Menagerie or ineects. SMITH ItÆVTS Succec Publish© suncm TSc. 1 hr© maini Stamp« ac mctiH will indie DlSCOil ■ubicript! accordant CMAKE COMES neigh bori À0 HIT (not exce SI OBIT per word insertion 1 cent pel All L dances, c* In or< Thursday JOB hl etc., in si EDI •A c< had ex condit Butet from 1 press« propo: as to irregr tions ■ They tion a confe: The e and tl boss i ous to fui e. does I eithei vorab condi' resoli; prove a cot influe have favor votioj the k team the e to av days' have they datio to be ment Just not f thost its in myst time be m by in Th writ« price high as it the 1 try 1 runs that farrr near isn’t Broc a hii Bey< of oi Eag a co offic not Swe relii slur oth< pub It squ its • of I rad the Por lice ser tior spa the imi sta A m.>nagerle of Insects will soon b< Installed In the Paris museum of nab ura! history. Cages of glass. instead of steel, will be occupied by spider* W.W.V < moos *”nA-i Dry«««/ B>rA Print all KtnM, PmuMsf Lhv CA* Ams F-vvA I .V. r. Na», l 'AftAvn» All A .mA I jieVu. A. Z .’t* Zhn As /ha*» /.SV Z>fVS3Mf Ù’» A'rt'íA c'nwfwry f-uavr Add rem all ShU-menta. ants, b<>ee. caterpillars and beetle* Instead of lions, tigers, wolves and hyenas. Then It will be possible tot the public to sutdy the lives of ants IR.KNK L SMITH MEAT CQ Fhght’na he Beef Trust” PORI LAND, OREGON underground hives. and of bees In Zelda Dameron MEREDITH NICHOLSON thell Dr. B. E. Wright Harr yot-.r teeth done For cut-'-:.w done. ¿J M H| U, At ML E3 Vké** rJ ■ S nothing you say not a word** Hut In her heart she felt a foreboding that this might be true. “You should ask your unols; or your Aunt Julia Possibly ne three are the only people that remember. I should like to hut* you quit* sure about It« now that you have decided not to mar* ry tho son” and he laugh*«l with ugly glee. Th«» front door bell rang out harsh­ ly. and the old man sprang up: “You are not at homo; you must see no oil*.” ’oily’s step was heard In th* back hell. .«fever mind. Polly. I'll answer the ' »«. r," said Zelda. The sight of any . her face than that of her faih’ r would bo a relief; but It was • <>’<-lo< k. an hour nt which no on* «ver call.-d- f he expected nothing more than a brief parley ulth n messenger boy. “Pardon me. Miss |»nm*ron — —w Leighton stood on the step with his hat In Ills hand II« had been wan. b I I during about tho street* He doseil passed tho Damero** house a times. h«l«1 to the ne|gl*borhoo«1 by a feeling that Zelda might ne««i hla pro- und he finally and lection; and Hnally stopped ho rang In a tumult of hop* that might see her again and reassure him­ self of her safety. As he stepped ln:o the hall, he saw Kura On moron peer­ ing at him from the living-room d«M»r "Good evening. Mr l>ameron.” said Leighton. Th* old man turned back to th* table and bls papers without re­ ply; but he listened Intently. ”1 was |HiBS1ng.” said Leighton, truthfully, "and I remembered a mes­ sage that Mrs Copeland gave m* for you this afirrmam. and I’m sorry to say I forgot about It until now.” II* looked at her. smiling; she un derstood well enough why he hn< cum* "Please put off your coat and com«« Ir VV© ar* alon*. father nnd I. having a quiet evening nt home"’ “Thank you; I can't stop; but Mrs t'opvland wished me to nek you to cum* In to-morrow afternoon. She hai an unexpected guest a friend from Boston and you know sb* Ilk*© every body to appreciate her friends’” "Thunk you. very much. I shall come If I possibly can." (To be continued.) CHAPTER XX. Kira Dameron. There was some one The room was very still after she that told m* that warned me against I had hoped that It Mould never had spoken. Her father did not start you. or look directly it her, but. after an bo necseaary to tell you; but It gives interval of silence, he lifted hie eyes ma a keener happiness than I dar* try to express to tell you now " slowly until they met hers. "Tcs. yes; some liar An In famous , "You have lied to me," Zelda repeat* ed In the same paaslonleaa voice, liar," he mutter»«!, and ho looked at speaking as though she were saying her with a suddvn hope tn his face, some commonplace thing. "1 under* When he should learn who had come i stand perfectly well why you wish to between him and this girt he would continue this trusteeship. I shall be exhaust tho possibilities of revenge. Zelda