Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 21, 1910, Image 5

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    FIVE PER CENT interest, NINE years’ time
with privilege ol paying at any time. Return
payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or
annually, to suit borrower.
Denver, Colorado.
310 Century Bldg.
It not, we'll cure it, ami then you'll
wonder why you did'nl think of ua
long before.
All our work guaranteed
No hasty,
alipalnsl jolt leave* mir abou.
workmen are ■killed mnl conscient lolls,
Fred I). Flora
IVI** Morrison Hl
(Near Pap's IBstaurantl
B eaver QUALfTV
E ngraving : Co.
r»R«V Affi» AMCNV «fl FOWLAMt» 04«
For Dry Goods, Groceries, and
Light Hardware.
loater Road and Main St.
All Kindsol Building
Flowing, Ceding and
Finishing . . , . .
<> Sa*
Wifi v Allan ' NBcn
Under New Management
Board by the Day or Week
Rate*, fl to fl .50 |ier l>av. or $■’> to
| > .50 |s-r week.
The Oregon Agricultural College ha*
planned an extensive Summer Hchool
for 1910. In addition to the technical
courses in agriculture, domestic science
ami art and manual training with meth-
<sls ol teaching each, there will la» of­
fered sjieeial course* for public school
teacher* in primary, advanced and high
ecliool methods. A *|MM-is| feature will
lie a two week* school and conference on
.J<»r Wilcox miidv m trip to Portland
on Monday returning the next day.
Richard Hr«« lie and family »|w*nt a
few day* at Itaaverton the tlrnt of the
week visiting Mr». Beadle's brother,
Win. P. Brook» and wife.
for Sale.
The Carpenter place, 40 acres, nil
clear, tine house and barn; corner Sec­
tion Line ami Krams roads.
on premises or at my Portland office,
213 Couch Bldg.
II. M. Barrett.
Another whirl Richard's ordira-
tra Saturday night, Jan. 22, at Rock-
When you advertise In The I lerald
you reach the buying class throughout
eastern Multnomah county.
Fire Insurance an Important
world is nearly al hand.
Thia being
bis hallucination, he was making all
preparations lor it and on W.-dlleada)
night attempted to lake his family out
in the cold east wind and snow to warn
the neighbors U» prepare lor the imme­
Th* report* from lhe various coun­
ties ill the siale grunge meeting slww diate deatructlon of the world.
dial loony granges In New York ur*
Mi»a Emma Harvey was home from
doing loiislderable In ■ business way Oregon C ity where abe is employed, to
for lhe la-tiefit of their member*, par s|>end Munday.
ll< ularly In ln*uniii< e. We glean tlie
M. Mtillson has returned home
following fact* from th* reports of
lhe detegiitrs which ap|iear In the pub- from Diamond. Wash , where he has
I m -4' ii looking after bis interests for the
listini proceeding* recently laem-d.
The Weatebealer Putnam I 1rs i .. -f past several weeks.
1 a**.» Indoli carri»-* over Sd.'iO.uuti lu in-
A. J. Kirtor and wife are here visiting
Mrs. Riclor's parents, (-has. Roa ley
Cortland County Fire Belief ««so l»-
'and wife. Mr Kirtor ba* sold his prop­
don Im* I 237 |M>llcle* In force, carry­
erty at Pendleton and la looking tor a
ing ».'.7.11
The I'm roti*’ Fire luaiirnnee com- new location.
|«any of Cayuga county carrle* nearly
g&UUlI QUO llislirance
t.'llulon and Ease* Patrons' Insur-
nnce company report* over I lk» poll-
<-1*0. carrying (3.U75.IX» In Insurance.
The I'tilrun*' Fir* Itellef **a<M'intlon
of Touipkiu* county carries nearly |3.-
UUI.OOU *nd I* working to the satisfar-
don «f It* patron*.
The Putroti*' FfTe ln*uran<-e com-
panjr of Otnego county carries 1410.-
US) In risk* at about half Iti» rust of
the old Hue companies.
