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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1910)
BEAVER STATE HERALD ^•^ireRYFR/^, Subscription, $1.00 a Year. G resham .ORE OKESHAM, MLJLTNOMAM CO.. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910. Vol. 6. WOMAN’S DAY AT EVENING STAR GRANGE HORSE THIEF COMMITTEE ON IS CAUGHT STREETS SLOW No. 32. UNCLE SAM URGES ENTRIES Saturday was grange day at the Even- I ing Star Grange hall near Montavilla. 500 Government Farms in the Accused Man Rounded up in Grange’Fair Association Asks The morning hour was given over to | business. A challenge to a debate on Northwest Now Open to Short Order and Horse For Lease to Riverside some good subject offered by Woodlawn Homesteaders Is Recovered. Driving Club grange was accepted and a committee appointed to make arrangements. L’ncle Sam is looking for .%0 practical This being woman's day in the grange A wiM-k »go Andrew Brugger wok» up Tin- council met last Tuesday night calendar the program was arranged by farmers who would like to own homes to find » valuable young mare gone from in adjourned regular meeting with May There were ill» pasture. 11» at once concluded it or Hhattmk presiding. One of the most serious accident» that Yandell, came very near getting caught i the ladies. of their own. The government now baa Reading, “Sallie Ann’» experience,” was stolen »nd advertised to that eml. present colincilinen Kenney, Michel ever hap|>ened in this part of the coun also. Knight wax knocked almost xense- about farms awaiting settlement un 1 Mr». Elizabeth Hayhurst. lie made Ilia loaa known to the siier- and Ht Clair, ami Recorder Robert», ty occurred Wednesday morning at I less. Foreman Yandell immediately der the various irrigation projects of the Solo, by Mr». Leia Elliott. ifl and the new» got around over the Treasurer Metzger and Marshall Gull- I drew the broken limb into position and northwest. These farms vary in size Davenport's camp near Aims. In the Mrs. Vail, the lecturer, gave some country pretty generally. A conatable ickson. Other councilmen were out of from 21) to 80 acre, of irrigable land, de at liawrgo became suspicious «1 a new town except Howitt, who was detained accident Bert Knight, a helper in the applied splints and bandages. The suggestion« along the line of woman’» man ami the horae he waa riding and on account of illness. logging camp, was »truck aero«« the doctor was summoned and commended work and afterwards called for respon- pending upon location. In many sec field him (or investigation. The strang The recorder'» minutes showed that ba< k and leg», breaking his right leg the attend n given. A stretcher was im 1 sex from the audience along these lines, tions a tract of grazing land has been era proved to be A. (' Cameron ami Mr. at a s|iecial meeting a renewal of saloon inidxay tx t ween the bip and knee, provised from a cot and the patient was and especially that of better help and included in the farm unit, bringing the ' easier methods of housework. Nearly i total up to 160 acres. license was granted to Ford Metzger, Brugger'» mare. earned out to a wagon, and brought to all of the large audience had something There is no drawing or any element Cameron had worked lor Mr. llrugger also that a report from the committee driving the bone through the flesh can«- a aiiorl time and had given up hi« job on street improvement had been made | ‘ ing it to protrude about four inches. Gresham, where be was put upon the 1 to tell about their way of doing house of chance in applying for one of these Tuesday la-fore the horae wax taken a »jH-cial order but tin- committee had It has liven the custom to pile several 5:45 car for Portland and taken to a work and of the little things which farms. It is only necessary to make a lightened their work. Some compared homestead entry at the local land office. Thursday, giving no reason (or his »<--• failed to rejxirt anything definite. The logs up with tiie field donkey and then hospital. the old way of doing housework with The farms are free to every bona hide tion except that lie waa tired of the job. re|x>rt waa called lor again Tuesday During the entire time Mr. Knight draw them in at on- time with the yard that of the present time, and thought homesteader, who is entitled to make a Mr Brugger paid liiru of! and lie i-ame night but a» there was only one mem- j engine. While removing a coupe of displayed supreme nerve, his face bear many improvements had been made. homestead entry, the oaly charge be to Gri-sham (or a day or two, Il is her of the street committee present no; logs in this way the log» underneath ing a smile and he spoke without »trem Mrs. Pollock gave several fine songs. sides the regular land office fee for tiilng probable that he took the horae and report was made. Remarks were made by H. A. Dar- being the actual cost of getting water on It »«» recommended that the marshal swung around ami caught Mr. Knight ble, never even showing that he suffered went immediate y to Oswego, that lieing the land. Payment may be made in nall, the state lecturer. a portion of the county that lew of the »••e that the reqnirement concerning | unawares. The yard foreman. Jack any pain. Mrs. Casto, Mies Casto and Mr. and ten annua) installments, without in people from thia section ever visit, the hanging of a light on all wagons Mrs. Hammond were visitors from Mil-1 terest. When arreated and < ontrolited by th' left standing on streets at night Ire > Nev* System On Trial POWELL VALLEY Owing to the rapidly dimishing area waukie grange. owner of the florae, l amero claimed strictly observed The pi|»e line con- , Mr. Frank lexjierance of Loe Angle»' During the period of change, when The bread contest announ-ed for this of unoccupied public domain, oppor- that a etranger liad given him the horse tractors, who leave many loads of pipe wax the gneat of Joe Stephen» several I such improvements as the self-binder date resulted as follows : let prize, Mr«. , tunities to secure desirable farm land to put in a certain alatile in Cortland. standing at tiie »ide of the »treets at and the hav-loader were being introduc Payne. 