♦1« tn tbe acra. th» medium fiftyfnar • ixl the h«-44vy slity-tw« Ihe differ eno may not be this great every time, but It will always I m * great enough to Ruby and Jadeite the Most Valuable Stones Produced. pay well for the laltor of I m imiti» Diamonds, ruble«, Mapphlrea. spinels, There Is mi objection io using the h«svy onia for arisi in that they lend tourmalin»*«, gurnets. ro»k crystal* to become s little later •*»• h year Thia and various aorta <»f amber and Jadeite »•an tir « rottied bj Jmrialti« Ing mime are the precious sionrs found on In- hew artsl of an rttrly variety everv din* r»»ral strand, says the t'lilcug«» The ruby and Jmtalir arc few tears Dlrrctlona tur hruvilltig Tribune. th«* only «tunes of r«»nshh*nible value •issi «mta will I m * given In article * Large quantities <*f lur After the «atts are virttned and gmd produced. »‘»I they atmuld In* treated t«»r amili qu«>lsr rtime from Sikkim and Tll»vt. Smut Is it black fungus that gr»»ua that from (hr latter country Iwlng front a tint «p»»re that Raíce* beneath harder, darker blue ami therefore more The lni|M»rtiiil«»n of precluu»« th«* hull when the uni la in bhs»tii and valuable. (lie k»*rnel o|»rn When ihe null closes atom**« Into Imlln anmunta aniiunlly to the s|M»re Is held inside until the next alsiiit fI.IMO.issi The diamond Industry H limited and M 1*1'11 «b«u It spri'iits mid s«*m|s n thread up through the st«*m tu the I* carried on In ««»uihern I mils, the head. There the «mut grows. pn*lm* northern part of the Indian | | h « ii I ii * u I h Ing a black mass wherw the bead amt In the central provinces, Ituby should be Often hs many «« 15 |w»r mining Is «•arrlrtl mi In up|»rr Burma cent of the li«*uds will tn* «ff (S'ted In and. next to |H*troleum, Is i lie ihom I tills way. Thvwe black benda are nut prutltablr of th»* mineral mumrve« «»f easily noticed, so that the da mage Is the stale. the «able of tile prialuct Is* Ing s I mhi I $.*«««) H im » nnntiallx One ruby usually uiHb*rvstlmnt«wl The almpl»**t meth«sl of treatment Is of srvrnt :y-seven carats was taken to spread the ants out on s tight tt«»«»r out a fev v year* ago and vallieti at •nd sprinkle them with a *«»lutl«»n of Si XI. xm. Kapphlr»*«« ii *»*«1 to Is* mlm*»l «me p«»uml of formalin tt» forty gnlhrns In Kashmir, but the mines are now The yellow, of water This amount la su(ticlent said to br exhausted for forty bushel« of (Mlis. Shovel the white, blue ami greeu varieties of oats over two or three time* until they sapphire are found In the ruby bear The «plnrl Is are thoroughly wet. and then pile them Ing grarrls In lltirma up and cov«*r them with blanket« or found in rutialdurublr quantities In sacks The fumes from the formalin llurma. Tourmaline stones of blur, green prnetrute (»euenth the hull and the smut *i»orvs In the morning and black coloring arr found la up|u*r oats should I m * spread out again Iturma. Garnet* ar»* mined In Jaipur «hoveled over tsvasbmnlly until lt«H*k «*rywtnl. cut for cheap Jewelry, They can la* «owed wet. but In known a* vaieam dHtimtid*« I* f«»un»l Another «|U;trtx crystal, case (he settler shoilid Is* set to In Madras ats>ut n bushel to the acre more, found in Knlabagh. Is «-heapvr ami as they do not run through «« rra«|||y. used for net'klriiVM ('hnh'etb'nh* slllua This work should be dune on « warm I* «alle«I happlk and embrio'vs »iiuny day. n* freezing