FAIRVIEW TROUTDALE * Lents Waterworks again changes hands. This time M. A. Roger», the present owner, lease» hi* well» ami inains to Gao. Brown of the Woodmere Water company for five year» for the ■uni of t'JINNl » year. Thi» give» Brown control ol the water l>ti»liie»» from -IHtli street Portland to Lenta Junction. Tho new deal will not lie commended by nmny of the |x-ople ol Lrtita who have been using the waterworks water, a» III« supply ami tl « quality ha» been better »luring the past two ye»'» than ever lieforn ami lar superior to the Brown products. The Miller-Mowrey Lumber company has been working overtime of laic. Thia company has been making extensive improvement» ill it* yard», putting in new machinery ami adding to it» »tor- age »bed» ami »hipping facilities, Fully double the amount of business 1» done now that wan done here a couple year» ago. The log» are mostly gotten from the Bramhall Logging com|»any at Hogan Station. Minnie Kearn 1» home from her ach<«»l near Newport, Oregon, to take the county examination. Marguerite, a student in Hi. Mary» academy, not quite HI year» of age, is taking the state examination. Rev Smith ami wife of the Friends church, invited their friend» in to cele­ brate their Iblli Wrxld ng anniversary. The friends came ami brought a tine assortment of tinware. Mrs. Blanche lleintol hai gone to Iowa CHURCH NOTICES. FREE METHODIST CHURCH — Rev J M lloreaa, pastor Services, ' “, 111 a hi ; Preaching Hunday Hch<»d, every Sunday at 11 a nt. and m p. tu. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at H o’clock All welcomed. ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Gresham—Rev I II Freund, pastor. Haavick» (German) 11 a. m., every Sunday morning Hunday scn<»»l at In a. rn Saturday m 'I hk J at 2 p. m LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M E. CHURCH. Gresham— P astos , Rev. M. B. Parounagian. S xmvk kb , Sun­ day SchiHil, 10 a. m.; Preaching at 11 a. tn, and H p. in. every Sunday. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening» at M o’clis’k. Everybody invited. SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Sandy, Ore - Rev. Kerch* told Dürrer. Service» will tie held on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 a. in. STOCK AUCTION SALE At resilience <»f 8 Sorenson, Section Line Road. ’» Mlle East of Beven-Mile House. Saturday, A ur . 27, 2 p. m. The following Stock, Etc 7 Milch Cow«, I yearling Jersey Bull, 1 year­ ling llelfer, f> Calve , .'I Goat«, 1 riding Cultivator, 2 Plows, ami other articles. t ome early and examine the atoc< »» the Sale will start st 2 p. m. Sharp. Terms Cash. FORD Al’CTiON CO nnro your watch 9 UULÒ KEEP TIME ¡ > guaranteed. No hasty, leaves our shop. Our skilled and conscientious, grumble nt the price». Fred D. Flora 191Morrison St. PORTLAND, • OREGON (Near Pap's Restaurant) If you want an attractive job of printing done, call in A RE ÑÑY SAVED |SA PERN Y [ÀRNED| If you are sanding money away, try ona of our BANK MONEY ORDERS. It is Cheaper, more convenient, and better in every way than an expreea or poet office noney order. You can eecure one quick­ ly and without formalities. I IRS I SIAIL BANK. GRISHAM J. M. SHORT, M I) S. P. BITTNER, M. I) Phraldaas-Sargtsas. Gresham. • Oregoa II. It. OTT W. J. OTT OTT BROTHERS DENTISTS Oregon Gresham ’ L. I). MAHONE attorney - at - law Real Estate, Probate and Corporaton Law. Prompt Attention to All Business «18 Henry Bbls. Phone, Msln 1010 PORTLAND. OBKUON B eaver E ngraving C o . 0U ALITY vCUTS OEfllGNING IttpSTRATING ■ . »»i» >ta«T »■» sexrsv STS so » ti * no ORt Fairview, Aug. II.