Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 17, 1911, Image 2

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Several land sales have taken place
the laat couple of weeks. Knox Brea,
bought three acre, from O. G Palmer
for f'J.OUO and John Knox and Grace
Knox a .mall piece from Palmar for
Fl.0U0 11. A Beck bought three acre,
Mire, .xlinn Gresham Vindicator. Gresham Gaiette, Fast Multnomah Record from John Er ion and £am‘l Edward,
Multnomah Record and Montavilla Herald.
for Fl.OM). I.. D. Turner lots l.iuglit
Publish d Every I rids* at Gn-slumr. Ore., by the B bavkr S tats Pt Hiiatiixu Co the ground occupied bv the l»arber .hop
H. A. DARNALL, E iutob ani » M axaukr .
from John Knox, and expects to put in
a first class .hop.
Mr. D. I'. Shaw »lipped on a wet
plank la.t Saturday morning and dis­
SUISC* rnss sets I’.-r
!i W <" ».Ivan. » to lono»n eoiintrie« »'. «'■ *1* U.’iilb» located her ankle.
It is a I* i thought
75c Th»« e month' tr *1 subscription*
(or clubbing rnlc*
that *'tin' <>f the small bones have la'cn
mmnMCES'hcuM Iw *ent b\ b xprt" x»r !’"'tottit x Mxttiej Or L ’ K. gtiered I otter or ' b» * k
StHtnps hc«v|'ted up to .Ml cent*
IECEIPTS f t >ti* »TIl'tì’Hl» HTt* t!t'l *t'Ht Ulllt *» TCqU«‘*t»''l. Tht chrtl.g«’ »'f I b I k ‘1 OUV0UT pHIM’T
will indi Rte the •»'. ’pt ot yo-ir remiti«« e if it 4 oca not pleas« uotliy u*.
ttSCMTTWMCfS If yon 4.» iu»t wi»h vour paper continued please notify u* about the time th«
tfUtMQ ripllOD e\pi •s \\c rind thi* plan most »a’lsfavtory |«> our patron* t hough it is not in
acvt»r«lrtw< c with » r personal view*.
I0MESS L. In ordering chang<
chalice oi a-ldre" give old a* well h * «< " *dd(v>>
Hall and Hu lull eel
moving a pietun
and Saturday.,
g* * * i attendance.
Ed. Brown ba. taken the contract (or
clearing three-quarters of a mile of road
for I I. Seifer, road supervisor, running
along the b»ot of Boring Butte tow ml.
Haley station
This roa.l saoul.i l>e ex­
tended to Anderson and then along the
All laxige Grange. School. Church, or other notice* or advvrthvinent* of socials, parties, O W. P. right of way to Gresham, giv­
dance*, concert*, theatrical*, etc given for a profit, charged for at regular rate*
ing an all water grade road
COBRESFOhftEirS Hr« wanted m ever\
v.iniuiiity If no cot - ' >n fvtnx' apjH'H’'rom » »ur
neighborhxMMi. you ar. rv>|wttully r^v ,-.*ted to *end u* a* many bawl dem* a* you van.
rKUFES.*l<‘\.\ir LKIh V'ne tr.vh),
« avh i**ue. t* ARI'S <'F TH AX‘
” ;
s LET! KRs<oF t t'NlHH.EXUE (not eaeeedhif four inebe»)
il OPITUKRIF' for »uh*‘Tiber* or their nnw* diatc tauiili»'. free, uv to Id» wor«^*. t «ent
neru.trdi ' i i in .otm w. i S V AxT AlK* at 1 cent |wr word for flr*t m*vrMion »uhsexiuent
• ■-
• < word* lAceiiU UHo I'lwoi b -■ Ci U RKA
lcxv.iper* •r.lprbMc- I isi I KY \l>\ KKTlslSu. rwb s made known on application
In order to insure change of ad. advertiser» must have copy in this oBce not later than
Thur*day preceding lay of publication.
jOg nmntv IS our *i«ccialtv. We are well equipped to do the best work at current prii'es.
