Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 23, 1910, Image 4

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Mi»» Ollie McCarter who was here on
a to her parent«, Mr. ami Mr*.
Cha* McCarter ha* returned to Seattle
where »he i» aaaiatant auperentendent
for the city telephone company.
Henry Marten», of Montfort Wi.. ha»
joined his wife here this week after an
absence of nearly a year. Mr. and Mrs.
Martens will reside in Portland for a
short time.
Joe Osborne has been visiting his
mother recently. He ha» gone to Can*
ada on a trip.
Mrs. Connet, of Madras Oregon, is
visiting her brother C. E. Pugh. She
expects to spend the winter here.
The Gresham Library will give a
Rally Tea Saturday afternoon. Oct. S
from 3 :30 to .5:30. There will be no
charge and every one is invited to come
and renew old and form new acquaint­
ance with books and people.
Mrs. H. L. Ball has gone to La
Grand and Haines to visit her sisters,
Mrs. Violet Thornton.
Messers. Tarr and Marshall went to
conference at Hillsboro this week as
delegates from the M. E. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Parounagian are attend­
ing conference this week.
Walter Burch has returned from
southern Oregon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Barry, of
Manhattan, Kans., a 10-pound girl. The
mother was Miss Bertha B. Wood, one
of the Beaver State Herald force.
mother and baby are getting along
There will be a special meeting of the
council to-night.
Miss Mina Gilbert, who has been
spending the summer in Portland, re­
turned this week. She is expecting L.
L. Kidder and family from Illinois
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Gilliland of Port­
land. spent Sunday last with Mr. and
Mrs E. L. Thorpe.
Mrs. E. L. Thorpe was called to Port­
land on Tuesday last on account of the
sudden death of her aunt, Mrs. Addie
A. Browning, aged 7H. The remains
were shipped to Illinois yesterday for
Mrs. J. H. Metzgar and Mrs. J. W.
Lawrence spent a few days at Seaside.
Hope Meyers. Mark Emery and Chas.
McCall left the first of the week for
Eugene to take up their studies at the
Dudley Shattuck visited home folks
last week.
Chas. Merrill, Dr. Harry Ott and Bert
Metzger returned Monday from their
hunting trip and the two latter are go­
ing tostart on a hunting trip into east­
ern Oregon next week.
It is reported that Frank McMurray,
who is working in Portland, is laid up
with blood poisoning.
Mrs. F. Hamilton, of Klamath Falls,
is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs.
Miss Laura Burkholder visited her
sister. Miss Christie Burkholder, last
Mrs. J. W. Hendricks and her sone
Robert and Curtis have returned from
Coos Bav, where they had a most enjoy­
able outing.
Mrs. Grace Quick, of Quincy Oregon,
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Lindsey.
C. E. Pugh has returned from his trip
to southern Oregon.
Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. 1 arbor of Port­
land, visited A. J. W. Brown’s family
Wednesday; Also Mr. and Mrs. Holmes
who have juet returned from England,
visited them this week and brought
presents from England to them.
Lew is Shattuck and Martin Roberts
returned from southern Oregon the
latter part of last week. They reported
bad roads the mud being so deep that
they ha 1 to leave the auto and return
by train.
C. Crockett’s family arrived from
Spokane, this week and arej occupying
rooms over the furniture store.
Miss Agnes and Lula Sweet returned
to Boise, Idaho, this week. They were
accompanied by Miss Lelia Gibbs who
will ta e a course i i nursing in the
Boise hospital.
Beware of Exploiters
Let not seducers persuade you that
prosperity is begotten by the exploita­
tion of the people; it is begotten by
able industry ami national resource«;
it flourishes with increase of real earn­
ing« and healthful expenditures, and
wanes with each decrease. Be not per­
suaded that the inherent rights of men
are so unequal that wnie may legally
debauch and destroy their fellows; nor
that the supreme law, Right, the found­
ation on which all valid enactments are
founded, has been destroyed; for it yet
survives its being ridden down by the
forces of Greed and Treachery, and its
cruel captivity, and awaits its liberation
by the United People, whose heritage
and boa-t is “freedom.” Incline not
toward treachery not credulity, for op­
pressive wrongs are not political rights,
nor guild«! deception, the truth.
