Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 21, 1910, Image 3

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Employes Destroy Tracks and
Wreck Trains.
Indian Hurricane Headed
Florida Coast.!
For the Hostess
Key West, Oct. 15 At 6 o’clock to­
night the wireless station hors report­ i
ed a Weal Indian hurricane centered
west of Havana and moving with great
intensity toward Progress», Yucatan.
The atorm will extend from Florida
to Mexico. All wlreloM stations with
the exception of the local government
station are disabled. There la an un­
confirmed rumor that a liner ia tmluirc
near Key West.
Thu weather bureau station at Sand
Key was awash and the men there
sought refuge at the lighthouse. The
Un I t<-d wireless station was tem|iorar-
lly disabled and the operator secured
the instruments and abandoned hia
quarters when heavy seas began to
come in.
The government wireless
alone was in operation.
Corporation Tax Litigation to Come Taft Gives O. K. and Work Will Be
Completed in February.
Up Three Months Hence.
Chat on Interesting Topics of Many Kinds, by
a Recognized Authority
Beverly, Mass.—President Taft fin-
Washington Because of failure to
have a full trench in the Supreme court ally approved plana for raising the
of the United States a general re- wreck of the battleship Maine, which
each with a tube of library past*» and
Foe a Bride-Elect.
1 slegraph Wires Cut and Air Brakes
adjustment of Important cases Mt call for the completion of the work on
So many of rny letters are from just an envelope containing a Dutch flgura
Disabled Food Supply for
last spring for consideration thia au- or before the 13th anniversary of the the dearest girls tn the world who cut Into a puzzle, the bits were to bw
Paris By Water.
destruction of the war vesae), February count themselves among the bread pasted upon the blue background
tumn was made by the court.
winners; and every ones and a while when the picture was completed The
The Standard Oil and Tobacco xuita ' 15, nexL
one who first accomplished thia was
under the Sherman anti-trust law were j The work is to Ire done according to some one of them Is married, and
Faris. Oct. 13. Thu strike of the
then all her good friends want to do preeenUKl with a Dutch brand of
postponed for rehearing from N'ovem- plans made by army engineers and to all they can tn way of showers and chocolate for a prise.
railroad men, which
threatens to
bcr 14 to January 3.
The corporation be under the direction of an engineer wedding gifts. When such an ocea­
Then the hostess showed us a fins
spread throughout France, was dr
slon comes I have many queries ns U> collection of postcards all represent­
tax cases were also signed for srgu- officer,
nounctxl today by Premier Brisnd as
merit on Jsnuary 3. So wero the cases
President Taft believes that the par­ how and what should be done, Now ing Holland soetjes The refreshments
“an insurrection, purely, built upon
office consisted of net bread sandwiches
involving the question .of the correct I amount question is the determining for thia Is the way ten girls tn an
English Coast Feels Storm.
criminal foundations.”
did when one of their number was to with porcelain mugs of piping hot
Ixmdon The English coast is strewn penalty to be imposed ¿on violators of sll time the cause of the explosion. He marry a young doctor with very little chocolate topped with whipped cream,
The premier declared that the strike
was called while negotiations were go- i with wreckage as the result of a storm the 28-bour law, ¿regulating the ship- has invited Spain to send a represent- money but a splendid fellow for all and delicious creamed finnan haddte
There were charming
ative to be present during the work of that. They called a meeting and de­ In ram a kins
Ing on for an adjustment of grievances | that baa continued for two days. The I meat of livestock.
cided 'hat at the most three dollars place cards tn shape of wind mills and
and he promised that the Instigators of casualty list la a long one. Bodies of
It is ex per Leri that successors to exposing and removing the wreck.
the table centerpiece was a large
five seamen from the coasting steamer Chief Justice Fuller and Justice Moody
the strike would l*e ¡iroseculed.
__ ____
of ______________
the old hulk re- apiece was all they could spare for wooden shoe filled with golden glow.
both wedding gift a»! a shower, so It
'I he river S> li e, which in January Cranford were picked up off Hartle- will have taken their places by that mains to be settled,
The doilies were of blue denim, fring­
threatened to destroy Paris, looms up j pool. It la believed the vessel, which time.
j Army engineers believe that it will r<-solved Itself Into this admirable«
ed all around with the hostess’ mono
in the role of saviour.
The govern carried a crew of 20, foundered, and
The |m|H>rtance of the questions in-
possible to float the after two-thirds plan. They invited the bride-to-be to
gram done tn white tn the center of
merit has made arrangements to rush that the men were attempting to reach solved also led the court to postpone of the vessel.
