GRESHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1910 Subscription, $1.00 a Year. APPLE MEN WILL EXHIBIT Vol. 6. No. 37 River Commercial club, for apples CHERRYVILLE grown in Hood River county a* follows: Mrs. Geo. F. Barringer and son Ned Hpitzvnberg-rs, first prize, $15; second of Montavilla have returned to their ¡>rize, $10; Newtown Pippins, t.rst prize, sammer home in Cherryville. 415, second prize, $10. Salem Hoard of Dr. Botkins has let a contra t for Trade. Apples grown in Marion coun­ Dahlia Premium Liat clearing 4 acres of land to Pete Hwan, ty, beet box, $15, second, 410. Eugene Beat display of dahlias, any variety. and intends setting it out to orchard in Commercial club. Apples grown in First, 43; second, $2; third, Better Fruit the spring. Horticultural Exhibit in Port­ Lane county, beet box, $10; second, $6. Young Man Reaches Home All Eyes Focused on Four Big one year. Rev. Ellis will preach his farewell Portland Seel company often $25 in Exhausted Alter Days and sermon in the Methodist church next land, November 30 - Decem­ merchandise for beet dieplay of cab­ Days, Beginning September Seed Co. Nights of Wandering Induced Sunday. ber 2, Will Be for the Whole bage, potatoes, cauliflower and onions. 29. New Attractions Being For beat Routledge display of cactus dahlia«, by Geo. B. Cooper has finished hauling Beet five boxes pears. First $10; sec ­ by Strain of Overwork. State and Will Attract Many. Scheduled Daily. amateur, not less than ten kinds, material and will soon commence the ond, $6; third, medal and diploma. For best vase of six Howers, Peony erection of a new borne. He expects to Winter Nells. First prize, $15, by flowered dahlias, any color, *2. At a s|>ecial meeting of the Grange The following is a partial list of the Schmidt Lithograph company ; second Sandy, Sept. 12—John Haley the 19 set out a large commercial orchard premiums to lx- offered at the 25th an­ prize, medal and diploma. For beet year old son of Mrs. McDonald soon. Fair Association IM rec tors held Vester- Portland Seed Co. box of each of the following: P. Barry, Mr. Lewie, recently from Ohio, has day it was decided to go aimed with Commercial orders. For amateurs only. nual meeting of the Oregon State Hor­ Buerre d' Anjou, Comice and B. Clair- who left home Thursday evening under rented the Tapp homestead. ticultural society, November 30 to a de eriou- sp-li has been found. He For first display red cactus dahlias, the preparations for the fair with a big geau. First prize, silver medal and di­ Geo. F. Barringer has let a contract 3 flowers of each variety first, 42, sec­ December 2, 1910. While only a |«rt ploma; second, bronze medal and diplo­ hail been breaking horses that day and rush no*. It la aomewhal abort time have as yet lieen signed tlie subscrip ­ returned home tired and very nervous. for clearing his tract of land. ond, 41. ma. for the work that will need to be done He r tired early but got up at 10:30and Jerry Friel, who arrived here a short tor liest display yellow cactus dahlias. tion list, enough have done so to insure Apples and pears on plates. Best | told his mother that the neighbors were time ago from California, is making and the carpenters will go to work to­ 3 flowers of each variety, first, 42, sec­ the lx*st and largest apple show ever I held in Portland. The complete list collection, first, second and third prizes, all down on him for breaking horses. hie home with hie father, J. T. Friel. morrow to get tilings ready,considerable ond, 4L medals Bret plate of each variety, He then made a dash down stairs, ran Sr. will lx* out iu a few weeks. , For largest decorative dahlia, 41 work will tie done on preparing for the Every fruit grower is asked to keep medal and diploma, second beet plate, out the gate and over to A. C. Bomback's Fur vase white cactus dahlias, 3 Vincent Friel has returned home and display paim, arranging taldee and pro­ I this list until he receives Ctie official diploma. place, dressed io his night clothes. He is making bis home with his parents. flowers, first, $1.60, second, 50c. viding for more extensive displays. Dried fruits. First, medal and di- ; told Bomback that ghosts were after Fur best Grand Duke Alexis dahlia, OM, and if not already on the mailing L. J. Ra ney will prove up on bis list to semi iiis name to the secretary, ploma; eec .nd, diploma. Italian, him and darted away before be could be Ap|*arance» are no* that the floral dis­ 3 flowers, $1 homestead September 29. Frank Power, nom 2, Lumberman's French (Petite) Silver, Willamette captured. play will tie several times larger than Noah Kuhn is in eastern Oregon har­ Imilding, so that he may be place. 