Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 11, 1910, Image 3

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    caret n
out of the profits on gV> worth of
business he replies that he has not
found It necessary to do so very often.
Marchant Devi««« Cl«v«r Card System
Comparatively few customers are stile
Which Bring, Local Trad«
A merchant of Oklahoma lias put to find ten others who will buy *.l
Into operation a clever advertising worth of mercharellse am! present the
•i heme for building up home trade card. But almost everyIxaly will dis­
which lie reports a valuable one, and. tribute them, and the returns are < on-
ai-eordlng to him. without any draw- i sidereNe if but one <*om«-w and buys
it Is a goisl ami legitimate gain for
bui'ks. It is a« follows:
If four come. It Is
lie prepnrea a large unrulier of cards. [ the merchant.
which are numbered eon»e< utlvely A good; If nine come, so much the l»-t-
set of theiw lie gK«m to enrb customer t«-r. and If ten come, then he 1« willing
Wlx> «l«-slr«K them. These ten <’ar<1» to pay that much for tbe sake of the
the customer is supposoi to distribute. I gain. He figures that, fnalend of hav­
and the persona who receive them are ing to pay g5 for every ».'<> taken in
He re­
to return them to the store. If they he pays but about M cents
do so and purchase *5 worth of g«esls gards this as reasonable enough.
at tbe time of returning them the
Writing For Money.
party first receiving tbe card* 1« en-
Pon«! Father Yes. my boy at tbe
tltl«-«l to receive
worth of goods
varsity has written --veral articles for
free of charg«*
the magazines.
The merchant claims for tbe »cherne
Friend—But he's not a professional
that be we urea a raluable and accu­
writer, surely?
rate mailing list; he get« advertising
"What do you mean by ‘profession­
matter dlstrlbut«-«! free of charge, be al ’•
gets strong recominendstlon for hi«
"Why. be doesn't write for money?"
■tore at the bands of bis customers,
"Ixiesn't be?
You ought to see
even though It t»e for self Interest
■ome of bls letters to me!”—Exchange
■ lone; he runs no risks, for tbe cards
must lie returned and placed on file
Possibly Tru«.
after purchase« fx-fire tbe gift bi
Mamma (to a friend who is lunch­
made; au endless chain feature is es­
ing with hert—I don't know why it is.
tablished thus which perpetuates It­
but 1 always <*ut more when we have
self for a considerable time, for when
company than when we're aloue.
one customer sees another getting
Tommy (helping himself to tbe third
something for nothing through those
piece of cakei—| know why it is;
efforts be is Inclined to try for him­
'cause we have better things to eat.—
Brooklyn Life.
fn reply to the wonder expressed
Th* Col urn Bill river is booming there
1 lie Wind River Lumb^r^cornpxny
H m 'I m I hri I five liureired log* «wept a*uy
by the high water* mii <! for several day*
la "I Week the river here wu* tilled with
log* and drift. The Reed tx>y* caught
about two humired log* and turned
them over to the Wind River Lumber
Mr. Fleury of Portland wa* looking
after pro|>ertv inlerewt* here la*l Sun*
■ l.iy
BROAATN Rockwood, Ore.
ItMdl Aqent of the ORtGON IIKI KI 111 I ASSOC IAIION
The most popular Farmers’ Insurance in the State.
(>et his rates.
Rockwood, Oregon
Phone ¿31
Mr and Mr*. Taylor went to Portland
on Monday
The Seventh Bay Adventist* are deal­
ing ground preparatory to building a
We have I mtii getting burst* of *UII
At the meeting of Columbia Grange
shine liere of late but it isn't Mtrong
P. of H. No. 2fl7 Saturday, March 5,
enough to produce color blimlnen*. The
James Pounder was elected master in
farmer* are rejoicing over the harbiri-
place of Roy Mer*hon resigns!. Mr*.
