Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 03, 1911, Image 6

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    •he Keeps a Becrsl.
No, Mr Stennis neither rode not A $33,000 TAPESTRY “FIND”
I Itonaire was under his protecting
Coroner's Detective Frank Patti ha«»
drove; In fad. he knew or cared ver;
The head of Stennis' flrm came to little about horses.
Treasure Discovered at Langford Hill, un amusing experience recently and
his desk at the instant he was open-
"Ah. then, there my daughter eat
he has not as yet decided whether It
a Jacobean House Near Bude,
j Ing the big ledger as usual.
was a joke or the truth. The cir­
ho of service; she Is accounted a very
Cornwall, England.
cumstances are throe:
' "We certainly did not expect to see fine horsewoman and one of the bra
you here this morning. Mr. Stennis. Judges of horseflesh in the city. Hu'
Paul was sitting In his office,
Two pieces of ancient tapestry which
Let me congratulate you most heart­ you young people can talk that ovei wore recently discovered at l<angford meditating on the ways of the world
Cures all blood humors, all
ily! Of course, you'll be leaving us together. You will naturally take ai lllll, a Jacobean house near Hude. In general. The telephone ball rang.
Interest in all gentlemanly sports— Cornwall, have been sold for $33,000
"Hallo," said the detective. In bls
eruptions, clears the complex-
"Yes, I suppose so.” answered Wil­ every man of means and lelsur« at Messrs
ion, creates an appetite, aids
Puttick and Rimpson's beat manner
frid, blushing and embarrassed. "Hut does; but tt will do no harm if yoi rooms. The purchaser waa »'apt. II
"Come down here, quick," said at»
digestion, relieves that tired
you see, sir, I haven't had time to get are positively Identified with sonu Lindsay.
agitated feminine voice, "ti ore's a
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
used to the thtng yet. and if you don't particular pastime, even to the extent
The principal piece, measuring 13 murder being done.”
Get It today in usual liquid form or
mind 1 should like to hang on here of making it a fad
"What la the address?" asked the
May I Itiqulr« feet 4 Inches by 13 feet !> Inches, was
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
for awhile, anyhow.”
what la your favorite diversion?"
one of a set of panels of fifteenth sen vigilant sleuth, "and I'll be down
"Certainly—just as you please." The
"Yachting, by all means,' said Wil tury arras tiniestry. orlxinally belong right away “
elder man could appreciate the lad's frld.
"It's none of your business." was
Ing to Cardinal Wolsey and represent
feelings Not so bls fellow employes,
"Excellent! Could not be better!' Ing the seven deadly sins. Throe of the snappy reply, and the receiver
who all that day and for the few days exclaimed Mr Piissavant. "None but the panels are now hanging at Hamp was hung up with a bang
Seep on 8aylrg 3cmethirg Until
that Wilfrid did remain at his old a man of largo resources can -ah— ton court palace. The second piece
Ex ary Cne Gets to Be­
rnrv (tmtii in a io 14 pays .
post seemed lost In amazement that Indulge In yachting to any extent "
of tapestry was part of a frieze, 14 feet Y-iur-*'ii«rl-l
lieving It.
«ill rtluntl SHtuey If I’A/.O <l|NV,
By Frederick Reddale
any fellow with a million dollars a
"I am thinking of building a boat,' by 2 feet i Inches, originally made for Ml NT UUlvriini a«r ,-•»» ut Itrliii.« II o.l,
I'll«» -n « to 14 <!■)«. SOi-.
year coming tn should want to work said
"What Hampton court palace Small piece«
“The way to win in rolfttcs." Jeb
*The Other ¿Man*
Hedges sstd once, "Is to keep on say
Ready to be Surprised.
“The very thing, my boy; cngag< Great hall.
