I COAST APPLE MEN COMBINE ENDURANCE RECORD BROKEN. Grower* of Northwest Meet at Port­ land—Committee* Named, Aviator P*rm*l*» B**t* Former Am- • rlc«n Record of 28 Minute*. Portland—Representing an aggre- San Franeleco.—Ban Franuisco'* av 1 gate capital of »50,000,000, Invested in Salem, Or.. Jan. 24—Although Ixith Salem. Or.. Jan. 20. Representative 1st ion meet produced a now Ameri apple orchards and an output of 10, houses of the legislature worked In­ Clyde today Introduced • Joint reso­ can record when Phillip O. I'armaloe, 000 cars yearl. having a value of dustriously this morning, llttla was lution proixistng a constitutional piloting a Wright biplane, remained accomplished beyond the passage of from to »8,000,000, more a few bills of little general import-! amendment restoring the »300 per aloft for ill rue hour* 39 minutes and 49 1-5 aecond*. than 100 applegrowers from Oregon, ance. The good roads enthusiasts will sonal tax exemption. The best previous endurance per­ I Washington and Idaho gathered in the have their tuning* in the senate this The house Ims adopted Neuner’s formance »a» that of A. L. Welch, | Y. M. C. A. auditorium for the pur- aftermxin. the bills on that subject memorial urging Oregon's delegation of St. Louis, who established u roe General Resume of Important Event )»se of forming a National selling being made a special order. President Boriili* Give* American* In Congress to work for an approp­ ord of three hours. 11 minutes and i agency of sufficient breadth and width A new resolution calling for an In­ Free Rein In Preventing Bom­ Presented in Condensed Form t to control and dispose of the apples vestigation of affairs at the stale In­ riation of »250,000 for a Federal build­ 55 second*. At law Angeles' recent meet, the late Arch lloxsey was cred bardment of Port*. l produced in the three states men- for Our Busy Reader*. sane asylum was introduced by Dint ing at Roseburg. Ited with un unotficial record of three ' Honed. ick in the senate and went to com- i Bigelow Im* Introduced In the hour* and 17 minutes. | A committee of 15 was appointed inlttee. It directs particular Inquiry A throng of more thnn 25.000 cheer­ The Washington legislature urges at ,*u' ‘‘h'se of the day s work to as to the number of employes and the' house a resolution Instructing the ed tho birdmail us he pursued his i Washington, Jan. 23. The report congress to curb immigration. prepare a working plan for the con nec»q»sity for their employment and game committee to communicate with monotonous course. When he finully that th« Hornet. General Bonita * sideration of the convention toiuor- gives (tower to compel attendance of the legislatures of California and descended he wus given n rousing /revolutionary gunboat, which h»* Police again used their clubs in n)W morning • witnesses for taking of testimony on' Washington with a view to securing ovation. Several enthusiast*, umong ; been promoting hl* can»« along the Chicago strike riot*. leading apple culturists from the all phases of the situation. uniform legislation by the throe them Eugene B. Ely, hoisted i’urni coast of Honduras, ha* been boarded President Taft declares for lnimed 'hre,> *'»'»*» '“"k l’ar’ ln ’he Procwd Verbal clashes of rival Interests states regulating tho shooting of aleu on their shoulders mid cut ried , by a force from thu American gun late steps to create a merchant ma Ex-Governor Mlles C. Moore, of came last night In committee meet | him in triumph to u stund lu the mid boat Tacoma was confirmed In a rjn,, Washington: Judge Fremont Wood. Ings over the sailors' boarding house j ducks and other water fowl The house today indefinitely post die of Selfridge Field, where General wire les» dispatch received by thu ' of Boise. Idaho; Mlles Cannon, of bill, the eight-hour bill and the nui al I poned Cole’s bill authorizing the pub­ Tusker II. Bliss, other Army officers navy department today from Com­ A Mexican colonel, ordered to ar- nviser, Idaho: E C. Benson, of Pros militia bill. The latter will come lication of tho Oregon Supreme Court und u number of women crowded mander Cooper of tliu I’ulted State* rest his own sons as rebels, deserted ser Wash . ex-president of the Wash from the senate committee with a about the uviutor to congratulate him steamship Marietta. with his entire command. irigton State Horticulture Society; C provision retaining preseut officers of reports by George W. Bate* & Co. The dispatch merely said It had "1 could have reilutiued up longer," Rather than allow her sterilization The Wisconsin legislature is con­ E. Whisler, of Medford, representing the reserve ln office. bill, a* vetoed, run the gauntlet of said i'urmalee, "but my seat grew so been found necessary to place a force the Rogue River Fruit and Produce sidering a bill to permit trouser skirts The senate passed one bill and kill­ hard and my hands mid feel *o on li<>aid to detain the Hornet, and Association; H. C. Atwell, of Forest ed another this