2d prize. Miee Emma Larson. are becoming rare each year, ami it is He denied that he had ever seen tiie night are to lie urged to use all jirecau- day», going from here to Alaska. ed on the farm, and the cash register 3d prize, Mre. Leia Elliott. doubtful if the present favorable con bigan Murray "f W.xidlawti, Wash., i horae, but he did admit that it resem- tion to prevent accidents. ditions will ever occur again. Everyone enjoyed the day. The marshal came in for m Id cen- i is visiting relatives here. His sister ac- and computing scale wa« being installed hied Mr. Brugger a home. He said he by the merchant, the banker, in keep The farm- now awaiting settlement had left the horae in the atalde for a »ure for not more strictly enforcing the companied him include a wide variety of soil and cli sufficient length of time for the fellow dog lax ordinance. The time for |>ay- Sheep-i illing dogs caused C. B. Alt-| ing with the times, put the typewriter Bids Wanted ami adding machine in his place of busi to come ami get it ami then took It out inenl of yearly dog tax was August 1. : man to sell his band of cotswoole. Bids will be received for the grading mate. If you desire to engage in gen ness. Systems of bookkeeping, too, liinow'll, though just where he got the The treaRurvr has provided a number The De Haun family have moved to of First and Second Streets in the Town eral farming, or to specialize in the authority to take it out and try to dis- of tags but none has ts-en called for. j Estacada where Mr. DeHaun has a (>o- have been and are undergoing changes. of Fairview, Oregon A certified check growing of apples, alfalfa, sugar ke-ets, Just at this time we are trying to break garden truck, stockraising, dairying, |Mi»e ol it lia» not been explained, At The marshal wax ordered to get the sition at a mill. of ten per cent, must accompany all away from the old-fashioned pass-book raising poultry; or if you are a pro- dog tax or the dogs, so -'Fido ■' day» any rate be admit» that It »«« not hi» bids. Bids to be opened the 22d day of W. Calvin reports the birth of twin system, believing it will work a benefit fe-sional or business man and wish to projierty. He ha» been placed in the are numbered. j August. The council reserves the right calves at hi» farm. to every customer carrying a checking locate in a new town in a growing ag The most interesting item presented county jail ami await» the action of the to reject any or all bids. Estimates can While digging a well at the Steven» account with us. ricultural community, write to the Sta was an application from the Grange October term of court be seen by calling on the Recorder. I place Roy Calvin accidentally cut hi* H. A DIMMOCK, tistician of the United States Reclama While it is our deeire to keep well to Fair Association through its secretary foot and as a result he will be laid up Recorder, Town of Fairview. tion Service, Washington, D. C. the front in the matter of furnishing I 34 I asking for a lease or a ja-rmit to lease a some time. up-to-date service, yet we are careful , CHf RRYVHLf portion of the (air grounds to the River F. McKinney is harvesting at Powell not to introduce methods which have side Driving Club, for use as a perma Chauncy Coffman has returned from I Valle» not lieen tried out in other communities. nent track ami tor the erection of suit Seattle. Mr. Ault and family have returned The statement herewith is not a novelty able stables and a grandstand. The Miss Constance Ewing has lx-en en I but has given excellent satisfaction gagi-d to teach school here for another matter waa referred to the city attorney from Seaside. to draw up a proper lease. This will be Mr. Lewellen was severely injured at wherever given atrial. With the ai , year done at once and the lease * ill undoubt the Base Line bridge und was taken to of our customers, we will give this feature Ben Beach has l>een np|>i>int- d ward edly I h - granted as the council favors the tiie Good Samaritan hoepit d for treat a trial here. We ask the assistance of en by the S. P. Railway Co I all carrying check accounts with us. ' project. ment. lien Hart is getting up a project to Write or tell us how you like it and be The treasurer rejarrted $2tki8 on hand build an auto rond to Wild Cat moun free to offer suggestions where it is tain connecting Dover with Snag Camp. DOVER thought improvement might be made. ■la» Edgerton ami his mother left for GAELS CROSSING. Vegetables of a I kinds in this vicin- The f; lowing are some of tiie advan Portland 'ext Wednesday. tages in its favor: O. (’. Renne, who recently moved in ity are greatly in need of rain Alex Brook». Clark Corev, ClairCorey, to hi» pro|w-rtv north of the station, is The Fir wood A I lover Telephone Co. No more bother of sending t e pass Ben Beach and Chas Newland leave for preparing to build a house. held a bu»ine»s meeting in the Firwood . book to the bank to be balanced. Pori land this week to prove up on their A statement with check* in hand