Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 03, 1911, Image 4

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    Succedimi: Gresham Vindicator, Gresham Gaiette. Fast M nil tatuali Reconi
Mullltoutali Record ami MontaviPa Herald.
Published Every Friday at Gresham, Gre., by the R kvvkk S tats IT hi is it i so Co
H. A. GARN ti l.. EntTOR AKU M asai .kK.
Entered as wcond-cla*.* matt» r At the poatblttce hi Grr.*ham. orvgon.
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A Herald representative visit­
ed Salem last Saturday. We
found the town plugging along
in about the same way. but the
legislature was making some
active demonstrations. It ap­
pears that some of them had just
escaped and the question that
was stirring their innermost
depths was how to recover the
lost or strayed.
In company with a number of
representatives and prominent
grangers we visited the peniten­
tiary and the asylum and in­
spected the work in these insti­
The penitentiary is
evidently handled in a pretty
economical manner. They have
the boarding house economics
down pretty fine. A star board­
er gets a full month’s rations,
good stuff too, at a cost to the
state of only $3.60. The trip to
the asylum was devoted to an
inspection of those features that
have caused the superintendent
so much criticism in this session
of the legislature. While some
of the improvement have been
pretty expensive, they have in
the main been of such a nature
as to prove themselves to be in
the end economical. The old
buildings were erected before
the days of our improved and
supposedly better style of con­
struction and hence are a little
antiquated looking.
As time
goes on they will prove to be en­
tirely unsuitable for our growing
state and if new things are to be
added they should at least be up
to the standard of our times. We
believe there would never have
been any criticism of Dr. Steiner
had there been no break between
him and the Bowerman forces.
The enrollment for the winter
short course work at the Oregon
Agricultural college has in­
creased over sixty per cent this
year. The students are still reg­
istering and indications are that
the registration may be in­
creased by another ten per cent
or more. The courses in horti­
culture have attracted the greater
number of students, having over
one hundred enrolled in that
work. The other course: also
show a decided increase in at­
tendance. Practically every sec­
tion of the state is represented
in the enrollment. The work for
the first week indicates that the
courses are going to be more
popular and more successful than
ever before.
The report that J. W. Bailey,
state dairy and food commission­
er, has been indicted by the
grand jury for neglect of the
duties of his office will not cause
any tears from those who best
know the merits of the case.
Mr. Bailey has not been getting
along very smoothly for some
time. His theories relative to
the milk which is served the
Portland customers have been
the object of contempt ever since
he uttered them. He evidently
thought he had a solid job, but
his evident incompetency was
observed at once by every vet­
erinarian and biologist on the
Just as the legislature is pre­
paring to ask Senator Bourne to
express himself in congress as to
his attitude on the question of
direct election of senators we get
an announcement in the papers
that the senator has been placed
at the head of a rank insurgent
organization to be known as the
“ProgressiveRepublicans.’’ This
will relieve all doubters as to Mr.
Bourne’s attitude on progressive
movements. When such men as
Pinchot and Bristow and Clapp
take second place in such a
movement it seems to be evident
that the position of Senator
Bourne is pretty well defined.
The Calkins bill providing that
a wife may collect damages from
any one furnishing intoxicants
to a drunkard husbandis another
move in the direction of improv­
ing the tone of the saloon busi­
ness. The retail liquor business
News that the Oregon, Wash­
has been brought into disrepute
Railway and Navigation
by those degenerates who never
will double-track its
display the slightest scruples
Oregon, will be
against selling liquor to drunk­
who are depend­
ards and minors. The only ar­
of this road.
gument for decency that can
appeal to this class of saloon
are more
keepers is one that affects their
profits or their liberty. The Cal­ than overcrowded. Laying off
kins bill, if it becomes law, will passenger trains to accommodate
freights is no exception and an
make it very unprofitable for any
saloon keeper to sell liquor to a accident lays out the business
drunkard. The bill ought to have i for days at a time. A double
the support of every saloon keep­ track will mean more than bus­
better service.
er who believes in the elimina­ iness and ---
♦ • -
tion of those who are responsible Astoria is busily at work on
for most of the odium that is cast its proposed centennial next
on the business.
' summer and tentative plans now
The above clipping from the include a military pageant. De­
Oregonian should meet the ap­ tachments of the Oregon and
proval of all well meaning, hon­ Washington National Guard and
est people. There is no reason the regular army are expected
why any one should continue to to participate. John Jacob Astor,
bait a man when is he down. And Jr., descendant of the original
the justice of the proposition is founder of Astoria, will be in­
too apparent to need proving. vited to attend as guest of honor
Write to your representative and and honorary chairman of the
tell him you wish him to support exposition, which will be held
this bill before all others.
from August 10 to September 10.
Oregon found a brick in its
Christmas stocking when the re­
clamation apportionment was an­
nounced. giving this state but
$925,000 to carry on uncompleted
irrigation projects out of the ap­
propriation of $20.<XM),000, des­
pite the large contribution of
Oregon to the reclamation fund.
The Oregon Development League
and Portland Commercial club
have taken joint action to secure
a re-apportionment, so that this
state may secure its just share
to continue reclamation work.
The latest Bulletin from the
Agricultural college is one rela­
tive to road material in the Wil-
liamette valley. It abounds Tin
good full page cuts and good in­
formation about location of Jthe
materials, construction, wearing
qualities, and cost. Prof. Henry
Park is the author. These bulle­
tins may be had for the asking,
and they will prove to be a valu­
able source of information to all
who receive them.
Every town and hamlet and
country home on the Pacific slope
is rejoicing today over the action
of congress in choosing San
Francisco for the jx»int of cele­
bration for the opéning of the
Panama Canal. California has
generously offered to foot all
bills—at least California will.
