« IDEAL SCHOOLHOUSES GRANGE ID MICHIGAN HERALD BARGAIN OFFERS JONSRUD BROS. Ik'axrr Mate llrinld and othvi pupgrs BOHING (UCEGON i’h.'ll' Succeed tilg Gresham Vimlicator. Gresham Gauvtte. Fast Multnrimdi Record Multnomah K« cord and Monta« ilia Herald. Published Every Friday at Gresham. Ore., by the R kxvkk S t « tk P vhid » iung C o H A. DAKNAl.l., F. dit «» k « nd M imukr . Entered •* >wond eta** mattvrat the p«»M<»rtlcv at Greahatn. Ore1 a y«*ar, but l«» th«»*«* wh«» wonl«l hk«* th«1 cational Institutions Spreading. Life Insurance Company. SHOULD to ton-ten .•.»tintrt«»* Il <0 * x Month* |»t «■» *•- for « iubbt ng rutc* lEH TTUCfS >!-. Lt N M-nt b) E»i rv'>or IXwlethce Moi rs Outer. Re^i^tend Letter or Chevk Slant} • a< . pled up to *'. « MADE INVITING. Room« Well Heated Ventilated. So That the Lighted Health and EDIIORIAL COMMEM ■ •* re.pit•*• - •! The , ot lalx-l on y our jxapvr It it l membrr tho»* arc the li»w<-\| N.ilrt I.UMBER $»> AND UP "Ihe Herald'* in vombinallon w it h mix of (he folio«« Ing: I aig«- «Im k uf l>IIH»*»i*l»»ll I uml» t ult batid Kolik'It Nll<| Mfraapil luinti* ( (ot ««II |H|l|u>a«'« tvii l or r lo i< N ’•Hl I» HK<»s liorltig Hl» i Reconv inn« • I •• I JI • ••• M 4 If then» I* a llxidler ui’inge state in I tlie I nl»»n than Ml«'hlg:ttt xve «1 » n»»t kttoxv it* I ' c . ei Lat When it»«» I'Ntroii* « M"x I :n \ I I ttsxeuiblv in annual HesMlon there I* s«mi«»tliing doing fn»in th«» tlr*t roll «»• t F XIlMh H I , I «.KXN.t »'till <»f «Ivlegate* until (ho*»» >atm* del«» gat«** pack tlielr trunk* tor home l it«» recent session xxa* no cv-option to th«» ml«» They were there and every «»tn» v amt I hl» |>rl«-«' I* («>r 4rll\«»ty by inali vnthnsla*(le over the grang«* ami an\ or*ir r toil* to lend a hand and a voice, hs», «»iti) win'll rt'iultlaiii-«- I* ttiii'l« w » Hub I'*| m »■ tu») t»r ««-nt tn »«*|>«*ralr aibh to promote tlie Ititt'iesH of th«» Order mi I pt lütt» nut' tH'giii at any linn Tlten» xvure «event« *«*ven coiintl«»* represented, slxi.x thre«» hating r«»nto- na grang»** represented by 103 »l»*l«*- gai»»* and 320 Hiibordlnatt* granges rep- J R. KNARR rv.M’iitrd The total nnml»«*r "f grnng«»s ('nullitàIs. Or«* In the state I* m »!> and «»f paid up mein ls*rs 4-H.ooii rite report «»t (he Irras Plans ami !■ stimate* Furnish«*! for ail tirvr «bowed that on Ih»«* I t!n*rv was Classm of Buihling*» cash on hand amounting to >7.1321X1. » YOUR WATCH 0 KEEP TIME ! and tlu-n it think y»»ti’ll o( us hast y, < »ur Fred I). Flora Expressing. Oraying BRIGHT RIAL IY GO. P S CEDAR POSTS SII IN«! LES MOEI.I »I NOS Tl’RNEI» WORK ml« nntag«* <»l a clubbing mt«' with «»ther l‘Hp«*rs wt» <»!T«»r th»* i«»ll«»wing l«»w prices ene State With 48.000 Paid Up Mem­ Mental Energy of the School Children The past txxvuty vents have xxltti«*** «xl a marketl atlxain t* in school arc hi t«*vtmv lit num« (oxxtia in (he rural &!$OOìT!WURC(S If you 4 :««:* ' it p« p. • . out tn .cl p '« mm notify u» about the tOn« !’