Sue« «•«•»ling <«r«»*’* tm Vindicator. Gazette, Muhm»mah Ku-o r *1 Multnomah Record and Montuvilla Herald. Making Money On the Farm VII.—Small brain Brecilirg I'll dished Fvtry Fr».lay at Gresham. <>vt* .. by the B kivkk S tktk P vhuahin «» Co II X DARXAl.l, linn»« tsn M wo . uk . Kntrnxt a.« »evond » la>* matur at the iwwtwtlw at Urea ham. Orvtmn [DIIORIAL COMMINI E have been very much in­ W terested in several phases of the milk-producing business. into the bucket. The milk should be immediately removed to the cooling rooms, strained and sealed from infection. The stall should be kept reasonably clean and all dirty bedding and drip­ pings should be removed to the fields, at least quite a distance from the barn. It is an established fact that the droppings from tuberculous cows, render cultures of tuber­ cular germs. No effort should be left undone to exclude barn dust or other dirt from the milk. The strainer cannot take these sources of contagion out. and no milk containing such is tit to drink. th t. V. Wit GORY. \uthor of "Home (ourst* In Modern Acrk ulture" Copyright. I’M >. b> Amtncts Praaa AasociAtion MALL grain breeding is «c«*tuui only to com breeding in hn|K»r tn nee. Indeed, there I n rien mope chance (or Improvement along Hila line. sin. v so Utt e has I «evil done already The average yield of oat» in Iowa in IlkkS was • lily twenty three bushels to the m re. while many fields y lehlcd three times that much This is only one instance out of mini) that could tw» given to show the great need for improved seed With small grain, as with corn, the work of improiement must largely be done for each special locality Each t\pe of soil ai.d climate affects the crops in a uilTerent way, and x.iiivtlcs that y ii d well in • t «• part • ( (he c«»un* try r.iy fall utterly under different conditions ‘llus makes it ms «'S'*.try for ea«h loendt) to hue its small grain breeder. There is im «»¡x’hhig along the line of s|»e, ini farming that offers gre.ier •pportuiii us to the am biti us y«uii’g'iiior than thi*» F.iv work is a little m< re particular th u corn breeding | erhaps. but the result-, are ;t|st as sure a; d the pr<»i Is just . ■* great E*.«u th* u^h y«»u n..iy not «are to take up small urahi breeding as a business, it will pay you to carry it on to a limited extent nt lea*t to pno ide Improvtd smd (« r your own use S First it is being frequently drawn to our attention how very many peapie are using milk from diseased, or poor or otherwise un­ suitable cows. From all over the state comes reports of appalling results from tuberculin tests. In our own vicinity the percentage of diseased cows in dairy herds runs from 10 to 05 per cent. The worst of all is that some of the so-called dairymen have been conscious of the condition of Your especial attention is call­ their herds ar.d yet have con­ ed to the splendid article on the tinued to offer their product to a last page. “Dead at the Top." contiding public. In other words they have taken money for what ROF. Booth, of the University they knew to be of doubtful value, of California is out with the and possibly dangerous. By so statement that the tail of Haley’s doing he becomes a law breaker comet contains a trace of cyano­ and identities himself with the gen as shown by the spectrum. criminals of the state. This is one of the most deadly of Now while we must admit that all poisons when it combines with Selection the Basis of Improvement. the question of tubercular trans­ hydrogen and forms hydrocyanic The requirements of the various mission from the cow to human grains vary with the u>e to which they