I ger* of Nprmg
< . E. Smith refused to I m - ir>stall«*i a*
' C. Krebs yi|**ct* to wtart up hi*
lecturer and Mrs. W«M*iward wa* elect­
brickyard *<*m.
ed to fill the vacancy. There wa* a
F. luingrrson is proud of hi* new span good attendance. Messrs. Ransmussen,
■>f mule* which he purchas’d of W. F. Gao. Knierim and F. N. Lasley were
fleet«*! as (delegates to the county con­
Johnson A Nelson's **awmill is run­ vention at GrtMiham, March 12.
ning only a few each month.
Mis* ¡.illy RasmtUHMtn returned from
Ed Revenue caught a *tcelt>va<i salm­ Portland Saturday.
on weighing 27pound*.
F E Reed move»! his family out
Frank Bacon ha* gone to Eastern from Portland on Friday, and will occu­
Oregon where he intend* to make hi* py the rooms flitted up over tbe ware­
future home.
that he could afford to give gj away
Thoma* Clark i* «aid to lie on the
Mr*. Sarah Kincaid went to Astoria
verge of a collapse from telling funny to Visit her daughter.
Wilbur Evan* has rented the Chas.
Rev James Moore, district sufmrin- Smith farm and has taken |*>s*e*sion.
Undent of tlm Methodist church, wa*
in town on Friday and Saturday looking
after the interest* «»I the church
Mr Savage sold hi* prop» rty Iwn* last
t Mr. Elim i* the pallor.
The Odd Fellows have l*-en getting wi-vk t<i a Mr. Myer* from Portland.
Guy Cole i* able to !*• out om e nwn‘
busy of late and have h«-en initialing
new memlM-r*. Th«*»«» recently joining after quite a severe *ickne»<*.
are, John Kemeker, Geo. TenEyke amt
Mr <>ld»*nburg ami hi* *on* Loui* ami
Wm. Allen. A walk ha* been put down Frank
have returned from eastern
from the hall to the corner by the < iregon.
Mr*. Morri* of Portland visited Mr*.
Mr. and Mr* McKinney and «laughter C H. Benedict thi* w«*-k.
llice are guest* of Mr*. R Winter*.
Mr ami Mr- W B. l«aw*on ar»* visit­
. . . YOUR HOME BANK . . .
The service at the Catholic church ing hi* parent* her»
last Sunday morning was well at­
Mr* Herman i* getting ready to have
a new house built tin* spring.
Irene I»<»ugla*s returned to her studms
L A. Barrick w « l - down from Salem
at the Portland high school after a visit <»n Tne»*iay.
here over Sunday.
Mm. J T. Belk of Wichita wa* hen*
Will pay you 3 % on 6 months’ deposits, 4 % on 12.
Check Deposits Solicited. Money Loaned.
Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued.
Tax*Statement on application.
lino. Hennessy was sick the latter on Thursday calling on friend*.
part of the Week but is better.
Mr*. Garrett and baby have returned
to Barton after a few dav *' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. V.
Jas. Allison has purchased a lot from
the >amly lj«nd company ami will soon
build a house.
Gramhta Ridderbusch made a trip to
Mi**e* Georgia, Edith ami Maliel
Reynold* were out from Portland to Oregon City to |*av hi* taxes, lie i*
getting quite old but still like* to at­
V W. Zimmerman i* basing hi* r«*i* Nprnd Sunday with their parent*.
dance iepa|M*rr<| and | amt *d.
Mi Jone* and family left la*t week tend to business.
Mr*. Cha*. Chandler who ha* lieen
P. Smith'« non* from Grraham ' for their new home near Oregon City.
( han Lewi* is having the lots lying quite sick is but slightly improved.
had their buggy ami haine** badly
Mr. Miller ha* bought a lot of the
broken up here Tueadav night while at­ i lM-twven In* place and the carline
tending a lecture given by Rev. Sam cleared, which add* much to the look* Sandy Land company and will build a
Betti* in the M E. Church. The iiorar of the place.
\rata Brother* are making a numb-r
of improvemrula on tlitir farm.
Mr* I. A. Harlow entertained the
F.d F. Brun* made a trip to Portland
The ladie* *«i«,ty of the Smith Me­ Five Hundred club at her home on Sat­ early tin* w« « k.
morial church held their annual election urday afternoon.
