Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 15, 1910, Image 4

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Mrs Thos. Cinder has b»*en able t<>
be up ami around for a few days
The Woman's Home Missionary
meeting was held Weiinesdav afternoon
at the home of Mrs A. llevel. There
was a gisxl attendance.
Mrs. Frank McMurray and tamilv
have gone for a few day's visit with rel­
atives at Damascus.
E. W. Youso, a woodcutter on Ed.
Sleret’s place four miles southeast of
town, found a valuable diamond set. lost
by Mrs Ed. Sleret while berry picking
on the place about a week ago. The
set was returned to the ow tier and
ward was received. Mr. Youso had l>een
off» red a hundred dollars for the stone.
A. B. Gibbs returned on Monday from
a two weeks visit with relatives and
friends at Seattle and Tacoma. He in­
tends going to SanFrancisco soon.
Kamsby A Oswald have move»! to
Gresham and have t>een very busy over­
hauling and improving the feed mill
which they recently bought of Carl
Shattuck They have started in to do
business apparently in the right wav.
Miss Mina Gilbert has gone to Port­
land to spend a few weeks with her sis­
ter, Mrs. Geo. Cook.
Will Cathey, of Seattle, visited a few
days here with relatives on his return
from an eastern trip. He attended the
World's Sunduy School convention in
Washington, D. C., and gave a splendid
report of the same here last Sunday.
Mrs. Cathey, who has been visiting
here, returned with her husband.
There will be preaching services at
the Baptist church in Gresham, Sun­
day, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., by Rev.
Jesse M Nation. All are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shattuck have
return«td from their trip to the beach
and will go to their mountain home at
Welches next week.
A. Dowsett and family have returned
after a month's visit in the East.
John Metzger and family have gone
to their Seaside cottage for the summer.
Rev. C. M. Daymen, a pioneer min­
ister of Nebraska, well and favorably-
known throughout the Free Methodist
connection, will occupy the pulpit of
Rev. J. Hopper in the Free Methodist
church next Sunday both morning and
The ball game last Sunday was be­
tween Gresham and Greenfield and was
won by Gresham in an interesting game
scoring 15 to 6. Next Sunday the home
team will play Rupert’s Rubes, of the
Tri-City League. The game will be a
Close one.
The Hat Strew Crop.
The greater fieri of the straw em­
ployed for making summer hale cornea
from Italy. I'o obtain a suits tile straw
for this purpose the wheat is sown aa
thickly as poasit»l«» In order that the
growth of the plant may In- luipover
Isbed as well as to produce a thin
stalk. 1'he Italian wheal blooms at tin*
beginning of June ami is pulled up by
hand by the roots when the grain Is
half developed Should It be allowed
to remain til the ground a longer time
the straw would become too l>rlttle for
the purpoae for which It la grown
Uprooted straws to the number of
about five dozen. th«1 size of the com
pass of the two hands, are firmly tie»!
together in little sheaves and stowed
away In barns. After that th»' straw is
agaiu spread out to catch the heavy
summer dews ami to bleach In th»' sun
When th«' firoduet has been suitlcleutly
bleach«*») it Is put Into small bundli's
and classltk'd. The last step Is to cut
It close above the first Joint from th»'
top. when It Is again tied up In small
bundli's containing about sixty stalks
each and is tjien ready for th»' market
—Harper’s Weekly.
Ready Fee ths Next Ono.
A generous and brave but very ec­
centric Virginia planter named HUI
Carter, who bad once been an officer
In tbe I'nlted States navy, had n baud
to hand battle at fisticuffs one day
with tils plantation overseer anil came
off •»'»•»md bast. He therefore chai
lengttd th»' oversow to a formal duel,
but the latter declined on tbe ground
that, being a bus Im ml ami fattier, he
was under obligation not to risk leav­
ing his family destitute. Carter at
once removed that objection by set
tllng upon th«* family a comfortable
Then everything was got
ready for the tight, but just as th»'
two men faced each other the sheriff
arrived on th»' scene, took them tut»'
custody and had them bound over to
keep the peace
Mr Carter ,ll«l not.
however, change the d»'e»l of gift with
which he had provided for th«* over­
seers family, remarking that tie might
wish some time to resume tlie Inter-
rupteil fight ami hence would rather
keep everything In readiness for
prompt action —New York l*osL
Consul King David.
