i Moor CMtirwe«. enter a ear. No particular selec­ M a«b., attended the funeral of <*r«n«l|*a ••Th« milIIurr. «« uaiiitl. la «li work« Itrhlml with mi ) f«ll hat.* tion of the whole erop was made Neibauer last Tuestlay. •Arrvee you right.” grow Its I her hue- Mrs E«l Andre has lieen «x»nHnr«l to for exhibit but only the best of her l>ed for the |*a«t two weeks. Iler Im ml. the nuigiiMh* MYmi women will the apples remaining in the or­ ilelllieriHrly phi« e n big roiiatrurtlon in«»thvr. Mis. Cline of Orient, 1« taking order without n algn of n |M»iinlty chard. Of course these were care «»( her. chili*«* ’• Wnahlngtoti llvrnhl Sticeeeding Grv-hant Vin.iu .«tor, < irv-ham Gaiette, Ea«t Multnomah K» coni carefully calipered and selected Mies Pauline lleacuck attended the Multnomah Record and Moiitavilla Herald. with reference to size and color. teachers institute in Portland Tbsuks- The B««, Ih» Oc«i and tha Datila, flood Mt (Mi wIn ««•»«•«* vontan«t«*U Published » wry Ernia* at Gresham. Ore., bv the B kavbk S tits Pv«liamw Co Other Oregon growers won priz­ giving week. That !»•*<•t Ir» wrta fi *»i » I m R' m »!<• *. riid«*|. II V i'ARNAl !.. H> itvk ami » M ana ».as. es at Spokane and the victories Mathew Kauw, who is attending high And aa iny phUirra nhow. I Ihilik. The l»r«»i mual t>e Ih» tnlaalng llnft. tentenni a* mmmii «) « U" matter al ihv iHM>t»ttu-«' al Gresham. <>rv m he ta ing great interest in the an­ erati««ii (or cataracts oi the eye, is at th«» irthamed of the uny hla father made culture and home-making and to G o < m I >.iii)aritun lempital «nd n» «loing hin money. The editor of The Herald will give those who find it impossible nual convention of the state as­ ms well a< can l«e ripevted It is t«> tie AH Kl»t.l« <>f ( « iiK'lrr) Worte dark liiMtmd of flint lie «»light )«» I m * sociation to be held in Portland. to take a regular college course, tent I inatta «»’» all < ' m »*« * u( Worte appreciate it very much if per­ uahnmed of the way ho a|H*nda It !. St ho|»e«l he will lie out in a few d«ys. sons living on routes would noti­ the Oregon Agricultural College December 9 and 10, an«l the at­ Grandma Xeibauvr died after m short I.onia P«wt IHMpntrli. Many illness. She wa* as well mm usum I on W. 55. MIN AK fy the ofti.'e at once as we wish is offering a Winter Short Course tendance will L h > large. W»»«n a Man1» Down. I I.'» I‘ Mnitiani) >• Poltri IMI to correct our list, hoping there­ which begins Tuesday. January prizes have been offered for the FrhUy and SundMV afternoon she «lied Nt*\*r pummel a mvn whan li«* s down wish i«> liavs freedom from »<»r. Phone F. mkl 4?.ll by to secure better service. This 4th and extends for six weeks, best showing of dairy products Iler huslkaiKl «lied tw»» year« ag«» in Dec­ If v«»«i row, ember. She wa* al»out <» year« ohl. gKlng attention « tn«nnsnt »«»n il is especially necessary at Trout­ and also a one-week course, bet­ made at the convention and the I'lie funeral wa«* held at the h«»u*e tin«ler For by ««*»’ exhibits will undoubtedly be the ter known as Farmers ’ Week dale. Cleone. Latourelle. and the «lirt*t'ti«»n «d Carls«»n, undertaker of That lbs man wl»u la down just at pre*, ent nia» I m » which liegins Monday. February liest made in recent years, The Gresham. Boring. Rev Pitts preache*l th«» Ver» much ut« hl« fr.-t |»v funiurruw state 14th and extends throughout the creamery companies of the funeral sermon she leaves two »Oll» .1. H. HOSS week. Instruction is given in are offering prizes and the Port- and three daughters t«> mourn her loa» Not Afraid. Pitone I «X HE close of the football season i either of the above courses in land Flouring Mills offers a purse (IrrwhniH, Ore. • I sup|Mwe m » ii li.nv rend of th«» dati gvr In kiH*hi.i,’* he remarked tenta KIRKWOOD this year has again brought General Agriculture. Dairying. of $100 to go for the two best ex­ The Portland Commer­ w \ llerrtiu *i»*Hit riiankagiving lively out its usual report of calamities, Horticulture. Mechanic Arts. hibits. For N Yiqq I ■», II HIX! "»• and Al l. I ti IV««'* «he replied, ‘•hilt I «*«mie of cial Club will give a reception on with (ririitlM in R a*kw hw |. broken bones, bruises and a few Domestic Science and Art. and IIAKNEHN g « I >l; 11 > i family noted f.ir «•♦nirnge ” Phlhidvl \ F Miller niMtit* a bii9inr«A trip to phia !