Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 08, 1910, Image 1

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G resham
amisy F r
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
lidrvcy Hurnlsh Accidentally killed
General IIran Ip Day Next Monday
How strays Moy Ik Idkrn Lp
Truiitdade, April 6 The sail death of
Harvey llornish at Tin* lUllrs early
Baturday morning was a great shock t«>
bis inanv friend* here.
Mr. llornish
ami Ins family had hlve«l here for the
| mu *1 several years, moving to Heppner
two years sgo, he taing employed as
conductor on the Heppner branch road.
Two weeks ago hr was t»ansferre«! to
The hsllrs
Mr llornish w«s running
on the top of a « ar while the train was
In motion ami striking ins fool against
a spike, I «»st his balance ami whs I«r-
clpitated umivr the car
His Isidy waa
cut in two parts ami mangled. Mrs
Iloriiisli ia proslratr«i with grief, < Irte
baby I h » v ami an adopted girl 12 year»
old constitute the family
llornish is with her siwt««r, ’
< iraig,
here at present. lN*cra«M«l i
Kansas ami hs* no relative«
Side of Ills family. R«*V. J
c*»ndu«’tr*l the funeral wrrv
Evangelical church Monday
Mr Horniah was a mrmtar
<> \\ ami the r*«t>durt«»ra
had a large circle of Irieiida and will I m «
sadlv inisaril
The law relating to the taking up of
strav« is of interest at all limes, and for
the tanefil of th«»se who may have ««■
< a«ion to make use of information cover­
ing the various point« we will «¡uule as
• ■*»•. ti .n 2
Any annual
. «til«-,
horses, mules, sheep, goats, or h«»g«* ell-
um«*rat<*«l in N«*« li<»n I «»I this act, l«*und
running at large in Multnomah county,
weal of th«* .Sandy river, may I m * taken
up. by any |M-rs«»n, who «hall thereupon
iiiiine«hately notify the owner thereof,
if the owner I** known; if such owner
la* unknown to the person •«• taking up
such animal«, he shall, within «me day
thereafter, |«»at notioea «lescribing the
animals, with reasonable certainty, and
«dating where «aid animal« are kept.
Such notices shall l»r |xHit«*«| in three
public places in th«* vicinity wlo-ie sanl
animals are ««» taken up. ha >1 notice
shall al»o In- pub|ishe«l in one i-sue of a
w> « kly nvw»V:H***r puhli«he«l ii«-are»t to
the residence «4 the person taking up
such animal, whirl» publication "hall I m *
in lhe firnt issue <»f sai«l paper after
|M>«ti»ig «4 «ai«l nuticrw.
•'.weetion 3. The owner, or his agent,
may retake |«»e«rsaion of his animals
from the perm»n so taking them up, at
B»>rn to Mr aih I Mrs. Ray Kalman at an> lime prior to the sale thereof, a*
hereinafter provide«!, bv first tendering
Marrli ‘.’H. a ten |M»und
Kt»«« |4»v< lace and Elmer Dawrt to«»k to such prrs«>n hit cliarg«-« for so taking
|-1f I v
a <lav "ft April I and went trout tinhiug them, w Inch shall I m « as follow« .
cent* |M*r «lay lor ea« h h«*a«i of cattle,
• lid returned with a line catch
horses, or mule«; and t wenlv-five cents
I.title Johnnie M« I .in w as quit«- badlv
jM-n «lay l'»r each hea«i of sheep, hogs, or
injured at sch<a»l Tu»-»«lay last
goats, to the pvrwon taking up the
Johnson a*«identally ran against him in
same, for the lime he has belt) It, and
• n attempt to reach I'oni«’ bam* while
also the coat of publishing the notice«
playing ball.
J«»hnnie aaye hr aup-
in lli«* newspa|»er, a« in this act pro­
if it ha«t l»«*rn a |*»st it would
have IwM’ti all the same only the jok« vided lot.
"Section 4. At the expiration of one
wuiil'l have | mm - ii on the uthrr fellow.
«lay alter notice to the owner, or his
Torn Ntdtoli was slightly injure«! by
agent, in cast* of |N*rsonal notice to such
Iwmg kicked l»y a h«»rsr.
owner or agent, or at the expiration of
Mr Itaner recently «old ten acme <>t five da^s next from and after the publi­
his place. including the building«, lor cation of notice in a n« ws|*a|M*r, as pro-
I«» IN»
11«* will move with hl> family to vi«i«*«l in Berlion 2 of this act, the |«-r-
the city.
son so taking up said animal shall ad­
Mr and Mrs. <ir«‘igv Boland enter- vertise th«* same (or sale by publishing
tain«*«! their «laughter Nellie and bus- In the nrwspM|M*r d«*«ignatrd in said
Section 2, a indit e of sale, which shall
tan«l of Portland this w«*«*k.