Tills amusing nmvdote of Ijimartlne
Ths Languages of Paradiso.
Is relatt'il by the Baroness Bondi* In
Every language has Its admirers. In her volume of letters. Shortly after
“Lucile" the author. Owen Meredith, th»' revolution of February be wrote
maintained that when he beard French on the blank leaves of his pocketbook
spokeu as h»' approved be “found hltu
the names of bls proteges ami sent th«'
self quietly falling tn love.” Edward list to b»* providixl with places Imme­
Hutton is another instance of this lin diately. Previously, however. It seems,
gual fascination, in stating his pref­ he hail scribble«! "David” on tile page,
erence In his enchanting "Cities of ami tbe head of tbe cabinet ap|>»>|uted
Spain” he recalls an Interesting me­ the salii David consul nt Bremen The
diaeval legend. He says:
postulant, however, never came for
"And as I llstem*»l to the splendid
ward. and. though th»* i*oet did not Ilk«'
syllables of the Castilian tongue that
being disturbed. M Hetzel was obllg
rang eloquently through the twilight 1
ed to ask who was the David on bls
remembered th»' saying of that okl
Spanish doctor of whom Jami's How
"He who danced before the ark.”
ell tells us in his ’Instructions For
was the answer.
Forraine Travell’—to wlL that Spanish.
“Ob. dear! 1 have gazetted him to
Italian and French, these three daugh­
ters of the Latin language, were apo- Bremen!”
“How very singular! I meant him
ken in paradise; that God Almighty
for a subject for meditation, not for
created the world lu Spanish, the
tempter persuadi'd Eve in Italian and nomination. But you can cancel It.”
The monlteur registered the change,
Adam begged pardon In French ’’
but few knew that tbe last consul ap­
pointed to Brerneu was King David!
Tasts 11 Localized.
Taste is curiously localized tn the
Language of Switzerland.
mouth. Put a lump of sugar on the
It Is a curious fact that the people
tip of your tongue and you will fl ml it
most celebrat«! for love of country
distinctly sweet. Then try it halfway
should In a manner bi* without a lan­
back on the tongue and you will find
guage—that is. a mother tongtie. Th«'
it tasteless
All sw«*et or aromatic
Swiss have three official languages
substances, such as wine, sugar and
German. French ami Italian. About
coffee, can t>e properly appreciated by three-fourtbs of tbe population of tbe
the front half of the tongue, a piece of mountain confederation speak Ger­
knowledge that every true connoisseur man. while tile remainder divide four
applies when be sips instead of taking other languages among them, chiefly
a mouthful.
With most other sub­
French and Italian, these languages
stances. however, the reverse Is true being found, ns a rule. In districts In
In these cases the tip of the tongue close proximity to the countries where­
serves only for touching—it is the back in those languages are the principal
part that tastes. The sides of the tongue. In Switzerland documenta and
mouth, too, are quite insensible to cer notices are printed In both tbe French
tain substances not tasteless.
I’ut and German languages. In the nation­
some salt or vinegar between the teeth al assembly members deliver their
and the cheek and you will find them speeches in either French or German,
absolutely flavorless.—London Stand
for nearly all members understand
both tongues. The decrees and procla­
Bert Lindsey and family have moved
into the Lindsey cottage on Main street.
Wrestling For Rent.
In several cantons of Switzerland
Mrs. M. B. Sleret, mother of Mrs. Lind­
sey, will make her home with her tbe custom prevails of holding wres­
tling matches and other exhibitions of
physical strength nt their choral, gym
L. C. Smith, father of E. 8. Smith, a nastlc and rifle festivals. The cham­
compositor in the Herald office, has pions taking part in these athletic
moved to this city from Colville, Wash., sports belong to the most diverse
and has been making bis home tempor­ ranks in the social scale. Thus at a
arily with bis eon. With him came a recent festival at Grencben. a little
younger eon, Claude, and an adopted town in the canton of Soleure. a
wealthy property owner and his ten­
daughter, Mies Eunice Fults.
ant. a carpenter, stepped into the are
will occupy one of Mrs. Crawford’s na to wrestle according to the rules of
houeee. Claude is a printer and is now the art There were to be four rounds,
a valued assistant in the Herald office. or “falls.” The stake for each "fall’’
Surveyors claiming to be working for was one quarter's rent. After tbe car­
the Mt. Hood railway have been work­ penter bad thrown bis landlord four
times the victor’s prize was awarded
ing in the Cleveland tract this week.
to blm. and be accordingly found him­
Little Arlie Belieu on Monday fell self entitled to live in his house rent
from a lard pail on which she was free for a whole year.
standing while reaching for cherries and
broke her arm near the elbow.