—(,’. E. Cree has Troutdale, Aug. IL- Tho». (¡order has gone to Heatlie. moved hia old house to K. W. Wilcox a Mr». Richardson hn» returned from lots on Cedar street and is preparing to begin on his new modern eight-room an outing nt Mt. Hood. house. Mr. Cree has moved the family Mr». A iiih Latourelle and Mi»» Ethel Wilson »revisiting at the home of Mr. into his workshop for temporary i <1 uar- tors. ami Mr». Chas. W.laon. Mrs. II M. Shaw ha» moved to Hell- Mr». Till* r spent Hunday in Portland wood ami Mr. and Mrs. Harry I flern- the guest of her daughter. mock will occupy her cottage here. Mr. ami Mr». Chas. Quinn l as taken char.e of the soon. blacksmithshop on Depot street. Thia Mr. ami Mrs. Kummer eleaaljr untidy It 1» all I can do to get thorn to wash »[»ending several weeks with t ie father their hand» and faces and comb their at Lake View. lialr before they come to the table. 1 Mrs. C. Bracken and daughter of cannot set a separate table aud get ' Eureka, California, «re guests at the through with uiy other work. How | home of Mr. and Mrs. Coupeland. can 1 manage to have a dainty table? Mrs J. W. Benecke and children, The men »«II tho tablecloth and w!(»e their mouths on their sleeve». and I'm 1 Ilorathy and William, are visiting rela­ — well. I'm Just discouraged, 1 tried tives in Portland. f ur 11 is li I tig them napkin», but I would Mrs Mc.Maineand children are vi»- have to give them fresh ones at each 1 iting in Oregon City. meal In order to keep decently clean Earl Bailey has returned after spend­ That meant more washing than 1 can do. ao It was out of the question." ing several weeks at Medford. Atid the spenker'» eye» Roy and Richard Anderson of Port­ teara. for this was one land spent Sunday with their parent«, solvable problem». "Well, sister. I’ll tell you how I Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson. Mias Daisy Stillion lias returned to manage." »mlllngl.v answered a bright faced woman. "In the first place. I Portland «(ter »[»ending a month at the put a washstand covered with white home of her uncle, J. T. Stillion. oilcloth, with pitcher and bowl and Messrs. Hugh and Francis Smyth of tin slop jar. out In the back entry. I Portland are spending the week at th» hung up a mirror, brushes, combs and nail cleaner (I (ought them at the ten home of E. G. McGraw. cent counted; also a long roller towel, Mrs. J. T. Stillion entertained her a shoe brush, a small broom'and a moth r and brothers, Mrs. C. M. and big piece of soap. Then I said to tho James and Clem Clark, of Portlaud Sun­ men: 'This Is your dressing room. day. You must make yourselves tidy be Mrs. Elmer Jenkins and son Dolph fore coming to the table In the house I make the rules, and If you do not of Portland are «[»ending the week with comply with them I shall fine you 5 Mr». Jenkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. cents for each transgression and de­ I (*. Dolph duct It from your wages.' "—Dolines Miss Ethel Dixon of Clackamas is vis­ tor For April. iting Miss Birdie Mashburn. Mrs. J. P. McGraw and son Glen AQUATIC PLANT CULTURE. [ of Portland were Sunday visitors at the homo of the former's son, E. G. Mc- How an Amateur Can Construct a Lily ' (iraw. Pond In a Home Garden. C. Hurst h»s moved bis family into Aquatic plants for the home garden are not grown as much as they should the Jackson cottage. lie. Amateurs who hesitate for fear N. W. Jacobsen and wife of Paterson, of failure are wrong, for water lilies require far leas care than tender tied Wash., have t»een visiting Mrs. Jacob­ sen's sister, Mrs. O. A. Jackson. ding plants and are less expensive. Any swampy or boggy ground can Thomas Swank, one of the early set­ easily tie converter! Into an aquatic tlers here, is very low at his home and garden. Flowering shrubs, trees and fems will grow luxuriantly near n there is little hope of his recovery. pond When you decide on the loca­ Nate Rowley and family, R. L. Rob- tion of your pond, which should be at [ inson and family, Mrs. Shaffer and tbe lowest