4 VALUE OF OLD SHAWLS. Ba Used How They Can For Artiatio Decoration». The woman who ding* to the old fashioned habit of "keeping tiling*'' Sueee«*ding Gresham Vindicator, Gresham Gazette, Inst Multnomah Iveco rd Multnomah Rewni and Mont.ivilia Herald. PubhíÜKHl Every Eridax at Greeham, the . by the B kavkr S tati PvauaHixa Co Il DAKNAII . E ditvm A. M anaubr . xnd is sure to have a somewhere shawl to the attic ami the storeroom several decades ago. when tlieir carver of fasliiou ended SlBSCi'HlOM RITES Ver Yetr. 81.00 in »I vuihc to tort'lgn u.Miutrtv* I* Six Month» 7Sc; Thns* months trial subscription* e*V. Single copy's > Uk (or clubbing rate» REM'TTUiCES *houl<1 b< *ent bx Kxpre»* vr Po»tothee Money Order. Registered loiter or < heck. Stamp* accepted up to cents. RECEIPTS tor su I mh riptions are not »ent unlessi requested The ehan^t ot label on your paper will indi ‘Hte the receipt of your remit tare It it doe« not please notify ua Dl$rORTlNUA*lCE$ It you do not wish vour paper« »ntinued please notttx n» about th» tune i «• ■ublcription » xpire* XX. find thi* plan most aatiMaclory to our patron» though it i* not tn accordance with our personal view*. CHARGE OF I0MESS In ordering change ot addn .** give old as well a* new addrea» CORRESWtOERTS are wanted tn every l onimuuity If no corre*po»i ten«, appea * troai o»ur neighborhood you are r« »pvlfully reqv .‘»text to »end us a> many local item» a» you can. AB* FlTtSiNG RATES PROFESSION Al. C ARl>S im « inch)..*'« each *sue CARD*OFTHANKS (not el evding two inches.) V cent» 1.1* ITKRSOF VON f»O I ENUK (not exceeding tour inch«-*) 11 OHITl'ARIKS for subscribers or their immediate famili» *. ire« no to hM word* t < ent per word for additional words U ANT A OS at I .ant per w oni for first TnVKRTISlNG. rates made known on application Before the shawl Is hung a strip of strong, dark coluretl cotton cloth should l>e sew,\| securely along one edge ami loops of silk coni attached to this These loops are fastettvd to picture hook's. so that the shawl may tie sus pended from the picture molding witli out ths use of tacks In a room w ith u celling of average height and a molding placed at the usual distance shawl hung In from the celling n this way will reach smoothly down to plaster bas-relief may be hung A framed photograph or an etching will be equally suitable, but a color«! pic T Suuday saloons, press pool-rooms and and give municipal authorities power to run a town as wide open as they sire. that the city now constitution The be •subject to must charters constitution criminal laws of and The amendment the state.' de­ provides proposed It is claimed by the advocates of direction assertion is majority of fallacious. the supreme from rule, Laving absolute self-government— the right to make and amend their own charters, sub ect only tion the and the constitu­ criminal laws of This power was conferred of the - ate. by an amendment in odopted to general to the constitution the election ot made effective by an act of the ture of and llNjtf legisla­ 11*07 “for carrying into effect amendment to section 2, article II of the constitution, g anting to cities and emanates whole the slate: and to permit the people of a municipal­ ity to over-ride laws enacted bv the peo­ ple of the whole stale, to set at or naught the moral sentiment of the peo­ ple of the state, would be the worat The proposed amendment would supremacy der mine the It would municipal create an of tile un­ state. « ithin authority independent of, and bounds doubtless in many cases opp.se,i to the It i1 essentially au hority of the state. vicious ami anarchistic in its tendency. Therefore we object for five 1. It is a saloon measure option law. It 2. makes cities nal laws and police j»were oí tlie C"iin- ty anti state. It 3. a-«unn •« for the cits independence from tin* i- ounty, yet does not propose toi provide !• r expen««- of vice and crime taa«Muilon of all 1I10 data lH*«rlng on the problem ami preferably by an ex amluatlon on the ground. Leaving for the moment the mutter can't place me." “Well, ymir fac«* d**rs seem fnmlllar the nor porch for such work many bouse keepers make this lack an excu.