But, naturally, the hour came
Ir.g something until every one gets to
"Ro fur," ssld Brother Dickey,
around when Wilfrid Stennis balanced
The tapeatry was found packed away “though I had my our tkr de groun',
believing it. It don't make much dif­
his tinal column of figures, and hung ' moat famous builder, and your repu In a box at Langford Hill. The house ter ketch de small««’ soun', I ain't
ference what that something is My
up his threadbare office-coat for the tatlon la made. An excellent notloi belongs to two maiden ladles, who hrerd no foolstep« er Mister Chris’-
Illustration» by Ray Walters
office boy went to Bridgeport once on
last time. Gradually his mind adjust- —ah!"
one of the StVcent boat excursions. He
were unaware that their roof was liar uiaa cornin' my way. an' 1 reckon he’s
ed Itself to the new state of affairs,
"Really, my dear." said the lawyei boring such treasures It waa stated twine ter take me by surprise by glv-
was late getting back to the boat, and
but the circumstance that helped most In narrating this little Ch« stertleldlai In the saleroom that some years ago ’n' mo a whole )»•—•"
by the time he r« ached tt every chair
by J. B. L.pp.ucoll CoJ
to bring him to his bearings was the episode to Clara. "I begin to hav« tbe panel, packet! In a box and d«*-
on the desirable side of the deck was
Concrete Floors for Ships.
announcement by Mr. Carboy that j hopes of young Stennis; he Is most scrlbed us a carpet, wits sold ut auo
tilled. He thought of a scheme. Have
Concrete floors were tried In a num­
there stood to his credit In the Chem­ ■ tractable and receptive to—ah sen tlon for $7 B0 London Chronicle.
you seen the whale?" he asked those
ber of woodrn vessels carrying ore
near him. 'They've got a whale tied
Andy Meleen.
millionaire miner. ical bank a deposit of half a million . sible Ideas.”
¡uni coal ou the Great lakes as a sub­
So It came about that the rnthei
to the dock and he's thrashing around Is dying and order» a will drawn up leav­ dollars “just for present needs." the
wnoden floors, which suffer
with his tall like anything' Those he ter. of whom he has heard nothing for
OXFORD STICKS TO GREEK severely for from
the clamshell buokots
spoke to paid no attention. So he year», and whose married name he doea a bank book and a check book. Then, Interest her first meeting with tin
went on, and told the story to others. not know. M-Meen was married years be­ and then only. Wilfrid Stennis felt new man.
Victory for Hellenists When Congrega Tbe concrete floors are said U> stand
the wear well
Dy and by a few rose and went to fore. but left hl» wife after a quarrel, in that he had really come Into his king­
Stennis nad never before owned a
tlon and Not Convocation Declines
he »truck her. He learned later dom.
see the whale. He kept on telling the which
visiting card or donned a diesscoat
to Make Language Optional.
Diphtheria, »fuln«v »ml lnti- lllls b-gln
that »he and their daughter were dead.
At once he did something for which but when he stepped forward to greet
story. More went around to see the The scene shifts to New York. Introdu­
with «ore throe". ll-iw rum-h l«-tirr |>>
a mm * lliroal In e 'lay or I <> than Io
whale. At last the fever seized every cing Wilfrid Stennis, who is telling his he always thanked his good angel In her. In response to her father's Intro
Humanity Is not dead after all Ox
I r we ka with il'phlharia Ju»l
one and they crowded to the other fiancee. Eunice Trevecca, what he wqu M after years.
He rode uptown to duction. us he entered the drawing ford sticks to Greek It la a great vic k, vp 11 «al
am I Ilia W IB i rd (III III tbu lio-iao.
do if he Were the possessor of wealth. In
side of the boat to see the whale. My the law office of Carboy. £a»savant <t Tiffany's. and selecting for Eunice a room, she decided In one sweeping tory for the Hellenists, for ir was eon
office boy was left alone on the deck. Cozine, attorneys for the estate of Me- marquise ring composed of opals and glance that he was Irreproachable al gregatlon and not convocation which
Pardonable Prldo.
He selected the best chair, and placed leen. Roger Hews reports the result of diamonds, drew his first check to pay least In costume and manners, even declli.ed to make Greek optional for
"My grandfather"—the young mat
it tn the most desirable position by ceals the fact that he has discovered that for It a—check that ran Into four fat If tbe latter were a trifle nervous. At all. No one can say that the country sp«ike not without a touch of pride -
the rail. The crowd didn't come back
the proper mpment he offered his arm parsons did It, or that expert opinion, “my grandfather lived to a green old
Meleen*» daughter Is living. Wilfrid Sten­ figures.
