ALL DAY BAULE I HOW THE GANDER GOT EVEN °ug Dog Stopped Tormenting the Geese After He Received a _ Good Thrashing. ISLAND BRIEF REPORT OF THE DAILY WORK OF NATION’S LAWMAKERS DAIRY BRED CATTLE Fall to Show Superiority Over Amer­ ican Breeds—Records at Pail Show Excellence. MESSAGE FROM VENUS J. 8. ASTRONOMER CLAIMS TO HAVE ACCOMPLISHED FEAT. Washington, Feb. 21 Fearful of | of appropriation bills — totally un- We notice a systematic effort on the it won't! appear from the testimony 1 touched or not yet assembled, part of Importers of cattle from the sf a ranchman In the northwest that a busini-ss «listurbance if an extra Practically admits stand of Jersey and Guernsey to un l’ra< tically everyone here l.~... — goose Is no foul, and still less Is a guu slon of congress is called, aga-nta of that un extra session will be called. July magnify the excellency of Island Head of Naval Observatory at Mars th« money kings are blinking the tier. Indeed. It Is clamed 'he pariicu Island Declares the Star Is In­ The opponents of the reciprocity lar gander harrln ref-irr»«! to pos gr«-at«-at possible pressure to bear on I agreement seern determined not to bred cows and sire» The average habited by Intelligent •eased a real »»nan of humor, and I President Taft to induce him to fore- j yield, and the president Is so far eader will be led to think that Ameri­ Beings. pruclhu! j go his declared purpose, no matter committed to his demands that" If the can bred cattle of these breeds sre In »vlireod a predilection erlor to the island stock, when. In ■ what th» action of congress on recip ­ Iuka«. agreement is not voted on at this Soldiers Shivering In Cold and Rebels San Francisco. Cal.—Prof. Thomas The rnnrhman hid a little dog, liar rocity anil his other pet proj«-cta. session he will be unable to avoid '«•allty, none of the Island bred cow» May Surrender Rather >f either breed have made such rec Jefferson See. the famous astronomer "Let us have a rest," is the plaint convening an extra session. ry. very round and fnt. very annoying Than Freese. to th» Kites«-, and, utifortunatuly. quit« to the president. "We don’t want an To date, only the lumber, fish and >rds at the pall as have their Amerl- who is now In charge of the United Hates naval observatory at Mare noar sight<-d 11» used to bn call««! to extra session. It will keep business coastwise shipping Interests of the an bred slaters. It Is about time that It was clearly aland, has established communication bls auppor about 'he limn th« gees«- in a turmoil, because the Democrats coast have been heard from. and KI Paso, Texua, Feb. 20. Fighting [ware called to theirs. II«- had to go nr<-apt to start anything when they leach opposes the agreement sirenu- understood that so far as the Izlant' vlih the planet Venus, according to take hold of th«- reins of government. Iously, r« »d< rs are concerned, the real repu nformatlon obtained here. Further, between the tusurroclu forces und th« through s gat« to gnl hlx auppor, while Expenditure of the anticipated sur­ vtfon for their breeds by actual per hat he has received a message from [tho gees« took th'-lra on th« outside We want a tariff rest until December, [ federal troops is reported to the plus In paying sr-rvl«-« pensions to ormance has been made for them b; Now tho gander, a moat observant anyway. ” Venus. southeast of t'aniiM Grande, Chihuii 1X-Í indication iiiuivnii<«n as rar» yet v has ««xmi No been ^ivvn given I veterans, or, falling that, the Issue '.m« rfcan breeders. Milk tnd butter It is claimed by Professor See that I bird, was not long In noticing th» fact to how President Taft regañí» the . f ” r the t ’ ur ’ T ’ I “ him. where thu Mormon colonies are [ »f Harry’s app'-arance simultaneously us t_ ___ _________ ______ „____ tl records, r.ot show ring talk, is wha' wt only is Venus inhabited but that outed In the-senate today by Curtis located, Th> Iking I* reported to iwlth hts own. and at once proeeode«! plea of "big business,’’ but it he Inhabitants are of a high order of of Kansas and Scott of West Vlr- ells the story