Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 07, 1910, Image 4

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    Monster Over-Stocked Sale
Commencing January 10th we will attempt to clean up a lot of goods that have been accumulating
I during the winter and which we find ourselves over-stocked with. Already spring goods are arriving
and we must get some of the winter goods out of the way, and now is the time to sell when you need them.
Here are a few Specials for you to look up U/ira
«vir«' renting
Shoes and Rubbers
“ ShR°?bb4
Goods reduced in proportion during this Sale.
Ladies’ Rubbers at 50c pair, regular price 65c.
heat Flakes Mush, 5c a pkg. Shredded Cocoanut, 10c lb. Genuine Stock
VI Uvvl Ivd Fish, 1 lc lb., what is left. Genuine Columbia River Salt Salmon at tie lb.
Real Kilsono Herring at 12c a doz. Regular 40c Coffee at 30c. Regular $1 cans at 75c.
Cranberries 3 lbs. for 25c, what’s left. Very attractive prices on Syrups of all kinds. Two
cases Mince Meat left at 5c a pkg., regular 10c. 20 lbs. Best Jap Rice, $1. Guaranteed
Flour at $1.25 a sack.
l^’s l^e same reduction will
lUlllllUlv take place.
$3 Springs at
$2.75 during Sale. $3 Mattresses at $2.25.
Everything Reduced
are only a few of the many articles that ve
wiil reduce. Everything, no matter what you
buy, you will find the price materially reduced.
FlirnkllirhK AH Wool Shirts, regular $1.25, during this sale, 80e. Wool I nden lothes
1 Ul llldlllllyd regular $1 values, now 75c each. All 25c Wool Sox and Wool Hose at
18c pr. and all higher priced Wool Sox and Hose at reduced prices. All Wool Mackinaws
regular $3, now $2.50. Genuine Cravenette Overcoats, regular $10, now $8.00. Men’s
Hats at 25 per cent. off.
Terms of Sale, Cash
Gresham Qh Anchor Store Î6KFSHAM
limerai Merchandise, leed, Etc.
See Our
Spring Line of EM­
now in.
Latest Novelty in DRESS
VEILINGS, all shades.
General lines of G R OC E K I E S,
A gixxi name for the “Last Forever” FEED, ETC.
Stocking. They are so strong where
the wear most comes that they will
Out-wear two pairs ordinary kinds. Prompt Delivery. To Satisfy Ì01
is UlR constant AIM.
A 30-day guarantee with every pair
Mother’s Delight
Want Column
FOR SALE—Lincoln Sheep. Poland
Mr». Needham is entertaining a new
China Hogg, breedn g M«>ck < f all «ge?*.
Webb Earm, Phone 15S «laughter who came to town on the 22 nd
Mrs. Peake spent Sunday with Mrs.
LUMBER—At our new mill 1!4 miles
Mr. Herman and wife of M »lalla,
southeast of Kelso. We deliver iumltr. spent Chriamaa with their parents.
Jonsrud Bros.
Mrs. S. C. Foster’i brother from Can-
TO SELL—Two span light horses ¡one ad a spent the Christmas holidays with
light bugg>. cushion tire runalout,new : them here in Lents.
one rubtier tire surrey, canopy top, al­
Mrs. Bryant has returne«! to Lenta
ni, »t new. Inquire ui Lewis Shattuck,
Gresham. Or.
(ti for a visit with her daughter, M r*.
TAKEN UP—A two-year-old heifer,
Mr. John Wise of Nebraska Hpent
black; owner call at A. Gandlitzs, Isat-
otri »•. (>r.
< If Sunday with the Hogues. He and Mrs
Hogue were former ach«>ol friends.
FOR RENT or SALE—A new six- i Mrs. Woering of McMinnville spent
room plastere«! bouse. J. W. Lawrence, ' the week with friend» in Lents.
, Doc McKinley and Roy Hall are in
CLEARING WANTED See John I the oil country of eastern Oregon.
