-2 The ru- t g l»>.om of the atieani that flow» from Rocky »lope To mingle with the sounding deep, the harbinger of hope, Will mirror there lhe promised laud lieaide its tranquil bread, With yenra to come an empire great our nt w home m the West Entered a* »evolvi-c la** maturai the poaiofflcr at <¡re»ham. Oregon 7.x- tUtSCBlFTlOB SATES Per Year. 11 '*) ’.n advance to tonlgn muntriv*. Si Six Month» Ihrve months trial >ub**-rtption» Single copies 5c. K»k for clubbing rate* •EniTTABCES should N *ent by Kxpress or Postottce Money Order. Registered tatter or Vhack. Stamp* accepted up to NO cents. BECEIFH ’ »r subscription* ere not sent unit*** requested The change of la tai on your paper will tndi 'ate the receipt of your remit tare If it d«»es not please notify us OlSCMTIBUABCES If yon do not u ish your paper continued plra.*e notify u* about the time the aubacription expire* rind thi* plan most satisfactory to our patrons, though it is not in accordance with our personal view* CNAME OL AODBfSS In ordering < hangv of address give old as well as new address CMBESBOBOEBTS are wanted in every community If no correspondence appear* from your oeighborho«*!. you are respectfully reqv *ted to send us as many local items as you . an AOVEBTISMC BATES PROFK.xSlDX A L < A RI>S lone inch). J x-each is.*u» VARIhOF THANKS (not exceeding two inches.) 50 cent.* I.ETTIIRd OF CONuOlJCNCl \ tg four inches) |1 OBIT! ARIES for subscriber* or their immediate families, free, up to kA) word* l.ent par word tor additional word« " fcNT ktMB at I < nl p* r word tor flrat Intention subsequent insertion* 15 to Ji) words, lo cents -V t > u ord* IN cent* to Io i>’ « ord* cent* RE ADERS 1 cent per word per issue DISPLAY ADVKRHSINv. rates made known on application All Lodge, tirangv. School. Church, or other notuvs or advertisements of stM'ials. parties, dances, concert», theatricals, etc . given for a profit, charged (or at regular rates In order to insure change <»f ad advertisers must have copy in this offlee not later than Thursday preceding day of publication. )0t RIliTiH is our specialty We arc well equipped to do the ln**t work at current pne«* Espev'ially farmers’ and busmens men's tatter Heads. Envelopes. Butter Wrapt« r*. Statements, etc . in small or large quantities Auction Bills. Dodgers. Posters, etc . printed on short notice EDITORIAL C0MMEN1 NE OF THE most important matters to interest people of this part of the county is the ¡construction of a roadway from Fairview to the transfer landing on the Columbia. As it is peo­ ple of Clark county, Wash., must go by way of Vancouver to reach Portland. The maintenance of a transfer at Fairview would be a great convenience to all the people of eastern Clark and Multnomah counties. The road­ way has been donated and its control awaits the pleasure of our County Court. We suggest a delegation of citizens wait on the court. O The report of the publication committee of the Washington State Grange was favorable to a continuation of the co-operative publication of the Pacific Grange Bulletin as heretofore by the Herald office. There is some talk of enlarging the paper. Call at the Herald office and get a copy of the new premium list. It is fine and shows a lot of improvements over last year’s book. Leaving the Old Home The following poem ia numtHr J of a aeriea of five number* of pioneer balads contributed by Eugene L. Thorpe Breaking the ties of childhood days, saying the last farewell, We’re leaving now for the far away; in memory to dwell The scenes of youth where first we knew the bonds we break today For another home by the sunset sea, across the mountain way. A last goodbye and parting band to those we leave behind, And the toilsome track is ours to trend till we that haven find. That rushing reek of chao» Isirn acro»» our onward wav. Lite’s Common things The things of every day are all so sweet, The morning meadows wet with dew. The dance of daaiea in the noon, the Of far-off lulls when twilight shadows lie, The night with all it» tender mystery of sound And silence, and God's »tarry sky' Oh, life, the whole of life, i* far t fleet, The things of every d«v are »II «O sweet The common thing* of life are all »<> dear The waking in the warm half-gloom To find again the old familiar room, The scents and sights and sounds that never tire. The homely work, the plan, the lilt of baby's laugh, » The crackle rd the open fire. The waiting, then the coming near. The opening door, your handclasp and your kiss. Is heaven not. after all, the now and hear? The common thing* of life are all so dear. And specter gaunt mav walk la-side to make the pilgrim cower, Bearing a pall of somber hue to warn us of his power. A shroud, a prayer, a lonely cross, Alice E. Allen where prairie grasses wave. Will mark the spot where one was left— a toiler's lonely grave. One less to share the burden then, one Miss Wornhem of Portland visited the less to reach the goal; Another martvr to the lust that claimed fore part of the week with her sister, Mr* T R Berry. a daring soul. Grandma Kesterson spent several The upward climb of mountain chain, days last week visiting friend* and rela­ and downward slope, will speak ; tives at Arleta and Portland. Will echo voices as we pass from every Mrs. Luce and two sons of Nampa. crag and peak Idaho, are visiting with her ne, hews, Of forest gnomes in elfin glee, to chill Fred and Andy Olson. each pulsing heart Gertrude and Millie Rosebrook, who And terrify the weary brain that bids have been attending school at this place each do his part. for the past two years, have returned to A courage born of deep despair will their home at Centralia, Wash. wake our hearts anew, Mr. Opfield is getting material on the Linked with a trust in One above to ground preparatory to erecting