DBWTÏBTBT 2,000 YEA RU AOO (uirs, WE WILL PAY An extra, I from the lamdon Ch roa lei« proves that the English can take a Joke In a sportsmanlike way The American opinion of cottes aa understood In the English home la not high, and how the coffee of the Kng lieh lodgings la sstnemed may bo un­ As lollowa We never charge commission nor drayage. want your good fat hogs, and chickens. Dresaod Veal up to ISO lbs Large Veal I.eaa. I »cased pork, any alia..,. Live Hens ............................... Dressed Hens........................... Live Ducks................................ Pressed lieese......................... Iicaaod Turkeys..................... deratood from the following traveler's talei II was his flrst morning In London "apartments." and his landlady came up with the breakfnst. and aa she set do«n hla coffee < up she opened a alight conversation "It looks like rain," she said '*11 does," agreed the American, "and It doesn't evm smell unlike It." 12*« lie 1IU yo< 18c AAAorcr. FRANK L SMITH MEA1 CO lo Ms. I>< rvfuwl ili, fan. la cure ». W. GIOIVI M Big fiat ur» la un «a* h bua. 'i&c- PORTLAND. OREGON. f*uen|lvl» *W« AcvoMBting tar last««. Fair Mnlden Can't I ■«•!! you a cou­ pin of tickets to our charity concert? Only 13 for the two Irritable Capitalist I don't rare for charity concerts, young lady. but If ><>u*ll bring me a couple of boxes of fine charity strawberries ill give you apiece for them. I •• fur Him. ‘No, sir," said th* re* rutting officer; n sorry to say your boy won't do ail for the navy." •Why asked the lad's father, "Iles eyed." "Yes. crossed I thought you might be n!|gt to use hlrn as a range tinder." -Chicago Tribune. A Sporllaa < teaaee. Wbvra fry ya <»« Fam«. "Who was th» fellow l'»pya, and What la hla claim to fame?" "HI« claim to fame la well founded, my friend H»'« th« man who kept a diary for more than a year."—Kansas Cltv Journal “I'll tea, h you to play at pitch and to»»!“ shouted Ills enraged father. “I'll flog you for an hour. I will!“ "Father," Instantly said the Incor­ rigible, as he balanced a penny on his thumb and Anger. "I'll toss you to make It two hours or nothing — Cassell's Journal. Peltil's t>e Salve. No matter how badly the eyes mnv be diseased or injured, restore» normal conditions. All druggists or Howard Bros., Butfalo, N. Y. EVww'j Scwwa In InNtte < Nrttllna. Colonel I’cter^y met hla colored irir- pvüxnpWy buwds. c Y cüws C s ads ossute hdbWudX cunshpahuw pGvmawcnuy Tu óú A \\s bencjv¿\a\ ujjv& a\waysbu\| Vhc ¿unuuK. i-iAsuFAfTVjnrn tlv’•»‘t CALIFORNIA F ig S yrup C o . 5010 BY LEADING DRUGClSB 50'ABUTTU drnrr, Jim Webster. a «bort time rign Jim had been ra xprexs Leaving Tlnje.’ ” aiud ths proud owner of pa I nt In«. "May I ask what It co»t you?" "! paid |110 for If "Well, you tot left «ff Jadeite nilluff. aa« «•ttlMga Maffo by Astee Iteatlete. 1» tbs ancismt Central American days so long past that no rsmuanl of tradition concerning thrm llngsred when Cortes landed, 300 years ago, there was a good deal of fashion In dentistry, an exchange says. Hepa From 132 to 180 lbs. Wonderfully Built Up at Small Cost. Th« number o r.jiH A « f g neral debility In which H' mm I’ s Krirhupari la has proved jtiit th* medicine that wa» n«< drd 1« very «rest. Mr. E. M. Fry, Ivanhoe, Va., de­ scribe» hl« (•»••* and tells what this medi­ cine did fur him. In the f II *w>ntf lesllmo- nial; "1 »a« all run down and weighed only 132 pound», 1 took Hood’« H»r«ara- rilla, ami before the fir*t buttle waa tin! bed began to improve, xml when I had taken xix hottie* wun womb rfully built up and weighed 1*1 pound»,” (Jet ><<»*»•»’• bur nf ,t d u t »dav. In usual liquid form or tablet« < al e Haruatabe. one late, t’baoeo. She drifted Into She was shopping ths place whore they sell blankets, Roil sfter roll was deposited and spread outt before her. Sill, she list- Finally, with lonely asked for more remarked, as she brazen face, she rose: "Ob. well; I don't really mean to buy any. 1 was only looking for a rately entombed skeletons that have friend " been discovered, probably those of "Pray wait a moment, ma'am,“ «aid titled people, since no burying grounds the attendant, suavely, "there’s !