Esixx ¡ally farmer» and bu»invM men’!« Letter Hea«l*. Envelopes. Hutter W rappers. Staletneut».
etc in small or large quantities Auction Hill*. Dodger». Pouters, etc., prime«! on abort notice.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -----------------
The way the legislature has
supported the educational insti­
tutions of the states—convince
us that the members of that
body have a proper idea of the
importance of the educational de­
velopment of the state. This is
the economical way to look at the
matter. The sooner the state
gets the information that will
all druggists.
Wife Got Tip Top Advice- --*
“My wife wanted me to take our f.iv
to the doctor to cure an uglv boil,"
writes D. Franke) of Stroud, Okla. ‘I
said ‘put Bucklen’s Arnica Salve on it
She di so, and it cured the boil in s
short time.’’ Quickest heab-r of burns,
scalds, cuts, coms, bruises, sprains,
Best pile cure on earth
Try it. Only 25c *t all dealers.
B >rn, to Mr. and Mrs. I plograyn,
Fein nary 7. a son
Mrs. \
HrsMAiss livery and feed
Stables at Borlnq and Sandy
Tr>«n-poriBti<>n «( .11 kinds
of Bzggxgc to K»n<ty and
interior p hits
For further Information phon, or writ.
$ .65
Prussian stock and poultry food. $1.00 size
SO “
25 “
Pun" Lard the best 10 lb pails
5 “
Ladies’ heavy shoes regular $2.50
Children’s “
Ladies’ Fleece Lined Underwear
Childrens’ Fleece Lined Underwear
800 yards embroidery, 7 l-2c and 10c values, |x*r yd.
25 % off on all wool knit goods
Now is a good time to buy a supply ol
Joseph PeShaxer ami Ralph were hi
Giesliam I'liursday having dental work
Geo. Sawtell was spending a few days
near Oregon City the past week.
A troy wa. born to Mr. and Mr*. II. G.
Mr. a1 d Mrs. Keith entertained Mr.
Knox la.t Thursday morning
Mr. and Mrs. M oxley Sunday.
Knox ha. moved from Boring to Ariel.,
The people were disap|H>intisl that
where lie ha. gone into the contracting
the revival services had to lie puat-
business with T. A Roots.
poned for some lime.
An entertainment and tny.terv sup­
W. P. Rotierta has presen ted his
per given by the Epworth League at
family with a new graphaphone.
Chas. Palmer’, home last Tuesday
Mr. Blood has returned (mm Oregon
evening to raise fund, for the league,
City and commenced his school work
The amount raised from the eupper
wa. m.
Miss Helen Keith has lx»en ill the
Revival meeting, are being held ut
past week.
the Methodist church by Rev I. T.
The people were much surprised at
Johnson from Perkinsville, Vermont.
He is being assisted by the local pastor. the eastern bl lizard which eauie Mon­
Rev. A. B. Calder
put it in line for the good things
that are possible the better for
all concerned. This is one of
those instances when the endless
Somebody ought to put a want
system is excusable. The
ad in the Congressional Record
started this year
for whitewash that will stick.
will grow in all directions from
Many a man is so busy tooting • this date forward and each year
his own horn that he fails to will see the influence spread.
hear the knock of opportunity.
Central Oregon will hear the
Two Washington preachers are locomotive whistle for the first
disputing the location of hell. time this summer. Operation of
Surv< vors sre working in llow.uil
And neither so mueh as suspect the Oregon Trunk will probably canyon It is reported that the O. \V.
Seattle, as the place.
be commenced to Madras early P. is to extend it- ii from l'r >utda'e
The women niase a hit with March and somewhat later the to Mt Hood.
Mr Burkholder is
their husbands by adopting a Deschutes railroad will run trains down
to the new station
style that’ll give twice as much to Redmond. These new lines John Scliilter has
will mark the beginning of a new his son-in-law, Fritz
dress at half the cost.
era of settlement for the whole thinking of going Kick t
The income tax amendment is region east of the Cascade moun­
Miss Lorena Trtekey
on a whirlwind tour of the West.
last week taking the e
When twenty-five more states
ratify it it becomes a law.
