Sut*«v«*ding Groaham Vindicator, Gro>ham lìaiettv. Lol Multnomah R.conl Multnomah Record and Moiitasilla Herald. rubiiahed bvvrv Frida« at «îrraham. Oro.. by the II i ivkh S tats PvHLiaillko Co H l>\KN\l.l. F.I'IT oh on M isai . sk . Kmvrvd *> mvoiu I eta'*? matterai the poatotttve at tire* ha tn. Oregon SUBSCIIPTIOR »ITfS REMiTTUCES Statuì" a. » « i • * >«1 Pi V» to torvtgn eouu »pie» X \>k tori fl or I’ e Mont ) Order. K< » - \ Mo rvd U’tler or Check ti lit ta­ RECENTS will indicai OtSCOMTmuUCES aubaerlptiou vxpi accordance with i 1 The eh t picase to la b If you « ' W <* CHARGE Of ADDRESS n your vai­ ti i In ordering change ot addrvw* give old a« well a» nen aodn " COMOKM»n *r. »»■ -' 1 ' '*•'> •' nit> l( i .. i < :. m - i > ■>■ ■ ' •’ m nhborl......I. you ar» ro.pwtfully n ‘qv M.-l to .»nil u» »» many non' «» >■•» • an V«' ig.FinxiK I1TES »*ROF. ssiox SL < ARII. .. n< inch). . .■ h I'ARI'S OFTUASKS (not a*cewhni( t«o noli.-. > ■ <>■•- LETTERS OF COXIH.I KX< E (n..i .-\. -dins i..ut i •;. b -) 11 iiBITV ARIF, tor .iit.M-nber* or their tiiinndiale tanttlt. >. tree up to !.» w..rl- I..-I.I jar wort for additional word». WANT AM al I cynt per word lot ral aeration it .. rt oh » i;, to A wor t» •.-.•.•nt. o't — ■'-.r.l. lieent» »• to « »ord- evi.l* KHI'IK» 1 cent per word per i.»ue DISPLAY U’VERTl'lNi.. rate, made known on application All Lodee Grange. School. Church, or other notice» or a tverti.ementa ot .oeia!» partie«, daneea. owaeeru. theatrical., etc given tor a profit, charged tor at regular rate. In order to inaurechange of a.l advertiaera rniial have copy in thia o«ce not later than Thursday preceding day ot publication. iM «SWTikS la our at«, laity. We are well equipped to dothe be.t workal current t - Eat., ¡ally lartner»' and |<. men - Letter ll. ad. Envelop. Hutter W rappr. io. .t-. etc in ataall or large quantttie» Auction Billa. Dodger», roatera. etc . primed on abort notice EDITORIAL COMMINI the number of bushels which each pro­ duces. He will have conducted a very practical experiment, can tell definite­ ly Just what the soil most needs and will not only liavo instruction for him­ self. i>ut for ills neighbors, and for the readers of this deiuirtment. If he will furnish a statement of nerv yields for the three tracts There are boats of farmers all through the corn bolt who ought to lx> carrying on Just such experimental work as that outlined above It Is simple anil the result would tie incroiis'sl yields anil a larger batik account. Why not give the precipitation of aviators in the daily weather report. -------------- —---------------------- A DURABLE WHITEWASH. With tussl arising for whitewash at all times of year, some of our reader» may lie glad to have published again tile recl|ie for making whitewash rec­ ommended by the department of agri­ culture at Washington it is as fol­ lows: Take one-luilf bushel utislacked lime ami slack, starting with warm water, and cover during process» to keep lu the steam. Strain liquid through tine sieve or strainer; add peck of salt previously well dissolved in water, also three pound» of rice boiled to a thin paste. Stir in boiling hot one pound Spanish whiting and oue (sound of glue which has been previously dissolved over a slow tire. Then add five gallons of hot water to the mixture, stir well and let stand for a few days covered so as to keep out the dirt. The whitewash is best applied with a small brush and should be put on hot. One pint should is* sufficient to cover a square yard of surface. There Is no whitewash which excells this for Indoor or outdoor use. It may be colored whatever shade one likes and will retain its brilliancy for years. HE political overturning of the It is doubtful whether “Uncle state of Maine, which has al­ Joe” in the most despondent ways voted the same way for moments, even imagined he over fifty years without a sub­ would meet his Waterloo in Kan­ stantial break, has created un­ sas. A NEW DEAL. told astonishment and set many When a scheming manufacturer There will be an eclipse of the