R im »« C. l^»vrlace ha« l»rvn ap|s»intr«l «• «nlHii) the sgme description required
renaua enumerator for dielrirl 114, in- to I m * given ill lhe notice« of taking Up
of such animal, or animals, and shall
clmling Rorkwo«al and Ru»«rlville.
state that «»n a day an«l hour named
Th«* Quinn pro|«rrty, recently eol«l,
therein, which shall not I m « leas than
lias I m *«*!» divided into five acre tracts,
five nor more than ten «lays after the
one of which w«»l«l for iUftno.
«late of publication of said sale notice,
Mis« Ellen Taylor was among the vis­ lie will, at the place where said animal,
itors at Portlan«! last Saturday.
or animals, have l»ren kept since taking
Mrs W. t'ro« k« tt is entertaining her lip, sell th«* same at public auction, to
the high«*«t bidder, for cash in hand.
Saul person advertising »aid animal, or
animals, for sale shall also, on or tafort*
the date of publicatmn of sai«i sale no­
Mrs. I <1 Andre !>•» returned Iron) the* tice, po«l Hirer written or pr nlvd copies
li<«pital atxl 1» stnving with her )«r- of said sale notice in three public pl»«*rs
in the vicinity where said animals were
ents. Mr. and Mrs. ('line, at Orient.
Mrs. J. Goff of Portland is visiting so kept an«l to In« sold.
The pr<M*er<l« of said
her parent», .Mr. and
Mr». George
sal« « shall I m * appln-d to thr payment of
tin* « barges ot the |*rr«on taking up sani
Mr». Thompson of Portland ha. been
animals, as in thia act provided, nn«i
visiting her brother. Tlteo. Neibauer,
thr surplus, it any, shall In* pai«l to lhe
for a few weeks.
county clerk of the couutv in which thr
Mr» E. D Hamilton visited Mr. ami sale has ln*cn mad«*, an«i shall In* paid
Mrs. Bert llriglilon at Sandy a few days by or«ier of the c«»untv t«» the owner of
this week.
the animals so sold, upon due proof be­
Matt Kauw visited hi» parent» over ing made before sai«l court.
"Section 6.
The peraon taking up
Ralph Neibauer made n bnainess trip j aiiiinala, hs provided in this act, may
become a purchaser at sai«i sale.'*
to I’ortlaml ln»t Saturday.
Al lite regular council meeting on
Turwlny night all councilmen weie
prewent except Thorn»* ami Mathews,
the latter tiring in eastern Oregon.
On account of the «hsrnre of Recorder
Roberta» who wan out of tow n, some im­
portant matters had to ta deferred to
an adjourned meeting when lhe record­
er Could l»r present.
The committee on Health ami Police
retried that there were several unsan-
ilary ami many unsightly places in the
town ami there was nerd of s general
cleaning up. Monday, April llth was
recommended ami th«* mayor was in­
structed to issue a proclamation to th»*
citizens to help put the town in go««!
shape. Thia «Mould ta a matter of pride
with every r« sidcnt «•s|»e«ially in view
of the fart that many visitors will be in
the town during the next few weeks
The committee on Streets ami Public
Ways re|M»rte»l that an agreement had
tarn reached with the property owners
on S«»uth .Mam street in regard to the
sidewalk grade, it had tarn arranged
for a surveyor to coins out ami set the
grade slakes aid the grade will l»e es­
tablished by ordinance. Several other
street* will ta surveyed ami grades
established at the same tune.
Th«" treasurer's monthly rr|«»rt showed
that four dollam bad l»een received from
licene«- fees, with a total on hand April
1st of 11420 2M.
Warrants numbered
II ; to 44* had been paid during March,
Ilia total amount being $65 4 L
I jmhik ami discounts ..............
Bonds, securities, etc ........
Banking house, furniture ami fixtures
line from approved reserve tank*
Ch«*rks ami oilier cash items
Cob on iiaml
» 88,042.23
22 5 2
7,44u 72
» 15,0X1.00
Capital stock patii in
2,010 **>
plus fumi
1 mi
. profit», . lesa expenses and taxes paid
inbl* * lo chuck
•positi snbject
¡temami certi Ileal«** of
>1 d»*|M»sit
14,711 OH
Time certificate» of deposit
$142,142 24
Turai., .........
Coiinty of Miiltnomah,
I, E mu
mii . G. K ardrli
ardri . i ., , Cashier
Caahirr 5>f tim
tWH above
almve menlioned bank, do solemnly
■wear that the above report ia true to the beat of my knowledge and belief.
E mu . G. K ardkll , Cashier
CORRECT— Attest:
HutacrilM'd ami sworn to
A. M ryrrr
before me this 4th «lay of
T iiroimirr B rvgorr
Apr , 1910.
mil G. K ardri . l
A. M ryrrs ,
NoUry Public.