of excellence, say. H<- arranged known that every resource of the in-. loard’s Dairyman. On that sc«>e th« ntelllgence, capable of reasoning and have been in progress all utilise thnt dl»<‘»v< ry | glnla. is being brought into r- play to ....................................... --------------- j lie* ugnate The senate venen, voted. î» 49 to to aa, 35, to lane take American breeders have reason to b> if receiving and responding to com­ though the number of dead and bla females on two lines on each side ter<-st* induce him to allow th« legislator* to|tlp lhe Sul(,way mu granting service ■rood of their work. >f th»> gate and li-sdlnx tlrereo Not munications from the earth and other wounded cannot b» ascertained, ow Irnamlng of anything untoward, th«- go quietly home, even if his recipro­ pensiona. The Island breeders have been very xstral bodies. Ing to thu fact that thu Mexican ndlfferent about keeping well autben trustful Harry trotted briskly between city program is not endonied. Just what the nature of the message Northwest tcli'giaph lino Is out of [the llnus, and there n.a ha Washington, Feb. 17.—With only Icated records at the pail, and th« commission, having been cut by the ■ -rror. ■asm with President Taft, Senator 11 legislative days remaining, the ystem of advanc -d reg'stry is practl iecllnes at this time to make known, Insurrectoa. The first goo*« nipped him aa only Carter, of Montana, announced that houw of representatives was held at ally unknown among them. But one le Is reserving that detail for the Four hundred federal troops, of the [» gooao can, and then th« opposite th« ('ana«iian reciprocity agreement. a standstill today by a filibuster mported Guernsey bull has yet made r itficial report he Is preparing to make garrlnon of BOO In t’usua Grande, were [goose, and no on alt«-rnat«ly Th» un- would be ratified before the senate ad­ planned and conducted by Mann of .Istlngulshed record In advanced reg >f his remarkable discovery. sent out to dislodge the Insurrectoa. [happy dog ran th« gantlet, howling journed. As Idaho is lined up soliiJIy Illinois. »try as against the beat of our home That Professor See Is not a vlslon- who ure thought to be under the I with anguish until he finally got '»gainst the measure. Senator Heyburn It was private calendar day under .red bulls. >ry and that his statements can _be leadership of Cotonel Bianco. Blanc«) [through the gate Tn-n the geese gave is expected to lead the opposition the rules and the business In order We are not so familiar with the Jer- ■ccepted with credence may be attest­ la known to be In the vicinity of when th«- bill is brought up in the sen- was the consideration of the omnibus ■ey records, but we do not believe the 'd by his career. He Is a graduate Casus Grande. As these are the only itteranc« to divers i hrleks of d«-n«onl war claim* bill, which already had Three i ate for final action. American breeders of these cattle mf the University of Missouri, class of federal troops of any consequence In »c laiiKhu-r. long sn«l laten passed by the senate. The bill Representative Gaines, of West times did th® wretched Harry fall » the stat«- of Chihuahua, outside of r affects southern claimant* lave yet any reason to give way be- 68. After his graduation he matricu- Navarro's command, now operating victim to the »11«* of his enemy, till Virginia, today endeavored to force ¡and tho democrats, with the assist­ ore the prestige of the island type ated at the University of Berlin, east of Juarez, it la thought that finally h«- »mild a'«)p short, ral*» on«* the way* and meariH committee to ance of many republicans, endeavored Facts, well proved facts in perform­ »here he received a doctor degree. Blanco Intends to annihilate them paw. regard his tormentors sadly, an«! consider s reciprocity measure which to pass It. ance. not fads, should hold our atten- He was for three years In charge of Iwfore Joining the main forces under then run around to the other side of providi-s for absolute free trade be­ At times the majority in favor of ion In dairy cattle breeding