Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 03, 1911, Image 1

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    K li il ñfli 1
A tin
5MÏRY F RI d ^ y,
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Gresham Wins I wo Games
Emil Kardvli Marries lu California
No. 5.
Vol. 7.
The Gri sliiini high school quintet de­
Just a- our last Friday’s edition was
feated th«- Est.« -adì» high school team well off th« press a card wa» receive«!
Friday night by u »core of 15 to 2 The from Long Ruftch. Caliior ia stating
Gresham forwards and center threw that Emil G Kardell and Miss ( lara X.
basket» at will, while th«- guarii» did Woodard, of Pa a«lena, had just Isen
not allow the ball l<> get near the op- unit-d ill marriage and would return to
portent's basket. The line-up was as Gresham afo r a short visit to California
They Were Caught on a High Trestle Near Barton And
pj*jits of interest. .Mr. Kardell is too
Chas. Cleveland Has. Decided to Sub-Divide His Farm Into follows :
Hurled to Rocks Below
Estacada Dale, center; I’age, guard; wall known in this part of the country
City I-ots
Woodie, guani; Morton, forward, to require any introduction.
It is
Evans, forward. Gresham—Thompoon, sufficient to say that the Herald and
center; Ryan, guard ; Metzgi-r, guard : the entire community unites in a gen­
Caught near tin-center of a trestle 2CX> it ia said, to run ahead and they would
to exi»t» along tiie en-tern l«>ol«r of lh<- '
Cha les (Tewlaml IlHM
Roberts, forward; Nutt lay, forward. eral congratulation to the gentleman
long «>n the Estacada division of the be safe, as he wan rapidly getting hia
convert ftl«>iit eighty HCIfff i if hlM ( city. It w ill l»< opened ap an«! donated i Hewitt, of 1‘ortland, was refere".
and his bride. Tlieir app.-arance in the
electric engine under control, but in­
Grove farm into town lot’» Htul
; lo tire u»*' of tli«' public a* far u- Mr
Gr—ham girls' high »«bool frasket ball toiMi will In-eau» for a general rejoie- Oregon Water Power Company’s lines, stead they crouched down along the
It is intend-1 team won from Camas high wluw.l team ingaud g'ssl wishes.
tract*. A Nurwybig vrrw I iun br«*n at Ch-Velaiid'a land « xlend»
near Barton, yest relay afternoon, Lew aide of the trestle and were »wept into
work for three day. | n»t running th« ««I to have th«* road *<|«ct>ed to the Ba-e on the horn« fl«xrr Friday n ghl. \ l.«»t
Hughman and his wife were hurled the rocky chasm below. The train,
line, for tlio dlvialous and will »«»on ì l in« a» »«ton n» ptaclieabh*. thu» li ak-i game •»« played, score Is-ing 7 toft.
upon the HK'ks in the bed of the creek, company officiate say, stopped within
have another addition to th« c.ty of 1 ing limitili T thormigldarc into lin »harn Lili«' up was ■ Camas—Vera Harring­
ft n.ii-a-ary a cl.«s- of lieginners will «¡0 feet l^elow, by an electric engine. 50 feet of the spot.
Gresham platted uml ready (or Inv-i-t- am! milking it more convenient f‘>r re»i. . ton, ««liter; ( essi«« Collard, guard;
Di« »" in wa« killed iri“tar.iiy. Eugh-
The train, consisting of five cars of
ors an*l home builder«.
«i«'iit» nlotig th« Ba»«-«-, ca»t of the i Maud llixke, guard ; Alic - Asher, for­ I la- started next Monday in the public rrian -«iff- reil a sever« concussion of the sand and a caboose, was in charge of
Th«* land survevnd i»tlreaa»t- l'.'-n-ih- corner, to g«< to tha city. I-; ward; Edith S ici r, forward Gres-|
»koi! and <ti«J while being hj«l«n«d to Conductor Adams. It was bound south.
ern half of tlie fnrni.w inch . xtenls north- »i«!«-» living much «■ .«rer it w ill la* <■( an | ham — M.irgu -rite Michel, «renter ; Mazie 1«ginners out until next re ptember as a hospital in Portland. Mr. Hughman Just la-fore reaching bridge 19 there is
wan! from tin »•-«-tioll I
•-»•i' r grade than tin- lull at tin- gtav«*l , Schantine, guard ; Evelyn Metzger,
wa« employe«l a» a woodcliop|«er Ly a sharp curve. The company has been
one-half mile T weoty
ptt amt I«*»» dangerous, i«» every «»ire ¡ guani; Igrttie « avis, forward; ! Maud thsagrad«», nnd t hildr- ii 1« ginning now C. Z. Lake ami is eaid to have live«! at employing bridge carpenters all along
Mellon litre, i bit I« Is
» th** gii st ri«k to teams from tiu-1 Michel, torward.