■. »vlvM rtpt; expirx- " ml t h i ■> pa: M*ti>tacU»ry to our ¡mtr«»n*. itieiuU it is not tn sections x»t Ute country. More mt«.' accordance with our ¡> r»ona. view» tioli Is being paid today h» school In or.l» rt: •«: . hatu. ot ad Ir» *s give oLl as »ell as new a.ldrv** CUBcit Of A0C*fS$ buildings, sanitation, surrounding* am! If no correspondence appear* from your h». ;Uivti Ih tn ex er before. CtMKVHKBTl .n wanted in every community The Lnit»«l *tvl to -id u* as many h*val item* a* you rati neighborhood. you a !■ !. »p.-nu, ,y Staten xx is alow | q making the atari, PROPENSI» ‘ X \l. « XKD* (.•:.«• tn.-hL -*x < **u< ‘ < X K D* <»F I H X N K* iîhiî $ »• st I ..tit per w rd for tir-t it >< r-lton *ut**e.,uent ive sehoul directors not doing ex er« I t .v " 'I- ’ ' - w • • ■' ‘ e. ■’» - ! ■ ♦ a oi.|. .*• c. » lit U»>K* • , r u . -x DISPLAY xDVERTtSiNG, rates made fcnowu >l- ers of the country. The John­ out dragging his infamy before house with Its surroundings should in» son-Jefferies match is threatened the eyes of the state and the na­ the intuit attractive place hi the dis­ trict. In xvhI- h every child and every with all sorts of opposition. And tion. It takes a lot of nerve to patron xvl’l take pride. Ami the in • I why ? Principally because of its brave public inspection in such room should not only !»<» inviting, but name. If there is any reason a way. Mr. Ross has l>een ad­ it s!i"u!d In» so ventilated, light«*! am! why a sparring mateh is immoral judged a criminal, and no evi­ heated th: t tlie physical health and mental energy of the children shall we have failed to see it. We dence that can be introduced not I h » Imp ilred ’’ never attended a real prize tight, will show anything to the con­ In various loxva counties the old bar bartilike structure I* b<»lng sup or even a good sparring match, trary. But he expects to escape ron. •>lant«»d by neat, cointmailotiu and com never had any interest ir. them on a technicality. He seems to f»rtal«!y equlppisi building* Many «•( and perhaps we are not qualified be afraid of one thing and that them are making rapid stride*. The problem of *upplanting the old to talk, but we fail to see why a is not his honor. It is the quiet, schoolhouse xvlth a uou «irriivtiir«» mr. man who displays his athletic sequestered vocation of those rle* uith it the dl*« ussion of several powers with his gloved fists is who board at the state's expense, ini]*ortant top • •*, chief among them being the sell m »I site, the school build­ any worse than the fellow who at the state’s private hotel. ing ami the ventilation of ihe building. enters a jumping contest, a test We can do no tietter in this connection J. J. Hill has not seen all of than to quote from Professor W I! of speed, or a wrestling match. Oregon. Not by a good deal. Gemmilk sujieriutendent of school* in If these are wrong so are all the He has not E>eer. out over the Dallas county, la., xvho give* practi tests of strength, games exhibit­ advice on all these subje* ts, as fol Estacada line, has not seen the cal lows; ing skill, and athletic sports wonderful country that lies to “In selecting a sitt» the area of the where the element of competi­ the east of Portland, the Sandy lot. the elevation, the cliarn« ter of the tion is to be considered. How­ the drainage, the dirt* ti«m of the Valley, nor has he suggested soil, sl»* jiu - have it for six cents less a tiful and inspiring scenes. gent, a man should be as able to could pound. Watch the present con­ “The house should be placed In defend himself as any inferior gress take the tariff off meat front of the center, with the play­ animal, yet he has come to think — nit.