while the oais are wet forma of agate nil mt I In the la*»*«*«n will Injure the gvrmlmttion This treat Agnt«»* and ciiruelirths an* <-ut and pre­ mem costs only als»ut « cent « bualiei pare«) for market In l<«»mbay. They aud la very effective. com«* moatly fr«»m lla|plfM*ti. lutrgr Preparing th« Seed Bed quantities are shlp|u*«l to Europe and Jntlelte of l»esutlful green One of the most nezl»* ted fs^lnt« In t’hlna oai vulture is the prvfmrutlon of the veins Is found In up|»vr llurma, ami *»-e<1 tied Oats do better on « rather an infrrl»»r Jade Is fouml In other The stone arils fur tirm se«x! bril If the held wna la «-oru parts of India. the year prevlou« It will not t>e nrevs to | IOO a hundred weight wary tu plow unless the ground 1« very hard It ahou:d is* <1l*k«t1 thoroughly, K «*«•(» posted on the news of (lie day. however, to cut up the stalks and pul verir.e the upper two or three Inches Die Herald offers good Inirgaina through It will usually be profitable to let the ha clubbing list. disk “lap half." as this dors away with ridge« and leave« the land In bett»*r shat*!» One harrowing after the « w ikmipmbb Lor kiczkh J Usile <■( th. IVacv disking irav»** the ground In aptendld that»« to receive the need "Keep iour Eje on Horiitp" Methods of Seeding. INDIA’S PRECIOUS STONES. mwcveding tirwhsm Vimiu-alor. Gresham Garetti'. East Multnotnah K. co r <1 Multnomah Re«x>ni and Montavilla Herald. , Published Every Friday at Gresham, Ore., by the B ravkw S tat « PvmisHtxG Co ÌL A. DA KN ALL. E dito » and M anaoku . Kntenrd a* »evond-een next to Impossible to get on to the ground with a team, let alone working the soil with any satisfactory results. Tbe above conditions, perhaps aggravated in portion» of Illinois, ex­ ist in greater or less extent through considerable portions of tbe entire corn belt. One of tbe discouragin’; features about tbe situation is the fact that there is hardly any other crop that can be grown In the abort portion of tbe season remaining. Tbe situation de­ scribed insures hard times locally, at least, of a very depressing character. Î N EXT to \\ heat, «aita are the moat widely grown amali grain crop. It Is a crop that is nerd" rd on every farm fur ftnsi. ca­ perla lly for young stock and homea lu the corn twit osts till In a place In the rotation that »snoot weil lie taken by any other crop I’tie work of need lug and barveNting tits In well u IIh the work of growing a vorn crop* heme oats arc and probably always will ita an im|M»rtnnt crup in the corn heli In spite ««f these reasons f»»r growing oats they are not unuai^r considered to be a proti table crop The price is les« (bau (hai of corn and (he yield usual rtn AND 14OSBBT WHKBCH. thereon, while Fig. 2 shows wrench adapted for ordinary use. In this view the lower Jaw is cut away to show the Interior details. It will be obaerved that the ratchet mechanism with which this wrench Is equipped in place of the screw mech­ anism is controlled by a button, A. that projects from the forward face of the lower Jaw When the button A Is depreams! tbe dog It Is disen­ gaged from tbe ratebet teeth, permit­ ting tbe Jaw to Is- moved downward on tbe shank of the wrench. A spring. C. serves to bold tbe dog in engage- meet with tbe ratchet teeth when th»» button A is reieas«-d. It I m not nec essary to operate tbe button A when closing tbe Jaws on a ptece of work, but merely when It Is desired to open them. Tbe pipe gripping device con­ sists of a slotted member, which may be fitted over the shank of the tool and Is provid«-d with inwardly Inclined teeth. as shown in tbe Illustration. Tbe inventor of this Improved wrench is Mr. Charles Waller of Hamilton. Wasb. Formic Acid For Dyeing. Formic acid, wbicli has |ec feet S inches ........................................... 