The forward third, «pend a Saturday afternoon with them
fiMxi supplies to Paris from the sea, abore in a email boat when they were until January a number of cases set where the explosion wrought the great- at the home of one of the girls and. each.
requisitioning all boato to meet the loot.
for argument today. The * boycott
havoc, is believed to be too far when the tea was served, they pre­
An Autumn Luncheon.
Some of the wreckage coming aahore contempt appeals arising —
crisis and ease the food market, which
out • “of the gone (0
taken out as a whole, and sented the honored guest with a half
At a country bouse. Just before be
Indicates that a sailing ship met a like injunction proceedings in the District
ia already hard hit.
the wreckage will be removed piece­ dosen teaspoons, a half dozen forks
Lifeboats from many pointa of Columbia brought against the Amer­
The employes of the Eastern and the fate.
and a half dosen pearl handled knives I lag closed for the season, there was a
delightful luncheon given for eight
Paris, Lyons A Mediterranean rail- * were out and In Some instances effect­ ican Federation of Labor by the Buck
If congress approves the recom­ and told her thia was her wedding
rotula have not to any appreciable ex- | ed rescues. In other cases they were Stove A Range company, of St. I xjuis , mendation of the engineer» the wreck present from the ten. They selected city guests. Every thing was sugges­
tive of the fall; the flowers were
tent responded to the strike call and unable to reach distressed craft.
wero reassigned for January 16.
will be taken out to sea and given a a stock pattern, so that at any time
the government’s wea|M>n of mobillxa-
more silver could be added, and they asters and the centerpiece was a
The Kissel rase, involving the ques- ceremonial burial in deep water.
brown basket filled with all sorts of
tion has induced some of those employ­
| lion whether the American Sugar Re­
Steamer Cannot Make Port.
No portion of the wreck is to be dis­ left the marking to be done as the
ed on the Northern road to return to j Tampa, Fla.-—A'message from the lining company and others conspired to turbed until a full opportunity has bride wished. I think this was a most fruit After the repast there was a
their [Misto. Nevertheless, the North­ wireless station at Key Westat 7:20 p. prevent the Pennsylvania Sugar Refin­ been given to view and study iL
sensible and satisfactory thing all game of bridge with grape juice serv­
ern and Western railroads are prostra­ m. reported Die steamship Olivet just ing company from doing business, wo
To this end the first work will be around and the combination of funds ed frem a punch bowl with bunches of
teti. The call to the colors has been outside the bar unable to make port on [jostponed until November 10, on ac­ ■ the construction of a cofferdam of in- made a fine showing, much more prac­ purple and white grapes hanging over
ignored by the large majority anti at account of heavy seas. The wind is count of illness of counsel. The cases j terlocking
_______ ______
tical than If each girl had tried to put the «lge The effect was lovely and
steel _____
large ____
mass meetings today the strikers re­ blowing 60 to 60 miles an hour,
The i involving the constitutionality of the
give a clearance of 50 feet on all her three dollars into a separate gift. all exclaimed "How pretty!" For
prizes the hostess had arranged bas­
iterateti their determination not to steamship Cornua, s|x>ken 40 mllrs employers' liability law were
re‘ sides of the wreck.
kets of vegetables and fruit all grown
rcs|iond to the call.
In- assigned for argument on November j
west of Torttigas, Is proceeding,
A Whittier Contest.
The [jumping out of the water, when
Much destruction hns been wrought diealions are that th* atorm is awerv- 28. i Attempts to postpone considers- (be dam is completed, unquestionably
For those who are keen after liter­ on the place, and put up daintily with
on the Western system, on which the Ing eastward and will strike the Flor­ tion of the cases involving the peonage will be an impressive event.
ary games this Whittier stunt may be flowers on top.
strikers and their supporters have held ida coast In the vicinity of Tampa, prosecutions from Florida and the Mis­
The bodies of sailors who lost their acceptable. It may be used in connec­
up and derailed trains, block«! tracks, alightly to the northwest. The barom­ souri 2-cent fare law was unsuccessful. lives in the disaster and were never tion with school work. especially when
destroyed signals, ripped up rails and eter !•> rending 29.94.
Motions to advance a large number | recovered will be taken to the Arling­ studying our American classics:
cut telephone and telegraph wires.
of cases were submitted to the court. ton National cemetery at Washington
L Gui« the name of the poem shut In
by th* storm. Snow bound.
Thu government has ordered the arrest
Among these were eases Involving the for burial.