The im­ he Yerkes observatory at the Uni­ the l«'uderahlp of Madero, al Guudu the Indosure where a friendly bole tween Canada and the United States the bill was as high a* HO, but porting busnlness is all well enough, versity of Chicago. for a period of 20 years. The bill re- Mann was opposed to the bill and but we have no special need yet to go lu p<- [in the fence gave him entrance. While In Germany Professor See F«- was a great succc s till his becoming attached to the naval ob­ camp with the reports that they per. 52 to 13 refused to Increase the sal ­ Washington, Feb. 20. - Adopting One afternoon he -nhance their value to the dairy farm- servatory service. He now holds the saw a large body of these rebels in 1 fate overtook him ary of the president's secretary to the gag rule suspending debate, by a •r and In this respect, as in some the OJo mountain*, and It la feared [tackled th« gam!«r and seized him by vote of 173 to 42, the house today put (10,000 a year. Representative Rainey )thers, have exhibited commendable highest rank in that service, bearing Gist they ure planning an attack on the tail the title of captain. 'of llllnoia "roasted" presidential sec­ an end to the filibuster that has tied Cananea while the federal* are guard The gander immediately made for Professor See says that he now retaries in general for preventing wisdom. up business since Friday and provideII c »> force he re er that he thought It not to his Inter ity and less to large showy houses and mand. organized floor, but the Democrats can force house t«might. made an attack on barns. A large showy barn looks nice that the satellites have been detached today and then admitted they were t«at Ao meddle with th® g»> *». from >he planets In the same way. I committee amendments by refusing to Captain Robert E. Peary, denouncing preparing to move on Ensenada The > 1 [him Vi i tn na n Fair XXV txrxrl rln IT tVvtT declaring that he but we should consider the matter as a faker and ilooln They All this reasoning Professor See l>ermit consideration. start will lie made tonight, standpoint from a money-making said that when they departed tlu«y By a two-thirds vote the house con- "should be driven from the naval rather than from the fine appearance claims, on the shedding of planets and School for Amxteur Hunts'»»”. would leave a garrison fully cupable satellites under the suposed Influence ; sidered the war claims bill and passed service." The bitter words used by Macon of the building. The skill acquired by the would be it. of defending th«- town against utiy The District of Columbia bill of the accelerated rotation of the rela­ study and I would take time and call»<1 out a quick renlv from Peary's nuntsman In shooting at a still tar­ then was sent back to conference. number of federals. tively large central bodies which gov­ In such a con- friends. Moore of Pennsylvania, af ­ plan and then build get I* of no value to him when he I* The house sent back to conference ter vainly attempting to Interrupt Ma­ venient and substantial manner that ern their motion. Is now invalidated. In the n« ld after wild game Tire con the Indian appropriation bill because He says it is also demonstrated in con. finally got the floor in his own you will have no regrets afterward. WIVES WILL BE IMPORTED. dltiotu are allogethtr different. The it carried a senate amendment appro- ! r|Kht_ . _ He characterized Macon's The cost of a good building is forgot­ more ways than one. but especially by I sudden appearance and disappearance printing 1300,000 for the Colville uwtcsM dfiTfc til» porta nt criterion pro speech as ‘‘unjust, outrageous and of­ ten long before the quality. German Girls Bought for Big Bend - of a rabbit or tho startling rise of a Indians, in the state of Washington, fensive." He said there was always .lis»dfhy’; IWVrxvt.j ie ' ikHJ. and here­ A good convenient building kns A ' Country Bachelors. •"•rtrldge offers n new sensation to for lands seized by the government, some performance bv men of genius value on the farm that is d^ejijt. tp,( tofore vpry