Towuaend, Troutdale, or Rhone 48-S. (tf
E. L. Reyburn was the victim of a
WANTED—Apples by T. K How« severe heart trouble on Thursday niKbt,
itt, Greaham.
tf ' but has gradually overcome it.
FOR SALE—Several pure bred R I. ! Bert Hogue spent Sunday in New­
Red ro«>ater8. Box 45, Lents.
(tf berg.
aftt-rnoon, Dre. 2*.,t nineteen being
present. The forepart of th«» afternoon
was spent in plaving games and having
a g«Mnl tune
latter they orgaim«*«! a
Roy White has begun a course in the cla*s which was call«*«l “Tur Sunshine
Othcrra were also riveliti as
I Behnke- Walker butiiness college
I'rrsnlrnt, Isabel Metzger ;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oliphant have an 'follows:
*a guest Mr Oliphant's brother, Melvin, Vic«»-I’rrtidrnt, Nelli«« Fans; S.-cr«*tary ,
Mary Paroutiagian ; Treaturer. V» |in««r
from Dayton.
Meetings will tn* hrhi rvrrv
On January 4th the rase of th«» Slate
, month, either al the li<>iu«*s of the
■ against Chas. Row lev of Troutdale for
or at the home of tlivir l««activr
• trviipasei was decided in the defendant's
Rev J. Abbett, Suinlay School
; favor in the Justice Court before Ben
for the Oregon Conference,
Rollings. The complaint was sworn to
by I. N. Buxton. The «‘barge was that talk on Sunday m hooi woik at th«'
; of tresspassing »in the Troutdale Gun E. church next Sunday evening
Club reserve.
A jury trial was had interested in Sunday school work
, The charge was not clearly proven an»!
Word has la-rn treviv«t| that
, the jury’s verdict was “not guilty."
It is expected that work will U»gin on Mr. Van Martvr is having a wry
the new pipe line this spring.
Mayor cessini meeting Mt Mt Minnvillr.
Simon is urging that the work be la-gun « X|afts to com«« In- «• follow mg his m* rt
at once aa there is now no g<w»d reason mg there an»! is vi|a*ct«ti to l«vgin
for delay. It is estimate»! to ink«* about special meetings in th«* Methodist church
atout January Idth.
Mr. Van Marler
two years to complete the new line
which will be douh|«> th«» size of the tin»t is the Oregon Conference evangelist and
I cotues well recoinnirndtti.
and will cost about $1
Miss H«»; m « Anderson has la«««n quite
Nir. Lan*down, wlio*|»*nt last sum­
sick with th«« grip and complications
mer here but went to Kansas last 1*11,
She is improving
arrived here on New Year's day.
I’arl Tliompsoti return«*«l on W«*«
will probably make this bls home.
day evening to his school Work at
Lumber is on the ground for ch
land, Cal., where lit* is taking a cour-«*
shells on the M. E church prop
in th»« l*«j|ytechnic s«*liool
II«« ex|M*ct««
Twelve stalls will lie made and
to become an electrical engineer.
work will tw done at once.
The Gresham Lodge of Modern Wtaxi-
Clifford T. Cheek, a teamater for J. men installed »»tiirrrs on Turs»iay eve­
F. Wing, while delivering a load of ning. The «dlicvrs elect are, R. R Carl­
luinlwr at the M. E. parsonage on We«l- son, V. <».; B rt Townsend, W A ;Frttl
neadav,had part of the load elide off. Fieldhouse, Banker; Bert Metzger,
ntriking bis leg in such a way a.-* to Clerk; Eiiiml Kardvll, Eac«»rt; E.
, cause a fracture of the right tibia near Sellwedl««r, Sentinel; II <». Multlioff,
the ankle.
Dr. Bittner was called at Chief Forrester. Th«? new !<«dg«« is doing
once, the patient waa cartel for at the nicely.