road the moaning of his l«»ok very glad to do what von ask; only we j must understand each other frankly. and she smiled a little, and stopped to the table and turned up the tamp, and , You must tell me the truth.” put his glasses within reach of He shrunk down slowly Into ___ hl I nls Already Once. hand. chair, tut his eyes did not leave her The archlte. ts of the country art ”1 shall not trust myself to tell you face. Ills hands had ceased trembling, slowly awakening to the Important I shall let you read for yourself a f<>» and he was quite himself He waited position of the plumber tu.d steam as though he expected some word of words, written by one who was not a 3421 Washington St., fitter In the general scheme of build contrition; but she still stood with her liar." He watched her as she drew out th.’ Portland, Oregon Ing They yet need, however, mud •yes fastened on him, and there was no little red book, her talisman and h«r kindness In them. education.—IY>me«ttc Engineering. Tsk- rar «♦ depot and transfer to Waahtarton St I have sought your own good. I guide, Ho turned and have supposed you would l>© gratified then road, at tho ha I Sequltur. Cultivate Self-Reliance. to continue the trust—reposed In m* opened: "You are matter In your own By relying on our own resources we “They have told in<> to-day that I am —by your mother.'* •squire mental strength, but when we house, aren’t you?*4 If you s;>eak to me of my mother going to die; but I have known It for "Well, what do you think? Pre loan on other» for support we are like a Long tlm* • • • again I shall rind some way of punish­ t*o for h»r what ing you." she said, and there was still you would have donu for me. an- Invalid who. having accustomed put the house la my wife's came. Do n >t Ut him kill the sweetness and gentle- no passion In her voice. himself to a crotch, finds ft dlfflcult Cleveland Leader. “I suppose that when you are ready ti»«n in her. Keop her away from him to walk wf’ho- t «»<• you will tell me what this means - if you can; but do not let her kn *w what I hav» suffered from him. I have why you have turned against me In this way.” he begun, with n simulation arranged for him to car* fur the prop« «.»r -i.'is.r And thMl >’h mglm? to a crly I have to leave her. bo that «h* Write for eatakwure and I’trreture. Dcv.k’ptna conciliatory tons: "Tell me what It Is may never feel that 1 did not truet and printing Maj! erder* riven prompt attenttor Hu will surely guard what b«- that troubles you. Zee. I had hoped him. Portland rhoto Supply Co. 149 Third Street PORTLAND. ORE. Ion»:« (0 h. r m if. A • • • J . • ! * , . that you were very happy here. I had flattered myself through the summer I wui unjust to him; It may have been that O'ir« « Ls a ho Hut If my fault; but If ehe can respect or love Will Tents, Awnings, Sails there Is any way in which I have err*d him ! wlnh II to be «o.N Ox. Hissed». Ci»M »d Caren **Tou see there Is no queiitlon of ly­ I ■ 1 or 1.0» at factor- price*. He bowed his hand as though from ing hero. 1 found thin In a trunk of PACIFIC TINT ASO AWNING CO For Red. Weak. Weary. Waterr Eyes and the weight of his penitence, but ho was mother’«. In the rarret quite acelden- Z7 hi. First St.. Portland. Or Knife RBil Pork I m One. glad to escape her syea When he tally, a few daj ■ after I came horn»*. GRANULATED EYELIDS Probably the Indiana man who In Murine Doesn*t Smart-Soother Eye Pair looked up again, he found her gnze It wiu Intended for t’ncle Itodney or He picked up the Aunt Julia and not for me” vented th* combined table knife ani Drscrots Se'l Marii-t Eys Remdy, Liqv d. 25<, 5flc. $t.(M still bent upon him. He wn« ellvnt for a moment, nt a ring Murin« Fv« Sehre, in Aseptic Tub««. 25c. $ 1 OC fallen pen and placed It on the table fork una alarmcd by the rccklraaneas EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL beside the paper which he had aske.l at the page before him and refining •«» with which his rural meet her eyes. She ant down and Murine Eye Remedy Co.,Chicane her to sign. Rcqualntnneea i han “You are a tremendous fraud." she watched him across the table. Sud­ their cutlery said, with a smile In which there was denly he laughed shrilly, and slapped FILL YOUR OWN TLETH ’ save wanted to i no mirth or pity. "You are Immense­ hie hand«« together In glee. th« in from cutting ly clever, and I supp »se that because I ”1 might have known It; I might have some of your evil blood In tne, 1 have known It! This ts delightful; their throats. Mo !