He wriggled about uneasily, and Anal­ nis replies to an advertisement for In­
"It's the first of the money I've to take her in to dinner. Inwardly all those who are actively concerned ' Me Three times after his aev««nti»th
ly he jumped up and rsn to the other
I he was greatly perturbed, for be real In running the university, were In fa­ birthday h« was taken lu by lhe con­
Martha Meleen. and Is told that he 1» touched, dearest," he said as he placed
side cf the boat 'By gosh.' said he to th» heir to Andy Meleen’» millions.
the ring on her finger above the lit­ | Ized that he was on view; but Clara vor of the change and overborne by fidence trick “
bltrself. 'I believe rnebee there la a
tle engagement token she already Passavant excelled In social tact. and outside reaction brought up for the
whale.' "
wore. All tears and happy smiles, the I taking a liking to him from the start purpose. Greek must have equal
CHAPTER V.—Continued.
The ordinary un
girl threw her arms about his neck, before the soup was removed he was rights wfth Latin
chatting with her completely at his dergraduate should be made to know
"You see you were right, after all. exclaiming:
for Red, Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes
"Nothing you could have done would ease. The dinner passed off quite sue something of both and If he la to be
ar.dGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't dearest," said Wilf to Eunice after
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggins imparting to her in detail his wonder­ have pleased me more, you dear, cessfully on the whole, for by dint of allowed to do with only one. Greek
thoughtful fellow! It Is far too hand­ keeping n careful watch on what th« must have as gissl a chance of b«-lng
Sell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 25c, ful news; "it was uncle Andrew!"
50c, 11.00. Murine Eye Salve in i
He had gone to her at once, feeling some for me, but I shall always love others did he was able to avoid any taken as lattln This, as I'rof Gilbert
glaring blunders, albeit rather be Murray says, will save Greek nt the
Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eye Books that be must confide in somebody or It and wear it"
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
In the ensuing early days Wilfrid wlldered at the multiplicity of glasses. I public schools. Fur th« specialist, the
bis brain would burst. And who so
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.
willing a listener as the girl of bis was more than a little perplexed as to and wondering at the possible correct mathematical or science man. we have
uses of the different styles and sizes always been willing to let him off
A Baddln^ Merchant.
of knives and forks and spoons. Hut Greek, though In our Judgment It will
The winter twilight was shutting
he committed no solecisms; he took I generally be better for him It lie is
The jeweler had left bis new boy in in; old Trevecca was not yet come
wine sparingly; his little errors might not let off Saturday Review.
charge of the store while he went home; the lamp was still unlighted,
even have been ascribed to a some
borne to his dinner, but not until be and they twain had the shabby parlor
what different geographical «mviron
cautioned the youth that all the goods to themselves.
Tender Hearted.
ment by those not cognizant of bls
were marked and that he must not let
Eunice ignored the passing tribute
social pedigree.
Mr Silas I’tkweed steps Into th«*
anyone take goods with him unless to her superior Insight. Her woman's
"He will do!" thought Clara Pas long corridor of the I’pthere building
they were paid for.
vision was leaping far ahead, and al­
savant, and put forth all her mature He gazes ut the row of elevator gates,
“Well, Sam." he asked upon his re­ though the affianced couple sat hand
powers to fascinate and dazzle her squinting with some amazement at
turn. "did you have any customers?"
in hand, and Wilf was the same dear, ;
father's guest—In which alm she com their Iron bars, lie glances apprehen­
"You bet!” said Sam. gleefully. "And unaffected fellow as of yore, tenderly
pletely succeeded, for there Is nothing sively at the elevator starter, who, I
Wecannot emphasize too
I got his money, too! I sold one man affectionate and lover-like, Eunice felt
more dangerous to a young man's with star on breast and brass buttons ■
the importance of
all those brass rings you had that the intangible and impending shadow
peace of mind than a beautiful, well- on his uniform, is an Imposing sight
were marked 13c on the Inside, and of a new element in their relations.
keeping the stomach and
gowned. and well mannered woman of
"la—Is there a feller of the name of
bere's tbe money—a dollar and ninety­ But she could not as yet define it or
the world In full evening attire. And James Kadilou In—In here?" Hilus
bowels in an active condi­
put her thoughts into words.
wight cents"'—Judge.
