INVITES YOUR PATRONAOE IVQI TO I 1N UJ rX- * 1N 1,1 "K ehons most reliable asso - Er CIATIONS furnished at moderate rates. W ilt not'represent any company unless thoroughly reliable JONSRUD BROS. BORING OREGON Phone 41x Mill 11-4 miles southeast of Kelso CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK LUMBER $6 AND LP l arge »lock of Dimension Lumber on hand Rough and Drv^vd lumber for all purposes »end order to JCN’SRl’D BROS. Boring RD2 : INVESTIGATE j J ♦ O ♦ ♦ T f ♦ X Our Methixis. Our Stock of Lumber and Millwork and Our Prices We are confident that it will result in securing your busi- ne*< when you nevi anything from a (Kist to a bill ol lumber for a house or burn. Tlie best iu quality for the mon- ey, is the motto we try to live up to. Come in and investigate J ♦ X J ♦ 4 J • 4 Sx» E. W. MILLER, LENTS Wiley-Allen Office nnro your watch 9 UU lò keep time : MILL IND TARDS AT LENTS JUNCTION * ♦ MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER Company If not, we’ll cure it, and then you'll L. D. MAH0NE wonder why you did'nt think of us ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ]mg before? Real Estât», l’robate aud Corporaton Ail our work guaranteed, No hasty, Law. tlipehod job leaves our shop. Our Prompt Attention to AU Business »• «rtnien are skilled and conscientious, »1» Hsnry nlitg Phone, Main 101V '¿oil’ll not grumble at the price«. PORTLANP OREGON either. J. M. SHORT, M D Fred D. Flora S. P. BUTNER, M. D 191 lj Morrison St. rORTLAvp, . OREGON (Near Pap’s Restaurant) B eaver E ngraving C o . Semi-We.-klv Journal Clubbing Offer. | Regular |2. price, ••oth Herald and; Journal, |2.00. Pkvsfcia» vSargrsa« «yrwsha« Oree- QUALITY CUTS III ’JSTRATING- JCSIGNING MAIN i pt aw « Nil A NT I 111 STS . RORTLAMD. 0R£