Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 14, 1910, Image 2

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    ter I about it.
Whether their feeling is fair alle, well filled at the butts and
a prejudice or not, there is iio use o ( tips and symmetrically ahaiwsl through
Further Instruct luna for selecting
v « mii needlessly offending their preju­ out
coni will be given III article it After
Xnd tin* 1» to I m » taken into ac-
the corn la sorted a few rara should
For you a ant to succeed. do you
be taken from a mituiH»r of ear* In »Ilf
not? Very well. You cannot inount a forent parta of the seed riami amt teat
ladder of air; you mu«t rise on the solid ed
A fold of molai rimmel Iwtwceii
Succeeding Grvsbam X’ìndìcator. Gresham Gaiette. bast Multm*iiish R« «*«» t d
stepping stones of thv |HH»plv*i» dvscrv«*d two dinner platea makea a g««od tester
Multnomah Record and Monta vii la Herald.
l‘ut the corn I h » iwvoii the layer» »»f
l u »'.mhed Every Fruiav at tiresham. Ore., by the B katkk S t kt « 1'vai iaiuxo Co
“ And, of course, you a ill not «lisgracv dotti and «et It In worn«» «mt of Ihe
H A. CARNAI I. F Oliva and M an . wkk .
In ihr«*«*
yourself by drinking.
There is aln»t>- way place In the living nauti
Intely nothing in it.
Il you haw you« or four day a It will I h » ready to e\nm
H «rwl a» «wml < law matterà» the postarne* at <ire»ham, Oregon
fling at it \» u a ill learn how *urelv in
to\n at ¡oil's apple* ol gold turn to Ihe
and dangerous, but it is expen­ bitlvievt ashes in tl\v eating Rut alien
sive, If a man smokes at all it you *lo find boa Iruitless • l everything
will cost him ten cents a day. It' but regrets» dissi pat ion i*. Iv holiest
he smokes cigars it costs him ten with yourself and quit it. Ik* hoiieel
with the uiothet who is at b.»me |*rav
If he ing f» r you, an I quit it. But tin* in
1 cents to a dollar a day.
"Oppoi. unity has tiirteJ * chews, it costs him on an aver­ weak adKice B ■ honest with that
If he mother who 1* h«»:ur praying for you,
with beys h'hind the plew J age of ten cents a day.
get and never I mjiu it. t hat’* the thing
she has coaxed men from J
along for less than 15 cents a day nev< r begin it.
the ditch and the bench; J
“Ill a word, l*e a man; ami you will
she has lured men to gh rv J and the average will probably I«» vei> little < I a man, vriv little in
Ten cents a day deed, it you have g »1 to resort to t«»l«ac'*
from the printer’s ease and J run higher.
way pward cloth­ co and ¡iquor to add to tour bluod ami
from the stonemason’s J
a poor man. conduct that touch of d« \ lisli iiv - m which
Opportunity has J
Ten cents a day would easily, you may think is a necessary part ol
chased men to success thru J
nianhnes*. Indeed, between filterii and
machine shops and forges J comfortably clothe a small child. thirty years of age \->ur vein» are quite
Ten cents a day would board a full enough of th«* untaunsl and d«»s|»er> Im». If all tin» kernel« allow atrong
by the thousands, but op- Z
child at home. Ten cents a day ate. I do not object III 11.e lenst to thin aprouta try II «vv«»ll«l teal If Itila gite«
portunity is never so hard •
< h«* Millie rv>ult 11»«- vitality of tin* ««»«<!
will buy a town lot, on the in­ wild mustang |*iiod in a man's htv.”
up for a man that she has •
.mix I h » taken for granted
If some of
stallment plan, and many a boy
th«» kern«»!« fiill to germinal«* nnd «»th
to climb over a picket fence •
of 15 could own a fine home
Every Granger in the state era h.ixc w«:k Kpr>>uts the
and yank a dude out of a *
sight at 21 if he put his chewing, should read Judge McGinnis ar­ ? u text «!>< ll'il be U mi I
nock to mike a hero. •
F« r litis Kr'e. t a N't of any con
cigar and cigarette money into ticle in the January Pacific »«•nleiit
«!.’•• and put hit«» It three <»r
nity likes
th • such an investment. A man who
Grange Bulletin relative to Ore­ four lti»’ln»s of moist -ntid or »awdiisl
the bark on. virile •
spends on an average of 20 cents gon politics. It wouldn't hurt On this pkh e . t strip ««f mu* in whh ii
who can do something be- •
been imir'.etl Into In.Il M|U-ires
a day could easily own an aver­ it' a few others would read it. *ii»s
I :u down ns imitn ear» In a r«»w oil
side play the bass part to •
age suburban lot in two and a too.
th«» t1«M»r as there nr»» «qii.irv* In the
‘chop sticks' and roll a cig- !
