Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 25, 1910, Image 5

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The rnoht popular Farmers’ Insurance in the State.
Get hi« rate«, ('all up JOHN BROWN.
: Phone 2.11
Rockwood, Oregon
Th« Indio nhl mm ’IH v »••»•••ntly <»»g«n-
m*«l will in«'« t w illi Nir* Milt'« Gum-
»haw W«'dii«**<lay «1 ivi- ii « m » h ,
Two n«*w num«’* were prr«rute<l at th«*
the all-ilav meeting of th«« grungn livre
Inal Katuiday. Ilev lUltm wh * |>r «««•«-nt
and «'*pr «*••»»« I Ills view« ns to III«' gnut
Wolk th«* grange was doing throughout
thr muntry.
It !■ rr|M>rtr<l that meaa«dw and *rar-
let (ever Iota broil «’ll <»Ul ill Mr. ('rock*
•ll*a hmiily.
Mr lAinberry’a children are on lb«'
•lek lilt
Mm I Ila Tavlog «pent Saturday and
Munday with her parent» at t »ta« ada
Mr ami Mr* J qmnn are *|irn«ling a
few dav* at tialK
Kev b Betti« w ill lecture «»n * hriatian
KM'ialiain Kalur»lay evening, F« hruan H.
W. A btunr «if <’!»« Itaiii4« county
•pent a few data last week with Mr and
Mrt. J K'rliin<»nd
A I Miller of Sellwood viilled our
<« range last Halurdav.
your watch o
UU lo keep time :
It m»t, we’ll cure it, ami then you’ll
womlvr why y«»u dbl’nt think <*t u»
long IwfoF«’.
^11 our work gnarautf d
No hasty.
b 1 ip «I i < h |
j«»b buv<* our »hop
workmen are audit'd tnd «•un*c’U’ntiou*.
You'll ti“l grumble at the prh*«’*,
Fred I). Flora
IVI', Morrison Mt
V< iR’l LAND,
S. «r I’ap'a Restaurant •
grange directory
.¡KA«< K Ww
Matur.l<»> ai 1
P m - alni l«»artli
Stuoia) al I' *’a ni • '<•’) luoiith
iu»« kW.nlll « R tsur Merle thè flr»t W «wt
-la» ot each muntb al * |» m ami ibirU Hat
unlav al I’» a m
MI |.l \uM All «.li G'-> M» 71
In .•». ry monili al IO »> a ra .
In Granar hall, orleut
Meri* Ar«l %%<•«!nea
«lai al lo »’a m
Ihlrd Tu«».|»y riming al
a i/cliM A « tu h tuonili
R usm i|v|lh- m h.M.Ih..»»•«• un Ih»’ •«x,on«l alni
iuurlhHalurday •■Kb la In rat li iliuhlh.
f\KN!N<» a|’AH UHAN<«1
Mrrt-» In thè ir
hall al Rouih Mu mi fabor n tb«
«lai « I • a. Il m.Hith al IO a m
All visitor» are
Mr. 1« •«•* «»n«l baiar
day In «a« I» month al !<’ ■*’ »
IHM AM I * t,|{ ANGE. NO jui
Merle Arsi
hai tirila) • a» h monti»
IEM AGKAN'.E Merla «rcund Halurday of
< a< li monili al IO ■*’ a in
« I A» h AM AH <.R AN»»K NO '.'*•* Merla ih»
Hr»l haiurday II* thè monili al H *’a m atei
<h. ihlrd Haliirday al 7 *» |» »«
« Ol i Aliti A i.HAN'.t NO
Marta in all
«la> »• »»Ioli Or«» Thur-day In va« li monih In
grange hall tirar t uri« il
[Granir* «re requ»••i«*d l<» «rnd toThr llerald
Inìoniation ••• tliat a brirt <ard can I* run
«ree under thi» I h adlng
Mrnd place, day and
tiour ol nirvtlni)
Rev. S G Roe«». p»»l"r. Hervice»,
Stimlav Sehi»l. I"« <■• : Preaching
everv Munday »1 II a in. anil * p m
Prayer inwtiiig, ThurwUy evening .t
H <>'cl<H'k
All »rleonie«l.
lir.nlinin Kev. F II Freund, paetor.
H kkvii r- (German) 11 •• ••>., every
Hunday morning Kunday wli<*>l at
10 a. in
Saturday wliool al p. m.
(•nritt ll.«Gre«liam— P aktou , Rev
M l< Pamunagian.
Saavn «». Sun­
day S< h.Hil. 10 a in.; Preaching at
11 a in and « p. in every Sunday.
Prayer inerting, Thursday evening,
at H o'einek. Everylaaly invited.
