Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 21, 1910, Image 2

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—Louis Paulhan. in his Firman b<
I plane, made today what aviation ex
> ports here consider the most remarks
ble crosscountry flight in lustory.
On the wings of a wind that tho I
other aviators hesitated to face, the |
little Frenchman rode from Av
field to ••Lucki '• Baldwin's ranch. 2J
11U ,
mile« aw«*» r nclvtl thv old Santa Auita
l .
racetrack and bucked his way back to
Hass Important but Not Lass Intar» his tent.
eating Happenings from Point*
In all he covered an estimated >lis
Outside the State.
tanee of 47H miles iu one hour. 2 tun*
utes, 42 2 3 seconds.
He went down
with the wind in 30 minutes and came
John R. Walsh begins Hrs year term , .
.. .
back .gams: >t m 33 .mutes, leavmg
in penitentiary.
Newsy Items Gathered trim All
Parts ol the World.
Paulhan Flies 23 Mlles and Returns
Safely to Starting Point.
Aviation Field. Los Angele». Jan 19.'
at sama r ralthavsn Rescues All ou Board
tn Nick of Time.
Eastern Oregon Poultrymen Will Make
Splendid Exhibition.
Captain Reimers, of Chshalem Moun­
tain, Posts Cash for Contest
Pendleton The first annual exhibit
ot “>•
Morrow County I'vul
try awociatKMi will b« b«ld in this city
rueaday. fcrdmwday and Thuitday.
jBnuBry g5>
ghow wl|(
p» held in the large store room in ths
Smith-Crawford building formerly oc-
eupied by Cook A Perry, and the com
mittoe in charge has already started to
«»««*• r”um
•‘“I* **>r “>•»how.
The association has secured the set­
vjf<. of £lnw DUon of Oro««, City,
Salem Believing that he has the
beet orchard land in Oregon, in the
I.OtlO-acre tract known as Cbehalem
Mountain Orcbanls, Captain Paul H.
Reimers haa pouted a 21.OViO check
with W K. Newell, preaident of the
state board of horticulture, challenging
any orchard land operator in the etale
to show a better 4 year old orchard In
1914 than he can.
Ae evidence of good faith. Captain
Reimers haa |*»ted 51,000 with Prvei-
dent Newell, for which be haa tho fol­
lowing receipt:
•'Received from Paul II Reimers,
certified check No. 651 of the amount
of one thoueand dollars (51.0’”'). Said
check of 51,10*1 is to be kept by the
undersigned in trust so security of the
following challenge, to-wit:
"Paul H. Reimers challenges here­
with any person or company in th» sum
of ons thousand dollars to plant in
Oregon during the year 1910 and de­
velop during the following four yesrs,
a better end more desirable orchard,
from every standpoint, than his Che-
halcin Mountain orchards at Frank-
and Rex station, Oregon.
W K. Newell, President State Board
of Horticulture."
Any orcbardist desiring to enter the
competition can get full information as
to the conditions of the contest from
Captain Reimers or President Newell.
Baa Francisco, Jan 18. -Captain Paul
Rappsmundt, his wife and 3 months
old child, his Id year old eon, Paul
Rap|>eiuun<lt, Jr., and the entire crew
of seven of tho wrecked schooner Han
Bueua Ventura, have been saved from
the eea. They arrived la Bau Franeiseu
harbor tomglil un the steamer Fair
haven, and the Aral newa of them re
ceiveil einee their vessel drifted ashors
‘•r at lb. mouth Ut Rogna river
same from tlie Fairhaven's signal flag»
as tho steamer steered in through the
Gohlen Gate.
Tho party was taken from ths eiuk
ing, water logged lumlwr schooner after
three day» of hardship and suffering
They had alwut despaired of their r
chances of e»<-aping death in tho ocean, ,
when the Fairlimrii hove in eight just
before dusk Friday afternoon, and tho 1
' roacito was accomplished ilexpite the '
heavy s.-o that wa» running.