Hi luiwretire county has * member­
ship of over 5.M«l In thirty Ove
granites Their fire relief association
carries glo.mXM*» of Insurance.
Genesee County Patron*' Retief 1»
eoclatlon I* carrying over 1.700 poli­
cies. representing *3.1*10.000. The a»-
«■sturul last year was *1 on tb* thou
liroonie county has two grange
alorr*. doing a business of *l5.<oo to
120.000 a year.
Binghamton grange.
In that county, did a SI5.000 business
In coal, feed and gmaa m-ed last year.
In Cllnbm county the Patrons' Fir*
Inaurarn e company carrle* risk* of over
S3.0ixi.0ia), and lhe coat of Inaurane*
I* alami *2 75 per thousand, of which
only 50 cent* |>er thousand wa* for
In Columbia county one grange (Ger.
manlowm did » purchasing buaine**
of over IlS.ixkt last year The Colum­
bia and Imtchess lnsiirance company
had 2.700 pollcloa In force Jnn. I, car­
rying fil.705.750 of Insurance
Out of the thirty three grange* In
Steuben county ten own their own
grange halls The Patrons' Fir» Insur­
ance cnmpaiiy. including also Living­
ston. carries S3.MO.OOO, nm! (he rate
la»t year was fl Ml per thousand
The Wayne County Fire Belief naao
clatlon la a strong feature of the Or
tier In thnt county. The company now
carries ♦s.2.\'l.437 In Inaurane» In that
county. The Pomona grange of Wayne
hns st» member*. Palmyra grange of
dial county baa a f ttMXki grange build
The largest fire Insurance ns»<x-latlon
In the state I* thate'f Jefferson county,
which also d<x»a n buslneaa in Ixt*
county. On Jnn. I It reported risk*
amounting to I14.10H.992. of which
over fllO.Oitn.nno Is In Jefferson county
The nsaeasment la only about $1 per
tbouaand per year.
Monroe county, with n meinberablp
of N44 In It* Pomona and 4.SIO mem-
tier* In the county In subordinate
grange*, report* Insurance business
amounting to $7.!»N.:tlil on 3.325 poli­
cies The loom»* Inst year were very
large, la-lug ÌKI.24H.
The greatest
trouble waa the small boy with the
In Orang» county the Ulster and Or­
ange County Fire Relief association
cnrrlca »4.l»0.<»l» Insurance. In the
seven years of Its existence only one
assessment of $1 per thousand hns
The subordinate
granges In Orange county own real
estnte aaaeaacd nt 534.1»» and did a
commeri lnl business of over $3(X».(XX»
the pant year.
He Was th* Styl*.
"You say you don't love Your hns-
"Not n bit."
••Then why did yon mnrry him?"
"All the other girls wanted him.”
"His lot Is a hard one.”
"Is It? Win "
"It Is a forty acre lot and of the
finest limestone.”
General Merchandise
New Location — Fresh Stock Daily — Best Brands
Cheapest Cash bargains in the County.
about our Prize Offering.
Agency for Oregon Fire Relief Association.
John Brown,
Fairview, Jan. Id—W E. Hum* was
Troutdale, Jan. IK—E<1 (*Minpl>eJ|,who
suddenly went insane al his home near out from Portland to spend Sunday with
fiere on lhe night of Jan. II, was taken I hi* parent*, A. L. Htone and wife.
Earl Tagart waa out from Portland to
to the Slate Insane Asylum on Matur­
ila?. The case is an ununialiy sail one visit lii* parent* Sunday.
as Mr Campiteli h.ts a wife ami three
<1. It Stella ba* gone away on hi*
small children, the oldest not yet four i I duties ** agent lor the Salem Nursery
years with no means of livelihood ri- ! Company, alter spending several days
re pl a small farm on Hlaggrrweed ■ t bl* home here.
mountain. Hpinal trouble, wilh which !
Miss tlellah Kobin* was borne from
.Mr. (‘aniplM’il lias been troubled lor !
