Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 28, 1910, Image 4

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q aw m ie d wi<h plans as to eiphtin at
length vAuy way. a «and modern dairy
with but >u$arsu|in4«»aie»l sows, clean
and hygienic surroumling*. in a com­
munity wlu»rv teed can la* ns advant ng
Anchor Store
The Gresham Ret«*kah hxlge held an
interreling meeting W«*»hies«iav night.
Jan 2ti The main busuwM of th«* eve-
I mng was th«» in*tallmg ol officers by D.
StanJ dt tht1 IkdJ
D. I*. Mrs. Mattie Sleret.
The officers
and are all known by name to every installed w«*rv, Mi« Fannie Davia, P.
hoiiM‘kvt‘pvr intown. They*re good,
N G . Mrs Callie 'I Kenney, N G ,
fresh and priced right
So are all other goods handle«! by Miss (¿lad)« Smith, V G . Gi’orge
Keller, S«»cv . Mrs J. S. Carlson, Trvas
Alter the installation ceremonv the sur-
prise c«>mnnttee, Mrs Elita E Meltgvr,
Mrs Lida Palimjuist and John Burt«»,
invited (he members to Hie diningroom
where a dainty lum hrun was spread.
Better coaie and pick while you can.
The following are the officers in Gres­
Our first-Class Groceries
Ladies’ Dress Shoes.
Attention !
Stand up! Pay Attention!
to the lesson and don't you ever forget*
This store is a g»xxi school far
learning about (»hveriw.
Our Groceries are In Class • One”
Want Column
Men s Work Shirts
Jti*l the thing—HEAVY I'FXIMS.
Our Guaranteed Hosiery
is going fast.
Better buy a pair.
FOR SALE—Lincoln Sheep. Poland
J. E. Carter Buffered a dangerous in­
China Hogs, breeding stock of all ages.
While examining the
Webb Farm. Phone 15S jury Sunday.
gasoline arrangement on bis peanut
FOR SALE—Extra large cedar posts.
H. E. Dtvil, Gresham; Phone 21.
(tf roaster it exploded and the dames sing­
ed his hair, eyebrows and mustache and
LUMBER—At our new mill ll4 miles blistered his entire face so severely that
southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. the skin threatens to drop off.
Jonsrud Bros.
The funerals on Sunday of Isaac ( lark
TO SELL—Two span light hordes one and Albert Chandler at the M E.
light buggy, cushion tire ; church was one of the most notable
one rubber tire surrey, canopy top. al­ funerals ever livid in Lenta,
Over 30
most new. Inquire of Lewis Shattuck.
Gresham. Or.
itf old soldiers were present and the at-
tendance was unusually large.
TAKEN UP—A two-year-old heifer,
Mrs. Frank Snnttins is enjoying a vis-
black; owner call at A. Gandhtzs, Lat-
ourelie. Or.
t tf it from her sister
The wedding of Miss Nellie Forrester
FOR SALE—Several pure bred»R I. to Irwin Cone was quietly celebrated at
Red roosters. Box 45, Lents.
tf the home of the bride’s pa rents Wed-
needav evening. Rev. Mr Moore offici­
FOR SALE—Three bay horses .weight
8 to 12 cwt; well broken.
Geo. Duly, ating. The groom was attended by J.
(6 W. Forrester as best man and Mi«s
Bernice Cone, sister of the groom, was
FOR SALE—Three R. I. Red rosters bridesmaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Cone left
At $1.50; 1 Btack rooster.Minorca, >1.50; the same evening for Vancouver, B. C.
6 Cockerells. $1 each ; 10 white Pekin
ducks. 81 each.
All these fowl« are They will I m * at home after February 1st
pure bred. Mrs. R. A. Neibauer, R. 2, at Firland Station
Ikix 6y, (ire«ham.
Hans Wahlberg had the misfortune
to break his arm last week
Wool)—I have 80 cords of good dead
Samuel Watts, brother-in-law of M.
wood which I will sell al from $2.50 to
$3.0« per cord, delivered.
