I Subscription, $1.00 a Year. ORESHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. GRANGE FAIR NEXT ter than within the prlaon. Hix men to a lent ia the tale. The overaeera have lente of their own. A feature of each camp la a corrugated l>ath houae ; water ia puni|>ed from the «pring or Solitary Conllnamrnt and Ara I m* atreain near by and the men take turns Preparations Nearly Completed for fourth Big Annual Event. I in the big bath tuba. ployed on Roa«la In Colorado Each camp baa a baaeball nine The warden furniahra Italia, bata and other paraphernalia Sometimes a game is arranged with near-by clulai and the convicts forget their status In the ex­ citement of lbs sport. "I have hail experience as foreman Many Attraction» Being l.l»ted*-Flne Warden Tynan Explains the Many j in grading and construction camps," Program of Sport», Football and Adtanlagea of Allowing Prlaoncra said one of the overseers," and 1 am Ba»eball--Exhlblt» in All De­ To do I his Work-«-Convict« tree to say that 1 get more and better partment» Will Attract Work Better Than Free Men work out of these convicts than I ever lid out of free lalsir. My men here ate : always on time ami they work steadily The first thing to claim the attenti- The subject of convict labor on state through the entire day. There is no this year will ) m > the preparation of t roaack to the prison and to stri|ws. We terial will I* entered after 10 o clock on Thursday and es|iecially should ail such ber •'World's Work," in regard to the have less trouble with the convicts than as require considerable arrangement lie aucceaa <>f u ing such laltor on public the contractors have with free lalxir. on hand by Tursday morning. The made, ia worthy of study. There ia no The secret of it is that there is no judges will get to work Thursday and doubt that the ayatem ia proving to l>e whiskey in the camp. the public will have full opportunity to It is a fact that since the camp« have a aucceaa in Colorado, ami there ia no see who gets the honors. reason why it should not do equally as been established not one complaint ol a Instead of placing ribbon* on the ex­ crime or misdemeanor committed by Well elsewhere hibits this year it has been decided to "The tirat thing that Warden Tynan the "honor" convicts have lieen re|K>rt- attach cards upon which the name of noted in taking charge of the prison ed to Warden Tynan. They res|>ect the the exhibitor will lie written after the was that there were faai idl men with­ property of the surrounding ranchers judging is completed. Then when the in its walla. In lie insane ward" were and miners, and in return the ranchers awards are issued from the secretar- ’ seventeen men; discontent that might and miners welcome tbain to their office, r i bls ins will be inclosed. at any time break forth into murderous neigldiorhoods. The warden is proud of the fact that the attempts to escape revolt Itirksxl in many hearts Arrangements have been complet He Irarned that Ills predveeseor lied are growing more and more infrequent. worked alKiut 50 men on the public I hiring the tirst year of the camp« the securing Rosebrook with a sixteen-pie- roads with excellent results. lie de­ attempts amounted to I ss than one- band. This insures the production termined to put many more thau that halt of one |M-r cent of the men put oil good music. number out into the sunshine, and their honor. The contrast la-tween fri-e and con­ gradua ly the "honor” system now in Considerable interest is being showi vogue entered his mind. A law enabl­ vict lalror was sharply drawn, recently, in the entry id articles for exhibit. ing the coni ids to earn more "time off” when a railroad contractor established Never liefore has so much interest l>een by proving their trustworthiness, and a grading camp near one of Mr. Tynan's shown. Re|>ort» come in that the boys another law permitting the ein|doy- road camps. The convicts lieat the ami girls are intending to have a part ineiit of men on the public roads, were free men at baseball and at won. There in the show, several boys have indi­ pass«*<|. Camps were established within was always n full force on the road cated their iulenti ns of competing for a few weeks, and