CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK AIRSHIP CROSSINO ATLANTIC HURRICANE SWEEPS FLORIDA Sea Rushes Over Walls and Buildings Crumble. Many STATE Walter Wellman and Crew Make Sen­ sational Start. 1 ÌSES I 5 j I j Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 17. Sail­ ing into a thick fog that hung low ATTENDANO! INCREASED. over the Atlantic ocean a few minutes after 8 o'clock thia morning. Walter Doings of the World at Large Medtord Climate Ideal tor Raising Students at O. A. C. IOII. and a Pos­ Wellman, with a crew of five mon, is Big Clement-Bayard Dirigible Poultry. Says Expert. sibility of 2000. tonight believed to lie on an epoch- Told in Brief. Makes Splendid Flight Corvallis The attendance at Oregon Medford Manager Malboeuf, of the making voyage to Europe in the huge Medford Commercial club, is in receipt cigar-shaped airahip America. Agricultural college has increased Numerous wireless messages wort* twenty-four per cent over that of last of a letter from James Dryden, profes­ General Resume of Important Events sor of chicken husbandry at Oregon received during the day, ami the latest Currias Sevan Mun From Compeigna, year. Up to date 1,011 students have Agricultural college, in which the pro­ indicated that Wellman is tonight sail­ Presented In Condensed Form France, to London, In Six Hours matriculated. They are registered fessor lauds the climate and aoil of the ing through tho darkness off the New Without Mishap. for Our Busy Readers. from every county in Oregon, eighteen Rogue river valley from the chicken York coast. The men making tho flight are Wal­ states of the Union, and eight foreign raising point of view, snd urges that more enter the field of production, ter Wellman, commander; Melvin Van­ A German aeronaut is leading in the countries. Benton county leads the The letter in part is as follows: l-ondon Another chapter was added iman, chief engineer and next in com­ international balloon race. 4« 1 know of no place in the United mand; F. Murray Simmons, navigator; to the history of aviation when the list with 174 students, and Multnomah Hurricane sweeps Florida, causing comes next with 127. Linn county States that is more favorable in a cli­ J. K. Irwin, wireless operator; John French dirigible balloon, ('lenient- heavy property loss and many casual- sends 39, Marion 36, Lane 34. Douglas matic way for the raising of jxiultry Aul>ert ami Alliert Louis Ixiud, assist­ Bayard, made the voyage from Com- ties. 33. Washington 28, Yamhill 43, Jack- than the Rogue river valley. You ant engineers. have no extremes of temperature, a The start of the America waa one of picgiio to London in the remarkable A woman has been arrested as an son 25, Clackamas 21, Clatsop 18, modern tv rainfall, little snow and the moat dramatic momenta ever oc­ lime of six hours, a journey requiring accessory in the Los Angeles Times Umatilla 17, Polk 20, Lincoln 15 and abundant sunshine. You have all the curring here. Roundly criticised by seven hours by the fastest express dynamiting case. natural advantages of soil and climate. people who did not tielieve that he trains a/id Ixiata. other counties from 2 to 14. Cumpelgne la 45 Roosevelt did some “explaining” in Students have come to the college Poultry may be successfully kept in would ever undertake what waa miles northeast of Faris ami ataiut 195 his political speeches and his friends this fall from 23 colleges nnd univer­ orchards, and there are advantages of thought to tie a foolhardy venture, miles by air route to London. fear he is losing ground. It waa the first occasion on which a sities located in all parts of the world. such combination, but you have large Wellman startled the whole island by At a banquet given in Chicago to They come from such institutions as tracts outside of your orchard land that bringing the America out of the dirigible balloon has crossed the Eng­ are bringing in little or no revenue hangar and without ceremony going steel magnates, it is estimated that the universities of Michigan, Wiscon­ lish channel. The over water trip oc­ seven billions of wealth was represent­ cupied 45 minutes. sin, Minnesota and Columbia, and from now, that might tie devoted to poultry into the air. For the last 30 days tho public hail 1 The Clement Bayard, with a crew of ed. the Agricultural colleges of Michigan, raising. I have in mind a farm of 120 acres, too poor for crop, that is pro expectantly awaited some move from ' six, left C-onqielgne at 7:15 