’lake four to *lx k«»rii«»lM fr«»ui
half years. By continued invest­
■ h e ir. »*vh‘rt;!ig th«»ui from dlfiervnt
• ment and an ordinary increase in
We venture to say if Mr. Bal­«. and pl;:«»«» tliem In a *«|u ir«» < «>r
••••••••••••••••••••••••« value a man in ten years should linger and Pinchot were nomi­ re porn!in».; to the number of th«» rar
realize about $2000 on an actual nees for President by ¡»eople's from which they came. <’o»vr th«»
investment of $730.
Recogniz­ choice the man from Seattle k«»rnvls with three or four layer* ««f
inoHt • lotti and with soinr tn«>te of
HE people of this section of ing all there facts the state has
would not be in the race.
it«* <eiw«im«t <>r <and and att awnx t»*
the United States are accus­ passed laws regulating the sale
When the kernels germinate
tomed to think of those people of tobacco to minors.
you have a couipict«» m «»rd of th«» vi­
In our
tality of each ear
I'I iom » In w hn h
residing in the South as the to­ state it is a misdemeanor for any
one or more of tin* kernels faih*<l 1«»
bacco users of the country. Be­ one under 18 to use tobacco. It
gernilnntr should I h » «!>■*• -iirtled
cause we read of men. women is also an offense against the law show weak g«*rmhiufl«»n Nhoutd I h *
put In .1 pile tiv l iirtii««*l Ves
If t livre
and occasionally children smok­ to sell tobacco to a minor. And
is enough *«*vd without them tn«»»
ing and chewing in those states yet we find some one in every
sh«»uld hot I h * u*«*il at all.
If there
we conclude the residents are a town who is willing to demoral­
is not enough of thv «trong *«»«tl 1 he
other will have t> I*» lined
By put
tobacco soaked lot. Perhaps we ize the boys by breaking the law.
ting It on th** wnrm«»*t. drl«*st m » u it
are wrong but we very much The towns in this immediate lo­
will make a fairly good growth
Making Money
On the Farm
III.—Corn Culture
fall scanty. Hating gives the I »eat re­
The number of kernels tn use per
hill d«»|H»n«is U|H»n th«» rli’hnv«« of thv
On I lie average com I m »II soils
three kernels pvr hill w ill ghe the l»eat
Very rl> h ««»11« ran «up|»«»rt
four, while on |»«H»r soils two nr«»
enough It pa)« ln»th In h»ok« ami In
«»a««» of «iilthnihig to drlv«» «iinlght
whlli* planting and to take pain« 1«»
have the row« check straight cross-
w Ise.
A* many harrowings as possible
slb’uld I««» given the c«»rti l»vtw«»«»u
planting time ami th«» time It «»om«*«
If heavy rain« have pa« k«»,l th«»
»■««II nr If It 1« bully lnf«»«led with
wvim I« It
III pa> to f«dl«»w th«» planter
marks with the «*ultlvat«»r ln»f««rv har
r«»w Ing
\»« s«»«m a« the r«»w « «»an I»«» followe«l
the euhlvat«»r should t»e start«»«!