Beware of all men who sanction the
destruction of their fellowmen for the
gain it will return, and thrice liewareof
the rogues who are prostituting our.
Government by deceptively binding het
to withold from her people her »worn
protection, while they plunder and de­ Maaaur.» to Bo Token to Prevent or
stroy them and their home»; beware of
Destroy This Insect Peet
the parasites that thus exploit our heri­
According to R A Cooley. slille ell
tage and imperil our luture; that till tomologlst of Montana, the army cut
our homes with rags and wretchedne«», worm, which lias proved m> serious a
and our country with anarchy; that till pest In some parts of the country
themselves with our earnings, the poor­ should t>e fought as follows:
house with paupers, the mioses with
Under the head of ‘•Prvveiitlon” Mr
neck», and the potters field with the Cooley say»
fini»lied product of delirium and des­
Since the moths are out and laying
Smothering Justice, whis­ their egga tn the latter |>art of August
per»: “No tuan or conspiracy of men has and In September it Is of much lm|x>r
any right to pauperize and destroy tanee that fallow grain lands be kept
their fellowmen by extracting their a* free of weeds and volunteer grain
means and tilling them w ith delirium;” as possible tn order that the moths
Reason seeks to rescue, by crying the may be Induced to lay their eggs else-
words of Justice, and by declaring, where, for they will not deposit eggs
that. “No man has a right to deliauch lu the soil of a cleanly kept field Like
himself for fleeting pleasure, while his wise It Is desirable to keep the tsmlers
family a»d public welfare suffer his al>- of the fields free of Inviting vegetation
sence, and the oss of i is means and Suspected Helds intended for planting
In sugar beets, cabbages aud similar
crops should tie tested In the spring
Common sense, concurs, and urges
before planting by the use of a tew
that "they have no right to prostitute bait plants or some fresh vegetation
their abilities by endangering the safe­ scattered about over the bare soil to
ty and welfare of others; no right to discover whether or not It is safe to
contribute a pittance to the support of plant out the crop. After a day or two
the government by wav of degradation If the worms ire present they will be
and withold their measure of elevating found to have eaten the ball plants or
influence of substantial service and di­ will be In hiding near the scattered
rect taxation, and dually withdraw fresh vegetation.
If the worms are found to be pres­
through pauperism their contribution,
ent and abundaut enough to threaten
and through wrong-doing the fullness the proposed crop It Is well to scatter
of our treasuries; it is a shameful mis­ poisoned vegetation on the field Al­
use of time and talent, a reckless ex­ falfa or other fresh vegetation may tie
penditure of success, a sacrifice of re­ selected for this purpoM*. It should tie
spect and a lastling blow to opportunity cut and dlp|ied into a barrel contain
Ing parts green and water in the pro­
and the nation."
The first law of Nature demands that portion of one pound to fifty gallon» or
man preserve his body, and rebels
against the onslaugh of destructive de­
sire. The greater the desire (or drink
and debauchery, the greater the need
of protection for the man and for the
Meet the growing need with a timely
deed, in-tead of witholding the anti­
dotes until the poison has ruined the
man and filled an untimely grave with
the finished product of human treach- •
ery and national paralysis. It wound
be compounding crime to license the
crime and destruction that conies to
the people through the saloon, and,
since the conduct of the saloon results
in cruelty »nd crime, I hold it to tie a
compound crime to license the saloon ;
the issuance of license is a violation of MOTH WHICH raoucexa THS AKMT CVT-
of the fundamental law, and lays the IFrom Montana Agricultural College Ex-
foundation for the repulsive statement
perl merit Station Bulletin J
“prohibition won't prohibit.” The law the same strength of solution may be
is thereby rendered impotent at its sprayed on the standing vegetation,
source, and the respect of the people is which after It is dry may be cut and
repulsed—for the government is duty- taken directly to the Infewted field lu
bound to protect her [>eople, tho gh the absence of other vegetation on the
money bound to withold her protection. field the worms will gather in the
Her prolonged neglect of duty is evi­ scattered piles of jioisoiied vegetatlou
aud gel a fatal dose of arsenic.
denced by the 'oiood-stwined pages of
This treatment is, of course, advls
history, by countless untimely and un­ able only w here the value of the pro-
named graves, by multiplied criminality , [rosed crop warrants the uecessary ex
and unending pauperism.
