Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 17, 1910, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Ihr Moat Intereating Game of
Ever Played Here
SOO TO 1000
Would Change Plan of
tion in the State Grange
Vol. 6.
No. 24.
Fourth of July Committee
Another Ball Game to
The Fourth of July committee re­
Wednesday was the regular meeting
ports that the arrangements are now so
dav of the County Pomona at Pleasant
shaped that the program will be
Valiev. While the Herat«! did not have
carried out to the letter. Several new
a representative present some facte have
features have been ad«ie«l to the pro­
l»-en gathertd and tr on all that can be
gram which have hitherto not been
learne«P the meeting was a g<xxi one,
mentioned. Chief among these is the
es|«ecially fn its scx-ial features.
game of baseball between the Troutdale
Several impirtarit Grange matters i
YARDS RI ADV IO RLCLIVI PIPI were brought up ami action was taken ( fillDREN AND OTHERS IN DANGER I Cube and the Villa Tigers of Montavilla.
i The Montavilla nine is reported to be a
to call the attention of the State Grange
i “Cracker-jack” and the Troutdale team
to one of them. This was the proyxrsi-i
Hoisting Apparatus to Handle Mam­ tian to change the manner of «*rganiz.a- People Threaten to Take Vigilant has done some good work this season.
Important Alterations to be Recom­
The time set for the game is in the
tion of the State Grange by having a
Steps to Prevent High Speed
moth Steel Pipes la Tested---3
mended for Kenny Street---Also
forenoon, thus affording the crowds an
«lelegat«- from each Grange in the state.
Autos Run Thro’ Sandy
Weeks and All Work Begins
Main Street.
opportunity of seeing a go«xl game be­
This wouhl he a much l>etter plan than
fore the afternoon sports begin. Small
the present one. ft woitbi mean a much
bills will be printed and circulated in
larger delegation, but it would put every
A re|>ort comes from Sandy to the this part of the county announcing the
The next move of interest that has l«x*al Grange in a position to exert its
Thu principal subject up for consider*
ution nt th«* Hilj'iurt«e*l meeting of th«*
taken place with the Schaw-Batcher influence for the things it may think ••ff«rct that some of the people >f that program complete for the entire day
town ar** highly indignent regarding the giving the public a chance to see what
council Inst Tueuality night wns the
|a*op|t- is th«* completion of the lamling advisable It was also argue«I that the
mloption ol n gintl«* on certain str<*<*ts
mileage ami per «leirn plan should be i manner in which automobiles are driv- the committee has worked up for the
in the yards wher<* the pipe is to I m *
mid the inn!ter wns disposed of lor the
revised so that mileage wouhi l«e paid j en along the main street. It is stated I pleasure and entertainment of the com­
unloa>l«-«l. They have twen busy for the only for transp«irtation outside of a that these machines come into and are ; munity.
time by referring it to the street coin-
Ihin committee consists ««I
past few days with an extra crew get­ liuridre«! mile limit, ami that the per driven through Sandy at a rate of speed !
that would do credit to a passenger
Howitt, Thoinxs mnl Kenney.
ting this hi readiness to receive the first detm should lx* dropped entirely, it
train, with no regard whatever to the
committee will go over the streets re­
shipment of pi|a- which is expected
for Pomona meetings. The masters of danger to the people who might be < Newel P. Quimby was born September
cently survey«**! mid will mnke th«*ir
soon. Mr Batcher of the company, has the several Grangea were appointe«! a crossing the street at the time or of the 20, 1825 at Sandwitcb, New Hampshire,
recommendations *n a report to th«*
la-ell in the city the past ten days ami committee to arrange a program for the children who might be playing in the died June 7, 1910 at his home in Rock­
council at its next meeting.
The streets principally afl«*ct<*<l are,
is very attentive to the manipulation of next two yenrs. It will then be «lefin- gtreet. It is further stated that the wood, Oregon.