First Mato Eriekson, of the San i
llu.-na Ventura, was seriously injured |
on Wednesday afiernoou. when the .
cargo of lumber shifted. Throe of his >
riba wore fractured, and it is probable ,
that he is intorually injured. J. (os
siovey, one of th« ••■amen, sustained an
injury of the right hand. These wore i
the only easuallies.
M lieu the Fairhaven sighted the di»
abled ••■hoonor Captain Paulson sent
Second Mate Johann Silveraten ami
four meu to the rescue in s lifeboat.
After an exciting battle with the heavy
sea» tho »mall boat reached tho aide of
the doomed vessel.
Mr». Ifappemumlt xml her »on were
tsheii into the lifeboat. Then Mate
Erlcluon wa» lifted over the side. One
by one the members of tho crew, nearly
exhausted after their many hour» at
the pump», dexerted the wrecked craft;
but Captain Kappomundt refused to
leave the ship.
’•She'll stay afloat for a week yet,
and I’ll »lay with her," he shouted to
his men
They pleaded with him iu
vain, and it wa» not until Mrs. Kappe threatened to leap Into the eea
with her three months old baby in her 1
arms that the ship's master tlnally
Measure Cbanqlnq Size ol Boxes
Stands Llitle Chance.
Should „ A,,p..r
Again, It Will Be Riddled With
Adverse Facts.
Washington, .Ian, IM Ths Lafean
apple packing bill, Intondvd to du\o
Oregon and other western apple« mil
of eanterii markets, lies dormant in the
house committee on agriculture, ind
thus far there has been iiu indication
that it is to Im pressed for consldera
lion. The bill is nut a new one. In
one form or another it has been intro
«lured In set era! successive congresses,
but never yet has it received consul
eration at the hand* of any commit tee
to nbicti it has been referred. If Mr.
Lafean has any intent ion of urging
its consideration this session, lie has
given no intimation of his purpose to
the chairman of the committee ou ng
nculture, anti without request from
him the commit tee a ill take no notice
of his bill.
The l.nfonn bill in its present shape
seemingly stands no chance of passage,
ihe radical and revolutionary charac
tei of its requirement» and the mani­
fest object sought to be attained aro
sufficient to guarantee a tight against
it in committee, and it is doubtful >f
the bill could I m * reported to the house,
but, siuruld a report be made, it would
ohlr be after the bill bad been mate
rially amended, su a* to remove the
tut» re objectionable features. Hut more
than this, it is seriously questioned
whether congrrsa will feel dis|a>scd to
enter upon the regulation of the sire
anti contents of packages in which
foodstuffs ar«* shipped in interstate
commerce. Such legislation
wa* not.
attemptml under the pure food law.
aii'l it is not believed to be the pur
|M>«e of congress at this late day to
set a precedent such as would E m * re
tnhh*hed by the passage of the lasfcau
Hepreseutativr l.afi-an introduced hit
bill in the last congress, it was re­
ferred to the committee on interstate
and foreign commerce and there died
without ever being considered. In the
special session last spring ho rrintro
duced it, and again ou January 5 in
treduced it with some change*
latrst bill, »u fur ns the western apple
country it concerned, is quite as ob­
noxious as any of its predecessors, for
it provides that 1» »xes in which apples
are parks«! for shipment out of the
in which they are grown must
have a capacity of not les« than 2342
cubic inches, the figures named m pro
v >ous bills. Hut in addition to defin­
ing the rapacity of apples boles, the
new bill tiies the standard capacity of
apple baskets ami barrels, the former
to be of the s.nne rapncity as boles,
2342 inches, and the barrels to be of
the following dimensions: “Length of
stave, 2-Hb, inches; diameter of head,
i.'s inches) diatanee be|we#n bead*»
2ti inch«*«; circumference of bulge, (»4
inches. ’ *
The obnoxious feature of the bill, so
far nt the western apple growers are
concerned, Is that fixing the standard
for boxes. Mr. Lafean, fur some rea­
son, has arbitrarily chosen a box con
faming 2342 cubic inches; the Winches
ter bushel, the recognised standard tn
th»» United Blates, contains 2130.4
»ubic inches.
