and adaptability of road-making rock throughout the section which was investigated. Succvcxiing Gre»h*tn Vindicator, Gresham Gaxette. East Multnomah Record Multnomah Record and Montavilla Herald. Published Every Friday al Gresham, Ore., by the B kavk « S tat « PvaUBRINU Co H. Á. PARSALI-, Entro« axd M amaos «. Enterra »• •«•'»><1 cl»»» mauer at the |»'at.'®ce at ore» ha tn. Or<-«un. SUBSCatrTtaa IIHI >*er Year. Il-O tn arlranca. to toretan eonntrie» Il o 8li Month» three month» trial «iitmcription» .'»V. Single eople» Sc A»k for clubbing rate». It« iniiCtt should b* »ent b> Ki pre»* or t’o»loffice Money tinier. Kegi»tered letter or Check. Stamp» accepted up to St) cent» MCWTl for •ubacrtptiona are not »enl «tilea« reqnealed The change of label on your paper will tndl ate the receipt of your remittee*. If It .ent*. LETTERS OF i.'Xl'OI KSt E (not ex. ceding tour in. he.) |1 OBITVARIES fc>r subacriber» or their immediate families, free. ut> to 100 word». I cent tar Word for additional word» WANT A OS st 1 cent per word for fl r»t inserslion . »ub»euuetit {¡¡•ertions IXtoSB words. lOcenta: iS to >1 wtsrd*. it eent»: M toM wards eent» KfAPhi:» 1 cent per word per i.»»tu DISPLAY ADVERTISING, rates made known on application All Uwigv. Grange. School. Church, or other notice» or advertisement» of social», parties, dances.concert», theatrical», etc . given for a profit, charged for at regular rate» In order to insure change of ad. advertiser» must have copy in thia offlee not later than Thursday preceding day of publication. ;0g mi peg ;» our specialty. We are well equipped to do the beet work at current prices. E*px» ally farmer»'and business men's Letter Head» Envelopes. Butter Wrappers. Siatement». etc in small or large quantities Auction Bills. Dodgers. Foster», etc . printed on »hort notice T.Ac l ways lie done to lessen ami soften the ; stroke that was unjustly inflicted ex- I cept when it is the death stroke. The thought ol sharing the re»|»on‘i- Governor West came to his , bility of (mtting to death an erring fallen man, even by process of office with many important ques­ I and law. may well affect his erring and tions to be settled. One of these I fallible brother with a mortal horror of was the locating of the Eastern the unavailing despair of a fatal mis­ Oregon branch asylum. Or take, similar to the physical horror of rather the acceptance of the | tieing buried alive. proposed location which his im­ Superintendent James of the peniten- tiary, after recounting the eighteen mediate predecessor attempted i cases of capital punishment in Oregon to foist upon the state in ex­ . in the last seven and half years, says.— change for certain legislative I “It does not appear, however, that the favors. No one is quarreling increasing number of executions in this with Pendleton about the loca­ slate has operated as a deterrent to the of homicide; ami as a result of tion. And it appears that no I crime my observation and experience, during one is considerably interested in i the past seven or eight years, I am the deal that places the institu­ I fully convinced that capital punishment tion at Pendleton, unquestion­ ! shou d be abolitbed.” ably rank as it was. But the Every voter who is in sympathy with reform • r even open to conviction governor says the soil where the | this on the subject, should read the report buildings were to be located is I from which the above sentence is about a foot deep. Anything ' q oted. It may be had by addressing that grows there will take chanc­ I C. W. James, superintendent of Oregon es of turning up its roots, and 1 State Penitentiary, Salem, Oregon. Now is the time for every lover of hu­ that it is evident that it will not manity to make his influeuce felt even grow bunch grass without towards abolishing capital punishment irrigation, and that is impossi­ in Oregon. EDITORIAL COMMENT . ble since a large part of it is on the hills west of town and could not well be reached with irriga­ tion ditches. The lowland has been overflowed by high waters until the soil is worn down to a clay and bed of boulders. He declares he will never sign a warrant for a dollar for any­ thing on that site, and he is right, too. To begin the ex­ penditure, on a piece of land of that nature, with the idea of producing a commendable state institution would be folly little short of criminal. The $40,000 paid for the land, or rather for the two votes gained thereby, would only be a bit of change compared with