New rnendiers hi »« coining in
parsonage and later taken home and is and pr«»ape< ts nr»? for a strong lodge.
doing nicelv. -Mr. Cheek haw a wif»* and There are already ab«>ut thirty memliera
two children.
Hia home ia near th«* ami several others in pros;>vct.
Wing Rawmill.
Mr. Cheek show»*«! re­
Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Leighton of I a
markable grit during the operation of Grande are visiting Mrs. Leighton's
setting hia leg.
parents, Mr and Mrs. A II tiould.
J. S. Holland, about 40 years o!d,«lie«l
It ia predictetl a cobi wave ia spr««a<!
at a woodcamp south <>f Gresham laat ing westward and will reach i h egon
Sundav. No relatives were found. He early next week.
was from Michigan, had live«! in Iowa
The case against Fred T.
and near The Da'lea, thia state.
charge«! with selling liquor to
was hurried <>n W«dnea«lay by R R
was decide«! against the State A
Carlson, undertaker, in the Gresham
quickly rendered a verdict of
Otto Wabbles has gone to Kalarnath
Mr. am! Mrs. <). W. Tarr «pent N««w
Falls as an electrician.
V’eara in the city with friends.
Mrs. Fitzer Hamilton move» I this
Mias («race McKenzie visited Ubas.
week to Kalamath Falls where Mr.
Powell ami wife over New Years.
Hamilton is in the meat bu^inew«.
Mr. ami Mrs Jas. S Royal of Forest
The Grerham Haberdaahary, E«lvv.
Aylswortb, proprietor, is having a phone (»rove visited hia «laughter, Mrs. (>. W.
Tarr lant week. Mr Royal waa a pio­
neer in thia locality.
M ips Frances Tucker of Walla Walla,
Wash ,ia visiting with Mr. and
J. 8. Hamilton «if Portlan«!, a Civil
G. Hartley.
War veteran, will give bin famous lec­
Mrs. S. H. Thompson has as a guest ture, “Seven Davs ami Seven Nights in
her brother, A. E. Hartley of eastern I the 8a«l(!le," Friday night, Jan. 14, in
; the M. E. church under the auspices ol j
The Gresham Concert Band ia ? now - the Epworth L«*ague. Admission,adults,
The 25 cents; children 15 cents; under 10,
practicing every Thursday night,
tree. The lecture ia very interesting
masquerade given by the band wan a
and thrilling. All should hear him.
g«x>l success.
W. A. Hall gave a whist party on
FOR RENT—Half-acre of ground: 5-
room house, with well and harn.
E. Thursday evening. Those present were:
fk'hwidler, Gresham.
(tf Geo. Spring and wife, Fred Giesler. Wm.
Boland and Fay Del-ashniut, .Miss Ger­
wa S te I)—Someone to clear land.
Hall. Miss Eloise Hall, .Mr. .Man­
Cail and see the ground and make me
an offer. J. W. Townsend, Troutdale. ion, and .M. C. Monsgle and wife.
Emile Zurfluch has purchared Doc
FOR SALE—Five tons of clover and 1
ort’» hay.
Oscar Thoren, 2 miles 8. of1 .McKinley’s livery barn.
Powell Valley store; Boring, K. 1.
(2 . •Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh have moved
into their new home in Mountain View
FOR SALE—Three bay horses ¿weight Additi >n.
8 to 12 cwt; well broken.
Geo. Duly,
Mr. bucket of Washington has locat­
ed on Fourth Avenue.
FOR SALE—Three R. I. Red roosters
Born, Jan. 3, to Mr and Mrs. Robert
at fl .50; 1 Btack rooster,Minorca, SI 50;
6 Cockerells, $1 each ; 10 white Pekin ■Milne of Gilbert Road, a tine 12 pound
James Sterling from Cleveland, Ohio,
ducks. $1 each.
All these fowls are boy.
has purchased of Mrs. Lucy 8. Osborne,
pure bred. Mrs. R. A. Neibauer, R. 2,
A son was born to Clyde Hildreth and through the First Stat«* bank, 10 acres
Box 69, Gresham.
wife, Dec. 22.
of her home place at
per acre Mr.