Although the la«t item on the pro­
gram la«t night at the council meeting
wan the renignation of Recorder Rob­
erta, it wan tiie moot important matter
presented and carne rather uneipeeled-
On account of duties in connection
willi bin real entate business which will
take him away from town much of hit
time. Mr. Roberta felt that he could
not retain the office ami aaked that hit
resignation tie acted on at once. Thin
wan done ami the council decided to
meet next Tuesday night to till the
In the meantime the council
in looking for the right man for the pte
aitioti. Among th* m * who have been
auggealed are, B F. Rollins, Bert Metz­
ger and C. E Pugh.
The afreet committee reported that it
would have a surveyor out «luring the
next week and th»* street improvement
work would I m * put*hr«I •• last an poesi-
Complaint whs made concerning pile#
of wo < m | left in the atreet for wreka ami
vehicle* left »-landing on sidewalk«, ami
the recorder was instructed to have an
ordinance prepared covering thia mat­
ter ami requiring everyone ¡eating a
pile of wood, a vehicle or other obstruc­
tion on any atreet of the town to hang a
re«I light on the <italriHti»n al night.
The matter of a conference between
th«* water committee ami the Portland
Water B «»aid, relative to Puli Run
water for (irealiam, was urged and ar­
rangements will I m * made at once.
Frank Ireland is a guest at Hotel
Mr. Kr«*ta. r<»ad xuperviiKir, has been
Sandy, April 5.—Keep your eye on
Sandy. Work has lieelt resumed on the putting in some new plank and improv­
road at the Meintg bill. On account of ing the road between here and Boring.
Mrs D. Jerger is having some land
the banks sliding last lall the old roail
has Is-en tn use but it is thought now cleared.
that the new thoroughfare will soon be
A. Skogen ie sick with pneumonia.
in tine shape
Wm. Welch and Benjamin
are spending a few days this
Portland and Oregon City.
Virtue is its own reward, but a little
Chas Gibbons has moved his family
cash helps out.—Farm Journal.
to Kelso.
May Shumway is a guest at the Sandy
The friends of Guy Wolfe and Nettie
Gardner were surprise»! to learn of their
marriage which occurred Suiuiay. The
happy couple left for Portland in the
afternoon w here they will »[‘end their
Mr». N. V. Lane ia conducting a bak­
ery in the Douglass building.
Harlow ftouglasa baa taken up the
raising of the rhubarb ami fruit this
year on the farm at Troutdale.
You want the Normal School ques-
tion separate»! from politics. That it
what the Initiative Bill doe» for Mon­
mouth. Tbit ia your opfs>rtunity to
keep it alwava separate. The State ed­
ucates her lawyers, farmers, doctors,
pharmacists, etc., why not her teachers.
We must have schools. The Iretter
trained the teacher, the better school
and more intelligent service the chil<l
gets. Vote, yes, for Monmouth.
A Strong Arqument.
Superlative quality of material and
Tom Hensley and Oscar Gregg from making of the 1*. A O. Buggies, Old
Troutdale were Sandy visitars one day Hickory Wagons. Superior Disc Drills.
P. A O. Plows, Cultivator», Oliver
this week.
Max Davis made a short business trip Chilled Plows, Superior Disc Harrow
on wheel», mean» satisfaction and econ­
to Portland this week
omy to the user Call for the above or
J. O Coleman, from Gresham was up
anything in the implement, wagon and
here this week in the interest of his
buggy line, at HESSEL’S. Gn-sham,
brothers in Washington, trying to se­
and get satisfaction.
cure a location for « bank.
Mrs. Chas. Chandler, who has been
very sick at the home of Rev. Ellis, is
now sufficiently improved to return to
her home.
District Superintendent Moore was in
Sandy this week holding quarterly con­
ference ami found the church work
very satisfactory
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Finger are the proud
parents of a baby boy born Monday.
• Mrs. M. C. Donahue has been very
in thr Slat»* of Oregon, nt the dose of hiisinrss March 29, 1910.
A num tar ot interested spectators
Good Roans and lhe Johnson Road
Bill were the chief topics for consider­ watched the blasting of some «tumps on
ation at the meeting of Evening Star the Minsinger ranch on Sunday after­
Grange at their hall, Saturday, April 2- noon. Win. Pitman, who ba« charge of
The lecturer read a nummary of the the work there, is surely a master hand
The stumps blastr«i were
Johnson Road Bill, that all present at his trade.
might know about it, and alno read ex- unusually large, one taing 1 IS feet high
tra« ta from eastern papers on the sub­ and eight het through at the base.
• One hundred and fifty stick« of powder
ject of good roads
There is
Talks upon these •abject« were made were used in its blasting
by Sister Maggie Johnson of Milwaukie science even in the rough work of dear-
Grange, Master J. J. Johnson, W. F. * mg land.
