% factories are lagging behind similar panic* for their co operation in the things posscsed by the rest of the furthering the beneficial enterprise That the people of Oregon «P- civilised nations, because of a lack of technically trained men to intelli precinte the work and pre in syin gently and effectually exploit them patliy with the purpose of the agri- \t the time Senator Morrill made cultural college is shown by I be his bill a law—during Lincoln’s patronage given it, both in student* Sitec.-c iittg Gri'sli.-tui Vindicator, GrrsltMtt Gurelt««. East Multnomah K« co rd administration foreign trained ex- and appropriation*. 1 hiring the coll­ Multnomah Record and Montavilla Herald. pert* were imported to develop our egc year just ended, 15’71 person* Publteh<«d Kverv Friday at Greaham, Ore., by the B kavxk S tatu P unusiung C o natural resources; there were no attended the college; and in antici H. À. PARSALI . E dito » ani » M anaus ». American colleges or universities pation of what seem* to be inevit inti nsi *» »woml «•!•»» matter al thè poetóme« at Gre»ham. Oret.iti giving a comprehensiv comprehensive c technical able, many new buildings wilt b< "Always a And to training in engineering, agriculture opened and much additional equip fair. SMKS.HKM RSTES »Vr Year. »1 A' n a Ivance to torelgn «»unirle». II» Six Month» and the mechanic ' arts. arts Surely, the incut added to the college plant il , I I hre-month» irisl »utwH npUon» »V. Single «que» .V A»k for clubbing rate» With the 1.1 tigli ill g eye* ami the American youth could learn to do the effort to accommodate the him StaTT4SCÌS »houli! b. *eni b) Exprex* or I'oxtothee Money Order. Registered letter or i heck cheering smile this thing it the opportunity offered, dreds of students whose aggregati Stamp» accept«! up to to ceni». Of tile boyhood days, hack there some few did go to the old world will shortly be numbered in thou* •ECEiPTS for »nl»« ripti. n» are noi »ent unii-»» requeued The change of label on your paper iti thè rniat will indicate the receipt of your reiniltace It it doe» not please notify us. schools and return to assist in the amis To the resourcefulness am Hack there, somewhere Premiums for livestock ex- big work OiSrO*TSU4SCIS If you do not wish your paper continued plea».* notify us about the tin'«1 th* of year* — But they were scarce, energy of President Kerr can In «Ubiription expires ».• find thi» plan most satisfactory to our patrons, though It is not lu hibited at the harvest festival in although often better men than the attributed the present high recon Back there with the childish joy. accordance with our persona! view». And to her he is never the nun we CSAStt St 40MIM In ordering change ot addreas give old as well as new address Portland September 5-10, have foreigners Since the establishment of effieic see, costi S*O«0t VS are wanted in every community It no eorrespondenoe appear» trots. your just been authorized aggregating of technical schools under the Mor partitimi the college, ami if he neighborhood y u are rvspectlully reqv fated to send us as many local tieni» »» you can But always “Her little boy." rill Act. and the addition of eiigin irry his ideals to com is able t In addition there will iBtfSTN K R4TSS PROFESSION AL CARD* (one inehl.J.x . a. h issue <’ARI.S OF TH AN KS $10,000. (not exceeding tw** inches.) » cent» 17.1*1 E Ks oy CONÌHH.KNi h (not exci-i-diiig four inehiii ccring courses to the curricula of pletion Oregon Agricultural tl OBITUARIES tor subscribers or their immediate families, tre» up to ' ” word» I eent be a purse hung up for the races the older universities, the woods, College 1 then be recognized as per word for additional word» « t'T 5 DS *t 1 cent tu r word for first ln»er»non A large part mines anil shops are filled with one of I insertion» IS to >> » ord» 1 ' eent» JO to »'won!». IS cents *0 to 4 word« * cent» KIAPEKs totaling $30.000. first institutions of its years 1 cent per word per i»»ue PISI’LAY ADVERTISING, rates made knowgi on application of this figure, however, is paid technical men of the made type who kind in brats All l»»d*e Grange. School, Church, or other notices or advertisements of socials parties, dames, concerts, theatricals, etc . given tor a profit, charged for al regular rale» by the entry fees, whereas the __ kno >w their business The commer­ of the c In order to insure change of ad advertisers must have copy in this otBce not later than livestock premiums are a straight cial supremacy, or equality, of Amer­ — From Pacific <¿range Bulletin. Tbursiiay preceding day of publication. )** rttsnsS is our