any d«»vp ei|ltlvuth»ll 1« to l»e given It
«hoiihl l»v thv tlr*t two limes uier. I««»
f««r«» the s«»ll 1« tll!«»d with «-«»rn root«
After ill«» corn 1« *lv «»r right Inches
!i|g!i ««»me form ««f «urfar«» « ii?thnt«»r
ih *t will m»t dlstur!» th«» ««»II to a
deptli <»f more than two «»r thr«»e lurli
«•« «hoitld I h » t»*«»«i In the western part
of tlie corn I h »I i . where th«» fields a»«»
large the two row* < tilth at«»r 1« I h « c « uu -
Ing p«'i»u!ar
If thv corn 1« very
straight both w ih »• thv««» rulflvatora
work wvll after tlu» tlr«t tlm«» over
ai'd v'ial’1«» ou«» man to handle at least
half ns mu<*h m«»rr lan«l
The problrm «»f cultivating 11 corn
field several bumlr«»«! a«»res In rxtrtif,
«u< h a« t« foiiml In manv «»f lb«» great
«•«•rn growing i*«»glons «»f the prairie
«tiitrs. has !>«•<• n great!)
«1 nq »11 tied
sin,«» ti»«» tw«» r,»w «’lilt•vat.-r « am«» Into
it r
With ih«» |M»rf«».t working o-rii
planters now In th«» market thv r«»ws
of i«»rti may I h » made *«» straight that
the tw«» row rultivnlor ran !••» us«*d
without «lltthlllly
IliH ha« brought
at» »lit a facility of eultivatlot« wliich
ha« a«!d«*d largely t*> the »iel«l In many
part« of the country
Before the rom
Ing «»f tin» double r«»w* cult 1 valor thrr«»
wa« danger that mu’h «»f the land of
th«» w«»strrn |»*»rtlon of th«» belt would
iH»c«»mv t««» weedy for coni «uliure
k«»«»p |»•»•t•••l «»n thv news «»f th«» «lav.
I’bv Herald offers g«««! bargains through
its clubbing list.
Monti men ts
Ml K In ’» .<( < ■ hm irr» W
Mi liliali » >«n all < '«••«»• .»I W orb
.Lì.» I
Morrison S».
Boari ini »
1‘I ioiiv I ««I 1?3I
lire.ham. Ore.
I ... - vhl'l I
II 01X1
Al l.
M 1 I—»Hill >
IH. Gresham Harness Shop
IH |
a . ‘ .
<11 NI I ARSON, Pr«»p.,
¿0 Near« I xpcrlrme.
|lK»sas«<Ka hr I t
l’l»n>r 1M,I
J. M. SHORT. M I).
S. P. BI I IM.k, M. I).
Flat skisssNsi gres»
W . J oTT
. w uoonxKK
J (Ull.,-
11|,< r. a. p
i.ot Hirz*«
"Keep \»ur Ejfp on Horing"
Expressing, Draying
it >1. 11TT
Goodner & Ritzer
1.. I). MAHONE
doubt if the percentage of tobac­ cality are no exception to this
Grading th« Saad.
co users is greater in any South­ statement and a little investiga­
After th«» corn has been tested It
Real I state, l‘r<d>st«* and Cor|M»raton
should be run through a s«»«»d corn
Is w.
ern state than it is right here in tion would substantiate it as a
Brompt Attention to All Business
grader Thl* will rrmov«» the Irregular
Author of “Home Course In Modern
Oregon and as for localities.sure­ fact and probably prove of great
butt him ! tip kernels anti dh Ide tin»
StS 11« nry Hl tr
I’huiis, Main 1010
Auric ulture"
ly our locality is the equal of any benefit.
r«»*t Into several grnilee a«»<*ordiiig t«»
The state of Washing­
Copyright. 1909. by American Pre»«
size If th«» < orn Is well grnd«*d In thin
in the disposal of this worse than ton has passed a law that makes
way an «ilg«» drop planter will give the
useless product. There is about it an offense for anyone to smoke
tn”«t result«
For kernels of different
2 per cent, of the men in this cigarettes and numerous persons
nlz«»s. howrv«»r. the full hill drop is
reparation to mi«e » large
I tie callbrntl«»n «»f the
part of the country who do not have recently been tried and
crop «if < orn should begin In the preferable.
fall of the previous year Plow­ planter 1« an lm|N>rtnnt point If uu
smoke or chew.
This would fined under it.