generally , ovegloqked. that man who has been us«‘d to shoot of which 1100,000 was for Ex-Senator and courage R|w>kane. Wash—The bachelors of He referred to Captain rtl® ■plafiiBi'tfnff satellites 'could never the lug Bend country will have their Inx at u rang» target One require* Martin Butler, of North Carolina, as I Hobson's exploit on the Merrimac estimate in dollars and cents but to, trgv» hwn detached by rotatimt With biilM lArge.'Bhowy' bufiAfngrf’add keep"' . - choice of Imported wives In a few slow, deliberate and careful action. i attorney fees. and to Dewey's victory at Manila them In repair crenttts additional weeks, when Eugene Beck, a farmer while th« other necessitates Instan That there will be no vote on the Ilav. and must hgje tyecn captur­ of the big wheat district, one of tani-ous Judgment and action In or- reciprocity bill at this session of con-! "Heroes like these," said Moore, nual expense that few farmers can ed and built ui> in a resisting medium their ■m-rnbers, returns from Luxem d«>r to acquaint the amateur hunta- gross is the belief of many senators. "have not the time to stop and deal afford to keep up. at their 1 am often askbd if it wll pay revolving axl’a whirling vortex and es­ luirg. Germany, where he has gone man with these conditions a French I The agreeement can easily be kept with every dog that barks to borrow aioaey.lo build new barns •' sentially devoid of- hydrostatic pres­ for a supply of eligible girls. House- gunsmith has established a hunt* heels. ” from a final foil call by amendments, 1 wives for tho foreign farmers In that men's school of target practice, where Representative Bennett, of New and silos. 1 would say yes for the sure. under which debate is unlimited. In this way, and in this way only, part of tho state are tn demand, and republicans who ... . . a, . .XI. .’ll I J I i York, K’riv. uut? one UI of < the ur iviiuuiicaiio wsr » vot- wi - man who has the money and ability re pre­ th« ’ targets consist of various It IH said this meth’.’l will lie adopt against Canadian reciprocity, to­ MA Beck volunteered to return to xetit nt bins of small unlmid* and birds. to torn th «mi to practical use, but un­ can these small bodies have 1 been ed to prevent a vote. Meanwhile jrv jatrodneed in the hnus«« a reso- tbf fatherland and bring buck a less n man is an excellent farmer and formed, and their orbits reduced in • luiyty of flaxen-haired German girls which have a variety of tnovemtnts pressure I* belnjr brought to bear upon I lntinn ^«« Htinc the n-woldent to I has the ready money to build accord- size and transformed intq such, .singu­ cloAely Imitating those of the living Mf Beck loltl of his ci rand In the Pn-suDut Tuft t«> head oH an extra Pntftr hlto negotiations with the Brlt- lar circularity, according to Professor declared, would Goyernmflpt booking to the annex- inK ,c ^’8 d “ .. ,d d 1 H h’a. «.-«»lUilerpisrL* <>t th ” fields. All the Hot) R|>oknne office Hnturdey, when lie s^asion, which, it is See. ‘ 1 ’ "I -' iatl.m qf Canada by the mired ‘ O flo slow and build only such build cofitinct«' * 3 From the .thirty-fifth annual report /I 7 J 1 I of the Ontario Agriculture college this i vptt- with <)V’unfkVdgt»te<\ crush *nff Tbelitrbtflty. — • Birds With Peculiar Eyes. Exiled Nuns Coming Here. is taken; ' !An tnteirestlng case of ! DanviJlr. III.—Newton 8. Melton, of bu*lu«;ss in th«? senate and the! Ah Tho y>»» of Cfftaln bird», such N«w| Yyrk, Fol).. 19.—^1» nips fgw Aure b«-fott« ad|oiirn-j f*w qu’te -r«^tii«ltA'i< ’trinaitrffig befott- adfourn-t Whshfngttjn. Washfnftttjn Feb 15—For tho ntir- tubtrculos|a;>ti;4icrseB came to.tour one gf the wealthfc»t farmers in Ver- driven out of PortugiA by th® re Awls, «•hgf«’» And 'corks,' Art- prwfded ipelir ■fienr on on' Mfii-ch'M. MAfcn'M, n special spodAf ‘session u - iob ® . lof doo « iro .of rtoelartnc himself still a notice. Ijlurjng September we r,^- milion county, is Jn jail her^ on with an organ which, says tlw Scleu pnklieHi) g<«v»rn»n»nt which dethroned ' Heeined today to l>0 Inevitable. | “stand-PfiltHr," Speaker