what it would re­ quire to support anything that might be placed there. What ought to be done would be to in­ vestigate the whole deal and ascertain if the deal was as dirty as it appears to be on its face. If it is, and the facts can be found to bear it out, some of our statesmen would be likely to try explaining why this is not sufficient cause to institute bri­ bery proceedings. A rthvr H ayes S abgkxt . Governor-elect Aldrich of Ne­ braska, being a Methodist, omit­ ted the inaugural ball. A man who lives up to his church creed ought to make a good governor. Mexico stands resolutely for the doctrine that a government that desires peace must prepare to fight for it. A Macon negro got six months , for stealing a dozen eggs; at the present price it ought to have I been a life sentence. The democrats of New Jersey ought to be thankful that they have so wise and courageous a leader as Woodrow Wilson. We cannot believe that they will re­ fuse to follow him. There being no “express” rea­ sons why it shouldn’t, the Phil­ ippine government is preparing to establish a postoffice parcel delivery. Some statesmen when they are divorced from the government pay roll act as if they were en­ titled to alimony. — —— ■ Mr. Hitchcock, the postmaster general, seems to favor a parcels post wherever the express com­ panies have not made other ar­ rangements. With all the talk about prices coming down, a half-dollar beef roast remains vest-pocket size. — '♦♦»■■■ - Aeroplanes and pork are still falling. ----- ♦♦♦■ “Scandal about rotten eggs” in Buffalo. There is also to be a scramble about them. Mexico simply could not stand the strain of being the model Latin-American republic anj’ longer. Phone Tabor 24r>7 N. N. NYGAARD Dealer in 1IIIRD AUDI I ION 10 TOWN 01 SANDY IM MUM UM Ci ownvo <»t the bonnile *»( shih I v . Lois, extra choice location. $75 up Come eurlv and avoid haling l>e»t location. \balraet turni»bexl with every »ale. F.aay term», »mall monthly (lavment» Will build Io »nit lor resilience or bn»ine»» Call <>il o write H. A. I'KOt I0K, Prrx. or t. I. bWNS. Sex'». Mota St. XtnJt. Or». ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND COAST DAILIES SENT ON APPLICATION BORING -SANDY STAGE LINE flrst-Lldss Livery and Iced Stables dt Horlnq and Sandv , Transportation of all kind» <>I Baggage to Sandy and interior point« .... Save the cost of your home paper on a Clubbing Offer Write or phone for it today. The Herald Office Gresham, Ore. For further Infonimtion phon» or »rite ti. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Boring, • • Oregon TRY IT Test Dr. Hess PANACEA POU I RY ON TRIAL Did _v< II know that von CO Id feed Dr. He»s Poultry Pan-a-ce-a the balance of the Wmter, all Spring, in (act until the tlr«l day of Align t. then if you are < ot »iti»fi..l that it lias pnid and paid big. DAYS THESE COLD We will refund every cert you paid us It is t«> tnftkf ynnr hen* lay. to imike voiir flnrkcn« t x-t, healthy and strung, to cure giip«»», cholera anti roup. i >f course you are expected to k«-vp your free from lice ami for that pnr|HtM.- uv know of nothing Ivetter than Instant Louwc Killer. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. Place your household electric fan on the floor near a steam or hot water radiator. Point the fan in the direction of the radiator— straight at it. Notice the difference in the temperature of the room in a few rninqtes. The fan makes the radiator warnt more air with- out the consumption of additional fuel. Oregon Ia*nt», Expressing, Oraying “«• Try the experiment suggested and see if it does not help you save on coal bills. J. H. HOSS Phone 14X (jresham, Ore. That the Oregon Agricultural LADIES’ AND GENTS’ College at Corvallis will be FINE SHOES placed in a position to carry in­ Repair Work a Specialty. Onr struction in agriculture, domestic Prices Are Right science and art, commerce and 10.3 Foster Road, LENTS, ORE. mechanical engineering to the people of the state instead of compelling the people to come to BEAVER ENGRAVING CO QUALITY it, seems now to be very proba­ w i»-» w i r tr. li r t e -« p j a.»