2. T .<•
where volumes abound.
of a score of strike leaders and in­
i constitutionality ef
A naval board of inquiry, which was The IJbrary.
both of shoes and
structions have been issued to the
Wealthy Art Patrons May Have to amendment to the Hepburn rate law, ' convened in Havana and made such an stockings. The Bar-foot
tr<M>|ia to use severe measures wher­
making the initial carriers responsible examination of the wreck as was pos­
flows from th«
Light old rose tints are genuinely
Turn Over Treasures.
ever occasion requires.
for goods throughout the route, and the sible with divers and the testimony of ground. ___ e ___________
girlish colors for millinery purposes.
Thousands of [>era<>n living in the
New York - An anonymous note sent cases involving the constitutionality survivors, reported that the explosion was hanged.
Witch’s Daughter
The Witch's
Children's silk socks are embroidered
suburbs anti employed In Paris tniuiaed to William l-oeb Jr., colluctor of the I of the bank deposits guarantee laws of came from the outside, probably a
4. The poem of sunshine and rain. In small detached flowers
In self
this evening around the depots. These port of New York, precipitated a sen­ Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas.
f. The poem which sathersd the hay In tones.
they found eloeed nisi silent, with mil­ sational raid on the Fifth avenue es­
field. Maud Muller
The wreck is now in 25 feet of the
Foulard veiled with chiffon make up
». The poem that's hard to explain. A
itary camps in front. Then, with true tablishment of Duveen Brothers’ art
water, It has sunk but one foot in Mystery.
simple little afternoon or visiting
Parisian gaiety, they laughingly set galleries and the arrest of two mem­
the 12 years since it went down, The of my youth. My Playmate.
out to walk home, perha(« a distance ber» of the firm, Benjamin J. and
darn to be constructed about the wreck
10. The -----
— when
whet [«Mona wers learn-
The summer stockings
of five or ten miles, or stormed the Henry J. Duveen, charged with con­
School Days.
will be 415 feet in length and 275 feet ed 11 In
In vivid colors on Instep
Against on Part of Railroads.
tramways, cal« automobiles and other spiracy to defraud the government of
at the widest plsce.
from disgrace. Barbara Frletchla.
and ankle.
n.i re than $l,o<M'.0oo by undervalua- I
Washington—A conspiracy on the'
Dull silver slippers will be worn
Burning Driftwood
The lueses to commerce already are tion of imports.
part of the railroads to deprive Middle
quite as jnuch as the white on sum­
Scores of trains have
In the event of fines being imposed West grain shippers of the advantages
A Dutch Chocolate.
mer evenings.
twen stalled along the roads, many of or duties recovered from thp firm or its of cheap water trans|iortation and to
The bandana handkerchief cap Is In
Now that the cooler days have come
these carrying food supplies, which memliere, the informant will be in line drive the grain transportation busi­ Railroads Say No Funds Available
hot drinks are very acceptable at aft­ good repute this year, and la seen ac­
for Improvements.
have become until for use.
The pas­ for the reward offered by the govern­ ness from the Great Lakes is charged
ernoon affaire. On quaint Dutch post companying many of the smartest
sengers on the steamship Oceanic, who ment for evidence resulting in such in a petition filed with the Interstate ■
Washington — President James Mc­ cards the hostess asked twenty guests bathing suits.
took the train at Cherbourg for Paris, conviction.
Commerre commission by the Chicago Crea, of the Pennsylvania Railway to spend the afternoon with her from
In suede shoes one sees taupe, old
are blocked at Mantc-Sur-Seine, atxjut
If the alleged frauds prove as exten- j board of trade.
I company, was a witness before the In­ “three to five.” The first stunt af­ nattier, wood rose, all dark browns
36 miles from Paris.
sive as customs officials have stated,
The complaint is directed against terstate Commerce commission on the
and blues, and, of course, black. Fash­
Many Americans have been com- this reward will probably be between the Pennsylvania railroad, the Balti­ proposed advances in freight rates by forded great amusement, the girls sat
ionable women have a pair for each
[telled to remain in this city or pay $100.000 and $500,000.
more A Ohio railroad, the New York railroads out of Chicago.
a square of Delft blue card board to I handsome gown.
fabulous sums to reach the coast, so
The United States government has ' Central and 74 other railroad lines
Mr. McCrea urged the necessity of
that they might embark for England. warrants out for the remaining mem­ operating east of Chicago and other the proposed increases on account of
M. J sure, leader of the Socialists in bers of the firm, who have art gal­ Lake Michigan and Lake Superior the increased expenditures in wages
the chamber of deputies, tixiay an­ leries in the leading capitals of Eu­ points.
| incurred by roads during the last ten
swered Premier Briand, charging that rope.
It is reported that “by reason of years —aggregating 33 per cent in the
the railroads of the government were
Millions of dollars' worth of paint­ conspiracy on the part of the defend­ case of the Pennsylvania, and the in­
rea[M>nxible for the present crisis.
