Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 03, 1911, Image 5

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Tim Woman's Christinn Temperance
Troutdale, February I. Mi* Aania
Fairview, February 1—-R. Hpnigim,
Union wit hold an I'ducational institute Fox etili-rtaiiicd a few < ( Imr frlemis al who wan painfully injured by falling
at Hl. John's, Tuvsfhiy, February II, In a rasi party ln«l Frlrbiv »Iteri fMiii. The from u scaffold, a distance of fifteen
the Baptist ehiireh. Tim folio» ing in­ guest* were Mi* I. \ Harluw, Mr* J. feet to the ground, while working on
teresting program ha* Iwen arranged: Alfred Lamsfiii, tir« C 1!. 1 arsson, W Zimmerman * new resilience Mon­
11» a. in. (prompt.) DevotioHs Ivd by Mrs. Htoke, Mr» A. Il Kcmlall, Mr* day, is resting as easily as muld be
Mr*. M II. Fullikive, stale evangelist E. Gruvsnli ol 'l'routiliilv nini Mrs. ei|iected. One rib was broken from
10:81) a. m Piiper on Humlay Hchool Nhipley of P’irllami.
the Spine and lie was badly bruised.
Work by Mrs E l*iim, county super­
tt E largali ami wife of Italsev, Ore­ Mr Sprague is associated with Mr.
gon, were guest* of H. N Ixigitn ami King as contractor.
10:45 a. tn. Qui» What; H .w Why. wife, en mute to lite Dalli'*.
Oral Hoover, who died at his home in
II :1ft a. in. Discussion. Music.
o; January 27, after thirty-
Tlif vacuili house* in town are fast Portland >>g
11:30 a II». How liest use literature tllllng up. Two new fumili»* bave sii hours’ nine*« of spinal meningitis,
depart inenl. Mrs. l.llaO. Himes.
moved in witliin lite psal li w day* timi was Isirn and rained here His parents
11:4ft a. in. Bilde hour led by Mr*.
another ha* lenirli unii »ili • ccupv thè were early residents of Fairview and
Esther Fankliau*er.
Warden house. E A l’olter of Port­ conducted a grocery store up to the
Holo. Mrs Fullllove
land bus tukcii thè llamps' ere place time of Mr Snover’s death in 1HWL
12:15 p m- Work with foreign apeak-
ami thè Palmer linnily are occupying Oral was 21 years of age anil the only
ing people. Mrs. I. M. Walker.
thè cottage <>f Mm. I. Aliarti Bolli child. Ilia mother, Mrs. J. II. Snover,
rj:30. Discussion
hotel* nre practicully full. A number survives him. Funeral services were
12:45. Aifjournment (or lunch ami
ol men aro at Work linuling thè cottoli- held from the family residence on Sun­
social hour.
‘•f t I ih Saixly river to day Interment was made iu the Ma­
2 <»•■ Prayer, Mrs. Jaim Donaldson. woih I from cast
sonic cemetery on the Sandy road.
Music. Duel, Mrs. Clark and Mr*. thè electric • h'pot where It in tM'illK
was a member of the Workman
2:15 Qilis It gnl ami congressional. Oregon City Quit«* h niitnlrt>r ot H im lodge.
I hscussion.
Mr. and Mrs. <’. H. Harris are attend­
Ite ni cui petit et» nr«« working on the
Solo, Mlsstilsfly* Gruham
3 is» Adflrrss. Relation of our work connty filini ami other» hip <*’•** ring ing a few flays with Mrs. Harris’
to organised lal*>r. Iiy Mrs. L. H. lumi oli thè tarili The Hun l>ial much parents, ('. A. Steward ami wife.
Addlton, national lecturer of latwir de- ha* a nunila-r nt < tnph•)••$» raring for
Mm. O. II. Jenkins in recovering
part incut
It (in. Hynipo*iuni, What one thing the uhp an«l <th«r n U m U hih I running from in r recent illness.
is the important thing just now to do the fnrin, mu th«-»«« i* yrt quit«’ h little
Bert Swank and family have been
in my department, answered l>y county ••inploynient her»’ nn«l !!»<• tow n i* fur visiting the former's mother, Mrs.
ir«»rn heiiik* <!• n I
Anna Swank, thin week.
Andrew* of Portland in »
Mr*. II. M. Shaw ami daughter, Miss
Evening's i-iitertainmenl—Matron » gti«*Mt el the home of Otii» Bowen.