could take a quart of molasses and fif­ minds to thinking of what it all moon in November, says the ty gallons of rainwater ami make a means. barrel of "pure cider vinegar” there It means, first of all, the spirit Rochester Times. Also several was mighty tittle Incentive for the or­ of insurgency is overwhelming bright and particular congression­ chard owner to go through the labo­ process of pressing the Juice from throughout this country. In the al stars may go into eclipse rious his cull apples. But this state of af­ eastern states these radical about that time. fairs has changed. Uncle Sam has got after food adulterators with a big changes are drifting towards Evidently it is as hard to get stick, and now nothing but the fer­ democracy and in the middle a desirable out of the cabinet as mented Juice of apples can be labeled west these changes mean the "pure cider vinegar ” The better con­ it is to get one into the peniten­ dition should give a decided Impetus overthrow of what is called the tiary. to the manufacture of pure vinegar, “stand pat” republicans in favor ----------- ' — while It should also greatly stimulate of the progressive republicans, The theory that people eat too the manufacture of pure Jellies nud who are led by Roosevelt, Bris­ much has often been exploited other preserves, as the nasty coal tar which used to be palmed Perhaps concoctions tow, Cummings and La Follette. but never proved. off on an unsuspecting public no longer This country is now going some one of them would, if they go. The pure food law has put all of through what is really a battle had a chance, but a benign pro­ this trash out of the running, and both consumers and manufacturers of legit­ with the masses against the tective tariff protects them. imate goods will be the better for IL privileged classes. It is surprising how soon the young It has always been the en­ calves will take to eating whole corn and oats. A small ration fed daily is deavor of a few to ride upon’the an excellent Idea and will keep them backs of the many ana mis coun­ growing from the start try is no exception to the rule. We have the railroads, the beef The old lady who explained the thin­ ness of her milk to her customers by trust, the sugar trust, the coal saying it was due to scarcity of fe.xi trust, the coffee trust and a probably did not know that It Is a well number of other corporations known fact that milk quality, butter fat content Is not affected at all by who are trying to impose on the feed. public and enrich themselves un­ EETRIGC justly. Nine dollars seems like a good deal CENTRAL POSCTJ to pay for mosquito netting to protect ROGUE RIVER These corporations dictate the a alngle cherry tree from the birds, and VALLEY prices they pay for raw material yet when the value of a single crop OREGON from the tree frequently totals $.Vl and and dictate the prices that the CCftRESPONOENCC the netting lasts for several seasons SOLICITED consumer must pay for the the end is seen to Justify the means. finished articles. For instance, (This matter must not be reprinted with­ the beef trust dictates what the out special permission. J There are few of the tender white roses that surpass the Frau Karl Drus- livestock ranchmen shall receive kl in purity of color, fragrance or 50 BUSHELS—WANTS 1C0. for his stock and what the con­ A render of tbe»e notes living near form. In size. too. It is all that could sumer shall pay for his beef­ be desired Like other meinliers of Palmyra. 