point of the garden, dig grandson, ami Misses la-atba Freeman out the soli front eighteen Inches to three feet deep, depending on the se­ and Heater Thotpe, spent Sunday at verity of the winters In your locality. Eagle Creek. They report a tine time. The lilies must bo planted deep enough Mrs. R. L. Robertson entertained at to prevent their freezing. her home last Friday the following: An Inexpensive way to make your i Mr , Richmond, Mrs. Freeman and pond hold water Is to line It with com­ mon clay. Cover the bottom and sides family, Miss Letha Freeman of Port­ of the pond with this clay three or land; Mr . Rowley of Rockwood, Mrs. four Inches thick and bent firmly until Moller and »on, Mrs. Willard Cook and children of Curtiss, Mrs. O. H. Jen­ solid and even. The best method Is to plant your kins and daughters Edith and Beulah water Hiles In boxes or tubs. Use rich of Fairview. Rough Roll, ns coarse as possible. pieces of sod and lumps of enrtli should be mixed In. Boxes holding five or six cubic feet will accommodate strong growing plnnts, and others hold- Ing half that much will be Inrge enough for the weaker growing plants. If the pond Is large, the soil may bo placed on the bottom and the planta set out In It, but In smaller ponds un­ der this method the roots of the strong­ er plants will quickly cover the bot­ tom. crowding out the weaker. BANK OF TROUTDALE Handy, Aug. II.—Mr. ami Mrs. Hur- bert B«< k of Winlock, W»ah., are mak­ ing a short visit with the former’s brothers, Robert and Emil Beck. Mrs. A. G. Snow is the guest of her father, Mr Malairof Firwmxl. Emma eo. Brown ol Oregon City i» camping on Halrnon river. Mrs. Lewis Shattuck whs seen on our itreets thi» week on her way to Mt. Hood. Dr. C. T. Wilson gave a very fine talk on why Oregon »hould go dry, Monday night. Mi»» Irene Douglass has »pent the week at Estacada soliciting subscribers for the Oregon City Enterp ise. Mr. and Mrs. G ant Belle of Gage, also Frank Bates called on friends tin» week on their wav borne from the mountains. Sandy Grange No. 3V2 is making great . plana lor th« festival and grange fair to I m - held the last of September. Many good prize» are offered and much prai»« ■ is due ixl B uus and Harlow Douglass for their efforts in making an aeroplane 1 for th« occasion. Harlow Douglass has met with great success as his model has- marie a flight successfully. TROUTDALE, OREGON Will pay you 3 % on 6 months’ deposits, 4 % on 12 r Money Loaned. Check Deposits Solicited. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. Tax*Statement on application. “j™ Expressing, Draymg NOW IS THE TIME J. H. HOSS Phone I4X Gresham, Ore. SEE CHAUNCEY AT LENTS The funeral of Samuel Steel took place in Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Claud Heilin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heslin and Mrs. J. P. Heelin, a »ister of di ceased, were present at the service. Mr. Steel's body was picked upon the street in Spokane with the neck broken and it is eup|x>eed that be fell fr m a hotel window where be was sitting to get the cool evening air. The remains were shipped to Portland and i terment was made in Lone Fir cemetery BANK . YOUR HOME For Dry Goods, Groceries, and Light Hardware. To feed stock and poultry food. Are you doing it? Foster Road and Main St. We are agents for the DR. INVESTIGATE How to Mak» Washable Ruching. LINE Come in anti get one of their stock and Poultry boobe free Our Methods. Our Stock of Lumlier and Millwork and Our Prices. We are confident that it will result in seenring your busi­ ness when you need anything from a poet to a bill of lumber for a house or barn. The liext in quality for the mon­ ey, is the motto we try to live up to. Come in ami investigate Washable ruching may be made at home by taking two widths of footing, of