«edger There are also, no Thursday evening. December 9, RtH*k*<»«Ml I am I Saturday. deaths—too many at any rate. Commerce. But when we stop to consider ■ doubt, many mature farmersand to the dairymen and memlters of ill Kitt«)* Mt |>«!ring <|Ui« tel* 4«»tt«? A Serious Thought. \ (amilv will ni »v«‘ into the Taylor that every country, village and housewives, well past the usual the State Horticultural Society. huuat* this w«*t»k. (H'SI I.ARSON, Prop., (Ircaham t'.il«! a f.lend to 4 itmlden nan»«- I Polly. "tH»n‘l «<>u thlna It would I** vet y Jolly city school in the land, every school age, who desire to ac­ Th«’ iii:t«H|iit*ra«ie given lw the Grange To W r.| a I'.iu« Link E. B. MOREI.OCK And tben trust to lurk*** academy, college and university, quaint themselves more fully HE importane« of the hog as a «»n ritankagiving eve was w grand «uv- Hut l*ully saht, --N". iwoubl i»e folly.” <*«*! ‘ m , over *10 ‘ Iteing taken in and every AUC IIONI I P with the most recent develop ­ athletic club or private institu­ llwhintore A inert« an mortgage lifter has never it* Year* I »pcrfcmc. tion has a team, two teams, sev­ ments in their respective lines of been more evident than now. »»lie *H‘ aril sati«ric«l with the KsrsiKMS. to « fl..........i. all.| Citing an Ewampl«. * »* Tb«*m|**ut* eral teams and several “second labor. The work offered will be The hog market at Portland has oi the judge«. A*k!tt I» » i«»u livllave In the theory F. la*i«e*A hou»e was broken o|>en on of tivre<|lty MONT/WI1.1.A. - OREGON teams.” you can begin to realize adapted to the practical needs of advanced recently from $7.75 to Fri-lay of la«t week «luring hit a I hm *lier Noltt Surr thing Mi lei ri »er la th«* Phone lMi3 what an array of people are en­ farmers, fruitgrowers, dairy men. $8.15 per 100 pounds for suitable and a valuable watch «tolvn. father of I h rev Ih11<* eh tur re Tuwu gaged in football and the fatali­ mechanics, or of women in the fat hogs and packers say the sup­ At apecial ««•h»M>l meeting «»n Monday Topic«. M I). ties and accidents dwindle to a home and also to teachers who ply is practically nil. ‘ The hog­ evening, F. Miller was el«*«-te»l director M. I). relatively small per cent, of those desire to prepare themselves to raising industry is one of the to till the place of W. A. Hall wit » re- ftlgnetj. i lidi engaged. But even at that there teach elementary agriculture now most lucrative to which farmers Greaham. Orrfon are too many accidents and they required in our public schools. of the Northwest can turn their Mpw F l»*n Tavlor «|>ent Thankag ving at hMacada with her patent«. might practically all be avoided The various courses are so plan­ attention. Oregon and Wash­ by eliminating those features ned as to provide the largest ington not'd more hogs and offer h h . <»rr conntu that exist in the latter part of amount of practical information good prices to growers. Figures Janie. Spier» ami aile«|»»nt Thank», each play where skill ends and in the short time available. There here are higher than in the Chi­ jiving week with their .laughter, Mr. force begins: yes, worse than will be no fees whatever for at­ cago market and there is every Killen, at W...»Il.urn, returning home < >reg»m force. What is there to that tending the exercises of Farm­ inducement for more extensive Sumlay. Those who attend hog raising. J. 1». Hart ami wife »¡»»nt ritankagiv. feature of the play that piles the ers’s Week. I.. D. MAHONE mg with relative« at Fira.Hal contestants into a pyramid of the other courses will be expect­ ATTnllXI V VM.AW Mr. Ilutcl.in» ma.le a bi.