The supreme duty of Government is
Coder the bead of “Remedies” Mr
to strengthen her people by fostering Cooley says:
To protect plants growu from seeds
unity and advancement, by placing a
worthy premium on well doing, and a as well as transplanted crops a poi­
sufficient penalty on wrong doing; and, soned bran mash bait tnay be used
Thoroughly mix dry bran with enough
I urge that our people henceforth de­
Paris green to give It a distinct though
mand that the exploiters shall notwith- not deep greenish color, or four ounce*
hold our needful due ; I urge that the to ten |iounds of bran, theu add water
defenders of Home and Freedom, rally enough to make it wet. but not sloppy
and advance with united courage to • A little cheap molasses is often added
strike our entrenched and relentless because of the belief that the bait is
enemies that feed upon our substance thereby made more palatable. A small
and give us endless battle; to str kt quantity of this bait 1» ttien placed in
them with united strength ami united a little pile at the base of each plant
or hill of plants to be protected This
ballot, until they shall flee away!
remedy often works very satisfacto­
They are trying to double-cross the rily. but Is a ppi lea ble only on a small
voters of this state by urging them, wale Such plants a« cabbages and
through their deceptive emissaries, "to tomatoes before setting may tie wrap
vote for Home Rule,” so the saloon can [ssi with a piece of paper at the point
rule more homes; to vote plenty for where they Hre most liable to lie gnaw
plunder, and penury for the people. •d by the cutworm».
When the caterpillars are fe«dlrig in
They are daily casting their entile » net
fairly dense vegetation they may be
of delusion into the channels of public
killed by spraying One pound of («
thought, hoping to entangle enough
green to fifty gallons of water should
sandering voters to eave unto them­ be used In large fields of young grain
selves the cities of Oregon as a future little can tie done except to employ
stronghold and battlefield. They are such measures as are iniend>d to [ire
urging the voters to take a hoik that vent the migration of the caterpillar»
was pre. ared by cunning, baited by the
Gates, Painted and Unpainted.
liquor intere«ts, with tiie dollar sign,
The question a* to whether a gate
business influence and precinct option,
and c st by Greed on a long line f «ball be painted or left rough Is a mat­
ter which must tie decided by the in­
deception. It is a bold attempt t>
dividual. I tit it Is to tn- feared that in
catch the voters of this state on a Well- nine cases out of ten ttie only time a
baited proposition, and they should great many of the gates on the farm
fully convince the casters that the have a coat of paint is tiefore they are
suckers are doing the casting at much bung, and a gate that lias been un­
expense only to catch a whaie-of-d-- paint«! fot years Is quite as unsightly.
feat that will swallow them tip. If we If hot uiofe so as a well made rough
do our duty we wil banish the sal<x»n gate In «ddltlon to this. It Is worth
that empties our treasuries with the rememtiering that a rough gate is
mut h l>-«s liable to crack and let In the
right hand of destruction, while noisily
wet than one which has been painted
pretending to fill them with license and and then allowed to remain for years
revenue; we will defeat the monstrous without being touched with paint. —
proposition that cities should le-come American Cultivator.
units of option and be privileged to de­
bauch themselves and the counties that
Real Reform In Farm Life.
There can be no real reform In farm
nourish them for the cash it will yield,
and to cumber the counties with the in­ life unless the farmer grows as well
lie can grow only by
cidental costs of the plundering; will as his crop
disprove the baseless contention that achievement—uy accomplishing some
thing of which he may be justly proud
money spent at the bar is well spent re­
As soon as he begins to achieve and to
gardless of the merchant’s need of those grow he will become watchfully dis­
dollars to continue his business and contented with his unnecessary hard­
regardless of the man’s need of the un­ ships and limitations, lie will want
sold food and clothing to comfo t his a better house in which to live, a bet­
suffering family; will require the m«n ter school for his children and better
who devote their time to extracting public roads.-Outlook.
from the public the price of their de­
Best Varieties of Oats.
moralizing contributions, and the cost
Among twenty live best varieties of
of caring for their victims, the dead and
outs grown at the Ohio experiment
delirious, to devote their time to useful
station. Hiberian. Sixty Day. Improved
American. Illinois German. Joanette.