Mmn street south of I’owell street, Ken­
In July, 1858, be was mar rie«l to
the work in genera). Th«* large crane itely known just when each grange will . “joy,
. .. riders” in some instances are un­
der the influence of liquor and that Elizabeth Thomason of Mulbery Moun­
ney street mid Maple avenu«* in Thomp­
lias been put in position, tested and entertain.
son's a<l«lition mi«l Roberta avenue south
found to I m * in first-class working order
Another matter that was taken up their shouts and language is anything ; tain, Ark In 1885 be moved to Mill
of I’owell street All <d these have lx*en
The hoist, or donkev engine, which will was the a«ivis ability of raising the due« but becoming to ladies and gentlemen. Citv, Oregon with his family and later
Some of the people of Sandy say that came to live in Rockwood, where his
recently surv« ve«l mid th«* «lesired im­
I m * employed to run the crane has l«een to 15 or 20 cents a month.
If this were
provements w ill m*w i»- hasten««!.
put in position and will I m * tired up d«>ne it would l«e possible for the local they are going to post flotices calling last hours were spent. He leaves to
Ko far ns can l«e lenrn«-<| it is thought
UMiay. It is a 35 horse-power rig and Granges to |«av their own delegates and attertion to the law regarding the speed mourn his loss, a wife, six children,
the committee will recommenii that on
will easily handle the work.
i still have some money in the treasury. of automobiles and then if a move is Mrs. W. H. Udy of Gresham, Mrs.
south Rolx-rtn avenue it uniform grade
It is now calculated that the com-
As t<> these m-tters we have not much not made in the matter of a safer speed Ollie Baker of Portland, Mrs. E. E.
Government Printing.
lie made from the bridge to Mi lz.ger
pany w ill t«e ready to commence active i to aay. but we are strongly in favor of a the people of that neck o’ the woods Quimby of Eugene, W C. Quimby of
A storm of protest has poured U|«>ll operations along the route in al«out change in the plan of delegation to the may take the law into their own hands Haneyville, Canada, and Mrs. Myrtle
street, which is at tin* city limits,
slight cut will have to I m * made on <'oiigri'ss from all »actions of the coun­ three weeks. It is necessary before State Grange
Every grange should an«i take a shot or two at a few tires in Findlay of Santa Rosa, Cal., besides
Metzger street with which will join try in reference to the government starting on their part of the job that I have a representative. It should have the way of a gentle reminder.
fifteen grand children and six great
In one instance at Sandy not long grand children.
some of the avenues through the new printing return cards on stamps«! STT- much work must first l>e accomplished. a right to chose whom it wishes and it
vi *I o | h * h
Every printer ami country For some time now they have had a should chose its best material, and it ago a small boy was run into by an
lawreiice a«ldition.
Deceased was a member of the First
■ditor is interested, and taxpayers are crew of men in tiiis city busy every day should I* able to send the name fierson auto. He was riding a tricycle on the I Iowa Cavalry in the civil war.
A considerable fill
madu on Kenney street at its lowest objecting t<> paying (or printing w hich preparing transporting vehicles, con­ I there repeatedly if found to be compe­ street, when the auto approached 8ey-j Neighborly sympathy and kindly
|Himt where Mr. Hom' barn ia locate«!. lienetita only cor|iorations and users of structing various
apparatus, etc., tent and uselul. As to the dues there ersi persone saw the accident but before friendship was made manifest by the
The till will probably be at least nine «■iivelo|M*s in large i|uantiti«*s.
which must all lx* completed before is no doubt that the members should the child could be warned of the danger manv beautiful floral tributes, and the
When the largest corporation in the the pipe laying can commence.
leet. Cuts will In- made in tins street
favor a raise and the income would find he was struck by the car and thrown sweet voices of Rockwood’s singers
several feet landing in the ditch. Luck­ blending hope and comfort to those of
liotli east mid west of Its lowest point. world—the I' iii U m I Stales of America—
This company is purchasing an entire a go.«i openiug for une.
ily this accident did not terminate very the home recently made desolate by the
Maple avenue will be given a nearly does printing at a lose, contrary tsi the new outfit, which necessitates much
disasterouely and the boy was not badly departure of its kindly host.
uniform grad«- from I’owell street south wishes ol the nation, it is reganied as a building and blacksmithing. After this
menace to private rights. If oonttaued great amount of machinery and equip­
injured, but the citicene who live in
Lents forfeits first Game
to the new grade on Kenney street.