««- for furniture get letting would horrify iuto a condition them could tbev realize the germs and dirt concealed less excusable ns even This is the heavy tuft.si furniture can be kept clean indoors without raising a tornado of dust. Here is a simple plan: Wring out of warm water a cloth damp nod not weL Beat the cloth well beater. When a with one side lias The proper grading of cattle on the Portland market and the paying of what the difference is between good and thin quality represents to the shipper, has caused the cattle men of the country to turn their attention toward grain feeding and this fall and winter will probably see more grain fed cattle in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Califor­ nia, than in any previous year. Good grain fed cattle are worth from lc to 1 l-2c more per lb., than hay fed cattle. At the difference it will pay the feeders to U3e grain. A Large Pomona Meeting. Fifteen hundred grangers from yuga county, N. ca Y„ accompanied by 500 from neighboring counties, by ape cial train visited the Cornell College of Agriculture June T. Luncheon was served them by dents, nnd they the faculty and stu were formally tvel coined by I’resldcnt Scntirman at a meeting presidisl over by Commission er of Agriculture II. A Pearson, the following «peaker» also participating: turer. respectively, of the New state grange. York Th» First Resolution. lion. B. Walker McKeene of Maine, stntc lecturer. Is authority for the statement that the first resolution ever spread u|siii the national grange rec­ ord was one asking for better educa­ tion for tlie people. Better yet. another section, mid In the same man ner materials usisi «iieccamfully In a Wtien the upholstery Is clean, rub up the wotidwork with a polish. How to Clean a Gas Stove. When cleaning your gas si ¡ve you will find that a cloth moistened with kerosene oil will remove grease ami dirt more easily than one wrung out In soap and water. It Is essential lo keep the air mixers, or •'lungs," of the stove «lean, for If they are clogged with bits of food or dust the fresh 11 Ir »-niinot mingle freely with the gas When the tlame burns yellow or red instead of bright blue It Is uti |u1 clean new-paper Is folded to lit the galvanized tray uti- of the year. When, as is almost always th«* case, low oust Is the controlling considera­ into a saucer of hot water nnd when it has thoroughly dissolved clean the hat by scrubbing It with a brush dip p«-d In the mixture, rinse nnd let It dry In the open nlr. preferably in the sun Professor W. .1, Beal, for forty years While it is m*t a sltnph* matter to an »wer the tir«t question, yet It Is com FA. ».a c a 'VTW A'*-- . i'l.'.'l.- -¿J« k- ’.jA u- botanist of the Michigan Agricultural college, has resigned and will retire to private life. ii.KAt, »Tin i. 11 or macaham . IFrom Gool R.-.ul i .«t..g.i.-.u,.- ,\-o« 1 or k | parutlvely simple a« contrastisi Washington ('ogut : =^-_===^-^^x=VJA - Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.HO I lire«* Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $«3.00 I'orthifid, or inquire of any agviit vl?M»uh“rt* ble. It 1.« seldom that the available funds are sultb Ivtit lo pay for the best po« Bible road, ami II is m*e«*sMiry to sac rifila* ill the < Olistriietlon to keep Willi ’rd and Wanh. PnruhaM* th R«•(•* and niak»* r»-*«*rvati ni* at City Ti< Ret <>(!»*• the si-* ond. ami It Is just here tli.it the services of a spis-iallst are Indispensa­ H «V for information. VVM. McMURRAV, (lenenti Passenger Agent. PORTLAND, ORI.» in Hu* limits of tin- uvnilable funds Sm li weighing <>r 1 ust mid qiialliy and Ihe Unni decision as to what Is the best ami most »«•otiomlcal procedtir«* re­ quire not nuli < nreftil thought, but also a thorough familiarity with the whole siitijts'l of road building mid ma I n temi nee. Tbere are itiiiny road biiajers cotti posed prmeipAlly of tur. besl.les thè PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER GO. FREQUENT ploy.sl In rumi building l'Iivir lise hit» lii-eli ntti-lideil l.y Is.tll slici-ess limi fnihiri*. neilhiT liellig lus-essnrily ini index of Ih.