tbe »ort used formerly for edging handkerchiefs aud basting tbe oppo­ site edges together. I-eave a quarter In difference at the top and gather Into tiny plaits on a narrow band, This may be done by hand or more easily by a machine ruffler. After washing, starch slightly. Iron and pinch up into little plaits, It will be much prettier, however. If one owns and uses a regular fluting machine. Thia is not Inordinately expensive and comes into constant use for lace edges, ruffles down the front of shirt waists, etc., and it certainly gives one a trim­ mer, more tailor made appearance. HESS Price« of die food, 30c, tióc, 11 and |2 pails. MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. - LENTS, OREGON Sas E. W. MILLER, LENTS Wiley-Allen Office MILL AMD TARDS âï LEITS JUNCTION GRESHAM WOOD SAW MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER Rates 50c to |1 per cord $2 per hour We solicit your trade. W’ill »aw in Gresham Fridays and Saturdavs. E P. SMITH, GRE8HAM Company Lookers and Buyers How to Make Homemade Apple Butter This 1» good when one cannot secure tbe cider to make the usual recipe for apple butter. Cut up the apples with­ out peeling, take out tbe cores and bad places, cover them with water and put on the stove. Cook till soft, then put through a colander. Set back on tbe fire and add a cup of sugar and one of molasses to about two quarts of tbe apples and a lemon cut up fine. Let this cook slowly for about half an hour, stirring often. .V little cinna­ mon and allspice may IJ added If de­ cold or put in jars while sired. Serve I hot and I seal. both are always welcome to inspect our stock of UGGÌ ES Don’t Buy a Buggy or Wagon of inferior make and pay more .than you will pay tor a STUDEBAKER How to Make Charcoal Tableta, Some charcoal tablets that may be made at borne to sweeten tbe breath are composed of half an ounce of wil­ low charcoal, half an ounce of sac­ charin and au ounce and a half of un­ sweetened chocolate and a quarter of a dram of powdered vanilla, These are mixed and made Into a paste with pure gum arable mucilage. The mil­ ture then ls broken Into bits and left to dry. Don’t let anyone tell vou that prices are high or low Investigate For Yourself » Some of the styles we have on our floor we feel certain will please you, but if you want anything we haven’t in stock we will get it for you in short order. • We aim to please and satisfy our customers. How to Keep Spectaclaa Clear. To prevent eyeglasses from steaming in cold weather rub tbe glasses thor­ oughly on both sides with a little vase­ line or cold creatn. then rub with tls sue paper or cloth to clear the glasses. Glasses treated this way will not cloud or steam In the coldest weather for twenty-four hours. You will lie surprised Let us send you our catalogue Studebaker Bros. Co. 1130 E. Morrison St. PORTLAND, OREGON ••••»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a»« JOHN BROWN BRIGHT REALTY CO Rockwood, Ore AT LENTS I xks I For the follow ing at bargains prices: Ixvte, houses, acre­ age tracts, farms, business sites, and other property. Agent for THE OREGON TIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION The most popular farmers’ insurance in the state. Get his rates Call B (»111, ask for Mrs Call UD John Brown Rockwood, Oregon Or take Mount Scott car to U>ntx. Belgian Horses The fine Belgians formerly owned by H. C. Campbell are now owned by the Sun-Dial Ranch. Near Cleone Imported Stallions VOLNAY and ZEPHRIN will be found for the balance of the reason at II. ('. ('ainplx'll'a stables on the Sandy Road, between Troutdale and Fairview. Not Feminine. "Is there such n thing ns speechless astonishment ?” "Speechlesa astonishment?" TERMS, $20 TO INSURE. "Yes." "I think so, but women ore never afflicted with It” I I Sun-Dial Ranch, Cteone, Ore.