: LIM AI NtWS IIIMS Ganh'iiing is the order ot tne l«-d and algenend teihhmcy is shown to G-au- tify the home ground*. I HI: I’hv |HN»ple are getting insi-tetH to haw the streets, alleys and open place« in the tow n cleaned up and a general Is aiitify mg c.uii|taign N'gun. The ladies an* at t ie lh>ttoin of the inovi'iuent and haw s iggvMrv MOUNT SCOTT A family reunion was held ■( Mr*. FOR SALE—Some extra tine barred S'human's, who live* east on the I\>e- Plymouth KKl.F. — Hay. E. E. Welling, Phone 153. (11 some ¡thirty friend* on last Sunday. These friend* were all made in Nebras­ Pure bred Rhode Island Rd Egg*. ka. Among those preaent were Prof, Il perdes. Box 45, Lents, Ore. and Mr* |Whitney ot the Portsmouth FoR SAI F—Tent, with floor and school. frame. In g<*xi condition. A bargain. Mis* Hamilton of the Hawthorne Inquire Bt> Herald office. 11 •chool v isited the Lent.« school Thurs­ FOR SALE—Extra large cedat port*. day. H. E. Davis, Gresham : Phone 21. tf Miss Alice Barker am! Marribt D LUMBER—At our new mill 114 miles Wells were married last week. southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Mr. and ¡Mrs JU. C Wiley returned Jonsrud Bros. (- Monday night from an extended trip FOR SALE—Span horses, harness, in California. wagon. H. W. Snashall, R.», Gresham. Mr- Geo. Spring is suffering from a Ore 11 severe attack of poison oak. F”R SAl.E—Burbank «v.-l potatoes. l>r. andJMr- 1' C Jos*«of Ivanhoe Andrew Brügger. Melville Farm. Route lay 1, Graham. tf Miss Pearl Worden who has been FOR SALE—Eight-room honse and three lot*, on Hood ave. See Mr«. visiting the family of R. B. las* will re­ L. J. Barne«, Greaham. (12 turn to Wisconsin «am. Her father came to accompany her home. FOR SALE—Cure bred Jersey Bull, Lenta real estate la on the boom. On 2 year» <>lo not for fail to com«’ in ami let us show you over our »t«*k of Rpring and sum mrr good» that are now on stock i plrtr in A farewell party was Browning by aeonqmny of young friend 1 one night this week Rev J H. Frviind will conduct ser­ vices at the Zion Evangelical t'hurt h on Sum l.) .morning. The l.adit-s \id *ucirty had an enjoy V able tea ami busim-** meeting on Wed nvsday at the home of Mrs. Oliphant i' .ii.- art r w .«y | r .01 I .t-I• of table deli^a«’ies. Saturday U-f<»re Foster, by the Ahi socirty. At the M E. church Sunday morning then- will U- no sermon, hut. instead the C«»mniuniou service with Utptisin ami rweption of metuU*rs. The attendance at Sunday *ch«*»l last Sunday was the largest in the history of the school. U-ing 140. Emil G. Kardell is suffering from an attack <»f quinsy. Revival services will U-gin in the Free Mvtihslist church Sunday m charge R SALE. Several good work horae* cheap, weight front 12” > to 1370 Chas. J. H. McDowell, is building a large laundry building which he will equip Cleveland. Gresham. • >re. with up-to-date machinery and other­ A valuable free offer i" mad»* by Mr FOR RENT —Tw-i acres of garden wise prepare to keep the town clean. >hattuck in his ad. this wwk. I' m - »un­ and 7-room house, chicken house. E. to n ad it. Sehwedler, Gresham tf MOMAVILLA FOR SALE—My heri of tine young Jersey cow«. Some fre«h. Cheap. Also Mis® Mav Lilly, who went as mission­ 3yr-oid mare, well broke, «125 Joel ary to India in 1697, is spending a year’s Jarl, Kelso, Ore. 11 vacation among relatives and friends in F< iR SALE—Pure bred White leg­ Oregon and Washington, She gave an horn Eggs for batching. See or phone Andrew Erugger, Melville Farm. Gresh­ address at the M. E. church here last Sundav evening and was the gueft of am. tf Mrs. E. A. Kelly, with whose »laughter FOR SALE—Black Minorca hen« st Harriet she was a school mate at the 11 each. Also Egg« for hatching at ioc a setting. Fowls are pure bred. Mrs. Portland University. R. A Neibauer. Graham, Ore., R D. 2. bos ’ ■. North of Lusted aehoolboOM tf The presage of what your »tore is to FOR SALE—Pi acres 1’4 miles south accomplish this year is apt to be read east of Wilson Station. 7 acres clear, 20 0 cords ot wxxl, some coiar, spring*, root what your abvertising looks like good soil. Address box 45, Lents. 