Therefore the Lafean
I kjx calls for 192 cubic inches in ex-
c»‘ss of a bushel.
Why such a figure
should have been adopted is a tnystery
to the members of the committee. Mr.
Lafeun has never offered any explana­
tion, yet he apparently m the only man
in congress interested in thin bill.
• hairmnu Heott of the committee ha*
assured Mr Hawley he will do noth*
ing with the bill unless urged to do •<»
by its author, ami, if requent is pre
ferrod, Mr. Ilawley will be notified in
time to enable representatives of the
weatera apple growers to eoma to
Washington and present their protests
to the committee. But until Mr. La­
fean demands such action, it seem» un­
necessary for such representatives to
make the trip to Washington or to de­
who will be preaent all during th«
The country over which he traveled
w|It ^„giiy
was the valley lands of the San Gabriel entry. Mr. Dixon ia a member of the
United Mine workers of America be- river and the plateau leading to the American Poultry association and ia
g:n convention in Indianapolis.
ocean. He could have landed at alm.»: liesnsed by that organisation to judgo
The big ice gorge in the Ohio river any place, but he did nut. When he all varieties of poultry, and is recog
has broken without doing any serious climbed out of his car he »aid hi» motor n'ted authority in this line of work in
th» Northwest, being a brsxrder of
was »» cool a« when he started and poultry himself, and hi» knowledge has
Convicted conspirators in Hermann that he could do the trip over agam at
been gained by actual experience.
trial say men in Washington were im­ once.
In order that each exhibitor may
In sheer beauty and contempt of have a full knowledge of what hia ex­
It is rumored that Pincbot may take danger the flight rivals that seen on hibit is worth and in order to stimulate
the presidency of ths University of any of the aviation fields of the old the breeding of only first class varie­
ties of birds in the two counties, the
The only test approaching it
score card system will be used through­
William H. McIlroy, a civil war in this country was that made by Wil-
out the show and each bird will pass a
veteran aged 74 years, died at Madia E'ur Wright last fall, flying with an
moot rigid examination, and the result
on. 111.« leaving 26 children and 118 army officer from Washington to Alex­
of each examination will be contained
andria and return, a distance of ten on the score card hung In front of the
President Taft has issued a proclam­ miles.
pen containing the bird.
ation granting mimimum tariff rates
In additonn to the other features of
Blériot. Latham, Farm an and Cody
to Italy, Great Britain, Russia, Spain,
have made flight» nearly as long, per­ the poultry show, the committee has
Turkey and Switzerland.
in view the holding of a cat and dog
haps, but they have nut come back.
Irrigate 160.000 Acres-
Paulhan makes a new world’s record Cody flew 40 mile» at Aidershot in 62 show during part of the time, and •P
Klamath Falla - The Warner Lake
by flying across country nearly 24 miles
minutes last fall. Farman took a 20- line to cause a large exhibit of thia Irrigation company was recently in­
and then returning safely to his start­
corporated with a capital stock of
rnile run to spend a day shooting with class of animals to be shown.
ing point, at an average speed of about
525,006, for the purpose of irrigating
a friend, but he landed at one end of
45 miles per hour.
a large tract of land In Lake coynty
Stanfield Population Inceeascs
his journey.
A French astronomer says the earth
Stanfield—There haa been a great in* under the Carey act. The officers of
Cortlandt F. Bishop, presideut of the i
will pass through the tail of the Hal­
H. Bradford,
flux of population into this locality the the company are:
ley comet, composed of gas and me­ Aero club of America, said tonight that
president; £. C. Belknap, vice presi­
teorites, on May 19. but that no incon­ he did not know of any flight equal to West, largely from North Dakota. So dent; and chief engi ieer;
C. H.
Paulhan ’». It is probable that the |
venience will result to us.
marked has this become that several Gleim. secretary; H. B. Millard, as­
One thousand farmers hold conven­ prize of >10,000 will go to the French sections are coming to be known by the sistant treasurer smi manager.