But the rest of us will be there
to enjoy the festivities.
Among all the newspaper no­
tices of Champ Clark, the big
Missourian, nobody seems to
have noted that he is the most
thoroughly equipped Biblical stu­
dent in the nation legislature.
He rarely makes a speech which
is not stuffed with quotations
from the scriptures.
The whitewashers say Ballin­
ger should not be fired, and
another lot says Lorimer should
not be. There is not, however,
enough whitewash to cover the
entire Illinois scandal.
A Chicago woman is suing for
divorce says that her husband’s
stenographer looked at him long­
ingly, lovingly, sweetly and in­
vitingly.” which is no way for a
stenographer to behave.
You Men!
Who have trouble in getting
just what you want in shoes.
This store offers
superior shoes, in­
telligent service and
expert advice.
We keep only the best goods in Taffeta .tnd Satin Rib-
bons. About 3000 yards in stock. 25 per cent off the reg­
ular price.
This is all genuine. All goods are marked in plain figures.
Come in and hear the latest records played on the Victrola,
the talking machine without a horn, fake a 1900 washer
home with you for 30 days free trial.
Bornstedt & Ruegg. Sandy, Ore.
Special Clubbing List
enables us to fit any
foot and satisfy
every taste.
A complete showing at $5.00.
Some styles $6.00.
N. N. Nygaard, Lents. Ore.
Test Dr. Hess
Save the cost oi your home paper on a Clubbing Offer
Write or phone lor it today.
I »id you know that you co hl feed
l)r. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a the
balance of the Winter, all Spring, in
fact until the first day of Augu t,
then if yon are not satisfied that it
has paid ami paid big.
The Herald Office
We will refund every cent you paid us
Semi-Weekly .Journal Clubbing Offer.
Regular |2 50 price, Imth Herald and
Journal, |2.0o
men’s good shoes—
What your foot
needs are—
How to take care
of them.
If the asylum nite near Pendleton la
no good, whv not take the aliandoned
normal school at Weston'1 The town
would welcome an asylum, although it
prefers a normal.
Tortured for Fifteen Years
By a cure-defying stomach trouble that
battle doc ors, and resisted nil rem<-diej
nl Modders-
he tried, John W. M<»|d
lle had
ville, Mich., seemed doom»*!
to sell his farm and give up work, Hi«
-aid, “ lie can
i au ’t live much
neighlsirs • ■•aid,
longer.” '•Whatever I ale distressed
me,” he wrote, “till I tried Electric
Bitters, which worked such wonders
for me that I can now eat thinga I
could not take for veers. jt’a surely a
grand remedy for stomach trouble.”
Just as good for the liver and kidneys.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at
all dr11ggi-1s.
Now is a gtxxl time to buy a supply ol
We know
It is to make your bens lay, to make
your chickens grow fast, healthy ami
strong, to cure ga|>es, cholera and
Of course von are expected to keep
your jMiultry free from lice and for
that purpose we know of no'hing
better than Instant l.ouw Killer
Wife Got Up Top Advice
“My wife wanted me to take our >»>v
to the doctor to cure an uglv ls>il,”
writes D Frankel of Stroud, Okla. “I
said ‘put Bucklen’s Arnica Salve on it.’
She di so, arid it cured the Isiil in a
short time.” Quickest healer of burns,
scalds, cuts, corn“, bruises, sprain“,
Best pile cure on earth
Try it. Only ?5c a’ all dealers.
$ .65
Pure Lard the best 10 lb pmls
5 “
Ladies’ heavy shoes regular $2.50
Children's “
Ladies’ Fleece Lined Underwear
Childrens’ Fleece Lined Underwear
BIX) yards embroidery, 7 l-2c and 10c values, jxr yd.
25 % off on all wool knit gixxls
Prussian stock and iMmltry food. $1.(X)
Expressing. Oraying
.i. ti. noss
(ireshnm, Ore.
y obtained
B i
■ T .Trot M A HM '« h
.. <« Ii. Mod«
H peer • n j.O' hU«
n»NK »
..s in 1
F ■
Por Sale At The
I, 1.. ■<
K 3rr> s
XL a. »
T7IFT ft Cu.
r i.v* vi p .
t, Washington. P. B. ■ i
fry An Electric Heater
Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company
Johnson & Van Zante
attorneys at law
Removed from Commercial Bldg. to
314 Spaulding Bldg.. 3d <V Wellington
First-Class livery and feed
Stables at Borinq and Sandy
TrnDeportation <»f all kind»»
of Ragbag«' to Sandy and
interior point« ....
Anyona tending n sketch and dptcrlptlon may
quickly tmeertatn our opinion free whettier an
invention it probably nntentable. Communlra-
tlommtrtetIy confidential. HANDROOK on Patent«
■ent free, oldest agency for necuruig patent«.
Patent* taken through Munn A <.o. receive
tpfrUil nttllcr, without charge in the
Scientific American
A handsomely lllnttrafed weekly, f.nrgcat cir-
... ______
_____ journal.
______ Term« |3 a
nilet.lon of
any Rctenflflc
yenr : four
ur months,
month«, fl
|l Hold by al!
all newsdealers.
Co. 361 Broadway, tyCVV YOjk
Branch Odle« tJ2u F Ht.. Washington, I). C.
Real Estate, Probate and Oorporaton
Prompt Attention to All Business
«IS Henry Bld«.
Phone, Msln loti
w. .1. orr
h .
if. orr
For further information phone or write
E. P. DONAHUE, Prop.
Ore rod
Electric Building
Í^Í ng ^Í ilustratinó -
( ■
J. M. SHORT, M I).
S. P. BITTNER, M.l).
Ph,sldsas-Sut geons.