Tom Berhill of Portland spent a few
Brock, A. F. Miller, J. G. Kelly and
C. D. Minton, ami questions were asked davfl at hi« ranch near Marmot.
The government work lias starte«! at
by many present.
‘’Alfalfa growing” was discussed by different stations The work at Camp
Ray <>iII, who told of bis experience in qan<ly ie in charge of P T. Nhelley and
growing this valuable crop, ami exhibit­ that it Zigzag ie in charge 0. Callison.
I The improvements couaiet mainly in
ed »ome satnpl«-*.
Mrs. Helen Vail gave a solo. The clearing land an«i repairing the tele­
Mesdamew Windle gave two very tine phone lines.
Instrumental music bv Miss
Messrs. Wm. and Jim Pitman, R.
otarg, a visitor, was appreciated. Mrs. White. H. Helms and <>eo. TeoEvrk,
Winn gave two fine recitations. Emery were among those who were initiated
Dye, a new member, gave some amusing into the mysteries of (hid Fellowship in
stories and jokes.
Sandy last Saturday night. From the
J G. Kelly teld of the preparations appearance of these men ‘the day after ,
which had l»ern made for the coming •>ne may judge that the Od«i Fellow®
Farmers Institute at Gre*tam and said goat is kept well tai up on cayenne
l»e hoped all present would attend.
¡M*pper and shingle nails.
Evening Star will give the 3rd degree
Mr Burkhart and two sons of Port­
Friday evening at the Institute io place land were Tuesday guests at the Asch­
of Russellville.
off home.
Four candidates received first and
C. Minsinger made a flying trip V*
second «legrees and two new members
his ranch here one day last week.
were received by demit at this meeting.
We are expecting a new mail carrier
1 soon.
Mr. Ingrain came from The Dalles
with hi» two »laughters who will make
Mi«» Gillterth of Portland has beon I
their home with Mr. ami Mr». Max
Shattuck si'll» the l»,st »1.50 bat for l>avies.
the guest of Miss Alva Andre (or a few
The ditch to drain the Ihurch
ment is finish»»! ami it is hoped that
Report of the Condition of tho
it will end all inconvenience of having
Hie baaenient several feet in water.
Good Roads Discussed by Grangers
Ret order D. M. Roberts Resigns
Vol. 6.
Herman Raderbuch cut his foot very
bail Inst Tuesday at the Jonsrnd sawmill
and was taken to the Gooil Samaritan
No bones were cut and
it i» hoped be will speedily recover.
Mr. and Mrs. Dahlgreen of H o » m 1
River have locate»! here, having pur­
chased lhe Davies residence. They are
j the happy parents of a son born Satur­
Wanda Hoffman come out from Port-
lan<l Saturday and speiU a day visiting
her parents.
The report given out last week that
our doctor had left town was an error,
< The doctor is here and ready for his
duties. We hope to be able to correct
some of the other statements made last
week in referencs to the doctors move­
ments, but at the presert time can only
say that soma errors occurred owing to
I misunderstandings.
Fret! Wagner, an old resident ol thi»
place, ha. had a rale at hi» home in Ho
Dakota and will return to Cottrell in
Jobnie Malcomsen has erected a com­
Stillman Andrew» has hi» new house
modious cottage on bis homestead over plastered. It will be a great improve­
Across the Sandy near the Oakes settle­ ment in the neighborhood.
The farmers have made good use of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C Hodge are in camp
the tine weather during the past four
near Kolierts mineral springs.
weeks and crops are now in in good
Hodge has been laid up with rheuma­
tism but after only a few days here he
I«ell Hudson has rented the Harve
is able to saw wood and go fishing and
Metrger place at old No. 2 mill.
says be can't get enough to eat.
Paul Dunn has bought a new Oliver
The mountains all around Welches
sulkv plow, which does tine work. Mr
are topped with a fresh coat of snow
Dunn finds it easier to ride than to
but the weather down in the valleys has
been tine for several weeks.
Jas. llarneston ha» moved to the
Henry Lang has been suffering from
Proctor A Straus mills.
an ulcerated tooth and has wished for a
Tom Dunn ha» bought a hor»e which
good dentist to locate at Welches.
will be a great help to him aa he furn­
The forest rangers are beginning to
ishes the 8. P. H. mill with milk
assemble at the rangers’ cabin, about
John Dunn sold his team to Alva
two miles above Welches on the Mt.
Hood road. They intend to begin slash­ Hevel of Gresham for »825.
ing and clearing ground at once, so as
Chas. Cottee has rented his place to
1 to raise their own horse feed and have a Mr. Johnson of Portland.
pasture ground. They have their place
Kay Lauderback, of Kanaan, visited
already fenced.
relative« in tbit vicinity last week.
Albert Jonerud visited Mra. Il augi um
Weekly Oregonian and Herald $2.00 and son last week.