Clara was all of these things. More­ asks.
tion in order to avoid sick­
must thresh It out by herself. For
over. she could be engagingly gracious
"Yes—1435," answers the starter
To Breet -n New Shoes.
neither had there as yet been suffi­
ness, The Bitters will do
Always shake in Allen’.* Foot-Eaae, a powder,
on she did choose.
“How long's he been In—been
't cures hot, -wvating, aching, swollen feet, cient time to fully adjust themselves
this, also prevent Stomach
.'urc corn», inzrowing natls and b-.nions. At to the novel situation.
She found Wilfrid quickly and even here?"
Ul dr> gr: *’s and shoe steres, j.'.c. D-.nt accept
( olds «ind Grippe. Iry it.
"I'm so glad, for your sake. Wilf,"
cleverly responsive to the touch and
"Since last May Want to see him?" i
aaysubstit ’e. Sample ma: .--1 FREE. Address
Alien S. ultnsted. le Roy, X. Y.
she answered; "it is what you have
go topics of current conversation and
"No. no, I guess not."
always wished Do you remember our
remarkably well-informed as to gen
And Silas almost tiptoes back to the
The Mlik Tyranny.
talk In this very room a little while
He Will Do,” Thought Clara Passa­ ernl knowledge. In truth, he was a street, where he stops and sighs and
As an article of diet milk is over­ ago. and the wonderful alr-castleg you
better educated man than her father, murmurs to himself;
estimated. Man is the only animal planned?"
Wilf chuckled boyishly.
so far as wide and desultory reading
"Poor Jim! His pa told me th»
who when grown to be adult drinks "Now you can go ahead and build what changes he should make In his was concerned; he had been nick­
number of the street where I could
milk. The cow herself will not drink them all!”
mode of life
He soon discovered i named “the walking encyclopaedia” In find him. but I bet his pa doesn't
it exceot in rare instances. Many
"Rather say that we'll build them what was evidently expected of him j the old days of office and boarding know about It. I ain't got the heart
horses refuse it. In tbe wild, if tbe together!"
loyally. through an avalanche of circulars I house life. Yet his mental blll-of fare to let Jim see me while he Is In dis
grown lion or elephant or fox were "What’s mine is yours, you know" from house-agentB, tailors, haberdash- J was like a "picked up" dinner—It con
grace this way I'll jest go back home
disposed to dispute with the young­ He meant every word he said, but ers. florists, cigar and wine merchants, i tained a little of everything. Hut if
an' tell his folks I couldn't find the
lings for possession of the udder he Eunice shook her head.
picture dealers, horse-marts, and car- ! he had only known It In those early place."—Judge.
could prevail and rob the sucklings
"What does that mean?” Inquired rfage manufacturers, all bespeaking days as he came to know it later, so­
till the race ne-l’bo-i
Wilf, drawing her to him so that her his custom and patronage, to say noth­ cially this was rather In his favor
All Others Imitations.
"Do ing of begglr.g letters by the gross. than otherwise. Society, with a cap­
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate head nestled on hfs shoulder.
"The English word 'flirt,' both as
and invigorate, stomach, liver and bow­ you imagine that any amount of Even a so-called College of Heraldry ital prefix, prefers to be amused
els. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy money can make any difference In my offered to furnish a crest and a coat rather than Instructed, and barely verb and noun, has been adopted by j
to take ;» candy.
love for you? Why, my Eunice is of arms—for a stiff consideration in tolerates the man who knows enough the German speaking people of thia
to see Its blunders and not enough city,” says a Vienna letter, "but It
worth a dozen fortunes!”
No Danger of Any Mistake.
A Nest for Baby.
la usually pronounced 'flcert.' A young
His boarding house became simply to keep still about them.
The girl suffered his caresses, and
**T say, a man of the stuno name ns
A large clothes basket lined and ft was inexpressibly sweet to hear him unendurable on this account and be­
woman, Kamilla I’alffy, delivered u
filled with a many-tlmes folded blanket talk In that strain, but there was an cause of the notoriety he had already
lecture a few days ago In the hall of mine has just bun run In for fraud
know." "Don't alarm yourself, my
or large cushion makes a cozy nest for ominous tugging at h«-r heartstrings gained.