It is the intention of the company
names of the parties settling them,
tion in Walla Walla.
approximately 150,000
There will be a good deal of official such as the Fargo Orchards. Grand to
Banker Walsh is preparing to go to
a ree. The Warner valley is a beauti­
pondering and cabling, however, before Forks Orchards, Carrington Orchard«,
prison and serve his time.
ful district of approximately 100 mil»» Throws Open Two Cities, Regardless of
a new world record is added to the etc. The buyers are mostly men of in length lying in the eastern part of
Japan's Prousts.
A Boise Chinaman was nearly killed glory that already belongs to France.
means who are bringing about a rapid
Lake county. This valley ie so shel­
by agents of some powerful tong.
Paulhan maintained an altitude of , development of their several tracts.
Pekin, Jan. I*.—’ bins he» opene-i
tered by the mountains that it has a
Taft and Pincbot addressed the Na­ from 1000 to 2000 feet on hi» way over i
climate all it» own ; so different ie the Hun Chun and Luogehin sun, in Chieu
the valley. His highest point was 21301
tional Civic federatio from the same
climate from the surrounding territory tao, Manchuria, to international trade,
feet, as indicated by the instrument in
Pent leton A motor car is to be in­
his car. Under him, speeding over the sta led on the Oregon Railroad and that the stock men have for years not withstanding ike fact that an agree
Dismasted and helpless the ship Wil­ country roads, scattering chickens and Navigation company's line between made a practice of wintering their men has not been reached with Japan
regarding the matter of tariffs to be
liam H. Smith was tuowed into harbor domestic animals, were motors trying' Pendleton and Walls Walla to replace •he«p and cattle in this d etricL
to keep in touch with him in ea«e he
on Puget sound.
collected on the Corean Manchurian
should fall or have to descend. Mme. I the steam service now connee’irg with
Hood R »»r Men Buy O I La
The Russian government will not ac Paulhan followed in an automobile,, the Portland trains. The motor is ex­
Hood Riv.r Twenty local eapralista
pected to arrive this month. A motor
The question of tariffs will come up
eept Knox’s scheme for neutralizing praying and crying.
When Paulhan
reached the grand-. service has been in operation between
Manchurian railways.
for setth-ment soon.
stand, on his return, he was mobbed.: Dayton and Wallula via Walla Walls
The forest service bureau has ap­ The crowd broke through the barriers. I for a month, and is reported as giving lands. The company will secure 3,2<M>
By the terms of an agreement be
proved the sale of 14,000,000 feet of The spell under which they had sat for'
excellent satisfaction to patr-'is along acres of land in the southern part of tw.-on China nn l Japan, signed Scpt.-m
timber in the Shasta forest reserve, an hour, straining to see the speck in
the county. J. tl. Hibbard left for !•< r 4, II*
amoug other thing» the
the I ne.
for $31,000.
the sky. broke in an ecstasy. The avi- (
Vale, Ore., where he will look after Tumen river wax designated the l»oun
lifted up and borne over the
the location and interests of the com­ dary line between China and Corea,
President Madriz, of Nicaragua, will a tor was
Hill Survey Nears Klamath
field as a football hero would be
pany. C. L. Morse wan elected presi­ an.I several towns In Chientao, which
bring to trial everyone implicated in
dent of the local company and A. T. were given to China, were to be opened
the shooting of the two Americans. His own countrymen kissed him and now encamped on the Klamath Indian
Allen and J
H. Ferguson, secretary to the residence nml trade of foreign
Groce iaand Cannon.
reaervation. They are working less
wept in joy.
erx. Among the»« towns are Hun Chuu
and treasurer, respectively.
an.I Lungekin sun,
The Lafean apple box bill haa beer,
Vnrious dissensions in carrying out
pigeonholed. If it ever appears before
direct to this city.
The crew left
Medford Eleven hund oil trees or- the terms of the agreement hnvo arises
congress again it will be mercilessly
as the immigration of Corean» into
slaughtered by Western congress me.
President Issues Tariff Proclamations to Odell with three months’ provisions. dered by the Greater Medford club for
chientao. By the terms of tho agree
It is expected that by the end of that the
Six Nations.
