| of other countries for which statistic* Medicine» that aid nature are alwavs im» LATODREIl are available, lias increased 50 per cent moat cffectual l'hamlH'rlain's t'aiugli The grange was compelled to post­ in tlie last decade and alrout doubled in Remedy acts on Ibis pian. Il aliava pone the measuring party last Satur ay fifteen year» In our own case the con­ thè coligli, relieve» thè lunga, opvna thè on account of l>ad weather. The roads sumption lias shown a rapid growth, aeeretiona and aids nature in rostorillg are blocked with snow, and transporta­ Freight trouble* due to high water is tlie per capita consumption having thè System to a healthy coixlitxm tion is » »mewhat delayed. probably the cause of the Heralds been, in 1880, 4o pounds; in 1899, M Thousands bave teatitied to ita su |H»rit»r A large force of men turned out the Coming out in a single sheet this week. (rounds; in 1900, 59 pounds; mid in exeellenee. Sold by all dealer« Our other pa.es had not come by time other day, in res;»on»e to a call, to help 1910, approximately 8ll4 pounds. of going to press We will have to ask ! improve our cemetery. Before evening What is the cost of this enormous the new wir • fence was put up and our reader's consideration this time quantity of sugar consumed in the Notice Io Creditors Fl»R HALE — Eighty acre« of tine, Celebrateli Nemo Corsets other work done. At noon Mrs. I.. I Tint I’ vbi ISHKR. United States! This is more difficult Notice is hereby given that the un­ well laying laud, 2% mile« from Handy. Kincaid and Mnr. Chamlierlain put in The valuation of that dersigned lias been appointed adminis­ 15 acres in g«• i The annual telephone meeting was schooled and cared for in return for Ixiuis Benfield, who is employed on the sugar from abroad is the value of First publication Jan. 14, 1911. held January 1», 1911. Two directors ! -light service* rendervi. For particu­ the fire boat in Portland, was home a the unrvtined article in the country of Prices Reasonable HUGH M. CALI.WEI.I., lars address W I Gardner, superin­ being elected. E. 8. Jeune was re­ short time with his mother, Mrs. L. production. If. however, we accept a tendent Bov* and Girl» Aid Society <>( elected and W. A Proctor was the new Administrator. general average of five cents per pound ■ Benfield, last week. I < rrshaill I Oregon, Portland. Ore. tf director. The directors holding over as the retail price (raid by our people JOHNSON A VAN ZANTE. Mrs. Fred Shoultz, who is on the sick are H. W. Snashall, Theo Brugger, Ft »R SA I F. — A 7xt> donkey engine, in for the seven and one-third billion Attorney*. John Sleret, C. Cleveland. A. B. Con­ list, is improving. g «si shat«*. Bornstedt A Rm-gg, pounds of sugar consumed by them in Samlv, Ore. It The annual meeting of the Columbia 1910, we should get a total of $386,000,- rad, C. R. Keller, A. Dowsett. Bargain offer ; Ihdineator. Pearsons, Telephone company was held January Ben Colman and family have moved 000, or an average of approximately Herald, $3..W for $2.25 Subscribe now. to Banks, Oregon, where his father, 3. The results of last year was very- fl.lMtO.OOO a day paid for sugar by the gratifying. Rkxi being paid on the debt. J. O. Coleman, is locate I. people A the United States. The old board was re-elected. Clubbing offers : Herald and Oregon The local postotfice has received Agriculturist for one year fl. A scientific study of the living prob­ notice from the postmaster general that lem has for some months I-ecu conduct ­ Saved at Death's Door. Suqar Consumption In the U. S. beginning February 1st the rates on foreign money orders will be in -reased. For '.’5 iihiiiv » of |>er«s will la* re­ Bridge, N. Y., when his life was won- esentativi* of fauiilli'H i duced to an absolute minimum. The domestic money orders remain un- statement, but if we take the quantity derfully saved, "l was in a dreadful changed. Large amounts of money are of sugar produced in the United States reduction will mean a drop of from '.*o condition,” he writes, “my skin wss sent away bv foreigners living in this and add to this the quantity brought to 40 per cent under the present cost, almost yellow. eyes sunken, tongue .