So by Eunice's advice he
the Merchants' association on ‘Flirt
A girl came In and sat In front of and Ixive.' The lecture was lllustrat dear fellow. Everybody knows you
a baby, and in this tbe little one has However, she would not p'ay the part went to a good hotel, “until he could
can't get rnonoy on credit at all.”
room to lie and stretch bls little limbs of a kill-joy at such a time.
settle himself in a suitable suite of them at the play, she and her escort ed with stereopticon views. Th«* evo­
Moth«r« wtn flo-1 Mrs. Wtnslnw*« (toothing
"What a lovely profile.” said he lution of the flirt waa shown from the
about It makes a change from the
“Thank you, Wilf,” she said simply.
Uis b*-«l rriiimlv m us« tot ib«UcuUdr«e
Delicate little upturned antique, rural, ‘old fashioned' to the Syrup
cot, and the babe is more out of "I know you mean it, and it Is very
“But what do I want with a bache­ "Beautiful!
luring tb« toathlug perlud.
draughts in the basket than when lying dear and lovely of you to come to lor apartment?” he asked In wonder. nose, small mouth, deep, pretty eyes 'perfect American.’ There waa some
Isn’t she beautiful, beautiful!”
on a hearthrie *n Trent of the Are.
discussion among the Americana who
All Had Dons Tims.
me first of all with the good news. I "What I would like to do Is to get
"Beautiful.” said she, "but not half heard the talk as to whether giving
"You know Mrs Van Gilder's fare
want you always to remember this,
so much so as the man she is with. our country first place was a cornpll (ly portrait gallery that she started
Wilf—that whatever happens my love about for a proper house.”
To this proposition she demurred Isn't he the handsomest chap you ment or a 'knock,' and no one seemed lent year?" "Yes." "Well, that great
for you can never, never change!"
“Nothing's going to come between resolutely, nor could he dislodge her. ever saw? Ixiok at bls color, his mus­ to know just which side to take. One criminal detective officer who guarded
So demure American girl said: 'The art, the wedding presents when Frostle
us, anyway!" affirmed Wilf confident­ The utmost concession he found It tache, his lovely head of hair.
many men are bald or beginning to bo like the word. Is American all others Van Gilder married the oldest I»e
If you have aching teeth or cavit es and are too ly. sealing his words with a kiss, and possible to extort was that she would
nervous for the dentist ordeal, try “fill-o” the stifling her negative. Before Eunice marry him In a year from that time— bald. I do love to see a fine head of are Imitations,’ and no one contradict­ Graft boy, told me that he recognizes
home dentist. At druggists or sent by mail for
hair on a man.”
•even of the portraits, and they had
could make any further reply John if he asked her. Pressed for a rea­
“You know,” he whimpered, "ft al­
jd . twee BeiMiiu
StATTLL WASH Trevecca came In, and the wonderful son. she at first sheltered herself be­
all done time whatever that means."
ways makes me sore to speak of
tale had to be gone over again for his hind the feminine "because," but,
Hard to Lasso.
driven Into a corner at last, said that people beginning to be bald, and you
especial benefit.
know why.”
has had enough of ranch
"Eh, lad. but It's a mort o' money!
"Will you let up on the pretty pro­ life?”
under the new conditions; that he
Whatlver will 'ee do wi' It?”
file if I cut out the bald head?" she
$5 per acre. 100-acre farms. We are just open
Wilf laughed gayly “Why, Eunice must go Into gay society and see the !
ing for a'e at first coat 30JXX)-acre colony in the
"He told us when he left that It
delta < z 'onora River. Mexico, close to Gulf sea.
would not take long to get a line on
him down—and much more to the
and 29 hours’ ride in a Pullman from Loa Angeles. some of it.”
“All right,” said she.
the west.”
True Delta garden soil, unsurpassed for early
“And which one will ’ee live In?" same effect.
