I I / « Kl V. VAN MARIIK AWAKENS IN 11 KI SI Larjfr Crowds Turn Out to Hear Red Hot Sermons By the Evangelist. Tl it* {»a*««! Wfi k II.I** br« II '>•>«• of -pit'll L« «l »out« ¡1*ftk« niiifc' r«*«l I« t »« riiiotia winch i«t< «|t|||«’ uti ihtrr«»t, and w hll«- tini«' lotvt I »T«*t I l*il< I« w |>I«-> imiiii ! « *< turer’*i h*»ur o|H’n«-«l with a violin solo h'. Mr. Fieldhouse. W«»rthv Over- •eer Mr» Pratelius of Milwaukie mith rea• I ft t" lor |l W> Num Im Art" a r«-c«»»«l «lax . "tailing with Ii*1 rtl >iihdrtV •« I h "«I IÌ h «I av «A« ul •’Fidelity cotti«-« of cultivation," id I iion I a • "I I inti'HiN tn«-«ting And III«* Oliver (*!ii|l««l pl<»A" He “"el • House With a Double Piazza. Design 027. by Clenn L. Saxton. Architect. Joseph Kussell Badly Injured vv items ' It ba- lieen snowing here for 24 hour* "traigbi l>ut there i» only atmul iiz inch?* <>( mmw for it 1« melting fast. Mi»s Dunham haa rt turned from Port­ land an\ r.MUM a la*w is Khattu« k M i»r C I. ('r«n*haw view eiiom a photograph . R. R Carl-on Mitchrll, l ew is A Stavrr Proctor A Straus C C Shaltuck M 1». Kern Frank Heinev Inman A Paulson 7.5 m 2*3 t>9 89 111 103.29 |KI IN) Mr. ('heater Shields, a popular young man of Portland, who has been a guest at th«* Howard home for R ine tune, is r« cognized as chief among local comed­ ians. Mr and Mrs. Henry Oaks are rejoic­ in' over tlie arrival of a little son. Id Mis Rii'h s|«‘iit Wednesday at Cooper ranch. By s|«'lal armngement with me the «liter of till« paper will furnish one 1 cemph'to set of plans ami specltlcatlonx of design No (»27 for «27» Cl.ENN I- SAXTON. I I VS hat a business like sound those words has el They stamp ii man a« a iwraon of eonseqiienee and are creative of feelings of respect ill the mind« of the hearers. If you would I«' noted ns one wlm carefully guards his ow n interests, open a checking account with this bank. We furnish you a che. k liook tree and place no restrictions as to the balance that you must carry. We only ask that yon do not overdraw your account. If you will take notice of our statement you will notice that we carry no overdrafts. That means that every loan is properly authorized and secured, means that your money is not Is'ing withdraw ii bv some other fn'rsou w ho disregards the fundamental rule of banking. ■ Many persona (eel that in order for the bank to derive any benefit from their accollili tli. y must leave their fund« in the bank for at least a certain time. This is not so. Von are nt lils'rty to draw checks on your account the same day that you make the deposit. ; 1 the Nirs. Rugh gave a party for lier Sun day school class last Saturday. The children were entertained with games and singing and at 2 o’cloek were served with delightful refreshments. The oc- I casion was a pleasant one and will long I la» remembered by the participants. n HRKST KXl’KNHES L. W. Fieldhouse Gresham Drug Co. D. W. Metzger III I anr II A. Lewis Childrrn’s prizes Rent on Tent Printing Premium list Ihu-oratiiig Policing Kbor............................. Advertising Judges .............. Cmnndssion. Band Orrheatra...... Izteturea A concert Amusements 11..35 13 00 4 70 5.1M) 14.00 4 50 10.00 179 40 343 37 37.00 58.00 002 OS It is nearly time to l»egin spraying. It is to tie hoped that this reminder will catch the eye of everyone who lias a fruit tree in the West IL mh I district. Non-resident owners are urged to look over their priqiertv. cut down worthless treesand spray the rest. It is of great importance to newcomers w ho are put­ ting out young trees not to have them expored to the pests that linger in old orchards. 