MOUNT SCOTT TROUTDALE Knit, 8«*pti*ni b<*r ?2 l.vwli« thin! toil «»( M in A .1 Locke, wti« «rrioualy Injured by itdhiitf i«*rty feet from ii biiihhiiu oil which he wiih Working. lie w HM tukefi Io the Si Vill* rent hoNpitiil where he I m «till in ii very nerioilN eoii'lllion. The Lent« Rchool ho« ||<*w enrolled <)70 pupil« «ml il im likely the 7 murk Will moi »n he r< i H'I iim I, Mr. hih I Mr«. I). O. Northrup mid fiimily wlm hnve been living in Moclip*. W iih I i ., lire («topping with relative« in I jui I m 1‘hey lire UlteiKlliig to I oral« ill ltd« vicinity. I’nul lining m ill with typhoid (ever, lie 1« re|M>rled to b«* in u «erioii« con­ dition. M. A llodger« I imn gone into the «ulo- nioblo bu«im««M in • ii«l Portland. The Adventist« and ('«mplrellitr« nre having « serie« of didmte« this week In the tutton t«l»ern«<-|c on the Foeter mail Troutdale, Sept 2‘.‘ Mra Halloway and aoti of Portland were Sunday guests of Mra I. Allard Mrs E A. Stafford ia her.* viaiting her daughter, Mra. Henry Riehardaon thia week Ml." Ella l.nyimiii of Plea-ant Home ia making her home will. Mr. and Mra. C II. Eight. Mra. ('om.-t’K'k mid fmmly left Sun­ day for their old home in Okahoma in­ tending to remain. Jake Sidel ih hating a new Ii use built on lila place. Tlin Jennings family have returned from the hop lielda at Brooka. Tli<- IIiruma left Sunday for Switzer­ land where they will reside. Jem* iatrawon baa resigned hia position in Harlow's store ami gone to Portland. Mr and Mra. Henry Wallace were Sunday visitors here. II. Doailion aa intermediate teacher in the schools here. I., liarnpahire moved hia family to Kenton Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. F. H. Rix were viaitora in Fairview Saturday. Ml, PlIASANI VA11EY G. N Hager imvd«> n busiue«« trip to Vancouver liul Mra Kelly's brother, >-rman school was opened ren had ived on the Hun Dial ranch Tuesday. here since last spring. Mr. Massey Mrs. Reynold Eason and children waa at tlie state fair raring for fancy st'sk from tlie larm. Death waa have gone to Madras to visit her caused from li.-ait failure. Mra J. O mother. Davia and Harvey Massey, of thia place Rev kane b> make their future home. 11. Harvey baa pure flawed tlie Rhodes Mrs. McLoud, mother of Mrs A. E. projierty al the fool of Cellar street. Lupton, is viaiting in Portland. Chester Kronenberg went to Fjigene Monday to attend college. A. I.. Turner and family left for Eu­ gene the first of the week to make their home. Miss Rosa I.uscher liadas a guest Sun­ LENTS, - OREOON day, Miss Mary Taffer. Misses Olive and Mabel Zimmerman For a full line of have gone to Eugene to resume study New and Second Hand al tlie university. Mra. A T. Axtell is expected home from Seaside in a few days. Mrs. I. Wetmore a|>ent Sunday with Tablets, Copy Books, Slates relutivea ill Portland. Multnomah County Pomona Grange met with the grange at Orient on Wed­ nesday, Septemlie 21. A fair represen­ tation was present. Worthy Overseer R. W. tiill presided. Several of tlie officers were alwent. Tile morning ses­ sion was taken up with routine work. After one ol the Is-st grange dinners • granger ever sat down to, the wo k of the afternoon was taken up Report ol tlie committee on rsa lutions was the tlrat tiling in order \ resolution favoring state furnishing of text la*ok was lost. A resolution to limit tlie speeding ol automobiles by amending the auto- It is not the quantity of ( Monlavilla the initiative and referendum, the di­ Lewis Benfield of Portland visited bis next week. rect primary, recall and all our reform mother here Sunday. Earl Baxter of Portland ia visiting laws in danger. Mra Julien and daughter Viroqua re­ hia mother, Mra. W <>. Hugh. Be it further resolved, that we urge turned from Portland Sunday. Mra Johnson and child of Sandy via- the discussion of this question in the Mr. and Mrs. Chas, l.atourell of the ited Mra. I.. F. Pndemore last week ami granges of the county liefore election. Falls were calling on friends here. The evening session waa taken up were called home by the death of Mra. Albert Fox and wife of Portland were with a piogram and initiation of fifth Johnson's niece. week emi visitors at the home of the School will liegin next Monday with degree candidates. The following schedule of Pomona latter's parents. Miaa Herold of Rente as teacher. meeting* was presented and adopted: Miss Ethel Smith came down from Ride-rt stone and J. T. Friel, Jr., and Rockwood, December 1910. Russell­ Warrendale Friday evening to s|> nd Jerry Eriel made a trip to l.oat Creek ville, March 1911. Fairview, June 1911. Saturday and Sunday at home. mine Sunday. Columbia, September ltd I W.xxllawn, The store here has again changed Alex It. Brooka expects to leave next Itecember 1911 Evening Star, March hands, the new firm being Byers A week for Hood River. 