Defeat the Home Rule Amendment Gre< n Mountain and Big Four led in
and pity its early victims—its endorsers. productive capacity. The range in
If license is to be the price of our yield of grain on the average for the
penury, let it be the license of lottery five years was W.34 bushels for th*
and larceny and not the leash g of ln»t mentioned variety to 70.40 bushels
R. FL BEEGI.E, Ixmts, Ore. for the first mentioned.
FOUND Hept. rt, a yellow heifer
about Iti monili» olii, on my pia ••• J.
\anderwehure, R -I. Gresham, l.intie-
inati Farm, l»>x HL
lor ( onqress. Second District
H ir HAI I
Fine team of yming
borse», weigh d azi, il ami < ver» old
E I Ilesini, <'leone, • Ite . l'eia-
|>l|.-m- "II.
1-iiR SAIE New Imperiai wmdinlll,
complete. t'has. Gerlamke, Gresham,
LIMBI- R \l our new mill I1* miles pilone 'JV3.
southeast ol Kelso. We deliver lumlirr.
F'i»R SALE Linee milch rii»«. by­
' J oliar nd Bros.
(* ti Andrew». Amlursoll Sta., R-ilte 4,
FOR SALE A bav and a brown pair <<ie«liam
of horses, 3 and 4 year» ol age, one
Li *S L
Tlmrmiglibred Poland-t 'bilia
broken weight alnml 1200 each. R I* sow
Webli Farm, piume lAs.
Ra»mu»sen, Corbett.
T. R. Howitt.
Fresh Cow» wanted.
WAN LED Highest price )*aid (or
fresh cows, »tale price and ¡Mtrlicu ar»
V R. Sexton, l*f> FL doth si., Portland
Ikilan, Boring, Ore., phone till.
E. A.
WANTED- All kinds of milch cows
Cash |>aid. W. Ellison, Cleone, phone
WAN LED - Buis on ten cords of g««l
first growth wood, delivered at the
schoolhouae at Fairview
Blds o|>en
Progressive Republican, wh> favor« till October 3. Address A. Kronenlierg,
Direct Primary and Statement No. I, i lerk Di»t Hi, Cleone, <>re
and who will tight for Oregon and Ore­
llartsch Bron. Planing Mill
gon [icople.
Mlle south of Pleasant Home All kinds
Stand up for thia »tate by voting for of Dresse*l Lumlier lor building pur-
taaies, at reasonable prices.
1 ufferty
if desired. Phone 3l»xl.
Eleventh hour attack» have I-ven
made upon him by the enemies of tins
state, which fact should make every well laying land, 2*, miles from Sandy,
bl acres in g<»»l timlier; g<»>*l waler,
patriotic Oregonian work harder for eight acres m cultivation. |32UO. In­
quire of C W i assidy, Handy, Ore. if
Pahl Advertisement
FoR HALF! \ 7x1* donkey engine, iii
goorl shape.
Bornstedt A Ruegg.
Don t forget that the motion pit lure
Handy, Ore.
allow will run every night next week,
beginning Monday
terms. II. W Snashall. Pleasant View
day, Friday and Saturday night» we Avenue; Gresham, Route 3
will give two programs, In-ginning at
FOR HALF! -G ihh I seven-r<»>m house,
7:30 and S:4-'>. Two show» identically
lot llzixlUO, abundance of fruit, well,
the same. The second program will good frame barn. lu> Irwl from center -d
start as soon as the first audience has Gresham, four blocks from high school.
Terms --n
vacated the seats
The management House wired for electricity.
J. II. Cnalk-r, Arleta,
has arranged to secure a go<»i line of l-riii- tiMOO
films and ho|a- to please vou all.
FOR SALE—.’>’t tons of timothy and
clover bay, good condition, baled. See
Eunson, routeGresham.
What numlier of hour* constitute a
proper day's work on the farm?
