Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 02, 1910, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Auto-truck Bulks on Hill
ae anywhere, even exceeding the customs
of our own country Young Ixiys ami
girl* are not allowed to ronin the street
alone at night The girl* are more care­
fully guarrled than in thia country. Bur­
glarizing and robliery and murder are
not half ho frequently heard of, and from
appearance« public Hafrty ha* Ixs-n devel­
oped to a ilegree that might make their
plane a profitable study in thia country.
Vol. 6.
No. 35.
pile« on their home 'place when her
! clothing caught fire. Although the fire
was soon put out she was so seriously
burned that she is stilt in a very dan­
gerous condition. She suffers intense
[>ain snd is a long ways from recovery.
The Khaw-Batcher company mat with
a singular accident this week on the
east Haudy hill.
The auto-truck in
trying to make tbe ascent of the bill
with a load of pipe was unable to com­
plete the tindert-king, and neither
Multnomah Driving Association could tbe truck hold the position al- Gresham Men Return From
Many However are Inconven­
Fred C. Reed was at Astoria the last
r ady gained. In attempting to I ack
Make Arrangements to Lease up the wagon ami truck backed into
Property Holdings in That
ienced and Several Suffered of tbe week.
Property Here—Means
a the hill on one side and th-grade on
Country—How it Compares
Severe Bums—Mrs. Straus’s Mr. Lefineaox' house was destroyed
the other, completely obstructing tbe
tarty Rising
by fire early Thursday morning.
Series of Important Races
With the U. S.
Narrow Escape From Death
IMHsage It took quit«' a bit ol engineer­
Mrs. M E. Reed and daughters visit­
As a rule long-lived [-ersona have
ing to o | m - ii the way so teams could get
ed her daughter, Mrs. A. Fox, in Port­
been early risers, because they have
Arrangt-ineiiU ar« practically corn- through, ami still more to remove their
As slated elsewhere, Fred -Fieldhouse been good sleepers By go's! sleep Is
Aside from the losses suffered during land the last week
pistol whereby the Multnomah Driving truck and wagon.
ami Emil Kariiell returned last 8a tun lay meant sleep that is sweet and sound, the fires of last week it is not to be
J. Leader had the misfortune to lose
association will lease a portion <>f the
The body recuper­ overlooked that a considerable number i about 250 cords of wood by the forest
from a month’s visit in tbe northwestern without dreaming
Smith pr«|M-rty and a small corner of
ates wholly. Those who love to rise of people suffered personally. A large j tire which swept through thia vicinity
the grounds uead by the Orange Fair Kansas leaching Other States Some part of old Mexico. These gentlemen
early generally are of this sort. They number were seriously inconvenienced | Thursday.
Valuable Lessons
left tliis part of tiie country the last of
Association, ami construct a halt mile
have strong wills and gixsl health to
Miss Ethel Smith came down from
trade lor the use of tlm driving asso­
The state of Kansaa is teaching the July and proceeding by way of ls>at to begin with.
by having to move out of their homes
Warrendale to spend Saturday and
ciation at the coming fair ami fur their country some valuable lessons in tem­
Late risers are often invalids or per­
Sunday at home.
future use. The plan provides for an perance. The open «aloon lias no more and Southern Arizona they went toCuaJ-
sons of bad habits, idlers, who are and their household effects. In a con­
annual meet al the time of the fair, chance of ever again obtaning a foot­ ican, Mexico. The trip dow n the ina-t
Emmons Bros, enjoyed a visit from
never free from other vices besides
sod a division of gate receipts. II the hold in old Kansas than the Indian have was passed without noteworthy event.