Phone 14x A. Rodgers, has come to make his home
J. H. Hose.
tf in Lents.
R. B. Lee has returned from his trip
FOR SALE—egg Cornell incuba­
tor in go»«! condition, cheap.
L. L. to Medford. We haven’t seen the bear
Kidder. Phone 2*3.
(tf skins he brought back.
I tnuislv prtsluce»! n* her«*,would ba bound
to Will.
Mr* Sig Knighton*« mother,. Mr«
Johnson, li*s lieen very sick at the
home of her daughter ben*.
Don't forget the Library Tea tonight.
Don’t Buy a Doped Horse
Bandy. Jan 24 Mrs I M Wonder-
ly of Rainier returned to her home Mun­
day after »|w*nding weveral days with her
«inter, Mrs E M
Ihuiglss* accompanied her to Portland
where ahs visiteti her daughled, Irene.
Mai Davis was in Gresham one »lay
ham Grange No. 2?o (or th«» following
W. R Pa.sons, Master. Mrs. last wesk.
James Taylor |tass'*d through here a
Merrill, Oveyaeer. Mrs. LUchmeyer,
Ltxiurer. Mrs. J Rolierta, Chaplain . J. few days ago.
Rota-rts, Treasurer; Mrs. F ('. Ho»lgv,
Bert Hrighton is building a hull««’ At
Secv.; Mr. Carlaou, Gatekeeper; Mrs. Firwood.
Stanley, Ceres. Mrs. Schwedeler, Pomo­
James Allimm’s buggy up-set when he
na. Mrs. Carlson,Flora,Mrs. E. E W«d| was turning the cornet at the lk»uglns
ing. 1. A. Steward. Twelve new mem*'! Store, throwing Mrs llrnney and son,
tiers are to be taken in at the next George, ami himaclf out.
none of them were hurt.
Mrs. Alva Hevel entertained a num-
ber of her friends Saturday afternoon.
Five Hundred was played, after which
refreshments were serve»!
Mrs. E. F
Welling won highest score.
1 present were, Mrs. II. E. . Davis, Mi*«
Ilumilev. Mrs. F. Hodge, Mrs
Miss Reniin«’ Merrill, Mrs Geo. Kin-
nev, Mrs A Meyers. Mr* Chas. Ged-
emhke, Mrs. E E. Wetting* Mr*. J
K '•
Metzger, Mr- R '.¡Li *. Mrs 1
der, Mrs. W. Hockinson, Mr*. K. R.
Carlson, Mrs. L. Manning, Miss I..
Parmvly, Mr*. Leslie.
Fret! Pnwtor was in Portland on«* day
last week.
Ik»ra Heighten has recovered from a
very aevrrr sick Bprll.
Mr. ami Mrs N V. Iwne have return-
«•d from Rarton w here they were with
their daughter, Mm. Bertha Garrett,
who baa been very nick with blood
1*01*011. We are glad to r«*|»ort that she
is much iirttrr.
Geo. Beer« gave a musical al Ins horn«’
Sunday afternoon winch many of Ins
fl lends attended.
and don’t let \ ourself he swindled by a
crooked horse dealer on any of the score
of tricks he has up his sleeve.
I he ”gyp’’ is abroad in the land. Every day
bnvers of horses are shamefully fleeced. DON’ l
Bl* ONI* Ol THE VICTIMS. I.carn how to
protect yourself in buying, selling or trading. Get
the sensational new book
“Horse Secrets”
bv Dr. A. S. Alexander, and make yourself horse wise
and erook-proof.
Learn how “ bishoping ” is done how a “ heaver”
is “shut” a roarer “plugged “- how lameness, spavins,
and swecnv are temporarily hidden the “burglar“ dodge
the horsehair trick—cocaine and gasoline doping—the
ginger trick—the loose shoe trick in short how to beat
ALL the games of crooked auctioneers and dealers
It is all in the
Horse Secrets " b<»ok, and d you ever bin «»r sell a
horse sou need just this knowledge to protec t Muirself from being swindled.