* valili- of thè innterlill. fnr thè selis-tiim «villi due regnr.l tu .-ondi llons tu I h * nii-t nnd tlu* nimilpiihitiiiti Iti thè nctmil wurk nfTeets resulta filli« ti» niU'-li uh mi.« inhet'ent quii III le» of one of those things Hint must be se cured through co-operntlon If «vide Prosperity Follows Good Roads. You show me nny community In this or any other stole where there nre (food roods, snld n spenker nt n good roods convention, nnd I will show you n community where there nre no pnint sion. thrift nnd progres­ RAPID COMFORTABLE Springwater Division sev.*ral tur» i hetns.-l« es. thnl are cui in clear cold water. hat all 1 with nlr of prosperity, the flor Oregon Railroads Nitvi^alion Co. with a brush dipped In flowers of sul­ is to scrub I’plctotim Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cot­ tage, tent and camp life. All the comforts <>f horn«* nnd the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside, surf bathing, fishing, dam digging, beach lion­ fires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls nnd drives through picturestque w«xaled headlands ———I phur and lemon Juice and then rinse method equivalent Reilucsii Rates from all jiarts of Wash, or Ore, T ■ — » fnnilslied buildings or tottering lenn ton, n community whore there Is the Another Ilapplneaa I b nn I wriitv - live Mil*-»« if Mngfiifo'ent Beach 1 • \ <1, < >111 ¡» u t an*I >!oth building tin* best possibh* road that can be built for the money available spread benefits nre to tie enjoyed. How to Clean a White Straw Hat Put a teasrxxmful of salts of lemon been INI: PLACI: IO SPt:M) YOUR SUMA1I-R VACATION Tin* question then Iss-omes one not of building the b«*«t possible road, but of will cnlcli a great particularly In small cakes, covgr flip sides ns well as top with icing. hasn't H-inibhstotne things Ni ar th«* Mouth of the Columbia Hivrr, on lb»* tion. still olh«*r factors ar«* lutrisliie«sl Into the problem, m d still more «Ima nre required for Its pr«|s*r soluthm. thè tnnterlnls A.« in must wiii k of a slmllur tinture, deal of refuse The paper may lie thè l>«-st results ufi* lo la.* i*xp«K-ti»l removed dally, and su' bn pr.a lice will • wlieu n materhil nini inethiMl of con save much scrubbing of the tray Hlrin tlon nn-.-iiosen «vlilch bave glvrn sntisfnetlon In n i-nse sltnllar to thè How t- Save a Burned Cake. piirtii-uhir oih * under discussimi; bene.* When enkes do file most trying thin,; in thè inst unnlysi» thè most rullatile to the baker-burn on tin- sld<-s and Infornintlon Is to In* gnlned frotn Serv­ bottom—instead ot moaning over your ice test» of ronda subjei-lisl lo Ilio natile loss seek to repair It. (,'tiless the burn outsiile Intluem i*s ns flint «vili, li Is to Is deep It will not niter the tasle of the be bulli. cake, though perhaps It will be 11 lit tie drier In consequence. It Is so un­ Remov. the Mud Tes Burden, sightly that It must lie covered up at No plan for spring work Is complete any cost Instead of cutting off Die which does not Include drugging the edges of tlie cuke .with a knife, ns Is roads If this Is attended to nt the usual, try removing the black with n proper time It Insure« gld you ever travel with a circus ns moistened with hot water to a t like wet. ture his country might tn* entirely unsult«*«l lu The dust the damp cloth Remember moistening does not mean approached neighed since noon —Life. the dog faced ls*y?" rattan two can lie as Th« Firttborn. Visitor M v! What a One baby I How uiueli does he welgliT Fund Mother-1 “Just I Link a minute mid s«s> If you become used, first a dry one to get out the worst of the dirt uml then one ju-i In so I got them changed for tomorrow evening mid cmuo right over here ss Boon as I could."—laiudon Taller "Wherenlsiuts?" climatic sticks to the wet surface, ami the t :r niture is frestiec.-.l by the tlc.irii. I toothbrush. nnuounced lit* "Oh. yes, you did!" dusty the doth <1111 t.