Ruth, of Seilwofsl will nfs-nd the week
gold inc'lal contest.
The revival i»»*rv »<*»•* being ronducle » with relatives ami friends here.
Kvervoim interested in s'vial prob­
Mrs. J. W. Townsend visited relatives
lems shoilbl m*t fail to attend. Be sure by Rev. (* <’. <’«Mtp in the M«*!h«Mli»»t
to bring |H<ndl iitnl note l**iks a* the church, Hr«* laing continued thin week in Portland the first of the week.
meeting will Im brim full of (act* and with hii u ur«’H*«’d h I tendance. Rev.
Mm. J Herbert and daughter, Mina
valuable information.
Coop in bring anointed by ininiatern
Freda S|>enl Saturday,with Mr. Her­
Mr*. Mnrv I’enniniin. siater of W. E. from Grr*haui »»nd Plea^Hnt llotne.
Thomas. I* a' the Good Hainsritan hos­
bert at Eagle Creek.
J. I. Funk win» her«» front Kenton
pital where she underwent an operation
D. W. McKay expects to build a resi­
lor appendicitis.
Tur «day calling oil «»Id frirndw
tin his lots iu south Fairview
W. E. Thomas is suffering from la-
The MttNoitic htill now pie»ent* H soon. He will rent a bouse here in the
pl«*M«ii»g Hp|M’Ar»in<«’ on the int«-ri«>r, meantime.
Mr. Rrugger, who accid ntally «hot
himself liefore the holidays, is able to bating Item redecorated hii T! hii entire
J. T. Stilleon expects to move his
sit up. Mr. Brugger lives on the Nibler ww »el of furniture inulMlied.
family to Gresham next week.
G. O Warden haw Iweri renr•» ing n|«l
J 11. Hughes of Portland ajient Sun­
Mr. ami Mrs. Dickson of Oswego
titan« on her»».
visitcfl Mrs K nan* of Gray’s Crossing
day with friends here.
Wedm-s'lay evening.
Mm. Grant, wife of !>r J. N. Grant,
A Y. P. 8. C. E. business meeting
Mrs. ' iiMirge Spring, who ha* lieen formerly of th«* Sun Dial ranch, ha*
suffering from scarletinn, is coevHlesing tak«’ii up InT r«—i<h itci- here t«*m|N»rari> ami social will Is- held Friday night at
Mm. Ilerliert’s home.
Claud Roger*, who wa* reported very
ill in last week's issue, died Friday of ly. Mra. Grant com«’« frnrn Hh« ridtm.
The Iaulles’ society gave a tea in the
tuberculosis. Tlii* is tn* third niemlier Hr. (¡rant i" away on bu*i»»«
church Thursday afternoon.
to dir o( the terrible di«e ae in the last
W. Weller mad«* hi» old frienda a
two veara. Ttie funeral was held at hi*
Mm. A. Clark ami family of Portland
late home ami the l*sly interred m the vifit litNt Smtdnv
will occupy the Stilleon residence.
Multmniiah cemetery.
I'.lmvr ('ampl>«41 <»f V*»nc«uiver »pent
Miss Cal I a Healin of Portland is
W A. Young has bought two lot* in lawt Sunday with hi»* brother, E«l.
spending a few days with her |iarents.
the Roily addition. He may move hta
A iiKi’Iing <»f the Troutdale library
family there soon.
Mr. Brugger. th* baker, moved into af*M<M*itilion ba» l*evn called for neit
hi* new house, back ol the bakery, last i Friday aflern«x»n for th«’ purpose of
electing new director»* and planning I Mrs. Lottie Benfield sjient last Sun­
Mrs. Jennie E. Greenly die<l at her I uava t«» arcure fund* to maintain 'he day with her son. Jamnrie, of Portland.
bourn in Lents Wednesday.
library and reading room.
He has secured a position as overseer
Mrs. Allen died Thursday ol asthma.
on a large wheat farm east of the
Him wa* sick only a few flays
Clubbing offers : Herald and Oregon mountains ami is leaving Portland for
Miss Jean Fairbanks is visiting her
Agriculturist for otic year $1.
h s new location.
sister at 1st Granite
Mr. ami Mm. J. Ross was in Portland
last Saturday on business.
Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Reed of Rooster
Rock were visitors at Columbia Heights
farm last Thursday.