The nervous exhaustion were burned, though the number was their brother and wife from Bridal
plan is acceptable to all person« con­ of once mure coming into [xHtsession of At I xm Angeles ami I’axadena several
which keejs, a man wakeful thmugh not nearly so large as at first repre- i Vail Sunday.
cerned, the driving associatioii will be­ tbe United States. It has I wen told in days were spent lixiking over die won­
The district southeast of . A number of people visited tbe circus
the small hours requires sleep late in sented.
gin work on their track next Monday the “Issue” that Kansas is changiug its ders that have been created in the desert
near Hogan and Anderson, , in Portland the last of the week and
the morning. This exhaustion is in-
aml will liurrv it to completion so that county |KMir farms into prosperity sta­ regions of Southern California. '1'hey
, was tbe scene of several heroic rescuing | reported it very good.
but a abort time will ela|*e until they tions because since the state is without . visited Mt. LxiWe and several of the
ening influence«, especially anxiety or j of home and household property, and 1 Mr. McGowan of Columbian Beach
can have the ground (or practice pur­ saloons about one-half of the counties various »underfill parks, and returned
one or two people were dangerously ] was here on business Monday
indiscretion in diet or drink.
poses. The driving association pro­ have no infirmary inmates to care lor ■ with a number of beautiful photos to
Early rising is thus rather one effect near being burned to death.
poses to put on several amusements, Under the enactment oltthe legislature show their friends. But they report that
The able assistance of the National
of certain favorable influences than a
How to Wnh Colored Embroidery.
ball games and three or four races each there |>oor farms are being turned into all the Is-auty of that part of California
will be long appreciated by all
cause of longevity. To turn a weakly <
One method of washing colored em­
day of the (air They will construct a exp- riment stations in aid of agriculttre. is artificial. Natural beauty is wanting
man out of bed every morning will not
broidery Is to put a handful of bran
suitable grandstand and stock shells,
Some time ago, Carr e Nation, ot iitdess you can see it in sagebrush and prolong hie life unless he has slept ance was more highly appreciated than into warm water and leave tbe ar
ami in every way look to the comfort of hatchet fame, established a home in sand. Ixis Angeles is a city male to
enough. Preventing a weakly [leraon even the people represented to the men tide to be cleaned In tbe water to
tlirir display and tbe public that at­ K mans City, Kansas, for wives of plan, and Pasadena is ju»L the same,
from sleeping more than four or five who did tbe work. In some instances soak, pressing it gently from time to
tends their meetings.
drunkards and now comes the word perhaps a little mon- artificial.
the men were on the fighting line all time, but not rubbing it. When It is
Pns-eeding on their way over tla- des­ hours nightly would not cause him to day and night. But they stuck to duty­ dean bang It until It is nearly dry
that this venture is a failtire because
be old, but would tend to shorten his
there are no wives of drunkards to be ert regions of Southern California, Arizo­ life. Early rising as a practice may be in a way that won for them no small and then stretch it on a frame and
I dlr Noles
cared for. Tbe president of the Associ­
amount of praise. The farmers soon Iron it
The time to Is- getting that |xnillry ated Charitiea in Kansas City, Kansas, ! tla- city of Cualican, capital of die state cultivated by all persons in good learned that a soldier boy was a safer
How to Clean Swot Grass Baskats.
box ready for the (all aliow ia at hand. in a|ieaking of tiie Carrie Nation borne ■ in that part of Mexico. This city is of health. Il is excellent as moral disci­ watchman than tbe hired inan. He
When tbe fragrant sweet grasa bas­
With the < pportuniliea lor gelling to­ for wives of drunkards' says: “ It is no alsmt 15,000 inhabitants and offers a fine pline, and eminently healthy as a mat­ stayed where he was ordered,
gether a line chicken ahow thin fa I. Use denying it, the home is a failure. opportunity to study Mexican life and ter of fact. Most persons will eat three country farther out is now safely past kets that are bought in such quanti­
every chicken man in the country Weren't And any drunkards' wives to | customs While it may not I m - quite meals daily. When a man gets up late all danger. The recent shower served ties by summer tourists become soiled
and lose tbeir sweet scent, try cleaning
should I m - getting in Um- lor a place in live in it. What ia to lie done about it? cl< wie enough to City of Mexico to get a 'kl'*' utcal* will probably follow each topreventspreading while the already-
them off with a cloth wrung out of
the exhibit. Tbe number ot |>eople Nothing so far aa I can see. If our laws |>erfect idea of their natural laws and other at too short intervals, and be
burning areas are cleaned up and own lukewarm water Do not use soap on
who attend this fall will exceed any discourage the making of drunkards' j customs as administered by the chief
the spreading is practically- at an end them The dampness not only clean«
previous year. Tbe advertising of all wives, there is nothing we can do. We officers of the nation, it does offer a fine When he is an early riser it will prob­ unless some new fire is set.
tbe reed«, but restore« tbeir fresh
previous years has -erved to give the have done our best, but the odds against op|s>rtunity to observe local conditions.
fair a publicity that cannot lie forgotten us were too great."