The r«-fcr«a- i was UeX
the line the last few weeks on account of
'eptenil>«r. It would b« l«etter. •ill Bea« ¡on street, Portland.
lamndarv of I .
Cl 1 y at I
bile« nt that p iut.
Frank I'-lzki- of t’ama-, Washington.
The accident happened on bridge No the high water. When these men see
l*e laid off in !•*!*• h id l«l<
* tw ntv nere» I "ti g «tir
'lb, •■paiming l»e«p er««k. Aeco.-ding1 a train coining they ti p down on
I let in tiie !■ rm.
th'li i-itv six«1 with I trie ta
i to the company's version, the tnotor- bench«-- ah g : he sides of the trestles
>• The acre
inan. R >jr Jeff, ry, mistook the co ipl« and allow it to pa«s.
, but the wh
Suíjijcs lions
for i>ri *■• temlers until he ■•.««
Hoglin' -.n a ,- apparently between 27
d. It ha» Hl
H av
nice read gn aìri for tba- it was im o.-rible to stop l.-efore and 3d year.- old i.. i ffia wife was rotne-
yearn and u now H
J «.-edT
reaching them. 11« al«ocalle«! to tl.-m. what younger.
(t»w y< «■nr» more
If >u i
-red grain, yon I
lid an i .* iwni
thriving Miiburb
> your «Ute ex- Yon cannot afford to take the ehar.c- s
Yon are probably aware that pneu-
Ing tl*
r*'V Mr
evi lami the trew railroad a'
A *-."'ond » ti >n of th new pi|*e line1
Bit* Ut
ni* how much, Let the Experiment station do the nr” .i alway s results from a cold, but
ug tl
>.«t now «•a-V <li-tam'«-<.f th«* \
( lias Isen test««! week. Il is that i »H h i ve it Kitbr pr
<>u want for it. testing of new varieties and learn the you never heard of a cold resultingin
; porti ii lying iH-tween Ih-aver Creek i Your liiiiitv Will ’H*
6*1 and sent to ' results from t ein.
pneumonia ben Chamberlain's Cough
and V B. Wood's place, «me mile ea»t- tin»»«* who a.1
v*k lor gi ad seed.
Whenever smut appears. treat the Remedy was u»-d. Why take the risk
ii yon nr« tMi fl»oj »■•ed, Mk ilio stale seed grain with formalin e lotion Get when this reureiv may be had fora
Mia» Gla-lva «■*' ! <d portjaud »|«eut
Mr» George Bornstedt has returns*I ward. Th« ends of tire big pipe line!
i were cap|H**l with a nietal disc and j ex périmant station where to get it and the formula and method from the trifle! For sale by ail dealers.
Hunday with l.-iura M.»«re.
to her Ii »mi* ut Sanity.
| State Experiment Station. The treat­
G. N. Kagi-r i» -¡»-n ling III«- wc«-k in i
Archie «' ill.ns is employed on tin l water was jum;*ed into the main from what it wilt coal,
ment is very simple and effective.
thè Klickitnt Laikiug after hia ranch.
dairy farm of C. W. Alberlaon.
I an*l all the riveted joints sl«»>*l the ’ it ta important to i* •ct it eat îy out of
By attention to these rules, you can
Mr» T I Taylor and Florence are
The majority of the small children
|t. M. C'atbi-y is hauling lumber from
the t"»t remarkably well and the tren h I >« best part of thv rop an<l take good increa«" your crop from four to ten
Samly for Ins m-w barn.
visitine relative» ni Portland
have not >«een in school lately on ac­
ia n«»w ready to l*e Iilh-<1 in. Another cam ut it.
bu-hels ¡H-r acre with very little extrr
la-olla Ke»t«srtoli visited, l>«*r unni. . ! Mi»« lli'len Brand is visiting her section of nb»ut four mil«» further east- j Vp i should never fail to use a g »id expense. Additional attention to cul­ count of a general attack of whooping
Mi» llliliard. Itila Wi-ok .
gran<lui< >ther.
ward » ii » tented several w* «-ks ago and I fauiimg mill, , selecting only the beavi- tural methods and -oil fertilization will
Miss Pike, the primary teacher, is
tu entertainment Wlll Le given bv ■
Mr». H. C J.Hu- - •lowly improving uc*-epte«l, and th«- ditch tilled up, I Hua i e»l and plump« -t kernels of go<xl body ¡•.■Id further to tire profit«.