« one have been found, show that tiling of more blanket on tbe shelf. Perhaps teeth Into patterns was common your friend Is In that "—Tlt-Blts. among the upper classes. Mothers will And Mrs. Winslow's Aeuhlag Almost every set of teeth that haa Syrup th- b-st remedr u- uas tw it*sir < auuraa been preserved gives evidence of the Tart Biel Aurlag ike teething period. dentist's handiwork The teeth were Rivers twho la writing an article on usually filed along the crown, with Imports*—Hay. Brooks, what’s the rale Seama Pruhabl«. two or three levels of filing on a slngl« on automobiles? “They've found a new cure for con­ Brooks — In the suburb where I live tooth, giving It the aspect of a short sumption." It'S not leas than forty miles an hour. flight of steps. "What Is itr* “Crotalln." The fashion In Copan that was most purs a ••Rattlesnake poison." of Itching. Btirwt. Blending or Protruding Piles in In the teeth Once In a while now, 4 Lu 14 day« ur moi.ay r«fund»d. Ule. “Well, It's true that a man who has when some a<-4ress seeks to be conaplc- been bitten by a rattbanake is not A (’oulnrs« llelHern Tb«r* Mow. uous, she will have a diamond set In likely to die of consumption." "Do you mean to tell me. colonel a tooth In doing this she Is merely you are 63? Why. I shouldn't have copying dead and gone Copan notables The next time you have a cold on the taken you to be over 40," of a couple of thousand years ago, only "1 fear, madum, >ou are not a good lunge try rubbing Wizard Oil on your they had no diamonds. Tbe first proc­ judae of age» " cheat and see how quickly it will draw ess was the drilling of a neat hole “O, yea, 1 am. colonel; but I thought out the inflammation and break up the In the face of the tooth, a delicate one rl* Swear. Off. gem of these older people. Of it they fourth or nfth time you have been up fashioned the ear plugs that are the before me for petty larceny, You are Man wanta a great deal here below. ea*n III., and rec ive a venir Gold Hon Hon FREE flowers on the won nn's hat. J What is CASTORIA Cnstoria Is n liurnth'nii substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Strops. It is Pli-icoint. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age I" Ils guiinintec. It destroys Worms Bed nllais l'«-i crisliness. It cures IMarrho'ii mid Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and riatiili-ncv. It iissiniilati's tlio I'ood, D-gulittcs the Htomiu h and bowels, giving liealth.v ami natural sleep. The Chlhlrcn’s Pniuicca T'lio Mother's Friend. "Jocko!” she called "la that you. old fellow? Have you forgotten us?" The monkey seemed to recognize the voice, and made frantic efforts to reach the woman, while his old master «’ent In search of the keeper, to re .quest hltn to take Jocko out, that they might w what he would do. and If he really recognized hla friends. The msn readily assented, and no sooner had the monkey attained hie temporary freedom than he sprang upon hla former master's shoulder and chattered away In his native tongue. Great tears welled up Into his eyes and rolled down his face, which proved that he had not forgotten hla friends, and that gratitude, one of the rarest virtues In the breast of mankind, war not wanting in the child of the forest The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of In Use For Over 30 Years ■5 For Highest Quality use * a ¡f r BAKING W POWDER KG! id to They used to travel In a cart. Behind the faithful ox; It wax not what 1« now called “•mart”— But wheel» beneath a box. Then In a more progreaalve age. Ambition« to go fast. Nome genius built a Concord stage; The day of carts was past. Another genius thought of «team, lie brought It Into use; It was the climax of his dream. And cooked the Concord'» goose. Nor wri thia all. the auto next, Was born to burn the mile»; The man on foot waa sorely vexed, The man on board all am Ilea. ’’Thl« 1« the end,” the people said. But chanced to glance on high. To see, aero«« the blue o’erhead. An aviator fly. But «till Inventor« do not tire. Neat week, or year, At most. Men, quick as message on a wire. Will flash from coast to coast —Exchange. 23 Ounces for 23 Cents Made from pure, carefully tested materials. Get a can on trial You never saw such cakes and biscuit. They'll open your eyes, Gi wader all Fare Food Law« The Beat Proof. I.lttl» Ted. 7 year» old. waa sent to tha bathroom tor a "good scrub" be­ fore dinner, but raturned so quickly that hla mother declared he couldn't poMlbly have washed hln.aelf. Ha re- piled, "Truly I did, mother, and If you don’t believe It you can just go to the bathroom and look at the towel."—De 'Ineator, The woman who makes her own clothes Is always harping on what she saves her husband in dressmakers Mila The little book in each package gives the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells why each ingredient is used, and ex­ plains many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this new hair preparation does its work so well. —lUds by tbs J. C. Ayer Cs.. Lowell. M ana—— Trees and Superbly Fitted Bata. A High Coar««. He—Do you believe in tbe higher education for girls. She—Oh, my. yes; I'm taking lew- sons I d aviation already.