- lurued Some times It wi.l be msessary to 1: e «•■« oral cloths . i, a single piece Continue uutil the cloth is not so >ed surprise. Ills tie bov of yours get hurt? hltto- Locating Him. "No." »11 lil th«* man approach«*«! by n Tlmt gmxl little ls»y of yours lilt him stranger, who elului«*d to tn* 1111 old ac | In the head with a brick.-Indejieud- quiilntaiK-e. "I i ' hii 'I recall that 1 ever «•nt. edge of the location of the road, ite grades, tin- to|K.grnpliy of the country nms. to cousin. "Aa soon »• I heard uls.ut your party I knew thnl you must have sent m«> llio tickets for ihe wrong night, Neighbor naw you before.'' It At the height of the much walked tlie objectionable neighbor "Huch a mupld mistake you made!" joy them.” thetvto deiHHids u|s>u so many factors that no choice Is |s.ssil>le without thor ough study of the surrounding condl tlons. This would Include n knowl which fi-HlIilUes. clean ami free from dust during Ihe »elisoti w hen those who drive enn en­ of coat out of I he question, I In* selec tlon of a suitable method of const ruc­ tion mid of maleriala best ndapt«l from the corners of tufted furniture It should l>e attacked with a rmill. stiff power con­ trary to the constitution of the state or in valuable ad« Ice The pro|H*r determination roads macadam wn« plan­ short durallmi smi. I» greater facility In the annual oiling of tlie ronds It Is my l.len limi tar I,mnImier The tickets were neeonllngly sent, mid the host with mt easy conscience prm-cisled lo enjoy 1 lie company of bin frl«*nds Bm Ills nallsfactluii was of nu of known inarlly with 11 vle«v to the eon ven lene«* mid profit of Kansas City, «vlileli sup pile» most of th«* fund« "It 1« my Idea that «ve ahotild first ex|>ert authority 011 road construction and maintenance gives the follow lug brighten the i-ovi-rit g It the beating has not removal dtast II. .1. Weaver, acting dean of the col­ the of It the color ot 111» furiiliure 1« uol 1 ,<> lege: I-'. N. Godfrey. VV. N. (files and 8. J. Lowell, master, secretary and lec­ of uieuib«*ra well ovoul. “I'll nend him some ticketn for ris k road sy stem of Jucksmi county U Of courM* 11 model I ki II i In the quantity mid Ihe . lliu play tonight lu town lie'll bo dellglited. an In* ni'ldmu Inin mi quality of Its rondi. And I believe opportunity of going 10 the theater " that tlieae roads slumlil I k * built (irl see to It that the roads nr«, kept In first class repair mid then Imlld more rmi.ls Oil«* thing I ho|s> to neemnpllsh. with the <0 <>|M*ratlon of Judge Putter delicate the cloths cun be ««rung fi tn hot ammonia water to still further towns the right to enact or amend their purpose Industrious to «vlilcb it I. sul.J« t.sl A construction that would give sails factory n*sults In mu* sis-ilmi of the should not be lluty and should be Just the many ed by a Simple Method. It Is not always possible to take up holstervd furniture Into the open for a thorough cleaning and tieallng In cities or where there Is tielllier yard to priuvipalitieg, inde|pendent ot tlie crimi- As Rectified. A ms'enalty of inviting the umlvalrable that gissi roads are tin* most Im por cousin to be among tils guenta inni asset of any community "So fur 11« I mil eoneerne«l I shall du ! "I bare It!" lie minmimed lo Illa wife all In my pu«ver to see to It Him the I at breakfast on the morning of tlx* Studied. through that is large enough to cover n large portion of the furniture. The cloth entrench the saloon and nullify the 1.al Be Much to His Surprise II Was Promptly Im His ly, "It I h gissi roads mid plenty <»f ; In Ihe lu'lghborhissl of Ills country Hmm. I lielleve It Is tin* most luqsir , sent. Unfortunately Id» nenreal neigh­ bor, a close relative, la highly UHc«m- Hint fuuetloi) of tile county emiri lo genial to himself and Ills Intimatea, pro« Ide lliem It Is Is'lllg reiillz.isl mill he racked tile brains Io devise a over nil tills emintry ami with tlie ml «ent of tlie tmilurvars mure limn ever ' neliemo by which ho might avoid the ot Should conditions uml «sp.s'liilly of the traffic reasons: intended Traffic and Announced Highway Policy. ning an entertainment mi mi elnbo ilislly fur." W. W Hamden, a new I I'liiliity Juilgi. In MisMourl. mild rt'cetil ■ rate scale to Is* given 10 various frlemla Con­ How