Rend Our Remarkable Offer Below
Mr*. Mattie Pickens is Malting her
Women of W.Maicraft had installation
A WORD A noi r llir HMM IO! RS Al
Ih . 1« ih«
»•">. .4 h mt» n. thi' IH I
Mr* daughter at Portland.
of officers Tuesday a* follows
■ »»•»• >-.J
»M ■»« twb»<t«Srt» »»an» h|»inr lo «
qut ». .¡r.«*,
■.» >»<:i «*»•<
Mr \\ inters and family <»f Gresham p»oie<| ah 4 il>w»'»*««4 I» « lh e«e»*t*o4» »•>• •>. vtilagr »ubv»b». »»♦ * mm '< i »> ••»« >■-
Carrie Powell. G. N . Mrs W *.
ho«» |
ih ««4 f vir
a > page« muntali
!» io »1
Clerk; Mrs. Nellie Metxgcr, Banker ; ami Mr. ami Mrs. ( lias ('handler have
vt (hit papr»
w.ll RoJ It «tniih» an* u»h«» in »hr wvtl4
Light moved into part of Mrs. lKmglass build
Mrs. Rose Metzger, Attendant.
lunch was m*rve»i.
W1X v71 1 L<l\ .
„.„. vi i aiai.o
Rev. C M Van Marter, evangelist,
M »siding la*ll* have I wen ringing of­
« r rea««« «rii •* ll«r«e Merrrt« ” i»» l««rlf onì * in ibi« « «mW ■»«!•■
will begin services in the Methodist ten, their peals ringing very clear when
sk\t> OH HMIM» VOll< «»III»»*|l l«>
church next Thursday night, lie comes Miss Anna Bickford wa* marrie»! to
from McMinnville where he has just William Miller of Pleasant ILune at the
close»! a very succ««s:ul meeting
Mrs. home of the bride’s (tarenta m ar Kelso.
Van Marter will be with him to assist
Mrs. Leaf is sj»emling a few weeks
ORI.SHAM. Olii .
in the music. All people are invited to with her daughter. Mr* Shelly of Port­
attend the meetings.
• •••••• ••••••••
• • •
Rev. James Mi«»re, district superin­
Mr. l.taf, w ho has been *ivk, is ini-|
tendent, will preach at the Memorial prove» I.
Mvth'slist church next Sunday morning
A very pleasant evening was spent in
at 11 o’clock. All are invited to attend
the parlors of the Hotel >amlv on Sat-
this and the other services of the day.
i unlay evening. Jan. 22, with Mr* I D
tra to T R Howitt
Mr« F. C. Hodge entertained the Five ('row as h'»st«*«s. Among her guests en-
Hundred Club last Friday evening. tertaine«! were Mr. and Mrs. Bornstedt.
Those present were. Mrs. H. E. Davis, Mr. and Mr*. iMnahue. Frank McGu
Miss Hundley, Miss Smith, Messrs W. gin ami Mr Sharp with in* ever pleasant
J. Ott, Joe Pateneaude, Joe Osburn, smile. The evening entertainment con
Veal 10c to !1JV.
John Burbo, ami Geo. Kellar.
George aisled <>f card«, dancing and inu*ic by
Cows, 3 to
Kellar ami Miss Smith won th«’ prizes. the orchestra which wa* furnislie«! by
Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart of Portland
WANTED—Small potatoe«.also young
F. C. Hu»lge has the grip but is im­ ( larvncc (’a-sadv, .lack ’ ole an I Gu-
bull about 18 month«.
State prices. called on the Katzkvs on Sunday.