A city of 2.000,000 people at Several of the youti
visited I
Chicago’s drop in food prices Portland is included in the plan neighborhood
tend the basket ball
seems to apply chiefly to such of Municipal Architect E. H. Hood Riv r ami lj»t.
fresh eggs and fresh butter as Bennett, who is mapping out a evening.
have been in storage more than greater city. His projects calls Ed. Triskey is haul
for the segregation of the vari­ Mr .rehilter this week
ous activities into districts and
Governor Foss of Massachu- groups and the beautification of
setts may be pardoned if his the whole municipality. Parks, Mr. Phipps, Jisd Jarl and John Nel­
mind was not in a condition to boulevards and better buildings son are having land cleared this winter.
compose a Sunday school lesson are prominent features of the Jonsrud Bros, have purchased another
when he had to sign Henry pian
logging ilonkey.
Albert Bell has several b-ains hauling
Cabot’s Lodge’s new commission
and bolts for the bridge the Mt.
as United States senator.
to clear logged-off lands nf south­ Hood compapy is building over the
Champ Clark is something of
west Washington and place them
a wag, his latest joke is thank­ on the market is a step that Harry tickford !>»■< compieteli a
handsome new house and barn.
ing the democratic caucus for
might be followed with profit on Victor Forsberg and wife are occupy­
“this honor which you have be­ this side of the Columbia river.
ing the tiou-e w here J. Peterson former,
stowed upon me,’’ when every­
These lands, once cleared, are ly lived.
one knows that he and his friends
among the most valuable for
had it all cut and dried for diversified farming, fruit grow­
Dedlh of Elizabeth Landon
ing and dairying. To put them Funeral services over the remains of
Portland is joining with other to use is to make a great addi- Mrs. Elizalieth I.xndon were held at
the Gresham Baptist church, Sumla*
cities of the coast in helping to tion to the stealth of the state.
February 12. at one o'clock. R.-v Geo
relieve the famine situation in
C. Carl, of Portland, officiating, assisted
This is farmer’s week at the by Rev. J II Worxi of Melrose. In'er-
China. Large quantities of food
stuffs will be sent from this city Oregon Agricultural college and ment was made in the Douglass ceme
to the sufferers, transportation there is a large attendance of terv.
Elizabeth Hankle wa* tsirn hi Wash
companies having agreed to car- those interested in agricultural ington county, Tenn., Feb K, 1M2, ami
problems. Lectures and demon­ died at the home of li-r .laughter. Mrs
ry the supplis without charge.
strations of the greatest value to | George Pullen, Feb. 10, al the age of
Two additional salmon hatch­ farmers are being given. These 69 years ami two days At the age of
eries on the Lower Columbia cover stockraising, dairying, eighteen she united with the Brethren
river are provided for in the bill _________
horticulture, _ intensive farming church and wa* a faitlilul rnernlier Un­
passed this week by the United and practically every branch of til death. She wa- united ill marriage
toG. W. laindon, March 15, 1K66, and
States senate, appropriating the industry. The attendance is move*! to Oregon in IHS2, the lamih
$50.000 for the purpose. If this much larger than during the making their boat'- nerf Gredram,
measure passes the house it will i special short courses of former where she lived until the ia-t
mean a great deal to the salmon years and great interest is shown On July 25. l!MXt. she suffered h -tr ke
industry of the northwest, add­ by farmers from all parts of the of paralysis, which wa- follow I In
another stroke la-t June The*.- .till,
ing largely to the wealth taken state.
tions left her a
invalnl and a tina
annually from the Columbia and
s.roke on February .3. of this year s
the seal of death upon lo*r an t H »•
its tributaries.
Tortured for Fifteen Years
lingered along under tr > loving ulml
Now the State legislature is By a enre-defying stomach trouble that ¡strati->ns of her Im-i.a- anrl children
going to square itself with the baffle doe ors, and re-i-ted all remedies until the en<i cam»* to o-aee er 11r<*d
In- tried, John W. Moddersof Modders-
people of the state in regard to vill<- Mich., seemed doomed He had
disposing of the highly odorous tu ■•ell iiin farm ami give up work. Hi.