Our law, thus
ing for the crop should by all even stand Is to l»e sevur«-d By bhs k-
seem to indicate that the use of we see, is a liberal one and should
Ing ­ Up thv planter so thill the wheel« Ihr Government pays Railway Mail
means be done the fall before if possi
and' other •
tobacco is not so destructive as have the support of every law- ble. Weed seed* will spr'-ut and l»e ar«» cl«»nr of tin» ground and running Clerks SIMM) to
• $6 d Ihousjnd on 16 II. and •
employes up to $2.500 annually.
is frequently stated. A boy who abiding citizen. Below is a clip­ killed by frost. Inserts that are hiber­ of corn pl ites van !•«• ’»♦•I«»ctc«l that will
• -1 It. Rotiiih. h i. I\ii.
nating in the ground will meet the
I ncle Sam will Ii«»ld spring examina­
sees his father or older brothers ping from one of our most noted same
lot • and on 2x4. 2x6. 2xH.
fate Frost Is one of the farm­ dr«»p th«» desired number of kernels tions throughout tlm
enjoying a smoke has little rea­ statesmen relative to this sub­ er’s i>e«t friends in many ways. The ninety-five times out <»f a liundrv«i Railway Mail Clerks, Custom lions«* •
stenogrnphers, Bookkorpors,
rffert of freezing on the «»xposv«l plow­ Th«»»*e platvs should I h » put with their Clerks,
\ll Kind»* Hr« >••• <1 I iiml*« r.
son to doubt that it is a safe ject:
ing is to » rumble It more thoroughly particular grade of corn In readiness I>«»partinoiital Clerks and «4h«»r Gov­
thing to do. And yet is it a safe
ernmental |Mmiti<»ns
Tlmusands <>f ap-
While I am on this subject I might than could be done by half a dozen
¡«ointinruts will bo made
\ny manor
thing to do? A man who becom­ a, “ well
Preparing the Soil.
disking«. If the land Is clover sod. ns
woman, in city «»r country, can get in­
sav another thing . Do not think
es so addicted to the use of to­ that you have to smoke in order to !*• It should be If the highest yield 1« tn With grad«*d «« mm I of high germinat­ struction ami fr«»«» informal ion |»y writ­
l>e expected, the freezing will break up ing power and a planter properly « all- ing at once to th«* Bureau of In-
bacco that he smells like an old or look like a college man. A pipe in the
s««d better than can l«e done In any brnted a g«»«»d stand Is almost < «»rtnin Ntrurtion, I V»? Hamlin Building, Roch­
pipe, whose chin wears the am­ the mouth of a youth does not make other way In some cases, however, The next step Is to prepare thv «<»11 to es ter, N. V.
ber stain of tobacco, or whose him look like a college man, or any where there Is considerable lite fall receive th«» ««•»•<! In se«»tloi>s where
kind of a man.
It merely makes growth that Is available for fall and there Is any danger of drought It pays
beard hangs in tobacco-soaked other
him look absurd, that is all.
And if winter pasture, it is better to let the to run over th«» fall plowing with a
rattails, is not a pleasant subject there is ever a time on earth when you plowing go until spring, even If it does harrow early In tin» spring. This crum­
to contemplate. ‘‘Good cigars.” do not need the stimulus of tobacco, it make a little more work getting it in bles the surface and ch«sks eva|H»ra-
tl«»n It also vtic«»urages the w«ss|s to
used frequently have just about is while you are in school.
start, only to be kill«»«! I»y th»» disk
Gathering Seed Corn.
as bad effects as poorer ones. “Tobacco is a wonderful vegetable. It Even more Important than fail plow­ Inter As soon as possible after the
is, I tielieve, the only substance in the
ing Is th«* selection of seed corn early «mull grain Is In the disk should in«
No one can smoke without de­ world
which is at the same time a In the fall and storing it carefully for set to work on th«» corn ground
veloping a bad breath.
This stimulant and a narcotic, a heart excit­ the
winter ’the plan of going through there Is time It f»ays tn double «llsk. as
breath is indicative of the con­ ant and a nerve eedative. Very well. the field early and picking th«» seed In the soil Is left In smoother and finer
dition of the lungs and air pas­ You are too young yet to need a heart a sack Is sometimes advocated, but on condition. After disking th«» ground PORTI.A ND Lv
A ■V. 7 4ft fl 1. V 4ft 10 4ft 12 45 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 6 45 2
45 11 15
most farms this Is too much of an un­
1.’» M '►2 w
io (Xi II Uft 1 65 3 05 4 OS 5 05 8 05 1 05 1 05 11 35
<»olf Junction
ft «*.
sages. Air passing over carrion stimulant, trx> young to need anything dertaking.