He ings and art work have been sold to ant carriers, substantially all means of creased cost of maintenance of service.
declared that the scheme of militariza- | millionaire art patrons in this country, all-rail through transportation from
The witness said that the results of
tion was dangerous, as it uas certain and it wax suggested that the customs Chicago to New York and other Atlan­ the constant increases in the business
to weaken military discipline ami in officials may invade these art colle-- tic seaboard [joints, and also all paral­ of the Pennsylvania, through a long
crease anti-militarism.
tlous and temporarily hold the master- lel and competing through lines of [jeriod of years, had been distributed
The Southwest express find a narrow pieces pending an adjudication of till' transportation via the Great Lakes either through reduction in rates, in-
escape from being wrecked on its ar­ alleged frauds.
from Chicago and other lake pointa to ■ creases in wages and amounts paid for
rival here today.
The brakes fallisi
District Attorney Wise said he be- Buffalo, and from Buffalo to New material, or by reinvestments in the ;
to work nnj subsequent investigation lieved that fraudulent valutiona have York, and other Atlantic seaboard property not capitalized.
showed that the J air pipes had been been carried on systematically for points, .are owned and controlled by j
He expressed the belief that a prop­
cuL The train dashml into the Auster­ years.
erty of the magnitude of the Pennsyl­
the defendant carriers.”
litz station at a s[M*ed of 60 miles an
The commission is urged to protect vania Railroad rendering a service sat­
Hurricane Rages in Cuoa.
It was stopped just before
the lake traffic in grain by restoring isfactory to its patrons, “deriving, as
reaching the Doraatit terminus.
Havana- The provinces of Havana, the lower ex-grain rates from Buffalo j it did derive in 1909, net earnings to
At Boia Odombes the strikers held Mntanzas and Pinar del Rio have been to Eastern [joints.
the amount of only 5.01 per cent of the
up a freight train and, smashing in the in the grip of the severest storm of
amount actually invested in the prop­
doors of the cars., fr<*ed a cargo of recent years since Thursday.
erty,” was entitled to fair considera­
cattle. Heavy consignments of fruit highest velocity of wind was 80 miles
tion by the people, and he could not
and vegetables destined for Belgium an hour. The rain probably was un­
how rates that secured such
and Northern Franco are stalled and precedented, and has wrought great Interstate Commission Not Satisfied results Could be regarded as too high.
in Lumber Rate Case.
ruined. Prices of fish, eggs, butter damage to sugar cane and tobacco.
The hearing was conducted before
and milk have jumped 25 per ccnL Exit from and entranco to the port
Washington— Luther R. Walters, the full commission. Chairman Martin
The merchants are arranging for the have been closed. Dredges and barges attorney for the Interstate Commerce Knapp presiding.
transportation of vegetables from the working about the battleship Maine commission, announced that the com­
suburbs by automobiles.
were compelled to seek refuge,
Missouri Case is Argued.
All mission would appeal to the United
but one dredge got away safely,
The States Supreme court from the decis­
Washington Stubbornly contesting
crew of the dredge was rescued.
Search for Gold Ended.
ion of the United States Circuit court every point, attorneys for the State of
at St. Paul sustaining the railroads’ Missouri and the railroads therein, be­
Ix>s Angeles -Two associates, Fuller in the Pacific Coast lumber gan argument before the Supreme
nnd Stewanl, hardly less known in the
Makes Call in Aeroplane.
The lower court held reas­ court as to the validity of a 2-cent pas­
world of adventure than himself,
Washington- Claude Graham White, rati.
reached thia city with the personal the English aviator, stopped nt the onable a 50-cent rate fixed by the rail­ senger rate and maximum freight rate
It is
effects of Dr. Charles P. Holt, of White House door in his aeroplane, roads. The commission is. not content >ti of the commonwealth.
Santa Ana, the distinguished journal- after a flight of about six miles. He to abide by this decision, and nest ass.- u. that the issues in controversy
iat, scientist nnd explorer, who died of Innded where the slightest deviation week Attorney Walters will go to St. will affect railway legislation in near­
fever, alone in a far-off port of Colom­ from the course would have impaled Paul t > file an appeal to bring the case ly every state in the Union.
The case includes questions of juris­
bia, South America, with wealth with­ him on the spikes of an iron fence at before the Supreme court.
This is a privileged case and when diction of Federal courts over state
in his grasp. The lure of gold had his right, or smashed him against
drawn Dr. Holt to every part of the granite walla at his left. Admiral the Supreme bench is filled in January legislation and the proper basis of ar­
globe where the precious metal is Dewey was on the spot to extend con­ the commission will enter a motion to riving at the remuneration guaranteed
found. He was among the first that gratulations.