Bailey affair ia a question that neighbors said, “he can’t live much
‘■Whatever I ate distressed
agitates several minds through- 1 »'‘k«r
out the state. Bailey has proved I me,” be wrote, “till I tried Eleetrk
1 B'tt»TB. which worked such wonders
himself to be a failure, and ac- 1 I *ur
for me
uir thut
mat, I i can
v»u now
ii'»w eat tbiny* 1
cording to the Multnomah coun-((-.,uu z>r#t take for „ years. 11 *■ atirely *
ty grand jury, a fraud. Perhaps grand reified, for stomach tremble.”
it is all a mistake but it does not J‘1“1 K"”'1 ,,,r the Iiver ■'“* kl<J"‘>*
look that way.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at
Mrs Ed Spath of Grcaham; Eugene
I). I.andon of Portland and Mrs Wm.
Booth of Cottrell. There are eighteen
“Devoted to her family’’ might lie
the epitaph written u | hiii the too b-
•tone of Eltxalielh latndon, wlmav wed­
ded life was one of self denial in the
rearing of her children all of whom are
respected members ■ f a community
where true worth is reflected and np
predated by those who knew their
mother in the years that have paaaed
away smee »he became a resident here,
nearly thirty years ago. What greater
tribute can I* paid to the depar ed
mother than the thought that her chil­
dren werv her tir-t r<rv.
Wt* keep only the best goods in Taffeta and Satin Rib-
bons. About 3000 yards in stock. 25 per cent off the reg­
ular price.
This is all genuine. All goods are marked in plain figures.
Come in and hear the latest records played on the Victrola,
the talking machine without a horn. Take a 1900 washer
home with you for 30 days free trial.
Bornstedt & Ruegg, Sandy, Ore.
Special Clubbing List
limn lAioiKiii
mid Mr». J. Pen ver, who are
among (he ear he** t
<4 thia |»ai t
of thv counlrj, rrlebraled their ailvrr
1**1 I httraday
w ethling anuiv<T*ary
evening, A niuulier of fritoidi» »ailed
mni paid their reapecta to the »liver
bride and gn>«»in
Fhe ladle» brought
refresh incut!» «nd every b«n!v nd h good
Mr». W llh'i.f* bit* li» n in Portland
the lrt*t few daye.
*1« r
Mr. and Mr» (!ro. Herd <>! I
Rock »p»‘iii Sunday with M i un i M i *.
Save the cost ol your home paper on a Clubbing Offer
Write or phone for it today.
Mr. Loeb, of the firm of
took dinner lu»t Sunday
Heights farm.
Mr. Elltge and daughter returned
from Portland laet Thurs«lay.
Elltge, who has Iwen under the doctor's
pare f<>r eotne tirn«*, is improving.
The Herald Office
F. Flom, a well to do German who
resides in Egypt, whn a gue-t at A.
Julien's last week.
M inh Grace Ferguson, the t»‘ach»r of
mountain Mchool, attended teacher’s
examinali »n in Portland la*t week
The Hood River Lawket ball team
came down laat Saturday night to play
the l.alotirelle team. The borne bam
came out the w inner» , score 5 to 25. A
large crowd witnessed the game.
Yon are probably aware that pneu­
monia always results from a cold, but
you never heard of a cold resulting in
pneumonia when (Tiamtierlain’n Cough
Remedy was uned. Why teke the rink
when thin remedy may be bad for «
trifle ! For sale by all dealer..
Electric Cooking
Heating Devices
Pure Food Show
Meier & Frank Store
Semi-Weekly Journal Clubbing Offer.
Regular |2 50 price, both Herald and
Journal, I'J.tlO
Test Dr. Hess
Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company
Expressing, Braying
Gresham, Ore.
Electric Building
t N
!.. I). MAHONE
Estate, Probate and Corporato!!
Prompt Attention to All Business
SIS Henry BI<1»
Phene, Main lOlu
S. P. BITTNER, M.D. «ar gr
W. C. Belt, M. D., C.M
Office over Firat State Hank
Fhone, other, It, rat.. !•