"So he did, but Twiggs made a big
oranges, limes, peaches, wheat, com beans, cot­ queried the old man,
Finding the girl Immovable, and,
taking him
The Unique Rst.
ton. br<x>m corn and winter vegetables. FREE literally.
mistake when he first got out there by
IRRIGATION. Good rainfall. Adjoining corn
From letters received It would seem trying to get a line on a rampant
and bean fields. Personally inspected and ap­
“Let me tell you one thing,” said cision by wise old John Trevecca, Wil­
One way is to pay no attention
proved by C. M. Wooster, who has bought KMX) the impulsive Wilf; "wherever we frid rather ruefully took her counsel possible to make out quite a case for steer.”
steres. Buy Km acres and join a colony of select
to it; at least not until it de­
people in the best climate and richest land on are, you are going to be with us and ; as to the bachelor suite. In the se­
i«arth. Send $250 cash. Last and only chance to share our good fortune."
velops into pneumonia, or
lection of this and many other neces­ food—Dr. Kane on his polar expedi­
ret such land. Title perfect Write at once. C.
tion attributed his comparative im­
or pleurisy. An­
M W(M)STER CO.. 702 Market St., San Fran­
"Yes, sir,” said the trust magnate,
munity to scurvy to the soup mads
cisco, Cal.
and I thank ye; but a million a year! he found Mr. Passavant's advice of
to ask your doc­
Carboy from the rats bls servant shot with a proudly, "I'm the architect of my own
I couldn’t live up to It at my age! great assistance, Phfneas
tor about Ayer’s Cherry Pec­
TWO GRAND CRUISES « hm I’ll just bide here."
having returned to San Francisco.
toral. If he says, “ The best
"Well,” rejoined the friendly critic,
"Everything depends upon the man­ land has suggested that their skins
It was characteristic of the simple
thins for colds,” then take it.
nature of young Stennis that he w-»nt ner In which you start out. my dear
king. At any rate, rat skins have thing for you there were no building
to his desk downtown the next morn­ boy,” said his portly mentor with a
Do as he says, anyway.
sometimes been usefl as clothing, for Inspectors around when you was con­
ing as though nothing had happened return to the paternal manner. "In
Th» Finit to leave New York Novem­
we read of a lady at Glasgow who had structing It."
Wtpablteh mar formula»
overnight In fact, on waking ba your position you cannot afford to
ber 1, 1911, and the Second from San
a pair of shoes of rat skins, which
Wa banish aloohol
Francisco, February 17, 1912.
found It almost impossible to realize ally yourself with anything but the
from our madioinoa
were as soft as the finest kid, while
By the Large
PI CVCI »Ufi ¿17.000 1
his changed position. To his board­ very best, from your shoemaker to
Wa urge yon Io
Doss Nothing Elss.
Transatlantic S. S. «LLI l LAHU (.TONs)
by way of a freak a complete suit of
•omuit your
inghouse the news had not yet pene- j your visiting list. You must have a
Hojax (at the show)—"That pretty
Duration I eccn erf «* iartafa« >l »oun
rat skin waa once made by a Cornlsb
trated, but when he arrived at the I man, of course, and a secretary; send
110 Days!
chorus girl on the left threatened to
store he found the tidings ahead of , the applicants to me; I will sift them
Optional Tours OF 17 DAYS IN INDIA.
leave-th«-<M«mpany unless she was sonous suhstsnees sre sbsorbed Into the
him. Most of the morning dallies had for you. You should have at least
given a speaking part.”
Send for Illustrated Booklet.
blood Insteed of heingdeily removed from
more or less lengthy accounts, for two equipages for town use—a han­ Ing than rain falling on an overturned
Tomdlx—"Did she get It?”
the body as nsture intended. Knowing
Horatio Passavant had sent for the re­ som and a brougham, with suitable tombstone or the sight of a dining­
Hajax—"You bet ahe did. The maa this dsnger, doctors alweys Inquire about
porters. apparently creating the Im- . horses for saddle and harness. Do you room table covered with dirty dishes,
the condition of the bowels. Ayer’s Pills.
ager married her."
preaslon that the newly-fledged mlb ride or drive. Mr. Stennis?
II what la it?—Atchison Globa
to« J. O. Aj.r Ow. Itowsu. Mna -»
cXn Heir
$5.00 AN ACRE
When You
Take Cold