Mr. an<l Mm. Ellige and family s]M*nt
Thumilay «veiling at Columbia View­
Mr. ami Mm. A. Woodward enter­
tamed a numlier of young people at a
fiance last week.
Marvin Laughlin of Greshant was
here last week putting up new fences
on his farm.
Miss Alice Rasmussen will soon leave
for eastern Oregon, ubere she will
teach school.
Etl. Lee made a trip to town last
Fred Scfiultz has rciiteil M Iamghlin's
Do you know when you are Rcttip^ first-
farm for next year.
There are three kinds
of Service — Good, Had
and indifferent.
class service? Yon do and I know yon do.
That is the reason I cater to your wants for
I pride myself on my good service. Good
service every hour of every day is one of my
highest ambitions.
Good Goods
Good Goods and Good Service are nec­
essary in the building up of a first-class
mercantile business. Successful merchants
slight neither. I specialize both and you
appreciate all I offer.
Right Prices
Good goods, good service r.ght prices and
the privilege of buying what you want—my
customers receive all these. Is it any won­
der they are satisfied? I want to please you.
Troutdale, Ore
Ned Nelson transacted business with
the Johanson Lumber company last
R. Russell Isiught a fine »boat from
Mr. McGugin.
Mr Chuck, one of the Mt. Hood rail
road contractor* brought out ten new
wagons from Portland
F. E. .McGugin was awarded the job
of janitor of the Bull Run school, which
was let under sealed bids.
We would like to correct one of the
items which ap|stared in the last issue
of this paper. The item which read,
Mi** Dorca* Hedin visited Bee Nelson
one day last week was meant to read,
Bee Nelson visited Mia* Dorcas Hedin
one day last week.
Tom Diuderback arid wife visited Mr
an<l Mrs. John Ixiuderliack recently.
Miss Arletba Cannon is home after
a brief visit with her brother, near
Miss Clevenger of Portland is visiting
at the home of Mrs. Cannon.
Kenneth Iximierback in borne tor a
Dr. O. 8. Murray in back again.
Mrs. W. E .Marked wan in town on
business Monday and Tueriiay.
Mrs. F '•nnie 1 ouderback is recover­
ing from an attack of lagrippe.
Revival meetings closed last Sunday-
Mrs. J. A. Stephens made a trip to
Portland this week.
E. M. Carpenter is on the sick list,
tieorge Carpenter was in Portland
Tuesday on special business.
William Calvin is home after an ab­
sence of several months.
Mrs McKinney’s l>aby has been very
sick, but is improving.
Lewis Miller and wife were in Port­
land Saturday.
Hay, Grain and Mill Feed
John Brown
Wm. Childers, who has been very ill *
with pneumonia, is slowly improving.
Mrs. Josephine Watson will go to the
home of her parents at Estacada as
soon a* she is able to take the trip to
sjiend a month or two until she regains
her strength.
Ti e sheriff was out from Portland
the other day to sell out the Thompson
R. R. camp.
Rockwood's Leading Merchant
11N3UJ ix/wlNv/Ei CIATIONS furnished at moderate rates.
Wilt not}represent any company unless thoroughly reliable
Fred Rhul is down with pneumonia, i
Mr and Mrs. Jensen was called to
the bedside of Mr. Jensen’s sister last
Saturday. She died Sunday. Besides
her husband she leaves two children, a
boy of ten years ami a girl of two years.
Mrs. Jensen will care for the little girl '
at present.
Phone 41x
Pupils of the public school at Rock­
Mill 1 1-4 miles southeast of Kelso
wood are preparing for an entertain­ CEDAR POSTS
ment and basket social to be given in
the grange hall on Friday evening
March 3. The proceeds will be used to
H. PERRET, Prop.
make a final payment on a set of ency-
clojiefliss purchased last year on the in­ LUMBER $6 AND UP
General Blacksmithing
Large stock of Dimension Lumber on hand
stallment plan. The grange has given
Rough and Dressed lumber for all purposes
free use of i s commodious hall.
Shoeing, Repair and Car­
send order to JCNSRCD BROS. Boring RD 2
Herald and Farm Journal $1.50. The
Journal will come for two yearn and
your choice of Horse Secrets, Poultry
Secrets, Corn Secrets, Corning Egg
book, with each order. Order at once.
nnrc your watch o
Fred D. Flora
Firwood Lumber Co.
East of SANDY
Special Price» on all 01.1 Stock
Expert Tinner after Jan. 1.
