Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 19, 1910, Image 4

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Mrs. Ralph Shepherd. and little
daughter of Sellwood, visited friends in
Gresham last week.
Misses Grace and Minnie Lawrence
»pent a few days this week visiting
an aunt at Mettgar station on the
Salem electric line.
Mr». C. G. Foss has returned from
Toledo Ore. when she has l>een visiting
her mother.
S S. Thompson and family returned
from the mountain» last Monday. Miss
Frances Tucker accompanied them.
Miss Tucker will take charge of the
library during Miss Culy» vacation
which lieing last Tuesday. Miss Culy
will spend her vacation traveling.
Mrs. 1.. S. Osborne and family have
moved into the house owned by John
Gresbani Giants will cross bats with
Hillsbors Cardinals on the letters
grounds Sunday Aug. 21.
Mrs. James Elkmgton, daughter if
Mr. and Mrs. llessell. and her busband,
of Duluth, are spending a few days in
Gresbani. They contemplate I -eating
Somewhere on the Coast.
Wm. llessell
Empire Crean
enting t
for tv
this »
and Mrs .-i.attu
time an 1 that he
fish but Mrs. Shattuck is catching the
largest, she having cougbt 4« in one h mr
and a half and he g t
Mrs. Harvey Helgeson and daughter
Vivian, of Chicago, visited her niece,
Miss Hope Anderson on Thursday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood a
daughter, on Thursday.
Ed Osborn and bis sister Winnifred
have returned from The Dalles where
they went to attend the wedding of
their sister Miss Ethel Oeliorn to Curtis
of The Dalles.
Mrs. W. H. Bond is visiting her
daughter in Heppner. Ore.
The school board met Wednesday
night in the office of the clerk, D. M.
Roberts, and awarded the wood con-
tract to F. M. Morgan of Cedar district.
Ed Spath was awarded the janitorsiiip.
Mrs. Dallas, of Damascus, visited her
sister Mrs. W. E. Wood this week.
Grandma Wool and Mrs. Dallas
spent a few days at Newport last week.
Chas McCall has accepted a position
with the Shaw Batcher Co. as lielper
on one of the auto trucks.
Mrs. Harrv Lusted and mother, Mrs.
Ball, of Lents visited Mrs. L. T. Lusted
on Tuesdrv.
Mr and Mrs. Heed have moved from
Mr. Gullickson’s in o the Chalker
Mrs. Miller of Pleasant Home and
Mrs. Hoffman of San Joee Cal. visited
Mrs. L. T. Lusted this week.
Mies Hope Anderson is visiting her
mother Mrs. John Miller, in Portland.
Ernest Thompson returned home, on
Tue day, after several weens spent in
the mountains.
John Freeman, carrier or route 4 is
taking his vacation. Mies Linda Coll­
ins is serving the route during hie ab­
Lee Merrill, agent at Estacada, is
home on a month vacation.
Mrs. W. J. Wertz, and family have
gone to Sandy for a couple of weeks
We deliver dry slab wood in Greebam
at 12.75 per cord for cash.
Bros., phone 99.
When you hear an evil report about
anyone, halve it, then quarter it, then
say nothing about it.—Spurgeon.
Not For Milk Cows, but Excollant For
Dry Cottle. Sheep and Hoge.
1 have given ra|>e a thorough trial
and have fouud It a moot valuable
crop for summer and fall pasture,
partly ou account of Its providing ex­
cellent pasture until late tn the fall
and also because It ia very useful tn
cleaning the land, says a correspondent
of the Orange Judd Farmer. It does
not. however, provide a proper food
for milk cows owing to its flavoring
the milk and butter somewhat similar­
ly to turnip tops. But as food for dry
cattle, sheep and hogs tt is most ex­
cellent. furnishing au abundant pas­
ture from the middle of July until very
late in the fall tf cattle are given their
The expense of growing rape ts
very trifling, as the seed costs but a
When ■ cow has been raised ou the
farm and turns out unruly the owner,
generally speaking. has bui himself to
blauie, blit as many farmers pun base
cows that are troublesome In one way
or another a him or two liy an ex|H-rt
dairyman regarding such animals may
prove ot IntervHt.
Some cows are confirmed ramblers
and cannot lie turned by any ordinary
fence lu a ease of this kill«! tbe vice
Is due to the animal not having been
prufierly restricted in tier wanderings
while she was growing to maturity,
and there seems to be uo cure for the
vice. A preventive measure Is to equip
the animal with a collar and swinging
pole, but the best plan is to sell her nt
tbe first convenient opportunity
A cow that kicks while l>eliig milked
Is not beloved of the milker, and such
a practice is a sign that more time and
imtleuce should have been ex|>euded
upon her when she first eanic down to
It depends somewhat upon the
Individuality of the cow and how long
she has thus misbehaved tiers, ;t wli. ili
I <»r
er her tui
not. Try
coax rath
* ot
still, and
time tying
Many co
<> not
U|sni the
which Is.