7.2a vail! True, tbe posies In tbe carpet It Is not often that waves attain a may lose some of their brightness, height of more than Hix foot on the though none of their fragrance. If cur­ «•oast, although they may appear to the tn I ns nnr put up for awhile each da y eye Io I m - much higher. Tbe plant n«s- and the glorious germ destroying sun­ essary to utilize the force of the trtiine Is allowed to pour In, but It will per mean cheeriness, light and health for waves would cost about (LOW horsepower. tbe memliers of tbe family, wbo ought to be entitled to more consideration Mounting Photo Prints on Glass, than carpets and wall paper. Photograph prints can bi­ mounted A new kind of piano, the cboraicelo. on glass with an adhesive made by baa the ordinary key* and hammer*, soaking one ounce of sheet gelatin In which may tie used If desired. but la cold water tn saturation, then dissolv­ also provided with electro magnets ar­ ing in three and otic-half ounces of Let the solution cool ranged to vibrate tbe wires without boiling water. striking with tbe hammers. The tones to about lit) degrees F, then Im­ when produced by the action of the merse tbe print In it and squeegee electro-magnet» are said to resemble face down on a clear piece of glass. those of on orgsn combined with a When dry take a damp cloth or soft stringed Instrument, giving novel pos­ sponge and wipe off any surplus gela­ tin on tbe glaas.—Popular Mechanics. sibilities of melody ..OOD AND |1XjS STS«'B< ly consMerahly lower Moot farmer, rale«- oats tnon- because they have to than because they think there la any money In It. If hand.ed rightly, how ever, oata can be made a money crop One of tbe moot luiportaut point* Io oat growing In the aelevtloa of cred that Is adapted to tbe locality Oata are a cool weather crop I’be hot midsummer weather of tbe corn belt la one of tbe chief factors causing low oat yield* XVhen tbe hot weather strikes the oata they blight and rust badly. Many titnea (bey crinkle dowa aud do not fill well Advantage of Early Variati««, The only way this can be arnld»*d In the corn belt Is to now early varieties. These ripen before tbe hottest «earner comes an«l roipr many of the (00 hies that affect later oata Earty va- rletleo are much lean snaceptlble to rust than late ones are. The selection of rust proof varieties In the only way of combating thin disease, since, un­ like smut. It «-annot lie prevented bv treating tbe seed. Experiments at the lows eiperlment station show nine liasbels more to tbe acre In favor of early varieties The average of twelve years erjerlmentn at the Nebraska station gave the early mits f«>urt«H-n bn-hela to tbe acre a th«« acre lu favor of drilling over broadcasting. From half a buab- el to a bushel less aeed to the acre is re«|uir«*d when u drill la us»*«l. ns all Goodner & Ritzer CHKRCRNT MFM Hl Mahr s of MAHZIWR tbrtirr l'un Mante). Woodsaw in# .1. It. Fitzgerald ! 