Society seiiis to divide into three breakfast and when his other meals sre various fires that occurred is Mrs. John
due he will be ready for them, and
and the attendance will each year grow
die Spanish, da- mixed race«,
And so an -ther failure can be attrib­
with a good appetite, which is itself Straus. Mrs. Straus was burning brush Weekly Oregonian and Herald $2.00
larger ami more widely distributed
uted to tbe cloaiug uf tbe saloon in the ami the peons, or Indians. Of course, one of the signs of health.—Pacific
Last year brought out several pens by state of Kansas. It is tbe kind of die Spanish are tine looking and cultured Farmer.
the juvenile class. The premiums this failure, however which should make people. The mixed classes also include
year are even better than last and every citizen of that state feel proud. a numls-r of very intelligent people, some
[banks His Neighbors
should l>e considered by all the young The home will be given back to Mrs of them exceptionally fine in appearance
jxiultry growers in the county. All in­ Nation, who will probably sell it and and manner, and comparing very well
Mr. John A. Staffenaon ia another
with their neigblsirs to the north. The man who has a lot of good neighbors
terest will be stirred up .among the lay in a fresh supply of hale beta.
[ hhi I ih urv the natives of the country, that he feels himself under great obliga­
Y. M (' A. poultry club of Portland
Indians, or of distinct Indian extraction, tion to. Mr. Staffenson lives alxiut
anil an opportunity will be given to
and an- not very well advanced in intel- five miles southeast of Gresham. On
show what these young people have
Meetings are being held at the ligem-e or habit« of life. They an- lazy
been doing during tbe season,
Methodist church by Rev. Bishop, The and lack all ambition. Of course, this Wedensday of last week, when the tire
Tbe l season lor autumn Howers ia at
singing lieing conducted by Brother and condition is partly due to the conditions was warming thing« up at Anderson
hand. A large number of |«raona have
Sister Brytner. of Portland. There will that exist now ami have existed ever Station, in response to the call for help,
Tower gardens in thia part of the
he went down to give assistance and
I m - services Sunday at 2 and 8 p. in.
since the conquest
county, It will not la* a difficult mat-
while there fire broke out eastward
The m «tings will continue all next
The land in Mexico is all held in large from his home. Unknown to him bis
ter for them to get a good show to­
tracts. Twenty to a hundred thousand ncigldsirs came in ami saved ls>th the
getber. ll they will consider the ad-
acres is no uncommon farm. Some of house and barn, and everything else,
vantage Huch a ahow offer«, the atimu-
this land can Is* bought for $12 an acn-, for that matter, lie did i>- t get a
Ins to home adornment, and the culti­
New York State Grango.
some for less and some is held higher. d ance to thank them for all the assist­
vation of a taste for such tilings, they
The executlve coiutulttee of tbe New
will not miss this opportunity to preach York «tare grnngv han cbisu-u Troy But the landholders will not sell in part. ance rendered, as he did not know of
a giHsI sermon. Gill Brothers will have na tbe next place of tneetlng Hoches They sell as whole or not at all. Hence his dangers till tie retnned home, and
•bout 300 varieties of dahlias on exhibi­ ter mude n bld for tbe aemdon; bul. nll the opportunities for a man of medium he came to the Herald to have his ap­
tion. That alone will be worth u day's thlnga conalderrd. It wns dcemed beat circuinstanees to secjire a farm in Mexico preciation published.
to tnke tbe tneetlng luto an eaatern are not very numerous and a pixir man
visit to tbe show.
county next February.
has no chance at al). It will be seen at
Don't forget to make your entries
Wanted—Cosmopolitan Magazine re­
once why the lower classes in that
tins year. No more entering after half
Guaranteed Buggies, with Leather quarter tops,
A Large Fruit Grower.
country remain poor and why then- an­ quires the services of a representative
of tbe sliow is over. Get your stuff to­
Lewis I. Morrell of Kinderhook, n
fine Leather trimmings.