the milker
ways due
ly always t
|>er pound. I Tom
treated nt
three pounds is sufficient for
ting ttie in
providing it Is sown In drill
w 111
quietly un <1
Is tbe proper way. Any so
feet a cure,
tt may
will produce a good crop ol
before the
will give a good crop of rtt
preparation of the ground should be
Some cows will kick promptly at any
much the same as that for turnips, one approaching them In the stall
although personally I have usually This vice may occasionally be cured
bowd rape on ground so much over­ by a change of stall that permits of
run with weeds as to be unfit for k the animal being approached from the
spring crop. This Is where 1 found contrary side
If such a move does
one great advantage from the crop not cure, try persistent kindness for a
1 would work the ground over once month or so. and If this does not tiring
or twice before or during seeding, then forth Improvement see if sterner
after seeding give it the necessary measures have any effect. If none of
special work and sow tbe rape In drills
about two feet apart. By this means
tbe ground can be worked with scuffier
or horse hoe until the rape has covered
it over. With suitable growing weath­
er this only requires about a month or
six weeks.
Where tbe ground is moderately
strong and has been well prepared
ra[>e usually grows from two feet to
thirty iuches high and is fully ready to
either cut and haul to the stable or
turn stock ou at from six to eight
weeks after being sown, If intended
for pasture stock should be turned on
to It at eight weeks, and if the larger
leaves are eaten off at this time a
fresh, tender crop quickly follows, 1
find that more and better pasture can
be obtained in this way than If left
untouched until fall
Rape may be sown with a fair chance
of success any time from May 1 until
July 1. Tbe crop niuy be harvested by
courtesy of Iowa State colles«.]
cutting with a scythe and throwing in
small heaps, which <au be hauled to these things answer, the best must be
tbe stable as required Animals should made of a bad bargain. and it would
not ne turned Into rape while It Is wet tie well to get rid of the animal when
with dew or rain unless they have had the opportunity offers.
freedom to it previously
A very awkward habit some cows
acquire Is that of tossing the bead
Cotton In Nfw England,
just as food Is being placed In the
A curious expenmeut In cotton manger, and unless the attendant is
growing in a northern latitude bus very wary one of the horns, if the cow
been tried ut Indian Orchard, in west­ has boms, may easily catch him upon
ern Massachusetts. says the American the face. Some cows that will thus
Cultivator. Last year two residents of treat strangers will not continue the
that town succeeded in growing well practice when properly used by the
developed cottou. and they propose to attendant, and others will treat every­
try it again this year—In fact, have the body alike. One way of aiding In ef­
new crop already well uuder way. The fecting a cure Is for the attendant to
seeds are planted In April, and the fill his mouth with water before going
growth is rapid. The seeds were ob- up to the animal's bead and if she
talned from a bale of cotton from tbe misbehaves herself to squirt out the
south and are from one of »he early water upon her head.
cheap varieties widely grown In that
A by no means dangerous habit, but
section, The cotton blossoms are of a one that Is very annoying to the wo-
reddish hue and quite fragrant, To man when work Is being done at high
mature the commercial cotton In this pressure, is that of not standing prop­
latitude requires a rather favored sea- erly when It Is desired to go up along­
sod . as the plant Is easily killed by
side the animal. The legs of the ani­
frosts. The experiment was tried out
mal should never be hit with a stick
of curiosity and for the sake of the
or with a fork or other tool that may
sight of a crop so novel in this lati­
he m hand, as this Is liable to start
tude. Success the first season led the
the animal kicking. Indeed, bitting the
experimenters to take the matter up
more seriously and to plant a larger legs with a fork or other tool is
piece this year to see just what could
Want Column
PASTURE- Horses or Cows pasturisi
(or sumiller Webb Barili, Rhone lhN.jtf
WANTED—Butler. Eggs and Farm
Produce at Wostell's store, Greeliain. tf
T. R. Howitt.
Fresh Uows wanted.
LUMBER At our new mill ll, tuiles
eolitheast ot Kelso. We deliver lumlier.
Jonerud Bros.
STRAY ED—Black mare, 12 yr .old,
IODO lbs , shod liehind, oval brand on
right hip. halter on. Phono Tabor ikiH
C ('. Taylor, R. D. I, I ent».
FOR SALE—A l>av and a brown pair
of horses, 3 and 4 years of age, one
broken, weight al»>ut I'JlMi each. R. I'
Rasmussen, Corliett.
K. Seston, 95 E. 3oth s , Portland
LOST Jersey heifer fro. C
ut Boring, Ore. It 3, Is.x III.
»»bl brown S wìmj » bull,
from hfrt'l. *5
J. F Wing, I luring,
1<>I SAI I
» >rt . I’1 .lie III
w .
livery Week Wednesday and Friday Nights
Bei>'inning the Season
E. A
g pur-
liv vred
• aurt’.M t»f lint’,
f» iront Suialy.
i ; gniwl
The management has made arrangements for the installation of
a New, Up-to-date Edison Motion picture machine, which is a
guarantee of satisfactory results, producing an entertainment that
merits the patronage of everybody.