swcialty. We sre well equipped to do the best work at current prii«e» »inile outlay by the fair association. ica to the rest of the nations on the Kami I«:iy farmers »nd business men's letter Head» Envelop. » Hutter Wrapp-rs Statement», largely be attributed to gli.be can etc in »mall or large quantities Auction Bills. IXxigers. Foster*, etc . printed on short notice This gives the harvest festival a abundance of technical men wh > Her Utile Boy premium list equal to the state have been at work and are still “ Always a little boy to her," writer is admitted by all, and it fair, which has the most liberal working with our natural resources T IS with some interest that we with its gray is at sunny llia No matter how old lie had grown, is no more than proper that all premiums of any fair on the Mr Morrill had another object in note the numerous circulars May— are blind to the stranila of He that are being sent out by the should do honor to his memory, coast, A pony, harness and cart 'lew when he fostered the new rdu Her eye* Kray. was even broader and cation. This however we may differ from the will be given away by the fair “Greater Oregon Home Rule As­ She’s deaf to hi* manly tone He more beneficial than the first, sociation.” Judging from the views he so frequently uttered. management on children’s day. contended that the great mass of Hi* voice is the same as the day he asked name one might conclude that True it is to be regretted that each child entering the grounds the people could not attend the old How to Clean Burlap. “What make* the old cat purr?" Burlap whl.-h has becom» fad.«.! and this was the name of some new one so able should not always having an equal opportunity to colleges and universities of the time soiled may be made to look •« good as and receive an education in the Ever and ever he is just the same, ministerial association for the have been on the side of what secure it free. new by using one coat of any good A little boy to her ------------------------------------------------ professions of taw, medicine, the was right and honorable, that promotion of good morals and Interior [mint. spread evenly, Two and letters, which constitut­ coats of paint make too glossy a fin observation of the laws, We his efforts were not always con­ Suppose the men who are ministry ed practically the entire scope of lah were inclined to think such to be structive, that his memory some­ spending money for the securing instruction offered by those schools of the constitutional convention, times failed him, that his politi ­ the case till we read one or two But, Senator Morrill said, those who of their sociable, face to face, cal advice was not always sound. the assembly and the election of 1 cannot or do not desire to become friendly little letters. It devel­ But in these desires we forget corporation attorneys to the su- s ,. lawyers or doctors should not have ops that the motive of the asso­ the limitations of mankind, the preme bench were made public the gates of learning shut in their 1 of I I faces So he planned a type ciation is not to make better men natural weakness of one subject and the amount of their dona­ education possible that would be of us or to better enforce the to influence of environment and tions also?—Labor Press. and beneficial to all. The son to or laws that we already have. Not personal desire. With all this The Long Creek Ranger says the farmer, machinist, chet at all. They are not particularly the late editor of the Oregonian that because of so many import­ engineer who i wished to fol Ni.r thè Mouth of thè Coliinibi* River, f Magnitlcent Beach Ij«v««l, ( '<>ti. |H»<*t and Sni.iot h without their understanding fully lar of our citizenship. Whatever county citizens take more in­ known arts and science*, its purport, and thus get them our personal attitude may have terest in the measures than the and otherwise, to enable accomplish that end. tied down by a law that will per­ been toward such a person we candidates? Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cot­ The Oregon Agricultural cannot avoid halting to consider mit a man to start a drunk shop tage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and experiment station, loc Since every voter of Oregon and right across the road from your the vacancy he leaves and re­ the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside, Corvallis, is one of the ma house, if you live just outside gret that his personality will no now has a right to say under institutions that have grown surf bathing, fishing, clam digging, beach bon­ what laws he will be governed, these ideas Young men and fires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and of the city limits, and give you longer be numbered among us. it is up to him to give careful at­ are received into the college, with absolutely nothing to say about drives through picturestque wooded the shop's existance. The idea headlands HAT the forest fires of the tention to the measures present­ preparation ranging from the eighth grade grammar schools to graduate is that the town shall have the past month are but an earn­ ed for his approval or disap­ work from other colleges, They exclusive say about the institu­ est of worse to come unless peo­ proval.—Myrtle Point Enterprise are giving a technical and liberal tions it fosters, good or bad for ple give more active head to education in all phases of agricul- ------ VJ A - The assembly nomination in tur, mechanic arts, domestic science, the surrounding locality, the warnings, is the tenor of a re­ county or the state. A small view of the fire situation by the Clackamas county and perhaps civil, mechanical, mining and electri­ chem­ town might permit all sorts of Western Forestry Conservation in several others, is considered cal engineering, commerce, young istry and pharmacy. Many Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 of the nomi- an insult by some institutions that would turn in a association based upon advices men take the broad and compre ­ Three Day Saturday to .Monday Rate, $3.00 revenue to the town but in the from private and official fire­ nees. Some men can’t be in- hensive technical training to be hail end would be detrimental to the fighting agencies througheut the suited when it comes to mention­ at the Oregon Agricultural college county and the state. Licensed northwest. August has com­ ing them for office.—Labor as a preparation to the older pro­ fessions of law and medicine gambling, drunkeness, prostitu­ menced with conditions infinitely Press. The farms, orchards, poultry and tion, and every other device for more dangerous, for besides in­ The proportional representa­ stock ranches of Oregon continu­ immoral practices and partici­ creased dryness of the forests tion amendment proposed by the ally receive the benefit of the ex­ pants. might be permitted, the due to prolonged absence of rain, People’s Power League, No. 360 periments carried out and experience PORTLAND, ORI:. General Pannen ger Agent. results of which leads to litiga­ almost continuous fire fighting on the ballot, will assure person­ gained by the experts connected tion, criminality, prosecutions, has only kept in check innumer­ al, local or party representation with her agricultural college The experiment station contains many pauperism, insanity, and gener­ able fires which still smoulder to according to the strongest de­ | ' finely equipped laboratories in which sires of the voter. Labor Press. al degradation. be fanned beyond control should : remedies for crop blight, fruit pests. For all this the county will strong wind prevail. The express trust is making 81 and infected soil are being continu- have to pay, every voter in it Throughout most of Oregon per cent profit in the state of ally and carefully determined. A FREQUENT RAPID COMFORTABLE will participate, yet when it and Washington, up to the pres­ Oregon. No wonder it wants its farmer having trouble with a pccul- is given iar pest at unusual seasons comes to deciding whether the ent time, more extensive organ­ attorney on the supreme bench. the formula from which to make a town shall have such institutions izations by timber owners and Do you?—Labor Press. spraying solution that will rid him the citizens outside of the town the forest service than ever ex­ of the crop destroyer, a stock raiser STATIONS EASTBOUND Oregon Agricultural College limits shall not be permitted to a isted before has fairly well is told how to detect tuberculosis * Nll7 4 5 M 4f>l W 4ft ¡0 4M 1 if. 12 4ft i.» PORTLAND 1 45 2 4ft 3 4ft 4 4ft ft 4!1 0 4ft 11 1ft hearing. It proposes taxation counterbalanced the unusual When Senator Morrill introduced in apparently sound stock, thereby Golf Junction V ot. jo or. 11 o«'. 12 Oft 1 Oft 2 Oft 1 os t 05 5 Oft 8 0!1 7 OS 11 3ft ft ÍK» 7 15 » 7 2ft * 1G u 1ft lftio 11 L. 12 15 ft 13 1 IS Htanlev saving his herd from contamination, 2 1ft 1 1ft 4 IS ft IS 1 191 7 IS 11 4S without participation in the gov­ number of fires. Most of them his bill giving material aid in the ft '2 2 7 H ’2 M 17 V n io 2*2 11 2J 17 77 1 22 2 22 3 77 4 77 S 22 • 2]1 7 22 11 52 Ix-ntn Junction.. • 20 'ft .11 7 4‘» H 27 w .T2 10 <3’2 II m 17 77 1 12 2 32 3 17 4 17 S 32 • 3]! 