- If you have sehtnx t.eth or eavitise and you arv am a little bit clever. too." this la rich beyond anything!” His be had labored des •*» n*rv<-u, for th- ivn’ai ordeal, try Fill-O. Lb« "Zro' You forget yourself; you mu*t mirth Increased, and he rocked ba.-k perately , trying to ome dentist. At dr-Jirxists or by mail 2Sc. be mad!" «ind forth, chuckling and beating h!s FILI 0 NFC CtL JSI Ease. Bdx Sreoh. W>* cut a large amount I am growing sane," she answered knees with his hands. umaer-Frank I trug Co., diatnbutors for Oregor of salad on a small "I have be.-n mail for a year, but my Tee. Zee. my child,** he began, plate without put imlably. “I am glad this haa happened r**M« ha« coma ba x to m* t do * »t ting his foot on th« forget myself or that you are my fath ­ I am fflod that there Is an opportunity 183 M adison S t . P ortland . O regon salad Maybe he was I er; but 1 remember, to*, that you are for me to rlgl^t myself in your eyes. a one-armed tnan an evil man and that you drove my could not have asked anything bet* mother Into her grave. You killed h*r. tef ” However that may with your pettiness and your hypoc­ H« began to nod his head as was tie, ho devised an Implement which risy; you are Just as much her mur­ hts way when pleased by the thought has many advantages It Is a fork derer as though you had slain her with of something he was about to say. Ksb’.ta Pœ*t!telr Cured. with a slot In th« shank in this slot by mall for those who cannot attend in Only author. 4'-’ Eerlt-y In- a knife, But I beg of you. do not think “Zea, thr animus of this Is clear stltute in Cn ecu. Write p«r*>n. Ad u*«tmot,.4i. m. lutling final ts a « lie. 1 with a kntfellks edge which that you can play the same tactics Tour mother hated me--------“ f^r U!ustra*--d circolar. -x an. metier a is FREK. For Uxchrrn acts as a rotary cutter, cutting th« UZin HttHT’jn. 71 L11 TH I. •tud.nt* prepar : g for oiloge or anmr- with me. I don't ask for the mon-y “You needn't tell me that! Her own ty. women '• ciubx, gnnees. eng-noerw and food when roll«'! over IL Th« uses of that you have squandered. ft testimony Is enough, pitiful enough. ” Isn't born« maker*. No preliminary etamir.w such an Implement are manifold. It your being a thief that I hate; It's "But the reason, the mason! I u- a la required. Tbit mad court* lueaan opportunity for you. your failure to be a man! Is handy In cheap restaurants, as It It’s the should never have told you. I hav«» Scud tor a dnscrtptivs bulletin to tba thought that you would betray reduces th« necessary stock of table the hop«*! to keep it In my own boson— trust of the dead—of my d*ad mother my lifelong sh im« and grief. But your utensils ami saves time In washing, Corrwx'ndrncg Study D«*t »an usent —that's what I hate you for!" mother, your moth« r plaved me a bus- and If It ever comes Into g-nera! use Vntversity of Oregon Engen« - - - Ore-ten He took a step toward her menac- trick, the basest a woman ran play, among that class of penplu who nt Ingly. With the«« yoa hav« in the habit of paying, She married me. loving another man tempt to eat ¡«a« with a knife. It will ©nd yen will • -* that we < ff-r ,oa a •utw’antial aav- "You are either a fool or mad. Ton And I Buffered, how I suffered for It’” Ing on di w .’s an i you cann< t get better ;ainlaao doubtless mark an era In the advance work Mjrhere, no naUer he* ma ch you pay. shall not talk to me so! He lifted hla head nnd raised nls You have k.s JvJULMO been listening to lies—-Infamous lice, hands to heaven. A sob l««aped In her of table deportment flnlrh plate and bridge work for out- HAND-SEWED CUArC Rodney Merriam has been poisoning throat and tears spring In her eyes as of • town Datrona in Why He llurrletl *«nr. PROCESS OFIwE-O one day if d««ir*L your mind against me. I shall hold •«he rose and bent toward him over th » Paid»*«« oxtraetion A quiet, bashful sort of a young fel MEN’S 12.00. ?2.50, *3 00, 53.50. M OO, ?5 00 fr--** when p a -■• op him responsible; I shall make him suf- tabla. bridge work !■ order» WOMEN ! «2.50, 33,«3 50, M low was making a call on a girl on« fer. He has gone too far, too far. ! CcnauitatoR fr?