Troiitilale, Feb. 23 G. N Jone* aii'i
If. N, Xfaxey and
for tlieir obt home wife h ft Thursday for their i>« w home
Mr* Maxey's par­ tu-ar Canby, where Mr. Jones recently
and wife, atvum- |>ur« h»-d a farm.
Mr*. L. Allard is *|Mrn<ling a few «lay*
K»'V. Betti* delivered two temperance with relative« in Portland.
lectur«** in the XI. E. church here thin
1» I Buxton in very ill at his home
wi’vk, one <m M oik I sv arid one on Fn here, ne<*e»sitating the attendance of a
day. Mr. Bettis ex(»ert« to leave ill a trained nurse.
few day« to ««eirtl in a Nebraaka tern-
Mrs I Campla'll hm taken up her
|a*ratire crusade.
residence in Portland w here si»«- is em­
Fairview, Feb. ?3
family left thi* week
in Caldwell, I laho.
ent*, Jarvi* Butgrr
paned them.
Plan« are Iw-ing made to bold a camp ployed
meeting in th«* «pring.
Will pay you 3 % on 6 months’ deposits, 4 % on 12.
John Shephard ha* g«>nv to I’tah to
Mr*. XV Ellison «'iitertained the la«lies purrhas«* «beep.
Thi Ih-lping II mih I B'H'irtv of ('«flrtr
Check Deposits Solicited. Money Loaned.
hi«*l Ttiurmluy ifu<rit«N»n it tb«* borne of Bociely Thursday aflernooii.
The two children of Mr. and Xlrw.
C Beil« and wife ot Portland have L-wis have i*een ill with scarlet fever,
Mn. J 1 Holte.
There umr ■ lirg«*
Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued.
•llentlinrr, i g«MM||y number of g«*ntlr. moven their furniture here and will but are convalescing.
mrn ml'liiig tl>«»ir present*«« to the orra- « m i upy their residence recently pur-
Tax Statement on application.
Mrs. Inlow of lA*nta has assumed
A n«<«* lunch wn iwrvn<l by tb** vha«e«l from XV. W. Ashcraft.
charge of the Riverview hotel which «be
hoit<*M mih ) h plt NMKtil ifteriifxin wn<
Mr. and Mr* Elmer Jenkin* are the lately purchase«l from James Moore.
proud parent« of a «on Ixirn February 14. • Mrs. J layman, who has been here
Mr Cliiy Brown of Kiirlmnk«, Ala*
Mrs E. E. Ileslin and two young«*st assisting M in . Roy Surlier in caring
ka. i« the gu«*al of Mra. <» \V. Allder.
children s|M*nt part of this week with for her baby «luring the little one's ill-
Mn Clautle Brown an<! little (laugh­ relative« in Portland
ne«s, has returned home, a« the chil«l •lo!e a march on the miatreaaoi Bucklev pasaeil as thia one. Garnett has been
Grave and (jacking up the surprise by one of u« for several year« and ia highly
ter Florent «* of Hli*», Idaho are viaiting
Miss W lx'wrlh*n of Springwater wa* ta improving
a guest ot her consin. Iva Cornet, over
J. K. Sham has been here a few days hamlftone gift* and congratulatory wiab- reepected. The handsome home of bis
Mia* Helle Br«>wn and neimw'Neta and Munday.
«•• for her birthday. The day wa* wioet parent« wa« thrown open for the enter­
visiting hi« son.
tainment of bit guests and its artistic
Freda, and nephew Barrel Brown will
Hr. Brigg«« is moving his fwinily to
Word ha« l>een receive*! from Mrs. pleasantly »pent and the mail of the
interior presented a charming acene,
depart for Illi**, Idaho on a vliit after a Portland.
Fox and duughter that they reached day brought many valentine« and poet
card« attesting to the kind feeling of where gallant youth of both sex danced
few dava aojourn here the giirnt« of Mn.
Jack Bagley was here Sumliy from New York in safety.
the many friends in home and distant to the strain« of sweet music and charm­
Portland the guest of XV. Ellison.
Mr«. Miller ami family are occupying lands.
ing maiden« served choice refreshment«.
Mr*. Ferguson of Portlan«! is visiting
J. I.. Hanna and family of Portland the llumell house.
One of the guest*. Mr«. E. E. Arnsping-
h«*re tbiN week th» guv*l of her wialer
Speaking volume« for the aocial aide er. also rejoiced id a birthday on that
vi*ite<l nt the G. II. Khaw imine Sunday.