1 on prune« Beet commercially packed 25 Haley then went to the Sandy Bluff <>IH Bros. ever before, and otiir-r .iepartmenta are the permanent maihng list. and descended the high bank on his vesting. pound box dried prunes; best dis- Dahlia growers Commercial order likely to 1« much larger. Huperrnlend- Every fruit growers esewiation in the play dried prunes, commercially packed ; hands and knees. After spending the At a meeting of the school board held dahlia bulbs To amateurs only ent H. A. l-ewia of liie Horticultural slate is requested to mail a list of gro«- beet display dried berries; beet display □ ight in his favorite fishing place, he last Saturday evening the position of For best displav O' pink shade of returned to the road and there met a school tsacher was offered to Mies department is preparing to get to gather cactus dahlias, 3 flowers each variety, ere in their vicinity. Any commercial loganberries. organization not represented on thia list, Nuts. First, medal and diploma, man of whom be asked for clothes. Harold of Lents, in place of Miss Con­ a laitter Iruit display I tian heretofore. tiret. • ’ . se. olid fl . is asked to after a premium for fruit second, diploma. Franquette, Mayette, The boy’s tracks were followed and stance Ewing, resigned For liest display cactus dahlias of He will have some experienced hands grown in their locality or county. We Praepsrturisn walnuts; DuCbiliy or in places it was found he had made A party of friends from Montavilla at arranging fruit ami packing apple« blended colors, 3 flowers of each variety, would like to have a premium offered successive leaps of six feet. After came out Sunday in an auto and visited Barcelona filberts. first, $2; second, $1. on hand to advise the farmers wlieu in every county in the state where fruit spending a day around a slashing fire, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Barringer. For liest show dahlia, $1. is grown and uiso to have an exhibit at they bring their stuff in as how beet to he went to a James Failing's barn and Alex B. Brooks expects to leave for For liest new seedling dahlia, 41. sec­ improve their exhibits ami place them tlie apple allow from every county. The Portland Men to Attend Gresham fair was finally found ami taken to the Hood River soon to be absent several ond, 50c. to get the liest results. More than | only way to make it a big success is for house. months. For liest new cactus dahlia, named, 3 Portlan , Sept. 14.—A special dele­ usual interest is Ireing shown in en­ every grower and organization to help. Young Haley has recovered his mind flowers, fltst, $1, second, IWc. I gation from the E sc Side Business rsnrs« omaxD. tering the various classes of rxliibila. and now remembers his wanderings. Trap shooting at Sandy fair Sept. 23. Twenty-five box lots, by any grower, Men's aswM-iation will attend the Gresh­ His body was badly bruised, his feet Bring your shot guns with you. Plenty The Fast Hide Commercial Club has It is with some disappoiniiuent that leommervial club or fruit growers aawe am fair this fall, pledged to the ad­ and face badly cut, ami be is worn decided to attend the fair in a laxly w> «re obliged to announce that the tuition i>( any county, made up as fol­ vancement of Gresham in every way. out from his exertions. He was suffer- of shells in Sandy. DeHhazer A Howe. on Thursday which will be Portland day. ' driving annwaciwtion hxind on exvinsn- lows: Portland Commercial club, $100; The delegation was picked at the fall They will charter care and carry