acid, and would kill a man like are to I m * put. but the yield is an im beings though milk is debate­ hot water kills flies. Since the ¡»ortaiit point with all Selection is able, there are some other things air contains aconsiderable amount the basis for improvement in yield as that are not debatable. One of well as in the other ¡mints that will of free hydrogen the professor Is* taken up later The first step is to these is that an unhealthy cow contends that the animal life on aeleet the variety that *wiui to be cannot give healthful milk. Any may suffer about the doing l**st in your l«saltty and use physical disturbance effects the that as the ba*ls of Improvement The middle of May. But he fails to simplest method of l»reedlng is to we mild product. To assure your­ say why the race was not wiped lect a few of tile I m * s ( heads at harvest self of this review your know­ out of existence on each of the time to start with V great diff*Tell e ledge of the mother and her babe. will I m * observe*! at this time S< nie other visits of this heavenly heads of oats for instame. will con Any shock, slight fever, diges­ wanderer. It rather looks as if tain three times as many Iterrles as tive trouble, over work or bad he was trying to stir up a sensa­ other»* not a foot away The •»••♦•d cold has its effect on the babe. from these large heads, following the tion. and has entirely overlooked law of ••like ¡»reduces like.” ghe lar There is no reason why other the counter arguments that might g« r yiehls animals should not transmit their The Sissi from the select.-d heads H be put up. based on experience. physical defects in the same way. sown ou a ¡»lot by Itself th«* next People of all past ages have spring Small grain is not like corn in We know that undue excitement, shown their fear of comets in that it is normally -elf fertilizing The worry, or variation in feeding proportion to their ignorence and flower is Inside the hull, so that the ¡M.llen cannot get from »me to th»* influences the milk yield. Now degradation. The history of the other. The only w iy cross ¡Milllnatioii the result of diseased physical world, since the origin of the can be accomplish» d is |»v hand Some condition is an unusual produc­ human race can show no proof Improved varieties have I.... n prodtn rd In this way. but the operation is too tion of poisonous alkaloids pro­ that a comet ever did any harm. delicate ami the r«-sults t»*» un- ertaln duced through the activity of the f»»r the b«*glnm-r. Being f the mater­ absorption glands of the body ial on the ground for his new house and especially would they be tak­ G. H. Richey, Will Richey, W. N’. en up where such a large quan­ Moore and G. N. Sager attended the tity of liquid is removed from the lecture given at the Y. M. (’ A by Mr blood as is done by the milk pro­ Shepard of Hood River, on how to rare ducing organs. Another person and pack the apple. might tell this more scientifically A delegation of the Pleasant Valley but we believe we have made Push (dub interviewed the county court Wednesday relative to road improve­ en« «-s in the yielding ability of differ clear the essential facts of the ments. ent heads Is not fully taken Into nc case. But it is not necessary The party given by Mr. and Mrs. A. count. The only way to tell w Id« h of that mHk should come from tub­ B. Craft at their home last Saturday two equal nixed heads will yield flu- ercular animals to be diseased. evening was largely attended and an most Is by n<•.