42 50 29 50 8.00 .300 00 88.00 71.75 72 50 10 80 14 57 10.00 805.75 51.70 75.00 i Telephone........... 'Insurance j State License........ * Premiums Freight A drayage.... See. salary (unpaid) Miss Lucile Ewing is spending a few day in Cherryville tlie guest of Miss Constance. POWtlL VALLEY A snprire «»• given Inst Smur.lav «f- ternoon in the Min.ion church in honor of Jonaa Nihon «ml F Setteratmm, both prominent le»ilers of the Mission church. It wss largely attendeil ami a good time is reported. I21I23.07 15,521.13 117.00 The young ladies Dorcas society met with a good attendance last Saturday at Rev. |ó,03ti. 13 the home of Mrs. John Lovgren. Nordling and 8. Nl. Steffanson made All your transactions with this bank will be treated strictly con­ fidential. apeechea. Dainty refreshments Aere The Fourth quarterly meeting of the served. WE. KNOW WE CAN MAKE IT TO YOVR INTEREST TO HAVE AN­ Free Methodist church will be held on ACI ol NT WITH Illis HANK Several people from here are in I’ort- Sunday at 11 a m. by the district elder, I land this week attending the annual Rev. W. J. Johnson. Columbia conference which closes Sat­ urday night. FIRST STATE BANK *, GRESHAM, ORE, __________ ■ « " ------ im. • " " - i Air.Mm,s__ tv /v>a -O-.« ----------------------------- I----------- Net difference dea l tlie a«la in The will tin ! bargains. Lots for sale in Cedarville, on easy I terms. H. W Snashall. Pleasant View Avenue: Gresham, Route 3. NOT HIGH PRICES But High-Priced Quality Nirs. D. NV Douglas spent the week at Sandy visiting her sister Mrs. Ed. Revenue. 100.3ft int i Ct Herald, You j 1 Read the Want Ads. on page 8. (tf The Herald tor one year, ami Farm Journal five years and Home Secrete for I only «1.00. Horse Secrete alone is worth a dollar to any man. Tuesday. $2.59> ml Although tills house 1» of the sqiinrc typo. It ba« n distinction quite It« own, mainly on account of the large plnttxn. built on two aides of the house There 1» a splendid Interior armngemeut. comprising eight rooms, a bath, a «mall den or sewing room. as well a« n large pantry and entry. There 1« a «Ide entrance Into the dining room The first story 1« flnlahetl In red oak or birch «nd the aeeiind story In pin.» to paint Then' are hlrcb floors through out. Hire twenty «1« fret wide by thirty four feet deep. Cost to build, ex cluslvs of heating and plumbing, <1.000 Howitt; fe, handle. Troia® powder, Meadanies Ware, De|»atiri a«ke«l the town tw furni-h a suitable building for the pasteurizing plant, which he would lease for a num* tier of year*. The president appointed E Schwedler, Dan Metzger and T R. Ilowett as a committee to make some investigation ami re|«ort at the next meeting to be hel sanitary condition* rnct. Tbi* product would )*• supplemented hy rr»)k gath­ ered from farmer* near the town. Part of the milk would be |«W"teurize«| and A part of every dollar "fient by a "tore for advertising is «pent to accommodate ment to the town. Gresham should and convince YOU’. have a new depot of an attractive de­ sign. in keeping w ith the growth and I Superior disc dr Ils and seeder» are progrees of the town The town is not ' what the name indicates. Superior to an experiment, neither is the railroad, i ail thers. Call at Hearel’s, Greaham Why sbouhl not this pretty, growing! .ul-urb of Portland have an attractive If von ,ant to buy .tump powder iepot? Dr. A Tlionipeon, Chas. Cleve- ,hat wU1 gj,, yon no handlin', land T. R. Howitt were appointed a „„ headacll„t no thawin', see T. R. Mr. Chapman it* staying at