A ball will l»e given in the Masonic
Mra Henry Jones.
of life here wax the J »arty held at the date and was the recipient of many
1 he Arti«an beige gave a ikm ial and hall on Saturday night by the Troutdale
home of Mr. and Mra Samuel McCart­ presents and good wishes.
A pleasant birthday surprise was giv*
dance Saturday evening.
ney when their aon Garnett waa moat
«•Il to Mr* H W Fisher I’tieislay even­
Esther. Harold au«l Fred Shaw re-
The man w ho prrsivts in peeping into agreeably aurpriaed bv hi» many friend».
ing. M<mn and five blind re« I were lite
Keep floated on the news of the day.
turn«*«i from Eagle P«>int Tuesday where window» at night and Heightening wom­ The affair wa» celebrated in uonor ol
features of the evening
they have l«n th«* guest« ot their gland en had better »top. The matter is being tl.e birthday anniversary of the young The llerald offera good bargain« through
The marriage <»f Mt*s Caroline I’Mitli
I »a rents.
handled hy the authorities and some man and in their many good wi»hex his its clubbing list.
Itoaaner and Fav Tumbling of
Mi** Hatlie llawlett and L. Smith individual will In* punished to the full g next» ho|>ed that every niile-etone of
Moines. Iowa, wa* «juietIv eelebraled in
Eagle Point are gur*l* at the home extent of the law if apprehended.
hi» life’» journey will he a» agreeably Weekly Oregonian and JHeraJd $2.00
Portland F«*hruary 19. Th«' bride, who Of
G H. Shaw.
I* the eldest daughter <»f Mr. and Mra.
.1 lfoasner. baa a larg«* circle of friends.
She wa* lieautifully attired th a prinrrsw
Mr and Mr«. Enianuul Anderson
gown of whit«*, trimming* “f deli« ate
were pleasantly surprised !a«t Monday
XV r art« hnviiiK the wor*t storm
lave. Tin numerous friend* wish them year. It Its* Iw-rii «nowiDK f<»r (
in honor <»f their 35th uedding anniver-
a long and happy marrietl Id«*
u»-ck «nd itllhough the *n<>w is wet smi aary. XVhile Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
Design 859. by Clenn L. Saxrcn. Architect.
molls «juite I a »I there is about 18 inches were in (Heshatn att«*nding the dedit a*
lion exercise« their children and rela­
on the level
A iiuiii I ht of the Valley |»eople attend­
XX’ iii . XVelch is arranging a picture tive* arrive*! froni Portland and t*K>k
ed the basket social at K««t'k creek last gallery in the hotel for the e«! ideal ion of |M>e*et**ion >1 the house. A sumptuous
Saturday evening. The pr«MT«il» which himself and invited gue«ts. Invitations (east wa* spread and on the arrival of
the host and hostess they were present­
amounle«l to F’3 will la* inv«*alr«l for to 1»e issued latter.
ed with some costly presents.
le»oka fur the at*bot)l.
Honald Bodely is one of the genial
[»resent were. Julius Anderson and
Washington's birthday was properly guests al XX’elrhvs hotel.
family, Vancouver. XX*ash ; Kev. H. E.
ohsM txcd by the school here.
Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Irelald are San*t«dt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Walter Johnson and wife are spend­ gm-sts <»f Mr and Mra Tuwney at llol«*l
Anderson, Mrs. Harry Price, Mr aid
ing a few davs here visiting tbe former's Maulding.
Mrs. t ari Anderson, Portland and Mr.
parents on the ranch.
Thre«' h et of snow is ref«nrte«l at and Mrs. Gus Larson. Gresham.
T. I’ Pirtle ha* lierii looking aft«*r H*Uel Rhododendron and more corni
The ladies missions society will meet
his ranch near Cort»elt.
Saturday. February 2t! at 2 p. m.. at the
(* f Cheek ia moving tu Grandma
Feeling a great intere*t in theeflirien- home of Mrs. P. A. Staffenson.
Kvateraon's place.
( v <»f our popular stage driver and mail
Kev. J. A. Levine, formerly of Powell
A daughter was l»orn to Mr. and Mrs. carrier, XV m Bart man, the citixen« of X’alley and founder and builder of the
E<1 Cunningham Wednesday afternoon. r XVelrhea tendered him a l»an<|uet Mon- Lutheran church bere, made a short
February 21 in Mr. visit with old friends here last week
Welches magnificent dining room, in and |»reache«l to a large congregation in
appro« latjon of his services
The scat the church Monday evening.
of honor **s tastily d«*corated with
Mrs. Silas Hah' ia improving.
The young people will give a Lincoln
American t!.ig* as a fit emblem of Mr.