Interment took place in the Gresham
vicinity are determined not to have cemetery. Rev. J. O. Coleman of the
One of tin* most difficult streets so the practice will pat .he private envel- ment lias la-en completed then conn*«
The Lente ball club's winning streak
far ns grading is concermsl is south ope manufacturer out of busito-ss, and the setting up of a large numlier of was broken into ior the first time this their children, much leee themselves, Gresham Baptist church conducted
Mmn street.
It is propose«! to start will seriously affect the trade of those wagons yet to he received, setting up season when the club yielded the maimed and injured by automobiles, services and touched the hearts of
alxuit 50 feet south ol I’owell and inulte pDelncing pa|«er used in making envel- and connecting the air compressors and l>ennant to the O. R. A N. bunch last and from the way some of the Sandy hearers with a well chosen text and
a nearly uniform grade down the fl<«|x* o|x*s. An iiii|sirtant avenue of income receivers, laying of hundreds of feet •f Sunday.
The home team played a people express themselves if the auto pressive sentiment.
to a point nlsiut 20 leet north of Ford is cl**««**I, for it is impossible for »mailer air pipe to the riveters.
brave game although crippled by the people do not ail here to the rules per­
Metzger’s south line. From thin I« >i ti I printing offices to compete against th«*
All of the machinery to be use«! in 'see of their n-u <1 backstop, shortstop taining to speed something will be do­
The Bequeaith Orchestra of Portland
the grmle will l«e practically level to the encroachments of n vast gov«*rnn>ent laying of the pipe will lie mounted on Mid their center fielder This weakened ing in that locality tnat will in all prob- —16 members—givesConcert in Gresh­
south side of the bridge crowing John* corfsiration, in whose printing <*stale wheels and drawn along the big ditch. the lineup. Boynton and Locke did the bilitv not lie just what the auto people am Methodist Church, Friday evening,
mm creek
From here there will I m * a lishinent work can be done free, owing When once set up, all connected and receiving for Webb but were unable to will reiish.
Jund 24. Admission 25c. Miss Mary
uniform rise to th«* level of the tracks, to the simple fact that their payroll ia ready to operate, the wagons bearing hold him
Cahill, director; Miss Della Bradley,
The bovs feel confident of winning
it is the plan of the county to put in a met without charge to the government. the machinery will be moved forward from that*. K A N’a when they get a
Best amateur orchestra in
new bridge thin summer. It will I m * a Eliminate the payroll from any print­ to the convenience of the riveting gang. chance at their next game, as they will
P. A. O. Cultivators, one- ami two- Northwest. Classical and popular pro­
ing office and work could lx* done at a The air compressors and receivers will have their old lineup
horse, of all kinds. Also Oliver pivot gram. Orchestra and ten-piece band
little higher than the present one.
Next Sunday Lente will play I.innton tongue Cultivators and one- and two-
TJre-committee'e re|»«rt will In* panned fractional charge.
be placed as near as possible to the
arrives in tiresham in six automobiles,
All trades allied to printing an«l pub­ riveting machines to avoid the laying of and a go*« I game is scheduled. The horse guaranteed Wagons. At Heesel’e,
u|Hin by the council and the grad«* es­
owned by members.
grounds are on Fourth avenue South.
lishing are also affecte«l. Everyone long air pipe*. The sleeping and cook
tablished by ordinance.
employed in th«* graph,* arts is deprived cars will also be moved along with the
in some measure of legitimate rights bj
Self-Binders, Twine, Mowers, Baltes, a manifestly unfair government mon­ rest of the outfit.
