TROUTDALE FAIRVIEW SANDY Ttoublals, OeU JO— M. <• Nelson ha» hi« tin«* new bungalow Hourly Hili »had. The Troutdale Cherry M»nend Bunday with old friend« Mi».«-» |i«lla Zimmmcrmaiiand <¡rare Mirk ley viiited friend« at Kenton Kun- «lay. The ladle« aid «oclety have again re­ sumed their regular meeting« after be­ ing «u«|n«nd th«- winter with hia brother. Itay Moore, C. Cleveland anu«hing the A I.. Turner ha» been down from Cor­ annexation question ami the matter 1« lieing kept before the people in «everal vallis looking alter hi» intereat» here. ; way». Mr». H. laiiiiar of ltii]ierl. Ida., 1« a Gray Cox' four children have typhoid gm«»t al the home of her »on, W. Fill- fever. »on. George Thrasher and R. H. White Bercy Dolph wa» here to »(««ml the are ba« k from a trip to the head of week with hl« father. Eagle creek, where tlmy diM-overed gold Hh hard Anderaon returned to Port- nn the latter*» place. Mr. White ha» land.after spending a week here. gone to California to make arrange­ Dan Ho«» ia very ill, the i-ffect of the ment» for the mining. C. J. Much of St. John'» ami J. hunting of a hhaal vessel al the back of hi» head resulting in partial paralyala Brown of Portlaml were in Handy till« He 1» at the home of hi» elater in St. week intending to inveal m real «-«tale. J oh n>. Htreet light« are le-ng put up by The Duday family are moving out of «everal of the buaine«» men. Mr». Geo. Bornstedt, who ia at the town. Mr». C. Balmer ami »on Osmond of | home of her mother, Mr«. Ruegg at Oregon City were the guenta at the . Liuneinan, i» »lowly recovering. C. If. Johnaon haa been tran»ferre«l home of J. Lusher Humiay. Mr. ne i» captain, wa» well attended. by taking them to the Smith motion Mr. ami Mrs Archie Meyer»of Greah- picture «how at Gresham to night. ----------- 1 A ino»t enjoyable evening wa« spent aiu were hen- last Friday. Mr. and Mr». Davi« of l.unt«-d viaited by alx«ut fifty persona, ol«l ami young, LUSH DS tlieir »on Liman thix week. There »«« a »urpri»«« party given to nt the« «range hall last Friday evening Grandma Mickelson i» a patient at Mr ami Mre. (iml Carlxm Saturday at a farewell reception given In honor . the Lupton sanitarium here. of Mr. ami Mr«. Axtell ami Mrs. Me- evening. There were alioiit forty prea- elit and liiUaic ami game« were chief Killlp. Tlie ladle» aid society of the M. E. PLEASANT HOW among the feature» of the evening. The la«lies served luncheon and church will »erve tea at the home of Alvin lake from The Dalle», with hi» Mr». C. A. Stewart next Wcdne»«lay two sons viaited tlm old home place the cnjoyetl the time »pent. Bert llelghlon viaiteil I <1 Hamilton afternoon. first time in thirty years The Pacific <’«>a»t Construction com­ and family a couple of «lay» last week. Mrs Jennie Stephen» paid a visit with Me»dame« E«l Hamilton and Clara ! pany in moving the machinery into the home folk» Sunday. Ilolliater visited with Mr» A. E. White- building to which a track ba» been lni«i Al liehaven aud wife are home after from the <>. R A N. truck». Regular aide» of Portland last week. an almt-nce of a month. work will begin soon. MG Lusted ma«l<- a bu«in<*M trip to' W. F. McKinney was in Portland 1'ortlaml Monday. Monday on buxine«». The b«*et plaster. A pi«-c<- of flannel Mr». Ilan» C.»«k i« >n the «irk list. It,f> Shumway w«-nt to the mountains dam|H*ne«l with Chamlx-rlain's Lini­ lant Tuesday to work. E«l Andre ha«i the miafortune to loae ment and Ismnd «m «iver the affect«-«! a horse ht»t w«-««k. Mr. Drhaven has »old It) acre« to Mr. part» I» Hii|«eri«>r t<> a plaster ami costs The two readier» of Cottrell, aocom- only one-tenth as mudi For sale by Lenard for ♦.