a brass i g from a nervous breakdown result­ t «tion tliat there would be too mu< h i Meter A Frank, Co. $50-.Oregon Hotel, opening meeting of the association ing from overwork. A Good Position band. This -lay will also be Auto day. work to lx* done oti the track to have it $60; Imperial Hotel, $25; Bushong A which was held today. Representa­ Can be bad by ambitious young men Saturday will 1» a lull day. The and ladies in the field of "Wireless” baby show, spirts, ami public speaking ' completed by the time the fair opet>eliticians tie given I arrangements made so that a racing , Five lx>x lots, Spitzenbergs. Congress which will be held in Spokane wireless companies are establishing schedule would I m * ready another year. I prize, $6(>; second prize, silver medal show their appreciation. a show to tell the people just what they stations throughout the country there The meeting today was an import­ October 3-9 in connection with the In­ is a great shortage of telegraphers. and diploma; third prize, bronze m d- need and a lot of wisdom will lie turned terstate fair, will attract thousands of loose to enlighten Hie benighted voters One of the features of the Juvenile al aud diploma. Newtown pippins, ant one, C. C. Chapman, manager of the People from all over the «est and the Positions pay beginners from $70 to $vo of this |«rt of the state department will be the displays of veg­ first prise. $60; second prize, silver med­ ' promotion committee, being among the railroads are already advertising special per month, with good chance of advanc- s|x*akers, as well as Dr. Wetherbee, ment. The National Telegraph Insti­ Tire Retail Grocer's Association is etables that will be ah wn by lioys un­ al and diploma; third prize, bronze former president of toe Commercial rates to the city of the Inland Empire tute of Portland, Ore., operates six of­ medal and diploma. Beet five boxes, der 111. At least three boys will etiler also going to join in the hike to for the dates mentioned. The Northern club. There were other speakers be­ ficial institutes in America, under sup­ Gresham on Portland day, which date into thia race (or first place in juvenile not more thau two boxes of any one va­ sides tlie gentlemen who I llore the in- Pacific has issued an attractive little ervision of R. R. and wireless officials riety, $50, by Hazelwood Cream store; displays. They will show a dozen or has not lieen definitely dy|prtnined, booklet telling about the forthcom ­ vitation from Greshain. but will undoutedly lie <« Thursday more samples of their own raising and second prize. medal and diploma. ing events which gives the following and places all graduates into positions. Three box lot«, spitzenberge. First It will pay you to write them for full arranging. the tirst day of the fair. facts about the dry’ congress ; prize. $26, by Fred A. Jacobs Co.; sec­ details. As usually treated, a sprained ankle An attractive list of 60,000 actual The Committer* are looking up a ond prix*, silver medal and diploma; will disable a man for three or four Arrang menta are complete for farmers in the non-irrigated districts of Couple of good ball teams to help out third prize, bronze medal and diploma. weeks, but by applying Chamt>erlan,s What are you planning to exinbit at the I nited States and Canada is being in the amusements features. A good special rates from all the main points Ortley apples First prize, 420 silver puree will lie put up (or division Ixitween on the O. W. P. for the fail week. cup by G. Heitkemper Co.; second Liniment freely as soon as the injure is covered with official calls and formal in­ the Grange Fair? com ¡«ting teams. Il may be that a The ra e from Portland will be 25 cents prize, silver medal and diploma; third received, and observe the directions vitations to participate in the congress. with each bottle, a cure can he effected The govern >rs of all states are invited Weekly Oregonian and Herald $2.00 foot Imll game will I m - arrange! as such for tlie round trip; Oregon City, prize, bronze medal and diploma. Beat is in view at this tine. Care will be B ring, 2óc; Estacada. 