«. "If you mention her ngnln I shall BOYS' 32.C0. t2.50 k *3 00 evening wlo-n her father came Into shall have the law upon him." punish you, Esm Dnmeron." IHE STANDARD the parlor with 1*1» watch In his hand "You had better sit down," she said, He did not heed her, but began FOR 30 YEARS without flinching, "I suppose you used speaking with a hdste his tongue bad It was about 9:30 o'clock At the mo- They are absolutely the I m at pcpularand best3hoes | to talk to my mother this way and rarely known. Er,.-«l f „ 1,00 ment the young man was standing on The smile that forever for the price m America. that you succeeded in frightening her. s •• f -t, .50 haunted his Bps vanished. a chair, straightening a picture «iver They are the leaders every- J 0. .< Ru»S* _ -- But I am not afraid of you. Ezra Dim- "She loved another man when sh* th« piano. Th« girl had asked him i«•• 5.00 where because they hold 1 eron. If you think you can browbeat married me. I kn««w It well enough; B«i: R-! Rut tv _ _ * to fix It. Aa he turtmd the old gentle­ their shape, fit better, me Into signing your deed, you have but I was glad to marry’ her on any Plat»» 7.50 look better ar.d wear lon­ man, H gruff, stout fellow, said: CM W i Win ’»wrinM.uui Pa ”'e»« Elation .50 mistaken me. I never less scared terma Hhe was a beautiful woman — ger than other makes. "Young mat*, do you know wliat »J YUM irui t»U >• Ptr.tM BEST MCTHOOB In my life." They are positively the a very beautiful woman;" nnd thr an­ All *ork fully suarantoed for fifteen years. time It lsT When she spoke his name It slipped ger died suddenly from his eyes and m-ost economical shoes for you to buy. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price are stamped The bashful youth got off the chair from her tongue lingeringly, and fell voice. Zelda wondered whether he on the bottom — value guaranteed. upon him like a lash. In addressing wu really touched by the thought of nervously. "Yes, sir." h«’ replied TAK« NO 8UB8TITUTI! If your d*t>r him so, she cast off the Idea of kin­ her mother or whether the little flame was Just going." cannot supply y j write for Mail Order Catalog. W m I d-aTWrisndWaxlilntton PCRTLAXD.OWL Offic« Boaxi: e¿ l I ay ». 9 1 ship utterly; there was no tie of bloo.1 of passion had merely burned out. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Maa*. As He went Into the hnll without between them; and he was simply a lie continued speaking she listened, ns delay and took his hnt and coni mean old man, d«-splcable and con­ though he had been an actor Imperson­ A girl's father followed him. temptible, standing on the brink of a ating a part, and doing It III, so that caller reached for the doorknob pit that he had dug for himself, and he presented no Illusion to her eyvs. old gentleman again asked him If he feeling the earth crumbling beneath She was thinking, too, of her own fu­ - «.• ti-.«h r-ate McsMary. PRICES; $5 00 G»« mm $3.Ml $1 • UWNkwt $1 00 Ww Fdw SOte r«tn $S 00 be* R«d KaMar f ^ ms L so Plain. 1>»«M 50c WST METHODS Get It today tn usual liquid form or PsIr'eMi ExtractK»n Fre* when plat«*« or bntlgv work » «tiered Consuitatxm Free. You cannot ehocolat«»! tablets called darsatabs. ret better painleM work anywhera, no matter bow much you pay. 1 All Work Pulh Guaranteed for Tifleen \ pair Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Dr. B. L Wright Co. KODAKS s T„ klo ,T s ry murine EYE REMED T KEGS BARRELS TANKS Y FILL-O FINKE BROS. For the Ambitions Sí Slníbcrsítv ? education/ ALCOHOL OPIUM—TOBACCO Compare Our Prices I CHINA CABINET A CONVCNIINCB CHBRISHKO BY HOUHBWIVKS. t Combination Cabinet and Sideboard Which May Bo Built Separate and Portable or Creeled In the Wall Solid. Manv other» I»« well arranged dwell­ ings id-*« built without any thought This Is a whatever of a china cloaot. great mistake, as there are few house­ wives who i!