♦nil test. If th«- greatest Improvement is to I»«* mad«- Individual Cows are often milked that are enjoyable time is reported. head tests will have to b«* resorted to so poor they hardly cast a shadow, (‘has. Dahlquist is recovering from a Individual Head Testa. have to lean against a post while severe attack of the grip. These individual lnad teats are «ar being milked. Aside from being The P. A. Daly tract of SO acres has r!«s| on in rnu« h th«* sam«* manner as Individual ear t«*stM with « «»r»i. Th»* a cruelty to rob an animal of the been sold to K. A. Miller of Portland. the hearjs slmuld b«* «arefully sele«*t«M| in food necessary to a healthy con­ The price paid was $100 j^r acre. the fall. In addition to the sise of dition of its own tissues such Mr. Poppleton, who recently pur­ heads, th«- stlffm-ss of the straw, its i h«*lght and fre«s|«»m from rust ami milk cannot supply the elements chased Js acres from Gun Rrichey, an­ «»th« r fungus disease» should be n«»t«-«l nounces that he will plant the entile necessary to the composition of The rowa In the bre»-«llng ¡»1« f sh«»ul«l tract to fruit trees. b»- four Inches apart an«! the kernels healthful milk. Then cattle dropfasl the same «ilstam e apart in th«* have fevers, colds, distempers, row. The alm fhr«»ugh«»ut sh«»uld I»«- t«» 1 Administrator’s Notice. local tumors, pneumonia, bad have the rondltlona as nearly Ilk»* teeth, and not the least, are Nolle«* is hereby given, that the tin- thos«- (>f th«* ll«*l«l as posslbl«* The <|er«igm «*ed from thia for the ueiierul fields «»r i»»r Male. B\ M-lcTlIlig th«» bc-»i ||«‘«lmed to obtain It in ’»util ciciit «¡uaiititiVN (or gcm-ral us«», but th«» vcmi I i *» will puj («»r all the (rouble. e\cn if «k«»u pr«»dm <- seed f«»r \»»ur ow n use only. After th«» NU|Mkrlority of ,\our new n Irain is one«» n | i <» wu . Imw ever. y«»u will 1»«» t»eM|cg«*«| with r«» «¡m»s(s f«»r n «*«*«I and can a«l«l c«»n»*hb'r ably to your Incom«- by *ut»|»lylng th«» demantl thus creutc«l The trad«* will c«»ntinu«» gtMHl. f«»r e«n h year you will bate s««methlng a lltih» Ix-ttcr to offer In Addition to the nrlevtl«>n fur yield, at rung straw mid freedom from dl»- «Miav there are a numb«»r of other ¡M»lnta that should I m » conaldervd The*«» de(M»n«l to a considerable extern «»n th«* u*e t«» which th«» grain is to I m » put In settM-flng oats tin* |M»r «ent «»f hull Is «»no «>f th«» most lm|»ortaiit ¡»ohits t«» l«»«»k to. This varies from ‘Jo t«» 50 ¡ mt «»ent of the entire weight Since oat hulls are of little mor«» value than straw. It Is evident that th«» smaller th«» percentage «»f hull the im»re valun ble the ««.its w dl I»«- A mere examlmi tlon will show the «liffer»ncc b«*tw«»en a till* k ami a th-:« shell« I «»at Io de SII HON UNI I* \\ ilsoii, «»( <’«»rbcti, with s«»v<»ral | vmilh* t«s»k tln» censi»* «t lents Satiimay Mi , guest al Bnrklvv <»t«»v*• S« vcia I new examination Wdsoti is a liouaes ar»- in cou » m « o( constrm ti *n on t lo* subii» bun I»acts pl«»l »«•nth »»I th«» l’«»w« Is \ alley r«»a«l M« n j an* lax mg water pi|«es an-l otherwis«- improving tin* ¡»rop«*»ty north «»I tlo* G i II mt I roa«i \bout twenty neigldmis and frivn«|s wer«* ente» taincil bv Mr an-l Mis l’«*l«»i ShultA at their ln»ine Satuiilav ev«»ning The affair was rather unei|»ecte»l but th«* host nini h-trttens leit nothing to I h » Karl street, I'ortlaml February in h«»n «»r of their »laughter Mrs 1* Kronenberg w ho is viaiting them at prenant. R«« plot«» with every feature a«l«lucing t«» charming entertainment the home f«»r the «lay wan th«» arene of much m«rrv making Fi\«» biindml, aut<»graph, «¡mit »«»wing ami partaking of delicious refresh ment were the features together with tin* renewal of oh! ties of unkrokeii (rten«l'*litp an-l plea**nnt chat Few ■ i ¡ J. M. SHORT, M 1). S. P. Ill ITNI-R. M. I). Ph* st« Is an Hui firsss ' Gregna li«»n»«*« ¡»resent more chaiming »■.