5000 ft. Film to be Used Each Night
Also .i Classical Illustrated Song
Laughable, Interesting and
FOR SALE—.'Byear •<
broken. Sired bv < ieri
als.ut l<>*> II*
su .th of i .realism, pho
FOR SAI.E—35 acres. 20 in cultiva­
tion; 2 acres In bearing orchard, all new
but dings. 3 miles E. ot Gresham. »2i»>
tier acre Easy terms, see
Erank Michels, 1 mile south of llofan.
Phone .'UH.
Doors Open at 7:30
Performance Begins at 8 sharp
Smith Bros,, Managers,
Ft »END— An auto tire. 4 miles east of
Phone 130. G. W. Alldei,
Troutdale, Ore., Route 1.
FOR SAI.E—Good seven-room house,
lot l'oxI'O, abundance of fruit, well,
g.xsl frame barn, 1'4) feet from center of
Greebam, four blocks from high school.
House wired for electricity.
Terms on
price, f'JIOO. J. 11. Cnalk.r, Arleta,
You Are Invited To Get Your Meals At the
FOR >ALE—Good farm horse, 120O
pounds, cheap. T. R. Howitt.
You will Be Satisfied with Our Bill of Fare and
Prices reasonable
WANTED—Young horse suitable for
women's use. Address D. M. Cathey,
Gresham, Ore.
J. M. DONAHUE. Proprietor
FOR SALE—A f IX! piano check, for
on Eilers’ Piano House. Mina Zena
Neibauer, Cir<wtiani, Ore. Route 2, Is.x
Powell SI., Gresham
F. A. Fleming
Harvest Dance al Rockwood
Saturday evening. August 27, is the
date set by Rockwood Grange for the
annual harvest dance. Richards' or­
chestra. Popular prices ami the usual
(•range supper will attract the custo­
mary large attends ce.
I »desirables
not allowed to remain. All others are
Livery, Boarding and Sales Stahles
BULL RUN SIAGI LINE Is-aves our barn daily at 9 a. m.
Arrives Bull
Run nt noon, leaves Bull Run at I :3O p in . arrives Gresham 4:3(1 p. in.
New Line of Rigs.
Good Horses.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Your Patronage Solicited
Phone, Farmers 516
See the Herald club offers.
Gresham, Ore.
be done with early cotton In the north.
The stone that is tit for the wall
does not lie long in the ditch.
Dehorning the Calve*.
Cowpeas add nitrogen to the soil and
improve its mechanical condition. They
are most profitably grown In rotation
with other crops.
A set of farm buildings well painted
impress the passerby favorably. The
I owe my success in life to having some Impression is made on the owner,
l>een always a quarter of an hour before and that is of immeasurably more lm
time.—Lord Nelson.
Some people judge a farmer by the
fences he maintains. The wise man
looks over the fence and sees the crop
in the field. Therefore put your work
on your fields though the fences have
to groan and croak.
The man who can complacently face
his potato field polluted with weeds
and not disturb his hoe and cultivator
bad better let the other man raise the
potatoes and he give all his time to
crops that can successfully compete
with weeds.
Some one asks. Does it pay to take
a hoe into the cornfield? If the hoe Is
High-grade Work
knife sharp and you use It vigorously
Artistic Finish
Improved Facilities to destroy the stray weeds along the
row It pays well. Should you be one
of those fellows who write the aver­
age stuff about the man with the boe
Powell Street
you had better take a typewriter.
No young man can hope to accom-
plish much who has not made his life
a reservoir of power on which be can
draw in every emergency.
One of the most humane ways for
removing home ou calve» Is by means
of caustic potash Get one or more
sticks of caustic potnsh and preserve
it In n tightly corked bottle. One stick
will serve to dehorn u number of
calves Apply this potash as soon as
the buttonlike horns can lie felt on the
calt. which Is usually when It Is
three or four days old To apply the
potash remove the hair nliout the horn
close to the skin, moisten the potnsh
slightly and rub over the skin which
rovers the point of the horns until the
skin is white. It Is not necessary to
rub the skin until blood comes, as Is
often advised, as It causes unnecessary
soreness. Wrap the caustic In heavy
paper to protect the hands of the op­
erator. Do not moisten the caustic too
much so that the liquid will run down
tbe sides of the calf» bead, for this
will cause unnecessary pain. Fasten
the head securely and apply the pot-
ash only on tbe spot over the horns.
E. E. Marshall
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver
Agent for
New and Secor d Hand
New Plumbing' Shop
I wish to state to tbe public that I have opened an up-to-date ¡‘lumb-
ing and Tin Shop in (irexham ou Third street, adjoining R. R, Carlson's
furniture store. All kinds of plumbing neatly done Tinware and other
utensils mended promptly.
When ths Hoge Gnaw Pone.
When the hogs get to gnawing the
woodwork of their pens you may be
sure they Deed something different to
gnaw from what yon are feeding them.
Look Into it and see that you are giv­
ing them variety enough.
Roofing and Gutters Furnished and Placed
I6S fifth Street
Estimates furnished lor
Sanildly Plumbinq
C. McLaren