<> not have more <>r lesa cherished chlaa or glase or allvor, and no other ornament will ko so fur tow- ard Improving the appearance of the dining room an this same china, glass and »liver, If properly displayed In a neat china cabinet A combination china cabinet sideboard haa boun desIgUbd fur and the Oatall of Conetructlon, As s.x»n In the cut. A Is a cross section of the cabi­ net, II Is th« drawer fronts, C 1» a sec­ tion of tho doors, D a section of the modrratn-priced homo panels and E a perspective of the face brackeL be built separate The cabinet may ■uid portable, or built In th» wall solid. Tho latter method Is preferred with face of cabinet flush with tho dining- n»>ni wall and extending out Into the pantry or k!tch<>n. Tbo spam below the doors la left open and forma a sideboard. It desire,!, the panel atxrvo the has« shelf may bo swung on hinges, which will be handy tn paaalng food and dlahee to anr» the stock u«i«l Is ’» or 1 Inch thick; tbn doors ar« 1H inch thick Tho head trim should I m * th«< same m* other trim In tho room. If the cabinet 1» built In the wall. Of course. If possible, the wood used should be th« same as that used on tho doors and windows. Hard wood may be uaod with good effect. finl»h<>d with mahogany stain Very neat Birch looks Any good carpenter will b« able to build this cabinet from th« cuts ac­ companying this description, and the cabinet should not lx> prohibitive tn Thr npproilniat.. cosL built of coot. “>lne. would bo 125. finished In any at Wise Dental Co., me. Painless Dentists « Zz- * 1 his feet. Rhe went on, with no break in the Impersonal tone to which her words had been pitched In the begln- Ring. :* * - - ' v '- i u... ENOUGH for the BIGGEST GAME AUTOLOADING RIFLE r ive one-ton shots! As quick as you can pull the trigger and as straight to the mark as you can look. Meeting a ’ big 'un ' with this gun is like xbooting a hole in a bam from the inside and if the first ball shouldn t stop him, he can't gain a yard before he gets it again. Remington Autoloading Rifle—»olid breech, hammerle»«—eject* reloads and cocks by recoil without the loss of an ounce of muzzle _ The only automatic rifle which locks the cartridges in the energy chamber. Safest and best of big guns. Marie in .25, .30-30, .32 and 35 Remington calibres. Gap»«. impeci it at any deslere. "Game Latre for 1910 Tlia Gun lot the unw! wibd ff. THE REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY. A.ency, 2M Broadway. Naw York CRy Fishing. We still contend that If * man wants really good Ashing ho can only get satisfaction In the railway fold- ore or In another man’s stortssv—AS* ahlaon Globo for C oughs L C oups "You have so little sense of honoi you are so utterly devoid of anything that approaches honor and decency— the hypocrisy In you Is so deep, that you can’t Imagine that a man like my uncle would never seek to prejudice me against you—my own father, Nel- th er my uncle nor my aunt has ever said a single unkind word to m»< of My aunt asked me to go to live you. with her when we came home; but 1 And fm glad I did. refused to do it. This closer acquaintance has given me an opportunity that waa—In one of your hypocritical phra»«’S—quite prov­ idential, of learning you as though you were a child's primer. You have been a very bitter lesson, Ezra Dameron! My mother never rebtdled, never lifted her voice against you. and you sup­ posed I should prove quite as easy; but you see how mistaken you aro!” "This 1s a gam«—a plot to trap me. But It shall fall. My own child shall not mock me." "I have something more to «ay to you. I have gone over It In my heurt a thousand times In this year of de- celt I believe I have grown a good deal like you. It has been a positive ihleld- pleasure for me to act a part Ing you from the eyes of people who were anxious for a breach between us. I know as I walk the streets and peo­ ple say. 'There Is Ezra Dameron's daughter,' they all pity ma. They have expected me to leave you. They have wondered that I should go on living with you when every child In the com­ munlty sneers et the eight of you or ths mention of your name." "Rhame on you! Rhame on you!" "I suppose It is a shameless thing to be saying to you; but I haven't fin­ ished yet And you had better sit down. You are an old man and I re- s n a nt , you* » ture; of the morrow In which she must plan her life anew. Hhe thought of Morris Eelghton now. and with an hi- tenseness that made her start when h«»r father spoke his name. "You have been a better daughter to me than I could have asked. An In­ scrutable Providence has ordered things strangely, but—" and ho chuckled and wagged his head, “but — very