Kuth XX htTltT and Lida XX’avbill vis­
and XX*ashington program in the Luther­
Bartmnn's position as one of Uncle
ited Mr. and Mrs Cha* Hunter at
an church Sunday night, February
Kam's servants. Some good speeches
l.ents last Saturday and Supday.
wer«* made during the evening.
Mrs. A .1. Ault went toGreeham thia
A Sprained Ankle.
An event that create«! considerable ex-
week on grange btiainesa.
Aa a rule a man will fi-el well aatixfied
l citement in «( h im !* circles here was a
A. Chase and family spent Sunday at surprise
inHsqnerade in which Mr if he can hubble arouiut on crutches in
two or three week» after apraining hi»
the home of Mr. Conrad.
Welch’«« two young dogs were the ankle, ami it ia often two or three
They first made a month» before he ia fully recovered
Th«' sale nt Mr. Hanielaoti'i was well
raid on a clothes line hung with young Thia ia an unneceaxarv loss of time as
bv applying Chamberlain's Ijnimant.aa
Mra. Mary llav w rth of Porllat«! spent ladies lingerie and after !>ecuming tired directeii. a cure may ax a rule tie effect- I
Friday with her father, it tiring hiiMth of plaving with the various articles pru- ed in less than one week'a time and in
I eroded to dress themselves up for the many cases within three days. Sold by,
The |mrade was short as Greahani Drug Co.
Xlr. and Mra. Hunter of l.ents viiited
ami«l »he al outs of laughter the dogs
her«* the first of the week. Mrn. Cannon
retired to a safe retreat
arcoinpartying them borne.
ML most
Popular Plan For a Cottage
Mixa Ruth and Fredrick Rwlier wete
the guext» of their Aunt, Mr». E. E.
Max l>avi< ia bnihling a g<»*l houae Antxpiger thia week.
<>n In» Iota in wliat will aoon bv known
Kerry Moll of Portland »pent nev­
a» tliv miiii.nce diitriet.
er»! days laat week with hia brother's
Mi». Gray 1» very ill ami ht-r daughter family on the Moll place.
haa lieert called home.
The Beehive people ot Portland have
Key. Moore of Ont. ie aaaiating Rev. rented the Olney ranch to two parties
Ellia for a ley week, with the revival recently from the eaat who are interest­
ed in chicken raising.
Mr» hottgla»» wax the gue»t of Mr
William Ream is building two cisterns
ami Mr». Boring at Boring laat Th ura­
on the Smith place on the Rusaelville
road. Mr. Ream has lieen a sufferer of
Mr. ami Mr». Henry I’arret vixited Ute from neuralgia consequent to being
the latter a parenta at Kelao laat week.
so much in damp atmosphere.
The valentine |>arty given by Olive
Should Haley’s comet prove as disas-
ami llaxel Cox wax attended by a large
terou» as many people fear, Wm. Ream
number of their Irienda. After enjoying will have a safe place to crawl into—in-
thentaelvea with vnriotia game» all joined
cidently there ia room for several more.
in an old-faahioned candy-pnll. The At any rate w hen the comet flies over
hoateea received many liandaome val­ William will I* heard playing, "The
girl I left behind me" on his violin, in
Mr». Ihira bonaliue haa returned tie Smith cistern. Thus will history
from Boring where xhc wax the guest o(
r< |ieat itself, only that Nero's girl took .
Mrx Emmet Donahue.
an early train.
Joeeph RuHaell, w ho was accidently
Mr. Snyder has rented liis house and
injured by an ax in the hands of a fellow
land here to a family from Iowa.
workman, haa sufficiently improved to
The patrons and friends of the Ruck |
betakin to the St. A ineent lioapitnl.
ley school acknowledge receipt of the
At laat report» he wa» aide to sit up and
gift of II. Lewi» of the Russehtlle nur»
the attending physicians think that his
eries of • numlier of choice soft maple
right eye which was Imdly injured may
trees which that gentleman presented
yet lie saved.
lately to lx- planted in the school van!.
Mrs. t’hax. Gibbons, who has la-en
Not only the children who will enjoy
with Mrs. I.unday of Boring for several
the shade of these trees in future years, [I
weeks, haa returned to her home.
but evervotte interested in up building
and beautifying our center will voice I
Fever Sores.
their gratitude to Mr. 1-ewis for this'
Fever sores and old chronic •orea
should not Ire healed entirely,but should liberal gilt to the new school.
l>e kept in healthy condition. This can tn*» have been planted and their pres 1
In* dune by applying Chamkwtlain'« ence add much to the appearance ol the
Salve. Hiis salve has no sQ|>ertor for grounds.
thia |»urpone.