111., writ«« stating that tie the rose family It requires for best steak and pork chops. has a five acre tract of bottom ground This condition of things prac­ —a black sandy loam which never results a clayey rich soil, nbundant water rind severe cutting, which will tically gives the trusts of the packs—r»h|ch produce» cornstalks bls allow the best buds ouly to come to country the right to run their enough to yield 100 bushels per acre, maturity. hands into our pockets and do but from which lie is aide to busk A fact that the professional politi­ fifty bushels He further states as they please, and has become only that the tract has been cultivated cian seetn slow In tumbling to Is that unbearable and the movement about six years, is always well tended present day agriculturists are not only that is sweeping over this coun­ and kept free from weeds. He would taking an interest In manure spread­ road drags and the like as aid* try is a strike at the republican like to know what this condition of ers. to a better type of farming, but are bosses of the republican states things—low yield from apparently rich waking up to the fact tbat the system of the north and the democratic land—would Indicate that the soil lack­ of primary elections is a very effective ed. With several Important points not means of getting them out of the rut states of the south and it will stated In our friend's letter, it Is a bit in which they have been going politi­ teach our senators and congress­ difficult to give an adequate diagnosis cally. men, as they have never apprec­ However, there are two or three sug More and more are sensible men who iated before, that they are sent gestions which may be helpful. In the pay out money doing so by means to congress to serve the people first place it is well to rememtier that of a check drawn on their account nt while we have quite a habltofassocl.'it- and to be their servants and not Ing richness of soil with a black color, the bank With the date and amount of the payment indicateli on the check their masters. there is not necessarily any connection stub, together with the service or com T GAM There is always good weather in some parts of the United States according to the weather map. --------------- --------------------------- Eggs are selling for $2 per dozen in Alaska and they are cold storage eggs, at that. A bank note that had been circulated seventy-seven years was recently returned to one of the sub-treasuries. A regular old rounder, as it were. About the only conclusion that can be drawn from Aldrich’s ex­ planation is that the rubber tar­ iff was increased for a joke. An old man was arrested at Beverly on confession that he had a plan for re-organizing the G. 0. P. Maybe that ’s what will happen to the Colone in the end. whatever. In fact some of the rich est soils known are red and green gray, the latter the volcanic ash of western states. Another point that it is well to take account of is that a sandy soil loses Its fertilizing elements much sooner than do clay soils or these referred to. This brings us to the probable cause of our friend's tract falling to yield as much corn as he would like—namely, a lack of fer­ tilizer. We would suggest that he do a little experimenting with this tract next season and would I’ke him to re­ port the results. Let him apply about eight tons of manure per acre to two acres with a manure spreader, which will insure even distribution; '¿n an acre and a half apply the same amount of manure and about three tons of ground limestone per acre, which may be scattered with the manure, and on the remaining acre and a half he might apply the limestone alone While our correspondent says nothing to indicate that this tract Is sour, he says nothing which shows that It might not be. In the spring let him give these three tracts the same prep aration, plant them with seed which will give an average of three and a half stalks per hill, and at busking time let him keep accurate count of wtilch »«» enriy tafeii on by so mnny varletl«*« of appio* whluh are n puro griaui or yellow ut harvvst The wrlter ha« notisi thè «urne tendeiicy oli bis own ranch in thè <11»* of ilio New town Plppln. Vello« Trauspareiit ami Mìlite Wlntcr l’earmain The coloriti« roferrod lo seems tu Ilare beetl ciuiaod by cuoi night», follo« ed by wurm day», timi filose «in» ha ve ìunde a earcful stuily of thè colorili« roferrod tu il» seri tliat ilio purple col >r uot oulv en- alilo« tlie simili appiè» tu «ìtlistand more degroe« of cobi limo fruii uot colorisi. l.ut tliat it more rendlly nl> sorti» ilio beat <*f thè sua. resultlllg in la tter grò« ili limi larger slxe. Tlie introduetlnn of some of thè En ropenu phenaant» Imo eertaln sedioli» of tlils «siuntry udjaeent tu agrliul- turai lami due» uot M*em to !