7 32 19 ”2 form of grants of land to the several soils are analyzed and a proper fer­ .Sycamore.. M 40 ernment. have been controlled promptly. states for the purpose of establish­ tilizer suggested, and many such Jenne . ft HI 7 4 ’2 M 30 u Mft lo X» 11 :v. 17 B 1 Jft 2 1ft 3 J5 4 IS 5 3ft 4 3fti 7 3ft 12 M fit ft : ih 7 W. M «». •J IO |O 40 11 4o 12 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 ft 40 8 401 7 40 12 10 Linnemann M {A It proposes more. The coun­ Nevertheless, the aggregate of ing and permanently endowing in­ bits of ft 41 >7 .'21 M 40 9 4«’. IO 4ft II 1 12 4ft 1 4ft 2 45 3 4ft 4 4ft ft 4ft 1 4Si 7 4S 12 1ft V JO knowledge and experience GRKHHAM < V 4M 11 4M n 7 M ,l n 1 41 3 41 s 41 7 II 9 M try surrounding a town is as small outbreaks in valuable tim­ stitutions of learning, he became the are being continually given free for Boca 7 > 9 ftH II ft3 A naerson.. 1 ft! 3 53 ft ftl 10 1ft 7 S3 ft 00 V •>it|. . . II ftft 1 ftft Hairy 3 4S s ftft I" .Ml 7 ftft deeply interested in the moral ber represents heavy loss. The father and instigator of a new type the asking. The individual anil Borina M 03 9 r>M 11 ’iM 1 ftl 3 41 ft 51 1 001 7 SI II IN) H Oft 10 (N)i 1*2 •42 Rlrfpr .* 2 00 4 oo 00 • 1 00 II 12 45 2 45 4 4S 8 45 12 10 « ftft IN) 1 00 Fx*MCH2 a m 7 47 Jentn Ml 141 1 j 3 2 S3 3 ftl 4 59 S S3 4 3ft 9 S3 especially those social affairs threaten under which fire may schools, there has been completed ment, and kindred subjects are giv- Hycamore.. t, « io > 7 Ml 12 2ft fN. 1 S8 2 St 3 56 4 56 s SS 4 40 ft 56 Lenta Junction.. 1*2 4 nr. h a. * ... I H KI Oft 2 05 3 OS 4 Oft S Oft 0 OS 10 Oft 4 SO that terminate so frequently in travel long distances, timber a system of public instruction that I en to those who cannot remain for Stanley. 12 4'2 4 40 n 14 H 1.11 i » in !» in IS 2 IS 3 IS 4 IS s 1ft s is 10 15 Freight Golf Junction.. course. 1*2 Ml 4 45 5 Z2 7 0!» I H l.’> !» JI 20 2 20 3 70 4 20 s 20 i 20 10 20 a expense to the state. owners are urged to extend pa­ has no equal since the dawn of the full college PORTLAND ..J 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 ft 40 « 40 •I- « 4.’. 7 SO i H Ilf. !» 40 10 40 learning on earth. There is one other feature of the trol beyond their own tracts to Just what is the new type of edu­ I service rendered to the people of troutdalh branch Establish- cation, and how does it differ from Oregon by the agricultural college THERE is just cause for the all danger points. Io 2o II Mi 1 70 7 70 3 20 newspaper fraternity of Ore- ment of citizens’ fire brigades is the old established anil richly tradi­ that is worthy of notice. ’I his is 10 2ft 11 2 ft 1 2512 25 3 25 10 MO 11 30 1 30 5 30 3 30 I................................ .. gon to bow their heads in respect advised, organizing in advance tional system? In discussing the the demonstration trains that make 10 lift II :ix.1 31 7 35 3 31 annual or semi annual « I»»lljr Except Sunday. A M. figures In Roman. P. M figure* In black. purposes of his bill establishing the extended to the memory of the veteran for having help, leadership and grant colleges, Senator Morrill I tours, carrying especially equipped who has been at the head of the equipment available without loss land gave expression to ideas like these: ! cars I full of exhibits and specialists For Oregon City, ('nnemah Park and way point*, chmige car* at Golf news service of the state for so of time. Cities and towns are America is a land with vast undevel­ direct to the farmer's door. Too Junction. many years. That Harvey W. asked to take similar steps to oped possibilities, her mines, her I much credit cannot be given the For Lents, Mt. Hcott and east side (mints, change cars at Lenta Junction Scott was a scholar and an able supply men when called upon, farms, her forests, her shops and I O. R At N. and S. P. railway com- ITS with arrangements and trans­ portation. Every citizen is asked to spare neither friend nor fix* in reporting violations of the tire laws. es|H*cially by campers, land Hearers and spark-emitting locomotives. It is pointed out by the association that if the warnings widely circulated ear­ lier in the season had resulted in such steps, loss of life and prop­ erty would have been largely avoided. They still apply with greater force. I NORTH BEACH QUEEN OF THE NORTHWEST RESORTS T Reduced Rates from all parts of Wash, or Ore. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. WM. M c M urray , PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. Springwater Division General Office*, Electric Bldg. Seventh and Alder Sts., P ortland , O bdgon