morning, but the ses­ a two-third* majority, or see It de­ and forbid the hobble skirt. l.umbed with the cold that I decided added that detail* would lie ie[Mirt«d Grove, Or., president of the Oregon sion was featureless. Committees are I clared dead as tho ixiaslbllity has New Orleans, fearing defeat, is State Horticultural Society: J. N. slow In reixirting out their bills. The Ixen suggested. Dr. Owen* Adair re to come down after cllncliing the later. Tho state department I* await­ ing Information to determine It* fu- quested Senator Albee to reintro­ American record." seeking to delay final action on the Stone, of Milton, Or.; II. C. Richards, house passed four bills. i’urmalee'* long flight was uti tur« court*. duce It at this session, and the bill Panama exposition bill in congress. iof North Yakima. Wash.: A. P Bate­ The legislature was stormed today came into the senate today, lalieled eventful. Dtico while sailing close Tho attorney general la Investigat­ man. of Mosier. f)r„ and C. H. Sprout, A Roslyn miner dropped a spark of Hood River. Or., were among the by 300 Oregon advocates of the Good as Senate Bill No. 90. This Is the to the San Bruno hill* on tho far side ing whether tliu Hornet has violated Roads movement. Two-hundred came identical measure with that In trovi of the field, lie dipped suddenly and lb« neutrality law* of tliu I lilted from a cigarette into a can of powder more active spirits of the enterprise. from Portland urging that Multnomah uced and passed at the last sesslon sharply to force gusuliue luto his en­ State*, and pending th« result thu and the explosion badly injured every­ The only opposition to the plan county, by the terms of the five high relating to taking steps for restrain- gines. statu detail tmeut has aunouuced that one of his family, including himself, proposed carue from the pessimistic ways bills framed by tho Oregon Ing the proimgatlon of criminal In­ Weather condition« wore excellent, tho vessel would not bo permitted and wrecked his house. tone that prevailed through the talk Good Roads association, is presenting sane, itnlieclles and Idiots. although brlgnt uunshlnu did not io commit any act <4 -hostility ugalust Heavy rains cause disastrous floods of E. H. Shepherd, editor of Better the state with road making funds tor wholly temper the all's nipping touch Honduras. Fruit, published at Hex'd River. Al ­ in Northern California. the direct benefit of every other! I Im action of Commander Davis, of Salem. Ore.. Jan. 19.—One bill wns A Berlin judge declares people though the discussion lasted -through­ county but with indirect benefit, only the Tacoma. In boarding the Hornet, MINE PERIL GREAT. passed by the state senate this morn were justified in shooting policemen out the day and the speakers were to business interests. It I* assumed hare, was baaed on an numerous. Mr. Shepherd could not Ing. It was senate bill 26, by Oliver, Inexperienced Foreign Labor Endang Intention of thu revolutionist* to who exceed their authority. see the light as advanced by the simplifying the proof of official d0 of them. ' output. He maintained that there resolutions calling for investigation court*. standing ut orders or by reckless dis- j their Instructions to us- All the West and Middle West is was no way for an organization—at of state establishments from separate Chase’» bill for sale of tide lands regard of the ueccssary rules of opcr suult by the Hornet, rallying to the support of San Fran­ least he had heard of no plan—which Investigations of the asylum and the within an organized port to port com • atlon, foreign-born workmen without The Hornet sailed from New Or- cisco for the Panama exposition. would equalize the values between office of insurance commission to a actual experience in mining often Im 1« mis, ostensibly for Cape Giaelas, on A bill is expected to paaa the Ne­ the apples produced in the various resolution, sweeping in Its nature mlssious at a nominal price, there be |x .11 the live* of traiuol and exper­ • Hie northeastern coast of Nli iragun, vada legislature shutting out cigar­ districts. He was certain that there ami covering all of the state institu­ Ing now no manner in which unap ienced workers, acordlug to a bull« it tins not taen eutabllsheed where ettes and cigarette material from that was no chance for over-production, tion* and officials, were feature* In proprlated lands may be acquired tin made public by the Bureau of the vessel received her runners. state. That he regarded as a bug-a-boo ere- both houses today. l-abor. from the state land board, wa* sent The Hemet was Immediately trans­ They marked a continuance of the ated by the railroads and the press, The figures cited *ro principally for ferred from American to Honduran A Long Beach woman left »31.000 "All Government statistics." said sentiment which has been expressed back to committee on amendment. the decade ended with tliu year 1908. registry and raised the Honduran in a handbag lying on a park bench, the speaker, "that I have been able to forcibly that lavish expenditure and It will be amended by suggestion of where is was found later by a motor- get hold of. 