Oregon < ily where she is employed, to
soinetime, la the rause of the brain *|smd Sunday at tier home here.
trouble, but up to tire time of bis in »»a ti-
W. Roads and family left on Munday
ily be lias ap|a*arad iw rlertiy rational.
lor Wyeth to make their future home.
The family have been attending an Ad­
Miss Venue Dawson of Cascade Locks
vent protracted meeting for the past
three weeks ami Mr Cam piteli has con- visited friend* here the latter part of
reivad the idea that the end of the 1**1 week.
Thousand* ol Dollars' Worth of Farm
Property Insured In Grange Mutual
Componi** si Small Cost—Asm. In-
t*r**l,ng Facts.
Th* Millionaire.
Read the “Want Ads.” You
Wants Supplied on page 8.
Mrs. Henry Richardson
with the grip.
Mias ('alia lleolin of Portland spent
the week-end with tier parents here.
Misses llsisie and Alta Wilcox were
out from Portland for a visit with their
l«renls Hunday.
Itev. G. K. Cromley returned to bi*
home at Springwater on Monday after
a week's stay here.
I>. R. Thompson and bride of Port­
land visited Mr*. Thompson's parents,
J. P. Ilealin and wile, the last of the '
Mrs. II. Hatcher and son of Hubbard
are spending a few day* with her daugh­
George Lusted and wife visited with I
ter, Mrs. W J. Jungmckel, here while Nick Ranw last week.
Mr. Hatcher and Mr. Jungmckel are
Mr Erx and son, Milton, are practic-
looking tor a new location.
• ing for the drama which will take place
II. S. Stone ba* been very ill for the i in the near future at Pleasant Home.
past few day*.
There was a surprise party at the res­
Rev. N. II Bette* will preach his
famous sermon on "Jonah and the
H. J. Wirfs ami wife have moved Whale," in the M E. church next Sun-
from Mrs. Tiium’s cottage into the <*•- Jay evening.
borne cottage recently vacated by Mr.
Itev. 1». Turner will occupy the pulpit
and Mrs. Coffman.
for the 11 o’clock sermon.
A gallon of denatured alcohol can
be made to do the same amount of
work In an engine a* a gallon of gas­
Moreover, the alcohol doe* not
produce smoke and I* less liable to
yield obnoxious odors, but the lower
price of gasoline make* It the cheaper
fuel These i-onclualone. based on the
result* of 2.000 comparative leal* of
the two aulistsnce* as engine fuels,
are given In bulletin 31»2 of the United
Ntate* geological survey. R. M. Ntrong.
the author of the bulletin, briefly de-
acrlliea (lie testa, but dlxcusaeu the
more Important result* at some length.
Ttw lest* formed |*irt of the Inveatlga-
tlou of fuels now IM-Ing carried on by
the survey. To determine the relative
efficiency mid economy of gasoliue It
win i-ouqiared with denatured alco­
hol. In this comparison not ouly the
heating values of the two fuel*, but
their adaptability to engine use and
the effects of variations In fuel quali­
ty mid In the principal operating con­
ditions. such as load, fuel supply mid
time of Ignition, were carefully stud
led. Testa »err made with gasoline
mid alcohol In the same engine and re­
pented In other engines of approxi­
mately the same size (ten and fifteen
horsepo^eri and the same piston
speed, with different degrees of com­
parison. different methods of govern­
ing mid different combustion.
of the ear are pr»Muced at the |»>hit
where the leaf blade la Jollied to the
leaf sheath, and they appear liefore
there Is any sign of au ear. except a
slight «"welling.
Street Railway* of India.
The Electric Hallway Journal ralla
attention to the many problems' w hich
arose in modernising the traction sys­
tem of Bombay. As the average daily
Income of the inhabitants is but 25
cents. 5 cent fares an» out of the
question. The fare Is 2 cents for ti
seven mile ride, while the average
fare is 1 mina, or I 1-3 cents. In or­
der to withstand the ravages of in­
sects special varieties of wood laid to
Is» usisi lu the ears and track system.
Even the overhead system had to be
modified so as to permit of the pas­
sage of the tall shrine* usisi by the un­
lives In their religious pc.geauts.
The Oxygen Blowpipe.