Cannon to- celted a piece of peritoneum which we Charge' of hrsofi And attempting to tlfic American. French naturalists, as King Manuel arrived here today en The bill canto tQ^tjie agnate from dav took the floor in the house and latei* lenrnt-d was from a horse, afid murder his wife- The offenses were route to Baker. Oregon. Thuy are of tho result of experiments, propose to [tho house a fewr days ago. and the declared he was and always will be commiued after a. trip to Daayiljq. tn -v thi Irish Dominican order and have call th» “parasol.” It is attached to finance cpmmitlee, tp which it was [against recipWK'it?. "He said the rec- staUted preparations from which gave- l»-en Invited to Oregon by thu bishop th» rqtlna at a point where the optic refbrr»«l today, arranged a program lord rtn tho final passage of tho Mr- the characteristic reaction for the or­ which he sold some hogs to a pack­ ing house. ! It consists tif a thin. that will produce a report In lhe Call hlH dtddfiot show bi® vote., and ganism of tuberculosis. Arrangements of that diocese to ahi the Capuchin n«evo enters Returning home he accused his wife were made with' the owner to apply 1 mlssloB ittid tn rfoand 'k cohv«-nt Meek, op«Mpie «nembmne! Wbeti ”los«'d l»tfer part of next week After thal. ho wiqhp.l Jo makq it clear that he She denied Mother Maty Catherine Roth, who It forms a narrow lln® lying In the there will be fjve days in which the opposed thp bill . from start to finish the tnbcTcwlln test to the remainder, . of biding the animal» Is In charg«- of the party, told of tly» i^itlceL aaie. and net |tHe{f«rlng with donate can attend to reciprocity and I Threqts tl;J it mass of other Important bills of ¿Angroils 11 thb JrdtttlnftUratlort Ad­ three out of eight tested gave typical gun. drove Tier into ah upstairs room. a * retina *’ pen 11 it qt>V-«rélhe the edict «hhh e^idfl-xi th-.-m frvm and gt-i» She barricaded herself and Melton in . Ill« ifiOftlHJitlbnlent And ide- here* to 4tk plnn 'of Increasing the r» a'dtibns’ Tot- tsfmrculostts. ■fitful* It fron guy tigong light 1 Portugal onUi'U Mx tidtl»' Hai.rlien ran 4 Twtt toNs ;tn the Mtn«’ stable alsq fired through ,Jiv flopr , hrowH* P nini tno dYw Tt 'f»“sald thnt tjtiresque session or the house of second chxas nostahirnte wore freely ‘Pto ‘be yaN, kqjed pej ^g «n^ ,, at the same tim^ when a cock appears, to be hypuotised itoprnaentativee during, the. Hlxty-flrat | mad? bore today l)>', fglends of, those dongross, loss than 50 repabUCMM-Imfiguln^s which It. Is said lhe, in .The particular Interest attached to shbt tne ear off thy family driving by a strong light the fact Is that the !‘d by ReororeutatjU'e "Jlsn.'' Mann [epoase,'Wouhl puf.oui of businqs^' Ensenada Panic Stricken. HR «.'WOT '■ ar'i - , WUllIU pui.oui VI VUPIHWO». [ these ’fcAs«A> llt-s’ tA‘ ‘ the 1'tacV‘‘,triiii fcbrAe.i bird has simply protected Its ret Inn , Fan Diego.—Prlvnto telegrams r»> |f ■ Illinois, m'aiaziWfMHVsbAétt' HVldareftl .............. In an apparently uselvsts. < t'it»urotirtP8fs;ln kfFses ta cBnstdered . I Melton then set fire to a new 9D d*0 B i with th«' "parasol,” and when an eagle col ived here from Ensenada state that | "looks nt jh«- sun«2 It does not w-«v It. , me waailug ,(IRl)t|i\t«*r tonight (hr^l they Rad ro<-eh-*xl promisor eiWngt».) yer^^riyc., j So, fac. as we ¡kava been barn, an old barn and flrefl the fam- in««l to, wj-eQh President Tajtt.'J) (r$;l;, from tiemoorail^.iqdi »pn^oressJvff'lte-[eh.[ ljy «twelilhg in ' AhtVkii' pfacMii Tile Kble to determine from the literature ily »I < >< j Ker ’ ih ttxjjty plan an4 IvyUy(g and |tlamr®. attracted e .vrowff) «•* Hl mai n. tic Km of Mmw^gs.,...! , I , ■ - fpll.,flJBniMçr ■rMtl'Yo birewwkicwnnteiqtu j.r^^ whtj, anped lo Tlj< I- steamer San Diego, which nr- rld«-«l al 10 o'clock. , 'fioittfiiifl-*' Tfl tffftf rltx. Nnce r rlday wort th t ^•«PPiKiprUtioh TRcwRur^ niktei' Rot, - u •’tULix—» if ------- L • H J fl I A rules. It was , An elderly gentleman, who knew hworetically, und« Tl Irty refugees were brought hero A'ohwir».,,.,, 1O fi J'jo It? yiiibst>3aif{«!tì‘( «1 The captain has something of law, lived In an Irish [till Friday In the’Wfflie. While the by the steamer. r<- telveil orders to take the vessel village where no lawyers had ever llil.usterer was obstenslhly against ,inn9bnusf .'» ít -«-i’ --dt ^ititgvop ih tjnsformed into a G^'dlg« 1 ,:^nu>w>W'’>K Mn;? " ¿ +rtftJ5 bn -k to Ensenada at once. penetrated, and was In the habit of > .