Succedimi: Gresham Vindicator, Gresham Gaiette. Fast M nil tatuali Reconi Mullltoutali Record ami MontaviPa Herald. Published Every Friday at Gresham, Gre., by the R kvvkk S tats IT hi is it i so Co H. A. GARN ti l.. EntTOR AKU M asai .kK. Entered as wcond-cla*.* matt» r At the poatblttce hi Grr.*ham. orvgon. ' ------------------------- — SUBSCllPTiOi RITES Per Year. SI.»*) tn advance: to torelgn countries. I'. *). Six Months 75c . Three months trial stibacriptlotis W. Single copies V. Ask tor clubbing rates. lEMirTUCES should I m sent b\ Express or Fosiolticr Mouey Order. Registered I .viler or Check. Stamps Heeepted up to 50 cents, RECEIPTS ' u mi b*cnotions are no! sent unb *s requested The change of label on your paper will indicate the receipt ot your remit lace. l( it d.n s not please notify us. DlSCOWTHUAkCES If von do not wish your paper continued please notify u* about the time the •ubseription \pire> We find this plan uu^l satisfactory Io our patrons, though it i* not in accordance with our personal views CNAUCE Of AOOtESS In ordering change of address give old as well a» new addrv*» COilESFOkOEITS are wanted in every community. If no correspondence appears frhm >-»ur neighborhood. you are respectfully rvqv 'sted to send tul as many local item* as you ran. ADVERTISING RATES PROFESSIONAL ' IRIh . up h). 2V each issue. (’A RDS OFTH A N KS (not . xevrding two inches.) cents Lb FTERS OF CONbOl.ENt’K (not exceeding four Inches) SI OBITUARIES for subscribers or their immediate families, (rec. up to RM words. 1 cent per word for additional words \l ANT \1‘* at 1« nt per w .rd f»r tir*t itiserstion. »ub*e«Miciit insertions. IMo X» words v es, cholera and roup. Of course von are expected to keep your jMiultry free from lice and for that purpose we know of no'hing better than Instant l.ouw Killer Wife Got Up Top Advice “My wife wanted me to take our >»>v to the doctor to cure an uglv ls>il,” writes D Frankel of Stroud, Okla. “I said ‘put Bucklen’s Arnica Salve on it.’ She di so, arid it cured the Isiil in a short time.” Quickest healer of burns, scalds, cuts, corn“, bruises, sprain“, swelling“. Best pile cure on earth Try it. Only ?5c a’ all dealers. $ .65 .35 .15 .65 Pure Lard the best 10 lb pmls << <« .85 5 “ 1.75 Ladies’ heavy shoes regular $2.50 1.00 Children's “ “ “ $1.35 .25 Ladies’ Fleece Lined Underwear .25 Childrens’ Fleece Lined Underwear .05 BIX) yards embroidery, 7 l-2c and 10c values, jxr yd. 25 % off on all wool knit gixxls Prussian stock and iMmltry food. $1.(X) ELECTRICAL Supplies MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. Oregon i Expressing. Oraying lS“? .i. ti. noss Phone I4X (ireshnm, Ore. y obtained B i ■ T .Trot M A HM '« h .. <« Ii. Mod« H peer • n j.O' hU« n»NK » P • ..s in 1 [P F ■ » Of All KINDS Por Sale At The ELECTRIC STO R E I, 1.. ■< o K 3rr> s XL a. » T7IFT ft Cu. r i.v* vi p . t, Washington. P. B. ■ i JOHN VAN ZA>'TK fry An Electric Heater Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Johnson & Van Zante attorneys at law Removed from Commercial Bldg. to 314 Spaulding Bldg.. 3d » OREGON