— Portland Labor Press. ground In the rear. Where the house is heated by a furnace the fuel supply of physical self defense as brutal should Is* stored in the basement. If Tuning Forks. and unworthy of a human being. then» Is no basement a small building The tuning fork xxas the invention f<»r fuel should be erected at the rear OME attention should be given of John Stone, roj’al trumpeter, in of th«» s<*hoolhouse. 1811. Though the pitch of forks v.iri»** by the farmers who are pre­ “The foundation walls of th»» scho»»!- slightly with changes of the teinper.i- paring to compete for the prizes ture or by rust, they are the most ac­ house shoul»l be l»rl< k or tom» and ex­ tern! a little below frost line. The next fall, to the offers that are curate means of determining ¡»itch. walls should be at least one foot in Tuning forks are capable of being being made by the various seed thickness and extend about three feet made of any pitch within certain lim­ companies of this part of the its, but those commonly used are the abov»- the surface. It is usually well to hav<* a vertical air ( handler, and if country. Lilly & Co., have en­ notes A and C. giving the sounds rep there is ti<> basement suitable ventila­ resented by the second and third tors should b. a "■■■ ■ some. After all, go<»d looks fade, don’t *< Irntifle manner ami even -uppl-, th»* on pens of marketable hogs. they, papa? Father Kather! Flle- apjairatns m*»»*sHary for th»* school. A goo»I stove» ami some kltclmn utensils , One of the attractions for June gende Blatter. wouhl b»* sufficient for the teaching of is the Threshers’ Association the |>rinriph*s of d»>mest|r economy. Th* Ways of Men. meeting to be held at Albany Many a man who would be unable “No mor»* important ion* are • ' nt hi ^a ill indicate the rts < .pt ot your n min .. • There Are 809 Grange« In the Wolver­ ber»— Pjtron»' Have and SMSCflFTMl UTf$ Dvr Year $1 ■»' •« a.tv am r ...•¡a -.i;,» ,t «.<.<». :.j !..•;.» »« S.: i «j BE « Mill I I t Milli» xHitlii'MBl «•< hi lau I. It. MOSS Phone AI IIMS F<»r tin* i«»!l«»xx mg at Imrgtnii' prin»s Ixts, honst*«, a»re .ig«- tracts, iartiis, liii<*tm**' •’ll»*", am! oth«r pr«»|w-rty I4\ Orr.ham. Ore. J. M. SHORT, M I) S. I». BI ITNI-R, M. I) Call r. • ■111. *-k |.« "tt « ar t»> I j - ui * M P HULU (Master Michigan «tat« grsna«» | r»»«'eipts coming in sine«» that tima bringing the total to >21.771 «»I; dis­ bursements. >20. t’AVuu; baht Lie«*. > •,• 37* '.»!> 'i he r..intuit («•«• on «•«» <>p« t tti -n ha* received from p»•iventage «»n trade «ontrmts the past year a total «»f >.S,3»kS.32. The rxp«*ns«*s of this stile »■ommitt«*e were >2.**fG4«»l, lea«lng >«l. 2’t3.»N to th«* «r«»llt of Ihe grang«- At th«* dlrectj«»n of the «*.x»»«*uth «* «•«»in- mittov this mii I h -ommltte«» purchased »luring the year G p«*r <-vnt Oklalmma h «-h»H»| Iwmls !