Lumber schooner Acme, from Eu­
time they will be cloae enough to streets have arrived and are now heel- moot. China was to have auzerainty
reka, crashed into the breakwater at
Washington. Jan. 19.—The president Klamath Falls to get provisions from ed in and will be planted as so^n as the over the Curoan» there, of whom there
are about 70,000. Japan felt her eon
Loe Alngeles.
Her officers declare issued today his proclamations in this end of the line.
condition of the soil warrants.
trol of Corea wa» in a measure threat
there were no lights on the breakwater. which it is declared that, under the
eneil by this Another hitch wa» eau»e<l I
It is said Pincbot has eye on presi­ new tariff law. Italy, Great Britain,
by the question of tariff». Ho the open
Hood River—Dr. Henry Waldo Coo '
Russia. Spain. Turkey and Switzerland
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestom, ing of the designated town«. t>ronu»e<| I
by January 1. wu delayed, itoth na
Loe Angeles is said to be “areonut- are entitled to the minimum rate im of Portland, arrived in Hood River ’ 11.18011.19; club, $l.i>RrqL09; red
with a special car of tomeaeekere from 1 Russian, 51.06; Valley, 51.06; 40-fold, lions recognize, however, that sooner
ty” over the aviation exhibition.
posed by that act.
later in the course of progress the»«
North Dakota.
They spent a day ’ Sl.100ll.12.
The proclamations, which are identi­
town» must be opened, and China'»
Both sides admit that the Liberals
viewing the Hood River orchards,
Barley—Feed and brewing. 530<<|30 - present declaration is not thought to
cal. provide that because Italy and its
have won in the English e'ection.
Dr. (or 1 50 per ton.
colonies have not discriminated in trip was made by sleigh.
[mrtend any serioua clash with Japan.
Oata—No. 1 white. 532.50 per ton
A Chicago man died under the in­ tariff rates against the products of the
The importance of tho opening of
Hay—Track price»: Timothy: Wil­ Hun Chun to foreign commerce la ap
fluence of the new anesthetic, stovaine. United States and pay no export duty
on products sent to the United States the lands under the Coe-Furnish irri- lamette Valley. 51H4i2<) per ton; East­ parent when it ie understood that the
China has opened two towns in that discriminate, the president pro gat on ditch.
ern Oregon, 521'023; alfalfa. 517'</I8; town Is nine miles northeast of the
Chientao, complying with Japanese claims that on and after March 31.
Corean boundary. 25 miles above the
clover, 516; grain hay. $17'o18
1910, Italian products shall be admitted
Poultry Show at Woodburn
Fresh Fruita—Apples, 5iot3 box; mouth of the Tumen river, and le»» than
under the minimum tariff.
Woodbum—The second annual ex­ pears, 5150 per box ; cranberries, 59 loo miles from Vladivostok.
Four were killed and three were in-
The proclamation is signed by the
hibit of the Clackamas and Marion per barrel.
jured in a freight wreck on the Illinois president and by Secretary* Knox.
Potatoes—Carload buying
County Poultry association will be held
here on February 3, 4, and 5. Many Oregon. 6.rriid5e per sack; sweet pota­
Big Ice Gorge Gives Way.
Doctor Says New Anesthetic Kills Chi
Curtiss, Paul han and Hamilton, all
birds are being enured. H C- Schell- toes, 2‘4 c per pound.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 19.—The great hais of Vancouver, Wash., is superin­
execute daring aerial maneuvers in
eago Patient.
Vegetable« — Artichokes. S16T1.25
teeth of a gale.
ice gorge that for the last two weeks tending the show. The judge is Will perdosen; cabbage, 52 p«r hundred;
Chicago, Jan.
18. — Stovaine, ar
The secre­ cauliflower. 51.75 per doten; celery, cording to a coroner*» physician, Dr.
Roosevelt witnesses a successful ba« held solid in the Ohio river from B. Dixon of Oregon City.
lion-spearing in east Africa. Kermit Wolf creek almost to Louisville broke tary is Mrs. Ella Plank, of Woodburn. 53.75 per crate; horseradish, 12S® per Warren M. Hunter, canned the death of Forest Service Bureau Approve Sale of
pound; pumpkins. IJjtitlKe; sprouts,
is first white man to successfully stalk teday and it is moving tonight with­
John Rohrfy at tho county hospital last
14,000,000 Feet.