Mrs. Tobin, who was taken to the wterling an»i family will occupy the
STRAYED—One white pony rnare,
left eye white, 3 branded on right hip; hospital on Christmas eve, is reported place at once.
will lie found at my place ’■£ mile east as improving.
W’ill Hockinson had the misfortune
of Springdale creamery. G. Bell.
i Mr. Reynolds and family of California ' to burn up about fifJO pound« of hams
WOOD—I have 80 rords of good dead ,re viaiti"« hia mother, Grandma Rey- and bacon in his smokehouse on New
wood which I will sell at from «2.150 to nolda. While here his daughter, Lena, Year’s «lay.
«3 00 per cord, delivered.
Phone 14x who makes her home with Mrs. Rey-
E. Townsend and family fave moved
J. H. H o ««.
[Ja,j an operation performed on
into the Lindsey cottage on Roberts
her throat last week and is reported as Avenue vacate«! by Fitzer Hamilton.
Daily Oregonian by Carrier.
doing nicely.
Mrs. Townaen«! has a brother, Jacob Till-
bach from Idaho, visiting her.
Subscribe tor the Daily Oregonian,
Will be delivered by carrier each morn
Mrs. V. A. Ammerman of Portland
Th« Canton all-ateel plows, Oliver visited with her sister, Mrs. Fritz Stock­
ing free. See R. M. Wood, Agent. (1
Chilled plow« are known U> las all right er, last week.
at Hessei’«, Gresham.
tf i
Mr*, (’ora Carrell an«) children of
Old Hickory, one and two how light
Powell Valley visite«! her mother, Mrs.
running wagons, Canton diale and spike­
High grade Michigan Quality Bnggi«*a, Fritz Stocker last week.
tooth harrow«, wold at price« which are
The Sunday school class of Mrs Oli­
right. Call at Hewel’a, Gresham, and Hacks, Carts, at right prices at HeaaePs,
tf phant met at her home on Wednvwlay
get right and honest treatment.
not name prices IweaiiM' I
want you to come and let me tell you all about
it. You will lx* well repaid for laying in your
season’s supply for the price will [xisitivrly not
be reduced except during this Sale. We have
pretty near 2 carloads and you can all lx* sup­
plied for all you want.
Special Inducement!
To the person who brings us the largest total
amount of Cash checks during this Sale we
will give a sei of Rodgers Bros. Silver-plated
Knives and Forks. Ask the clerk lor your
check and see that the amount is right.
Drawing takes place on Feb. 12th.
Siliv»*««».>t« to T K II. w ill
Solicits your trade.
I )ealers in Fresh and Cured .Meats.
Prices. Mogs 10c, Veal 10c to ll|c
Cows, 3 to 3}c
• •
“Ihc (»rratrvt hkmph o! Modem St Irsee”
“Ibe Must Wondotui tkwovtr) her M>*k
M jc ."
Almohitrly *•«(••. mhirl«**«*, n« ii*«*l«---, simple and without
» qth'stion the I m -«1 artificial light in « imtriir«*
•tlperior to «de« trii itv, gas or gasoline
I h«» “ \hiddin"
grhriat«** a g »' h"’ti c«>nnn«»n k< r -«*n< c« »I m|>, pnaluc-
mg a pure, soft, white light, « \»t4l«-d by sunlight only, al
a r«M»t <d 1 3 rent p«*r hour The ' Aladdin’* i« prnn«mn<e<|
by (Hi'Ulifts to la* the I m st aHltirial light klli'Wll
‘Aladdin’* ba* in» equal licuar«’ «>( imitai nms *•«•«• that
ymi g«*t th«* “Aladdin" and n<> other. Our trademark,
‘Aladdin" on every burner.