Dakrus. A gentleman from Greaham
Address J. Vanderschuer, R 3. Gresh­
< 4
laiura Davis was quite sick but is abb* took charge of the dancing ami with hi*
gracious manners, and ability for un­
to be out again
TAKEN UP—By Win. Shelley.Trout­
derstanding th«* La.-hful ami stranger,
dale, R. 2, a two year old brown heifer.
Owner call, pay expenses and take the
• ing in their new house. They have »me a-«i*ling them in securing partner*.
L' l|**i to make the evening an «»nj'iya-
of the best and most convenient houses
blc one Mr*, (’row a* a hostess needs
to be fouml.
• •
WANTED— Stock hog« T. R. How­
no praise for her kimines* and lio«pital-
F. E. Butler ami son have bought a
itt, Gresham.
ity will long he rem«* ml »er»*« I by thorn*
2i*»-acr«* dairy ranch at Knappa ami are
present. The refreshments were enjoy­
"Ihr (»frdtrsl Iriuffiph «f M»»Jrrn Miracr”
FOR SALE—One covered wagon, 1
Price 50 cts.
selling out here preparatory t»i moving ed by all.
"Ihr Hot HuaJrilul Divioier) her Mud» L> Kai.”
good top bugry. 1 almost new lumber
to their new location.
The father ha*
wagon, 2 sets double harness, 1 almoet
I>on't forget th«’ anni*xati<yi meeting
\b«oliit«*ly *.«f»*, odori*’««, iuu*«’l»***, «impie and without
been on the new place for a few week«.
new «ingle harne«.«, J good farm mare,
it question tl.«’ Iwst artificial light in • xi*triice
at Oak Grov«* on Thnr*«lay t-v«*ning,Jan.
The family came from Los Angelos a
1 DeLaval cream separator.
(’all and
to ««Ici tririty, ga* or ga-olm«’. Tha “Ala«l«lin”
3. Transfer at (»«»if Link*.
see H. C. Butler on premises, 3 miles
few years ago ami have i»een on the old
generate« a gn* fr«>m common k»-rosen«* (r«»ul oil), pr«*hic-
southeast Gresham or 1 mile south of
mg a pure. «oft. whit«’ light, • i»*» ll. «1 by sunlight «»nly. at
Marquardt place .««»nth of Gresham.
Hogan Station.
a «’»»st of 1-3 <*»’nt p«*r hour. Th«* \liyldin” i* pr«»noiinc«*d
hy occulist« to lx* th»* I h - m artificial light known. Th«*
Bas«*l»all directors are beginning to d«>
FOR SALE—Canary bird«.
I haye
“Aladdin” ha« no equal. B«*war«* «d imitation* >«•«• that
We carrv all you need in
acrobatic stunts in their annual scrim-1 Fever sores and old chronic sores
imported stock, German linnets and
y«»u g«*t tbe “Aladdiii” an«! no other. Our trademark,
should not I«* healed entirely,but wh«»ul«l
cinnamon and yellow canaries.
mage for suitable (»ennant-winning lim­
“Aladihn” <»n rvery burner.
le* kept in healthy <*on«liti«»ii. This can
J. A. Palmquist, Gresham, Phone No.
ber. From what we can learn it prom- I m * don«* by applying I’hnml»«*« lam’s
ises to l»e a «lull g«» in Greham this sea- Salve, This salve ha- no sii|H’ri«»r f«»c
It is also most ex«*rll»*nt
son m tii»* bMebgll Line
Tbi® should this purj>o«e.
WANTED—Fresh cow«, calve« and
for chapped hands, s«»re nipples, burn«
24 n Al«ler St., I**iwe« n 2d and 3«l,
Portland, Ore.
beef cattle. Highest prices paid.
and diseases of th«* akin.
For sale by
N. V., 1175 Gay St., Portland.
<¿resham I>rug (?«».
be there with the big mil uhen the
FOR SALE—Some extra fine barred
rabbins sing for spring.
Plymouth Rock cockerells.
Ralph N»’ib«u«*r ami Philip
Quite a few of our local «j«>rts went
Farm, Phone 158.