re- A. H. < hitek moved into his new house hall Saturday evening. homes tends. Inst week. Mrs. M. Brotherton of Oklahoma : gularly once a month, if account i» active. J. T Friel, Jr , ««< in Portland last Mr. Cowden, who lias rented the City wax here over Sunday. Out-of-town cu9toinen* will receive week. Gales farm, recently took possession. Mesdames Carr and Tessman of ljit- ! their statements bv mail if so requested, Miss Myrtle Friel made a Hying trip An outing partv conipoeed of Charles ourell Falls were visiting friends here le s money handled and more checks to Portland lant week Benedict and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mc over Sunday. used in payment of bills and accounts Timber cruisers Messrs. Morrison and Masters, Mieses Benedict and Hender Mr. and Mrs. Olson, who are intend when a customer can be ke( t in dose Harrison were in Three-Six last week. son returned Sunday evening from a ing to locate here, are stopping with touch with his bank. trip to Mt. flood. P. Magnolia. Will Beach, physical director of the No more reminders, “Fletse send in Miss. D. C. Maybee spent Sunday Y M. ('. A at Boise, Idaho, in here on Numerous pleasure seekers are At your book for balancing.’ Guaranteed Buggies, with Leather quarter tops, with friends at Vancouver. it viait to liin brother, Ben Beach. present camped on Eagle creek. No more embarrassing notes, “ Your fine Leather trimmings. New style accout has ben overdrawn," which Buggy, sells everywhere for $80. are usually the result of a customer Bids Wdnlcd. I he Wonderful Polity pe In thè Thrifly Class having lost track of the amount stand- Bids ur ■ wanted for nine cords of Shoe-repairing machine just installed. The children of Gresham and corn ing to his credit some months before Leave your »hoes for repair- st the New go il wood, biddei to »pecifyxquality. { munity are to ile connted Hinong thè when his bonk was last balanced. Gresham Shoe Shop. l’owi'll street. Bids received till August 3t>. F.. E. thrift»- a» the iiei-umulation of their The stapling dev ce in connection with If wanted with full inch Goodyear Rubber Tires, they cost $18 more. Fret! Shoemaker, prop. [32 Wei ing, Clerk, Dixt. 8, Troiltdn e. (31 savings show. the new system will make check tiling Some few wt-t-kx ago the First State easier. Bank ail icipated a demand for a place If an out-of-town customer can save where children and ottiera with »inxll j himself a trip to town in order to get i amounts f> r wh ch they have no ini-I his account balanced, he most likely- mediate use ami to which they wish to ' wili save himself other trips by using ; is not the size of one’s income. That may be only mid at frequent periods, and accordingly the mail for making his deposits. the measure of one’s extravagance. The real established a Savings Department un Under the new system a customer I Measure of Achievement is the DIFFERENCE der carefully compiled Savings Depart five miles out may be as convenient to ' between your income and your outgo. A SINGLE ment Rules and regulations, and July I his bank ns his town cousin. DOLLAR by itself seems a trifle, yet it is the col laxt opened the department for deposits. Last ley, in making the proposed I ---------------- AT CUT PRICES---------------- lective effect of many single dollars SPENT that In one months time the deposits in change, all pass books will be balanced : holds so many men down to the dead level of tide department have grown to $2,181.40. to September 1st., 1910 ami should if mediocrity, and the collective power of many single It is the desire of the bank to furnish | possible be presented at the bank on or ; dollars SAVED that is lifting others to SUCCESS. every boy and girl an opportunity to befo e that date. Thereafter the pass | form a habit of taking gixxl care of their book will he used simply as a receipt, The man who despises a single dollar seldom commands a money, a habit, which in later years book ami should lie brought or sent as I $4 to $5 SAVED ON A SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS they will find to be a valuable asset. faithfully as ever when making a I thousand. Deposits of $1 ami upward are received j deposit. The intention is to render Have you an account at this bank? $50 Team Hamess at only - $37.50 and interest paid on same nt the rate of strtementson or about the first ef each Are you doing that which is best for yourself and fellow men 3 per cent per annum, compounded month except a customer request his on I $35 Double Driving Hamess at only - $25.75 and the community in which you live? i semi-annually. some other date. FIRST STATE BANK. Isn’t it a fact that an account at this bank would benefit you? Gresham, Oregon, Multnomah Grange. Orient, will give IMTEREST PÀIO ON TIME ÀNO SAVINGS ACCOUNTS a dance, Saturday evening, Aug. 20. A handsome white embfotaerea I Richard»' orchestra will furnish the waist apparently ruined with Ink was niu-ie. Supper will be served, I’opu- given a bath of kerosene oil. rubbing [Moline Plow Co. Building] lar pries. (34 the ink spots well with common yellow soap. At th» end of half an hour it 320-328 EAST MORRISON ST. PORTLAND, ORE. G PE. SFIAM, ORE, wna washed with soap and water, and Weekly Oregonian and Herald $2.00 not a tract of Ink was to be seen. Was Assisting in Loading Logs When Heavy Timber Swings Striking Him on Back Great Buggy Bargains Only $58.S0 The Measure oí Achievement Spring Wagons Surries Farmers’ Hacks Carriages Runabouts Buggies Delivery and Farm Wagons Harness put on the Bargain List FIRST STATE BANK C. L. Boss & Co.