•» th«» nniount «»f >13.000, th«* total «-»»st, including premium ami Interest. Is'ing >11.SM.7O. < >n De»*. 1. l'.sth. th«» total s«*« unties and « ash in the care of (his suls »»mmlttev was >3'1.353 3G On I hi- I, I'.sfi». the total of same was >43,23, it gain of >3. Oil I'J Then* xxjis a Hplrli«»»l dlscUNMion over a resolution favoring th»* assessment of tin* iron and <-opp«*r mines, in which northern Michigan abounds, on ad valorem basis. The r»*s»»hitl«»n xvas adopt«*»l after a h»ng dls<-nssion. An­ other, urging members of the grange not to vote for any cundhlate for the legislature who xx»»u!d refit*»* to phslge hlms«*lf, through th«* pa|H*rM, that, if el»»«t«*r that «amll- date for I’nite»! States aonat«»r who re c«?iven the most votes In th»* state pri­ mary. was adopted, other resolutl«»na appr«>x»*»l wen? th«*sv: Itelative ««» pure f'Mxl. that th«* mini«* and itddr«*ss of every manufacturer I h » plac«»«l »m th«* package; that ddegat«*s to tin? national grang»» I»»» instruct»»«! to xvork for rep- r«»s»*ntnt Ion in th«» national grang»? bas»*d c«»ntr»»l th»* wat»*r power of any stream in the state without com- p«*ns:ition. at th»* rate of in p»*r eent «m tin* capital Invest»'»! in said franchise and «at th»? rate <»f an hirreiiNe of 1 p«»r cent on< h y«*ar th«*r»»:ift«*r Tin? matter of organizing a grange Ilf»* Insurance was discuss»»»! and r»*ferr»*«l to th»» »*x»*»-titiv»» »oininit(»••• to p«*rf«*< t d«*tailM and «•ompl<*t<* organization. In tin? report of tin* committee on for»»stry It was re«omni»*n»l»*l that th«*runty fairs and that local option Is th»? host niethorl of rombrithig th»* liquor traffl»’. The annual report of the sorr»*t:iry of the State Patrons’ Fir«* Insuram*»* company xvas as fol­ lows: The company noxv has 7.3G8 pol­ icies in force, amounting to $12.115,<517. Th»* rc|w»rt shows that »luring th«* year 1.0G3 j»ol!c|»*s won» written ami bc- tw»*»*n 300 nnd 100 Increases ami only GO decreases. It has aluo written 2,100 r«?lnspectlve policies. CHOPPING AND ROLLING Cirlst Taken at any Tlme—QuMt Delixery. WE CARRY A I ULI LINE OF MILL FEED Market Price Paid for Grain SUN-DIAL FEED MILL PAIUVIILW, . ORILOON . PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. FREQUENT COMFORTABLE RAPID Springxvater Division A EASTBOUND STATIONS I’Ok l I.XN’D l.v «•olf Junction Staili«'« D'ata Jiiiirt ion *5 'aiiiorv. Jcnn»' . l.lllll'IIIHlIII «•KEMII A M Hoc» G Amlir*oii Hal» y Boring Hl. h r . Barton D» • e « r* • k l'iig|. < r« « k. »’urrhifvlll«'. E*twadn »AZADEH«) Ar ». 4 ' »K. 7 L‘l M 25 * Io 1.1 22 7 HJ H 17 «il M 27 'll 4.» H 30 |.. M .1 . ■> :trt SO M IO . 11 « 11 a 5s K OH M 03 M O'. M 1«) >♦ 12 M I*» H 24 M ¿11 M to r, ’> o '■ a w w w w u y •J W ‘1 10 |O 10 10 10 Io IO 1..' M or» IO I.» IO 22 IO .12 IO ¿g» IO 10. 10 1 > 10 IM Ml fiiij AH OO O 1 07 1 1 I'» !M 3.-.| 1 ' Ik. 1.'. 22 H2 V» 4»» 1 . 10 » 12 45 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 8 45 O.Ì 1 05 1 05 4 05 5 05 6 05 Ì OS l> 1 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 8 15 1 15 22 1 27 3 7? 