At the annual l»u*io«*s« meeting in th«* mad«* a husincH* trip to Portlaml W«*d-
WANTED—The Overlaml Monthlv
the un«lefeate«l world’s fi-tn* champion, Lutheran church on Jan. 17, the follow* nesday.
wants an energetic, capable man
John llornor and .Mike Coon of
the hope of the Caucasion rare on ing officers were elect««!: Secretary, P.
woman in Gresham to act as county
Independence day. The Jeffrjes-Gotch N Alm«|ui«t; D«*acon, I*. A. Stafi«*nson ; Troutdale visit«*«! A. Hamilton on Sun-
manager in Multnomah county to con-
aggregation appears at tl.«* Expo«iti«»n Trustee, Emanuel Amlerson; Sunday «lav.
duct a subscription campaign,
pay, permanent employment, ex peri-
hall tonight and thoie- who atteml will Sclmol Supt., (’.A. Lindgren; \s«i«tant
Mr. and Mrs. (’arl Wolfhagen of Da-
ence unnecessary. References require«!.
have an opportunity to size up th»* pride Supt., P. A. Sta!T«*n«on ; Organist, Mis« maseua visited h«*r mother, Mr«. R
Outfit and instruction« free.
of the ring ami get his measurement for Emelic An<ler««»n ami Miss Esther Stai- Neibauer on M«»ndav.
immediately, “Circulation Manager,”
chitis by Chamberlain’s
the <*oming mill with the big “Smuk«*.” f«*n«on, Sulistitute.
Overland Monthly, 773 Market st.. San
Herman Wihlon <»f (’«»rl»et han pur-
Cough Remedy.
Francisco, Cal
I Julies Mission Society will meet, at rhased a place near Gresham
where he
Mrs. Harry Stone of Portlaml called
‘ On October 18th,last, my little three
the horn«’ of Swan Staffcnson Jan. 2!>.
expects to move in the n«*ar futur«’ in
WANTED—Immediately, responsible year old daughter contracted a severe on former neighbor« and friends in
Me«'lames J. A. Slaffenson, P. A <»r«ler to s«*n«l his children t«» school.
men an«! women of neat apjiearance to cold which resulted in a bad case of Gresham on Tu«*s«!ay.
Staffenaon and P. A. J«»lin«oii attended
solicit subscriptions
„»uri prions for the Overland bronchitis,” -ays Mrs. W. G. Gils*on of
Mrs. Sila* Hale is on the sick list.
Rev. Jas. Moore reports a «plrn«li<i
Pleasant, profitable work, Lexington, Ky. ‘‘She lost the power of
the Mission meeting in Portlaml hint
•nd latrit »««“o
Nick Ratiw baa l»«*en laid up with a
splendid commission, valuable cash sjMjech completely and was a very sick revival in progress at Ro«*kw«xs! under Tu«*«day.
prizes ; permanent employment for child. Fortunately we had a bottle of direction of Rev. Sam Bettis.
lam«* back.
(»scar Tlmreen s«»l«l his
hustlers. Give reference«; address Cir- (/’harnberlain’s Cough Remedy in the
A,k for
Mr. and Mr*. Frank Linderman, who
eolation Manager. Overland Monthly, house and gave it to her according to
2 miles south «»f Powell
< 'atalog
printed directions
On the second «lay by Rev. J. <>. Coalman at Pl<*a«:«sit Val­
773 Market St., San Francisco. Cal.
have Iw’en visiting relativen her«* for the
she was a grnat «leal better and on the ley with 25 mem tiers. Six w«*re bap­ consideration >?»*.»'n>.
past week, returned to Portland on Wed
fifth day, < >ct. 23, she was entirely well
of h«*r co!« I and bronchitis, which I at­ tized Sumlay afternoon and others
tribute to this splendid medicine.