Ab. Edward* is building a large house
•of otllcer* and nerved a ten-cenl tea on
D. F Button i* still «¡nite ill.
on hi* property The street will soon
Thuraday afternoon.
lie o|»ene«l up through this property a*
several have («ought lot*.
Mr* O. II Jenkin* ha* returned from
Cha*. Chandler brought bi* wife from
u nhort vi*it with her non Elmer ami
Mr ami Mr*. Adolf AnehofT visited the *awmill last week when she wh *
wife in Portland.
friend* ami relative* in Troutdale for a taken sick ami Mr* Ikmgla** allowed
The Harvey family of Troutdale have
few days the ¡m*t week.
| them to use the third story a* there
rent«*I ami will occupy the T. J. ('rule
Mi*« Eda Helm*, who ha* Iveen em­ was no other place. This wa* so un­
ployed in Portland for some time, is comfortable and inconvenient that Mrs.
W J Jnngnickle ha* moved hi* fam­
visiting her parents here.
i Ellis bad the sick woman removed to
ily to their lately acquired home at
Mr. Honaliiie of Portland wa* a busi- her home where she i* now taking care
of her. The report that Mrs. Bougla**
ne** caller nventlv.
Geo. Bechill ha* been *pvmiing a few put her out is not true.
bocatn* frightened at a pa**ing tram.
day* on hi* father'* ranch.
Among recent mu proveniente we note
Th«« Mi**«** l.ura Haggerty ami Minna
that C. I
Krill I* building a large ami Mary Helm* of Bull Run *pmt
dairy barn ami J. R. Cavanaugh i* (in- Sunday at the Helm* home.
tailing a neat cottage.
A most enjoyable party wa* given at
Mr. ami Mr*. Kav Tumbling have the Home of Mr. and Mr*. Helm la*t
moved to Amlioy, Wa*h., to reaide. Mr. Saturday evening for their ifeiighter,
Tombling ha* opened a meat market Mi** Eda. The young jveople enjoyed
dancing, music ami card* uutil the we«»
The literary club gave a hard timet 1 *ma' hour* and say that few parties
inicial at Melmac (arm lant Friday even­ i have lieen more nucceeafully carried
ing Muaic, game* and an old faahioned out.
candy puli were feature* of the pleaaant
Mr. Phelps wa* in Oregon City the
week on business.
Mrs. Roy Cooper ha* gone to Milwau­
kie to spend a few days with her
I mother.
Many were disappointed at not hear-
i mg Rev. Jas. Moore a* had been mi-
non need.
Fever Sores.
Fever sores and old chronic sores
Mr and Mrs. Howard Lake of Orient
should not lie healevl entirely,but should ■
were the guest* Sunday of her mother,
t>e kept in healthy condition. This can
Mrs. Bruns.
lie done by applying ChambeiIain's
U’e Chalkvr and son from Gresham Halve. This salve has no superior for
this purpose.
It is als«i most excellent
visited Cha*. Cox and mother last Sun­
for chapp«*d hands, sore nipples, hums
and diseases of the skin.
For sale by 1
The Farmers Institute which was' Gresham ¡'rug Co.
Mr*. J ames Burn«, Hr . returned from
The young Indies’ Boreas *ocietv will held all «lav Friday under auspices of
n week's visit witli fried«!« in I’ortlaml
meet at the home of C. P. Johnson, the Oregon Agricultural College wa*
an.l Government Island.
' well attemlctl. Chas. A. Cole ami Mr.
Mr«. B. W. Grant »ml «on Donald of Saturday, March 12, nt 2 p. m.
\ *urpri*e wa* given Mr. nml Mr*. | Scudder from that school were present
Portland visitcl >»* Glenalder farm,
while Mr. Grant wa« completing the Frank Johnson on their return from and gave talk* on Important qu«*stions
When they reach«»d concerning farming.
work at Pammeirr cottage «• Gresham. Abe«><leen, Waali
II. I l.oiitlut recently Ismglit 3'acres their lioni«» they found it lighted up ami
II l'll<liis whole Im will icside alter all of their friend* in the neighborhood
Administrator's Notice
gathered there to give them a hearty
March l’>.