o'clock Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas. One A donkey engine set fire to the new man from India who has degrees from during over $10,000 a year in poultry the intrepid crow. Day after day it Sunday morning and reached Ixmdon Madison street bridge in Portland and the schools of India and the University and eggs, and the same thing could be waa announced that a trial flight would at utaiut 1:15 in the afternoon, making caused considerable damage. The Atnniaphcric of Edinburg, Scotland, has registered done on waste land in Southern Oregon be made ns soon as conditions were 1 tiic trip without a stop. bridge is not yet finished. conditions were perfect and the lug here in order to get special work in that has practically no market value perfect. at the present time. 1 prepared a book It waa about 4 a. tn. Imlay that the Walter Wellman and his crew of five horticulture. Dean Cordley, of the airship traveled with a alight breeze men were forced to abandon their air­ school of agriculture, reports an ex­ for the Portland Commercial club on final decision to go up waa made by lx hnid. The ta-hnvior of the dirigible All night was splendid and the 440 horsepower ship, en route to Europe from Amer­ ceptional growth in that work, ile poultry raising in Oregon, which I be­ Chief Engineer Vaniman. In this I he watched at the weather bureau, ami motor worked to perfection ica, and were rescued by a passing states that the Freshman class has in­ lieve is now being printed. The pas­ steamship. creased 63 per cent; thejunior class 50 refer to conditions in Southern Oregon, as dawn broke he decided. Rushing sengers experienced no discomfort and and you may get some points the crew, who slept in tho hangar, from it were only troubled by the mist in per cent; the Senior class 90 per cent; A Tacoma man has just celebrated special students 50 per cent and grad­ that you can use to advantage in your Vaniman called Wellman on the tele­ crossing the English channel. his 100th birthday. He is in good community.” phone at the Hotel Chalfont«, and no­ uate students 100 per cent. There waa nothing to interrupt the health. He can trace his ancestry di­ tified him that the time to start had smooth, swinging motion of the bal­ In speaking of the Increase in at ­ rectly back to Sir Thomas Cox, first Attendance is Larger. arrived. tendance President Kerr said: “lam loon, which averaged 33 miles an hour. lord mayor of Cork, Ireland. With everything ready for the Worth An altitude varying from 300 to 700 Salem — Registration for the law convinced that the total registration In a practical test on a sample Ore- for the year will reach 1,800 and |xiasi- school of Willamette university will be "Let go,” the crew climbed into the feet was maintained, ami all along tho gon ballot, one man required 15 min- route over the land the aeronauts bly 2,000. I am particularly impressed much larger than it was last year, ac­ car hanging from the balloon. The final "good-byes'* were said to were cheered by thousands of specta­ utes to mark his ballot, and fear is ex­ by the large growth in the school of cording to Dean Charles L. McNary of pressed that many will be unable to WELLMAN AIRSHIP LOST; agriculture and in the great numt>er that school. Students have registered wives, relatives and friends nnd the tors. get into the voting places at the com­ The balloon made a safe and easy of graduate and special students who from Massachusetts, North Dakota. last word to the ground was given. ing election. CREW SAVED BY STEAMER are coming to us from other institu­ Minnesota and Nevada. All of last On the board walk and the lieach landing at Wormwood Scrubs. was assembled a crowd estimated at year's faculty will be retained with tions.” The dirigible carried M. Clement, Willard Stephen Whitmore, inventor the addition of Roy F. Shields, who ntxiut 6,000. The crowd stood in awe of the Clement-Bayard firm, in com­ of the papier mache matrix for mak­ New York—The New York Times will have charge of instruction in the as the airship began to rise and sail in mand; Baudvry and Leprince, steers­ ing stereotype printing plates, is dead. received a wireless saying that Walter BIG SUM SECURED. department of sales. It is probable the fog. Then cheer after cheer fol­ men; Hcbatier, engineer and designer; He received no benefit from his inven­ Wellman and his companions aboard lowed when the craft began to disa;i- two mechanics, and Arthur Philip Du- tion, although it is now in use in every the airship that started to fly from