A Hsnpscksd Astrologer.
Lilly, tbe astrologer and alchemist,
Robert Lansdown, who recently fell
from bis wheel and broke bis arm, is could not see for himself sufficiently
far into that future which be professed
recovering nicely.
to be able to scan so clearly for others
A. B. Rhodes and Mrs. Mary Fortin, to guard him against making a fool of
of Portland, were married at the Meth­ himself by marrying.
He caught a
odist parsonage on Saturday by Rev. vixen, "of tbe temper of Mars.” to use
M. B. Parounagian. Mr. Rnodes was bis own words, and tbe fact that she
brought him £500 as dowry did not
formerly a business man of Estacada.
count for much lu the way of compen­
Thos. H. Gill and family have located sation, seeing that "she and her rela­
on five acres southeast of town.
tions cost him £1,000.”
W. K. Hamilton, wife and children,
Matrimonial Dyspepsia.
have moved into the Chas. Cleveland
“Well, bow do you like married
house on Main street. He has bought
two acres in Whitehead’s addition and life?” inquired tbe friend.
"Not at all,” replied the man who
will build at once.
bad married money and was suffering
Will Hockinson had a runaway with for it "I’m a case of matrimonial dys­
hiB big delivery wagon and four horses pepsia.”
“Matrimonial dyspepsia?”
while coming along the Base Line last
“Yes. She never agrees with me;
Friday. No serious damage, but Will
she’s too rich.”
is limping some.
Humor and
X w
fff. SMITH
yyllEN you lilt the target you feel
annoyed if th«' iu»lghls>ra don't
noth'«* It. quit»' us much so an you feel
If they d>> nolice when you miss
Most <«f th»> trouble that wo s»*o
ahead of us drives us dlstruetisl by al
ways staying there
She Is Indeed a wise woman who
knows when and bow to spank her
own child
To Take No Chanoes.
llamlar \\ by In tbe dickens have
you got that string tied around your
toot II ’
AI h »<* tilt* To remind m»< that I must
have th«' t«»*»tti removed
llamlar— But. goodness gracious, why j
don't you do us onlLnttry p«>oplo and I
have the string tlisl around your tin
Absent«« istiffly! Because, sir. 1 dou't
care to have my finger removed —Chi
co go News
Mistake of a Comma.
Tills Install» »• of w but a iiilstnk«' of s
comma can produce lias liven no|lc»'d
"I.ord Palmemtoii tlien entered U|s>n
Ills bend, ii whit»' lint upon tils feet,
large tmt well (sillshetl boots upon Ills
brow, a dark eloinl In Ids hand, tils
faithful walking stick In Ills eye. u
«lark menacing glare Maying nothing "
For the following nt bargain*
Lot*, hoiiiM**, auro-
Hgf trail»*. inrniM,
Nit«*», and other |>r<»|x‘rty.
Call It (dll, a*k for
Being In love with himself tends to
blind a man s eyes to the qualities of
H r i jx I i (
Ur Ink»' Miami *-< <>lt »ar Io I wills.
Roy Stafford’s
Produce, Veal, Pork, Chickens,
and Eggs taken at
Main St., (ìresham
If not, we’ll «’tire it, and then you’ll
wontler why you dhl’tit think of tin
long l»efore.
All our work guaranteed
No hiiaty,
alipahod job leaven our whop
i workmen art* nkillml hik I «’onKvU’ntioUN.
You’ll not grumbl«' nt th«« price»,
Fred I). Flora
llt|Morrison Si
(Near I’ap's Restaurant)
The woman who makes her own Beaver State Herald and other paper*
clothes Is often more clover than her
clothes look.