■<■ prov big ali unmlxed boon. M'e notisi iis'cntly thè elise of all indiana farmer who r«'- portisi tbat ilio pheasants got so lame tbat they carne loto hls fissi ynrds ami uot ouly scrapptMl «ìtb but ll' kisl III» roosters ami turkey gobblers, thè dock of pliciisants eatlng thè grulli senttered for thè tume fowls. in some sections of New York these blr(»i*d to corn, cotton, small grain, fruit or vegetable«, and Is not replenished with manures, ar tlflelnl fertllln iw or by the growing of legumes Is in>si to ultimate exhan» tion. ami depletion to the |>olnt where the cron returns will not i>ny the tnx ew There are thouannd« of fnrms which are headed straight in this ill rectlon located in stati*« whose virgin soil was the richest and most prodl gal the sun ever shone upon, ami they will arrive at the condition referris! to unless the owner» repent of their evil «ays and adopt more enlightened xml rational agricultural methods New York already has her "abandoned farms.” but it won’t be many years, if present methods are continued, until Ohio. Indiana and Illinois will have theirs too. For clearing a piece of land of weed.«, underbrush and small trees there 1» no agency for the preliminary operations tbat «'ill surpass a tlis-k of Angora goats. They will not only browse weeds, leaves and »hoots, but will •trip the bark from young trees a <11» tance of eight or nine feet A dead fly is less obnoxious than >i live one. and a dead fly outdoors 1» less of a nuisance than one In the bouse. For tbls reason the war on the files should lie carried Into the o|aeii by placing plates of poison in places where they congregate, safe out of reach of the little folks, unless the for malln solution Is tiswl. In which <■»»■ drinking it will do no harm Tliere are thousands of dusty, dingy stables, many of these In basements, that might tie sweetened ami brighten «1 Immensely i,y ««eeplng and clean Ing out the dust ami cobwetix of years, giving tlie place a treatment with sul- phiir or other disinfectant and apply­ ing a cont of good whitewash to the nulls and partition» and seeing Hint It reaches ev<-rv crudi mid erevl<-e For Dry Goods, Groceries, and Light Hardware. If not. un’ll curt* it, and thru you’ll wonder why you «liil'nt think of UN |ol»v’ iH’foro. Xu liant y. \ II work giinninti'cd H111 ) H »< I job h'HWH Aiur «In >1». < hir woikninn air akilh'd and v oiiMcn* nt loua. You’ll iu»l grtlinblv at the prhh’v. vitlivr. I'oatcr Road and Main Nt. W. C. licit, M. I)., C.M. < Hlh r «»\EirM Stntr Hunk Fred 1). Flora Iv. r> • . |R I’ll.»nr, GRESHAM, 191 Motrinon SI PORTI.ANO, - OREGON Xvur l*ap*N liolamiiHi > • OREGON • .1. M. SHORT, M I). s. I». Bl I I M l?. M. I). If you want an attractive job of printing done, call in Pbulilan» Sutgcen« ÜrMhim, Orrfn« • MANAGEMENT RATHER THAN CAPITAL denotes strength in a bank. Bad management may result in the loss of capital in a very short time. The ofiicersof this bank are not iiermitted to speculate in any manner and the bank has a record of nearly five years with a loss of less than $25 in bad loans. The bank has been commend«*«! by state oflicoin for its well distributed loans; the ¡xxlicy of th«* bank being to foster any worthy enterprise that will be a benefit to the community. Our statement shown in another place in this paper shows cash reserve of .'15 per cent of its deposits, more than double that re­ quired by law, carried as an extra pr«>caution. Rank vsith a («ireful, conservative bank and vou bank with a stronq one. FIRST STATE BANK GRESHAM, OREL. r in ■■■■■■ i Ì i ■ ..m— __ ¿i IV 1 rs K i ai .* st i i/»-. ihr. People of Oregon ITS TO UP YOU The popular Colonist Fares will again lx* in effect between Sep- temiier 15th and October 15th, during which period tickets to Portland will lx* on sale daily from CHICAGO at ... $33.00 ST. LOUIS - - - 32.00 OMAHA .... 