there has not lieen a Wo k, but the complement of lalsirers the vegetable contest. At least four new case of Insanity in the penitentiary on the grade was sometimes reduced to granges will place extensive exh < its in since When the new ide* ill the treat­ one-half. One day the contractor called tlm fair. They are, Evening Star, Rus- ment of prisoners became understoisi to the warden ami said: "Tynan, you rellville, Sandy, and Fairview granges. by the men, fresh ho|*e sprang up ill have all the la-sl of it ; you get along These exhibits will require from twen­ their breasts; there was something to with one gang of men while 1 have to ty-five to thirty feet frontage, and will employ four—one at work, one going, include the l>est that each grange can live for after all. The nuinlx-r of men in the camps to town, one coming back, and one stir up. Sandy's exhibit will tirst be steadily increased, and the nuuilier in drunk.*’ shown at Sandy at a fair of their own the hospitals ami in the solitary cells and will then be brought down to decreased. Mow, only little more than Gresham ami will tie one of the win­ As usually treated, a sprained ankle a year from the time when k'r. Tynan ners begau work, about half of the prison s will disable a man for three or four population is working outdoors. Inside weeks, but by applying Ulianitierlan,« Lest it be overlooked, let every entry­ the prison there ia a new regime, too. Liniment freely as soon as the injure ia man bear in mind that the opening day ri-eeived, and observe the direction« Guards who drink ami are brutal are will la* too late to make entries. Bet'er discharged ; swearing at the prisoners ia witli each bottle, a cure can be effected see to that matter soon and have every­ in from two to four days. For sa e by, |s>sitively prohibited, no matter what thing in place liefore the opening hour. the proyia-ation; the spy system lias Gresham I’rug Co. disappeared; tbe whip i" hung up on The floral exhibit is growing and it is the wall a» a relic, ami the "cooler," or Gresham Millinery Opening probable that the space alloted for that solitary "black hole” ia used only in the Mrs. M. Vogel has purchased the feature will I m * well filled. If half that last extremity. Gresham Millinery store on I’owell is promised conies in there will Is* no Every Sunday the Warden gives au­ street. A new line of fall millinery for room wasted. dience to anv convict who w i«ti«-a to talk ladies and children ia on display. Iler with him. In these talks he learns formal opening will occur Tuesday and mole of the character of Ills charges Mrs E. L. Thorpe, superintendent of Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2*». Iler styles than lie could possibly learn in any ami prices will pleaae you. 3 s Art department, is proving to be an ex­ other way. He always encourages tin­ cellent worker for her part of the show. man ill the hope that lie will lie able to |*iarrliiH-it is always more or less pre­ Quite n number of Portland people have earn 11 pla e outside the prt on walls. valent during Sep ember. Be prepaired promised to exhibit. It will be neces­ If the applicant for camp work lias h for it. t'liamla-rlan’s Colic, Cholera sary to send ii wagon lor the load of bail r.cord. he will la- bluntly old that ami liiarrhoea Remedy a prompt and line work hat lias been promised. One he must nieml Ins ways Hut the effectual. It call always be depended of the pictures is a tlx» canvas valued at door of hope is never shut in Ins far«-. u | hiii ml is pleasant to take For Sale $«¡00. l ife in the road camps is md n trying by The Gresham l>rug Co. ordeal. The f.... I and clothing are bet-1 l’oa ibly n few person« will want rooms during the fair. Should anyone Report of the Condition of I lie desire a roomer, or find it convenient to accomminiate such, they will confer III the State of Oregon, nt the close of business September 1, l!»IO. a favor by notifying the Secretary, RESO I RUES II. A. Darnall. $ 02,426.51 Lains ami discounts......... ' F7- 85 Overdraft«, secnriai and unsecure-l 4,000.00 The program lor the opening day has Bonds, securities, etc 0,336.31 Banking house, furniture and fixtures not II been arrange«! but it is probable 45,tl3«.G) Ihm from approved reserva banks that 2 p. tn. will I m * the hour. The 43.771 Checks and other cash items band from the city will arrive at that 0,600 I» Cash on hand time and the formal opening will I m * f|7>S,805.04 * 'T otal , 1.1 ABILITIES he d at once, if it is decided to do any I Ifi.OnD.Oi) such thing. Capital stock paid in ............................................... 