Welches hotel. He haw taken up a homeetea«! northeast of Tollgate and intends mak­ . ommittee to take up the matter with ing improvements an soon ai the weath­ | the electric company. The most important topic of the even­ er will ¡iermit. ing was a consideration of Mr. S|«ahn'e Game wardens have l«een in this vicin­ plan fur a milk «Iepot and pasteurizing ity for the past week "earching for evi­ I plant for Gresham. Mr. Spahn has dence against a number of people who t»een working this up for some time and it is claimed kill***! an « Ik out of season. came prepared to state what could be The waniens were armed with numer­ done and what was wanted. In sub­ «.’».iKW 13 ous search-warrants, and, although stance his plan is to establish a choice « very cabin, building and outbuilding dairy herd, with a modern barn with all in this vicinity was entered ar d searched no conclusive evidence was found. ('ash on hand Jan 1, I Btork nales 2 Th kets A entry fees 1 I ’••nrr«»i«»nn I >ance Lighting i.uiiila*r Premium lint Stat«* appropriation Disbursement« Proposition on to Establish a Pasteurizing Plant Here—A Committee Appointed An interesting meeting of the Gresh­ am Conitnercial club was held last Tuesday evening. The announcement «4 action upon im|s*rtant matters per­ taining to the town an«i community brought out a go's] attendance. The annexation to Multnomah county «4 that portion of Clackamas county lying north of the Clnckamas river was a subject that found a willing an«! hearty Samly, Ore , Feb. 14 —Joaeph Ru"*ell support. It wa- well considered in its was acvidently »truck in the head with relation to taxes, g«»*-! roads, business, nil ax, uaed i»v Homer W il iani*, at the etc., and some who had opposed the JuhmeUi sawmill. The ax |«enetrale«i plan in the pa-t san! they were ready to the skull rxp >"ing the brain and part of support it now- When put to a vote <4 one rar was cut "ft Allhough in ttim the meeting, the motion that the club condition, be has not lost conaciourtneea go on record as favoring the proposition, finer the accident. Medical aid was carried unanimously. «juickly summoned and it in thought Gresham is in sore need of a l»etter tiir patient will recover. | defsit accommodation. It was stAte• l- «»tier 2 Tin»» will ««»ntimie the«Mva»niii «»V«o S ihh I hv . having a grssl |e« tore This will bring th«' fair two weeks earlier than li«»t >««r, bill it is lio|»ed to •-srii|s- tlie c«»l*i mglit» that were so unpmasant at a lal«-r «late last y« ar The sriTelar v l« «|Ue»te«i that h«’ l«e allowed to publi»h a Statement ot the re« «'pts ami « xpendilures of the past V« ar f«»r the la-nefit «4 st*rkholders nn<1 <4hera iiiter«-»*te«i in the fair. This state­ ment varies s««mewhat from an approx­ imate one given in brief some time «»go. but is believed l«> la* prartu allycorrect There nr«* a few «mall outstanding ar- «««tint* that have rome in since Januarv 1, that are not included. Three unpaid accounts will la* notice*!. The*e were left unpaid that a sufficient rash reserve mivht la« maintained to meet certain obligation* given to purchaser* «»f •tuck There is enough cash on hand to cover all indvbleduess. tin* INTERESTING MEETING Of COMMERCIAL Cl LB A PROFITABLE WINTER SALE FOR FARMERS $18 Single Buggy Harness. $13.50 $32.50 Dbl. Driving Buggy Harness . . . $23.50 $40 Team Harness . . $31.50 $45 Team Harness . . $35.50 $80 Guaranteed Buggies. Leather Trimming . $58.50 High-Grade Henne» Buggies. $77.50 FARM WAGONS Al CUI PRICES C. L. Boss & Co. I Moline Plow Co. Bldg. | 320-328 East Morrison Street P0R1LAND. ORE.