1912 Pleasant Valley, Ju e l'»12. Emmons Bros, have had the Multnomah, Septemlwr 1912. Gresh­ I.eoh. store about a year. They will leave am, Ihtceliilier 1912. Lenta, March I.. I). MAHONE 1913. October let ami the families will lie ATTORNEY-AT-LAW greatly missed ns they have made Real Estate, Probate and Corporator! Law. 1 many trie..ds here. • Prompt Attention to All Business AIMS Mrs. Lucy Kincaid entertained friends 4ia Henry« Phone. Main lOlo PORTLAND. OREGON \ moat delightful party wits given at Sunday. * the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haniili, Friday evening, September ltt. in honor W. J. OTT H orr " I have a world of confidence in of Miss Jessie's nineteenth birthday Chamberlan’a Cough Remedy for I OTT BROTHERS and the mil riage of their daughter have user! it with perfect success, ' DENTISTS Eva to Elmer Phelps. The Wedding writes to Mrs. I. Raeford, Poolesville, Gresham, ... Oregon took place in Oregon City, August 31. Md. For side by — Gresham Drug Co. The parlor waa beautiful y decorated in (all colors. Games and music enlivened CHURCH NOTICES. the evening Many beautiful presents METHODIST CHURCH — were received by Miss Jessie Hardin FREE Rev. J. M. lloffKR, pastor. Services, ami Mr. and Mrs. Phelps. Alsuit forty Sunday Schiail, lo n m.; Preaching AI UNIS every Sunday at U a. m. and H p. m. ' guests were present. Lunch was served Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at ; at a late hour and a delightful evening For the following at bargain* H o’clock. All welcomed. i was spent. prices t bits, Imuses, acre­ ZION'S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, age tracts, farina, business Little Georgia Metcalf is quite sick. Gresham—Rev. F II. Freund, pastor. sites, and other property. S khvu ks (German) 11 a. m., every Geo. Bornstedt of Sandy was a caller Sunday morning. Sundav school at Call It lllll, ask for | in thia neighborhood last week. 10 a. m. Saturday school at 2 p. m. Mrs. Wm. Thomas ami daughter Ada LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. h CHURCH. Gresham—P astor , Rev. are Portland visitors this week. M. B. Parounagian. S krvicks , Sun­ Gilbert Vanderhoof has moved his Or take Mount Scott ear to Is-nts. day School, 10 a. m.; Preaching at family to Aims 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. every Sunday. Prayer meeting, Thursday evenings A daughter was lairn to Mr. and Mra. at S o'clock. Everybody invited. J. J. Elsner, September 9. SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC Mrs. Dave Obray has taken her CHURCH, Sandy, Ore.—Rev. Berch- daughter Thelma to Portland for treat­ told Durrer. Services will be held on flic first Sunday of each month at ment. 10:30 a. m. Frank Davenport is building it house FAIRVIEW M. E. CHURl H—Rev. J in Aims and is intending to move Ins O. Coleman, pastor. Seivicea, Sun­ family here. il iy School nt 10 a. m., preaching 2d anil 4th Sundays at II a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. To reduce size of (lock, will sell small ROCKWOOD M. E.CHURCH—Rev. J number of Registered Lincoln ewes, O. Coleman, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching bred, price, from lit) up. In lots of one at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. ni. or more to suit. Webb Farm, Tel. 168. BRIGHT KLALTY GO. M r . Bright coRwn MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. SCHOOL BOOKS Water Colar Sets, Satchels, Etc. . . . YOUR HOME BANK . . . Will pay you 3 % on 6 months’ deposits, 4 % on 12. Check Deposits Solicited. Money Loaned. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. Tax Statement on application. Aaron Fox T^a,e WE DELIVER ANYWHERE Give us a chance, we’ll show you. Below we list a few of our prices. Send us your list, we will deliver right in your town. $1.00 Bottles Medicines............................................. $ .85 25c bottles Hydrogen Peroxide......................................... 15 5 gals. Pearl Oil ............................................................ 98 5 gals, bulk oil...................................................................... 80 Don't imagine that we are in business to improve our health, Our light expenses, buying goods for cash, is the reason, we under­ sell our competitors. 1-lb. can Royal baking powder 7 bars Star soap ..... 3 cans Holly milk........................................ 6 cans Carnation milk .... 1 can Eagle milk........................................ 6 loaves of bread........................................ 1 pkg. Arm & Hammer soda .40 .25 .25 .55 .15 .25 ,C5 Whether 'tis better for the purse to suffer, or to buy y oar goods of Fox and save money,—that’s the rub! 10-lb. pail Columbia lard Extra S a S shingles, per 1000 100-lb. sack half ground salt 6 pkgs. Abbetta bi»cuiu 1 pound fancy seeded raisins Pork & Beans, Oysters, Tomatoes, Com, Soups, Peas, Our Drugs are Pure, Fresh, Reliable TRY OUR GOUGH CURE PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 1.85 2.15 .45 .10 3 cans, .25 I knock unbidden once at every gate, If sleeping, wake; if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is tbe hour of fate, And they who follow me reach every state Morals desire, and conquer every foe Save death. But thoee who doubt or hesitate. Condemned to failure, penury, or woe. Seek me in vain and uselessly implore. I answer not. LEAVE IT TO FOX. T” J. M. MOSS Gresham, Ore. Phone I4X TROUTDALE, OREGON OLYMPIC FLOUR, bbl., $5.40 Complete Outfiters Expressing, Draymg BANK OF TROUTDALE We buy our goods in large quantities for cash. Anything you need get your price from me. Will deliver at your place cheaper than you can buy it in the open market. JONSRUD BROS. BORING OREGON We pay cash for produce. We pay 35c for eggs. Phone 41 x Mill 1 14 miles southeast of Kelao CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK Tel. 101 Call Me Up Will save you money. Watch this ad. each week. LUMBER $6 AND UP Large stock of Dimension Lumber on hand Hough and Dressed lumber for all purposes send order to JCNSRl’D BROS. Boring RDi INVESTIGATE : Our Methods. Our Stock of Lumber and Millwork and Our Prices We an* confident that it will result in aecuring your buri- ne-tf< when you need anything front a |xn