1‘lmim «ikl TUOI I HALE. Route 1 Expressing, Draying “*■ J. H. MOSS I4X Phune ForNAIHH EH, HARM and ALL IIAKM-SS AUt EbMtRIEH L^_ Gresham Harness Shop til Kin«!» R«'|i«lrlhg quickly dot»« GUST LARSON. Prop., tlrcaham E. B. MORELOCK AUCTION! I'R 20 Vein I tparfcm.«. ltaF««KM*a* Dr A Tii«>in|«<>n «tt«l S * I hotel MONTAVILLA. OREGON - Fhoiir |MVI J. M. SHORT. Al I) S. P. BUTNER. M.D Fk* ■idaa»*9ai graaa Groaham. (>r«*foa a H OTT H. OTT BROTHERS uiiNiisrs GrtMiliam. < >rnr»n !.. I). MAHONE ATrtiHNKY-AT LAW R«al Estate, I'robatf* and CorporuUMl Law. Prompt Attention U» All Busin*««« t*hon*. Main 101« • It Henry »14« REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Boring, ,’ak' p>r C%ir«ir ~ tiaaoim«' l.ugnic. LUMBER Oregon $6 d thousjnd on 16 fl and 24 ft. Ktniqh. 1x4. I\6. IxN. and on 2x4. 2x6. 2xX. Railway Mail Clerks Wanted Ihe (Invernment pays Railway Mail Clerks $Ar«'sar2 Hamlin lluti «V» 7 4.1 PORTLANh hr Aft 9 5 (Y> 7 !.*»« W Ufi 10 • •«»If lun< ii«»n A 14 7 n * Io w 1.» 10 Bcaate] r» » 7 rj * 17 1» M 10 IrPiitH Junrtion .i» .11 7 <•• H •J7 V « 10 Sy««mt»r»-.. a 4i 7 4X * 4o w NA IO Jenne.. 7 »•• * 4/> 9 9» 10 Linnemann ft GKKMH V M ft 41 •7 .’•» * •O 9 • Io Hoa» h s 7 M «1 9 Aii«lrrM<»ri 7 A* i ‘J • «. M (>• Hnlty. 9 MU M 0< Boring 9 V« m œ» Mi« h-r ........... 10 •■) •g 10 Barton 10 Oft M 1J I»« rn < r, rk 10 07 M 1* Fngb- Cr.-. k 10 1H < urrinariilr. IN 24 10 .. 1»! FIG Tin -HAVK GHAtW WU»t. RHCX'IID. M 41 1 -’H’ «d« io J»» IN 40 10 &'«¡ Ar the teed la put where it can grow to <-AZAhKRO the beat ad Van tag»* Clover bas a bet­ ter chance in drill«*d gralu. Tbe drill Rhnuld be run north and south, so that the mud can shine In between tbe rows on the little clover plants. Harvesting the Crop. Preparation for harvest should be made by having the binder in perfect running order beforehand. If oats are not rut as aoon as ripe they will al- moat surely go down and tie lost. Great rare should lx* taken In shocking to are that the bundles stand up firm ly If the straw Is not too grern the shocks should tie capped, as a capped shock will shed rain better A shock that stands up straight and la well capped will sited a great deal of rsln without wetting in much It Is much better to stark than to thrash out of the shock. The oats will sweat some­ where. and they will be of better qual­ ity if they do It In the stark instead of In the bln. It has been proved many times over that there la nothing to bs gnlne«J by thrashing oats from the shock. Oats that have been permitted to go through the sweating process In a well protected stark are always of better quality than those which have been hurried Into tbe thrasher. STATIONS < AZAhKKO h < r< < k Barton Hb-frr............. Boring I A nd•• mon.. H om -nt* Junction Btsnley. Golf Junction.. PORTIUND Ar 4» or. l.s tj «y NA 40 4A 10 11 11 II II 11 11 il 11 11 li 11 l-J 12 12 12 12 12 12 l!> 1 II."» Ir» TJ ; i * j 3A lo li» 4M V» OS 0/ 13 il ?4 E BRANCH WESTBOUND «. ■ W 7 ( f »- n la |N 1 Ml W ISIS > tl I IS ) a i » i ’I» et io io n M >aiu< M 7 40 TROUTDALE BRANCH « » l<> i. U nt '> »> to It -«> t a Hally Bscept Hunday. JuneX0"*0" CU7’ J» J H I JJ . j; ; n J 2 J 2 M 1 M 1 M 4 N ! N I M M J S|4 S • S'S 3| t S !• X H» «A11 »¡a m A. M. acaras In Human. P. M fl(nr«. |„ btaok, P“rk ,nd W*T P”'"1*' •h“«- •» «»if For Lente, Mt. Scott and Mat side pointe. chanRn can at Lente Junction Genera) Office., Fint and Alder 8te., P obtlamd . O bboor . 4