Upholstered Pieces Can Be Clean that form of minority rule. charters." While the ostensible CARE OF FURNITURE. This HE FOLLOWING article, printed in the North Yamhill Record two years ago, is applica­ ble to the issues of the day. The Oregon Home Rule league seems to have determined to .... carry the day at the coming elec­ tion with their little scheme to secure a constitutional amend­ ment that will place the safety of the liquor business in the A good barley crop, plenty of hands of a few people. The oats, an abundance of alfalfa and amendment reads as follows: For constitutional amendment giving a high market make swine rais­ to cities and towns exclusive power ing popular and that most profit­ to license, regulate, control, suppress able of all crops is receiving much or prohibit the sale of intoxicating attention in the Pacific North­ liquors within the municipality. west. It is doubtful if supply Be sure to make the cross be­ ever catches up with demand, fore the 329 —No. and preparing hogs for the Port­ The foregoing proposed amendment land market is the surest and is entirely superfluous, inasniach as all satest business open to the farm­ citie« and towns m the Stale of Oregon er. do non enjoy the fullest possible home T cate to be used as couch covers, though many of them have come to their untimely end through such usage They are too rare and beautiful for rough handling. They must be look ed over occasionally as a precaution power in the state, that is the people of toned Ivory the rule. Law an cashmere, ture must not be used. All old shawls nr«» entirely too dell proposed amendment that it is a step in the white against moths.—Delineator For March leaves out this important clause. Country Harndsn "If there Is om> tiling I 11111 uuqunll Bearing to receive in forma llou as to what klml adopted, would lie to divest sheriff* and sup­ Date Problem — Topography «he on Should Bo long enough io cover the top with the border hanging above the music rack This is a satisfactory arrangement for increasing the apparent height of a low ceiling Above tile plauo, cover­ ing the center of the shawl, which Is always a plain plees of r.-s! or black district attorneys of the power to Engineer and Given the various rural cuiuuiuiiitl«*» ure uuxious the piano and All Lodge. Grange. School. Church, or other notice» or advertisement» of aoeiala, parties, dances concert» theatricals, etc . given tor a profit, charged for at regular rates In order to insure change of ad advertiser» mu»t have copy in this offlce not later than Thursday preceding day of publication. JOI MiRTTK is our specialty. We are wot! equipped to do the best * ork at current pr *. Especiall) farmers and busin« *.* men * letter Heads. Envelopes Rutter W rapt* r* Mat.-nient*. etc., in small or large quantities. Auction Bill». INxlger». Poster». etc., priuted on short notice HE PACIFIC States Telephone company is going to have to show why it should not be ousted from the state of Oregon, a Port­ land attorney having taken the initiative in the matter. He ought to succed. We never heard of any one that was satisfied with the way the telephone treats its cus­ tomers. Its service could be no worse. Even local business, with its line is delayed beyond all rea­ son or excuse, and long distance is even worse. Turn in a call and see how long it takes you to get any sort of action. The best time recorded is 10 minutes and from that to a half a day. It takes as long to get a response from calls between Gresham and be- Portland as it should San and tween Gresham re- Make your Francisco. quest and see how it is treated. The operator sits around, talks society matters, the latest styles, styles in hair dressing, care of the finger nails, and leisurely puts in a call, when it is not too much bother. After you have waited long enough to lose the next train to Seattle you get a call and then you have to pull • yourself into a double bow knot to make yourself understood. They carry a lot of bum old phones that ought to have been consigned to the infernal regions it least twenty years ago, and there is not a dozen reasonably priced conveniences in all their equipment. Nobody can say enough about the Pacific States Telephone company. sulted W. proved MUCH DEPENDS ON LOCALITY. Is* or W Suggestions For Constructing Highways ot This Material. Highway HIS STUPID MISTAKE. JUDGE FOR GOOD ROADS. Shawls went among tier |*oss«*s.