It is also most excellent
Monday, February lt, deapite the
tor chapped hands, sore nipples, burns
•ml diseaeea of the akin.
For sale by snow and uncertain weatlrer. »everal
Gresham Drug Co.
ladies from Portland and home locality
Mr. ami Mr». II. II. Tlmmaa ami
daughter Maxine haw returne.1 from a
lew ilava’ viail with rvlatma ami friend»
at Portland, Greaham am! Troutdale.
Word haa lieen received hew of the
arrival of a little aou at the home of
Erm-at Aachoff in Portland February 19.
C. Minamger of Portland ta »la nding
a few dava on hi» ranch here
Henry Aachoff haa returned to Trout­
CIIVRCII. Sandv, Or.-
Rev. Ilervli- dale alter »pending a few dava at the
told Ihirrvr. Service, »ill I»- h''l'i '•» Aachoff home here.
the tlr'l Sunday of each month at
Meaara. Carleton and Finkle of I«!»
10:90 a. m.
Angele» ami Roht. I.inney ol Portland
were in Marmot Katurdav in»|»a-ting
Cured of a Severe Attack of Hron- the work of the Mt lltaal railway hew
chRia t»y Chamberlain’»
and at Salem river. Meaara I.inney
Cough Remedy.
and Finkle are otliciala of the Mt. Hood
••On October, my little three Railroad company, the latter being con-
year old daughter contracted a revere »idling engineer. Wo Imped that thia
¿old which remitted in a bad ciwe ol
bronchili.," *av. Mr«. W <> Gib-on of viait will rt aull in more rapid progw»»
Ix-Bington, Kv
’ She lo«t tlie |H.wer ol of the long atitiripatetl eleetric road
. ................ mpletely «nd »»• a very »ick from Portland to Mt. Iltaal.
child. Forliinntely ae Imd a bottle ol
Mr. Shipley ol Pleaaant Home wna a
Cliamherlain’. Cough Remedy in llm
liou«.-»nd gave it to her according to caller here Saturday, bringing the rail­
printed dire, turn«
On the «ec..nd day road official« over from Bull Run.
• he ».<« a great deal la-ttcr and on the
fifth day. Oct. 23, »he wa« entirely wed
of Iler . old and bmm liili», Which I at­
Came Near Choking to Heath.
tribute to Ilii" »plrndid medicine.
A little boy, tile «on ot Clin«. 11. Pet-
lee.mimi-nd Clumila-rlain’» Cough Rem-
edy unre-ervedh »« I have (mind it the eraon, n well known waident of the vil­
»lire»t,«nfe«t ami qui< ke»l cure for cold». lage of Jaekaonvillo, Iowa, Imd a and-
I m .II i for children ami adulia, ol any I tlen and violent attack of croup
havH rvt»r um *«I.” fc’or mile by lircihiim i thick »tringy phlegm cnuie up after
giving Chamberlain’« Cough Remedy.
l>rug (kx
Mr. I’cteraou aaya:
‘‘1 think he would
have choked to death had we not given
him thia remedy."
For »ale by Greah-
When you adverliar- in Tim Herald
am l*riig Co.
you reach the buying d«M throughout
eaatcrn Multnomah county.
The llerald, «I a year.
You can get The Herald for one year,
Bubacrilie for The Herald.
Farm Journal two year» and Horae Se­
Read The Herald’» clubbing Hat.
cret» for only «I Ml.
You ahould take
The llerald print« the local new«.
advantage of thia-combination.
Rockwood, Ore.
This plan for a story and a half cottage has proved popular. The exterior
has a very homelike appearance, ami the Interior is as coxy as it could be
made. There is a large living room across the entire front of the house. At
one end Is an open flreplace faced with large dull green (lie. having a heavy
molded shelf with large brackets. Above are two side lights. The dining
room Is a little beauty. It has a beamed ceiling, built In sideboard and pan­
eled wainscoting with burlap panels. There is uo undesirable pantry, but the
kitchen Is well fitted up with cupboards, molding table and flour binA
Kitchen finished In Ivory white enamel, and the cupboard doors are of blreh
stained brown. Size 2ti by
over the main part. The trim tn flrst story U>
blrvli stained a soft brown. In the second story the casings are of pine enam­
eled pure white, and the doors an* of birch stained to represent mahogany.
Cost to build, exclusive of heating and plumbing. $3.500.
By special arrangement with me the editor of this puprr will furnish on«
complete »et of plans and specltieatiuua of design No. 850 for $23.
Has the Goods! New Stock; Fresh, Clean,
Attractive Line Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
and Notions of all kinds.
Fairview’s Leading Merchant