For Bigger and. Better Fair.
6m7c per pound; squash, lfrtl \,e; to
and kill a bongo deer.
out doing any damage other than car
Dunsmuir. Cal., Jan. 18.—The bureau
Rohrtv was operated on for a frar
A German prince who has carefully rying away shanty boats and «mall
county fair was planned at the meet­ 51.50 per sack; carrots, 51; beets, hired knor rap. and died an hour after of forest service of the department of »
watched proceedings at Aviation park, craft and causing a cave in of banks.
agriculture has approved the sale of
ing of the board of directors of the 51.50; parsnips, 5150.
hr wit* taken off the operating table. 14,01*1,000 feet of standing timber
says dirigibles are the only practical The flood is expected to reach Evans
Onions—Oregon, 51 50 per sack.
ville. Ind., tomorrow morning. There Linn County Fair association at Fem,
air craft yet invented.
the Hhssta national forest reserve.
was a rise of over two feet in the Ohio when the following officers were unan­
Butter—City creamery extrae, 39e; examination of the l»ody, anil an in
E. H. Wemtr.e, a Portland capital­ at Cincinnati during the night, and it imously elected:
Dr. A. G. Prill, fancy outside creamery, 34 m 19 c per ; quest probably will be held tomorrow the I'astle Lake Lumber company
ist, who owned the first automobile in has been raining in Louisville for 12 president; R. Shelton, secretary; E. pound; store, 20m 25c.
Butter fat
“Heath was canard by stovaine and < astella, and consists of
— a _ quantity
-,... ...... , of
the northwest, has purchased a Curtiss hours.
prices average 1 Sc per pound under external violence/* said Dr. Hunter yellow pine at »3 per thousand feet,
D. Myers, treasurer.
“The fractured knee rap forma all the sugar pine at «4 per thousand feet, and
•reoplane and will have it on exhibi­
regular butter prices.
Medina Get» Tip. Flees.
Mill City M il Operates.
Poultry—Hens, 15SM16c; ducks, external violence marka that the body Douglas fir at »1.00 per thonaand feet.
tion in Portland Jan. 25 to 29.
Managua. Jan. 19.—The police broke
The object of the sale is to remove
Mill City—The large sawmill be­ 20rn22; geese. 13c; turkeys, live, 19 •howrd. and that in itself would not
Truce arranged between Republican into the houxe today when- General Me­
can«* death, of eourae.”
the dead, dying and matured tinitier
longing to the Curtiss Lumber com m20e; dressed, 22 Sw23c.
regulars and in-urgents in house.
Dr Hunter referred to th. new an ui the rew-rva, leaving suBcient .land-
diae wax supposed to have barricaded pany in this city is again in operation
Eggs--Fresh Oregon extrss, 30f»/35c
The British bouse of lords is engaged himself, bat found he had gone. Min­ after a forced lay off of several days, per doten ; Eastern, 25<rx27c per dot­ aesthetic recently demonstrated in Chi­ Ing timber to reproduce a supply of
by Dr. Thomas Jonnesco, as “a the particular kind
ister-General Bsnca has issued a gen
in a vote which means life or death.
medical gold brick.’’
oral order for hi» capture on sight. owing to the recent cold weather, and
Pork —Fancy, llmllj^cpsr prund.
the large quantity of ice in the North
A gigantic graft plot involving mil­
Vral—Extras, 12OT 12 Sc per pound.
Santiam river log pond.