•quit« ill with the fiieasles. Mine Steiger
tl»«- righili grttdc puptl», all <>f wlioin i from uti attack of the Ingrippo ami practically coinpletyig that much of the i iui iwing. and avimi planting shriveled
Sedentary hat its, lack of outdoor ex- his temporary charge of her room,
pu»»>-1 nt thè rect-nt exainimltioii ' rheumatism.
work. All olh«-r work front Beaver ■ ami dwarfeil I itru-ls.
Wheat, oats,
ercise, insufficient mastication of food,
ì bey will •»•• ftaaistcti bv otlier m«-mlH-r»
The bard time dance Saturday even­
'Ii and ^!r I rank Hciney spent creek westward to th«- western bound- barley amt rye seed may be best pre-
of th«* M’Ilool. Thl-t «'III»« «'oliai»!» of Sunday w ith the former's parents, Mr. ary * i f Gr«»hnm
Gr«»haui has
lias been postpone«!
po«tp*ned J pared
|-ared by fanning mills, which separate constipation, a torpid liver, worry and ing was well attended and ail report a
«ight inetula-n« ami I» Iti« l-itum-r da«» 1 ami Mrs. Joseph ileiney.
until good weather comes again.
I by aise and by weight,
weight. by means of anxiety, are the most common causes good time.
of stomach troubles.
Correct vour
■ >f .Miitlnouiftli eoiinly
ì he cnt«rtnin-
From Gresliam, wi-stward alMiiil three acieen» and wind blast. A good fanning habits and take Chandler! <in - Stomach
il. A. Reiuke has sold his house and
Mr and Mrs. tirlaml Z -ek and family
nient will I h - given Fii.l.iv, Fehrnary 3. hav«' returmsl from II visit in tin- Wil­ mil«- of ditch has ix'eu opened ami unit, properly u-«>l, will more than pay ami Liver Tablets ami you will soon lx; two acres to parties from Myrtle Park.
well again. For sale by all dealers.
pi|>e is being laid as rapidly aa j«>ssible. I for itxeli in a »ingle season.
lamette valley.
F. L. Cole and wife spent the first of
Rapid progress is a!«o being made on
If your seeii appears to l*e mixt-d or
the week at Vancouver with Mrs.
A ‘.IG-I’dqp Wary for Our Ridders Mr. Whit«- has the contract of furn­ the four miles ea.«twar«l from the! falling off in yield, it will pay you to
Notice to Creditors
Cole's father, Mr. Roe.
ishing wood for th«- steam shovel on the
We take pleasure in announcing that
Lusted- -chool hous- .
Several more get pure bred «•« •d oi the best strain
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Mt. Hood railroad
our rentier» can secure a valuable 90-
sections will b«> ready to test in a short adapted to your soil and climate. If dersigned has lieen appointed adminis­
For Sale—F e«h cow, and thorough­
Mr. ami Mrs Fisk ami family, accom- time.
pag-. diary for PHI by sending four 1-
i you have any doubt as to what varieties trator of the estate of Lydia J. Callwell, bred brown leghorn cockrels. E. J.
cent stamps to l>. Swift A Co., patent
Teams are still hauling pipe t<> the to plant, writ«- tiie State ExjH-riment deceased, by the county court of the Gradin, Gresham, Oregon, phone :>2>.
lawyers, Washington, I’.C. This dairy Crawford, have moied to Estacada.
Samiv bluff near Cottrell, where it is Sutton and ask them which will do the state of Oregon, for Multnomah county,
is worth 25 cents and contains a mem­
Mias-Echo Jon«-» has recovered from Iwing h-tt for further transmission when licet in your soil ami climate.
and has qualified. All j-ersons having
oranda amt date for each day of the an attack of pneumonia Sli«< is »lay­ when the roads get g*«o«l. Nearly 4U1
Are you tenting you need for germi­ claims against said estate are hereby
Ilow to cure a cold is a question in
year; the census <>( liar.* ami Ittltl of t(n- ing with her grandmother, Mrs. S. J. joints of tiie pi|H- a «-yet to I m - taken out nating qualities? It is a simple matter, notified to present the same to me at which many are interested just now.
states; nearly .KM) of the largest cities; Join s, attending school.
there for tiie line la-tween the Sandy and the State Experiment Station will 314 Spalding building, Portland. < »re- t'hamberlain’8 Cough Remedy has won
synopsis <>f useful every day informa­
send you lull directions lor doing it at gon. duly verified, within six months its great reputation and immense sale
Callers at tin- liotm- of little Master river and tlie headworks.
tion; business laws; patent laws nnd Allwrlson Sunday, wen- Mr. ami Mrs.