— Boston Her­ ald. -W est COFFEE^ TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUSI RIGHT (LARK’S CRUISE Of TNf •‘CLfVCLAND” W 18,000 Tons, Brand New I ■ llroughl In lower Egypt rain fell very erg. dom During the French occupation, about 1789. It did not rain for sixteen months, but since Mahomet All and Ibrahim Paaha completed their vast plantations—the former alone planted more than 20.'r|0.0,)0 olive, flr. cotton, acacia, plane trees, etc.—there none tails a good deal of rain. Some Excellent Rooms SUU on Sale tor r uj «1. CLOSSET a DEVERS KWUS3 0«t, > ROUND THE WORLD FROM SAN FRANCISCO FFB. 5. 1910 f^^THEOLDREUABLE"^^ "THE OLD RELIAB LC.'* ONE STEAMER for the Entire Cruise of nearly four months, costing only SooO and up. including all nece».A*ry exp-nhca. ROUTE Jepen. Ctoiae. Phibppmes. Baraeo. Java. Harms, India. < evion, tgypt. Ital*. etc. An unasMdl chance to visit unusually attractive pieces- SOT ORIENT CRUISE February 5. 1910. by 8. S. "Grosser Kurfuerst.** 73 days, incltxtinr 24 davs Eaypt and Palestine $400 wp. »nchx hn< hotels, shore excursions, etc TRANK C. CLARK Times Bldg. New York GONORRHOEA ako GLEET XT ORUGGISIS.OR TRIAL BOX BY MA» l 50 c FROM FLANTEN 93 HENRYSTBROOKLYRJO! BEWARE OF IMITATIONS — DENTISTRY tXPtWT At Prices that Defy Compri it»«« Iff TN WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY KOW-KURE is not a "food”—it is •« medicine, and the only medicine in the world for cows on y. Ma t for theevw and. a- its name indicates, a Cow Cure. Barrenes», retained after­ birth. abortion, soours, caked udder, and all similar affections positive y and quickly cured. No one who keeps cow-, whether many or few. can afford to he without K’»W- KVAE s It is made especially tu kee- cow-» bewthy. Our book "Cow Monw" »ent FREE. Ask your local dea er for KOW-KVRE or send to the manufacturers. PAINLESS EXTRACTION SILVER FILLINGS GOLD FILLINGS LK GOLD CROWN GOOD RUBBER PLATE THE BESl RUBBER PLATES WHALEBONE PLATES Out-of-town patient» can obtain perfect work and aav» money by ca'h.ng at our office NO BTUDENi'S NO GAS N » COCA1NB All work guaranteed far ten rears DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. 323N w»»h,n11 t '*• >0« • Xt>r 22k g«l4 sr crows for Molar Crown« Ek9?.Teeth 3.5C 6old F'.lliage Enamel Filings Silver FiiLngt Inlay Fillings Goad Rubber Plates When You’re Hoarse Use test RH 'Sb- ber Plata 5. CO ____ 7.50 _______ ________ Paielecs Eitrden .50 WORK GUARANTKRD FOR 1« YRARS sinless F.itrection Free when ylatce or bridge wort .ordered. Consultation Free, xou cennot g»»tbett painlree work don» anywhere. All work fully guar suiteed. Modern electric qqu I ptu»nt. Heat mot Loda. CURE t«t tt$T MiDKJli TOt I Dor, not rAonve the color of the hotr CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS inless Dentistry years of tfudy and experience make them re­ liable. For «ale •ryv/iere. Fsr J Ssed Am free on request D. B. rtEKT A C« I.«»eon« otloa. % A flavoring used the same st lemon or vanfll«. Hv disnoIvTa« graaulated »uitar in water and adding Mapleine. a delicioua syrup is made and a «yrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold bv grocers if n«'t send J5c for 2 os bottle ana recipe book. Cr»ac»nt Mfg. Co.. Seattle, Wn. You can’t tow thistles «nd reap f.gs. If you riant Ferry’» Seed» you grow exactly what you expect and in a profusion •nd perfcc- Lon never excelled. Stop It! And why not? Fall­ ing hair is a disease, a regular disease; and Ayer’» Hair Vigor, as made from our new im­ proved formula, quickly and completely destroys that dis­ ease. The hair stops falling out, grows more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. B U T Z E R Constipation ’1'lic Kind You ll.it«' Alwitjra Bought lias liorno th«' idtrna- turr of Chit««. II. Flctclu'r, and lias been ma«lo under Itle |i«-nMiuul nit|>«-rvKlon for over UOii'iirn. Allow no 0110 to di-«->-K<' you ill this. < <>iint>-rt<-it», linilatlon» nuil •• .luHt-as-jfood •• nri< but IK pertinent«. nnd «'iidantr<-r the health of Chlhtreu—Experience BKeiuBt Experiment. When the Hair Falls Wise Dental Co. Give» immediate relief. The first dose relieves your aching throat and allays the irritation. Guaranteed to contain no opiates. Very palatable. I BVILDT»«______ !nc_o_"?—'.L—— I tsn-n»» ■isnsW„s.Xi, PORTLAND, OREGON I •max xoom i t. x » ir s. tsssan. • »»x. I _____________ AIlDr.,ri.m Me,_____________ I A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Means an unfailing «rater supply. It moans that you will have th» moat practi­ cal Domestic water su VV menrinn this paper. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES