Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 17, 1911, Image 1

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keeping the service of the office and the
rural route« up to the highest standard
ami to tiie complete satisfaction of the
department officials at Washington.
Twice during the past ten years the
office has lieen moved, enlarged and
A ii Oregon man lias narrowly mi are* I
l.aMi WiMjnewilay w.<•» the tenth anni­ Improved until it ia now ranking with
versary uf the «»Htablirihin »til of rural the tiuest ol ita eia«* anywhere, and far . fame as a scientist and fortune as an
(roe delivery from Gresham
Thls Hii|M<rior to many of them in «eversi , inventor through the fact tliat another
scientist, a F enchman, tiui'le exactly
otlleo was the Ur»t in .Multnomah conn ■ in11«>rtanI respects
Tiie present agitation, which threat
tin- same invention »» hi«, at the same
ty to have th»’ •»••rviev and the third in
the «late. The other tw*i place* alma<l vns to change some of the routes w ill time, but got bis application into the
of it w«*re Turner and ll«*od River, do n<> la»tiug damage, even >f it come* patent office a few weeks in advance of
ttrenhatii aa< also tin* Hr«l p<»atoftlee in alsiut. The continued growth of th« tbc On-gon man's application
Tim American inventor is Professor
Hiat»M, nerved by a *tar district will eoon re tore mon* than will
route a« it war th«,n. I » lw given the be lost, ns was >hc case when No. 5 <>. F, Stafford, of tiie liepaitmeio of
Chemistry in the I.Tuvcrsitv of Oregon,
•H»rvlc«*. Two rout«»’« were established went to Boring.
Tiie change«, If thev take place, will ami bin invention was a practical meth-
at tlrnt, waning h I mhi I h <»ventydlve fa<n-
ilieH each. Now the whole of ••astern le* made by the depart ment for the lest «1 of purifying water by treatment with
Multnomah m nerved by rural rarrn r, interest« ut the servie« In a lapidly ultra violet rays. The Freiiclimnu's
a d the American's inventions areal-
except th«* impammblo district* in the growing community.
most exact duplicatas ill mechanical
('MMi*a<h' mountainn
All oil lackiimaf*
Regarding the anticipated changes in principle and apply i-nctly the same
«•fiUtitv, lying south of Gresham, is
served Ilk«*wise excepting a lew isolated the rural delivery service of Eastern scientific principle, namely: Tuat vio­
Multnomah there is m>t much of a let ray« are deadly to germ« and l>ac-
The service« « hi Ihr lirai two rouira definite nature to report at this time. tena. The Westinghouse people liouglit
were George 0 Prmuul an«i Joseph M . It 1* more than protiable that Lent» I the Frenchman's invention ami got the
Holt, with H I. Thor|M* aa auI«litute route No 1, will lie discontinued and i patent.
The invention already within the
for lx>tb. Mr. Holl i'MrritsI jtiffit thrre the delivery given over to Ariel«, which
trips and resign«»«!, bit plärr twing will give the city Rorvtca. That ar­ j year lias lieen adapted to commercial
taken by Mr Tborpt* for «I mmi . thrre rangement will Iw given the city serv- i use« in at least one city, namely. Mar­
That arrangement will take seilles. France. A |>art of the city’s
month* when Fred G <-onlev waa ap- ice.
pointed to the vacancy. A year latrr away a large patronage of the Lent* writer is purified by the ultra violet
Mr Prroton alao retignrd end Mr. poatoffice, tiut it will have one route ; light process. Not only does the cost
Thrope receive*I the r«*gular appoint­ left which will probably encroach on Icouipaie favorably with other processes
ment, That was nine year« ago the (irvaliam territory, thus making it «till I of water purification, l>ut the process is
first day of thin month. Mr. Thor|»e s more prohahle that thi* ufficr will also much more effective in rendering aisee
is still the earlier on No 2, lieing the |o«<* a roll e liecause one of those now lutely pure water. Professor Stafford
oldest carrier in point «4 nervier on the in operatimi ia only eighteen mile* in lielieve* that development will lie made
length and it* dl*tauce niulil I«* in- very s<siti *<> that ultimately water for
Pacific eoaet.
all commeicial pu |«mes can lie
On Mandi I. 1WKI, the department crcnM«l.
Il ia reported that a change on the with tin« new treatment, and at a
installed three more route« out of
liiesham with Ralph Miller,
Fred ¡Cleone route will take Greahatu. No. 1 much le * cost Ilian by any other chem­
Palm<|ui«t and Miss Anna M. Ho«« as of! the Base Line, ami that Troutdale ical methisl or filtration. * * that ty­
carriers. One of these route«, No. ft, will *rve a |«irtioii ol that road west phoid. cholera, ami all diseases attrib­
was changed to Boring on Dec. I, Ils’!». of the Twelvc-mile corner. A* Greaham utable to water inlection may lie eradi­
The other lour are «till serving their No. 1 ami Chmie are l«>th serving al«>ut cated.
The Oregon inventor, after perfecting
patron« daily, the carries at present lie (our mile* ol the Ba«e Line the change
It is known that his process, wa* *<■ chagrined al his
ing Edgar E. Chapman on No. 1. E. 1. coulil easily I m * made
Ttiorpe on No. 2; I.. P. Manning on a remonstrance ha* lieen largely signed, rival's getting allied of him. that he
protesting against any change which has «aid little of the invention since. A
No. 3 and John P. Freeman on No. I
will affect Greabam, but the outcome demonstration of the miniature plant,
Besides those mentio cd there have
is problematical a* the department is however, showed its effectiveness ill
lieen four other regular carrier* in the
studying to economise, in vi*w of the pi rifying water.
The principle ia
service here, making fourteen in »11
I iu<ie,i»>' hi Hie »alaries of the rural simple: ultraviolet rays «re deadly to
Three of them resigned and went away,
i carriers next July, By culling out one gettn* and bacteria.
I'ltra violet is
they being Ralph Johnson, Mi«* Annie
route the saving will just aliout pay generated with a mercury arc, instead
Christopher and R. W Thorpe. Mr*,
th - Increase of salaries in the territory ol the ordinary carbon arc, and is en­
'-»rail Frank was the other, she having
atTi-cted ; besides, the Arleta ami 1-ents closed in transparent qiiarlx, the <|iiartx
been transferred to Boring along with
district must lie given city delivery living less fu«itilv than glass, and resist­
route No. ft, where site is now serving
soon ami now is the time to make the ing the melting tendency of severe beat
hs carrier No. 3 from that office
The water is made tu flow over or
In January. 11*41, tlm mails liegnn
It I* also |«i**ib|e that mite No. 2 tlir ugh the space immediately illumi­
coming by rail, where the old stage from Gresham mm lie changed some­
nated by the violet rays (rum the arc.
coach »«• laid away forever lietweeti what, ** a small district southeast ot
rave passing through the water
here and Portland. The new service here must be lookeil alter, ami a re­
kill the bacteria.
gave the |>oatoffice ami all the route« a organisation mav uff.-i t it «oiuewhat.
The effect of violet in the-un* rays
big Insist. which, with the rapid growth
i* seen to goisl example in the tanning
A 8. Hall of Cleone, Monmouth
of Gresham ami the surrounding coun­
of human skin. At lugh elevations, as
try raistsl tiie standard of the office county, w ho graduated from the Oregon
on mountain to|is, the rays are more
three years ago from a fourth to a third ng iculiural coBege in TH. ia now su­
active a «1 will burn the skin more
class office. During all the pern si since perintendent of the Hood River Electric
quicklv than at lower elevations, where
free delivery began the p««*t*iffiee han Light and Water company. Max Ilin-
the rays are almorlied by the denser
lieen in charge of Mrs I McColl, who rich* of Hood River, w ho graduate*! in
at mos|diere.
lias kept even pace with the develop- in the same class, is now siqierinten-
Prolessor Stafford has not given up
ment* of the city and neighl»irh<**l in ilent of a targe mine at Deadwood, 8,1»
the contest, but hopes vet to twat tbe
Frenchman in applying the principle
»<> effectively and economically that
every community may have an unlim­
ited supply of water thorough' pure, at.