An hour later White advance it in the hope of getting a de­ the railroads under the Federal consti-'
EPARATE motifs for embroidery | who stencil, and ft will be seen at a
invaded Alaska.
ascended from the spot where he had cision at this term of court.
and stenciling usually are present- glance that they can be .carried out In
landed and returned to his starting
Eastern Cities Growing.
_ i (>d |n one running
color or designs.
In two. In The
rose or Itself
Peary to Get Captaincy.
Car Upturns, Racer Dies.
point, the Bennings race track.
Washington — Population statistics, large squares or In single flowers that may be a dull pink, with the stem re­
Washington—Commander Robert E.
Amarillo, Texas -T. H. Skaggs, of
Peary, the Arctic explorer, will be enumerated in the 13th census, were j necessarily vary tn shape, but tend produced tn dull leaf green. All of
Decatur, Ala., was killed instantly
Negro Kills Two, Hurts Five.
issued by the census bureau for the toward general roundness as a whole, the tree Is green except the central
here when the 90-horse-power Simplex
Huntington, W. Va,—In a fight be- promoted to the rank of captain in the following cities:
Now there are articles for the house portion of the upper head.
car he was driving in a 200-mile auto- tween George Johnson, a negro, and a corps of naval civil engineers on Oc­
More suggestive of embroidery are
New Britain, Conn., 43,916, an in-¡ beautiful« that demand an upright or
mohjjc race turned turtle. As his car [Kisse here two persona, including John­ tober 20, as the result of the retire­
the cattail and tris, both of which are
as are shown
swept around a curvo of the course, son, were killed and five were seriously
In these Illustrations. They belong to Intended for quick work In long flat
one of the inner wheels was crushed. injured. George Tobias, a member of account of age. Naval orders to this 25,998 in 1900.
Stamford, Conn., 25,183, an increase all who care to trace or transfer them stitches after the Japanese. Very fre­
The car turned completely over, pinn­ the posse was killed by Johnson, and effect were issued at the navy depart­
and to the more experienced, who can quently, when the outltnes have been
ing Skaggs under it
Skaggs had lost Detective Lent« and Charles Hale were ment Captain Peary will command of 9,141, or 57.1 per cent over 15,997
enlarge them. They will be found ap­ done In black to produce an effect
two laps because of tire trouble end fatally wounded. In the course of the
New Brunswick, N. J., 23,388, com­ plicable to lampshade panels, to such quickly, just such stitches as are here
was driving desperately to regain the battle. Chief of Police Clingenpeel promotion takes effect. As command­
small articles as the fancy-work bag. shown are hastily placed within leave«
pared with 20,006 in 1900.
lost ground.
climbed to the top of a cliff where the
and sash curtain nnd table runner and anil petals; Just a few to produce the
negro was barricaded, and shot him
Southern Railway
___ to many small crash hangings for the color, for Instance, or the purple tris
1000 Are Dead or Missing.
Argentine Heads Sworn.
Atlanta, Ga.—A gain of $1,921.663 library and the boudoir. Also it will or the rich brown of the cattail, as la
Washington — Forester Graves re
Buenos Ayres- Senor Roque Scnsa
ceived the following telegraphic re- in net revenues for the fiscal year end­ be possible to use these on various desired.
Pena and Dr. Victorino de la Plaxa
All of these designs will serve also
(Two Fall Into Boiling Dye.
port from Supervisor Marshall, of the ed June 30, 1910, ia shown by the 16th beaten brass articles and as pyrogra-
wero Inaugurated respectively as pres­
phic outlines for wood, leather or vel­ as models from which to paint upon
ident and vice president of the Argen­
Japanese burlap paper for lampshades,
tine Republic.
President Pena de­ Knights Woolen Mills fell into a vat ing the forest fire situation in Minne­ The operating income went to $16,698,-
The square outltnes of the conven­ or upon parchment and their outlines
clared in hie message that his interna­ of boiling dye while scuffling on its sota: “Reports give 1,000 burned and 020, a gain of $1,858,631 for the year. tional rose and the more rounded tree will suggest the similar treatment of
The increase in wage scale recently
tional policy would be directed with brink. H. 0. Jonhson died soon after missing. The area burned is estimat­
design are especially planned for thee» other (lowers.
friendship toward Europe and fratern­ being taken out and hia companion, ed to be 2,500 square miles. Fire still announced, it is said, will add nearly
John H. Nebaker, cannot live.
ity for America.
Embroidery Motifs