-ine»« trip to waving arms and legs, except a ed to pay a registration fee of Beai I «talc, Probst«* ami < • *r*r*t• *n HE Portland Fair & Livestock Portlah.1 on Weiinewlay. In addition, students in 1. 4 W half insane desire to do some­ $1.00. Association have elected of­ Prompt Kttchtbui tu All Buainosa Not a Bark. thing: toshowotf; to be brutal. the six-week course in dairying ficers as follows for the coming Mi*» Ketlierfor.l. th. primary teach, rii«»n«. Main lulu er. «pent Thank»giviug with her parent» Hont you have any »1"ir AIM H. nr, Bldg There is as much in the last idea will pay a labratory fee of $2.00 year: President. E. L. Thomp­ at la»nt*. PORTI.AM» ORPt,ON i hl» rrnfl’ So; Itila I. * cntlxiol as any other. It is a positive and a breakage deposit of $3.00; son: vice-president. C. C. Colt; .\t»W Ilan.laugh Spier* came home from fact that opponents frequently those in Mechanic Arts will pay treasurer. Julius Meier. Eugene last Saturday where he «.< em ­ G. A. go into a game with the inten­ a fee of $2.00 for the course in Westgate was chosen temporary ployed. L<»f KIT/.F.R Nothing but the Truth. One aw Allow mate«* a aprlnff tion of injurying each, other to blacksmithing and $2.00 for secretary. Plans are under way Mrs. M Smith P|>vnt Sunday with her la a saying knawn to on«* and 5” every possible degree and they woodwork: those in Household already for next year’s fair and non, Arthur, who ia »ick at St. Vincent “A**rp Ì nur l.yc nn Höring" Tn one oi.«:.„»• 1 «»«»| nun’t do .» D*.Ing ' ho« pi tai. Rut give us a hard and e»t*. fall accomplish their purposes in this Science and Art will pay a fee of the management is determined st Louis r<»nt 1 tapatch. part of the play. To get some $1.50 to cover cost of materials to make the affair the most suc­ Farmer* in tin» vicinity are potatoe« between «bower*. fellow down, set a foot or knee used in the course in cookery and cessful in the history of the as­ on a vital part and then have the each student will be expected to sociation. Promotion of the live­ B eaver E ngraving C o . Notice. - • . OUALYTV,.» injury intensified and hidden by furnish her own materials for stock interests of the Northwest Sealvl bid« will be receive»! by Un Board and is the aim of the organization. the upper fellows is a villianous all other classes. uoderwigned until 10 a. in . December act that has been played time lodging may be had in Corvallis 2J, IO H. (.>r clearing lend on the Mall« DESIGNIN6 ILLUSTRATING •without number and not always at $3.50 to $4.50 per week. No • ' . 4 MM*« i>a* nomab Farm» between Fairview an-l Boring. Oregon HMT AMft A «Vf NV m «OWT l AND O«l The annual summer session of because of a personal enmity or entrance examination or other Troutdale. D. W. McKay »on the pretn- the University of Oregon will lie longstanding grudge. Perhaps educational test will be required; i«ee, will «tike (»at and «bow contem­ it is due to differences that arise but no one will be received who held this coming summer from plating bidder« the land to be cleared, during the game and perhaps the is less than sixteen years of age. June 29 to August 10, inclusive, and bid« will tie received for five-«* re The attend­ tract« or more. Each bid must desig­ motive is to disable a skillful Nearly two hundred men and a six weeks term. ance during last summer reach­ nate the particular tract covered by the player, thus disposing of a women registered in these cours­ bid. The County reserves the right to FREQUENT RAPID COMFORTABLE dangerous opponent and at the es in 1909, their ages ranging ed nearly 100, most of whom reject any and all bid«. were Oregon