State Land AKe nt’s Sales for T wo that the registration will go over 50. pear in the mist. Within five minutes 1 Cros, members of the British parlia­ civilized country in the world. America to Europe were rescued by Years Bring S629.697. Build Big Wool Warehouse. the ship was out of sight. ment. representing the British parlia­ the Royal Mail steamer Trent. The political situation in Iowa is so Robert Miller, one of the wireless mentary aerial defense committee. Lakeview Work has commenced on News of the rescue came by wireless Salem—Peter Applegate, state land complicated that both parties are wor- operators stationed here, kept calling from Captain Dow-ns, of the Trent, in agent, has submitted his first letter of the big warehouse for the Lakeview the America, but it wan not until Only these seven were aboard, al­ ried. a message which read: transmittal to Governor Benson and in Wool Storage company. The building 11:15 a. m. that there was a response. though the airship can a<-cominl been up all French aviator, each with a passenger, Oats—White, $28. 43,683.64 acres were sold at $8 75 straight for Ontario, across the Great Green Fruits—Apples, new. 60c6( day, and at night entered his sitting made remarkable trips in biplanes An auto struck a go-cart in Spokane Lakes, along the best balloon route in per acre. $1.50 per box; ;iearx, $16/2; peaches, room for the daily consultation with from Paris to Brussels. They started and smashed it to splinters, but the America, Captain von Abercron, the 15,020.35 acres were sold at $10 per an hour and a half apart. In an attempt 85c6/.$l per crate; grapes, 75c6/$1.25 his physician. baby was snatched from the cart by its famous German pilot, with his balloon, acre. The senator informed Dr. VanPatton to win the $30,000 offered by the Auto mother and escaped without a scratch. Germania, is believed to be leading in 4.968.89 acres were sold at $13 ¡ier per box, 15c per basket; cranberries, $8.106/9.50 per barrel; huckleberries, that he waa feeling much improved and club and the $5,000 offered by the mu­ The first arrest has been made for the international race for the James acre. 761,8c per pound; quinces, $16/1.25 per that he believed he had about recover­ nicipality of Paris for a successful 2.177.89 acres were sold at $15 per setting fores fires. William Longfel­ Gordon Bennett cup, which started ed his normal strength. Dr. VanPat­ flight with a passenger to Brussels and bsx; watermelons, $1. low was captured by California officers from this city late yesterday afternoon. acre. Vegetables - Beans, 36/5c per pound; ton cautioned him about becoming anx­ return. “ The gross amount of sales is $629,- Somewhere within the radius of 100 for setting fire in the Klamath reserve. Wynmalen, after reaching the Bel­ cabbage, l^c; cauliflower, 50c6/,$1.25 ious to resume his work and then be­ 697.30. gian capital, left almost immediately gan the examination of the heart while A thoroughbred prize-winning bull­ miles, over Lake Huron, dispatches in­ per dozen; celery, 50C6/.90; corn, 12m “There are about 47,000 acres of dog in Spokane gave a fire alarm by dicate that the America II. the Swiss land still on hand to dispose of, which 15c; cucumbers, 256/.40c per box; egg- the senator wax seated in a large Mor on the return trip and arrived safely in Helvetia and Azurea, the French Isle the evening at St. Quentin. LeGag- persistent barking and what might is being used as base by the state at plant. $1641.25 per crate; garlic, 86/ ris chair. The physician wax counting neux decided to stop for the night in have been a serious conflagration was de France and the German Hamburg $15 per acre. !0c per pound; green onions, 15c per the beats of the senator's heart out III and Dusseldorf II are keeping close dozen; peppers, 6c per pound; pump­ loud. He was frequently interrupted Brunsels and will start for Paris early averted. company with the leader. kins, 1 >4e;'radishes, 156/.20c per doz­ by Mr. Dolliver with the declaration in the morning. The steam schooner Santa Monica, H. E. Honeywell, in the St. Louis Apple Market Sought. The distance lietween the two points en; sprouts, 76/8c; squash, 1 '4c per that he waa unable to hear his own with about 40 passengers on board, No. 4, landed tonight near Hillman, . is ataiut 170 miles as the crow flies, Commercial exploitation of Oregon's pound: tomatoes, 1(6/.50c |>er box; heart. was picked up helpless at sea and Mich. They had run out of ballast. famous apples will be started at once 2 The