New style
no small farms.
gether and come early and enter your prominent menilx-r of Linden wald
tion renewals and to extend circulation
winners before the o|H-iiing hour. Be grange. 1» one of the largest orchard
tion of Mexico an- sugar, corn, wheat bv special methods which have proven
sure that your neighlxirs enter the com­
unusually successful. Salary and com­
petitions for a full show make a belter 3.000 apple trees and twice as many ami semi-tropical fruits. The cultivation mission. Previous exi erience desirable
cherry tree«. I hw I i I ch plums and [wars is done by the peons who get a mere
show, and the honors are Wurth a lot
trifle for their work as compared with but not essential. Whole time or spare
If wanted with iull inch Gpo-lyear Rubber Tires, they coat $18 more.
How to Iron Waists In an Easy Way. wages in tin- United States. The peons time. Address, with references, H. C.
It tile Hlioillder part ot the waist ia live in huts and straw covered sheds on Campbell, Cosmopolitan Magazine, 178»
Maxwell Schneider is prepared to do plnced over the end ot the Ironing the outskirts of villages and the farming Broadway, New York City.
liner work than at any previous time, bound It la easily Ironed and saves country is not dotted with little homes as
fall at bin new studio on Powell Htreet. many a frowu.
we ns- it hen-.
Ladles Aid Market
The home life of these people varies an
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. ’
does their means. The peons have little church will hold a sale of home cooked
in tbeir homes that would afford them food at Wostell s grocery on Saturday j
any comfort. Their furniture consists of afternoon from 2 to 5 o’clock.
a few chairs, boxes and benches, and
beds of homemade blankets and leaves
Multnomah Grange Dance
or straw. t'lxiking is limited to a bread­
---------------- AT CUT PRICES----------------
Multnomah Grange No. 71, at Orient,
making and a few other simple dishes.
If this bank were not willing to give you every help and ac­ In the lx-tter classes conditions an- much will give a dance Saturday evening, !
commodation, it would not ask for your business.
Richards’ orchestra i
improved. Most of the houses an- plain September 10.
lisiking on the exterior, but if the family will furnish music, lunch will be served. I
Undesirables not allowed to remain.
We invite you to keep your account with us, and when you Is- one of means the interiors make lip All
others are welcome.
for the outside. Within the building is
do, you will find no surly or stiff-necked treatment here. We usually found an iqx-n court when- the
Change In Register Business
take especial pains, to explain banking customs to those who have family sits under wide open [xirches, and
$50 Team Hamess at only
never kept an account and are not familiar with banking methods within this court will Is- found Is aut¡fill Whenever the sender requests it a !
$35 Double Driving Hamess at only
flower gard-ns and many ornamental receipt snail be taken on the delivery of (
Let us prove our statement by handling your banking busi­
tectural featun-s that date liaek to the whom and when the same was deliv- ,
time when the art of the Mohammedan ered, which receipt shall be returned to 1
held full sway in S|iain.
the sender and lie received in courts aa |
The social life of the people of th>s prims facie evidence of such delivery. I
part of Mexico seems to Is- as well devel- Letters or parcels which do not bear1
[Moline Plow Co. Building]
as does our own. The general ten­ the endorsement receipt desired, or
dency to the cultivation of polite customs words of s milar import, will not receive 1
i, V ¿ ’Ll
and manners is as noticeable hen- as return card.
Great Buggy Bargains
Only $
A Point to Remember
Spring Wagons
Sur ries
Farmers’ Hacks
Delivery and Farm Wagons
Harness put on the Bargain List
C. L. Boss <& Co