A recent |ss-u!lar bit of engineering
work at Netiierton. Englund, was
made possible by a new sclcntlflc ap­
pliance. At the I’eiirsoti furnace* the
piston rod of a large vertical blowing
engine was so ls<nt In mi iieeldent that
Its removal from the cylinder seemed
Impossible. The director of mi oxy­
gen supply company was called, mid
Ivy means of the oxy hydrogen cqttlug
blowpipe the piston psi. seven Indies
In diameter, was cut off dose to the
gland of the cylinder, the operation oc­
cupying only thirty-live minutes. The
tusk was a very difficult one. as the
cut had to be made nt considerable
height overhead, with the burning
metal dropping down mid repeatedly
setting lire to the wooden stage nee-
Your grocer will grind it—
better if ground at horns—not
too fine.
The young people have organised a
Tuesday Evening Club for social enjoy­
ment. A musical and literary program
is given and the club paper read.
James Menzies is visiting his daugh­
ter, Mrs. Strebin.
We are glad to re­
port that his health is much improved.
Those who went to Portland to hear
Harry Lauder were:
Mr. and Mr*. H.
J. Wallace, Mrs. McKay, Nettie Buck­
lin, W. II. Cavanaugh and W. E. Har­
The Helping Hand Society met with
Mrs. Henry Jones on Thursday after­
There was a large attendance
Mr. Davis it thinking of going back and good work was accomplished.
Mrs. Schmeer and daughter, Hazel,
Mr. Cromwell intends to keep a RUP- are visiting Mrs. E. E. Baker.
ply of «pices and extract« from the Un­
Little Ralph Baker, who bad an op­
ion Tea Company.
eration for rupture a month ago, is now
Mrs. Cornutt and children will soon with his grandma, Mrs. John Law in
leave for Eastern Washington on a Visit Portland. He is steadily improving and
to her folks
A. Cornutt will viîit in it is hoped he will soon be well.
Soutlern Oregon.
Paring the slippery weather Monday
Rev. J. H. Wood fell while passing
through some brush.
A small twig
pierced bis eyeball, causing a painful
Jesse Eltuer Kailev of Pleasant Home wound.
Pr. Short, who attended him,
died Fridav morning at 2 o’clock.
He thinks the eye will not be permanently
was born at Geneva. Neb., August 4. injured.
ISSN. and died Jan. 14. 1910.
He died
Mrs. E. A. Stafford is visiting her
of pneumonia, living ill about a week.
daughter, Mrs, H. Richardson, who has
The funeral was held on Sunday from
been very ill.
the home of his grandfather, William
Mr. Randall, who is living on the W.
Rridge, the address being given by Rev.
The remains were laid co rest B Jones homestead, has bought ten
acres of land near Troutdale.
at Douglas cemetery at Troutdale.
To Remove Paper From Stamps.
Old stamps ns they an» putx-haaed
usually have a part of the envelope
fn>m which they are taken sticking to
them, mid In removing this paper
many valuable stamp* are torn or
ruined. Place nil the stnmps thnt are
stuck to pieces of enveliqies In hot wa­
ter. mid In a short time they can lie
separated without Injury.
Itfy the
stamps between two white blotters.
Man Is born to trouble aiul madly
rushea forward three steps at a time
to claim his inheritance.
Messrs. Muntx mid Gaudecbon have
recently experimented In France on
Sometimes, it I* safe to suppose, the
the heat Imiairted to the soli by rnln.
which they think may play a part reason a lot of people are looking mis­
hitherto unrecognized In the phenom­ erable and cast down Is because Ills Sa­
ena of vegetation. When the soil has tanic majesty has been round collect
reached a certain degree of dryneaa Ing dues.
the application of moisture produces a
rlae In temperature, which is greater
It la alwaya eaaier to tell how thing*
In proportion to the fineness of the ma­ i*u>uld be done than It I* to pay the
terials. Coarse, sandy soil Is not heat­ bifl for the doing of them.
ed by contact with moisture, while
soil composed mostly of humus Is spe­
A dollar la worth mneb or tittle, all
cially subject to such Influence.
depending upon how much ft made you
flinch or awaat In the earning of It.