In the Countv Court of th»» State of
A *plemlid luncheon was
Before leaving the Chapman place,
spread in the dining-room ami a good Oregon, for Multnomah County.
Mr ami Mr« II. I Doulhet were given
In the matter of the estate of John II.
time was had. rest, dccrasetl.
Il pleaaant surprise by their young mar­
Notice is hereby given that the under­
Rev. B. Tlmreeii of Portland preached
ried friend« lour table« of progressive
signed ha* been apptintrd administrat­
pedro were played, followed by a «píen- in th«» Swedish Mission church last rix of tlm estate of John II. Everest,
decease«I, bv the County Court of the
did luncheon daintily served.
A. Peterson and family who have state of Oregon for the county of Mult­
been staying in California for three nomah ami ha* «|ualifl«*vl a* such.
I ntiTtdlnmcnt at I dirview
All persons having claim* against sai«l
year* have returned to their bom«» here
estate ar«» rrqiiire.l t«» present the same, '
An entertainment will I m » given by where they will soon build a modern
duly verifletl as re, pi ire« I by law. t«» said
the Fairview Grange, Saturday evening, residence.
adniinstratrix at the otliee of Johnson A
Commercial building in
March B>, at tbe *chi*»lhou*e. Some
Mr. and Mrs. \V. But telson enter­ Van Zante,
very rieellent outside talent ha* been tained number of friends and relatives the citv of Portlaml. Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first publi­
*ccurrtl. Come one anti all. Admimion at dinner Sunday.
cation of this notice.
Itle ami 2fic.
Administratrix of the estate of John
II. Everest, «h»cea*«Hl
Many thoughtful people are Read the “Want Ads.” You
Dated and first pub. Feb. IS, 1910. 7-5 [
Wants Supplied on page 8.
subscribing for The Herald.
Wh«-r«-as, Tbe ir«-«t ami «upreme
Ruler of the uuiverae has in hi» infinite
wiiuloni rein<>v«nl from among u« one of
our worthy ami e»teeme«l fellow labor­
er«, Otto MeEarland; ami Where»», the
long and intimate relation held with
him in the faithful di»cl>arge of hi»
duties m this society make« it eminent­
ly befitting that we record our apprecia­
tion of him ; therefore.
Resolveil, That w ¡»domandahilitv
which lie has eierci.edjin the aid of our
organisation by «ervice, contribution»
and council, will be held in grateful re­
mem btance.
Resolved, That the sudden removal
of such a life from among our midst
leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will
be deeply realise«! by all the member»
and friend« of tin» organisation, and
will prove a serious loss to the commu- <
nity and the public.
Resolved, That with deep sympathy
with th«- liereaved relatives of the de-
ceaeed, we express our hope that even
so great a lo«s to us all may lie over-1
rule-1 for the good by Him who doetli all
thing« well.
Rosolveil, That a copy of these reso- '
lutions l>e spead upon the record of this
organiiation, a copy print«*! in the lo­
cal pa|wr and a copy forwarded to the
liereaved family.
E. C. OTT, Chairman,
A Sprained Ankle.
As a rule a man will (<■*! well satisfied
if lie can hobble around on crutches in
two or three weeks after spraining his
ankle, ami it is often two or three
months l>efore he is fully recovers«!
This is an unnecessary loss of time as
In applying Chamberlain's
directed, a cure may a« a rub- be effect-
ed in less than one wi-ek’s time and in
many cases within three days. Sold by
Gresham I'rug Co.
Packard’s l'x'st on Earth)
All the Latest Spring Styles
The store that does not advertise
probably hasn’t anything to advertise
that would stand the "advertising test"
rs to values, etc.
The Largest Assortment
Came Near Choking to Death.
All Shapes and Makes
A little I miv , the «on of Chris. I'. Pet- ;
eraon, a well known resident of the vil­
lage of Jacksonville, Iowa, had a sud- I
den and violent attack of croup
Much j
thick stringy phlegm came up after
giving Chainlwrlain s Cough Remedy.
Mr. Peterson says:
"1 think he would
have choke«! to death had we not given
liim this remedy.”
For sale by Gresh­ •
am Drug Co.
Leading Clothier
CireHlintu, Oregon