I later. Mr. (’oleman will hohl services
Mrs. George Lusted visit' d her datigli
H. H. Thoma» is a Portland visitor recorn meml Chamberlain*« Cough Rem- at Gresham as soon as arrangements
If you have any trouble with your ter, Mrs. J. GolT in Portland on Sunday.
J edy unreservedly a- I have found it the can I mj made.
this week.
There were ««iveral |M’«»pl«» enjoying
; surest,safest and quickest cure for colds,
stomach you «bould take ('hamlwrlain’n
W. Pitman and
A. Palmer were l»oth for children an«l adults, of any I
We were sorry to learn of th«* death themselves wlt’igh riding last week.
Fig Knighton is putting up a building Stomach and Liver Tahh’tn. J. P. Klotv
business callers in Portland last we« k.
have ever used.” For sale by Gresham just west of Rollins’ confectionery store of Edina, Mo.,«avn:
“I have used a of Mrs Jim Hays who was a former res­
11. Shultz, and L. Weatluml are haul­
great many different medicine« for ident of thia district. The parents and ing wood.
which he will use a« a barber shop.
Mr. McLeod of Portlan«! is l«x»king i Drug Co.
Mtomavli trouble,but find <’hamlntrlain’s
over land in this vicinity.
Miss Mary Isotn, librarian of the Port­ Stomach and Liver Tablet« mor«* bene­ husband have the sympathy of friends I P. Anderson visited II. Hansen last
land Public Library, was in town yes­ ficial than any other r«*m«*«ly I have ever in their bereavement.
Chas. I-eaf ami wife are in Portland
for Sale
For ««ale by Gresham Drug Co.
terday looking after the interest of the UM«ed.”
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ralph
The stork visited Mr. and Mm. If.
Two bedroom suits complete, two iron library.
A Sprained Ankle.
Shultz and left them a baby | m » v Wed-
J. W. Hhattm k is slowly improving
Mr. Kuhn of Cherryville is employed beds ami springs, one single r«x»m bed
An a rule a man will f«*el well satisfied nesday.
You can get The Herald for one year,
and springs, three heating stoves, din­ from quite a severe sickness.
at the Minsinger ranch.
! Farm J«mrnal two years and Horse He- if h«’ ran hobble around on crutches in
Win. Martin and Mr France of Mon«
’. ...
or three weeks
»... n o after
■ V. I n spraining
I« « 11 M 1 ■ his
■ ■ r-r
ning room table, nice stands, lot of
The movement starto«i bv Mr. Fpahn : creta for only $1.50. You should take ankle, »nd it M often two or three tarili» were here looking »I land We«l-
chairs and rockers, Imby’s high chair, to establish a high-grade dairy in the
months l«*f«»re hr is fully rwov«*rr«l. nernlay.
advantage of this combination
Never before ha« such clubbing com­ also small chair and baby buggy; plows, vicinity of Gresham is a very worthy
'I bis is an unnecessary loss of time ««
Boden went to Portland on huai-
by applying <'hamb«*rlain’H ‘
bination* been offered a« The Herald is i cultivators, etc., all in goo«! condition one. We are not familiar with all the
«lirrct,e«i, a « tire may as a rule lw effect- new Saturday.
H. M. details of the plan so will not go further
offering. How io thia: The Herald for an«! can !>e seen at any time
When writing or «freaking to our ad«
r«l in less than on«* wrek’n time an«l in
one year, Farm Journal five year- and Barrett, Carpenter place, corner Section , than to recommend it at thin time. An- verrinerà please mention that yon «aw many case« within three day|. Sold by
i Line and Reams roads.
I other week we hope to becom«* so ac- their ad. in The Herald
Horae Secret« lor $1.90.
Gresham Drug Co.
llargaina in nur eluhhinic llwt.
î7~" : All 3 for $1.50
Beaver State lierald
• • •••••••••••••••
• •
Solicits your trade.
tenters in Fresh and
Pine Tar
and Rum
Portldnd Gns Monile Co.
Grasses—C1 o vc rs
V etches—Gra i n s