««*e<| Burbank otatov» Acting upon the figures and data coated, ematiated from losing 10 pound« country. It is no more than right that from our own islands and the quantity F. s. Cowden \ it gathered, the university authorities are they should pay a generous fee for the imported from foreign countries, and and growing weaker every day. Viru­ estuim Route 3. <1 privilege. subtract therefrom the amount export­ working out tl e problem to practical lent liver trouble was pulling me down tine fresh Jer- results, so that in the spring they can to death in spite of doctors. Then tha' Guy Fieldhouse has been very ill, but ed, we get a grand total of considerably row* inothy hay in make the definite announcement that matchless medicine, Electric Bitters, more than seven billion pounds con- tin* barn. is reported better. the total expense at the university for curd me 1 regained the 40 punxl» ?*¿rt*e kept within lost ami now ant well and strong.'' For phone l.Vs, | the population into this grand total, we Tuesday evening for California. get an average of 81S pounds per $200. This will allow' as a minimum all stomach, liver and kidney troubles Rev. W. J. Johnston will hold quar- capita, speaking in round terms, for III*» for ls>ard and room for forty they are supreme. 50c at all druggists terly meetings at the Free Methodist 1910, and about a like quantity for weeks of the school year. An economi­ church beginning January- loth and When given as soon an the croupy 1909. It is Dot assumed, of course, cal student should easily keep his in­ e mile from continuing over Sunday, Everybody that each person necessarily consumes cidental and |>eraonal expenses within cough appears, Chamla-rlnin'« Cough Gresham, all invited. Remedy will ward off an attack of croup sugar equal to one-half his individual the limit of the other $100. land $115 | h - Ttie plans necessary for the complete and prevent all danger and cause of A new real estate office has been weight; but taking the total consump­ nues. Boring, M opened in Gresham by Carroll 8. Smith, tion and comparing it with the total solution of the living problem invoice anxiety Thousand« of mothers use it recently of Hood River. Mr. Smith has population in the section known as the remodeling of the dormitory by the successfully. Sold by all dealers. FOR SALE—Nice lot of working In Carlton Bld| Mun St. Grtihio associates in several eastern state* and continental United States, the average university and the building of a cold horse* weighing from 130" tn 17i>> II«. for «ale at the Firwi««! Lumtier Co , the firm is known as the Smith Land yearly consumption of sugar is found to storage plant; and possibly within a FOR SALE—Canary birds. Mr*. Sandy, < »regon. 5 vear or so the building by private per­ John Palmquist, Gresham. Phone 326 company. Mr. Smith will use the be about M S pounds per capita. A Wretihcd Mistake sons of small houses suitable for rent FOR SALE — Clover hay. Phom- 2 ’ »x2 methods here in developing fruit and i In fact, the people of the United 3 to endure the itching, painful dialrtiM orchard lands which have proven so States are larger consumers of sugar to small groups of six or eight students; Liatrn FOR SALE—Twenty acres very liest successful in Hood River. per capita than those of any other then, the establishment in the dormi­ FOR SALE—G<«>d «urrey cheap. I» of pile« There'* no need to. 2tf I suffered much front piles,” writes country of the world except England, tory of the cafeteria for the use of all fruit land on Mt. flood electric survey, c . Ro»» Grenhain, Ore. Will A. Marsh, of Siler City, N. C , till for which the latest figures show a con­ the students in the university, who will l-ays level. Will stami investigation. CHERRYVILLE F< »R SA I.E—Cordwood, all kind», de­ pay for what they eat at cost price, I.. I.. Kidder, Gresham. tf livered—fl and $5. Pnonv 3o5. C. K. I got a l«»x of Bucklcn's trniea Salve, Mrs. Ben Hart of Dover is spending sumption averaging 84 pounds;~ Sweden, 51 pounds; and university within the reach of al), ville. a year, but to those who Would like the plans are actively on foot by the Germany and Holland, each about 43l2 Forty-one persons were present at alumni of the university to raise at advantage of a clubbing rate w ith other pounds. once a fund of $25,001 to be available paper« we offer the following low a coasting and taffy pull party at Cher­ ^Not only is the United States the for loans to needy students. Students price»: ryville school Saturday evening. KimrmLrr thrw art thr lowrvt Ratrv second largest sugar consumer per will have access to this fund in the Clair Corey was in Portland last cer annum, against about already some prominent men in the l»'l. 1 «t 1 HI Ml A Y < IKK'.