by its remarkable cure of colds. It can
from the date hereof.
how t>> olitaln and sell a patent ; busi­
l»o not waste your time in sowing
always be depended upon. For sale by
First publication Jan. 14, 1911.
ness forms; jiost.ige rates; ami the
ail dealers.
amount of corn, wlo-at, oa«s, tobacco and Mrs. S C Jones and suns, Hallie * ference, 1 Profi-ssor-lameph Sclufer pre­ new varieties (except on a small tract
nnd cotton produced in each state.
ami tiny.
rented his suggestions for a new type of as an experiment unless your State JOHNSON a VAN ZANTE,
Ask al«out the Herald Clubbing offers
Miss Hallie W«-ginan returned home . normal school to mret the existing Experiment Station recommends them.
Sunday from the hospital, where sire . n«-«-<i in Oregon.
New Real Estate Company
He would have the normal make it­
lUmhrweiit an operation (or appendi­
Having opened a real estate ofttc«- in citis Siu* is improving very rapidly.
self unequivocally tin* lender of the
Gresliiiln, we wish a nice list of lamia
rural schools, preparing teachers for
Isitli wild ami improved to offer our
these, rather then for service in the
When her child is in danger ft woman towns. To do this, it must adopt a
large list of prospective buyers. If von
have anything to sell come in ami see will risk her life to protect it. No great curriculum containing •ome country
us. We are in a position to handle act of heroism or risk of life la necea- life subjects. It should u-ach the prin­
Hiiccessfully alt kinds of realty either sary to protect a child from croup, ciples of agricnlture, employing as aids
wild or improved, large or sninll, town
in tin- work practice in gardening, flori­
and all danger is avoided. For sale by culture, orcharding, |*oultry raising—
count ry.
Li ii L-
If your price is right we will do the all dealers.
perhaps even dairying. It should pay
S mith I. ani * C omi - anv ,
, «|** «'inl attention to rural sociology,
Office oh Powell street, Gresham.
I which the speaker calls "the reflective I
l.entlighl is th« iittme. See E
i handling of rural life problem with |
Rayburn, Lentsl about it.
a view to their rational solution. In aj
\ word, tin* graduate» of the normal
should I h - full of enthusiasm for «•oun-
I try lite, scientiticnllv able to meet its i
conditions, and eager to teachin rural
Our line of depositors who make deposits by mail are increas- «■oiunninitii'M, whore tlrev may vitalize
ing rapidly. It’s a very convenient way especially if you live j their teaching by including some voea-
any considerable distance from a bank. Deposits received by I tionnl work ami by relating nil of their
mail have our first attention. They are all attended to in the | work closely to tin- n«'«-«l of ciuldren'
morning before the bank opens and receipts for deposits are | living in farm homes. Tli« normal
promptly mailed.
should also proyitle practice teaching in
Many of our depositors we have not seen for months.
| rural schools lor its ndvitnced students,
land try to settle it« gradnat«-«, under
favorable conditions ns pernninent I Everybody's talking about them. They're the Best, (iuaranteed by the Factory
an1 mailed to them each month showing condition of their ae I tem hers of rural seimols.
uggies and Farm Implements.
\X'e are making very low price-« on Wagons, rn
counts which have proven a great satisfaction to those living at
The plan is receiving much iavuralile I
a distance. There is no need of driving over muddy roads and I comment from «*cho*>l men and other»! I $2 Full Lined Heavy Burlap Horse Blankets, $1.32]. 40^ off. on all Chase’s Winter Robes.
through th" storm. Make your mail carrier do that part of it. land its hojied th«- school board i I $50 No. 1 Team Hamess at
. . ytT.TO" $18.50 Single Harness at . . . . $14.35
It is quicker, cheaper and more modern. Now is the time to be­ may ciui«i«ler it cari'ftllly before adopt- i
gin the practice of these most, improved business methods.
.... $27.5 ' $16.00 Single fiamess at .... $12.50
ing a «letinite |s*licy for Hie new norma, ' ■ Good Farm Hamess at
If you wish to make a deposit without coming io fiur bank, ! at Monmouth.
H |$33.5O Double Driving Harness at .
$25.75 | Good Double Hamess at .... $17.50
Monthly Statements
write us. You will receive full instructions and will like our way
of doing business. "A SQUARE DEAL.”
We are dispost-d to say unkind things
about tin- inule, but tin- fact remains |
; that there are many men who are worse I
The convenience oí the new Lent-
light. Try it. Semi to Rayburn, Lenta.
Snap on Some Buggies we are closing out.
See our Big Stock of Good* in the Moline Plow Co. Bldg.,
E. Morrison St., Portland