-•.i i i * v, 1 ot»»»r y a. ita ute tub»! ble. The information has reached the college to the effect that sev­ DESIGNING ILLUSTRATING' r ATS r t LAWVt rt. ■ AIM I >>t eral state organizations are pre­ rtarr ano awkenv its ., foktland . owe paring bills which carry appro­ priations to meet the expenses of the very great extension of this line of work. If these ap­ propriations are carried there will be more Farmers Institute Just now there is a splendid chance to save some money work, more lecturers put into the on a lot of good staple merchandise at our store. field, more demonstration trains We are cutting and slashing prices on a lot of winter run, a great increase in the num­ goods that must be sold to make room for new goods to ber of itinerant schools, a broad­ arrive soon. There are many staple articles that we are over­ er circulation of bulletins, circu­ stocked on that we have put down to a price that is bound to lars and other publications and a move them. more general use of personal cor­ You should take advantage of this sale at once for it will respondence in dealing with the continue only until the lines are disposed of. Below are a few various problems. Schools of sample prices. agriculture, commerce, do­ mestic science and art and me­ Men’s Wool Underwear, regular $2.00, new $1.65 chanics will be held in the vari­ 1.75, “ 1.40 ous towns and cities of the state 1.50, “ 1.25 One of the measures to be pre­ to give instruction to the people sented at this session of the of these localities. Farmers will 1.00, “ .85 state legislature is the one which j be taught how to farm scientifi­ .25 proposes to do away with the cally, and farmers’ wives will be Women’s Fleeced ined Underwear, .,35, “ death penalty. The superinten­ able to learn the best scientific 25 per cent, off on all Slicker Goods. dent of the state penitentiary is method of hot keeping without $1.75 in favor of it. Several persons leaving their home communities. Lard, Columbia Brand, 10 lb. pail for have written at length concern­ “ “ 1.6.5 Prof. H. M. Parks of the Min­ Lard. Standard Pure, ing the subject and we trust the ing Engineering department of Compound, “ “ 1.35 attitude of our representatives is the Oregon Agricultural college in favor of such a measure. We expresses as his opinion, after an Baking Powder, Royal 16 juz . .45 quote from one of these who exhaustive survey of the Wil­ Cleveland’s 16 oz. .40 takes the position that the state lamette valley during the past should not avenge murder with K. C. 25 oz. .20 summer, that this valley is prob­ murder: There are many other article» on which you can nave money Call ami be ably better supplied with excel ­ CAPITA I. PI N'lHHMF.NT eon Vince. I. TERMS OF HALE CASH. Till men become capable of infa lible lent road building material than knowledge and unerring judgment, any other important agricultural there will be cane« of innocent men be­ district of equal area in the ing hanged for the deed» of other» so country. All of the results of long a» capital punishment is practiced. Prof. Parks’ investigations are It is some Simes said that all punish­ ment is done once for all and cannot be to be given out in a bulletin en­ corrected if the sufferer is found inno­ titled “Road Materials in the cent. This is true in many cases, owing Willamette Valley,” published to the fashion of estimating men by under the auspices of the Mining wiiat has been done to them rather than Engineering department of this by what they are. However, so long as a man lives in piinishmen there is a institution. The bulletin is re­ chance to stop the penalty if he is plete with valuable information proven innocent. Something can al- regarding the location, quality CUTS Special Clubbing List Portland Railway, Liffht & Power Company Electric Building 0. SWIFT &f Clearance Sale BORNSTEDT & KEIEGG, SANDY. ORE. See The Herald tor GOOD JOB WORK FOR SALE No. 3 Russell saw frame with cast top frame - Feed works ... - 52-inch Atkins saw, 52-inch and 48-inch Simons saw, each - 3 60-inch cast iron headblocks at $75 6 pair carriage trucks at $8 - Carriage set works - Cant gear - - Bull wheel Gang edger 10-horse power vertical engine - 24x8 planer 3 Steam pumps at $10 - 3 Carriage dogs - 28x9 fan - - - 6x12 double fan Line shafting and pulleys 1 steam drag saw - $150 50 75 40 225 48 25 60 60 100 100 175 30 27 10 15 150 Nearly all this machinery is as good as new RODLUN BROS. GRESHAM, ORE. I). MAHONE L. ATTORNEY-AT LA W Rval EptMte, Probate and Corporator. I.MW. Prompt Att4«ntion to All Buairivea 61R Ht-nry Bldg. Phone, Main LOL I'OKTLANh OREGON J. M. SHORT, M I). S. P. BITTNHR, M.l). Pkr»icl»x»>3»r|e»»» OrMham. • Oreg.» Phone 99 W. J. OTT OTT H. If. OTT BROTHERS DENTISTS firi'Hham. - • - Oregon W. c. Belt, M. I)., C.M. Office over Firat State Bank I'hotie, offlcc, m, re»., IM jfiREHHAM, - . OREOON