^jansformed Into a F tly understood tonight that Mann. tp 'WA-dm imefid th< pttetlldmrgdiW! m 'dGninnsJM0*ei*Mitwi4i9 to <11.7 t .or^r. g,.jfWieÄf.^,l/ilsn<-il^ l-te’tìi's-“ understr ■linking the wills of hlH neighbora. At »ditly and shrewd polttfoaT oltaerSerwiisav^l For negn<4jdhWS*'W« Planned. TIuM mofnlnH hw Wr aa jth the 'Implied approval of the IljlKC t|nyb l»!nfliSrWt cn her s^i£jj_lUlla.^ Then she be­ the .A a few dai !a^«Fis«’H' irifin ^Js s|nnib«g- by a kfl«^’ sk­ llenkcr -nnd'-nther-old guwrrt tenders. that in thtg FurekflM d’-khTlé'k>fra ♦ tas ns directing hl* his fight ngnlnst against the roclprocjtv program lies dajtg'U Ae .bzv- 'Wz the white ’hdflW,,,WM»»)r ,f»buP o4 W‘rW>oÄf’W> »HM!«' dto The filile lav «»n wn-Hm keel - Mr rmr nf them« «WW* 1 sw there "It’s me. your honor—Paddy tlelav In consideration lln. so treated “ and submitted to,,an “’zk. lAmtfnn nt ’ • « i of of half n a scon* score ' »loam schooners of from 750.000 to ^ílsíriesA oJItW' w6>l i Flaherty, I coultl not get a wink of H ' I vrtT -stj.-o—•■'»'' " t * *<»»•»■> »»4 I, 1 <’f i,u"’b*l’>- 'V* wq»'T*,tK’0nced as good ar Wls'tttiqx’d^y Arizona Mu,st Wait Agg[r|)(,, q Taft Signa Fair Resolution. I enfèr , Jht;, biiph«-r <;pn ylng trmlç sleep, i thinking of the will 4 .hAv* on’ üfyótasji/ l“'- Ou» la rqr ,the MflÇ’W matte.'' i .'What'a th« matter with the ' ' WhsKInftYKt/J' “Y’eb. 15.-—f^i'esldbnl I !l i: -T f— rm rt—Vt h> \Vashlngton. Feb 17.- $tjtt'l)oo«l Ipr whiít’kwéd h*KWi>ww.-.)i -i en mL ij» 1' ’ lUnmpany» <>ne for tb»» F,r«-«-man Will?" a*k.ed the Itwjrer. "Matter. In- Arlzonh Is impossible at this session »Bandte 8(kyt* W SdjJjJtK t Of * today signed the resolution «' w i ' ir i j n m i ileedl!' deedl ” replied PaL .'Shpre, ,l've not Lli nç, gn«i T„ hopn ......................... (or the,Hqninv>hd . .. Lum . of fofigress for two reasons;''first; rf .* tn•* iawqrwuyiia Papiflc exposb. JhP*>AAtlarMÓAln#' all left myself a three logged stool to K al' becA’tee the returns of tho election ber Company. Tho contract on each >>! 1 Higher- EWWMh.NniH flint i-li tlon lit 1915 to Sag Franolsao. In held February 9 cannot be cauvasped nt 'n liiir-i • y»! Frgnk for A o vessel calls for completion within upen.** “-Vniat .bes. jj-Fqfn.Jwy • i ■ « ■ >■:) ■ ■. I < / I al^'morrihs'fil'TAyttlg TWA FM. 'fhe prosoacA nfi the California ,cams and certifled under the law In timp e he shot and killer her *<»/», « ■i I -.11 II. ..I .. . • V ’ -I ««tail I. ’ Midland ’ WeValT ’ bn«, v»».»» mu I I ■«*«« 4 i «e Illi' ' balrnern still hntv>. members of e«>n- ♦o reach Washington for action .by, Pe-WaV? gtletw. anil others, he placed, -hia >slg- congre** and second, because con-1 And the Grounds, vvi'iTUrkeatan la Objective, i . ». 15.000 aghfinsf k'hMto i ¿h e» t”c< taato'tLJiA«< IjIleX/oi^itpnalUAbii ’f _ Lofi'I'-llr-r-A «special Hlspnich from . I^dy, ^’ustoiuar—Do ypp -keep ppffo^ , ndttlfe*'«n two ertptes of the measttrei. gross Is opposed to the consttfrttkfii l lkV(/oui|tftnall;41)W , really mates and t ,o , «.• , -'.«.m ptilng a pen made from California as drawn. Such Is the view htthert* si- ..kWA'w'w«) * nmpr,iH„cwN |n the bean. |«j, |d the killing was ao- soleNfi”. Is ent New Clerk—Upstairs, madam; thia gold. A photograph of the president expressed by Delegate Ralnh Cameron breathing relit that a whole army corps of 3fi.- sdenta ✓ A Pittsburg PosL 000 Is preparing to reoccupy KuIJa, <« th« ground floor.—Princeton Tiger. signing the documenta and the group form that territory and today reiter­ gathered about him was taken. ated. a district of Chines® Turkestan. Federáis Try in Vain to Dis lodge Insurrectos. MfflOWXX'Slifc’ .'ilM'W 4 -v .....----- ------- - - A ▼