teachers, and indi- I F. H. F iki . im . County Clerk. A same time ensuring greater win­ from sixteen to over fifty. ning chances for the unscrupu­ pleasing and profitable feature of cations point to a much larger lous team. If the play stopped these courses will be a series of attendance for next summer. KURIO8 FROM KORRESPONDENTS Q is there such u thing ms getting as soon as one man was down, lectures by some of the most Do not forget the annual meet­ two «Iruins from the same tì? STATIONS his side a 15-yard penalty, how who are especially well qualified ing of the Oregon Horticultural A. Yen. and more. Breed with him les PORTLAMI) l.v «. 7 4.5 M I'. 1» 4.5 IO 4 ft 12 4» 2 41 3 41 4 44 5 41 1 41 1 4ft ft Of. 7 If» « (F2 W ÜÚ 10 II O.» 1 OS 3 OS 4 OS 5 OS 0 OS 1 long would the dangers of foot­ by successful experience to speak Society to be held in Portland on of different atrulna ami allow the bena Golf Junction OS 0 05 Btsnh ■ ft ia 7 2ft « IO w If. IO 1.« II I.» 1 IS 3 It 4 It 5 IS 1 15 1 15 0 IS Hve day a’ grace between male« ball exist? And yet here is upon some particular phase of December 6-9, in the Auditorium Q Why 1« aand kept In tbe molatur. Id-nta Junction .'» 2-2 ; 4 -2 « 17 1« 2*2 IO •22 II ’M 1 22 3 22 4 22 5 22 I 22 1 22 0 22 ft 31 7 40 « 37 U 42 1« 4’2 II 3-2 1 32 3 32 4 32 S 32 • 32 1 Myra more.. 32 1 32 of the Meier & Frank building. pan* of aoiiie InculHimra? where all the training, the skill agriculture. *. »4 7 42 M »hi V M.% 10 3.5 II .V» 1 IS 3 IS 4 35 ft » 1 M 1 JS 1 3S J «•im«- . I ill ll> IIIAtlll ft 3«l 7 V. « ;r. 1» IG 10 4o II 40 1 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 1 40 T 40 1 A general display of all sorts of A. It prevent* I lie water from evapo­ GRKNHAM and athletic benefits of the game ft 41 7 4» M 40 u 1 lo 4A II 4ft 1 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 I 41 1 4ft 1 4ft w 1* Bonn ».3 A II 4M 1 <■ 3 41 1 K 5 41 1 II orchard and garden products is rating too fam. A ndrraon ends. Beyond that is savagery 7 <5N 9 a II M 1 S3 3 S3 5 S3 1 53 TATE pride ran high during invited and it is expected that a Q l*o you tbluk It Juat fair for a Hslsi « <«) w ■V. II 5ft 1 SS 3 SS S 5S 1 55 and beastliness; that which de­ H (KI 9 II breeder of show bird* to exhibit again*« Boring 1 SI 3 SI 5 SI 1 SO the past week because Oregon N Oft Riefer . IO OO 1-2 'N» 2 00 4 00 • 00 1 00 bl* customer? Barton A 10 |O Oft grades every player and revives apples won the grand prize at the general good time will be had. 13 05 2 OS 4 OS • OS 1 OS M 1-2 lo 07 A. Of course thia la a free country, Deen l'r«M»k QI 2 or 4 QI 1 01 i or Kaglr Cr«H k the subdued animal passions that National Apple Show at Spokane M IM 10 i.i 1? 13 2 13 4 13 1 13 i 13 but wheu an extensive dealer ahowa ('urrlnavillc, H 24 io 19 12 It 2 It 4 It 0 It i 10 the culture and refining influenc­ in competition with apples from N ■II Khtaradi« lo JI. the beat bird* lie haa reserved against 11 24 2 ?t 4 21 1 21 i 21 MELROSE . W. McKay, viaited at the w here bls customers do not enter IROllDAII BRANCH the willful intention of commit- Point, Ore., were receiving con­ Glenalder Farm this week. Q. What Is meant by a fancier get- r.lN.SF.MANN l.vl Ha*«- I,In« ing an injury, the football par­ gratulations on all sides over B. W. Fiaber i* itoing into the dairy | ting "cold feet?" Fairview > m io .i n M > n > si « 01 < O I (U I S1 > Í1 competition Is too hot nnd TROlTDALK Ar > lo II OO t] It] II 1 00 ticipant degenerates into a con- their success and the victory was buaine**. He bought a line herd of cat­ he A. Is When afraid to show. I 1 and put in the fixture* neceasary for ' sciousless outlaw. Leave this such a splendid one that the tle Q. I'lease let me know tbe treat STATIONS WESTBOUND modern dairying out and no game ever played will whole state took pride in it. The Married in Portland, YVetlneaday.Nov.' crosses for mnrket geese. 