Man Dies by Blast Route
lions has been uncovered in Pittsburg. rest was ordered after President Mad
Louisville. Ky., Jan. 1«
Cattle--Best steers. 556>5.35; fair
riz had addressed a mersage to the su
New Ixindnn. Conn.. Jan. 18.—Pine
Brick Buildmg for Lebanon
to good steers. 54 50m L75; strictly ing three sticks of dynamite in the pr.qx-rty valued nt nearly »2.000.000 i»
The political situation
in Spain prom.- court demanding that action
Lebanon Samuel Labbe A Son have good cows, 54.35; fair to good cows, front of his shirt, William A. Bonnett in jeopardy. People in the low lying
threatens the downfall of the present should be taken against those impli-
suburb of Hhipping Port are beginning
the contract for a brick buildmg. 53.50rq3.75; light calve», 55m 5.50; lighted the fn»e a.. | was blown to
to abandon their homes, and damage to
cans—Groce and Cannon.
44x100 feet, with full basement. The bulls, 52.50m 3.75; stags. 53"f4.
death today. Bennett, on returning business houses adjacent to Louisville’s
A diver at Long Beach, Cal., won a
Hogs —Top, 59.10m 9.20¡fair to good from work Friday, handed his wife a wharf territory is threatened by tho
structure will be occupied by the firm
Grandfather of 118 Dies.
»'eaperate battle with a deviIfiati on the
bouquet of flowers, with the remnik: swelling waters of the Ohio tonight.
hog«, 58.60m9.
as a furniture and hardware store.
sea bottom.
Madison. III.. Jan. 19.—William n
Sheep—Best wethers, 55.50<ir6; fair ’’Yon will know what to do with them Rivermen any that tho lee gorge has
M' llvoy. 74 years old. died today, leav­
New Bridges in Lincoln County.
to good wethers, 54.5om5; good ewes, between now and Monday.’’ Then he held <>n until the ice is grown rotten
Mississippi ice gorges have filled the ing 26 children ami 118 grandchildren
demanded money. On being refused all the wav through, and that there is
Newport—The county court of Lin­ 55m5.50; lambs, 55m6.5O.
he drew a revolver and fired at her, great danger that it will go out with a
levees high with wreckage, and the He was a Civil War
Hops—1909 crop, prime and choice,
coln county has advertised for bide for
the bullet striking a enrset steel, glane rush.
river is rising.
hoaxted he never wore a white shirt or
20m21e; 1908s, 17J*«; l»07s, 11 He;
collar, never used an umbrella an<l the building of two bridges over Ddft
in« off. lie was arrested
President declines to permit Repre­ never had a picture taken. He was creek. The Drift section ie one <>(/ >• per pound.
More Tin» of Opium Found.
Wool — Eastern Oregon,
sentative Mondell to introduce land married three times.
moat prosperous in thia county.
Cable Breaks; No News.
Ran Francisco, Jan.
pound ; olds, nominal; mohair, choice,
bills tagged “by request."
North Rvdney. N. H. .Ian. 14.—As search of the »teamship Siberia by the
Buys Wallowa Farm.
25c pound.
C. K. Hamilton, an American avia­
customs officials today revealed 70 ad­
Cascara bark 4 \c per pfltmd.
Joseph—S. M. Lotier hss purchas­
that connect* the Magdalen islands ditional tins of opium secreted In
Washington. Jan. 19.—A eonelo«'on
tor, failed in an attempt to beat Paul-
Hides— Dry hides, 180118 He per with the mainland at Bav 8t. Lawrence, various parts of the vessel. lueluiling
ed the G. C. Cowing farm of 120 acres,
han’s altitude record of 4,155 feet.
pound; dry kip. lflm.lRHe pound; dry the ¡»lands are completely ent off from today’s find, nearly »10110 worth of
weWern railway officials an-J ’heir on Prairie creek, for 57,175.
calfskin, 19m21e pound; salted hides, all communication, either by cable or opium has been found on the Siberia
Paulhan made a successful flight switchmen is likely to be reached with­
Burna will ha va a steam laundry; lOmlOHe; salted calfskin, 15c pound; otherwise, until the opening of naviga since she came Into this port several
across tbs country at Los Angeles, but in the next 24 hours. What that eou
green, le Issa.
tion in the spring.
days ago.
failed to boat Curtiaa’ speed record.
maybe a creamery.
I elusion may be is yet problematical.
Unionists gained more than they
pected in the English election.
• X-