wisely and satisfactorily, I sup- uose your Uncle Rodney thought a --------- *------ ««n... marriage between you arij hl# young fielnd Ixlghton would be an admlra- bio arrangement; but you have done as I would have you do In rejecting I watch- him. Ah, I understood Ing you—I knew that you wero lead­ ing him on to destroy him.” “I should like to know what right you have to apeak to me of such a matter In such a tone. He la a gon- tieman." "He Is; he Is, Indeed;" and Iximer- nn laughed harshdly. "He 1s a gentle­ man beyond any doubt; but you re­ fused him. Just as 1 knew you would. The force of heredity Is very strong. You are a dutiful daughter; you oven anticipated my wish-». Your conduct is exemplary. I am dwflghted." “I think you are m«d,* said Zolda. looking at him wonderlngly. Rhe had begun to feel the strain of events of ths few h,ol)rs "Ince she had gone tn her undo’s house; she was utterly weary and her father's strange manner had awakened a fear In her. Perhaps ho was really mad. Rhe walked to­ ward the door; but he was timing his dimax with a shrewd cunning. "When your mother was engaged to Morris Ix-lghton, the older'"—«nd he paused, knowing that she had turned quickly and was staring at him with wonder and dread In her eyes—"wb«n •n gaged your mother was engaged to this young man’s father," he repeated, "your uncle was greatly pleased. But she was not so easily caught!” “Tbu ought to know that I boUeve knew what time it was. "Yes, sir," was the youth's An«! "Goodnight." he left watting to put his cost on. After th«’ door had closed reply. without the old ..... Front Elevation. stains and varnished. The extra co«t for hard wood would be slight, ns there Is not much needed. Th« panels of the rear walls may bo mirrored If th« cost bo no object, Tho cabinet may bo built In new or walls, and will coat less gentleman turned to the girl. ol.l "What's the matter with that f«-l low?" he asked. "My watch ran down modern sideboard. this afternoon toll and I wanted n*e the time so that him to I could set It."—Denver Post. **I v I nk * ic '* «other« F. iik * neera. The “red water plague” Is a matter which Is receiving attention from en­ gineer* In different parts of the conn try, and while they have shed consld erable light on the matter, there Is much y«t to learn about It. The trou­ ble consists of a discoloration of the hot water with a runty sediment, th« cold water at the same time being much less affected, although not en­ tirely unaffected. Under the hot wa ter faucets marble bowls become red­ dened and the first rush of hot water from the faucet after It has been shut off for a few hours has a distinct rusty appearance. Copper flush tanks and metal ballcock» are affected seri­ ously where the discoloration of the than a Cod de Luxe. steak will make h rom- pnny luncheon. According to n well. known chef If this fish were to retail Evon cotl nt 30 cents a pound It would be con­ sidered as delicious ns salmon. Holl the steaks, cut Into nent little cutlets In egg nnd bread crumbs, and fry a nice brown, careful being drain on blotting paper. to Serve with It mashed potatoes beaten very light and nrrnngoj In tho center of a meat platter with tho fish grouped upright around It. But a basket cut from a lemon skin on top filled with parsley nr lemon Juice ant! decorate with dice or half-moon shapes cut from cold boiled boots. There will bo no thought In the mind of tho guest of a pot luck repast. Caraway Cookies. water Is more marked. One cup lard, two of sugnr, one and one half water, one teaspoon soda, two The Way They Mate. of cream of tartar, nutmeg, salt, flour “It hardly ever falls.” enough to roll out. The moro they “What are you talking about nowf" are kneaded the better they will be. “When a woman Is called a bundla of energy nine tlm«s out of ten shn has At last, mould tn one teaspoonfui of caraway seed. Very nice. a husband who isn’L"—Birmingham Age-Herald. An Ice-Chest Suggestion. Within th« last two centuries about To provent a dish from slipping fifty metals have been discovered by when plnced on the Ice, put a rubber chemist explorers, but use has been ring (such as cornea on all ordinary found for only a few of them. fruit jars) underneath IL—Woman'* It's easier to become a b«ro th.* u Home Companion is to hold tbs Job.