*»«»>. l>anie«l bv Warren Ball. man move to Mr. lam- It i« reported that two large coug r» arts' old place. Delim-ator, Pearson« Magazine and have l«-en visiting the cani| a «low n near Herald ».'l.fto for 42 2ft Suliacribe. <>. I.uetial'» place. Basket Sotial Aaron Pox Tro«iodnale WE DELIVER ANYWHERE (live us a chance, we’ll show you. Below we list a few of our prices. Send us your list, we will deliver right in your town. $ .85 .15 .98 .80 $1.00 Bottles Medicines 25c bottles Hydrogen Peroxide 5 gals. Pearl Oil 5 gals, bulk oil . $1.10 • • All Sugars have declined 40c per KM) lbs. I Keg new Milchner Herring .40 .25 .25 .55 .15 .25 .05 1-lb. can Royal baking powder 7 bars Star soap 3 cans Holly milk 6 cans Carnation milk 1 can Eagle milk 6 loaves of bread 1 pkg. Arm & Hammer soda .25 3 pkgs. Roasted Corn Flakes OLYMPIC FLOUR, bbl., $5.40 One Price to All » 10-lb. pail Columbia lard Extra S a S shingles, per 1000 100-lb. sack half ground salt 6 pkgs. Abbetta biscuits 1 pound fancy seeded raisins Tomatoes, Pork & Beans, Oysters, Peas, Soups, Corn, . . » 1.85 2.15 .45 .25 .10 3 cans, .25 —A FULL LINE OF— Dry Goods, Shoes, Rubbers, Hard­ ware, Crockery, Tinware We buy our goods in large quantities for cash. Anything you need get your price from me. Will deliver at your place cheaper than you can buy it in the open market. We pay cash for produce. We pay 38c for eggs. Tel. 191 Watch this ad. each week. Call Me Up Will save you money. MOUNT SCOTT iIANK OF TROUTDALE Mt. Scott, Oct. 20.—Miss Edith Toon will lie on«- of the instructor» in the city evening acho«d. Ix-rit« won it» last game of l>a»ei>all of TROUTDALE, OREGON the »«-»»on by defeating the Stephen» Athletic club, Humlay, 0 to ft. Htepben» wa» one of the only four teams to de­ feat Lent» thia year. The Lenta team ha» won IK game» and lost fo «r. The . ..YOUR HOME BANK . .. feature of the game was the Work of the I.ent» battery, E. Webb and J. Cyle getting I k «trikeouta am! allowing only four hit». The batk-ry for Stephen» was Ed Wise and Hayworth, who got 11 Will pay you 3 % on 6 months’ deposits, 4 % on 12. strikeouts ami allowetl eight hila. Check Deposits Solicited. Money Loaned. Th« Evangelical church ha» been re­ moved from the ground and a new ami Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. larger building ia under way. Thia ia one of the l«e»t improvements that has Tax Statement on application. come to Lenta in a long time. Mi»» Minnie M. William» of Gray’s Crossing di*l the IKth. The funeral will lie bel«l Saturday at Lerch's chapel ••••••••••••••••••••••eee»ee»eeeeee»eeeeeeeaaeaeeeee and interment will lie in Multnomah cemetery. R. E. Beagle is»uffering from a »er- iou» attmJc of typhoid fever. Other memlier» of hi» family have tieen taken Beaver State Herald and other papers with it and a sister’» children, removed The price of The H«-ral«l alone i» |1. to Handy probably since becoming ex­ LENTS, - OREGON a vear, but to tiioae who would like the posed to it, are also ill with typhoid. advantage a clubbing rate with other |>aj>er» we offer the following low For a full line of prieca: Xew ami Second Hand Biliousne»» ia due to a disordered con­ RtawmUr test art te lowest Kates dition of the »tomach. Chamberlain’s "The Herald" in combination w ith any Tablet» are e»wentially a stomach m«xl- of the following: icine, intended esfieciallv to act on that 1 H » mo» WKEKI.y OREGONIAN....... 12 (0 II on orgon ; to cleanse it, to strengthen it, DAILY OREGONIAN *.X I 25 Tablets, Copy Books, Slates O ’ LY and-SUNDAY OREtJOKIAN »«i 4 25 tom- ami invigrat«- it, to regulate the DAILY TELE«.RAM Water Colar Sets, 5.00 2.75 2.u0 1* liver an«! to banish biliousnes» [ewtively HEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL Satchels, Etc. DAILY JOURNAL . S.iO 2.75 arid effwtively. For Sale by Gresham DAILY »nieb enjoyed a Sunday visit with his father ami sister from Portland. V. Gibhart ami daughters went to CHURCH NOTICES. Portland Friday evening. FREE METHODIST CHURCH — Rev. J. M. H opper , pastor. Services, Mr ami Mrs. Geo. Cusick spent Sat­ Sunday School, 1') a. m ; Preaching urday evening and Sumlav in the city. every Sumlay at 11 a m. and K p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at Mrs Nixon of Warrendale yisite«! 