4 77 5 72 6 77 r 22 a J 1 37 ) 3? 4 32 5 37 6 37 1 37 3.'i 1 35 3 35 4 35 5 35 8 35 1 35 4«» 1 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 8 40 1 40 L. 1 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 8 45 1 45 »M 1 46 1 48 5 48 1 18 .4 1 53 3 53 5 53 1 53 r»fi 1 55 1 55 5 55 1 55 fiM 1 58 3 58 1 56 1 00 1 51 no 2 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 8 05 05 2 05 4 05 1 05 0/ 2 01 4 01 • 01 1 Ot 13 I 13 4 13 • 13 8 13 1 It 8 1« II 2 18 4 11 1 78 71 2 76 4 76 1 26 35 2 35 4 35 1 35 1 35 II II II II II II 11 II II II II 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 I s ' • ! t . *< '» -- I» I" 11 c 1 .. II ; .1 n II ’• • Kl I«; Il 1 * I- . , h *< r l«> »»I 10 12 03 2 . I" I > II <»' 12 to 2 »«»iaht M M N H V y K» 10 II II II II 11 II 12 12 a 21) H) NI J) M 15 M) 1 Ml I'J X» »0 .V» 10 25 50 51 03 10 2 2 2 3 40 48 53 00 J 3 4 4 SO 58 OJ to 4 4 4 6 40 5 46 5 S3 8 00 I 50 8 SS S 03 6 10 t 40 4G 53 00 I I T I 40 46 5J 00 WHSTBOUNI) STATIONS »I 15 ti >.> 7 01 <)7I It 7 II 7 |M 22 l.v »'XZADEI«» T • E hch 'I ii »'urrlii-v III»- Eaifl»* »'ri-' k 15 31 43 52 »»2 »V. 1" IX BRANCH IRtHIDAII LIN SEMA SS It..-. I IK. I ,i r u run II'MI 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 IJ • Ibirlori HI.-f.-r Boring Hah y A ridcrMHi. Il «.It Esif « M Llhlioriiniiti J»’IHH* .. Hycn mon* Ix'tit k .1 Hin t Ion,. Stu nl< \ «0'11 .1 h net ion.. I’OIITLAND ..Ar 1'2 1.» 1’2 12 12 12 12 27 M 7 32 l’i fl ¿10,7 37 I., Miti 37 7 17 .’n’l fl IO|7 ;4i »1 0.. (i iio’s no II. » I 12 I |0 <> 1 1 »1 no.« lo 22 7 0*1 H I.. Ml 1 i » . 6 1 ■ i 30 M Ih .*<• 22 f, H M M s •» *.» *.) 0 I.» II» .'•.I ■ di Oil II .*0 IO M 9 *) •J 0 <) II 1) *.) •• '.) u it Î) 9 10 1») 1«» 10 IRGLI DAI I r. If) IH) II (Ml II 1*2 II 17! II It»1 tl 23 II II 30 II .1’.’ 11 4’< 11 1 . II 1» II „1 II ■ i<) II 0 1 12 I. 17 2o 12 10 12 l>| 12 45 1 00 1 08 1 12 171 1 n F.»| 1 ti 23 1 73 27 1 21 ;o| 1 30 1 32 1 If I-. 1 45 It» 1 »8 1 j 3 1 56 05 2 05 15 2 15 20 2 20 40 2 40 2 3 J 3 3 3 3 ‘3 . 2 3 "" 00 J 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 45 49 5J 56 05 15 70 40 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 45 00 08 17 It 11 73 11 30 32 H 45 49 53 56 05 15 20 40 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 45 4'1 59 58 05 15 70 40 4 5 5 5 I 5 1 5 5 5 I 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 45 0 45 00 9 00 08 9 08 t 20 1? 9 12 1 M 1/ 9 It 1 55 19 9 !• 2 OS 73 '• S3 2 20 21 1’ 00 9 11 2 40 30 I 00 9 30 37 9 32 3 20 31 9 33 3 41 45 11 10 9 15 4 10 49 9 49 4 70 53 9 53 4 35 58 9 5C 4 40 05 10 05 4 50 15 10 15 1» right 20 to .1) a 40 to 40 * BRANCH Ì R« >1 TDALK lidrvlcw. B h - i Un«» LIN’S EM ANN Do It Now. A. M. figures In Boman. I*. M. figures In black. a Daily Kx»x*pt Sunday. Decision never lH*»-om»*s easier by postponement, while habit grows For Oregon City, Canemali I’nrk »nd wny pointe, eh,iig<- enm at Golf stronger every «lay. Common serifie as Junction. well as conscience says, “Chooae this For Lenta, Mt. Hcott anil eaataide pointa, cliange cara at Lenta Junction. day.” General Oitlcea, Firat and Alder Hti., P oktlan », O kioon . ♦