«loiis An artistic arrangement makes of :> shawl both a wall hanging and a cover for the top of an upright piano. Untere., •» Mvon.t via»» matter at th» poatoihc« at pour i.\ nd Lv 1 * A nr. Golf Junction 5 13 7 25 M 1 • » Mtanh'V * . 2 ‘2 7 ¡M H 17 Ix?ntM Junction.. fi 31 7 41) N 77 Myea more.. f> H1 7 4 J N ¡Vi l.-nn.- . ■> .W) 7 1 . h H.» Linn« inulin *'. II 7 fdl K IO GRI M X M a 7 ra (» H«»K p h 7 f»M An«h-r«'»ii................ : m OU Ilrtl-Y M 0-1 Borhitf 0 » Mle*(«*r . 10 s Burton M 12 1 -i i p < r- i k .... in IM Engl«' Cn-i k. M 21 < 'urrinivlllc. 'M HI Eatncü'ln « AZ A DERO Ar .. . - |S 10 M H w 1 » 0.) V 1 . lo i . U n io 22 U 32 10 32 V ; l 5 I«» ;C> U> 10 M» '♦ 4 ¡II It 1» ■|M 9 (41 W .7» •J •XM 10 OOz |O 05 10 07 10 13 10 17 III 2»; 10 3.V . ill II II II 11 II II 11 II II II II 12 12 1? 12 12 12 12 45 0.» Is 22 32 3.5 40 1. IM 53 fsA A m Gl 05 01 13 11 24 35 II 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 !.. 05 15 22 32 35 40 45 TROUTDAl.li I IX M-.M AS* II,,.. I I ,,rvl, « I KOI IHAI.I-. I. 7 n II 7 '• I« 7 Ar « l.v 45 i «5 05 2 05 15 2 15 »2 22 32 2 32 35 2 35 4Ü 2 40 45 2 45 41 53 55 5H . 00 05 01 13 11 20 35 2 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 05 15 22 32 35 40 45 44 53 55 51 00 05 01 13 10 26 35 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 05 ’5 22 32 35 40 45 4 5 $ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 • e I 6 • 6 45 05 15 22 3? 35 40 45 41 53 55 58 00 05 01 13 11 28 35 5 C 4 6 6 6 • 6 IS 1 r < 35 45 M 5? M Ui M KI N 15 V '• lu lu II 1 1 II 11 1 1 II 12 12 nht 45 1 45 12 00 9 00 1 0« 9 0» 1 It 9 12 1 It 9 1? 1 IS 9 *9 2 9 S3 n 33 7 00 9 31 I JO 9 30 3 13 9 32 1 11 9 33 1 45 7 10 9 45 4 49 9 49 4 SJ 9 S3 4 Sfi 9 St 4 05 10 05 4 IS 10 IS Fr. 20 10 20 40 10 40 50 05 20 39 55 05 20 40 00 20 41 10 20 35 40 50 |bt 8 / 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 45 05 15 22 32 35 <0 45 45 05 15 22 32 35 40 45 88 53 55 58 00 05 01 13 19 28 35 11 11 11 11 I'J 12 12 1*2 M 21) 40 (•a J) All 15 io UH 04 IV jn 40 12, 10 25 BRANCH I • « I' » “I" ♦' It »' I SO 3 »0 1 50 « 40 J 50 • 40 I 40 -I » II •' IO I’- II 1 50 J 4« J 5« 4 «( 5 5» C 46 1 41 - s I» 10 " I IO U It 01 3 0J 3 SJ 4 01 « SI I 0J 6 SI I SI IK. H ... IO IH II II" 17 10 7 10 J 00 4 10 S 00 0 10 1 00 I 00 WESTBOUND STATIONS ( AZADKIIO l.v Eotacn'ln (iurrlnuvilh* EHgl»’ <‘r««-k Deep (’reek.. Barton Miefer.. Boring ii>. h A loIerMon.. IlilgHlI GRKHIfAM Linnemann Jeune Hye» more.. I/cntn Junction.. Hianley. Golf Junction.. PORTLAND Ar 1*2 12 1'2 12 1*2 12 12 ir» 5 5 20 .. 5 2*2 r> 2.« M5 4 Af, A 42 4 10 6 50 4 45 6 • L f» 1 4«. A W) 02 •1 L5 6 or. a 14 H 22,7 45 7 A A 7 7 .. 7 7 7 7 7 . 7 M 7 110 7 H 7 H7 7 40 7 no |N î.'.liH < f >' m 30 M 45 56 01 •i7 12 II IM 22 2-. 77 1f2 H7 I.. 47 fO • O 10 16 .V> N 15 10 1 . 12 45 . M M M M 15 20 40 1 ROU I DAI I: 1 Itili I DAI. K I h I iv I'-'A Rase LI ru- I.I.NMK.MANN 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 »» 11 II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II 12 12 12 12 Of 0M 12 17 19 *77 ;<0 62 15 49 .'JI 6t> 05 15 20 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♦ 1 2 2 2 2 00 06 12 17 19 23 27 30 32 371 <5 2 <9 2 j 3 2 58 2 05 3 15 3 70 3 40 3 45 49 SI SI OS IS 20 40 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 4 4 45 00 06 12 17 18 23 21 30 37 31 45 49 53 56 05 15 20 40 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 S 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 45 5 49 5 59 5 5€ 5 OS 6 IS I tot 40 « I BRANCH l,v ' Ari s Oslly Kxcepl HiimUy. A. M llRures In Konmn. I*. M. flKiires In blsck. For Oregon City, Canmnah Park and way points, change (tarn at Holt Junction. For I^-nts, Mt. Scott and east side points, change cars at Lenta Junction ; General Offlm s, Electric Bldg. Seventh and Alder Hta., P ortland , O hboon , 4