8 o’clock. All welcomed. Mrs. C. E. Smith and Miss Ethel over ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Sunday. Grt-sltaiu—Rev. F. II. Freund, pastor. Mrs. Ketchum of Portland visitol her S krvicks (German) 11 a. m., every sister, Mrs. Lotta Benfield Sunday. Sumlay morning. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Saturday school at 2 p. m. Lewis Reed made a trip to The Dalles LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. Monday. CHURCH. Gresham—P astor , Rev. Mrs. Harry Sidwell of Portlaml was a J. F. Dunlop. S ervicbs , Sunday guest at the F. H. Reed home last w eek. Schoo), 9:45 a. m.; Preaching at 11 a. nt. and 7:3l) p. in., Epworth Mrs. Iva Spybruck has been on the League er»on bringing it. There will lie juat a little of the element of GATES CROSSING luck in this, sufficient to make the auc­ tion humorous. The proceeds of th«- The county has ten teams at work on social will go to the Bunday schixil. the road north of the station cutting down the hill. The Lente Telephone company has DOVER lieen doing considerable work in this Ja». DeShazer ami family of Firwood vicinity recently. ! were visiting friends here Sunday. Alice Radke, while on her way from j Mr and Mrs. Jarl of Kelso were here l-ents to visit Mrs D. C. Maybee last : Sunday. Sunday met with a painfu ai-cident. A Mrs. A. Miller is «(uite ill. hunter cnrlesslv discharge-1 his gun in J G. DeShazer was around insuring the direction of the road and one of the shot, fortunately nearly spent, struck - th«« new buildings Monday. the little girl in the face, cutting thro . Mrs. Ahnart and Mollie were visiting her upper lip and kxiging in the gum. the school one day last week. Mrs. LaMear is having a veranda Mrs. Hubert», Lula and Hilda were built entirely around her house. visiting Joseph DeShazer Sunday. W. D. Lawson arrive«) Monday for a Mr. Garver is spending a few days in visit with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. W. Portland. Lawson. A nu tn lier of people from here at- tended the progressive meeting at Fir­ wood Saturday evening. COTTRELL Fred Wagoner is progressing rapidly ! with his new bouse. ROCKWOOD ■r. Jones is busy making neetled re­ Mr. Boyer, who hail Ix-en a long suf­ pair» on the roads. ferer from cancer, diol Saturday and Mrs. A. Bissell and ch Idren of Cleve­ was buried Monday in Greenwood cent- land, Ohio, are here the guests of rela­ ■etery. tives. Men ar«- at work graveling the cros»- roail south of the M. E. church. Gra«ling baa commenced on the Tay­ lor place preparing for the Mt. Hood < ► < ) I railroad. Floyti Iaivelaee spent Sunday with his Our Methods. Our Stock of parents here. Lumber and Millwork and Our Mrs Hurt« n entertained Mrs. Spears Pric-e. We are eontident that it ! of Russellville last Saturday. will roan It in securing your busi­ Miss Ellen Taylor nnd Roy Dawes ness when you nee«l anything from were married at the home of the bride's a post to a bill of lumlier for a parents at Estacada last Sunday. Both house or barn. wer«« formerly from Rockwo«xl and their The b»-st in «(iiality for the mon­ many friends wish them happiness. ey, is the motto we try to live up Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kaser were ac­ to. C«>ine in and inveetigate cepted as new members of the grang«- last Saturday. S kk E. W. MILLER, LENTS Wiley-A lien Office Miss A t»a Middle'on, who ia attend- MILL AND TAROS AT LENTS JUNCTION | ing school in Portland, s|>ent Sunday at home. The pupils of Rockwiwxi »« bool are getting subscriptions for an encycloped- Company ! ia for the school. They have over $25 | subscribe«!. INVESTIGATE MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER Complete Outfiters PACIFIC FARMER 1.75 I.»> NATIONAL «.RANGE 1.75 1.00 POCLTRY JOCRNAI. (monthly) . 1.50 ill ORE«,<>N AOKICULTt RIST lAu M FARM JOURNAL, a yr*, »nil H«ir»e Secret»....................................... 1.50 ,>A MCCALL’S MAGAZINE (Ladle»') 1A0 Thi> price 1» (Or delivery by mail only sad only when remittance ia made with or-ler Paper» may be »ent t