«•• etmhe than th»* one |»re*-id«s| ov « t l»\ u couple wh• •*«• Id«» happiness in t*omple(<-' w j o*rr h n. ott and alio»«» « l.ddren bob! in tllltsl re ! »¡»«■•I the l«»%«« «>( their pii’eiitn Ih ■•«• ; |)| MIMS pre«» w-»r«- Griiml|«A Moll, Grnmlimt ¡ M«»ll, 'Ls P Kr«»n«*iil»crg. Xli-* X < « reslmm. Oregon X. Il .Mrs I Mv rs. Mrs .1 Moll. Mrs M Moll, Mr, \ i.lilt. Mr* M I |i«H k » \ . Ml*»*» I »’li.» Moll, ami Masters riulqi Nloll ami Bunter k' lienL« ».* O h-KM 1 X I I OV Gresham, <> tt Bk’onii ps I . I). MAIIONI; •‘Fidelity comes of cultivation/* «>! Oliver Chilled pl«»w* Hessel’a l(ra«l th«* s»l* in Th«» w dl tln«l bargains. y w «.«»o|»NPH Y«»u . Herald. i«»l itlt/KM Justlrr >>f Ihr i’r«. r •'Keep on Horhtg'* tuur AUCTION SALE Goodlier & Ritzer REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE At idirview. Ore. in II. N. MAUÏ Boring, Feb. 17th termine th«* diff»r«-nc«*s nn»r«* «*xact!y il is he » - iry I». weigh a huiidr- d oats «>r su «m a fin«* Palmi« «* su« h uh any d«N-t<>r «»r «IrugglM | m » nm «* mm «* s , thrn pr»*sH «»ut th«* hulls and w«lgh thvtu ami « al« ulat«» th«* ¡s-r < • ut riicwclght «»f o.its t»» thè in«*asiirvd bushel varie* frutti tw«*nty tl\c t«« tifty p«»un«ls Th«* h«*avy «»at.s ¡ ih * «»( «-olirne thè in«»sl valuuble .Xearly all graln *i«-vnt«»r* bave a Minali «b*t 1« ♦• f«»r t«*.siing th«* weight ¡»«*r bushel Am»th«-r ¡»«»Ini t«» I»«- c«»nsh|»*rc«l I h th»» tcmlciicy t»» Mt«M»|. In l«»« alttlt*s w ber«» th«* summers nr«- « «»«»I ami late varie tivs « .in l»<* grown a t«*ml«*n» y tu r»t«>«»l considi-rabty is «|.*-lr.ibh*. siin e a thi< k stami »an I h - s«i iir«*,l wlth IvMM s«*«*d Wh«*r«- thè miikhih rs are h«»t nini «-arly varl«-ti«*s must |»«* gr»»wii, h«»wov«*r. (In* tend<-n«-y t«» sto«»l t<> nny gr«*at extent sli' Uhl I»«* «ils.-ouragisl. sin« «• Nt«H»llng a.ways «lelays ri|»«*hing Oftcn a Indi w111 le* --«•« il p tftly ImJosing a simili« r oat. Tln ■*• Minali >»a(s ar«* kn«»wn ns ¡»In «>at* l’Iwy I« '- «*n Un* yl«-l«l. and a str illi w hi» li »■••ntiilns inany «»f th«*iu shi'iild !»«• dlscriliiinated agallisi. flien* «re thn-< g«*n»T.ii typ«*.s «»f <>ata sid«- oiits, I iii II vnn oiits and rtpreiidiijg oiit.s Tln* I iu II«* sn v nri«*ti»*s «lo Hot y l«*l«l emuigli t«> !»«• «»( any gr«*at vaine Th«* sld«* «»ats. in uhi» li th«* l»«rrn‘s are all on om- snl«* «»( tin* h«*a«l. ar«* grown In thi** «»»untry t«» a llmiic«! extent only. Most »»f the «»nts grown are of th«* Npn*:»di!!g i.irh*ti«M Then* nr«* iarl<* ties • f oatM of almost every ««»lor, whit« . y«ll«»w. bl:o k ami gri’eii Iwlng tin- most «-ommon Tli«*r«* is littl«* dlf f«i«-m «• in yi.4«l that «.in I»«* nscrilH*«! t«> ««»I*.r If tiny ar»* gr«»wn In a com­ munity In l.irg«* enough «¡uantitieH no that tln-y can l»<* Nldp|»«*»l In <*arl«»nd lots the s«*lllng price will not vary mu< h. Th«* following Sto«k, I nrm Machin­ ery, Etc **i»an of < hmm | Work I l-»r,«-*. w t. about LloO each Milch Cow. giving milk, will I m * fresh iilwut Apr. «»th • ll W agon, m»M»t ti«*w Sj ring Wag»»n, I » *» inch, with spring s«*ni*. t«»,» ts»x Brake. n«*arly m w >«»t doul»l«* llarn**«*s c«»mpl< t«* h-in Plow, 3 ¡Miints. I j«»int«*r I wo b«»rse <‘ullivatnr, m-w Steel Fram«* llnrr«>w, new nn«l «»tlo*r farm t«»o|s 3 lr*»n li«*«ls » Springs . Mattr»"*.*«-" S.*cr«lary, (*hiff«»ni«*r, l>r«—*«-r, < »rn m«»«le. I Hoi king ( baira, ’.» Dining ( hair®, I l«*at mg Stovr, Luing«’ • n«*w ». S« w mg iniichin«* < new I, ? Stand tiibli’* king.