While Schaw-Batcher company has
Tedders, just ns cheap ns Portland at opoly in any form ia repugnant to popu­
the entire contract to put in the water
Hensel's Implement Store, Gresham.
lar nh-as of government, and the peo­ pijies the entire distance from the head
ple can see no reason why large quanti­ works to the city of Portland it will
Gresham Chop Mill will I m * shut down ties of envelo|H*s should I m * printeii fr«*e not directly do all the work. Sub-con­
for repairs until h I hii H June 25th. Carl of chartfe, and hirnielitd to cor|M>rntiona tracts have lieeli awarded for clearing
nt a pric<* which makes it difficult for of right of way, the grading, the exca­
many people to continue to earn an
honest living ill tin- printing business vating on lire ditch, the hauling of the
pities, etc., the only work to be done by
«r sale in I edarvtlle, on easy — National Magazine.
company directly being the laying of
Il W Sm,shall. I'lennmit View
Weekly Oregonian and Herald $2.00 the pipe and the riveting of it together.
This is stated to be the most import­
ant and in fact tlx* only particular work
of the contract and the company does
not propose to leave any loop-hole for
The contractor who has the job of
hauling the pipe will be furnished with
Is last becoming an important factor in this bank. The 30 wagons, which are now in transit
from the Studebaker factory to
number of people dealing with us by mail increases each week direct
Gresham, and many teams will be em­
ployed besides the big traction engine
to do the work. It is intended to run
the engine night and day, making on
the start, two trips a day, but as the
That checks be passed along to their final destination without pipe is distributed to points nearer to
delay. Carelessness on your part may bar you from legal the city more trips can be made
When everything is working well it
recourse against the endorser or maker
$40 Team Hamess
Also Guaranteed Buggies with Leather
is estimated that the crew will lay and
$45 Team Hamess
You save time and money by mailing your checks to this
Single Buggy Hamess
bank. We will promptly acknowledge receipt ol same and
When the company starts out with
Double Driving Hamess
look after the collection of your checks promptly,Jno matter j their outfit the people of this vicinity
what their destinntion may be.
will see a parade as large as the ordi­
nary circus and the event is looked for­
320 - 328
ward to with much interest in and
around Gresham.
Fully IMM) people tiirne«! out Kun<lav to
I Hitnrw m gsioe ol baseball to be playetl
I here Ijetween the Lireshatn Giant« and
the Hillsdale blue.
A« E'l Johnson, who umpired the
bfittiie, callr<I time, Ixith cliil* hr»«*! up
I tine hii <I th«’ gam«’ wmn ail business from
iIo* time the first ball whn pitched.
This pr<>ve«l to h«‘ the most interesting
game of Ims«» Bull ever played on this
diamond. The two nines ar«* evenly
matched and th«« excellent infiel<l work
elicite<l round .«(ter round of applause
i from the onlookers. In the eighth inn­
ing th»’ score stool 3 and 3 and not-
w 11liRtanding the fac t that at this junc­
ture of the game the players went to
work v* 11h rtjn««w«d vigor it wan not un­
til thirteen innings had I m -«* u play«*!
lhut ••itlicr side wan ahi«« to s««nd a man
acroRN home plate. Then the visitors
succeeded in getting a score sad tin*
game endrd uith a ncoh « of 3 to 4 in
favor of Hillsdale. The Gianta h«»j»e to
get a.iother gam«* with tins nine in the
near future.
Next Hunday the Giants will m««et the
t'olumhia Hardware ('<>. on the ground«*
here. The la'ter nine claim they ran
tn-at anything in Multnomah county
and («resharn will go 'em one for luck.
II is Hlatf fl that citln-r Farmer Town­
send or Billy llienkl«« from the Oregon
University will twirl for (irt-aham.
June 26 the Pleasant Horn«« t«*am will
come to this city to cross hats with
the (»lants.
Buggy and
Wagon Sale
Banking’ by Mail
The remark that agents can duplicate our sale prices is “hot air.
have taken our line of goods away from agencies near Portland
so that we can make you THE PRICE
It is Quite Important
I 'rllt
The Grethem Meat company will take
your farm produce at latent market
I prices.
C. L. Boss & Co
I Moline Plow Co. Bldg. ]
Portland, Oregon