One corner bumneiw lot on Main St., )7.’i fret frontage, $7ftU; takes only ftkillcaali
a very small cost.
Two corner business lots on Main St , 21ft feet frontage ftljiki
Two liu«ine*s lots on Maili St., «ofto
Two rewidenci- lots, Main S'., tlnrst in Greabam, $K50
One gi**l li t and new house eight hmiiiih , $2 i ** i . require* only ftritk).
people are interested in
Two large corner businens Iota, Powell St., «2ll0i>.
high school happenings, we shall try
< tne acre of ground. <vntrally liwiited. modern n,«iden<i‘. water and sewerage, 37
tearing fruit tn«'*; can he cut into lota; ft’iOOo, easy terms
to put a few notes in the jiajs-r every
One Herr ami two-aen' tract*, all in cultivation, on gis*l road, close to station in
There were enrolled sixty lour
Ti i Juana; «!<*» |«'r acre and up.
pupils of w om fourteen are seniors.
tion for ap|>endiciti*.
as doing nicely.
DID YOU FIND $355.00?
The seniors are giving two essays
weekly at assembly on modern writers.
The lite of Wm. D. Howells and a re­
view of his most important liook was
delivered last Thursday by May Kester­
It Was All This Family Had In the World.
The senior class |il«v seems a certain- |
ty and work upon it will begin soon.
These lieail lines tell the sad haw last week of a little family in Portland who
carried their all in a little sack in a pocket which gave way to the weight. The
lose was not discovered until they reaclwd the depot. The railway could not
carry them. Polite could not assist tlietn. There was nothing to do hut to work
ami save for another period of years.
The freshmen finished lexikkeeping
and are now taking botany. They have
, quite a lnig<* <• |h*ctiori of growing
! plant* in their room.
There will Is- no service on the rural
routes February 22, that day being a
Mis* Bilim of Portland visit'd Mrs.
Emelie An<b*r»*oii went home Mondayi
legal holiday. The poatoffice window
Erm ry this week
,0.1 account of sickness.
will be open from 9 to 10 a. in., also
Ed. Hteret is just recovering from a
carrier’s window at the same hour.
The girls basket ball team went to
. severe attack of the grippe.
: Camas la*' Friday,
accompanied by (
Mr. M O. Nelson, recently from
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. ('. ILxlge,
■ I
!*.</ a piece rxf
Mrs. Wisidard.
of liuril
Minnesota, will give a free lecture and
luck they lost to tile Camas girls by a i February 10, an eight [siund girl.
Mi-s Pearl Fleming returned from s ereopticon show at the Grange hall
score of 13 to s They |>!ay the Estaca­
next Wedresday evening, Fel, 22nd.
da girls on our ll,*«r next Friday, the the Go*si Samaritan bos|ntal this week.
Mr Nelson Is interested in the Holly
Mrs. John Miller of Portland visited
Park tract between Gresham and Trout­
The boys' Basket ball team is show­ at her mothers, Mrs. Culy s this week. dale.
ing go'-I lorm
Thev t.xik tiie game
Mrs. Nellie Wilmot <1 Canfield, North
There will lie a social dance in
from Ht. John's last Friday by a score Dakota, is visiting her sister, Mrs
Fisher’s hall, at the end of the Base
of 30 to H. Wednesday evening they Hansen.
I.ine. tomorrow evening which will be
took a special car into Portland for the
M. O. Nelson of ilojie < iarden», Tr*iut
game With the Lincoln high school, dale, was in Gresham on busine«» a neighborhood affair, but of excellent
tone. The young folks out there know
ret irning alsiut ten o’chs’k
The game Wednesday.
how to enjoy themselves and will have
was won By Lincoln. Score 33 to 1ft.