4 AZADRRO tv « 4.5 A. Embden gander on Toulouse. Ealarada h .V? do more for boy or man than Rogue River Valley, of course, 24. at the resilience of Mrs. Hare, Ea«t White Chinn or African goose, wild (firrlnuvllb- 7 01 F.agl«» Creek 7 «rj this game. It calls him into the is entitled to all the honor for it 12th St., J. W. Wheeler and Mia* Editii gander on African goose í»«-et»Cr<«-k 7 12 Barton 7 14 field where fresh air, vigorous grew the apples but fruit raisers <>race Crawford, both of Troutdale,liev. Q. What do you consider the treat Mieter 7 IM food for young stock? Boring 7 22 exercise and great endurance are of the whole state feel proud of Joplin of the Evangelical church Offici­ green Haley.. A. f^ttuc.-gfirid young green clover 7 2ft ,2 30 ated. An<1«-r*on.. 7 n 1 >2 i compulsory; where wit, good the victory, Tronson & Guthrie Q. Kindly let me know why my H'»gan. A A 1 «2 i II I >7 Mr*. Carlson and family of Bridal | White Wyamlottes throw single cvmbs (.KEMII \M 12 lo 5 4.» 6 411, 1.7 ¡17 M i <» 2 45 3 41 judgment, quick action and skill captured the sweepstakes prize Veil have moved into tlteir new Lin firmano 12 J»» . r> iw» a 7 K, M ■ honip i and green legs. i «• 2 41 3 4t 12 2*2 ft .’.21« «7 •|7 1 47 A I » j J Î 53 are absolutely essential. It calls at Spokane on a car of Spitzen- which they recently purchased from B. A. You bond your [tens with narrow Jenno ______ 3 $3 HycMiiiort' 12 2ft ft 6 40 i M 2 50 3 50 I SI I M 2T> « fk> ft i2)| li Ix-tit m Junction.. 1*2 «5 for enthusiasm and interest and berg apples and the victory car­ F. Fiske. Mr. and Mr*. Fi*ke will re­ rose combed males with off color leg« Stanley. OS 1 M ) OSI M I M • M 1 01 1-2 42 RI ti II ft VI A |O •» I.-, is i in us is, is 0 1» 2 11 green legged (iolf Junction. Never breed from a 1*2 fM» 4ft ft Ä? 7 ir» M ir» I» JI team spirit that will turn a lub­ ried with it, in addition to blue side in the Evan* house this winter. » i jo i n « n s jo 0 20 T 20 « «ft 7 »»I « Aft 9 40 I «0 ) «o > to « «0 s «0 • 4040 llotte. male or female, Broad. «mall PORTLAND . ir ber into a wiry athlete in one ribbons and medals, a check for Troutdale H. F. I). No. I is now serv­ pebbled combs close to the hr ad and season of six weeks and do more $1100. The decision of the judg­ ed by C. J. Fancher, who is proving a rich yellow legs will make things all TROUTÌMI.i: BRANCH very efficient carrier. O K to develop poise and self-posses­ es in making the award was I.» M 15 1 •< » lo -nil JI. I Ml Minilll « II 1 n i MI» 21 « i, ¡ it , M ? n Q. Flow can 1 get n good flv« point M Ji I M 2ft I" ? Ml sion than all the lectures or in­ unanimous. The growers have M-25 1 •I »> cockerel Leghorn comb? LUS II DS door gymnastics he could take in only five acres in bearing orchard A. A great many breeders nse a a bally K«« » pt Sunday. A M figure« in Roman. P. M, figurea In black. a whole school course. Football and had not expected to exhibit han Tallxit anti wife vi*ite<) with E. at a nd a rd combed male with a female whose five point comb does not lop D. Hamilton ami family Monday. Jun<.A7on0reg"n °“7, C,nen,ah P,rk •,,d *•» Po'nf. «-h.ng.» mn al (}o|f is good; it will be better when at Spokane. It was not until a We generally get enough In Kittie lying i* at home viaiting over they “cut out” the living pyra­ large part of their crop was her Mi.* breeding straight standard. Please re­ folk*. For Lenta, Mt. Scott and eaataida points, change car* at Lente Junction. member the comb Is not tbe whole mid. marketed that they decided to Mr. am! Mr*. Ormaby of Carrollton, bird. Breed shape first elwsva. I O Monuments Expressing, Draying T HL Gresham Harness Shop T T Goodner & Ritzer CUTS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. Springwater Division S General Office*. First and Alder Sts., P ortland , O bboon .