'all the information that extravagance have marked the con­ Bean to exempt lands already applied In which thu fatal accidents lu the flag, but the Honduran |>apers wer* coal mines were at the rate of 3 11 issued by the Bonilla appoint*«**. The cyclist and returned to her. I have gathered and all of the inter­ duct of affairs at the asylum and for by others. l>er 1000 employe*. For tho decade paper* I* Is ini» one of Von der Helton, of Jackson. Intro ended 1906. the latest for which tig validity of these |ui|H nnn powers to hand brought every wireless station on the over tho Island of Crete to Turkey. ,1.25© 1.40 per hundred; Bweet pota­ division of the receipts be placed on by Barrett of Washington in the occasion shall be held In the schools. this basis? In this debate George senate Is passed. North Coast Into action In an effort Thursday he In­ The meeting adopted resolution* toes, ,3.75 per hundred. Provision Is made that general elec­ to send assistance to the 40 men calling upon President Taft and Con­ Onions—Buying price, ,2 per hun­ Aggers, of White Salmon; A. F. Hell- troduced a bill which will make th« Inwell, of White Salmon; J. G. Tate, license easy for country peddlers. tion or primary day, where the teach­ aboard. gress to oppose no effort to subject dred. Poultry—Live: i.ens, 19c® 20; of Hood River; C. B. Clark, of Wen­ The drug vender bill, which was In- er Is n legal voter, school may be the Cretans to Turfsh sovereignty Bond Demand Improve*. Springs, 18c® 19%; turkeys, 22c®23; atchee; J. N. Stone, of Milton; W. K. trod need by request, goes to the ami nsl-i-d Hint tho President remind closed at 2:30 o'clock In the after­ Newell, of Gaston; C. L. Dick, of Sa- ducks, 22c®23; geese, 12c®14; dress­ other extreme, Imposing the pro- New York.—Improvement In the the powers that tho Interests of noon to enable the teacner to vote. lem, and others took part. hibltory fee of $100 per month. ed turkeys, choice, 25c® 26. peace demand that Crete be Incor­ Investment demand from capital Went In a resolution In the house today, porated with the Kingdom of Greece. Eggs—Oregon ranch, candled, ?0c® Barrett also Introduced a bill to 32; Eastern. 27c*; 30. legalize the making of deposits of Mahoney, of Morrow, proisises that on last week, though in moderate Jules Verne Is Outdone. the state school fund In banks. This no bill cnrrvlng an appropriation degree, nnd afforded a basis for some Butter—City creamery extra, 1 and Vote Buying Confession. Tho tendency 2 pound prints, in boxes, 35c per Seattle.—The development of the Is understood to bo favored by the thall be Introduced In the legislature operations In stock. • subsequent to February 7. was most strikingly reflected In the pound; less than boxes, cartons and Japanese port of Tauniga has made state treasurer. Danville, III—Election corruption Chairman Malarkey, of tho senate bond department of tho Stock Ex­ delivery extra. Calkins of Lane Introduced a bill It possible to go around the world in and bribery which Is declared to have Pork—Fancy, 10%c®ll% per lb. making the saloonman responsible In judiciary committee, Rays that, a change Itself, the volume of di alings 37 days. Leaving Seattle or Van­ Veal—Fancy, 85 to 125 lbs., 13c@15 damages to the wife or other near “Ubstltnte bill, If passed, probably | swelling to a dally average seldom been rampnnt for yenrs In "Uncle couver by steamer, a traveler may per lb. relative through sale of liquor to an will be reported for Patton's bill to equaled In th<- Inst year. Each day Joo" Cannon’s bailiwick, Vermillion land In Yokohama In 12 days. By abolish capital punishment. The suh- i brought Its announcement of a sale county, promises to bo bared to the Cattle—Prime steers, ,6.25®8.50; habitual drunkard. taking train to Tsuruga and steamer good to choice steers, ,6.00© 6.25; A bill by Malarkey, establishing a • tltufe bill will abolish capital pun­ of new honda. grand Jury Investigating a statement to the trans-Siberian Railroad term­ fair to good steers, ♦•>.50®6.00; com­ sent to n newspaper by a prominent state board for examination of can­ ishment, but will carry an added inus and continuing by the fastest clause providing for a restriction of mon steers, »4.00*15.00; choice to Airship Circle* Warships. attorney In which ho confessed buy­ train to London he may cover tho didates for the bar, was Indefinitely 'he pardoning power. Under the pro­ prime cows, ,5.2505.50; good to postponed. Lima, Peru.