Mr. and Mrs J. W Shattuck of Port-
Lloyd Schram gave a sketch of the land spent last Sunday with their »on, a “corking” good time.
lift- of Winston Churchilll ami a review M yor Shattuck.
Misses Myrtle Elwood. Frances El­
of The ('rowing in
thia morn-
C. C Baker ha* resigned tbe princi- wood, Rose Elwood, Harriet Van Natta
palsbip of the Athena schools owing to and Frank Akin all of Portland and
Clarence Stanley were gnesta of Miss
the illness of his wife.’
Valentine Party
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen have lieen Hester Thorpe last Sunday.
Laat Tuesday evening a very enjoy- spending the past week at Eagle Creek, spent the day very enjoyably with
music, singing and discussing a bounti-
able valentine party was given by Mrs. visiting their daughter.
dinner prepare*! by their young hostess.
J. P Elkington ami her sister. Mist
Miss Ruby Emery has returned to
Grace Haaael, at the former’s home, to the hospital to take up her training
Rev. Guy Pbelphe of Dalias. Oregon,
entertain the “I Can Class.”
The again after an absence of several will assist the pastor, Rev. J. F. Dun­
house was decorated with red paper months due to illness
lap, in a series of revival meetings in
hearts and hearts were given out to be
borne sneak thief entered the skating the M. E. church, commencing Sunday,
matched for partner* for refreshments.
rink last week by means of a skeleton February IK and will continue for sev­
The program wa- a* follows:
key and stole the stock of candies, gum ' eral • eeks. Come ami hear him. The
Piano mi | o , Lm*ile J,,hn*on; duet,
week night services will begin at 7:30.
sisla water that was kept there.
Mr*. Elkitig'•>!■ aii«l Mi** Grace Hesse);
singing. good preaching will repay
Chas. F. Browning of Yacolt, Wash.,
recitation. Mi-* Calkins, piano solo,
you for c -niing.
Grace H«s-el, '■•«■* I solo, Marv Han-en.
Rockwood lodge. Odd Fellow«, b»e
Every one ha I an enjoVablv time. ol*t acquaintances in Gresham and vi­
cinity dining a pa t of the present made a change in it* meeting nights
There was alsmt fortv live present.
»nd now m H* every Thurwlay even­
H L. Culver ami family
ho leit ing i'* ib* M v O iw M, Tl>e Tack-
Cdrd ol I hanks
la-tJuiie for North Dak >ta. have re­ w*»»l Arti«an n*>*eni*dr hi« also changed
We wish to thank on«- nianv friend» ( turned here to remain. They intend ■ ltd will m«*et hereafte* mi the -econd
who »<■ kimliv a**i»t'-il us during the tiuviog a farm somewhere in this *«atunlay eveniiur of each nmntih. The
recent illnri- and *ie«ih of our de<r v ieiinty.
Maci'iiliee« have reserved the third Sat-
wife and mother; «ml to tho-e wl.o
RockwiMsl assembly, United Artisan-, I unlay eve ing of each mmith for it,
sang at the grave ; also for the l>-*autif i|
will give a card )>arty and social in tl e own KK-ial occa-mns.
floral offering-.
Ami we especially
Maca’iee hull tomorrow night
I > ■
County An <itor 8. B Martin has just
thank Mrs. J. J. Camp of Seaside, who
party will doer with a sup|«-r ai d
m ole pubhe a summary «Mrment of
was witii us during b-r last illness, and
the rinunce« ..f Multnomah county up
at ber death ami burial.