physician xuddently noticed that and the distance between Brussels and towed to Seattle. Her machinery had Nothing definite had been heard at a by the Northwestern Fruit exchange carrots, $16/1.25 per hundred; par- the he art lie ata had ceased. He shook St. Quentin approximately 80 miles. snipe, $16(1.25; turnips, $1. broken down. late hour from Colonel Theodore S. in the Middle Western and Southern his stcthosco;«, thinking that it was The daring Hollander therefore cov­ Potatoes Oregon, $1.25 hundred. A world-wide steel trust may soon Schaeck, in the Helvetia, or Lieuten­ states. Ata recent meeting of the Onions—Oregon, buying price,$l,10 defective in Home way. Again apply­ ered ataiut 250 miles with a passenger. ant Messner, in the Azurea. ¡ exchange it was decided to put four per hundred be a reality. ing his instrument he discovered that On the trip to Brussels I with aviators salesmen in the field and to sell North- Poultry-Hens, 17c; springs, 166/. the heart had ceased entirely. Uj>on made a landing at St. Quentin to re- Taft will urge the development of west apples where they have been 1654c; ducks, white, 176/ 17 L^c; geese, looking into the senator's face he din- plenish their gasoline. Key West Suffers Heavily. the Alaskan coal fields. Key West, Fla.—The tropical hurri­ heard of, but where they have never 11c; turkeys, live, 196/.20c; dressed, | covered that he had died, without a Senator Dolliver, of Iowa, died sud­ cane that has been sweeping over the | been sold before. struggle and without pain. Man Busy; Wreck Ensues. 22 *-46/ 25c; squabs, $2 per dozen. denly of heart failure. The campaign will be directed espe- Butter—City creamery, solid pack, ; Augusta, Ga. Five were killed and West Indies and Southern waters for Trepanning Skull Saves. 17 injured when two trains on the The San Francisco moral wave is five days took Key West in its grip and cially to the wholesale grocery trade, 36c per pound; prints, 276(37)4«; out- j driving many crooks out of the city. tore away the roofs of houses, shook a and it is expected that there will be side creamery, 356/.36c; butter fat, . Walla Walla, Wash. After having Charleston and ^Western Carolina opened up a wide territory heretofore 36c; country store, 2461.25c. nearly become insane through pressure crashed together nt full a;>ecd two Walter Wellman, with five assist­ number of buildings from their founda­ undeveloped on Northwestern fruit. Eggs Oregon, candled, 346/ 35c per | on his brian caused by an injury to his miles south of McCormick, South Caro­ tions, blew vessels from their moor ­ ants, started in his great dirigible bal­ ! The campaign will be the first of its dozen; Eastern, 266/32c. skull, while serving in the Philippines, lina. All the dead and seven of the in­ loon America, to cross the Atlantic ings and did other damage, the extent kind ever inaugurated by the exchange Pork—Fancy, 15c per pound. Captain Charles Booker, of Dayton, is jured were mem tiers of the train crew. of which cannot yet be estimated. But ocean. Veal- Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 1366 1 fully recovered through an operation Shortly after the wreck, operator three lives were reported lost, a ne­ in the interest of the industry. Plans are being formulated for the 1334c per pound. which consiated^of trepanning his skull. Browdcn at McOirmick it is said, tele­ New York society women are adopt­ grees and two children being drowned. Hops—1910 crop, 106/,12)4c; 1909, For several years the mind of Captain graphed the "Augusta officials of the ing the latest Parisian fad of carrying The first mutterings of the storm were co-operation of the exchange with its local constituents for the betterment nominal; olds, nominal. | Booker had become more ___ clouded, ______ ___ and road, and said he was so busy selling dolls. They often spend $25 to $100 heard five days ago, when the wind of the pack and grade of apples and to Wool—Eastern Oregon, 136(17« per I ” so ” much ■••<•••• so no that mnv lately mu.-iy he ne had nail been la-en al- al­ tickets that he forgot to show the sig­ for the doll costumes. rose and there was a deluge of rain. bring about an improvement in the pound; valley, 176(19c; mohair, choice, most irresponsible. The operation nal to atop the southbound train for practical working conditions of the 326/33c. Adolph Busch, the millionaire brew­ wax entirely xuccessful. Captain Augusta for orders. Heney Mourned Greatly. business. er, has finished the expenditure of Cattle—-Beef steers, g