< IMAN a. ini gone about six weeks. for : • o 1 2?» state have signified their willingness to «EMI W 1- EKI.Y Jlit'HN Al. .’ji) 2.7b Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen and family four billion pounds in England anil guarantee ttie fund against lo-e The HAII.Y Jacl 1 Jas. T. Botkins has returned from P irtla> Ut 40 per cent is produced I rum hemorrhage«, coughs, colil«, whooping days, is now slowly recovering. AND 1 cane. The l«et sugar of the United cough, bronchitis asthma, it is supreme. i State« is grown ciiietiy in Colorado, 50c, $1.00. Guaranteed bv all drug­ Musicale and Supper Calilornia and Michigan, and Hume in gist« Muaicale and mystery «upper tn Utah, Idaho and Wisconsin; while most Agent for I O. <». F. hall. January 28, for the of the cane sugar is produced in Louisi­ CHURCH NOTICES. Re- ana, with smaller quantities in Texas, benefit of the basket ball girls, Plumbing that Plumbing. freshinents only 25 and 30 cents, En- Fiorina, Georgia ano South Carolina. BAPTIST CHURCH —Rev. Ford M tertainment frie. Girls teams will Burtch, pastor. Services, Sunday The sugar “habit” is evidently a Portland Sanitary Plumbing and play Camas team, January 27, in Metz growing one with the people of the School !<» a. m. Preaching II a. in. ger’s hall. arxi 7 :30 p in., lach Sundav. Cnited States and probably with those All FREE METHODIST C H U R C II — Work Guaranteed. L Rev. J. M. H oppcr , pastor. Services, Sunday-School, JO a in.; Preaching Phone |x RHONE 503. GRESHAM, OREGON every Sunday at II a rn. and 8 p. ni. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. All welcomed. Main St. Gresham ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Gresham—Rev. F. H Freund, pastor. S ervo ns (German) 11 a. tn., ejvety Sunday morning. Sundav school at 10 a. in. Saturday school at 2 p. m. J. Elkington, Pres. J no. Sleret, Vice Pres. Emil G. Kardell, Cashier LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH. Gresham—P astor , Rev. J. F. Dunlop. S ervice », Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; Preaching at I] a. rn. and 7:30 p. m., Epworth League d votional, 6:30, every Sun­ day. Prayer meeting, Thursday If not, we'll cure it, and then you’ll veiling* at 7:30 p. in. Everybody wonder why you dhi’nt think of us long la-fore. invited. All our work guaranteed, No hasty, SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC slipshod job leaves our shop. Our CHURCH, Sandy, Ore.—Rev. Berch- Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold are skilled and conscientious, told Durrer. Services will lie held on ■Turkmen You’ll not grumble at the prices, Interest Paid on Time Deposits the first Sunday of each month at either. 10:30 a. m. FAIRVIEW M. E. CHURCH—Rev. J O. Coleman, pastor. Se vices, Sun­ day School at 10 a m., preaching 2d and 4th Sundaj-a at 11 a. m. and 7 : to p. m. Notary Public and Conveyancing ROCKWOOD M. E.CHURCH—Rev J 191 Morrison St. O. Coleman, pastor. Sunday school PORTLAND, - OREGON every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching (Near Pap’» Restaurant) at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 p. m. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS • : • «•••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Want Column (ÌRHSHAM MILLINERY EMPORIUM TAILORING DRESSMAKING and FOR PLUMRING J. J. WO DA EOF HERALD BARGAIN OFFERS I Farmers Orc ha rd ist 9 Gardeners EVERYTHING YOU WANT FOR SPRING WORK C. L. CRENSHAW JOHNSTON-STERLINO HARDWARE CO. PLUM BER TINNER IS MORE THAN ¡HAT STILL MORE BANK OF GRESHAM Capita! $15,000 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ nnro E. E. Marshall Mitchell, Lewis & Staver HARM 9 your watch UU lò keep time : MACHIN FRY LUCKEY & HAMILTON Genera! Banking Business : Loans Negotiated Fire Insurance Written We are open for business at Fleming1 & rhompson’s Livery Barn. Fred D. Flora HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY, $1.00 ANO UP