13 7 *2.5 X Io u
A better way Is to go out planting time
10 1 • II 1 . 1 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 8 15 Ì 15 1 15 11 45
to quiet your nerves.
*22 7 MJ M 17 w
io Ä II 2‘J 1 22 3 22 4 22 5 22 8 22 1 22 4 22 11 52
In many cases corn follows corn, and 1^-lllN JUIK tloll
is offensive but it is not as bad “If at your tender age your nerves and husk a load as soon as It Is fairly
.* 31 7 4" •« /7 u 3J 10 3.' II .M 1 32 3 32 4 32 5 12 6 32 I 32 1 32 12 «'J
al 7 4 J « JO w Hft 1«) X’. II X'. 1 35 3 35 4 35 5 35 4 35 1 n. 35 12 .V,
as the carrion. Lungs so pollut­ are so inflamed that they must lie sooth­ well ripened and I»0fore any very bar«! the plowing must I h » done in the Jeun«-
.*, 3fl 7 4.. « 1 ■ '♦ IO 10 «O II 40 1 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 8 40 1 40 1 40 1’2 in
Spring plowing should not be Llnnrinann
come If this Is picked from the spring
4 41 7 ■d. H |O 9 4<. I«» 4ft It 15 1 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 1 45 1 45 1 45 12 !..
ed by tobacco cannot be healthy ed, and if at the very sunrise of your frosts
host part of the field there ought to be
n 7 •’»3 1 1
V 4M
1 1
1 41 3 411
5 44
1 aa
7 ft»»
9 .41
A rnlemon
11 M 1 53 3 53
and while they may escape in­
5 53
1 53
at least three or four bushels of good
|M oo
Uni. y
11 Aft 1 55 3 55
u Ws,
5 55
1 55
•J •
'M 0.3
II :»n 1 54 3 51
fection from tuberculosis, the be forcer! with any stimulant, you had seed ears in It. These can be sorted
5 54
1 54
N 0.
Mir fer
IJ IV) 2 00 4 00
8 00
1 00
better quit school.
It is no place for out and the remainder spread over the
|N to
to o.
12 05 2 05 4 05
odds are surely against them. A you
1 05
1 05
if you are such a decadent; yea,and bottom of the crib or fed to th«» hogs.
H 1’2
h.-.-p <’r. di
IO I.;
12 0/ 2 or 4 0/
1 Qi
1 01
Engle Creek.
10 i.i
12 13 2 13 4 13
considerable amount of the juic­ you will find the world a good deal Half a dozen such loads will usually
4 13
1 13
HI 1 •
< urrinsville.
12 11 2 18 4 II
4 11
1 18
12 24 2 24 4 24
es from the tobacco, containing harder place than school.
4 28
4 28
fl 40
12 35 2 35 4 35
8 35
1 38
plan to save about twl«e as much
a highly destructive poison in di­ “Cut out tobacco, therefore. For a good
seed as will |>e required, so that selec­
young fellow in school it is a ridiculous
lute form passes into the affectation
tion can be more rigid In th«» spring.
—nothing more. Why? Be­
stomach, is absorbed, enters the cause you do not need tobacco; that is
IkMM line
before husking begins in earnest some
I II 0) I 01 I »1 « 0) 4 SI I U I M I SI
circulation and is carried to every why. At least you do not need it yet. more seed «»orn «an be saved by put­
vital organ, to every thread of The time may come when you will find ting a box on the side of the wagon. In very deep, as It makes a loose layer of
dirt into which the moisture cannot
tissue in the body. Now you do tobacco helpful, but it will not be until which the best ears may be thrown. A readily rise from the subsoil. As a
you have been a long time out of col­ better quality of sf-od may be obtained
not believe that you could con­
consequence the furrow slice dries out, E m «« Mds
As to whether tobacco is good In this way because of a wider rang«»
stantly feed on a violent poison, fora man at any stage of life the doc-; of selection. It Is not safe to depend and the growth of the young corn f'urrlnwvllh*
Eagle Creek
plant is checked.