DURiH' Jersey Hogs Young ones
The value of amateur dramatics for for »ale Apply Crystal Springs Sani­
developing the young people of the tarium ranch. Bas«- Line road, near
Rus«ellvillr >ch»»dhou»e Phone Talior
IXj people watch the work of their 13x1. Address FL FL Billiter, supt ,
senators and representatives ns closely bos 98S R I' 1 Montavdla, Ore
as ought to I m * done?
With present high wages and high
prices. 1» the average w-orklngmnn any
better off than he was Qfty years ago?
What are the real facts about alfalfa
raising In different sections of the
country ?
Have yvu decided on your en­
try for the Grange Fair? Get
busy. Come early.
! _ ________________________ —
Notice of Administratrix Sale
Oregon for the comity of Clackamas.
In the matter <d the estate of Lydia
Carnahan, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur­
suance ol an order of the County Court
of the County of t'lacakainas ami the
State >d Oregon, made on the'-‘4th day
of Aug. Itilo, ill the matter of the estate
of Lydia Carnahan, Dvcraaed, the un-
deraigned Ailmini-tralilx of salii estate,
will sell at private sale in one parcel,
to the highest bolder. u|«m terms ami
conditions hereinafter set out and sut>-
ject to the confirmation ol said County
Court on or after the 24th day of Sept-
enilier, IH1U, all the right, title, intrusa
and estate of the said l ydia Carnahan,
lie«'eased, at the time of her death,
w Inch was a fee simple interest in the
fidlowing descrll>ed par el of land, Us
Allot lot N-, 1 BL»k U. in
Mt. Tabor Villa, in the County of Mul­
tnomah an<l State of Dregon.
Terms ol sale A* |>er cent of purchase
price to i-e paid at time of sale, l«alance
to l>e paid on confirmation of sal-- bv
the alsive entitle«! Court. Deed and
abstract at ex|H<nse of purchaser. All
bols or offers must l>e in writing and
left at the office o( J. F t'lark, al Ore­
gon City, Oregon, attorney for the said
Administratrix, or delivered to »aid
Administratrix in |>er»on, at anv l'ine
la-fore the making of said »ale.
Dateti Sepleml>er 2lld ll*l<>.
Administratrix of the Fiatale of
Lydia Cañaban, Dec<-ase«l.
.1. I C ark
Attorney for A-lministratrix
The national grange executive e. m-
mlttee will meet Aug 2 nt Atlantic
City. N J . t<> perfect arrangements
for Its annual meeting
Grange Fair next event
High-grade Work
Artistic Finish
Improved Facilities
Powell Street
At Dulv’s Corral oil the Studdar’s
I ract, Gresham
Saturday, Od. 1, al 1p.m.
19 Head of Horses and Colts
Consisting of the following:
2 Brown Mares, wt. about 1100 each. Broke to work.
1 Black Mare, wt. about 1100, broken. Colt with mare.
1 Bay Mare and Colt, Mare broken.
1 Large Bay Mare, broken.
1 Black Gelding, 4 years old, broken.
1 Gray Gelding, 4 years old, unbroken.
1 Bay Mare, with Spotted Colt.
1 Spotted Mare, with Spotted Colt.
10 More ranging from 1 to 4 years o!d.
Terms, 3 months’ time will lie given on bankable notes at K per
cent., or 5 per cent, discount for cash.
Mcst !
...?Z LCCk
H. S. Tlmmpaon
F. A. Fleming
I.ilei). Hminling nml N.ilcs Sl.iblcs
BULL RUN MAGI LINE I«« hvch our I hiiii diiily nt I* n m
Arrivi» Bull
Run at ipHin. L«-ave» Bull Run nt I :io p m . Arrive» Grrahnm I 31» p. m
Popular Man
New Line of Rigs.
Good Horses.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Your Patrotiagn H o I ìcì I im I
xxj-.r—jTEi.■^•aa -i
Phone, Farmers 516
Gresham, Ore.
som rv
Giveg in tack fare. t?y Roctevolt’t
own har.J tho solo accourt of his
African Hunt.
E. E. Marshall
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver
Agent for
! I
1 S3 Fifth Avenue ■ New York