Treasurer’s Annual Re-
port for the Town of
(jreshani for IQIIQ
Jan. 1, 1909—
(’ash i»n liaml
I 2s« 23
From vari uw antirrt««
i .• a »
W arrant» |>ai<l
69 99
Emm a-»«a iation
“ VarnniM aotirc««*
Warrant» paid
M ar«*h—
Krom K«*il«*v, Elliott
A Wjhl«»n claim ag’rt
bltidd«r’a «•atat««
From U<>. Tr«?«»»iirt*r
2116 27
.1. \\
60 > <M>
aal«N»n licrna««
From various sources
Warr.»nt- |>ai«l
m m
From various sources
A arrant* paid
5::o '.i.',
From various sources
M 00
Warrants paid.
40 50
From (’•>. Treasurer
83 i 77
“ Various sources
5 00
WarraniM paid
92 85
J illy—
From F«»r«l Metzger
saloon license
WM) (10
From various aonrees M 2.5
Warrants paid...........
225 95
From dog taga
58 150
" Kent sal. license IMX) <U
Wsrrsnts pniil
459 35
From various sources
45 80
Bert Ingall* went hunting last week. Wsrrsnts psid
Oc toiler—
All he got for hi* pain* was the pleasure
of drinking folgrr's Golden (late Coffee From dog tags
Wsrrsnts paid
82 50
which he took with him.
From dog tags...........
Warrants paid .........
1(16 96
The Ladies of the Helping Hr nd of From various sources
Melrose gave a New Year’« party in the
i Warrants paid.........
76 42
schoolhouse Dec. 31. Supper waa serv­
«3713 70 |2tSH 38
ed at 10 p. m. to about 80, the proceeds
Dec. 31, IU09—
of which will lie used to furnish the To Balance...................
now vacant room with seat* and lights,
Resist fully submitted,
and the room for the present will be
J. If. M ktzurr , Treasurer.
used for public entertainments.
After supper an impromptu program
When writing or speaking to our ad­
of music, recitations, etc., was rendered, vertisers please mention that you *aw
Mr. Menaie and Miss Gould of Portland their ad. in The Herald
taking a prominent part.
After ringingout I9ii9 and welcoming
How many thousands of dollar* are
1910 the party broke up, every one de- I
farmer* going to lose during the present
daring it to be an enjoyable affair.
winter by letting the stock run down?
W Mil I f It, I I NTS
Wd«*v- Allrn < Rlice
Th«* Sunday nc I mmi I entertainment on
Dec. 31 in th«« Lull eran church waa
largely attended.
Th«* church was
tastefully dect>rat««<l.
Over 40 children
go to th«* Sunday school «ml took |>art
in tin* program ami it waa a pleasure to
li’lrn to th«* little Ringer* and R|a*ak«*re.
A iMMtk and a bug <»f candy waa present-
»•«I to ••«ch one «rf th«* happy children.
Last Sunday night the Young People«
Society had their New Year*«« entertain­
ment which waa considered a sure«*««
in every wav. The attendance waa very
large and the program waa one of the
la-at ever given here, consisting of song,
instrumental music, reading, speeche«.
Evrry number waa interesting and well
Th«? Indies Mission Society met at
the home of A. C. Seward, about 50 be­
ing preaent. Rev. Nordling delivered a
sermon after which refreshmen la were
Mr«. Emily Johnaon, who baa l»ren
very ill lately, la improving.
O. Thoren moved hi« family from
Portland this week to their farm near
Andrew StefTanaon and family of
Portland and F. A. Steffaaon and family
were guests of their brother, H. M.
Steffanaon laat Sunday.
Mias Edna Morse, principal of Pleaa-
ant Valley «ebool, spent part of the
holiday« at the home of Richard Beadle.
Miaa Ruby Elliott who return«*! from
the O. A. C., waa also entertained.
Property owners of Section IM east of
Powell Valley atore, are having the en­
tire section aurveyfal ami it is hoped to
have all r«m •« permanently established.
Read the ads in The Herald.
will find bargain«.