Eve and Gutter Work.
Repairing of all kinds.
Agency for Fairbsnks En­
gines and Water Systems
•- 7
Our Methods. Our Stock of
Lumber and Millwork and Our
Prices. We are confident that it
will result in securing your busi­
ness when you need anything from
a post to a bill of lumber for a
house or barn.
The beet in quality for the mon­
ey, is the motto we try to live np
to. Come in and investigate
Wiley-Allen Office
» ♦♦ ♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦
Lots on Hood Avenue.
In Zenith Addition
To Gresham, for
Sale by the
Gresham Real Estate Co.
Call Early and Avoid the
Bargain offer: Itelineator, Pearsons,
Herald, $3.ftt> (or $2.25. Subscribe now.
City Carriage
and Shoeing Shop
riage Work
. Mrs Wallace Davies made an all flay
vi-it with Mrs. Filer last Saturday.
Fay Toniby is oil the sick list this
Mrs L. Lnsteii of Gresham visited
Grandpa and Grandma Lusted last If not, we’ll cure it, and then you’ll
wonder why you did’nt think of us
I >ng Iwfore.
Dick Raum is doing* considerable
All our work guaranteed, No hasty,
blasting as lie intends clearing his farm slipshod job leaves our shop.
this winter.
vorkmen are skilled and conscientious,
Tou’ll not grumble at the prices.
All the pi;* is laid on the new pipe either.
line through this part of the country.
Mr. Foote of Gresham lins lieen run­
ning a gasoline pump for over a week
to take the water out of the ditch so
that the riveting gang could work.
They expect to be through this we k,
remly for testing.
191 tg Morrison St.
Life Saved at Death's Door
(Near Pap’s Refit aurant)
“I never felt so near my grave "
writes \V. R Patterson, of Wellington,
Tex., “as when a frightful cough and
lung trouble pulled me down to 100
pounds, in spite of doctor’s treatment
for two years. My father, mother ami
two sisters died of consumption, and
that I am alive today is due solely to
Dealers in Rough ami Diweed
Dr. King's New Discovery, which com­
Misses Ro-a ami Ivy Ten Eyck are at
home (or u week's vacation.
.1 Watts was a Sandy visitor Bunday.
W E. Taylor of Deliver was in Mar­
mot last we. k in the interest of the Mt.
Hood company.
A ilelightfill card party was given at
the Aschoff home on Monday evening
(or the Misses Rosa ami Ivy Ten Eyck.
Tracks of a very larger cougar have
la-en seen near here. The people are
keeping a dose watch and it is hoped
Hint lie will come sufficiently near that
1 he may be killed.
Mr. McCraugar of Portland has ar­
rived to take charge of the surveying
W. H. Peters lias gone to Portland
(or an indefinite length of time.
pletely cured me. Now 1 weigh 187
pounds ami have been well anil strong
vears.” Quick, safe, sure, its the
Now the recent light fall of snow is best remetly on earth for coughs, colds,
disappearing the farmers of this neigh­ lagrippe. as hma, croup and all thioat
borhood are treginning their usual work. ami lung troubles. 50c ami $1.0'. Trial
Spring will soon be here and the people bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug­
tire preparing tor it.
« "W
Mr. l’hips has six men clearing bind.
Herald ami Fann Journal $1.50. The
Stillman Andrews & Sons, who uro Journal will come for two years ami
in the meat market business, find it a your choice of Horse Secrets, Poultry
Secrets, Corn Secrets, Corning Egg
ditllc It matter to buy beef cattle.
book, with each order. Order nt once.
Falls Victims to Thieves
S. W. Bemis of Coal City, Ala , ha* a
justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole
his health for twelve years. They were
■ a liver mid kidney trouble. Then Dr.
King’s New Life Pills throttled them.
He's well now. Unrivaled for consti-
pntiou, malaria, headache, dyspepsia;
25c For sale by all dealers.
Ottlce on Main St lust North
of I'ostotllce.
(»pencil up by TNf SANDV LAND C0„
owners of the townsite of Sandy.
Lots, extra choice location. $75 up
Como early and avoid losing best
location. Abstract furnished with
every sale.
Easy terms, small
monthly pavments.
Will build to
suit for resilience or business.
on o write W. A. PR(KIl< Prrs. or
f. f. BRINS. Sec'y. Main SL, Sandy. Ort.