—The aviator Blolou- ing votes In a previous election. The distance from Yokohama In 18 days. choice beef cows, »1.750 5.25; fair Malarkey’s bill removing the five posed plan the question of pardons vlccl made a flight, to Callao at a attorney In bls statement says ho By the fastest steamers and trains he will be placed largely with the Su­ to good beef cows, »4.25® 4.75; com- kept records of the names of the may travel from Ixmdon to Seattle In day limit allowed to a purchaser to preme Court, although tho Governor height of 200 feet, circling over the mon to fair beef cows, »2.00*14.00; record a conveyance was passed by warships In tho harbor and returned vote Rollers nnd the amounts given a little more than nine days. good to choice heifers. ,5.00®5.50; I 17 to 8 after a debate In which the will still sign the pardons. to the course here, where he made them but this record, he said, ho fair to good heifers. ,5.00*z5.50; com-1 Whenever new evidence Is found, a perfect landing. Tho Prouvlan avi­ recently burned. lawyers disagreed. Malarkey con­ mon to fair heifers. »1,0® 4.25; choice tended that this would enable a pur­ attorneys for the one desiring the ator, Tenant!, who attempted a flight, Nation to Hide Paroles. to good fat bulls, »4.50®4.75; fair to chaser to know his title was good pardon will present, it to the Su­ came suddenly to the ground because New Shipping Law Prohibitive. Washington. — Men who have their when ho bought, as the conveyance preme Court and that tribunal will good fat bulls, ,4.00®4.25; common of an accident to bls motor, Ho was London.—A ssert I n g that owners of bulls. ,2.50®3.25; good to choice light paroles from Federal prisons hore- first recorded would be the one rec­ pass upon it and hand down an opin­ not hurt. British ships will 1*0 unable to send calves, |7.75®8.00; fair to good light after will step back Into the world to ognized, Abraham. Joseph and Not- ion. calves, »7.00®7.50; good to choice begin life anew unadvertised and tfngham opposed these views, while The Governor will be unable to sign their vessels to sea In time of war Aviator Take* Three Passenger*. heavy calves, ,5.25*26.00; fair to good i Sinnott, Barrett of Washington and the pardon unless It Is sanctioned by If parliament ratifies tho "declaration without the limelight of publicity. heavy calves, »I.75*i5.25; common l an opinion of the court. Mourtnelon, Franco.—Henry Wein­ of London,” an agreement ndopted Calkins agreed with them. Attorney-General Wickersham and calves, ,3.75® 4.75; good to choice mann made a brilliant flight with two yenrs ago liy the chief naval stags. ,5.00®5.25; fair to good stags, Robert W. Ladow, chairman of the three passengers. He flew across power* governing was prizes, Lloyds Repeal Tax on Water Power. To Reform Judicial System. ,4.00®4.50. country to Rhelms and return, about camo out In opiiosltlon to sanction­ Salem, Ore., Jan. 19.—Repeal of parole board, have decided that pub­ Salem, Jan. 24.—Planning compre­ 37 miles, |n one hour. A few day* Hogs—Choice hogs, ,8.8509.00; ing the plan. Lloyds nssorls that If licity in such cases helps to defeat the tax on new water powers Is good to choic« hogs. ,8.50®8.85. provided In a bill Introduced In the hensive reform of the judicial system ago Weinmann made a flight over the declaration Is finally confirmed! Sheep—Yearling wethers, grain fed. the object of the parole law. senate by Carson, of Marlon. In­ of tho state, which Is generally re- practically the same course with two nnd accepted tho wnr risk on mer­ ,4 25®5.25; old wethers, grain fed, stead, It places a graduated license carded as having boon ma/lo easy by passengers. chantmen will bn prohibitive. Gaynor’s Foe In Prison. 3.75® 4.25; good to choice ewes, gialn tax on all water powers, old as well the adoption of swooping amendments fed. ,3.25®3.75; feeders, ,2.25®3 00; New York.v-James J. Gallagher, as new. This Is In accord with rec­ to tho constitution at tho last, elec­ Plague Force* Close of Legation. Refugee* Flea From H»rblW“* choice lambs, grain fed, |6.25®6.50; who shot Mayor Gaynor and Street. ommendations made by State En­ tion, Senator Wood has Introduced a T.ondon.—A special dispatch from Knlam Chong Tze, China.—Plngno good to choice, grain fed, ,6.00® Commissioner Edwards on a steam­ gineer Lewis. Ixiwls artrues that the bill for the an|H)lntm>-nt of a com­ Pekin says that because of the plngno 6.25; fair to good, ,5.25®5.75; poor ship on a dock at Hoboken last Au­ present tax retards development of mittee to devise a now judicial act the diplomatic board has closed the j refugees from Harbin aro arriving The fn- hero In great numbers. Jambs. ,4 9505.00. gust. was taken to the New Jersey new water power projects, and urges to cover the entire field of jury RVS- legation quarter. The Chinese oc ___ Japanese Hay fed sheep and lambs, 50c lower State Prison to serve 12 years at ft would be hotter to place a license tern and courts. The bill calls for cupnnts, It la expected, will close th« talltles Increase dally. The are erecting plague camps capablo than grain fed. hard labor. a commission of 30 members. tax on all water power. European quarter also. of containing 4000. Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. I II. S. Cruiser Puts Quietus on Honduran Craft.