2,000 DO Siirplua fiiml ..................................................... . fi,754.AS I'ndiváb'd nrotlts, less expenses and taxes pmd 52.32 Saturday will lie Politicians' Day. |)ue t<> banlta and bunker» ................................. 104,344.7s) Individual denosit« snbject to check Mr. Lafferty has promised to come out »,71LOG Di-nuiml certifícales -l T otal ,.............. speaker. STATE OF ORF.GON, I ss. C'ounty of Multnnniah, I 1 ('. .1. LcMiqt ist , Caslder of the nbovi- mentioned Bank, do «olentnly Children's Day will ns usual be on swear tliat the alsive report is truc tu the hest of mv knowledge and belief. Saturday. Admission will I m * 10 cents. ,1. Lranqt'iaT, Ca«hier Don’t forget that there will be many CORK ECT—Atteal: Subscribed and sworn to special prizes for the children, dolls, A. M kvkks before me this Hth day of TlIKOlloHK llHVtlUKK etc. Webb farm has offered a tine Lin­ Septenils-r, 1910. C. J. I.VNiiqt'isT, coln lamb again for this purpose. A, M kykks , Directora. Notary Public. THE NEW LIFE IS A PLEASURE FIRST STATE BANK OF GRESHAM FOUR DAYS, SEPT. 29-OCT. 2 The following special amusement« will be brought of! Thursday and Friday: Egg race, II. Tug of war, box of cigars. Nail driving con tee t for women, fl. Jumping cont st—Standing, $1 ; Run­ ning, |l ; Vaulting, II. Throwing contest, 10-lb. »ledge, 12.50. Races — Lean men's, 11 ; Fat men's, |1 ; Boys under 12, 60c; Girls under 12, i ree for all. fl. Sack race, free for all, 11.30. Wood sawing — Men's, >2 50; Boys’, 11; Girl«', fl. Lents and Montavilla will cross bata Sunday at 1 :30. There will tie a football game on Sat­ urday. There will tat good music all the time y Rosebrixik’s band and a Sacred Con- trt Sunday at 2:30 by tbe Oregon Male uartet. Dancing Thursday. Friday and Satur- y. LLSTEDS Miss Marian Robertson has resumed her studies in the Greehani high school Messrs. Weatherby, Hart and Adam« were at E. D. Hamilton's last week looking after land intereats. Theo. Neibauer has a fine new Imrn nearly complete-1. Alfred Hamilton visited relatives in Portland one day this week. Mr. Era’ new residence is nearing completion. G. Carpenter has been painting Ray- aond Miller's house. Ralph Neibaaer and family have gone o the mountains for a week’s hunting nd fishing. Mr. Martin, who has been visiting W. Kobertaon ami family during the at tv t months, ba« returned to Cal­ if« .it Mrs. Martin and daughter Florence will join him later. POWELL VALLEY The Baptist Ladies Aid society held a successful meeting last week at the home of Mrs. A. B Elliott. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilcoxon on Septemlier 15. Harold Elliott and Mary Pitts have entered the Greehani high school. The new Powell Valley schoolhouse is now completed except the furnace, which has been delayed in shipping. On this account the opening of school has l>een delayed. A pleasant surprise party was given Mrs. John Lovegren Tuesday evening. Many friends were present, a short address was given ami a suin of money contributed. Coffee and cake were served. The recipient expresses appre­ ciation for the favor shown. PIPE NEAR TOWN Bull Run Project Will Be Completed as Far as Gresham this Winter BIG JOB WILL BE RUSHED Time • Saving Methods Now Used Are Great Advantage over those Used on Former Line--Will Mean Much for Gresham Tbe claim is made by the pipe line contractors that water will be flowing in the new pipe within six months and present indications are that the Schaar- Batcher company will make good. The string of big pipe along the line almost within the town of Gresham is a re­ minder that tbe work is progressing rapidly. The digging of the ditch, which is mostly in the hands of sab-contractors, has approached to within about three miles of town on tbe east. It has been intimated