- cook st--\«*. :* Drop l»-.d !.«••!<-. a 12-ft I xtcnshri Table, ('ujilsinrd and many <»tImr things. TI RMs Eight month’s tiin«» at 7 ,»«*r l ent on sums »»( fl'»«»r over I Rl I I.IINCH Al NOON. II. N. MAXI Y. Owner. W. S. HOOD. Auctioneer. Oregon - Railway Mail Clerks Wanted I he rs, Departm»-iital (’lerks ami «.ther Gov­ ernmental ¡»ositions I houssmls of H|>. ¡Miiiilmcnts wid I»«* made \ny manor woman, in citv »»r «»»untry can get in­ struction ami fr«-<- inf<»r mat loti by writ­ ing at «ui«»’ t«» th«* Bureau of In­ struction, I .«.‘»’J Hamlin Building, R«»ch- ♦•strr, X, Y. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. FREQUENT RAPID COMFORTABLE Springwater Division STATIONS l’ORTMM» I.v «mit Junction Kianli-v L-ntm Jun« thin Hyratnor«*. Ji-nn«* . I.lnin-inarm fiRKSHAM liotfl* fl A iidiTNun '1 I Boring Ml«*t«*r . Barton I»« ••»• « r» » k E hk ’-- 4’r«*«*k « Urrln-vili» , totara-U f AZADKKO EASIBOl'NI» 4’. A fi M 4" 4 J 4 1 ■O ra M (M) 03 Of. 10 u IM -’4 Ml 40 M * M M IO 17 /7 .in .1 - ID a o u V V u 1» 9 V w 9 V 9 to 1«) 10 IO IO I«« 10 45 10 45 12 45 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 • 45 If) IK. 11 Of» 1 05 3 05 4 OS 5 05 4 (is 1 00 1«) 1 » II 1 » 1 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 4 15 1 15 in II TJ 1 22 3 11 4 22 5 11 • 11 1 22 10 NJ II 1 32 3 32 4 32 5 37 4 32 1 32 |O »5 II •V» 1 35 3 35 4 3> 5 J5 4 35 1 JI I«» 4 II 5s 1 M 3 50 5 M 1 00 1 50 IM) I'J "O 2 00 4 00 4 00 t 00 IV» 05 2 0$ 4 05 4 05 1 05 07 »2 or 2 or 4 or 4 or 0 01 1Î 13 2 13 4 13 1« 4 13 1 13 19 12 10 2 II 4 It 4 it t It X. 12 20 2 20 4 24 4 21 1 20 Hr.. 12 35 2 35 4 35 4 35 1 35 L I If i i IA T1 n a*» > i 4 IM It II it 11 12 12 1*2 1*2 It 35 45 12 ««i IV» i in 1 • Freight A M A A 9 9 1»» to 11 II II II 11 11 12 12 a jn U) .’4 20 ftO 1.5 NO 1M) r«-a«lll.v should b«- given tin* prefervin••*. sin««- unit'll wheat I n I ROl l l>A 1.11 BRANCH lost by sln-llhig during liarv»-st. Th«* V. 7 4'» A If»' 9 5o 10 4" II ‘ 1 50 2 40 3 50 4 40 5 50 4 40 r 40 I IN S F. M A N N grains sli«»uld I»«* plump, smooth nn12 45 l.v In I 2 41 4 41 11 t « I 04 9 00 Il «a» t 00 A W» 1 00 S 00 t 00 makes b«*tt«*r flour owing to tin* great­ i tacada 7 ni 9 <»A II ha 1 04 3 04 < Urrln-vili»* 5 04 t 04 t 70 er ¡N-r«-enf»ig«* of gluten, ami mill«*rs Eat(l«- ' r«M*k 12 1 9 12 II 12 « 12 7 «7| S 3 12 t 12 1 11 7 12 9 17 II 17 1 If 3 IT S 1f‘ a ir 54 I will ¡»ay tuori- for it B«*ar Il 1. 1 <5 l 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 • 45 t 45 12 15 In* bright, as tin* «imillly of brewing l.i ii n«*niMtin A M.-.7 t.. M 19 9 1" II II« 1 1 4t 3 41 4 4« 5 4| 4 4t t 4« 12 20 4 70 n M7 7 47 M .■>3 y .'•8 ii '-a 1 j 3 2 53 3 S3 4 54 5 S3 4 S3 t S3 1'2 22 4 15 barley «1«*pemlM largely up«»u th«* color. J»*n®«* 1 54 2 54 3 54 4 54 5 54 4 54 9 54 ß •«» ; TX) M 9 5«i II H) 4 Th«* best bnrl«*y f«»r bn wing purpoNeN L*ntM J tin« th»n.. A r»u|N 1«) 9 <*» to O'. 12 05 2 05 3 05 4 05 5 05 4 05 1 05 10 05 4 Ml 12 X, 1 .V» A r»9 m IO9 15 IO 15 12 1» 2 15 3 IS 4 IS 5 IS 4 11 T 11 10 11 Freight 12 12 1 «0 Is that whl« h contains tin* m«»sf starch, H im nl«-y. 7 ir» m 1 » 9 *20 to 2«» 12 70 2 70 3 20 4 20 5 20 4 20 1 70 10 20 «•«»If hinctifin 12 Ml 4 4'» a ’llils «an I m * d Ì ii J M ï N « 35 » and ,vl«*l«ls n little loaa than th«* ls*nr<1- « hull, H typea of lutrloy, the two Junction. rowed and tin* six rowril. The six For l^*nta, Mt. Hcott and enatnid- pointe, change .-arn at Lenta Junction. rowofl varletlra hate given th«? beat tatiHfa«.*tl<»n In this country. General Office«, Firnt and Alder Hta., P oktlahii , O rroor . WESTBOUND