A disking before
«’reek .
however diluted it may be. with­ tore disagree, and ‘where the doctors on It entirely, however. because a ban! plowing will cut up the stalks and hsep
H n rton
freeze when the corn is full of moisture
out eventually becoming affect­ disagree, who shall decide?’
provide % fine layer which will fall Hlefer
b" ring
may kill the germs and make it worth­
ed. The man who uses tobacco “Ruskin says that no really immortal less for seed The first thing to do Into the bottom of the furrow and help A Hali
tn restore capillarity. In soils that are Hogan
has been done in the world since
with newly gathered seed Is to bang
becomes affected. Having once work
liable to bake, each day’s plowing GREMII AM
tobacco was introduced ; but we know It up where It can dry out quickly
. 5 Mllfl
become addicted to its use he that this is not true. I would not lie An open shed Is the best ¡«lace for should be harrowed before leaving the l l< i h im« ii> rio«iiri
ft l>2 fl
ft Ms fs
gradually requires it. The pois­ understood as having a prejudice for or this, as the nlr can circulate readily. | fiel«l at night. A little work at this Myrgmore.
Ix-nts Junction..
.i, 4 Hi. fl «.,6 M» H •n
«fi K» ’» • 12 05 2
time will prevent the formation of
42 4 40 fl 14 fl Ml M tu y I > I«» I* 12 18 2
18 4 15 5
onous components are stimulants. against ihe weed. Whether a full- while the roof keeps off the frost A clods and save ten times ns much trou­ KlHiihy
<»olf Junction.
45 ♦. ’22 7 O’» « I . • *J) lo 2«. 12 20 2
20 4 29 I
fl g. 7 »»]M :g> J 4o 10 40 12 40 2
40 4 40 8 40 • 40|7 40 10 40
To prove how much they control grown man shall use it or not is some­ good way to hang the corn Is to tie ble trying to pulverize them later. PORTLAND ..Ar
a numtier of ears on a long binding
his physical organization let him thing for himself to decide. Personally twine After the corn Is well dried Three or four additional harrowings
I liked it so well that I made up my
will usually put the spring plowing
7 2. - lido .M io 20 II J. I 10 1 10 1 70 4 70 S 70 t It 1 10
be deprived of his regular allow­ mind a long time ago to give it up alto­ out and before extremely cold weather Into first class shnp* for planting
s ini
in 2A
> . I U I > 2 . « - 1 ■»»
fl 2U 7
M 20 W 2 > . .10
comes It should be put In the storage
25 ■» 2 25 • 2 ta
2S « 4 25 5 25 . I ..
25 • 1 ..
ance for a few hours and he be­ gether.
It 1« better to check than to drill
h y» 7 sr»:« 2flo *» in w 11
1 M 2 M 2 20 4 » S 30 • 20 1 30
room. The attic is a good place, pm- , when growing corn for grain, as It
a 3»-
V «Mito HA 11
-P* I 31 2 35 3 31 4 M 8 3l I 35 1 31
comes a wreck.
It is more to “But there is absolutely no excuse for vlded there Is some provision for ven- ;
can be kept cleaner, with a resulting
him than food. But then there a man young enough to still be in school illation If the corn Is dry some freez­ larger yield. For fodder or silage a Daily Kirspt Hunday. A. M. Ogur«)« In Roman. F. M. figures lu black.
to use it at all.
And it does not look ing will not hurt It. but cold an«!
is another side to this. The use
drilled corn gives more tons of dry
For Oregon City, Canemnh Park and way punts, chang«» cars at Golf
right. For a Isiy to use tobacco has moisture together are very Injurious.
matter f»vr acre and Is more easily Junction.
of tobacco is not only disagree­ something contemptible about it. I
8slscting and Tatting.
handled by the corn binder. In some
For Lent,, Mt. Hcott »nd eMt lid» point», change can at Lenta Junction.
able to non-users,to most women will not argue whether this is justified Along In February the corn should be of the states west of the Missouri
General Office,, Firat and Alder Sta., P obtlaxo , Oaaoox.
and young people, not only filthy I or not. That is the way most people sorted, picking out only those ears of tjver, where the soil Is light and rain- ;
Railway Mail Clerks Wanted
: Straus Lumber Co. :
Springwater Division