that it is the purpose of tbe company to complete the work now- under way, so far as weather conditions will permit, and then bend all their effort« to completing the line between Gresham and Portland daring the rainy winter weather. It is believed that rain will nut interfere with their work materially through this section where roads are good all winter. Between Gresham and Lusteds tbe ditch is dug for more than half tbe distance and pipe has been laid and riveted for about two miles. Between I nwUwi* and tMalt Bun poBtoTTler TTW ditch is nearly all dug ami for more thau half this distance the pipe is iD place. Between Bull Run and tbe headworks tbe excavating is done for about two-thirds tbe distance and pipe has been hauled for most of the dis­ tance. Large crews of men are work ng on these various d visions and the haul­ ing for practically all tbe line east uf Gresbaui will be completed by Decem­ ber 1. It will certainly mean disagreable conditions in Gresham witb some of of the main streets torn up by excava­ tions, dooryards made into dirt plies and pipes strewn along the way. There is reason to believe, however, that the company will not make it more incon­ venient for the citizens than it can help. There is no way out of it. It means employment for many workmen all winter and incidentally a water sys­ tem ior Gresham in the near future. The process of laying and riveting the pipe is most interesting. Those living in Gresham who desire to see it Vol. 6. No. 38. will have tbe opportunity soon, some of them right at home. The laying of the old pipe line ia remembered by many people who lived here at tbe time. Tbe methods used then were very different from those now used. When the first pipe line was laid tbe pipe was all hauled from Portland where it was riveted by hand. Now it comes ready made shipped di­ rect from the east to Gresham Tbe auto-truck has superseded the ox team, and tbe pneumatic riveters now do what waa formerly done laboriously by band. Tbe capacity of the new pipe will be 45,000,(> j 0 gallons daily, twice that of the old pipe. Thia will give Portland a supply sufficient for 600,000 people. Surely a little of this can for a while be spared to the municipality of Gresham, especially as the town is willing to pay for it. Premiuns for Floral Exhibit at Fair Dahlia Premium List Best display of dahlias, any variety. First, 13; second, >2; third, Better Fruit one year. Routledge Seed Co. For best display of cactus dahlias, by amateur, not less than ten kinda, |5. For best vase of six Howers, Peony flowered dahlias, any color, >2. Portland Seed Co. Commercial orders. For amateurs only. For best display red cactus dahlias, 3 flowers of each variety, first, |2; sec­ ond, fl. For best display yellow cactus dahlias, 3 Howers of each variety, first, f2, sec­ ond, fl. For largest decorative dahlia. 11. For »«-e white cactus dauliaa, 3 flowers, first, $1.50; second, 50c. For best Grand Duke Alexis dahlia, 3 flowers. $1. Gill Bros. Dahlia growere. Commercial ord- r dahlia bulbs. To amateurs only. For beet display o pink ehade of cactus dahlias, 3 flowers each variety, first, $2; second, fl. For best display cactus dahlias of blende«! colors, 3 flowers of each variety, first, $2; second, $1. For beet ebow dahlia, $1. For beet new seedling dablia, >1, sec­ ond, 50c. For beet new cactus dahlia, named, 3 flowers, first, $1, setîond, 50c. What are you planning to exhibit at the Grange Fair? M eekly Oregonian and Herald $2.00 See the Herald club offers. Mandt Wagons and Henney Buggies Now acknowledged the Best Goods made for this western country. All Sold at Cut Retail Prices at our Big Portland Store. $ 16 Single Buggy Harness, at $ 18-50 Single Buggy Harness, at $25 Double Buggy Harness, at $33 50 Double Buggy Harness, at $38 Double Buggy Harness, at $ 12-50 $ 14-50 $ 18-50 $25-75 $3000 Good Stock Single Strap Farm Harness, *ith breechinq. for iooo-ib. horses, at $27-50 $50 Team Harness, at. . $37-50 $52-50 Team Harness, at . $4150 All of Chase’s fine Winter Robes at 40 per cent. Discount. You Cannot get these prices anywhere else! Come to our Big Store in the Moline Plow Co. Bldg., at 320-328 E. Morrison St., Portland C. L. BOSS <& CO.