Holding a Screw.
A piece of sheet lead put on each
side of a screw will All up and bold
the thread« In • too large hole
Fol ger's
Uncle Sam's Highest Mountain.
J. W. Wheeler is foreman of the Ced­
If most Americans were asked
ar Farm owned by Emil Oleson.
which is the highest mountain In the
Lots for sale in Cedarville, un easy
United States tlier would prqfiably terms.
II. W Snashall. Pleasant View
answer Mount Rainier. As a matter
Avenue; Gresham, Route 3.
The Herald, $1 a year.
of fact, the honor belongs Io Mount
Wliltnev. which exceeds Mount Rain­
ier III height by less than 21» feet.
The summit of Mount Rainier Is 14,-
SU3 feet above uienn sea level, and
that of Mount Whitney, by checked
leveling, is 14.501 feet above mean *ea
«• V< I. - Sc leu 11 tic American
How to Temper Springs.
Heat From Rain.
idence of Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Nvibauer
Saturday night in honor of their 1.5th
. «eliding anniversary. Games and mus­
ic wa* the feature* of the waning ai ter
which a dainty lunch was served,
present departed expressing themselves
a* having a good time.
Mr*. H. C. McGinnis will entertain
Louis Miller of Pleasant Home is cut-
the ladies Society of Smith Memorial
: ling wood for Ralph Neibauer.
church on Thursday afternoon.
Mr*. Ileacock and her daughter,
Pauline, made a business trip to Port-
A New Breed of Corn.
; land Saturday and on their return visit­
T-ast year a small lot of shelled corn ed relative* in Damascus.
of a kind new to till* country was
Frank Clark and wife and Emmett
sent to the department of agriculture
Kelley were visiting W. Lusted recently.
from Nhansbal. naya Nclentlflc A inori­
can. li proved tn have qualities that
may make It valuable lu breeding a
Snaps at Carlson’s.
corn adapted to the hot and dry con-
dilious of the south west
The plants
Who carries carpets, rugs, matting
raised In the test «veragisl less than and linoleum in all patterns''
R. R.
six feet In height, with an average of Carlson, of course.
He has everything
twelve green leave* at the time of
that anv up-to-date house furnishing
taswllng The ears averaged Are mid
one-half Indie* in length and four establishment has, and if you want to
and one-third Indies In greatest cir­ get some real snaps keep track of his
cumference. with sixteen to eighteen prices during the month of February.
row* of small grains._ On the up|H»r When be says snap* it means some-
part of the plant the leaves are all thing.
on our side of the »talk Instead of t>e-
Ing arramrt-d In two rows on opposite
sides, lieside* this, the upper leaves
stand erect Instead of dnsiplng. mid
intend« to »ell or rent
the tips of the leaves are therefore
aliove the top of the tassel. The silks hi» place by »pring.
Result* of Te*t* of the Relative Value*
of Alcohol end Gasoline.
Heat the spring to n hardening Col
or. taking care not to burn the metal,
and quench In oil
As soon as the
metal lias cooled so It doe* not “alx-
xle" put the spring lank Into the fin»
anil keep It there Just long enough for
the oil to burn off. Then quench In
w a ter.
This methoil Is applicable to all
springs mul especially small flat
springs, This Is a simple method and
one to Is» depended upon mid can l^‘
done anywhere w ith a stove tire and n
little oil.—Popular Mechanics.
G. Moulton, wile and family and Mr.
and Mr*. Frank Linneman of Portland,
who i* viaitiog her siiter, Mr*. Moulton
and also Guy Koberteon and Marion,
were the guest* of E. D. Hamilton and i
family last we<-k.
Some men conserve their affections
eo skillfully that It 1s hard to believe
that they really have any.
Has the Goods! New Stock; Fresh, Clean,
Attractive Line of Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
and Notions of all kinds.
Fairview’s Leading Merchant
Orisi Taken at any Time—Quick Delivery.
Market Price Paid for Grain