Mr« J M Short, »<•■■ *mpa iicI tu to Jan I. The report shows a healthy
G. W. L imnix axil F amily .
her daug ilei , Mi««r»
Minse» Durmliy
Dur it by un' balance of «214,4 *4 on tiand after all ex.
for p-nses have »leen paid, There are n<>
Tiie Mt. II »--I railway people are
preparing eoiue a »rk for their road to "alla 'talli. Wash , to visit her sis'er. ts-nds nr I ahi »ties to l>e ■net and this
year’s tax receipt* are yet to lie added
do when il - rr«<lv for biiMineMi. At Mrs. McDonald.
to the afstve amount for meeting the
different point« t ho ; lb»* right of wav
Mrs. 8. ,1. Mcltiinsld, who recently
of the county. The heaviest
are aotne h»*.t \
I tnnl>rr that broke the Imm-a of her right f-ircarir,
are Itring inade into cordwood. A' hhi I ha* almost recovered from the effects of single outlay i* for rotd work, outsi le
2,01)0 corde** uhrH'lj
Itevll rut, the accident, and the injured arm will oi the c ist of the new court house.
rea<lv for t« <n>p •■>.<! i >n t«i therti, si on la- as well as evef.
and diiilv r«irt.v
I train« will t«» •»♦»«•
I he Kovkwo'sl Metholist .»hurcti peo­
Lecture dt ( ottreli
panning along th«» !i
toward Portland
ple are endeavoring to raise sufficient
A le ture e ititlcl "The Ring” will
mh wo»»n as the to i 1- »« a ty to trauaror»
lunds to pa nt the church ami are meet­
it there. It i* »».■♦;t n t *d that tmi*
be given at the Cottrell Baptist on
ing witii good success. The work will
10,00 )<or«U will I h * ready fornhi,» »• »1
Tuesday evening evening. February 21,
protaiblv be done early in the spring.
un ier the auspices of the Indies Aid
by next fail, w ich •» u t to go a I » iz
wav 111 pr«-.f a fuel laimne in 1 tie
John P. Freeman, carrier on route society. Refreshments will be served.
<ii<*iru|»oiiH oi Oregon.
No. 4, has l ee.i coniine I to Ins home Admission 25 and 10 cent«.
Then try one of our BANK MONEY
ORDERS. They are cheaper than either
■sprees or poet office orders, are easier to
obtain, are good anywhere, and quickly
made good if lost or destroyed.
Bank Money
Order won I d
have coat only a
few cents and
they could have
tra velisi in safe­
ty and without
losseven though
the Order was
' ~*t~l
nu. I vi/Mi
// /
The juniors have had a large number
of cases of tardine s. but some improve-
ment has lieeu noted during the last
Melvin Munday could
school Monday morning on account of I
injuries which he received during the ;
liall game Friday night.
- Bessie Howitt returned to school
Tuesday afternoon after being alwent |
for a number of days on account of
The Hophoinorew are now atudying
geometry amt they fjnd it a very inter­
esting study.
Wallace Wilkinson, who has been on
the 4ck bat (or soij U* Q/hv, ban again
I’eatl Fleming returned him« Sun­
day after having undergone an opera-
No. 7
the pa«t week with the grip. Hi* route
ha* been serve.I by *uf«ititute«, but not
«0 efficiently a« Mr. Freeman could
have -lone it.
She is reported
Tli<xtgh sad
there is no way
to help them.
Business prin­
ciples were dis­
regarded. The
money should
have la-ell left
in the hank. A
Vol. 7.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Everybody’s talking about them. They're the Best. Guaranteed by the Factory
We are making very low prices on Wagons, Harness, Buggies and Farm Impl mrnts
$2 Full Lined Heavy Burlap Horse Blankets, $1.32}. 40% off on all Chase’s Winter
$50 No. 1 Team Harness at
. . $37.50 | $18.50 Single Hamess at ... .
Good Farm Harness at
.... $27.50 | $16.00 Single Hamess at ... .
$33.50 Double Driving Hamess at . $25.75 | Good Double Hamess at ... .
Snap on Some Buggies we are closing out.
See our Big Stock of Goods in the Moline Plow Co. Bldg., 320-328 E. Morrison St., Portland
•i-w a