7-tf now. FOR SALE—I’ercheron home. 4 year old this spring, wt 145*', broke single Keep posted on the new« of the day or double. Clarence Cathey. Phone 9x2. tf The Herald offer« good bargains through its clubbing list. FOR SALE—Oliver Sulky Plow, new Will exchange for gooff mileb cow Shattuck is the sole agent for the C. W. Albertson, on A Cornutt farm, Gresham. (11 Ladies Home Journal patterns. FOR SALE—We have at nur harn« at Gresham, Oregon, a car of horae« i r *ale. Some drivers, all-puri*a-e and j draft horse«. All well broke. >. S. Thompson A F. A Flemming. tf FOR SALE 160 ACRES 4'J acres cleared with good house and bam. Also 80 acres of timbered land 3 1-2 miles from Troutdale Good J'enns For further information address Many thoughtful people are subscribing for The Herald. $r Ginjhimt «nd Clhcai In riidlri* «hade* mid and slylm, trimnong«* button» »nd notion» lor all l NDIKVNI AK For men women rhildrm. I ight heavy weight» HMit complete line ot !«i Mvtlin Under«««' This is the time of year will nrvtl Garden Tools and Supplies stiff Hoes. Rakes. Shovels. Spades. Vegetable Stoops, lillinq I (Mils. Garden trowels Bl SI SIIMI Ot SUOS IS (in Finest Stock of f ishing liukle ever Come to Gresham is on display at our Store. The *«a*on will Open *M*»n and you will want somr of these giMwl* Wears headquarter». If you want to buy stump powder that will give you no danger handling, no headaches, no thawing, see T. R. Howitt; he handles Trojan powder, (tf 'The The Herald for one year, and Farm Journal five years and Horse Secrets for only )1JM). Horse Secrets alone i® worth a dollar to any man. Iuirmers Oxygen Explosive Let us tell you more about it FRANK L. SCHOTT, Sales Agent 1K2 - IKft Morrlaon St. : MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER Company To get your garden and grass seeds. We have as good an assortment as there is in Multnomah county. We guarantee all our seeds to be fresh and clean. Get our prices. We can save you money as we buy direct from the growers - - - Price SO eta. ci w-s COLDS AND COUlì ti S Livingstone. Of Dr. Livingstone it win ««Iff by Rtanlejr that the missionary lived for years among the moat cruel and ig- num nt savages In the world, but he never fired a shot In anger, never “clubbed or clouted or banned or blast­ ed.” His manner was that <>f a "cool, wise old man who felt offt-nded and looked grave.” T. R. Howitt W’e carry all you need in STANDARD DRUGS Your Circumstances Revtrssd. fnkempt Smith- Mister, would youae kindly help a poor man an is all In. down and out? Jocular citizen—Why. certainly. Just climb the tire ewape on that skyscraper acLoss the street ■ ml walk In on the top floor. Then you will be all out. up and In.—Judge's Library. Groceries. Crockery. Hardware, Hour and feed Prescriptions Filled P(»VM I I MT. SCOTT - si . GUI SHAM. NOW’S THE TIME TO FEED STOCK TONIC DRUG CO. LENTS, PORI I AND. ORH. Your Time Has Come White Pine Tar and Pum Why He Cried. No grip I« so hard to shake off aa thnt of early convktlona.—Maurice Thompson. New You have all heard of it. Never lie fore has such clubbing com­ * binations been offered as The Herald i* offering. How is this: The Herald fur one year, Farm Journal five years and Horse Secrets for I !.(*>. SEE CHAUNCEY Foster Road and Main St. Gresham, Oregon If you are looking for an industrial investment that will pay you steady dividends for life; then buy a block of Govern­ ment Standard Powders 7 |?er cent perferred stock now 50 cents per share. This is OREGON BETTER GET A PAIL __ Watkin’s Stcxrk Tonic, - 30 lbs. net $3.00 « << 100 lbs. by the bbl., 9.00 Watkin’s Poultry Tonic, - 15 lbs. net 1.50 Watkin’s Stock Dip and Lice Killer, 1 Rai., 1.50 « « « 5 gals., 4.50 Delivered Kt nearest RailroaR SALE — 10 acr»-«. 1 >s miles, southeast of Gresham. All in cultiva­ tion. 5-room bungalow, barn and three Administrator’s Notice, poultry houses. All kinds of fruit trees and -mall fruit. 2l3 aire» of Notice is hereby given, that the un- strawberries. Also horse, cow, poultry, dersigned was on the ."»<1 day of Febru­ wagon, harness, etc. P Price right. ary, 1910, duly appointed administra­ terms. H. I. Bal), Route 4 ( 13 tor of the estate of 8. B. Edwards, deceased, bv the County Judge of Mult­ nomah County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby noti­ fied and required to pre*ent the name to this administrator, duly verified and with proper vouchers, within six months In 20 or 40 Acre Lots from the date of this notice at the of­ fice of B. F. Rollins, Justice of the Peace, at Gresham, Oregon. Dated this 4th «lav of February, 1910. C harles E. E dwards , J. N. B rown , Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. 11-4 Miles off the Carline IS Miles from Portland Shattuck sell* the beet • mm vwr *h«»w n. Callon «nd Weil Slit"«« in all color» ami shade* Df-aler in 2 LUXIBICR Doors and Windows, Mould­ ings, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Plaster and Builders’ Hardware - Î O resham, Oregon C. H. LANE Traveling Salesman for The .1. It. Watkins Medical Co. Gresham, Ore. J T