a beau­ guide us safely through. tiful residence on his place. , The poisonous fens of wildwood tarn Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Moore took din­ may waft their upas breath ner with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Craft at On lowing breasts that drag us by those Arleta Sunday lethel ports of death. Mr. Moran, the Boring merchant was Or bronzing tint of alkali may taint the in the Valley Monday on business con­ rushing rill nected with the mail routes. That comes from purest snows along Mr. Poppleton’s hay barn will be the crest of highest bill. completed to receive the crop soon to Or firey heat of summer sun may cant be cut. its scorching rav Rev. Owen of Portland filled the pul­ and Upon the verdure of the veldt pit at the church last week parch its life awav. After a week spent at home T. R. The Rocky range will e pea It to U8 a Berry has returned to liis work at sermon in its might. Joseph, Ore. The grassy plain will stretch awav. a poem in its Hight, The Bequeaith Orchestra of Portland Where antelope and buffalo will tempt —16 members—gives Concert in Gresh­ the hunter's skill am Methodist Church, Friday evening, To serve a dainty for the feast—or boast June 24. Admission 26c. Miss Marv his strength to kill; Cahill, director; Miss Della Bradley, Where reeking jaws of prairie wolf will reader Best amateur orchestra in gleam beyond the light. Northwest. Classical annderback of Pleas­ ant Home was celebrated at the home of the bride on Thursday evening. The young couple will make a trip to the Hound and to eastern Washington and will return in a ghrt time to tie at home about July let. both are alway welcome to inspect our stock of STUDEBAKER BUGGIES you <>ur catalogue. GAILS CROSSING. Karl Amons entertained a number Portland friends Sunday Mia* Delong was taken suddenly last week. Very little hop«- I» enter- tamed for her recovery. Mr and Mr. C. W Barrick came down from Salem last Wednesday to visit relative* and attend the carnival at Portland A number of our people enjoyed a trip to the eml of the line Sunday. Mr». Fleming of Portland is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Bristow Mr C A Freed ha» rented the Gard­ ner place near Giltiert station A brother of II. Dahl, w ho came here on a visit, has decided to stay. He lias purchased the place which joins In* brother'» on the north and has started to build a residence Some of the style* we have on our floor we feel certain will please you, but if you want anything we haven t in stock wc will get it for you in short order. We ami to please and satisfy our customer*. BROS. COMPANY STUDEBAKER XU) F Morrison PORTLAND. Si. OREGON Rora McGregor 45374 > Published Every Friday at Gresham, Ore., by the B kavkk S tat « P vhi . isiiimi t'o H A. DAKNAI.l.. E ditor and M anaurr . W. I. Itarthwiek, who ha* a contract to build a cottage (or Mr. McIntyre, will soon bring hi* family I ere for thè som­ mar. Born to Mr and Mr». Glenn McIn­ tyre Monday. June 13. a girl. Mr and Mr*, Bronson are preparing to serve meal» to traveler* during the summer. Settler* near get her to put in bridges over two creek» on the north road up the Sandv river Henry I.arson ia putting in water pipe* for J. T. McIntyre to bring waler Irom a spring to the house and barn. Lookers and Buyers 1 Succc.sling Gresham Vindicator, Gresham Gaiette, East Multnomah Recon! Multnomah Reconl and Montavilla Herald. SALMON Mr. and Mrs Bronson from S|s>kaiie have taken up a homestead near here and are intending to build soon. They are now living in the McIntyre house LUSTEDS Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg and family vis­ ited the rose carnival in Portland last week. Alfred and Harris Hamilton visited their aunt and uncle at Vancouver, one dav last week. Mrs John Sleret visited friends and t‘sik in the sights at Portland la«t week It is reported that L. A Davies has sold his place. Dr. Short was looking after hi» farm and other properly here John Sleret made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. T. Neibauer ha* been getting out timber for hi* new barn which he ex­ pect* to erect soon. E. I*. Hamilton ami wife attended a family re-union given at St. John* June 13 at the home of the former’» father. W H. Hamilton The affair wa* given in honer of a *<>n, W. H Hamilton, Jr., who leaves soon to take up an under­ taking business at Wenatchee. About twenty relative weie present and the time has pleasantly passed W II. Hamilton, Sr. recently sold hi* property at St. John* an 1 will move here to make a future home. CHERRYVILLE R. Wilton, Owner. 61 I F. I Wumtf. letper. Gttthim. Ore 17th. Portland. Ore EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST DURING — FROM ALL 1910 POIM S ON Itili Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company TO RATES Chicago »72.M Council BlufTs, • iniHha, Kan»*» City, St. Jornqih, St. Paul St I’aul, vm Council Bluffs Minnmpoli* dim-t Miniif*is>li», via Council Bluff* Duluth direct Duluth, via Council Bluff» St. Ixmis Ticket* will l>e on sale May 2d and 9th, June ami 24lh, July Sth and 22d, August kt, Septeudwr »th. Ten day* provided for the going trip Stop-over* within limit* in either direction. Final return limit three month* from date of *ale, but not later than t >ctol>er 3l*t. One way through California »15 additional. Mr. and Mr* Thoa. .MH'abe ami McCain* Bpeot Sunday in Cherryville Jao. Edgerton returned lant Wednea* -lav from a trip to Portland accom­ panied by hit mother, who will Ap**nd the summer bete. PORTLAND, ORI . Dney Buchorr worked (or Geo. B. Couper last week. Inquire of any (). R. 6: N. Agent for more complete information. Po thait*. He kicked oil his wet boots, slid his tired feet Into ii p Hr of carpet slippers, lit III* pipe, sat down In the