The price of The llt*rnhl alone in $1
I'bonv «i i
a year, hut to th»»*«* who would like th«’
Mill I I 4 mitra aouthvaat of Krlao
Boys always admire freckles If tlie
pap«*ra w«’ offer the following low
right girl wears them.
The Story of "Herd Hit."
"Mr. Orcluirdson. if I thought that •• I lie Herald** in combination w ith any
of the following:
by killing you I could paint a picture
I l 'M Bl il?
rt moa
1 yr
like yours 1 would stab you to the W F EK I V ORKiioSI is
1. <■»
large «loek <>f Dltiimaloh I umber uti kamt
«I ün
heart.” Such wns the remark made DAILY OREi.oNI LS
a yft
li».tigli ami Dredard lumber fur all purpoara
’• ‘Ji»
I i»
by Pellegrini, the famous caricaturist, DI > ail Nl SDA\ i »HEM »MAS a ta)
2 Tô
armi <»rdrr tu J< SHKt'U HltoH It..ring KD .
G t«’
to tbe Royal academician. Sir William Nb Ml ttFhkl Y h.U KN il
2 t«)
i jr»
Orcbardson. when at a private view
t •
he tlrst saw “Hard Hit,” the picture I A< IED M«»STIII.Y
1 ta»
1 7‘.
¡Elf lloMEHI b AD
1 <M»
of the ruined gambler "It was." said 1*4-
1 75
1 O»
tbe artist. "the greatest compliment NATION!! i.KlNoF
1 7ft
I could have hail.” Curiously enough, OKEi.QN A’.Kh LI TI RI m T
1 ftu
the model who sat for the ruined FARM Jol’RN M
! f<O
gamester was rather fond of canls Mo !l L’N M MiA/INE (Ladlra*) 1 ft”
Thin uric«* i» for <!«»llvrry by mall only ami
himself. On»' day the artist noticed only
when re tn it ta net* in tna<lt< with order
saia »>••
that tie looked somewhat ilepressixl Papera may I m * went tu aeperat« ad<lrva»ra Hub
HMv ms «NRZNV «ri vosnaao o««
•crlptlotia may begin at any time
"What ts the matter?" tie asked. "I
was awfully hard tilt last uight.** he
“By Jove.” refilled the
artist, jumping up with delight. “I’ve
got It ut last! ‘Hard lilt, of count«* '
And that la how tbe picture got its
I wi-h to -tnt«* to the public that I have op«*nr«l nn up to-datr Plumb­
ing and lin Shop In (ire*ham on l hir<l Ntr« vl, a lj«'ining It It
furniture atore. All ktndN of plumbing n<*ntly done TinwHrcnnd other
utrnnilM mended promptly.
New Plumbing Shop
Want Column
mations of the president are translate«!
by nn official interpreter nnd furnished
to tbe press In both languages.—New
York Press.
H rae» r < ara pastured
for summer Webb Fann, Phon«* 15s tf
Her Fault.
The teacher In charge of the primary
department nt a school lt> West Phila­
delphia was talking the other day
about her work and her pupils.
"They are dear youngsters." she said,
"but they sometimes make curious re­
marks. Several times I have bail oc­
casion to reprove a little boy who Isn’t
bad. but who Is very mischievous nnd
He Is always getting Into
trouble and making a disturbance.
“One day he bad been more than
usually uproarious, and I was very
Instead of scolding or punish­
ing him 1 began In rather an exasper­
ated tone to talk to blm.
“ •Tom.’ I said. ‘Pm afraid I’m never
going to meet you In heaven.’
“He looked up with tbe most shock­
ed face. ’Why. teacher.’ he said, ‘isn't
that Just too bad? What have you
done?* "—Philadelphia Times.
Roofing and Gutters Furnished and Placed
Istinidtes furnished lor
Sunitdty I’lumblnq
C. McLaren
WANTED—Young girl to aasist with
housework and care of two children
Mrs. R E. Eason, Bandy.
WANTED—Cattle lor pasture. Ad­
dress, l> B. Gray, Mt. Scott plaie, on
Mt. Scott, fjents.
WANTED—Stock hogs
itt, Gresham.
T. R. How­
WANTED—All kind« of milch cow».