25.00 KANSAS CITY - - - 25.00 ST. PAUL - - - 25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low. These are Westbound one-way fares only, but anyone here can REPAY for relatives in the East, if desired. Consult your local railroad agent NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know oi your vast resources and splendid oppor­ tunities for home building. Write to everyone you know in the East. Send them good instructive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is but little more than half the usual cost, and to call on a representative of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. for all desired information, or address WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. FREQUENT COMFORTABLE RAPID F rom " FRANCE HOLLAND JAPAN and the AZORES O»r Annual Importation« ara Now Arriving and DOMESTIC STOCKS ARE BL1.SG MADE HEADY FOR DELIVERY Springwater Division EASTBOUND STATIONS A ». 7 1« M !■> POR! LA ND Lv 5 0f> 7 1ft N <»£ V OC» 41 7 40 M J7 w ¡íycainor«*.. ó 41 7 42 M 40 V a.’» Jennc . ft 7 » • M ,X . V to IJnneinann ft It 7 • li 11 04 11 19 II jr» 11 40 li flft 12 10 17 71 BRASCH 50 SI 03 10 2 1 1 3 40 41 S3 00 1 3 4 « ‘ SO SI 03 10 « <0 J SO I 40 1 40 4 44 S SI I 44 1 „ 41 4 S3 I 01 I IS 1 S3 - S ------------------------------- 00 I 10 1 00 I 00 WESTBOUND I'. JO n ■r, ft . ft ft ft 4 X. 0 1 40 ft 4 4ft ft ft 1 r»n ftj ¡2, (k. II 22 4f» », ft ft ft n 7 7 ft ft 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 n 7 »1,7 :r. 7 «7 7 4u 7 ftO M Ml M 09 M :m m 4ftl .V» 01 <»7 12 II IM « 2ft 27 «7 V. 47 M) »O 10 If. 3». ft M M M 9 9 9 9 4ft IW 1.3 ftft (it. If. 20 40 M 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 '1 9 9 W 9 9 10 l«l l»i 10 4ft 00 Oft 12 17 IW 23 27 30 T2 37 4 . 4'» 14 W (K. 1ft 2o 40 10 II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II 17 12 12 12 4.. 12 45 2 45 (Nl 1 00 3 00 0ft 1 04 3 08 12 1 12 3 12 17 1 17 3 17 19 1 11 3 II .'3 1 23 3 23 J7 1 11 3 11 Al 1 30 3 30 32 1 32 3 37 «7 1 37 3 37 4Í. 1 45 2 45 3 45 19 1 1 48 3 49 f.3 1 j 3 2 53 3 53 M» 58 2 58 3 58 05 2 05 3 05 4 05 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 40 7 40 3 40 4 40 BRANCH I.v >117 2t. » 17» 'I ¿11,1.1 2.1'11 JO I JO 1 70 J Let help make yonr home brighter and your ground« more valuable and more attractive. Early Ordnrn Sncuro Solod Roitorvatlon» e - A 03 10 11 11 12 IS STATIONS l'AZAIlKKO Kntaeadn ('urrlnnvi)le Eagh* f’reek Deep Creek.. Karton Hi»f‘*r —- Boring !<»•!••> A nderwon.. Hogan GKKAHAM. Linnemann D u ne Mycamon* IxoitM Jtinctli < Htanley. Golf Junrtlnn PORTI, AND 261 Write Today An Interesting fact has been noted by many an orchardist the past few months, and that Is the purple color Al IIMS Do Not Delay You»' Fall Planting modlty for which the check was given, there is no (»osslbility tbat an account paid In this way will have to be paid a second time, the signature of the one in whose favor the check is drawn be­ ing a very effective receipt. Of course the use of a check t«M>k presupposes a bank account, which is another good thing for a fellow to have at his dis­ posal. _ We usually think of conservation of resources in connection with forest, water fxiwors. etc., yet tliere Is a more modest way In which the principle can tie applied by the Individual In his everyday work. Many a housewife in doing her sweeping ami some other forms of work expends much more on ergy than is really necessary, while In hoeing many a man uses more force than he neids to do the work In hand, and e«[«-clnlly Is this true if hls hoe Is dull. Where one is at a Job but a few minutes the question of an exfwndlture of extra force Is not no vital, but where hls labor extends over hours the matter tiecomea one of real Importance. SEE CHAUNCEY « l»»lly Kscept Hunday 20 35 30 SS S S 5 S 70 IS 30 30 « 1 1 » 30 3» 30 35 1 1 1 1 20 25 30 31 nK>ir<-. In black. For Oregon City Junction. For I^nts, Mt. Hcott anti east side pointo, change cars at Lenta Junction General Office«, Ulis trie Bldg. Seventh and Alder fit«., PogTLAan, O rboom