55c. The rates three boxes from Mosier, 425 by Port­ in from two to four days. For sale by, to attend, several have accepted and others are expected to accept. used alsiut advertising features tied are over the Troutdale line have not lx*en land Hotel; second prize, medal and Greshaui Drug Co. See the Herald club offers. not sure of coming off Exp*riesme lias received vet diploma. Best three boxes from Will­ shown it to tie a very bad plan. amette Valley, $20 bv Mason, Ehrman A good orchestra will lie engaged so A Co.; second prize, silver medal and MfLROSE dancing will Is* possible every afternoon Frost visited this se tion the 7lli and diploma; third prize, bronze medal and and evening. Arrangements will be cut dow n a pinion of the fall vegeta­ diploma. mart- so that those who wish may stay Two box Iota. Best two boxes il each bles. at the evening ball so that an extra ad­ I variety) grown west of Cascade Moun­ Rrv. W imx I and wife are on the sick mission to the grounds will not be I tains. merchandise to tlx* value of $20 list. necessary. by Hanlie M’g. Co.; second prize, silver ('apt Branson lie« a well on his place. medal and diploma; third prize, bronze Threshing is about done here. medal and diploma. Beiow will la- found an addition­ One box lots. Oregon Nursery offers Tlie apple and pear crop is large this al li«t of prizes for special exlutata I $25 in nursery stock for tlie beet one laix year. of tlowere. The money for these «;x*cve» Mrs. McBride entertained her neices l of Spitzenbergs Newtown pippin, John­ has lieen subscribed bv Portland tróed Misses Mamie and Helen Hoss Sunday. athan and Baldwin. Tin* society offers .Company. Routledge ami (.ill Brother« second prize of medal and diploma. Hyde's king; tirst prize, $1O, by Blake, I McFall A Co. f en Davis. First prize. $10 scales by F'air banks, Morse A Co. Winter lianana. First prize, $20 Morris 'chair, by Wm. Gadsby. Spitzenberg. Best box grown in Willamette valley, $10, by Pacific Paper Co. Grimes gold­ en, $■> spray pump, by Rice A l'halan. It takes work, management, perseverance and foresight to Baldwin. Best box grown west of tlie Cascade mountains, $10 robe, by Mitch- shape a successful business career. ; ell, Stnver A Lewis. Northern Spy. ; I0O cherry trees, by J. B. Pilkingt n. But all these qualities are like steam without an engine Jonathan. Best lx>x grown west of unless you have capital to help them along. You can secure the Cascade mountains, barrel of sprav, this capital either by steady saving and wise investment, or by by Charles II. Lilly Co. Arkansas Black Barrel of spray, by Gideon securing the proper credit at a good bank. Stolz Co. For each of the above va- rieties the society offers a second prixe This bank offer its assistance, whichever way you choose. of diploma and medal. One Ixix lots continued, Gatio, first prize, $5; second prize, diploma and , medal. Best box of King, Delicious Winesap, Red Cheek, Pippin, Swaar, Come to our Big Store in the Moline Plow Co. Bldg., at 320-328 E. Morrison St., Portland Rome Beauty and Vanderpool Red. First prize, $5; second prize, medal and diploma. COMMERCIAL CIUH PBEMWMS GRESH A Ms ORÜ. Corvallis Commercial club, $100 for apples grown in Benton county. Hood GRANGE FAIR NEAR EVENT It promises to tiring out tar the largest flower show that has ever lieen seen at this fair, anil probably second to none that has ever been assn in the county. ___ IN DELIRIUM Mandi Wagons and Henney Buggies Now acknowledged the Best Goods made for this western country. All Sold at Gut Retail Prices at our Big Portland Store. Arc You Starting in Business? $ 16 Single Buggy Harness, at $ 18-50 Single Buggy Harness, at $25 Double Buggy Harness, at $33 50 Double Buggy Harness, at $38 Double Buggy Harness, at $ 12-50 $ 1450 $ 1850 $2575 $3000 Good Stock Single Strap Farm Harness, *nh breeching, for iooo-ib. horses, at $27-50 $41 50 $50 Team Harness, at. $37-5<> $52-50 Team Harness, at All of Chase’s fine Winter Robes at 40 per cent. Discount. Come in and sec us about it. FIRST STATE BANK You Cannot get these prices anywhere else ! C. L. BOSS & CO.