< a«h paid. W. Ellison, Cleone, phone
WANTED—Men to tuke contract to
clesr land. For particulars Hee G. W
Metcalf, Gresham, 3, phone 76. tf
A Modest Requsst.
An Impeccably dressed gentleman
Bartsch Bros. Planing M'll
the other day when walking along Mile south of Pleasant Home. All kinds
Piccadilly felt a movement In his <4 Dreaseil Lumber for building pur­
pocket and. clapping bls hand thereto, poses, at reasonable prices.
seized the wrist of the thief. He drew if desired. Phone 3Wxl.
forth the erring member, and. looking
at it with supreme disgust, be released
it, saying, with a grimace of disgust,
“For heaven's sake, my good man, go
and wash your hands before you put
them In a gentleman's pocket again!”—
London Tatler.
FOR SAI.E—A <x!l donkey engine, in
good shape.
Bornstedt A Ruegg,
Made Him Feel Old.
Bandy, Ore.
"What’s the matter?”
"Ob, nothing much.”
FOR SAI.E—dò aeree, 2*> in "iiltiva-
“But you look ns If you had some­ tion ; 2 aeres in hearing orchard, all new
buildings. ” miles E. of Gresham. l'-.W
thing serious on your mind."
"Well, if you Insist on knowing, a [s r acre. Easy terme, see owner.
boy win) w as named after me baa Just Frank Michels, I mile Monili of Hogan.
become engaged to be married. How Phone 3UH.
time flies!”—Chicago Record-Herald.
The pastor will preach in the Meth­
His Deduction.
odist church Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8
The Sunday school teacher had just
p. m. Special music. There will be an explained to tbe juvenile class that the
interesting session of the Sunday school first parents were made from dust
at 9:45.
"Now, Edgar,” sbe said to a bright
The Dollar Mark.
little fellow, “can you tell me who tbe
“Have you seen the Washington mon­
first man was?”
30 Head of Horses
"Henry Clay,” was tbe prompt reply.
"Yes,” replied the New Yorker. "It’s
Ed Smith will have in Gresham on —Chicago News.
a pretty tall building, but what's the
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 22,
good of it without any offices for rent?”
As to Truth Tolling.
—Washington Star.
23 and 24, about 30 head of horses,
There is an eastern saying which
broken and unkroken, weighing from
runs: "It is good to know the truth
800 to 1200 pounds. Special exhibition !
and to tell it It may be better, know­
me, dear, but don’t
of riding Sunday. Come whether you
ing the truth, to talk of date stones.”— you cook much more for dinner than
buy or not.
London Truth.
we can use?—Wife—Of course! If 1
didn't how could I economize by utiliz­
As Bill Nya 8aw It.
ing leftover dishes?—Cleveland Leader
Mid-Summer Dance at Rockwood
Bill Nye described a five shot Colt's
Rockwood grange will give its usual revolver as “Professor Colt's five vol­
Not Now.
mid-summer dance Saturday evening. ume treatise on the ventilation of the
"Electricity isn’t a modern discov­
July 23.
Richard’s orchestra will be' human system.”—Kansas City Times.
ery It la so old as the flood.”
there and with another of those famous
"How do you make that out?”
grange suppers and popular prices then-
His Suggestion.
"Why. didn't Noah have to have ark
Wigwag -1 never knew such a fellow lights?"
will be the customary large attendance
and a good time for all. Undesirables is Bjones. He la always looking for
Bettor a blush In the face than a
will not be allowed to remain. All i •rouble. Henpecked—Then wl.y doesn't
in the honrt.—Cervantoa.
others are welcome.
WANTED—Berry pickers. Call up R.
Rees, phone M. 2c per box.
FOR SAI.E—All sorts of rough lum­
ber at Jarl Bros. A Roth’s mill, 1^ mi.
south of Orient. Will deliver orders if
GIRL WANTED— For generai house
work. Mrs. A. Fox, Troutdale.
IxitH for wale in Cedarville, on ea«y
terms. H. W Hnashall, Pleasant View
Avenue; Gresham, Route 3.
The ladies ai<l ice cream social on the
Methodist church lawn Tuesday after-
noo.i and evening. All are invited.
Wn deliver «1 ry slab wood in Gresham
at $2.75 per cord for cash.
Bros., phone W.
Herald and Weekly Oregonian $2 per year.